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Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

1. (A) At home. (B) In a phone box.

(C) In her office. (D) In a friend's house.

2. (A) On the west side of a square. (B) At the end of a street.

(C) To the east of the traffic light. (D) On the east side of a square.

3. (A) She has to change the time for the trip. (B) She hasn't decided where to go next month.

(C) She can't afford the time for the trip. (D) She will manage to leave this month.

4. (A) The apartment is better furnished. (B) She prefers to live in a quiet place.

(C) It's less expensive to live in an apartment. (D) She finds her roommates difficult to get along with.

5. (A) In a hospital. (B) In a library.

(C) In a travel agency. (D) In a restaurant.

6. (A) Customer and salesperson. (B) Teacher and student.

(C) Boss and secretary. (D) Guest and waitress.

7. (A) He didn't buy anything. (B) He got some medicine for his foot.

(C) He was sick and couldn't go shopping. (D) He bought everything except the football.

8. (A) Teachers like Professor Janson are rare.

(B) Professor Janson has won a million dollars.

(C) Professor Janson is lucky to be teaching at that school.

(D) There are many teachers as good as Professor Janson.

9. (A) She didn't know her daughter could sing so well. (B) She sings better than her daughter.

(C) She doesn't like her daughter. (D) She herself doesn't have a good voice.

10. (A) He finds history books difficult to understand. (B) He has to read a lot of history books.

(C) He doesn't like the history course. (D) He has lost his history book.

Section B

Passage One

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. (A) At night. (B) At noon.

(C) In the morning. (D) In the afternoon.

12. (A) About Germans on strike. (B) About a new-type airplane.

(C) About an air crash. (D) About rescue workers in UK Motors.

13. (A) They wanted higher pay. (B) They wanted fewer working hours.

(C) They wanted better working conditions. (D) They wanted an annual three-week holiday.

14. (A) Rainy. (B) Warm.

(C) Cold. (D) Changeable.

Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

15. (A) He has always lived in America.

(B) He has been in America for three years.

(C) He visited America three years ago.

(D) He has come to America to do research on advertising.

16. (A) There were far more advertisements there than he had expected.

(B) The advertisements there were well designed.

(C) The advertisements there were creative and necessary.

(D) He found the advertisements there difficult to understand.

17. (A) Be more careful about what they advertise.

(B) Spend less money on advertising.

(C) Advertise more for their products.

(D) Use new advertising techniques.

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

18. (A) He is always in a hurry. (B) He is quick in making decisions.

(C) He is always the first to arrive at the airport. (D) He usually doesn't get the reward he deserves.

19. (A) He misses his flight. (B) He can find a good seat.

(C) He leaves the airport first at the end of the trip. (D) His luggage comes out last.

20. (A) He was told to board the wrong plane. (B) He was not allowed to board the plane.

(C) He arrived at the airport without a ticket. (D) He found it difficult to explain why he arrived so early.

Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (幼虫). In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which can survive through years of drought (干旱) in the form of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shade temperatures of over 50C are often recorded.

The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years, these eggs hatch (孵化). Then the water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant and animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5 centimetres.

Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetre long, hundreds of tiny eggs

form on the underbodies of the females. Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates.

If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain to form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another years, or even longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which further ensures its survival.

21. Which of the following is the MOST distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps?

(A) Their lives are brief.

(B) They feed on plant and animal organisms.

(C) Their eggs can survive years of drought.

(D) They lay their eggs in the mud.

22. By saying "for the shrimps it is a race against time " (Para. 3, line 2) the author means _____.

(A) They have to swim fast to avoid danger in the rapidly evaporating lake

(B) They have to swim fast to catch the animal organisms on which they survive.

(C) They have to multiply as many as possible within thirteen days

(D) They have to complete their life cycle within a short span of time permitted by the environment

23. The passage mainly deals with ______.

(A) the life span of the Mojave shrimps

(B) the survival of desert shrimps

(C) the importance of water to life

(D) life in the Mojave Desert

24. The word "dormant" (Para. 4, Line 3) most probably means _____.

(A) inactive (B) strong (C) alert (D) soft

25. It may be inferred from the passage that ____.

(A) appearance and size are most important for life to survive in the desert

(B) a species must be able to multiply quickly in order to survive

(C) for some species one life cycle in a year is enough to survive the desert drought

(D) some species develop a unique life pattern to survive in extremely harsh conditions

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

Opportunities for rewarding work become fewer for both men and women as they grow older. After age 40, job hunting becomes even more difficult. Many workers stay at jobs they are too old for rather than face possible rejection. Our youth-oriented, throw-away culture sees little value in older people. In writer Lilian Hellman's words,

they have "the wisdom that comes with age that we can't make use of. "

Unemployment and economic need for work is higher among older women, especially minorities, than among younger white women. A national council reports these findings: though unemployed longer when seeking work, older women job-hunt harder, hold a job longer with less absenteeism (缺勤), perform as well or better, are more reliable, and are more willing to learn than men or younger women. Yet many older women earn poor pay and face a future of poverty in their retirement years. When "sexism meets ageism, poverty is no longer on the doorstep it moves in, " according to Tish Sommers, director of a special study on older women for the National Organization for Women.

Yet a 1981 report on the White House Conference on Aging shows that as a group, older Americans are the "wealthiest, best fed, best housed, healthiest, most self-reliant older population in our history. "This statement is small comfort to those living below the poverty line, but it does explode some of the old traditional beliefs and fears. Opportunities for moving in and up in a large company may shrink but many older people begin successful small businesses, volunteer in satisfying activities, and stay active for many years. They have few role models because in previous generations the life span was much shorter and expectations of life were fewer. They are ploughing new ground.

Employers are beginning to recognize that the mature person can bring a great deal of stability and responsibility to a position. One doesn't lose ability and experience on the eve of one's 65th or 70th birthday any more than one grows up instantly at age 21.

26. After the age of 40, _____.

(A) most workers are tired of their present jobs

(B) many workers tend to stick their present jobs

(C) people find their jobs more rewarding than before

(D) people still wish to hunt for more suitable jobs

27. From Heilman's remark, we can see that _____.

(A) full use has been made of the wisdom of older people

(B) the wisdom of older people is not valued by American society

(C) older people are no less intelligent than young people

(D) the wisdom of older people is of great value to American society

28. Tish Sommers argues that _____.

(A) older women find it hard to escape poverty

(B) older women usually perform better in their jobs

(C) the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexism

(D) more people have come to believe in sexism and ageism

29. According to the third paragraph, it can be seen that older Americans _____.

(A) have more job opportunities than young people

(B) live below the poverty line

(C) have new opportunities to remain active in society

(D) no longer believe in the promise of a happy life upon retirement

30. It can be concluded from the passage that the writer ______.

(A) calls attention to the living conditions of older Americans

(B) believes that value of older people is gaining increasing recognition

(C) attempts to justify the youth-oriented, throw-away culture of the United States

(D) argues people should not retire at the age of 65 or 70

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

The most exciting kind of education is also the most personal. Nothing can exceed the joy of discovering for yourself something that is important to you! It may be an idea or a bit of information you come across accidentally-or a sudden insight, fitting together pieces of information or working through a problem. Such personal encounters are the "payoff" in education. A teacher may direct you to learning and even encourage you in it---but no teacher can make the excitement or the joy happen. That's up to you.

A research paper, assigned in a course and perhaps checked at various stages by an instructor, leads you beyond classroom, beyond the texts for classes and into a process where the joy of discovery and learning can come to you many times. Preparing the research paper is an active and individual process, and ideal learning process. It provides a structure within which you can make exciting discoveries, of knowledge and of self, that are basic to education. But the research paper also gives you a chance to individualize a school assignment, to suit a piece of work to your own interests and abilities, to show others what you can do. Writing a research paper is more than just a classroom exercise. It is an experience in searching out, understanding and synthesizing, which forms the basis of many skills applicable to both academic and nonacademic tasks. It is, in the fullest sense, a discovering, an education. So, to produce a good research paper is both a useful and a thoroughly satisfying experience!

To some, the thought of having to write an assigned number of pages, often more than ever produced before, is disconcerting. To others, the very idea of having to work independently is threatening. But there is no need to approach the research paper assignment with anxiety, and nobody should view the research paper as an obstacle to overcome. Instead, consider it a goal to accomplish, a goal within reach if you use the help this book can give you.

31. According to the writer, personal discoveries _____.

(A) will give one encouragement and direction

(B) are helpful in finding the right information

(C) are the most valuable part of one's personal education

(D) will help one to successfully complete school assignments

32.It can be inferred from the passage that writing a research paper gives one chances _____.

(A) to fully develop one's personal abilities

(B) to use the skills learnt in the classroom

(C) to prove that one is a productive writer

(D) to demonstrate how well one can accomplish school assignment

33. From the context, the word "disconcerting" (Para. 3, Line 2) most probably means


(A) misleading

(B) embarrassing

(C) stimulating

(D) upsetting

34. The writer argues in the passage that _____.

(A) one should explore new areas in research

(B) one should trust one's own ability to meet course requirements

(C) one should consider research paper writing a pleasure, not a burden

(D) one should use all one's knowledge and skills when doing research

35. What will probably follow this passage?

(A) How to write a research paper.

(B) The importance of research in education.

(C) How to make new discoveries for oneself.

(D) The skill of putting pieces of information together.

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

In our culture, the sources of what we call a sense of "mastery" ---feeling important and worth-while-and the sources of what we call a sense "pleasure"-finding life enjoyable-are not always identical. Women often are told "You can't have it all." Sometimes what the speaker really is saying is :" You chose a career, so you can't expect to have closer relationships or a happy family life." or "You have a wonderful husband and children--What's all this about wanting a career?" But women need to understand and develop both aspects of well-being, if they are to feel good about themselves.

Our study shows that, for women, well-being has two dimensions. One is mastery, which includes self-esteem (自尊), a sense of control over your life, and low levels of anxiety and depression. Mastery is closely related to the "doing" side of life, to work and activity. Pleasure is the other dimensions, and it is composed of happiness, satisfaction and optimism (乐观). It is tied more closely to the "feeling" side of life. The two are independent of each other. A woman could be high in mastery and low in pleasure, and vice versa. For example, a woman who has a good job, but whose mother has just died, might be feeling very good about herself and in control of her work life, but the pleasure side could be damaged for a time.

The concepts of mastery and pleasure can help us identify the sources of well-being for women, and remedy past mistakes. In the past, women were encouraged to look only at the feeling side of life as the source of all well-being. But we know that both mastery and pleasure are critical. And mastery seems to be achieved largely through work. In our study, all the groups of employed women rated significantly higher in mastery than did women who were not employed.

A woman's well-being is enhanced (增进) when she takes on multiple roles. At least by middle adulthood, the women who were involved in a combination of roles-marriages, motherhood, and employment were the highest in well-being, despite warnings about stress and strain.

36. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _____.

(A) for women, a sense of "mastery" is more important than a sense of "pleasure"

(B) for women, a sense of "pleasure" is more important than a sense of "mastery"

(C) women can't have a sense of "mastery" and a sense of "pleasure" at the same time

(D) a sense of "mastery" and a sense of "pleasure" are both indispensable to women

37. The author's attitude towards women having a career is ______.

(A) critical

(B) positive

(C) neutral

(D) realistic

38. One can conclude from the passage that if a woman takes on several social roles, ______.

(A) it will be easier for her to overcome stress and strain

(B) she will be more successful in her career

(C) her chances of getting promoted will be greater

(D) her life will be richer and more meaningful

39. Which of the following can be identified as a source of "pleasure" for women?

(A) Family life

(B) Regular employment

(C) Multiple roles in society

(D) Freedom from anxiety

40.The most appropriate title for the passage would be _____.

(A) The well-being of Career Women

(B) Sources of Mastery and Pleasure

(C) Two Aspects of Women's Well-Being

(D) Freedom Roles Women in Society

Part III V ocabulary and Structure (35 minutes)

41. He has ____ strange hobbies like collecting bottle tops and inventing secret codes.

(A) gone on (B) gone in for (C) gone with (D) gone through with

42. Of all the soldiers they had the ____ of being the fiercest, the most patriotic, the toughest.

(A) recognition (B) reservation (C) recreation (D) reputation

43. Why didn't you tell me you could lend me the money? I ____ it from the bank.

(A) haven't needed to borrow (B) will not need to borrow

(C) needn't have borrowed (D) didn't need to borrow

44. Advanced computer technology has ____ an answer to accurate weather forecasting.

(A) set up (B) come up with (C) filled with (D) faced up to

45. I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was as aware of my presence as _____.

(A) I was of his (B) I was of him (C) I did of him (D) I did of his

46. They are sure they have all the facts they need to ____ the existence of a black hole.

(A) obtain (B) maintain (C) verify (D) display

47. The new tourist hotel will have _____ for more than one thousand people.

(A) convenience (B) accommodations (C) capability (D) capacities

48. Medical doctors sometimes can make mistakes that will cost _____.

(A) patients their lives (B) patient lives (C) patients for their lives (D) patients with their lives

49. He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably _____ after a meal and a rest.

(A) renewed (B) recreated (C) reshaped (D) refreshed

50. His intelligence and experience will enable him to ____ the complicated situation.

(A) cope with (B) settle down (C) intervene in (D) interfere with

51. At last she left her house and got to the airport, only _____ the plane flying away.

(A) having seen (B) to have seen (C) saw (D) to see

52. He obviously displays a great ____ for some of your poems.

(A) consent (B) admiration (C) respect (D) pleasure

53. This law ____ the number of accidents caused by children running across the road when they get off the bus.

(A) intending to reduce (B) intends reducing (C) intended reducing (D) is intended to reduce

54. The fire must have ____ after the staff had gone home.

(A) broken down (B) broken up (C) broken out (D) broken off

55. Humidity is so intense in some parts of the tropics that Europeans find they are unable to _____ it.

(A) maintain (B) persist (C) endure (D) sustain

56. The sight of a sick horse being driven along the streets of the village remained ____ him for weeks.

(A) of (B) on (C) to (D) with

57. A series of border incidents would _____ lead the two countries to war.

(A) inevitably (B) consistently (C) uniformly (D) persistently

58. They tried to restrict access to _____ they believed to be dangerous areas.

(A) what (B) which (C) that (D) everywhere

59. If each manager makes his usual speech, the meeting will be _____ for forty-five minutes.

(A) expanded (B) prolonged (C) delayed (D) exceeded

60. It was only after some progress _____ in the use and development of electric current that men began to realize the importance and possibilities of magnetism.

(A) was made (B) would have been made (C) has been made (D) had been made

61. The weatherman broadcasts the _____ in temperature twice a day.

(A) diversion (B) variation (C) variety (D) modification

62. I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be derived _____ it.

(A) of (B) off (C) from (D) with

63. Animals can become unusually _____ when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.

(A) puzzled (B) predominant (C) vigorous (D) aggressive

64. In no circumstances can more work be got out of a machine than _____.

(A) is put into it (B) to put it into it (C) to be put into it (D) that puts into it

65. The winning team loudly _____its victory.

(A) magnified (B) proclaimed (C) signified (D) exclaimed

66. Last year, these ships transported a total of 83.34 million tons of cargo, a 4.4 per cent increase _____ the previous year.

(A) over (B) than (C) up (D) beyond

67. With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very _____ for the nineteenth-century factory workers.

(A) hostile (B) anxious (C) tedious (D) obscure

68. The Second World War, _____ the earlier one of 1914, promoted public concern about the physical and intellectual well-being of the country's human resources.

(A) so as (B) as were (C) as did (D) same as

69. Louis was asked to _____ the man who stole her purse.

(A) confirm (B) recognize (C) claim (D) identify

70. The bus that _____ outside the inn would soon take the visitors downtown.

(A) held back (B) pulled up (C) got down (D) set forth

Part IV Error Correction (15 minutes)


Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods. Many of the 1. Time arguments having used for the study of literature as a school subject are valid 2. / for ^ study of television. 3. the

When we consider the comfortable circumstances of a working

family today, the life of the working man in 1882 seems miserable in-

deed. But earlier it had been even hard. At the beginning of the nine- 71. _______ teenth century working hours were from sunrise to sunset, pay was

awful, and working conditions being poor and dangerous. 72. _______

The working man had little schooling beyond his craft,

and there was little hope that their children would have 73. _______

nothing better. There were no public schools, and besides, the few 74. _______ pennies which the children could earn needed to help support the 75. _______ family, if he was present because of sickness, there was often no 76. ________ job from him when he returned. Since there were always plenty of 77.________ other workers to take his job, he was likely to be hired if he asked 78. ________ for more pay.

Viewed against today's standards, the attitude of the

nineteenth-century factory owners seems incredible. They believed

that was good business to hire men, women and children as cheaply 79. ________ as possible, make them to work as they could and, when 80. ________

they became inefficient, worn out, or unable to work for any reason,

discharge them.

Part V Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on

the topic We Need to Broaden Our

Knowledge. You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline

(given in Chinese) below:

1. 科学技术是社会发展所不可缺少的

2. 社会科学和自然科学相互渗透

3. 现代大学生需要广博的知识

Remember to write your composition coherently and neatly.


1. B

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. D 10. B

11. C 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. D

21. C 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. B

31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C

41. B 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. A

51. D 52. B 53. D 54. C 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. A 59. B 60. D

61. B 62. C 63. D 64. A 65. B 66. A 67. C 68. C 69. D 70. B

71. hard, harder 72. being, were

73. their, his 74. nothing, anything

75. (earn), (earn) were 76. present, absent

77. from, for 78. hired, fired

79. (that), (that) it 80. to, /






六级真题 2017 年大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(二) Part I Writing (30 minutes) ( 请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in science or humanities at college,write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) Doing enjoyable work. B) Earning a competitive salary. 2. A) 20%. B) 25%. 3. A) Those full of skilled workers. B) Those that are well managed. C) Those run by women. D) Those of a small size. C) Having friendly colleagues. D) Working for supportive bosses. C) 31%. D) 73%.


英语六级听力真题及答案 【篇一:2006-2014历年大学英语六级听力真题及答案 (完整版)】 s=txt>答案集合在全部真题之后(复合式听写中的长句无答案) 200606 1. a) she met with thomas just a few days ago. b) she can help with orientation program. c) she is not sure she can pass on the message. d) she will certainly try to contact thomas. 2. a) set the dinner table.b) change the light bulb. c) clean the dining room. d) hold the ladder for him. 3. a) he’d like a piece of pie.b) he’d like some coffee. c) he’d rather stay in the warm room. d) he’d just had dinner with his friends. 4. a) he has managed to sell a number of cars. b) he is contented with his current position. c) he might get fired. d) he has lost his job. 5. a) tony’s secretary. b) paul’s girlfriend. c) paul’s colleague. d) tony’s wife. 6. a) he was fined for running a red light. b) he was caught speeding on a fast lane. c) he had to run quickly to get the ticket.


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend a Vocational College or a University? It’s an undisputable truth that virtually all high school graduates will encounter the choices between a vocational college and a university. And when it comes to this question, students’ ideas are not cut from the same cloth. In point of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, my advices are as follow. In the first place, we should be conscious of the fact that both of the two choices have its own superiorities. For instance, a vocational college specializes in cultivating human resources with practical capabilities; while a university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different fields. Then it does follow that high school graduates should have a clear picture of themselves. That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst circumvent weaknesses. In addition, interest is the best teacher and it’s also the premise of learning on one’s own initiative. Thus interest must be taken into account because it can not only decide how far one can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled one will be. In brief, all above just goes to show that there really is no one-size-fits-all answer for the question. The key lies in a clear cognition, accurate self-positioning and the interest of oneself. Only then can every one find a right path that works best for us. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 【答案】A 【解析】题目问如果男士在二手书店中发现了自己写的书,那么男士会感觉怎样。男士说到:如果他在二手书店发现了自己的书,他会认为这是种侮辱。因此选A。 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 【答案】B 【解析】题目问男士的妻子认为他的书怎么样。男士说到:他最新的一本书是在2004年写的,当时在写的时候给他妻子看了一小部分。妻子认为他写的内容是垃圾。这表明他的妻子认为他写的书毫无价值。因此选B。 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 【答案】A


Part I Writing ( 30minutes) 1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 2、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise a person by their appearance. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(小编写的就是这篇,还行~~) 3、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something. You can give examples to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words. Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) For investors who desire low risk and guaranteed income, US government bonds are a secure investment because these bonds have the financial backing and full faith and credit of the federal government. Municipal bonds, also secure, are offered by local governments and often have___ 36___such as tax-free interest. Some may even be___37___. Corporate bonds are a bit more risky. Two questions often___38___first-time corporate bond investors. The first is “If I purchase a corporate bond, do I have to hold it until the maturity date?” The answer is no. Bonds are bought and sold daily on___39___securities exchanges. However, if you decide to sell your bond before its maturity date, you’re not guaranteed to get the face value of the bond. For example, if your bond does not have___40___ that make it attractive to other investors, you may be forced to sell your bond at a___ 41___, i.e., a price less than the bond's face value. But if your bond is highly valued by other investors, you may be able to sell it at a premium, i. e ., a price above its face value. Bond prices generally___42___inversely (相反地) with current market interest rates. As interest rates go up, bond prices fall, and vice versa (反之亦然). Thus, like all investments, bonds have a degree of risk. The second question is “ How can I___43___the investment risk of a particular bond issue?” Standard & Poor's and Moody’s Investors Service rate the level of risk of many corporate and government bonds. And___44___, the higher the market risk of a bond, the higher the interest rate. Investors will invest in a bond considered risky only if the 45 return is high enough. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2作答。


大学英语六级CET6真题及答案 part i listening comprehension (20 minutes) section a 1.a) the dean should have consulted her on the appointment. b) dr. holden should have taken over the position earlier. c) she doesn’t think dr. holden has made a wise choice. d) dr. holden is the best person for the chairmanship. 2 .a) they’ll keep in touch during the summer vacation b) they’ll hold a party before the summer vacation c) they’ll do odd jobs together at the school library d) they’ll get back to their school once in a while 3. a)peaches are in season now. b)peaches are not at their best now. c)the woman didn’t know how to bargain. d)the woman helped the man choose the fruit. 4.a)they join the physics club. b)they ask for an extension of the deadline. c)they work on the assignment together. d)they choose an easier assignment. 5.a)she admires jean’s straightforwardness b)she thinks dr. brown deserves the praise c)she will talk to jean about what happened d)she believes jean was rude to dr. brown 6.a)he liked writing when he was a child b)he enjoyed reading stories in reader’s digest c)he used to be an editor of reader’s digest d)he became well known at the age of six 7.a)he shows great enthusiasm for his studies b)he is a very versatile person c)he has no talent for tennis d)he does not study hard enough 8 a) john has lost something at the railway station b) there are several railway stations in the city c) it will be very difficult for them to find john d) the train that john is taking will arrive soon 9. a)its rapid growth is beneficial to the world


2010年12月大学英语六级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前高校排名相当盛行; 2. 对于这种做法人们看法不一; 3. 在我看来…… My Views on University Ranking . . . Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Into the Unknown The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope? Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a “world assembly on ageing” back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old Age Crisis”, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable. For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young vs Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6e17158937.html,/wenkxd.htm(报名网址) 综合题,请根据题目给出的内容,来回答下面给出的试题。Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part, Each passage is followed by some questions at unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. In 1985 when a Japan Air Lines (JAL) jet crashed, its president, Yasumoto Takagi, called each victim’s family to apologize, and then promptly resigned. And in 1987, when a subsidiary of Toshiba sole sensitive military technology to the former Soviet Union, the chairman of Toshiba gave up his post. These executive actions, which Toshiba calls “the highest form of apology,”may seem bizarre to US managers. No one at Boeing resigned after the JAL crash, which may have been caused by a faulty Boeing repair. The difference between the two business cultures centers around different definitions of delegation. While US executives give both responsibility and authority to their employees, Japanese executives delegate only authority—the responsibility is still theirs. Although the subsidiary that sold the sensitive technology to the Soviets had its own management, the Toshiba top executives said they “must take personal responsibility for not creating an atmosphere throughout the Toshiba group that would make such activity unthinkable, even in an independently run subsidiary.” Such acceptance of community responsibility is not unique to businesses in Japan. School principals in Japan have resigned when their students committed major crimes after school hours. Even if they do not quit, Japanese executives will often accept primary responsibility in other ways, such as taking the first pay cut when a company gets into financial trouble. Such personal sacrifices, even if they are largely symbolic, help to create the sense of community and employee loyalty that is crucial to the Japanese way of doing business. Harvard Business School professor George Lodge calls the ritual acceptance of blame “almost a feudal (封建的) way of purging (清除) the community of dishonor,”and to some in the United States, such resignations look cowardly. However, in an era in which both business and governmental leaders seem particularly good at evading responsibility, many US managers would probably welcome an infusion (灌输) of the Japanese sense of responsibility, If, for instance,


2019年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(三套 全) 目录 2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(一) (1) 快速对答案 (16) 2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(二) (17) 快速对答案 (32) 2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(三) (32) 快速对答案 (43) 2018年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(一) Part I Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions: For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between employers and employees.You can cite examples to illustrate your views.you should write at least150words but no more than200words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 第1页共43


2017年12月大学英语六级听力真题解析 2017.12月份的六级考试已经落下帷幕,以下是对听力部分考题的一个解析,希望对同学们有所帮助. Conversation One M: And now, for the latter side of the news, Europe is setting an example for the rest of the world when it comes to food waste. W: That’s right, John. This week, the Italian government passed legislation that aims to dramatically reduce the amount of food waste in the country. Q1:New laws have been put into place that will make it easier for farms and supermarkets to donate and sell foods to those who are in need. M: Yes, in an addition to this, businesses will now be rewarded for successful efforts to cut food waste. W: Italy is not the only country to focus on reducing food waste. Just earlier this year, Q2:the European parliament voted in favor of legislation that would stop grocery giants from unfair trading practices that result in overproduction, thus creating waste. M: In France, Q3:the government has banned supermarkets from throwing away edible foods and imposed harsh penalties on businesses that fail to comply with the regulations. W: While there is still much progress to be made, other countries could learn a thing or two from the example set by France and Italy. In the United Sates, up to 40% of all food goes uneaten. Despite the fact that one in seven American households lacks regular access to good food, Q4:one major cause of this problem is the confusion over food expiration labels, which are currently not regulated by the government. M: All this could change soon. This wave of new laws in Europe will definitely put more pressure on law makers to reduce food waste here. We turn now to a


2002年6月大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷及答案 试卷一 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) 2 hours. B) 3 hours. C) 4 hours. D) 5 hours. From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours”is the correct answer. Y ou should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D] 1. A) Registering for courses. B) Getting directions. C) Buying a new computer. D) Studying sociology. 2. A) The man will probably have to find a roommate. B) The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs. C) The man will probably have to buy a car. D) The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires. 3. A) Painting a picture. B) Hosting a program.


2017年6月六级真题一 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A. Doing enjoyable work. B. Having friendly colleagues. C. Earning a competitive salary. D. Working for supportive bosses. 2. A. 31%. B. 20%. C. 25%. D. 73%. 3. A. Those of a small size. B. Those run by women. C. Those that are well managed. D. Those full of skilled workers. 4. A. They can hop from job to job easily. B. They can win recognition of their work. C. They can better balance work and life. D. They can take on more than one job. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A. It is a book of European history. B. It is an introduction to music. C. It is about the city of Bruges. D. It is a collection of photos. 6. A. When painting the concert hall of Bruges. B. When vacationing in an Italian coastal city. C. When taking pictures for a concert catalogue. D. When writing about Belgium's coastal regions. 7. A. The entire European coastline will be submerged. B. The rich heritage of Europe will be lost completely. C. The seawater of Europe will be seriously polluted. D. The major European scenic spots will disappear. 8. A. Its waterways are being increasingly polluted. B. People cannot get around without using boats. C. It attracts large numbers of tourists from home and abroad. D. Tourists use wooden paths to reach their hotels in the morning. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.

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