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八年级英语上册 综合练习题

八年级英语上册 综合练习题
八年级英语上册 综合练习题



1. -Who cooked the lunch today? - I _______.

A.did B. does C. was D. do

2. -Will you please _______ the TV? - I want to see the Animal World.

A. turn off

B. turn down

C. turn on

D. turn up

3. -The banana is too big. -You can ______ first.

A. cut up them

B. cut them up C .cut it up D. cut up

4. -There________ a concert sometime next week.

A. is going to be

B. are going to be C .is going to have D. is gong to has.

5. -Hi, Amy! How __________ your school trip to the beach?

-Hi, Tom! We __________ a good time there.

A. is, having

B. was, had

C. are, had

D. were, have

6 -How long did he_________ ? -For 12 years.

A. start swimming

B. started swimming

C. swim

D. swam

7. The man was born ________1976.

A. in the 24th of June.

B. on the 24th of June

C. in June 24th

D. for June 24th

8. Does your father often go to work__________?

A. by a train

B. on a train

C. take a train

D. catch a train

9. It was an ___________soccer game. The soccer fans(粉丝)were very _____.

A. exciting, exciting

B. exciting, excited

C. excited, excited

D.excited, exciting

10. She didn't answer the question, her mother kept her _______ for an hour.

A. standing

B. to stand

C. stood

D. stand

11. -_________ we kee p the room clean enough all the time? -No, you _________.

A. Must; doesn't have

B. Do; don't have to

C. Must; don't have to

D. Must; mustn't12. What's ____________ food in China?

A. popular

B. more popular

C. the most popular

D. most popular 13. Alice stopped ____________ TV and started doing her homework.

A. watch

B. watching

C. watched

D. to watch

14. He arrived ___________ Beijing ___________ the evening of July 27th.

A.in; at B.in; on C.at; in D.at; in 15. I’m sorry I ___________ my homework at home.

That’s all right. Don’t forget ___________ it here this afternoon.

A.forget; to take B.forget; to bring C.left; to take D.left; to bring

16.He couldn’t start his car. He really didn’t know ___________.

A.what can he do B.what he can do C.what to do D.how to do

17. I phoned you at 3:00 p.m. yesterday, but nobody answered. I’m sorry.

I ___________at that time.

A.am listening to music B.was listening to music C.listen to music D.listened to music

18. Da Shan speaks Chinese ___________ for us to understand.

A.good enough B.enough good C.well enough D.enough well

19. Our teacher often tells us ___________ to others.

A.to friendly B.be friendly C.to be friendly D.are friendly 20. If there are _________ people driving, there will be ______ air pollution.

Yes, the air will be fresher.

A.less; less B.less; fewer C.few; fewer D.fewer; less 21. The old lady has a ___________ time ___________ clothes every day.

A.dif ficulty; to wash B. difficulty; washing C difficult; to wash D. difficult; washing

22. Does your friend ___________ English?

A.does well in B.do good at C.do well in D.well in

23. I felt ___________ when I heard the ___________ news.

A.disappointed; disappointed B.disappointed; disappointing C.disappointing; disappointing D.disappointing; disappointed 24.I don’t like junk food. Could you please ___________?

A.take it away B.take away it C.take them away D.take away them

25.I think ___________ is good for your health.

A.getting up late B. drink more milk C.eating more fruits D..to eat more meat

26.Bob will have a ___________ holiday.

A.three-month B.three-months C.three months D.three month’s 27.Ten years ago __ only one building in our school. And in 10 years, ___ five buildings in our school.

A.there will be; there are B.there was; there are

C.there was; there will be D.there will be; there was

28.You should do your homework as ___________ as possible.

A.carefully B.more carefully C.careful D.more careful

29.His grandma makes a living by ___________ vegetables.

A.grows B.grow C.to grow D.growing

30. Mr Zhang is one of ____in our school.

A .the more popular teachers

B .most popular teachers

C .the most popular teachers

D .the most popular teacher


1.如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情?What ______ _____ if he ____ late?

2. 如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。If you_________ ________, you ______ ______good _______.

3. 他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。

If he _____ TV too much, his parents _____ _________unhappy.

4. 如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的。

Everyone _____ _____ if we _______a birthday party ________ him.

5. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。

If it _____ ______tomorrow, I _____ go to the park ______you.

6. 如果她睡过头了,就会旅游迟到的。he____ ___ ___ ___ the trip if she _____ ___

7. 如果他有空,他会帮助你的。If he ____ ____ , he ______ ____ you.

8. 如果Tom考试不及格,他就没有机会上高中了。

Tom ______have the _____to go to the high school if he ________the exams. 9. 你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。

You _______ _____ good at all the subjects if you ______ the other students’ homework.

10.如果你上课睡觉,老师会生气。If you______ in class, your teacher ____

11. 如果你参加聚会,你将会过得很开心。If you ________ the party, you __________.

12. 如果明天下雨,我们将不去野餐。If it __________ tomorrow, we ___________.

13. 如果你经常听英文歌,你将会喜欢英语的。If you often ________, you _________________.

14. 如果你穿牛仔去参加聚会,老师将不让你进。

If you ______ ______to the party.the teacher won’t______you _______.


If you have problems, you shouldn’t _______it _______ _________.


If you become a lion,you will _______ ________ _________ __________.

17.她懒得什么事都不做。She is ______lazy ______ _______anything.

18. 除非我们向别人倾诉,否则我们会感觉更糟糕。

______ we talk to someone, We’ll certainly _______ _______.

19 医生叫我不要吃垃圾食品。My doctor told me not to eat .

20 他昨天步行超过十里路。He walked ten miles yesterday.

21. 我们认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。We think relax is through exercise.

22 我的妈妈想要我喝牛奶。My mother me milk.

23. 周末你通常做什么?What do you usually do ?

24 我们没带伞,所以浑身淋湿了,很冷。We didn’t have so we were and .

25 你应该试着照顾自己。You should try yourself.

26 我觉得自己像一只小鸟。I I was a bird.

27 我们在那里拍了许多照片。We took photos there.

28.汤姆打算邀请琳达参加他的晚会。Tom plans to ____ Linda _____ his party.

29 我们发现仅仅15℅的学生每天锻炼。

We found that only of our students exercise .

30你假期过得怎么样? your vacation?

31 看太多电视对你的眼睛有害。Watching TV too much is your eyes. 32. 我认为数学和英语一样重要。I think math is _______ _______ _________English. 32. 你喜欢与你不同的朋友交往吗?

Do you like to have friends who ______ _______ ______ ________? 34. 我最好的朋友帮助我展现最优秀的品质。

My best friend helps to _____ ______ the best _____ me.

35.所有这些节目都有一个共同点。All these shows have one thing . 36.那由你来决定。That ’s you to decide. 37.才艺演出变得越来越受欢迎

Talent shows are getting popular. 38.学生应该认真对待考试。Students should the exams .

39.他们在决定谁是获胜者方面发挥着作用。They in deciding the winner. 40.我希望某一天能当一名电视台记着。I a TV reporter .

41.它是第一部带有声音和音乐的卡通。It was the first cartoon sound and music. 42.雷锋总是乐于助人。 Lei Feng was always help others.

43.在二十世纪八十代,他就成了一名医生。 ,he became a doctor.

44.我认为这个女演员把木兰角色扮演得很好。I think the actress Mulan ’s well.

45.她装扮得像个男孩。She like a boy.

46.今天他代替王先生给我们上课。He Mr Wang ’s to teach us. 47.这部电影展示了她对家庭、朋友、国家的热爱。

The movie her love her family,friends and country. 48.今天人们希望看到的不只是小老鼠打败坏家伙。

People today expect to see little mouse fighting bad guys. 49.He had many problems (例如)making friends,losing jobs.

50. 李伟昨天制定了他的新年计划。Li Wei his New Year ’s yesterday. 51. 他打算怎样成为一名职业篮球运动员? is he going to a basketball player? 52.最好的决定就是没有任何决心。The best is to have no .

53. 我打算努力学习并取得好成绩。I am going to study and good grades.

54.下一年你打算做什么? are you to do next year? 55.你长大后想当什么?What do you want to be when you ______ ______? 56.他正在学习汉语,并且希望成为一名语文教师。

He is learning Chinese and he hopes to be a ______ ______. 57.在上课一开始,老师让我们问问题。

At the ______ ______ the class ,the teacher told us to ask questions. 58.我确信他昨天生病了。I ______ ______ that he was ill yesterday.

59.他想当一名厨师并去上厨艺学校。He wants to be a ______ and is going to study in a ______ school.

60.一百年后人们将住在空间站。People______ ______ ______a space station______100 years. 61.将来一切都将是免费的。______will______ ______ ______ ______ ______.

62.我们家乡将有一个火车站。______ ______ ______a railway station in our hometown. 63.你十年后的生活将会是什么样?What______your life______ ______in ten years? 64.多久之后你能完成这份工作?______ ______will you finish the work?

65.牛奶对健康有好处,我们应多喝牛奶。Milk ______good health. We should ______ more milk.

66.你能告诉我们怎样爆玉米花吗?Can you tell us ______make______?

67.你们上次郊游都干什么了? you your last school trip? 68.学生们看了一场关于未来生活的电影。

The students a movie in the future. 69.你需要好好休息。You _______ _______ have a good rest. 第三节、词汇

A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

1. Beijing U____________(大学) is famous in the world. I want to study there some day.

2. We are good friends. I think the f______________(友谊,关系)between us will last forever.

3.We’d better improve our e (环境).

4.His father is an e . He can plan the making of bridges.(造桥)

5.Let’s find some i____________(信息) about Bill Gates (比尔盖茨)on the Internet. 6 . We________ (win) the first prize in the sports meeting last night.

7. We ____________(visit)that factory next week. 8. The weather is good for ____________.


9. We can’t read in the ________ ( noise ) room .

10. The weather report says it will be much _______ ( dry ) later on .

11.There are many m in factories ,with them people can work better and more quickly.

12.Eating dumplings on New Year's Evening is a t for us.

13.The restaurant s many people every day.

14.On special holidays we often c them with our friends or family.

15.If you have a cold ,you will go to the doctor and the doctor will take yo ur t first.

16.In a ,the leaves(叶子)on trees turn yellow.

17.English people are from E . 18.There is a h in the window,so I feel a little cold.

19.I thought hard, f I thought of a good idea.

20.They are all t to come here for a visit.

21.What’s the (关系) between the man and the woman?

22.What we are talking is about (自身提高).

23.The boy is not happy because of the much (学校作业).

24. Don’t open that box. It’s my (个人的) thing.

25.He joined the English club to (提高) his English.

26.Li Lei likes delicious food and he wants to be a c .

27. Mary is writing an a for a magazine.

28. I’m going to a c after I leave the high school.

29. He cares more about his p health. He exercises every morning.

30. There are some f________ friends visiting our school. 31. He often makes us ______(笑) in class.

32. I was __________(浇)the flowers when my mother came back yesterday.

33. Doing exercise can bring us happiness and __________(放松)。

34. I am very happy to make __________(交朋友) with you.


八年级上册英语练习题-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1:基本词汇 不多,很少 wonderful 在任何地方 nothing 任何人 Someone 最多,大多数 myself 某事 yourself 母鸡 seem 猪 everyone 厌倦的 dairy 2:基本词组 相当多,不少 of course 去度假 go to summer camp 任何有趣的地方 most of the time 参观博物馆 go out with 好像挺烦闷的 3:基本句型及交际用语 1:根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 在2013年的十月你去哪儿度假了? 我去山里了。 did you go in October ,2013? I to the mountains。 2:杰夫,你去了一些有趣的地方吗? 是的,我和我的朋友们去了中国的长城。 Jeff , you go Yes,I to the Great Wall in China my friends。 3:你遇到什么特别的事了吗? 是的,我在2013年的12月20日遇到了汪东城。 you meet Yes,I Wang Dongcheng on 20,2013. 4:韩磊好像很伤心,因为他错过了一场足球赛。 Han Lei very sad yesterday, he missed a football match。 5:上个星期日的天气怎么样? 又热又潮湿。 the weather last Sunday? It hot and humid。 2:补全对话,每空一词。 A:Hi,Lin 。Long time no see。 B:I my vacation。 A:Really? did you go on vacation? B:I to the beach。 A:How was the


八年级上册英语语法练习题及答案 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在 的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,女口tom OrroW , the day after tom OrK)W , nextyear; nextm Onih, nextweek, h 100 years 等。 be gohg to do 结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。如I:ItiS going to Iah.w illdo 结构表示将来的用法:1.表示预见 D 0 you Ihhk itw Llllah? YOUW IIlfeelbetteraftera good IeSt?表示意图 I WiiIborroW a book fiυm OUrSChOOI?raιy IOnI OrroW .W hatw Ulshe do tom Orrυw ? 基本构成如下:一般疑问句构成: W iU+ 主语+do?? W illS aιah COm e to ViSitnI e next S unday?Ihere be 结构的一般疑问句:W ill there + be ??W Hlthere be few er tees? Y es, Ihere W ill /N o,

IheIE W On,t 否定句构成:W ill+ not + do S arah W OrI , tCOnI e to ViSitln e nextSunday?特殊疑问句构成: 特殊疑问词+ W i∏ + 主语 + ?? W hatw HlSaiah do

nextS unday? ★★练一练★★ 根据例句,用Win改写下列各句 例:IdOrI,tfeelw elltoday. 1. G Jha has Sk ChSSeS today. 答案: 1. She, H have a bt OfhOnIeWOlktonight? I, IISleeP Iater 3. They ,IlbUy One soon.. W e , Hfeave a IittIe hter 5. M aybe it , Hbe better tom OrroW ? ShOUld 的用法: ShOUld 用来提岀建议和忠告,后边加动词原形,否定 句直接在ShOUId 后边加not 例如:Ilhilk you should eat


人教版新目标八年级英语初二英语上册课文翻译【全册】 一单元 SECTION A 图片周末你通常做什么?我经常去看电影。 1c她在周末做什么?她经常去看电影。 2a你多久看一次电视?每周两次。 2c 你多久看一次电视?我每天看电视。你最喜欢什么节目?《动物世界》。你多久看一次? Grammar Focus 你周末通常做什么?我通常踢足球。他们周末做什么?他们经常去看电影。他周末做什么?他有时看电视。你多久购物一次?我每月购物一次。程多久看一次电视?他每周看两次电视。 3格林中学学生做什么?大多数学生每周锻炼三或四次。一些学生每周锻炼一两次。一些学生非常活跃,每天都锻炼。至于家庭作业,大多数学生每天都做家庭作业。一些学生每周做三或四次家庭作业。没有学生每周做一两次作业。关于“看电视”的结果很有趣。一些学生每周看一两次电视,一些学生每周看三或四次电视。但大多数学生每天都看电视。 4谁是最好的英语学生?你能做什么来提高你的英语水平?你多久读一次英语书?我每周读两次英语书。 SECTION B 1a垃圾食品牛奶水果蔬菜睡觉咖啡 1b刘芳,你多久喝一次牛奶?我每天喝牛奶。你喜欢牛奶吗?不喜欢,但我妈妈想让我喝。她说牛奶对我的健康有益。 2c你多长时间运动一次?我每天都运动。你多长时间……一次? 3a……但是我非常健康。我每天都锻炼,通常是在我放学回家的时候,我的饮食习惯非常好。我尽量多吃蔬菜。我每天都吃水果,每天都喝牛奶。我从不喝咖啡。当然了,我也喜欢垃圾食品,我每周吃二或三次。噢,还有,我每天晚上都睡九个小时。所以你看,我爱惜我身体。我的健康的生活方式帮助我取得了好的成绩。好的食品加上运动帮助我更好地学习。 3b我认为我有点不健康。我几乎不锻炼。我每周吃两次蔬菜,但我从不吃水果。并且我不喜欢喝牛奶。啐!我喜欢垃圾食品,每周吃三到四次。我也喜欢喝咖啡。因此或许我不是很健康,尽管我拥有一个健康的习惯。我每天晚上都睡九个小时。 4 你多久吃一次蔬菜?你做什么运动?玛丽亚每天锻炼。她喜欢玩…… SELF CHECK 1妈妈想让我六点起床跟她一起打乒乓球。爷爷十分健康因为他每天都锻炼。大量的蔬菜帮助你保持健康。你必须得尽量少吃肉。你有健康的生活方式吗? Just for fun你健康吗?噢,我很健康。你最喜欢的运动是什么?我喜欢打篮球。哇! 二单元 SECTION A 图片怎么了?我感冒了。怎么了?我胃痛。我背痛。 1c怎么啦?我喉咙痛。 2a 1.发烧—d.多喝水2.喉咙痛—b.加蜂蜜的热茶 3.胃痛—a.躺下休息 4.牙痛——c.看牙医 2c怎么了?我牙痛。也许你应该去看牙医。好主意。 Grammar Focus 我头痛。你应当上床睡觉。我胃痛。他不应当吃东西。她牙痛。她应当看牙医。 3a怎么啦?我觉得不舒服。我感冒了。什么时候开始的?大约两天前。噢,那太糟糕了。你应当休息一下。是的,我也是这样想的。我希望你快点好起来。 4怎么啦?你喉咙痛吗?不,我不痛。你头痛吗?是的,我头痛。你应当躺下来休息一下。 SECTION B 1a疲乏的;劳累的饥饿的口渴的紧张的;有压力的1b吃个苹果。早点上床睡觉。喝些水。听音乐 2c吉娜怎么啦?她累了。噢,她应当早点上床睡觉。她不应该去参加聚会。 3a健康的生活方式,中国方式 传统中医认为我们需要阴阳食品的平衡以保持健康。例如,你经常没有力气并感到疲倦吗?这或许是因为你吃了太多的阴性食品,你应当吃含阳性较高的食品,像牛肉。吃党参和黄芪草对这方面也是有好处的。但那些太紧张和易怒的人也许吃了太多的阳性食品,中医认为他们应当多吃阴性食品,像豆腐。现在中药在很多西方国家很受欢迎。拥有一个健康的生活方式很容易,均衡饮食很重要。 3b每个人都会不时地感到疲倦。当你疲倦时,你不应当晚上外出。你应当几个晚上早儿上床睡觉,并且你应该锻炼以保持健康,你也应吃水果和其他健康的食品。你不应当在你感到疲倦时学习。


八年级英语上册阅读理解测试题及答案 一、八年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Many of you have watched a Superman cartoon or movie. But did you know he first appeared in comics(连环漫画)? Do you want to learn more about popular comic books around the world? Take a look! Do you find reading boring? Have a read of some comic books. You will learn to love their colorful pictures and simple language. Comic books usually tell stories through cartoons. The US and Japan have some great comic books. But they are not the same. Their names are different. People say "comic books" in the US but "manga" in Japan. American comics are often about superheroes—characters like Superman and Spider Man. So action is a major part of American comics. But Japanese manga like to tell stories of ordinary people. Luffy in One Piece(《海盗王》)is such an example. American comics make people excited with super powers, while Japanese manga comfort(安慰)people with moving stories. Natsume's Book of Friends is about a teenage boy. He can see spirits(精灵). He is confused (困惑的)at first but later he makes friends with spirits. If you are not interested in these two kinds, why not try some from China? Xia Da, 32, is a great comic book artist from China. Some of her comics are about school life. Others show the beauty of Chinese culture. (1)What does the writer think of the comic books? A. Boring. B. Colorful and simple. C. Difficult. D. Difficult but exciting.(2)Which is TRUE about American comic? A. They are usually about ordinary people. B. Action is a major part of American comics. C. They often tell of normal people's moving stories. D. They want to show more of Japanese culture. (3)Which character is from Japanese manga? A. Superman. B. Spider Man. C. Luffy. D. Natsume. (4)Where is Xia Da from? A. Japan. B. The US. C. The UK. D. China. 【答案】(1)B (2)B (3)C (4)D 【解析】【分析】主要讲了连环漫画。 (1)细节题。根据You will learn to love their colorful pictures and simple language.可知连环画是色彩鲜艳的和简单的,故选B。 (2)细节题。根据So action is a major part of American comics.可知动作是美国漫画是一部分,故选B。


新人教版八年级上册英语第二单元精选练习题附答案 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 01基础过关 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.My friend sometimes watches movies on the ________(因特网). 2.Do you often help your mother do some ________(家务活)? 3.There are lots of ________(秋千) in the park. 4.The bus is ________(满的) of people. 5.We went to Hong Kong only ________(一次). Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.The old man is so tired that he can ________ walk. 7.I visit my grandparents six ________ a year. 8.They are all my favorite TV ________.I often watch them. 9.His uncle ________ every day. He is very healthy. 10.Last year Mary went to Beijing ________—the first time in May and the second time in October. Ⅲ.单项选择。 ( )11.—________ does Linda watch English movies? —Once a week. A.How often B.How many C.How far D.How long ( )12.—What ________ your mother________ on weekends? —She usually goes shopping. A.is;do B.does;do C.do;does D.do;do ( )13.—May I put the books in the box? —I'm afraid not. The box is ________. A.old B.new C.full D.expensive ()14.Sport News is my father's favorite ________ and he watches it every night. A.program B.movie C.book D.newspaper ( )15.—Would you like a cup of tea? —No,thanks. I ________ drink tea. A.ever B.still C.hard D.hardly Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.你明天有空吗? ________ ________ ________ tomorrow? 17.今天怎么会下雨呢? ________ ________ it's rainy today? 18.你喜欢哪种水果? ________ ________ ________ fruit do you like? 19.迈克的表弟几乎从不做运动。 Mike's cousin ________ ________ plays sports.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 —yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d III. Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen. Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains. Ask: What did the person do in each picture? 2. Play the recording the first time. 3. Play the recording a second time. Say: There are three conversations. The people talk about what did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes of the picture. 4. Check the answers. IV.Pair work 1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class.


Unit 4水平测试 笔试部分(共80分) ◆I.单项选择(15分) ( )21. It is very cold ______ northern China in winter. A. on B. in C. at D. To ( )22. Let’s go to the ______ this evening. There is a new movie. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. Shop ( )23. On National Day many shops are going to _____ their prices. The things are cheaper. A. cut B. add C. keep D. improve ( )24. We all like the new theater in our town. It has _______ seats and big screens. A. expensive B. friendly C. comfortable D. heavy ( )25. —______ is the best radio station? —It is behind the bank. A. When B. What C. Which D. Where ( )26. It is hard for them ________ the work in three days. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished ( )27. —Which skirt do you like of the three? —I think the red one is _____ of them. A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest ( )28. Eliza __________ a beautiful song at the singing contest. She won first prize. A. sings B. is singing C. sang D. sing ( )29. I want to join the art club, ______ I like drawing. A. because B. so C. though D. but ( )30. —Do you know ______ the watch is in the store? —Yes. It’s twenty dollars. A. how much B. how long C. how far D. how many ( )31. I’d like to drink another cup of tea. I’m _____ thirsty. A. yet B. hardly C. still D. never ( )32. —What do you ______ this activity? —It’s very interesting. A. hear of B. look for C. come over D. think about ( )33. Jack is ten years old. He is ______ to help his mother do the chores. A. enough old B. old enough C. enough young D. young enough ( )34. —________ you sing? —Yes. I am good at it. A. Need B. Must C. Can D. Should ( )35. —Let’s go and play football after school. —_______. A. Good idea B. Thanks a lot


人教版英语八年级上册 Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister 教材全解 【教材内容解析】 Section A 1.Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. (P. 17) both...and...意为“两者都”,并列两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 Both Tom and Jim are interested in Math. 2.Tara works as hard as Tina. (P. 18) as...as...意为“和……一样”,两个as中间用形容词或者副词原级。 He is as tall as his father. I run as fast as he. 【拓展】not as...as...意为“不如……,比不上……”第一个as是副词,在否定句中可以换成so。She doesn't study as/so hard as her brother. Lucy is not as/so easygoing as Lily. 3.Oh, which one was Lisa(P. 18) which表示“哪一个”,表示在一定数量中进行选择;what用于选择范围较大或者不明确时,表示选择人或物的种类。

There are some books in the box. Which one is yours What is in the box 4.You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though.(P. 18) (1) win表示“赢得”后接比赛、奖项等表示物的名词作宾语;beat表示“打败”,后接某人、团队等表示人的名词作宾语。 They finally beat the other side and won the basketball match. Who won the first prize in the singing contest. (2)这里的though作副词,表示“可是、然而”,放在句末,前用都好隔开。 Jim said that he would come. He didn’t, though. 5.But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.(P. 18) (1)此处动词不定式作表语,放在be动词后面。 My work is to clean the room every day. His dream is to be a teacher. (2)have fun意为“玩得高兴”,后接动名词。 Did you have fun visiting that country Section B 1....is talented in music. (P. 20) talented作形容词,表示“有才能的、有天赋的”,be talented in表示“在……方面有天赋”。Li Yundi is talented in swimming. 2....truly cares about me. (P. 20)


新目标英语八上unit 1 单元测试检测卷 I. 语音知识 (5个小题,每小题1分,计5分。) 下列各组单词中, 有三个划线部分发音相同,另一个发音不同,请选出并将其字母代号填入相应括号内. ( )1. A.may B.says C.away D.day ( )2. A.asked B.washed C.stayed D.stopped ( )3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party ( )4. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu ( )5. A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday II. 单项选择 (25个小题,每小题1分,计25分。) 从A. B. C. D. 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的答案, 并将其字母代号填入相应括号内. ( ) 1. We don ’t go to school _____ weekends. A. at B. on C. in D. for ( ) 2. John usually ______ soccer in the afternoon, but now he is ______ basketball. A. play; play B. play; playing C. is playing; plays D. plays; playing ( ) 3. I often go ______. A. to skateboard B. skateboarding C. skateboards D. skateboard ( ) 4. --______ does your mother exercise?—She hardly ever exercises. She doesn ’t like sports. A. when B. what sports C. what D. how often ( ) 5. --______does she do on weekends?—She watches TV . A. what B. where C. who D. how ( ) 6. The old man looks pretty_______. A. health B. healthy C. healthier D. healthily ( ) 7. --Do you often exercise, Jack?—No, _______, I don ’t like sports at all. A. never B. often C. usually D. always ( ) 8. The girl goes to the movies _______. A. one time a week B. two times a week C. once time a week D. twice a week ( ) 9. He wants _____English this year. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned ( ) 10. The results for “Watch TV ”______. A. is interested B. are interesting C. is interesting D. are interested 班级 姓名 学号


---by Lemon Teaching aims: 1.要求学生掌握一般将来时的用法、结构及句式变化。 Teaching points: 1. 一般将来时结构在实际题目中的运用。 2.使学生能够理解Will, be going to, there will be. Teaching aids: 心理测试纸、练习题 Teaching steps: 1. Greeting: T: what’s the weather like today? Ss: it’s…. T: what’s the weather like tomorrow? \Will it be sunny?(看黑板上的图片)T引导Ss说出: It will be sunny tomorrow. 2. Roll-call 3. Warm –up 做一份心理测试 在做之前,T可以先问大家一个问题,渲染气氛。 T:What do you think you will be? T引导Ss说出:I will be a …. 每人一张测试纸,2分钟做好,T公布答案,让学生找出相应的职业, 并表达I will be a …. 4. Structure ①由warm-up引出一般将来时。 T问Ss:What will you be? T引导Ss说出答案I will be a teacher. She will be a teacher. … I will be a engineer. He will be a engineer. … I will be a doctor. They will be a doctor. … T边说边写出板书 看以上句子,总结如下:


期末测试题 (满分100;考试时间90分钟) I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,满分20分) ( ) 1. —I think drinking milk is good ____ our health. —I agree _____ you. A. for; to B. for; with C. at; to D. at; with ( ) 2. —______ you hang out with your friends yesterday afternoon? —Yes, I _____. A. Did; did B. Did; didn?t C. Do; don?t D. Do; do ( ) 3. It?s not here. Let?s go _______. A. somewhere relaxing B. somewhere cool C. relaxing somewhere B. cool somewhere ( ) 4. I?m hungry, Mom. I want to eat some ______. A. pear B. bread C. salt D. sandwich ( ) 5. There is a little sugar at home. Let?s buy _____ this afternoon. A. any more B. more any C. some more D. more some ( ) 6. He likes singing songs, but I sing than he does. A. good B. well C. best D. better ( ) 7. She ____ come to the party because she has _____ to do next weekend. A. doesn?t, too many homework B. isn?t, very much homework C. can?t, too much homework D. can?t, much too homework ( ) 8. Mary is ____________ quieter and smarter than her sister. A. more B. very C. a little D. lots of ( ) 9. There ________ robots in people's homes in 20 years. A. is B. are C. be D. will be ( ) 10. I?m going to write articles and them to magazines and newspapers. A. send B. take C. bring D. give ( ) 11. —Arthur is a loving grandmother —Yeah, she all her free time with her grandchildren. A. pays B. takes C. uses D. spends ( ) 12. —Can you go to the mall this weekend? — Sorry, I have to study. Maybe ______ time. A. other B. another C. the other D. others ( ) 13. The piece of meat is too big. Let?s _________. A. cut them up B. cut it up C. cut up them D. cut up it ( ) 14. It?s good for your healt h to have ___________ every day. A. two glass of milk B. two glass of milks C. two glasses of milk D. two glasses of milks


人教版初中八年级上册英语语法汇总 1) leave的用法 1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如 When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的 2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如 Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五爱丽斯要去伦敦了。 3.“leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。例如 Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京 2) 情态 动词should“应该”学会使用 should作为情态动词用常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等有“竟会”的意思例如How should I know? 我怎么知道 Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚 should有时表示应当做或发生的事例如 We should help each other. 我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点 1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如 You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如 You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服你最好去看医生。 3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如 We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。 3) What...? 与Which...? 1. what 与which 都是疑问代词都可以指人或事物但是what仅用来询问职业。如 What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的 该句相当于What does your father do? What is your father's job? Which 指代的是特定范围内的某一个人。如 ---Which is Peter? 哪个是皮特 ---The boy behind Mary. 玛丽背后的那个男孩。 2. What...?是泛指所指的事物没有范围的限制而Which...?是特指所指的事物有 范围的限制。如 What color do you like best? 所有颜色 你最喜爱什么颜色 Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow? 有特定的范围


八年级英语上册练习题含答案 Ⅰ.单项选择 1.I think dancing is interesting, but running is . A.boring B.popular C.dangerous 2.Every player tried his or her best to the match. A.beat B. win C.take 3.—do you go to school every day? —By bus. A.How B.Why C.Where 4. Lucy is taller than Lily, but Lily is and she has more friends. A.friendly B.more friendly C.most friendly 5.—Would you mind the window? It’s very hot. —No, not at all. A.open B.to open C.opening 6.—Sorry for being late. — A.That’s true. B.Here you are. C.Never mind. 7.[2018·常州改编]—Two tickets for Sunday, please! —Sorry. There is left. A.nothing B.none C.no one 8.You’d better more time talking with your parents so that they can understand you better. A.spend B.take C.cost 9.—All the workers went home yesterday Mr White.Why? —Because he was on duty. A.except B.besides C.except for 10.[2018·黄冈改编]—How hard you are working, Helen! —We must! President Xi said that we are, we will be. A.the more hard-working; the luckier B.the hard-working; the lucky C.more hard-working; luckier

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