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unit5 The Typestry of Friendship 翻译

unit5 The Typestry of Friendship 翻译
unit5 The Typestry of Friendship 翻译

Unit 5 The Tapestry of Friendship

It was, in many ways, a slight movie. (多方面来说,这是部小电影)Nothing actually happened(没什么特别的发生). There was no big-budget chase scene(没大成本的追逐画面), no bloody shoot-out(没有血腥的枪战). The story ended without any cosmic conclusions(故事结尾没有什么深长的结论).


Yet she found Claudia Weill's film Girlfriends gentle and affecting(她觉得克劳迪娅·韦尔的电影《女朋友》温婉动人). Slowly(逐渐地), it panned across the tapestry of friendship(它展现了友谊的全貌)—showing its fragility(展示脆弱), its resiliency(生命力), its role as the connecting (他的作用连接)tissue between the lives of two young women(两个年轻人的纽带).


When it was over(当结束的时候), she thought about the movies she had seen this year(她回想起他曾经看过的电影)—Julia, The Turning Point and now Girlfriends(《茱莉亚》、《转折点》,还有现在这部《女朋友》). It seemed that the peculiar eye(这似乎特殊的视角), the social lens of the cinema(电影的镜头), had drastically shifted its focus(已经大大的改变了). Suddenly the Male Buddy movies had been replaced by the Female Friendship flicks(突然,哥俩好的电影已经被反映闺蜜友谊的影片所替代).


This wasn't just another binge of trendiness(这并不仅仅是另一场时尚狂欢), but a kind of cinema verite(而是一种实录电影的潮流). For once the movies were reflecting a shift(就这一次电影反映一种转向), not just from men to women (不仅仅是从男性转向女性)but from one definition of friendship to another(而是从友谊的一种定义转为另一种定义).


Across millions of miles of celluloid(纵观数百万英里长的电影胶片), the ideal of friendship had always been male(友谊的理想主角总是男性)—a world of sidekicks and "partners" of Butch Cassidys and Sundance Kids(满世界都是类似布奇·卡西迪斯及其铁哥们山丹思·基德斯这样的密友、同伴的故事。). There had been something almost atavistic about these visions of attachments(这些形影不离的银幕形象似乎是来自远古社会)—as if producers culled their plots from some pop anthropology book on male bonding(事情节好像是制片人从诠释男性间密切关系的人类学通俗读物里选取出来似的). Movies portrayed the idea that only men(影片诠释了一个观点,即只有男性), those direct descendants of hunters and Hemingways(那些猎人和海明威式硬汉的传人), inherited a primal capacity for friendship(才继承了对于友谊的原始的能力。). In contrast(相反地), they portrayed women picking on each other(女人们总是被描绘成互相挑刺), the way they once picked berries(就好像她们从前挑选浆果那样).



Well, that duality must have been mortally wounded in some shoot-out at the You're OK, I'm OK Corral(那种两面性在OK牧场枪战中一定已经受了致命的枪伤了). Now(现在), on the screen(在银幕上), they were at least aware of the subtle distinction between men and women as buddies and friends(他们至少意识到男人作为哥们、女人作为闺蜜的微妙区别).


About 150 years ago, Coleridge had written,柯勒律治在大约150年前就说过―A woman’s friendship borders more closely on love than man’s. 女性的友谊比男性的更接近于爱恋Men affect each other in the reflection of noble or friendly acts, 男人之间的影响多体现在友善活动中whilst women ask fewer proofs and more signs and expressions of attachment.‖然而女性需要的是更多外在的感情流露而不是这些实际例子


8 Well, she thought, on the whole, men had buddies, while women had friends.那么总的来说她认为男的拥有哥们女士拥有闺蜜Buddies bonded, but friends loved. 哥们相互联系闺蜜相互喜欢Buddies faced adversity together, but friends faced each other.哥们一起面对逆境闺蜜面对对方There was something palpably different in the way they spent their time. 并且两者打磨时间的方式也有不同Buddies seemed to ―do‖things together; friends simply ―were‖together.哥们一起做事闺蜜只限于在一起


9 Buddies came linked, like accessories, to one activity or another. 哥们之间跟伙伴一样通过各种方式联系在一起People have golf buddies and business buddies, college buddies and club buddies.人们有打高尔夫的哥们事业上的哥们大学中的哥们和俱乐部里的哥们Men often keep their buddies in these categories, while women keep a special category for friends. 男的通常用这些来分类而女士通常用闺蜜来专门分类


10 A man once told her that men weren’t real buddies until they had been ―through the wars‖together –corporate or athletic or military. 一个男的告诉过她男的不会成为真正的哥们除非并肩作战过在商场操场或者战场They had to soldier together, he said. 他们必须一起当兵他这样说道Women, on the other hand, didn’t count themselves as friends until they had shared three loathsome confidences.另一方面女的必须一起分享三个以上嫌人的秘密才能成为闺蜜


11 Buddies hang tough together; friends hang onto each other.哥们一起共度难关闺蜜则



12.It probably had something to do with pride. 这个或许和自尊有一点关系You don’t show off to a friend; you show need. 对于闺蜜你会说出你想要的而不是炫耀Buddies try to keep the worst from each other; friends confess it.哥们之间却把困境憋在心里,闺蜜之间互相倾诉痛苦

