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人教版pep英语四年级上册Unit 3 My friends单元测试卷 (含答案)

Unit 3检测卷




()1. ()2. ()3.

()4. ()5.


()1. John is my friend.

()2. Amy has big eyes.

()3. My new friend is very cute.

()4. My father is tall and thin.

()5. That boy has a green bag and his shoes are blue.


()1. A. He's Mr Wang. B. She's Miss Li. C. He's strong.

()2. A. Her name is Amy. B. His name is Amy. C. My name is Amy. ()3. A. No,he isn't. B. Yes, he is. C. A boy.

()4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, he is.

()5. A. She's in the classroom. B. She's Lily. C. Sorry.


()1. Lily is ________.

A. short

B. tall

C. cute

()2. Lily has ________.

A. big eyes

B. a green bag

C. a blue hat

()3. Sam is a ________.

A. student

B. teacher

C. doctor ()4. Sam is ________.

A. fat

B. cute

C. thin

()5. Sam has ________.

A. long hair

B. short hair

C. yellow hair



1. Li Ming is a basketball player. He is so .

2. Be in the library!

3. Miss Wang has long black .

4. A bad mouse is in a big .

5. My father wears a pair of


()1. ________ name is Jenny. His name is Danny.

A. She

B. Her

C. He

()2. My pencil is ________. But his pencil is long.

A. tall

B. thin

C. short

()3. I'm short. But my brother is very ________.

A. long

B. tall

C. old

()4. My nose is small. My sister's nose is ________.

A. long

B. big

C. thin

()5. My bag is white . My ruler is ________.

A. black

B. green

C. brown


()1. I ________ a new friend.

A. is

B. do

C. have

()2. —What's the boy's name?

—________ name is Tim.

A. Her

B. His

C. He

()3. His glasses ________ blue.

A. are

B. is

C. has

()4. He ________ a sister and a brother.

A. have

B. has

C. is

()5. Lingling has ________ blue hat.

A. /

B. an

C. a

八、根据描述选出正确的人物图,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分) ()1. She has very big eyes. She has short hair. A.

()2. She has a beautiful hat. B.

()3. He has glasses. C.

()4. He is old. He has a big bag. D.

()5. He is very strong. E.


1. his name what's


2. and is thin she short


3. has shoes my red friend


4. very friendly he is


5. is name Chen Jie her



A: Dad, I have a new friend.

B: 1. ________

A:No, she isn't. 2. ________ B:3. ________

A:Her name is Li Mei.

B:4. ________

A:Yes. 5. ________A. She is tall and thin.

B. Really? An English friend ?

C. Is she tall?

D. What's her name?

E. She is a Chinese girl.


Lily: Hello, Sarah!

Sarah: Hello, Lily!

Lily: We have some new teachers this term.

Sarah: Really? Who are they?

Lily: They are our English teacher, Chinese teacher and PE teacher. Sarah: What's our English teacher's name?

Lily: Kate Smith. She has short yellow hair. She is friendly. Sarah: What about our PE teacher?

Lily: His name is Bruce. His hair is black. He is tall and strong. Sarah: Look!Miss Li is coming. Is she our Chinese teacher?Lily: Yes. She has long brown hair. She wears a pair of glasses.

Unit 3检测卷


一、1. My sister is very thin.

2. He is very tall and strong.

3. They are friendly.

4. He is quiet.

5. This is my Chinese friend.

二、1. John is my friend.

2. Amy has big ears.

3. My new friend is very friendly.

4. My father is tall and strong.

5. That boy has a green bag and his shoes are blue.

三、1. Who's he?

2. What is her name?

3. Is your friend a boy or a girl?

4. Is she tall?

5. Where is your friend?

四、My name is Lily. I'm a student. I'm short. I have long hair. And I have a blue

hat. Sam is my best friend. He is a student, too. He is tall and thin. He has short black hair.


一、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F

二、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T

三、1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A

四、1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B

五、1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

六、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A

七、1. C点拨:根据句意可知此空应表示“有”,应选have。

2. B点拨:回答男孩的名字,选用物主代词his。

3. A点拨:glasses为复数,应选用be的复数形式are。

4. B点拨:主语为第三人称单数,在一般现在时中表示“有”时,应使用has。

5. C点拨:hat为单数可数名词,blue是辅音音素开头的单词,之前应用a。

八、1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. A






十、1. B点拨:此处为爸爸听到上一句后的反应,是对新朋友情况的询问。

2. E点拨:前一句否定了上句的说法,此处应给出正确的国籍。

3. D

4. C

5. A点拨:此处用来肯定上一个问句。


Teach Hair Glasses Kate Smith ____English__ short yellow hair no glasses

Bruce PE ___black hair____ __ no glasses___

Miss Li __Chinese____ long brown hair _a pair of glasses___





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pep3 unit3 my friends教学设计

pep3 unit3 my friends教学设计Teaching design of pep3 Unit3 my friends

pep3 unit3 my friends教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 教学目标 1.能认读并会书写大小写ww, xx, yy, zz。能听懂、会说 单词:yacht, zipper。 2.会拼写单词:boy, girl, friend 3.进一步培养学生良好的书写习惯。 (一)教材分析: 本课时“read and write”部分主要是在学生能够认读字母ww, xx, yy, zz的基础上,学习书写字母的大小写。教师在教学 中要特别强调字母x, y, y的笔顺和y的格式要求,使学生能够 在四线三格中正确书写这几个英文字母。教师要提醒学生大写y 由两笔组成。单词yacht和zipper在本课第一次出现,教学时可通过课件或图片让学生进行初步认知。本部分教学较单调枯燥, 教师应设计和开展多种课堂活动或自制课件,让学生在兴趣中学 习新知。 boy, girl, friend这三个单词是在能听、说、认读的 基础上进行拼写。一方面要求学生能够掌握单词的构成,另一方


高一上学期数学单元培优测试卷 集 合 考生注意: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟. 2.请将各题答案填写在答题卡上. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) 1. 已知集合{}42==x x A ,{}x x x B 22==,则=B A 【 】 (A ){}2,0 (B )2 (C ){}2,0,2- (D ){}2,2- 2. 下列集合表示同一集合的是【 】 (A )(){}(){}2,3,3,2==N M (B ){}{}2,3,3,2==N M (C )(){}1,+==x y y x M ,{}1+==x y y N (D ){}12+==x y M ,{}12+==x y y N 3. 已知全集{}91≤<-∈=x N x U ,集合{}4,3,1,0=A ,{}A x x y y B ∈==,2,则(C U A ) (C U B )=【 】 (A ){}7,5 (B ){}9,7 (C ){}9,7,5 (D ){}9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 4. 已知集合{}2<=x x A ,{}023>-=x x B ,则【 】 (A )???? ??<=23x x B A (B )?=B A (C )? ?????<=23x x B A (D )=B A R 5. 下列关系中正确的个数是【 】 ①0=?; ②{}0=?; ③{}?=?; ④?∈0; ⑤{}00∈; ⑥{}?∈?; ⑦{}0??; ⑧{}?≠??.

(A )3 (B )4 (C )5 (D )6 6. 已知集合{}2,2a M =,{}a P 2,2--=,若P M 有三个元素,则实数a 的取值集合为【 】 (A ){}0,1- (B ){}0,1,2-- (C ){}1,0,1- (D ){}0,2- 7. 已知集合{}Z k k x x A ∈==,2,{}Z m m x x B ∈+==,12,{}Z n n x x C ∈+==,14,若A a ∈,B b ∈,则必有【 】 (A )A b a ∈+ (B )B b a ∈+ (C )C b a ∈+ (D )b a +不属于集合A 、B 、C 中的任何一个 8. 已知集合{}32<<-=x x A ,{}9+<<=m x m x B .若?≠B A ,则实数m 的取值范围是 【 】 (A ){}3-a (D )a ≥4- 11. 已知{} 012=++=px x x A ,{}0>=x x M ,若?=M A ,则实数p 的取值范围为【 】 (A ){}2-

p p (C ){}22≤<-p p (D ){}2>p p 12. 若用()A C 表示非空集合A 中元素的个数,定义()()()()()()()() ???<-≥-=*B C A C A C B C B C A C B C A C B A ,,,已知{}2,1=A ,()(){} 0222=+++=ax x ax x x B ,且1=*B A ,设实数a 的所有可能取值构成集合S ,则()=S C 【 】 (A )4 (B )3 (C )2 (D )1


人教版三年级下册英语Unit3_单元测试卷听力部分 一、听录音.选出你所听到的单词或汉语意思。 ( ) 1. A. 长的 B. 短的;矮的 B. 小的矮的( ) 2. A. B. 老虎( ) 3. A. 长颈鹿 B. 大的( ) 4. A. 高的 B. ( ) 5. A. 瘦的胖的;肥的 二、听录音.选出你所听到的单词。B. UK ( ) 1. A. USA B. small ( ) 2. A. snake B. big ( ) 3. A. bag B. chair ( ) 4. A. pear B. tail ( ) 5. A. tall 三、听录音.选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。 B. ( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A.

B. ( ) 3. A. 1 / 4 B. ( ) 4. A. ( ) 5. A. B. 四、听录音.选出你所听到的句子的正确答语。re cats. 's a cat. 'B. They( ) 1. A. ItB. It has a long nose. s so tall! ( ) 2. A. It'B. Yes, I am. '( ) 3. A. Its big. B. I like monkeys. 's short. ( ) 4. A. It笔试部分一、选出下列单词的对应词。A. thin (1) tall B. short (2) fat C. big (3) short D. long (4) small 二、选一选。( ) 1. An elephant has big ________. C. ear A. eye B. ears ( ) 2. A duck has ________ legs. C. six A. two B. four ( ) 3. Dad, you ________ tall and I ________ short. C. am; am A. are; are B. are; am ). 滑稽的( ) 4. Look ________ the monkey. It is so funny (C. in A. so B. at


3A Unit3 My friends Period1 Story time&Fun time 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说goodbye, my friend, he’s, she’s。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Goodbye,… He’s/She’s… He’s/She’s my friend。 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 教学重难点: 1. 能理解Goodbye,…这一交际用语的含义并知道如何在生活中运用。 - 2. 能在情境中初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与他人告别,能根据性别的不同,用 He’s/She’s…来介绍自己的朋友。 教学过程: Step1 Warm up & Lead-in T:Good morning/afternoon, class. Ss:Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhou. T:Good… /Hi /Hello, xxx S1, 2, 3, 4:Hi/Hello... 2. Lead-in :Let’s say a rhyme.‘Are you Mike’. Ok 《 Ss say the rhyme together :Mike is my friend. (拿出Mike的图片) Teach:friend-----my friend friends-----my friends Step2 Presentation 1. T: I have many friends. Can you guess who they are (拿出图片) Let’s guess a. T:Who is she Ss:She’s Su Hai. Teach:she’s =she is 】 Ss read one by one b. T:Who is she Ss:She’s Yang Ling.


新课标数学必修1第一章集合与函数概念测试题 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确答案的代 号填在题后的括号内(每小题5分,共50分)。 1.用描述法表示一元二次方程的全体,应是 ( ) A .{x |ax 2+bx +c =0,a ,b ,c ∈R } B .{x |ax 2+bx +c =0,a ,b ,c ∈R ,且a ≠0} C .{ax 2+bx +c =0|a ,b ,c ∈R } D .{ax 2+bx +c =0|a ,b ,c ∈R ,且a ≠0} 2.图中阴影部分所表示的集合是( ) A.B ∩[C U (A ∪C)] B.(A ∪B) ∪(B ∪C) C.(A ∪C)∩(C U B) D.[C U (A ∩C)]∪B 3.设集合P={立方后等于自身的数},那么集合P 的真子集个数是 ( ) A .3 B .4 C .7 D .8 4.设P={质数},Q={偶数},则P ∩Q 等于 ( ) A . B .2 C .{2} D .N 5.设函数x y 111+=的定义域为M ,值域为N ,那么 ( ) A .M={x |x ≠0},N={y |y ≠0} B .M={x |x <0且x ≠-1,或x >0},N={y |y <0,或0<y <1,或y >1} C .M={x |x ≠0},N={y |y ∈R } D .M={x |x <-1,或-1<x <0,或x >0=,N={y |y ≠0} 6.已知A 、B 两地相距150千米,某人开汽车以60千米/小时的速度从A 地到达B 地,在B 地停留1小时后再以50千米/小时的速度返回A 地,把汽车离开A 地的距离x 表示为时间t (小时)的函数表达式是 ( ) A .x =60t B .x =60t +50t C .x =???>-≤≤)5.3(,50150)5.20(,60t t t t D .x =?????≤<--≤<≤≤)5.65.3(),5.3(50150)5.35.2(,150) 5.20(,60t t t t t 7.已知g (x )=1-2x,f [g (x )]=)0(122≠-x x x ,则f (21)等于 ( ) A .1 B .3 C .15 D .30 8.函数y=x x ++-1912是( )


Unit3 单元测试卷 听力部分 一、听音,将下列图片按A-E排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,选择你所听到的选项。 ( ) 1. A. cool B. cold C. cloudy ( ) 2. A. snowy B. sunny C. windy ( ) 3. A. warm B. weather C. wear ( ) 4. A. weather report B. world weather C. play football ( ) 5. A. kite B. swim C. fly 三、听音,给句子选择合适的答语,按A-E排序。 ( ) Yes, it is. ( ) It’s rainy in Beijing. ( ) It’s sunny today. ( ) Yes. Here you are. ( ) OK. 四、听音,打钩。 read book watch TV fly kites play football make a snowman sunny rainy

笔试部分 一、选出不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. cold B. cool C. outside ( ) 2. A. sunny B. world C. windy ( ) 3. A. weather B. warm C. hot ( ) 4. A. London B. cloudy C. Moscow ( ) 5. A. snowy B. rainy C. love 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. It’s cool and ________ (rain) in Beijing. 2. Can you fly ________ (you) kite? 3. Be ________ (care)! It’s very hot. 4. What’s the weather ________ (like) in Sydney? 5. It’s ________ (snow) outside now. 三、火眼金睛,选一选。 ( ) 1. It ________ hot. A. are B. am C. is ( ) 2. Here is the ________ report. A. sunny B. windy C. weather ( ) 3. ---Can you fly a kite? ---________ A. Yes, you can. B. No, you can’t. C. No, I can’t. ( ) 4. ---Is it cold in Beijing? ---________ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does. C. No, t hey aren’t. ( ) 5. What’s the weather like ________ Beijing? A. at B. in C. on


PEP四年级上册Unit3 My friends Part B Let's talk 兴安第一小学 周淑美

PEP四年级上册Unit3 My friends Part B Let's talk 一、教学目标: 知识目标:(1)能听、说、认读本课时的主要的单词:glasses和shoes。 并 (2)能听懂、会说“He’s....He has ... and his shoes are ...” 能在实际情景中运用。 能力目标:能综合运用所学语言进行交流,向别人介绍自己的朋友及 其特征。 情感目标:通过本课的学习使学生乐于听、说英语,乐于模仿,积极 参与,培养学生的合作精神,学会珍惜朋友之间的友情。 二、教学重难点 (1)重点:能够在实际生活中,结合一定的语言情景描述朋友的特 征能够在情景中恰当运用句型He has…and his…描述外貌特征;能够 在语境中理解新词or ,right ,glasses, shoe 的意思,并能正确发音。 (2)难点:glasses 和shoes 的末尾-es 和-s 的发音需要重点关注。 三、教学过程: Step1.Warm-up(热身复习) (1)Greeting with Ss. 为学生创造听说英语的氛围。 (听听唱唱): (2)Let’s chant Tim is my friend. He’s a good good boy... 【设计意图】通过听听、做做、说说,为学生营造了良好的英语学习

氛围,激发学生英语学习的兴趣。同时,不仅复习已学过的知识,而 且为新知识的学习作了铺垫。) Step2. Presentation(新知呈现) (1)A guessing game:boy or girl...让学生在复习旧知的同时,理解新词or,体会Yes, you are right.句子的含义。寓教于乐。 (2)Game2:“说名字”通过PPT上出现的一系列图片询问他人姓名并回答,最后引出新知:He has glasses. 【设计意图】选取贴近学生生活的图片,新颖,学生感兴趣。 (3)整体感知句子He has glasses.由句到词,再将词句子结合进行操练。glasses的教学,通过拆音训练、学生领读等进行操练。 【设计意图】通过整体感知,让学生初步理解句子的意思,每教授一 个新单词,让学生们在不同的句子中操练,运用了英语教学中“词不离句,句中学词。”的教学手段,目的是为了拓展学生的英语表达能力。通过朗朗上口的小chant操练句子,学生容易记牢。 (4)His shoes are blue.的教学:出示大熊的图片,让学生观察她的外貌特征,有学生可以介绍出:“He h as glasses。”这时教师就可以说 ,让学生介绍。再学习单词“What colour are his shoes? His shoes are...” shoes。学生看图练习,再进行小组内描述。 【设计意图】整体感知,扎实操练,再通过小组合作,进行二次反馈。 talk. 听三遍,设计2个梯度问题。 (5)Listen to Let’s 【设计意图】首先设计两个梯度问题,目的让学生能更好的理解对话,学会抓住重点,然后通过小组合作让学生解决有难度的问题。突出本


Unit 3 My friends 第一课时: 教学目标: 1.能听懂会说My friend is strong. He has short hair.... 2.会用long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet等词简要描述一个人的模样和特征。 3.能听、说、认读单词和词组:friends, long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet 教学重点: 1.句型:Who's he/she? Who's your best friend? 2.词汇:hair, thin, strong, quiet 教学难点: 1.发音:friends, thin 2.名词复数的使用 教具准备: 1.Amy, ChenJie, Sarah, Mr Black的面具或头饰 2.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 3,Let's learn/A] 3.教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程: (一) 热身\复习(Warm up\Revision) 1. Sing a song :The More We Get Together 2. 复习单词long short tall big small,并说出汉语意思.

(二) 呈现新课(Presentation): 1. 教师出示ChenJie的面具,问:Who is she? 学生回答:ChenJie。教师说:She has long hair. 2. 边说一边做动作帮助学生理解).并写板书:long hair 教师出示John的图片,问:Who is he ?学生回答: John.教师说:”She has short hair. 并写板书:short hair. 用相同方法学习,并用课件展示单 词:friends strong thin 教师导入课文对话:John has a friend.你能根据他的描述猜出这个人是谁吗?让学生观看课件[Unit 3 Let's learn/A]教师问:Who is he ?(板书) 听录音带,跟读对话。[Unit 3 Let's learn/A] 让学生模仿课文对话来描述黑板上所贴出的人物,让大家猜。 3. 讲解“Who’s your best friend?”展示课件. (三) 练习(Practice) 1. 看图片,完成下列句子. 2. 猜一猜.Who is he\she? (四) 作业:(Homework) 为爸爸妈妈画像 在纸上画出自己的爸爸或妈妈,然后看着画像,由自己来描述爸爸或妈妈的模样。看看谁画的画像与自己的描述是一致的。 第二课时: 教学目标:

《好题》小学数学三年级上册第九单元《数学广角——集合》 单元测试卷(包含答案解析)(6)

《好题》小学数学三年级上册第九单元《数学广角——集合》单元测试卷 (包含答案解析)(6) 一、选择题 1.三年级有108个小朋友去春游,带矿泉水的有65人,带水果的有63人,每人至少带一种,既带矿泉水又带水果的有()人。 A. 19 B. 20 C. 21 D. 22 2.二一班去动物园的有40人,其中参观熊猫馆的有30人,参观大象馆的有25人,两个馆都参观的有()人. A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 3.三(1)班每人至少订一种课外读物,订《漫画大王》的有25人,订《快乐作文》的有29人,有14人两种刊物都订。三(1)班共有()人。 A. 40 B. 54 C. 68 4.三(2)班同学们订报纸,订语文报纸的有30人,订数学报纸的有26人,两种报纸都订的有8人。订报纸的一共有()人。 A. 56 B. 48 C. 40 5.有101个同学带着矿泉水和水果去春游,每人至少带矿泉水或水果中的一种。带矿泉水的有78人,带水果的有71人。既带矿泉水又带水果的有()人。 A. 48 B. 95 C. 7 6.学校乐队招收了43名新学员,他们或者会拉小提琴,或者会弹电子琴,或者两种乐器都会演奏。据统计,会拉小提琴的有25名,会弹电子琴的有22名。那么,两种乐器都会演奏的有()名。 A. 7 B. 4 C. 3 7.同学们去果园摘水果的情况如图,()的说法是正确的。 A. 摘火龙果的有32人 B. 一共有112人摘水果 C. 只摘蜜橘的有60人 D. 两种水果都摘的有20人 8.观察下图,可知商店两天一共进了()种文具. A. 8 B. 9 C. 12 9.某科研单位的所有人员至少懂一门外语.经统计,懂英语的人占全所人员的80%,懂


Unit3 Weather单元测试卷 一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。(5分) ( )1. car card ( )2. hot cold ( )3. tall ball ( )4. bird girl ( )5. warm arm 二、按要求完成下列各题。(5分) 1. hot (对应词)____________ 2. can not (缩写形式)____________ 3. sun (形容词)____________ 4. cool (对应词)____________ 5. snow (形容词)____________ 三、选词填空。(10分) 1. __________ I have some soup? 2. It’s _________. You can’t go outside. 3. Be___________! 4. It’s sunny. Can you_______ a kite with me? 5. —What’s the_________ like today?—It’s warm. 四、单项选择。(14分) ( )1. —________ the weather_________? —I t’s snowy. A. What; like B. What’s; like C. How; like ( )2. It’s warm________ sunny today. A. or B. / C. and ( )3. Is it cool ________Kunming? A. in B. at C. on ( )4. Here _______ the weather report. A. at B. are C. is ( )5. Can I go home? —___________ A. Yes, you can’t. B. No, you can’t. C. No, you can. ()6、It______ hot? A.is B.am C.are ()7、What’s the matter you? A. for B. to C. with ()8、Where are my _________? A. shoes B. they C. those ()9、It’s 10:00. I ________ go to bed. A. must B. have to C. have ()10、This is the ________ report. A. P.E. B. weather C. music ()11、________ about New York? A. What’s B. How C. Where ()12、What is the weather like _________Beijing. A. on B. at C. in ()13、Can I wear my skirt today ? A. Yes,you can. B. No,it isn’t . C. Put on you skirt. ()14、Is it hot today? A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 六、按要求完成下列句子。(30分) 1. is, this, report, weather, the, (.) (连词成句) 2. Can you swim outside? (作肯定回答)


Unit 3 My friends教材分析 一、教材内容 1、本单元教材以“My friends”为主题,让学生学会向别人介绍自己朋友的姓名。 2、词汇:虽然本单元教材中还没有出现主题词汇,但是friend一词是重点掌握内容。 3、句型:学会准确使用He’s/ She’s … He’s/She’s my friend.来介绍不同性别的朋友。初步感 知句型This is … She’s my sister. 4、日常交际用语:学会道别用语Goodbye. 5、字母:继续学习认读及书写字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk。 6、认识新人物Bobby的姐姐(妹妹)Tina。 二、学情分析 1、Goodbye.已经在第二单元的Cartoon time中出现,这一日常用语也是学生们不学习也耳熟能详的。但是发音的准确性不够,尤其是单词中的爆破音读音技巧需要指导。在英语中除了用goodbye,它是比较正式的用语,用于对陌生或年长的人说。还可以拓展用于年轻人、小孩之间的随便一些的bye-bye和bye。在song time板块中出现了See you next time. 因此,建议老师补充口语化的表达See you.帮助学生比较系统地掌握比较简单的道别用语。 2、句型She’s …She’s my friend. He’s … He’s my friend, too.是陈述句式,在句型教学时,我们应避免枯燥的机械模仿训练,尽量设计交际性活动,激起学生的交际意向,让他们积极参与课堂互动,使语言呈现出较强的交际性。因此,我建议教学时增加问句Who’s she? Who’s he? 3、学生在前两个单元已经学习了Good morning. Good afternoon. Hello. Hi.等问候语,也学习了自我介绍的句子I’m …。因此,教师可以引导学生在介绍自己的朋友时把这些内容有机滚入,通过新旧知识的有机整合,形成小语段Good morning./ Good afternoon. / Hello. / Hi. I’m …She’s …She’s my friend. He’s … He’s my friend, too.适度加强对学生语言表达的纵向和横向的拓展。


Unit3 Weather 一、从下列每组词汇中选出不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. rainy B. snowy C. swim D. windy ( )2. A. warm B. today C. hot D. cool ( )3. A. weather B. sunny C. cloudy D. snowy ( )4. A. London B. Beijing C. world D. New York 二、从下列每组单词中,选出一个画线部分的发音不同于其他三个的单词。( )1. A. farm B. warm C. car D. arm ( )2. A. tall B. ball C. far D. wall ( )3. A. bird B. first C. girl D. forty ( )4. A. cloudy B. outside C. soup D. about ( )5. A. music B. sunny C. lunch D. mum 三、按要求完成下列各题。(5分) 1. hot(对应词)____________ 2. cannot(缩写形式)____________ 3. sun (形容词)____________ 4. cool (对应词)____________ (形容词)____________ 1.__________ I have some soup 2. It’s _________. You can’t go outside. 3. Be___________! 4. It’s sunny. Can you_______ a kite with me 5. —What’s the_________ like today —It’s warm. 五、单项选择 ( )1. It’s warm ________ Hangzhou. A. up B. in C. of ( )2. I like watching the ________. A. a report B. report weather C. weather report ( )3. ________ some soup, Amy. A. To eat B. Have C. For


义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册教案Unit3 My friends 第一教时 教学内容:Story time, Fun time 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读句型She’s…She’s my friend. He’s… He’s my friend. Goodbye.并能用这些语句介绍自己的朋友;与人道别。 2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇my,friend, she, she’s=she is,he, he’s=he is. 教学重点 1. 日常用语与句型:He’s/ She’s…和Goodbye. 2. 词汇my, friend,she, he, is 教学难点 词汇:she, she’s=she is, he, he’s=he is以及friend的读音和用法 教学准备 1. 多媒体、挂图教师自己朋友的照片 2. 学生准备 每人准备一张卡片,在卡片上画上可爱的相框,可以适当地画些小花小草;准备几张好朋友的照片。 教学过程: A. Warming up 1. Greetings T: Good morning/ Good afternoon, class. S: Good morning./ Good afternoon, Miss/ Mr… 2. Sing a song Good morning 3. Say a rhme Are you Mike? B. Presentation and practice 1.教师与学生互动。 T: Hello, class. S: Hello, Miss/ Mr… T: Are you S1? S1: Yes, Miss/ Mr… I’m S1. T: Good morning, S1. S1: Good morning, Miss/ Mr…. T:(对全班同学指着S1)Who is she/ he? 引导学生用She’s…/ He’s…回答。 Ss: She’s…/ he… …. …. …. 2. 出示挂图展示本书主要人物。教师用Who is she?/ who is he? 问,引导学生用She’s/ He’s…来回答。 T: Look, Who is she? S: She’s Yang Ling. T: Who is he? S: He’s Liu Tao. … … 3. 教师出示自己朋友的照片作介绍。


集合单元测试卷 重点:集合的概念及其表示法;理解集合间的包含与相等的含义;交集与并集,全集与补集的理解。 难点:选择恰当的方法表示简单的集合;理解空集的含义;理解交集与并集的概念及其区别联系。 基础知识: 一、理解集合中的有关概念 (1)集合中元素的特征:_________,__________,__________. 集合元素的互异性:如:下列经典例题中例2 (2)常用数集的符号表示:自然数集_______;正整数集______、______;整数集_____; 有理数集_______;实数集_________。 (3)集合的表示法:_________,__________,__________,_________。 注意:区分集合中元素的形式及意义:如: }12|{2++==x x y x A ;}12|{2++==x x y y B }12|),{(2++==x x y y x C ; }12|{2++==x x x x D ;},,12|),{(2Z y Z x x x y y x E ∈∈++==; (4)空集是指不含任何元素的集合。(}0{、φ和}{φ的区别;0与三者间的关系) 空集是任何集合的子集,是任何非空集合的真子集。 注意:条件为B A ?,在讨论的时候不要遗忘了φ=A 的情况。 二、集合间的关系及其运算 (1)元素与集合之间关系用符号“___________”来表示。 集合与集合之间关系用符号“___________”来表示。 (2)交集}{________________B A =?;并集}{________________B A =?; 补集_}__________{_________=A C U (3)对于任意集合B A ,,则: ①A B ____ B A ??;A B ____ B A ??;B A ____ B A ?? ②U A C A ?=,U A C A ?=,()U C C A =. ③()()________________B C A C U U =?;()()________________B C A C U U =?


三年级英语科第三单元测试卷 全卷满分100分,测试时间50分钟 听力部分(40分) 一、选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1. A. what B. bye C. bird ()2. A. this B. tiger C. desk ()3. A. ruler B. rabbit C. chair ()4. A.no B. dog C. not ()5. A. book B. goodbye C. good 二、根据所听单词,判断下列图片的正(T)误(F)。(10 分) 三、判断所听句子与所给句子是否相同,相同的画“”,不同的画“”。(10分) 1、What’s this? ( ) 2、It’s a bird. ( ) 3、Is this a dog? ( )

4、Yes, it is. ( ) 5、very good, Gogo. ( ) 四、听问句,选答语。(10分) ()1. A. His name is Boomer. B. It is a dog. ()2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. ()3. A. It’s a cat B. They are cats. ()4. A. Yes, it isn’t. B. No, it isn’t. ()5. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it’s. 笔试部分(60分) 一、将图片相相应单词用线连起来。(5分) A.elephant B. bird C. tiger D. rabbit E. monkey 二、字母与词汇。(5分) A)在四线三格中写出下列字母的大写或小写。(3分)


Unit 3 My Friends 第一课时 Subject name: Unit 3 My Friends (the first period) Teaching aims: Ⅰ.Knowledge aims: 1.Students can listen, read and understand these new words: friend, long/short hair, strong, thin. 2.Students can master the new sentences: My friend is..., He/She is..., He/She has.... Ⅱ.Ability aims: Students can use these new words and sentences to describe their friends correctly. Ⅲ.Affection aims: Students can care more about their friends and cherish their friendship. Teaching key point: The mastery of new words and sentences. Teaching difficulties: Ⅰ.The pronunciation of new words, especially "thin","friends". Ⅱ.To help students understand and use what we learned correctly with the help of some pictures, body language and games. Teaching aids:multimedia computer, PPT, pictures. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming up: 1.Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls.


高一数学集合测试题 总分150分 第一卷 一、选择题(共10题,每题5分) 1.下列集合的表示法正确的是( ) A .实数集可表示为R ; B .第二、四象限内的点集可表示为{} (,)0,,x y xy x R y R ≤∈∈; C .集合{}1,2,2,5,7; D .不等式14x -<的解集为{}5x < 2.对于{,(3)0,(4)0,x x Q N ≤∈??其中正确的个数是( ) A . 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 3.集合{},,a b c 的子集共有 ( ) A .5个 B .6个 C .7个 D.8个 4.设集合{}{}1,2,3,4,|2P Q x x ==≤,则P Q =( ) A .{}1,2 B .{}3,4 C .{}1 D .{}2,1,0,1,2-- 5.下列五个写法:①{}{}00,1,2;∈②{}0;??③{}{}0,1,21,2,0;? ④0;∈?⑤0??.=?其中错误..写法的个数为 ( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 6.已知全集{}{}|09,|1U x x A x x a =<<=<<,若非空集合A U ?,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .{}|9a a < B .{}|9a a ≤ C .{}|19a a << D .{}|19a a <≤ 7.已知全集{}{}1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,3,4,5U A ==,{}1,3,6B =,则集合{}2,7,8C =是( ) A .A B B .A B C .()()U U C A C B D .()()U U C A C B 8.设集合(]{} 2,,|1,M m P y y x x R =-∞==-∈,若M P =?,则实数m 的取值范围是 ( ) A .1m ≥- B .1m >- C .1m ≤- D .1m <- 9.定义A-B={} ,,x x A x B ∈?且若A={}1,2,4,6,8,10,B={}1,4,8,则A-B= ( ) A.{}4,8 B.{}1,2,6,10 C.{}1 D.{}2,6,10 10.集合{}{} 2 2 ,1,1,21,2,34,A a a B a a a =+-=--+{}1,A B ?=-则a 的值是( ) A .1- B .0或1 C .0 D . 2


大学英语综合教程3单元检测题 Unit 3 Security 试卷满分:100分考试时间:60分钟 Class:______________ Number:_____________ Name:____________ Score:___________ I. Compound Dictation(2x10) Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Planning for Safer Buildings Experts are beginning to study ways to(1)__________ large buildings against(2)__________attacks. They are reacting to the attacks that(3)__________the World Trade Center buildings in New York September eleventh. The American Institute of Steel Construction has created a working group of experts to (4)___________ the reasons the buildings fell. The A-I-S-C is the organization(5)___________ developing the rules for the design of(6)___________ buildings in the United States. (7)___________developed by the working group will help A-I-S-C decide if the design rules should be changed. The south World Trade Center building fell fifty-six minutes after a (8)___________ plane crashed into it. The north building fell about one hundred minutes after a (9) ___________ . Each building was four hundred ten meters tall. Experts say the buildings could not(10)___________the extremely hot fires caused by the airplane fuel. II. Translate the phrase into English(2x20) 1.(门)关着但没上锁 2. 带钥匙 3.(暂时)关闭 4.巡逻严密的城区街道 5. 据称很宁静的地区 6. …的时代结束了 7.电子报警系统8. 连接到 9.内置,嵌入10. 处于监控下 11.设置路障12. 保安 13.不让靠近14. 电子搜查器 15.看都不看一眼16. 代表;表示,象征 17.沉浸于,沐浴于18. 误差率很小/大 19. 在人类文明的历史上20. 聪明反被聪明误 III. Cloze(2x10) Complete the passage with words from the box. hooked determined exposing barrier common switched sophisticated latch discourage both It is almost impossible to keep a (1)__________ burglar out. All you can do is (2)__________him for a few minutes, thus(3)__________him to police patrols or those wandering around. (4)___________ sense tells us that lighting is a (5)___________to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and (6)___________ on at night.Make sure yourself that you don’t leave the door on the (7)___________if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a (8)___________electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on (9) ___________ windows and doors. In addition you may have it (10)___________up to a police station. IV Reading(2x10) 1

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