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阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm

安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety 安全载荷 safe load

凹面、凹度 concavity

扳手 wrench

板簧 flat leaf spring

半圆键 woodruff key

变形 deformation

摆杆 oscillating bar

摆动从动件 oscillating follower

摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower

摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism

摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear

摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile

摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion

摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel

包角 angle of contact

保持架 cage

背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement 背锥 back cone ;normal cone

背锥角 back angle

背锥距 back cone distance

比例尺 scale

比热容 specific heat capacity

闭式链 closed kinematic chain

闭链机构 closed chain mechanism

臂部 arm

变频器 frequency converters

变频调速 frequency control of motor speed

变速 speed change

变速齿轮 change gear ; change wheel 变位齿轮 modified gear

变位系数 modification coefficient

标准齿轮 standard gear

标准直齿轮 standard spur gear

表面质量系数 superficial mass factor 表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer

表面粗糙度 surface roughness

并联式组合 combination in parallel 并联机构 parallel mechanism

并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism

并行工程 concurrent engineering

并行设计 concurred design, CD

不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance 不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance)

不平衡量 amount of unbalance

不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing 波发生器 wave generator

波数 number of waves

补偿 compensation

参数化设计 parameterization design, PD

残余应力 residual stress

操纵及控制装置 operation control device

槽轮 Geneva wheel

槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross

槽数 Geneva numerate

槽凸轮 groove cam

侧隙 backlash

差动轮系 differential gear train

差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism

差速器 differential

常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use

车床 lathe

承载量系数 bearing capacity factor

承载能力 bearing capacity

成对安装 paired mounting

尺寸系列 dimension series

齿槽 tooth space

齿槽宽 spacewidth

齿侧间隙 backlash

齿顶高 addendum

齿顶圆 addendum circle

齿根高 dedendum

齿根圆 dedendum circle

齿厚 tooth thickness

齿距 circular pitch

齿宽 face width

齿廓 tooth profile

齿廓曲线 tooth curve

齿轮 gear

齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes

齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack

齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter

齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter

齿轮机构 gear

齿轮轮坯 blank

齿轮传动系 pinion unit

齿轮联轴器 gear coupling

齿条传动 rack gear

齿数 tooth number

齿数比 gear ratio

齿条 rack

齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter

齿形链、无声链 silent chain

齿形系数 form factor

齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism

插齿机 gear shaper

重合点 coincident points

重合度 contact ratio

冲床 punch

传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio 传动装置 gearing; transmission gear

传动系统 driven system

传动角 transmission angle

传动轴 transmission shaft

串联式组合 combination in series

串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism

串级调速 cascade speed control

创新 innovation ; creation

创新设计 creation design

垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load

唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal

磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing

从动带轮 driven pulley 从动件 driven link, follower

从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face

从动件停歇 follower dwell

从动件运动规律 follower motion

从动轮 driven gear

粗线 bold line

粗牙螺纹 coarse thread

大齿轮 gear wheel

打包机 packer

打滑 slipping

带传动 belt driving

带轮 belt pulley

带式制动器 band brake

单列轴承 single row bearing

单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing

单万向联轴节 single universal joint

单位矢量 unit vector

当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear

当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth

当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction

当量载荷 equivalent load

刀具 cutter

导数 derivative

倒角 chamfer

导热性 conduction of heat

导程 lead

导程角 lead angle

等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion

等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion

等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam

等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam

等效构件 equivalent link

等效力 equivalent force

等效力矩 equivalent moment of force 等效量 equivalent

等效质量 equivalent mass

等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia

等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model

底座 chassis

低副 lower pair

点划线 chain dotted line

(疲劳)点蚀 pitting

垫圈 gasket

垫片密封 gasket seal

碟形弹簧 belleville spring

顶隙 bottom clearance

定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes

动力学 dynamics

动密封 kinematical seal

动能 dynamic energy

动力粘度 dynamic viscosity

动力润滑 dynamic lubrication

动平衡 dynamic balance

动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine 动态特性 dynamic characteristics

动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design

动压力 dynamic reaction

动载荷 dynamic load

端面 transverse plane

端面参数 transverse parameters

端面齿距 transverse circular pitch

端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile

端面重合度 transverse contact ratio

端面模数 transverse module

端面压力角 transverse pressure angle 锻造 forge

对称循环应力 symmetry circulating stress

对心滚子从动件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower

对心直动从动件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower

对心移动从动件 radial reciprocating follower

对心曲柄滑块机构 in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism

多列轴承 multi-row bearing

多楔带 poly V-belt

多项式运动规律 polynomial motion 多质量转子 rotor with several masses 惰轮 idle gear

额定寿命 rating life

额定载荷 load rating

II 级杆组 dyad

发生线 generating line

发生面 generating plane

法面 normal plane

法面参数 normal parameters

法面齿距 normal circular pitch

法面模数 normal module

法面压力角 normal pressure angle

法向齿距 normal pitch

法向齿廓 normal tooth profile

法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm

法向力 normal force

反馈式组合 feedback combining

反向运动学 inverse ( or backward) kinematics

反转法 kinematic inversion

反正切 Arctan

范成法 generating cutting

仿形法 form cutting

方案设计、概念设计 concept design, CD

防振装置 shockproof device

飞轮 flywheel

飞轮矩 moment of flywheel

非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear

非接触式密封 non-contact seal

非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation

非圆齿轮 non-circular gear

粉末合金 powder metallurgy

分度线 reference line; standard pitch line

分度圆 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle

分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder

分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder

分母 denominator

分子 numerator

分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone

分析法 analytical method

封闭差动轮系 planetary differential

复合铰链 compound hinge

复合式组合 compound combining

复合轮系 compound (or combined) gear train

复合平带 compound flat belt

复合应力 combined stress

复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism

复杂机构 complex mechanism

杆组 Assur group

干涉 interference

刚度系数 stiffness coefficient

刚轮 rigid circular spline

钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft

刚体导引机构 body guidance mechanism

刚性冲击 rigid impulse (shock)

刚性转子 rigid rotor

刚性轴承 rigid bearing

刚性联轴器 rigid coupling

高度系列 height series

高速带 high speed belt

高副 higher pair

格拉晓夫定理 Grashoff`s law

根切 undercutting

公称直径 nominal diameter

高度系列 height series

功 work

工况系数 application factor

工艺设计 technological design

工作循环图 working cycle diagram

工作机构 operation mechanism

工作载荷 external loads 工作空间 working space

工作应力 working stress

工作阻力 effective resistance

工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment

公法线 common normal line

公共约束 general constraint

公制齿轮 metric gears

功率 power

功能分析设计 function analyses design

共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles

共轭凸轮 conjugate cam

构件 link

鼓风机 blower

固定构件 fixed link; frame

固体润滑剂 solid lubricant

关节型操作器 jointed manipulator

惯性力 inertia force

惯性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment

惯性力平衡 balance of shaking force 惯性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force

惯性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force

惯性主矩 resultant moment of inertia 惯性主失 resultant vector of inertia

冠轮 crown gear

广义机构 generation mechanism

广义坐标 generalized coordinate

轨迹生成 path generation

轨迹发生器 path generator

滚刀 hob

滚道 raceway

滚动体 rolling element

滚动轴承 rolling bearing

滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code

滚针 needle roller

滚针轴承 needle roller bearing

滚子 roller

滚子轴承 roller bearing

滚子半径 radius of roller

滚子从动件 roller follower

滚子链 roller chain

滚子链联轴器 double roller chain coupling

滚珠丝杆 ball screw

滚柱式单向超越离合器 roller clutch 过度切割 undercutting

函数发生器 function generator

函数生成 function generation

含油轴承 oil bearing

耗油量 oil consumption

耗油量系数 oil consumption factor

赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation

合成弯矩 resultant bending moment

合力 resultant force

合力矩 resultant moment of force

黑箱 black box

横坐标 abscissa

互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears

花键 spline

滑键、导键 feather key

滑动轴承 sliding bearing

滑动率 sliding ratio

滑块 slider

环面蜗杆 toroid helicoids worm

环形弹簧 annular spring

缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber

灰铸铁 grey cast iron

回程 return

回转体平衡 balance of rotors

混合轮系 compound gear train

积分 integrate

机电一体化系统设计 mechanical-electrical integration system design

机构 mechanism

机构分析 analysis of mechanism

机构平衡 balance of mechanism

机构学 mechanism

机构运动设计 kinematic design of mechanism

机构运动简图 kinematic sketch of mechanism

机构综合 synthesis of mechanism

机构组成 constitution of mechanism 机架 frame, fixed link

机架变换 kinematic inversion

机器 machine

机器人 robot

机器人操作器 manipulator

机器人学 robotics

技术过程 technique process

技术经济评价 technical and economic evaluation

技术系统 technique system

机械 machinery

机械创新设计 mechanical creation design, MCD

机械系统设计 mechanical system design, MSD

机械动力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery

机械动力设计 dynamic design of machinery

机械动力学 dynamics of machinery

机械的现代设计 modern machine design

机械系统 mechanical system

机械利益 mechanical advantage

机械平衡 balance of machinery

机械手 manipulator

机械设计 machine design; mechanical design

机械特性 mechanical behavior

机械调速 mechanical speed governors 机械效率 mechanical efficiency

机械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms

机械运转不均匀系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation

机械无级变速 mechanical stepless speed changes

基础机构 fundamental mechanism

基本额定寿命 basic rating life

基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD

基圆 base circle

基圆半径 radius of base circle

基圆齿距 base pitch

基圆压力角 pressure angle of base circle

基圆柱 base cylinder

基圆锥 base cone

急回机构 quick-return mechanism

急回特性 quick-return characteristics 急回系数 advance-to return-time ratio 急回运动 quick-return motion

棘轮 ratchet

棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism

棘爪 pawl

极限位置 extreme (or limiting) position

极位夹角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions

计算机辅助设计 computer aided design, CAD

计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM

计算机集成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS

计算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment

计算弯矩 calculated bending moment 加权系数 weighting efficient

加速度 acceleration

加速度分析 acceleration analysis

加速度曲线 acceleration diagram

尖点 pointing; cusp

尖底从动件 knife-edge follower

间隙 backlash

间歇运动机构 intermittent motion mechanism

减速比 reduction ratio

减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear 减速器 speed reducer

减摩性 anti-friction quality

渐开螺旋面 involute helicoid

渐开线 involute 渐开线齿廓 involute profile

渐开线齿轮 involute gear

渐开线发生线 generating line of involute

渐开线方程 involute equation

渐开线函数 involute function

渐开线蜗杆 involute worm

渐开线压力角 pressure angle of involute

渐开线花键 involute spline

简谐运动 simple harmonic motion

键 key

键槽 keyway

交变应力 repeated stress

交变载荷 repeated fluctuating load

交叉带传动 cross-belt drive

交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears

胶合 scoring

角加速度 angular acceleration

角速度 angular velocity

角速比 angular velocity ratio

角接触球轴承 angular contact ball bearing

角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing

角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing

角接触轴承 angular contact bearing

铰链、枢纽 hinge

校正平面 correcting plane

接触应力 contact stress

接触式密封 contact seal

阶梯轴 multi-diameter shaft

结构 structure

结构设计 structural design

截面 section

节点 pitch point

节距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth

节线 pitch line

节圆 pitch circle

节圆齿厚 thickness on pitch circle

节圆直径 pitch diameter

节圆锥 pitch cone

节圆锥角 pitch cone angle

解析设计 analytical design

紧边 tight-side

紧固件 fastener

径节 diametral pitch

径向 radial direction

径向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent radial load

径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load

径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating

径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating

径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing 径向平面 radial plane

径向游隙 radial internal clearance

径向载荷 radial load

径向载荷系数 radial load factor

径向间隙 clearance

静力 static force

静平衡 static balance

静载荷 static load

静密封 static seal

局部自由度 passive degree of freedom 矩阵 matrix

矩形螺纹 square threaded form

锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread form

矩形牙嵌式离合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch

绝对尺寸系数 absolute dimensional factor

绝对运动 absolute motion

绝对速度 absolute velocity

均衡装置 load balancing mechanism 抗压强度 compression strength

开口传动 open-belt drive

开式链 open kinematic chain

开链机构 open chain mechanism

可靠度 degree of reliability

可靠性 reliability

可靠性设计 reliability design, RD

空气弹簧 air spring 空间机构 spatial mechanism

空间连杆机构 spatial linkage

空间凸轮机构 spatial cam

空间运动副 spatial kinematic pair

空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain

空转 idle

宽度系列 width series

框图 block diagram

雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equation

离心力 centrifugal force

离心应力 centrifugal stress

离合器 clutch

离心密封 centrifugal seal

理论廓线 pitch curve

理论啮合线 theoretical line of action 隶属度 membership

力 force

力多边形 force polygon

力封闭型凸轮机构 force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism

力矩 moment

力平衡 equilibrium

力偶 couple

力偶矩 moment of couple

连杆 connecting rod, coupler

连杆机构 linkage

连杆曲线 coupler-curve

连心线 line of centers

链 chain

链传动装置 chain gearing

链轮 sprocket ; sprocket-wheel ; sprocket gear ; chain wheel

联组V 带 tight-up V belt

联轴器 coupling ; shaft coupling

两维凸轮 two-dimensional cam

临界转速 critical speed

六杆机构 six-bar linkage

龙门刨床 double Haas planer

轮坯 blank

轮系 gear train

螺杆 screw

螺距 thread pitch

螺母 screw nut

螺旋锥齿轮 helical bevel gear

螺钉 screws

螺栓 bolts

螺纹导程 lead

螺纹效率 screw efficiency

螺旋传动 power screw

螺旋密封 spiral seal

螺纹 thread (of a screw)

螺旋副 helical pair

螺旋机构 screw mechanism

螺旋角 helix angle

螺旋线 helix ,helical line

绿色设计 green design ; design for environment

马耳他机构 Geneva wheel ; Geneva gear

马耳他十字 Maltese cross

脉动无级变速 pulsating stepless speed changes

脉动循环应力 fluctuating circulating stress

脉动载荷 fluctuating load

铆钉 rivet

迷宫密封 labyrinth seal

密封 seal

密封带 seal belt

密封胶 seal gum

密封元件 potted component

密封装置 sealing arrangement

面对面安装 face-to-face arrangement 面向产品生命周期设计 design for product`s life cycle, DPLC

名义应力、公称应力 nominal stress 模块化设计 modular design, MD

模块式传动系统 modular system

模幅箱 morphology box

模糊集 fuzzy set

模糊评价 fuzzy evaluation

模数 module

摩擦 friction

摩擦角 friction angle

摩擦力 friction force

摩擦学设计 tribology design, TD 摩擦阻力 frictional resistance

摩擦力矩 friction moment

摩擦系数 coefficient of friction

摩擦圆 friction circle

磨损 abrasion ;wear; scratching

末端执行器 end-effector

目标函数 objective function

耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance

耐磨性 wear resistance

挠性机构 mechanism with flexible elements

挠性转子 flexible rotor

内齿轮 internal gear

内齿圈 ring gear

内力 internal force

内圈 inner ring

能量 energy

能量指示图 viscosity

逆时针 counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)

啮出 engaging-out

啮合 engagement, mesh, gearing

啮合点 contact points

啮合角 working pressure angle

啮合线 line of action

啮合线长度 length of line of action

啮入 engaging-in

牛头刨床 shaper

凝固点 freezing point; solidifying point

扭转应力 torsion stress

扭矩 moment of torque

扭簧 helical torsion spring

诺模图 Nomogram

O 形密封圈密封 O ring seal

盘形凸轮 disk cam

盘形转子 disk-like rotor

抛物线运动 parabolic motion

疲劳极限 fatigue limit

疲劳强度 fatigue strength

偏置式 offset

偏( 心) 距 offset distance

偏心率 eccentricity ratio

偏心质量 eccentric mass

偏距圆 offset circle

偏心盘 eccentric

偏置滚子从动件 offset roller follower 偏置尖底从动件 offset knife-edge follower

偏置曲柄滑块机构 offset slider-crank mechanism

拼接 matching

评价与决策 evaluation and decision

频率 frequency

平带 flat belt

平带传动 flat belt driving

平底从动件 flat-face follower

平底宽度 face width

平分线 bisector

平均应力 average stress

平均中径 mean screw diameter

平均速度 average velocity

平衡 balance

平衡机 balancing machine

平衡品质 balancing quality

平衡平面 correcting plane

平衡质量 balancing mass

平衡重 counterweight

平衡转速 balancing speed

平面副 planar pair, flat pair

平面机构 planar mechanism

平面运动副 planar kinematic pair

平面连杆机构 planar linkage

平面凸轮 planar cam

平面凸轮机构 planar cam mechanism 平面轴斜齿轮 parallel helical gears

普通平键 parallel key

其他常用机构 other mechanism in common use

起动阶段 starting period

启动力矩 starting torque

气动机构 pneumatic mechanism

奇异位置 singular position

起始啮合点 initial contact , beginning of contact

气体轴承 gas bearing 千斤顶 jack

嵌入键 sunk key

强迫振动 forced vibration

切齿深度 depth of cut

曲柄 crank

曲柄存在条件 Grashoff`s law

曲柄导杆机构 crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism

曲柄滑块机构 slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism

曲柄摇杆机构 crank-rocker mechanism

曲齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear

曲率 curvature

曲率半径 radius of curvature

曲面从动件 curved-shoe follower

曲线拼接 curve matching

曲线运动 curvilinear motion

曲轴 crank shaft

驱动力 driving force

驱动力矩 driving moment (torque)

全齿高 whole depth

权重集 weight sets

球 ball

球面滚子 convex roller

球轴承 ball bearing

球面副 spheric pair

球面渐开线 spherical involute

球面运动 spherical motion

球销副 sphere-pin pair

球坐标操作器 polar coordinate manipulator

燃点 spontaneous ignition

热平衡 heat balance; thermal equilibrium

人字齿轮 herringbone gear

冗余自由度 redundant degree of freedom

柔轮 flexspline

柔性冲击 flexible impulse; soft shock 柔性制造系统 flexible manufacturing system; FMS

柔性自动化 flexible automation

润滑油膜 lubricant film

润滑装置 lubrication device

润滑 lubrication

润滑剂 lubricant

三角形花键 serration spline

三角形螺纹 V thread screw

三维凸轮 three-dimensional cam

三心定理 Kennedy`s theorem

砂轮越程槽 grinding wheel groove

砂漏 hour-glass

少齿差行星传动 planetary drive with small teeth difference

设计方法学 design methodology

设计变量 design variable

设计约束 design constraints

深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing 生产阻力 productive resistance

升程 rise

升距 lift

实际廓线 cam profile

十字滑块联轴器 double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling

矢量 vector

输出功 output work

输出构件 output link

输出机构 output mechanism

输出力矩 output torque

输出轴 output shaft

输入构件 input link

数学模型 mathematic model

实际啮合线 actual line of action

双滑块机构 double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph

双曲柄机构 double crank mechanism 双曲面齿轮 hyperboloid gear

双头螺柱 studs

双万向联轴节 constant-velocity (or double) universal joint

双摇杆机构 double rocker mechanism 双转块机构 Oldham coupling

双列轴承 double row bearing

双向推力轴承 double-direction thrust bearing 松边 slack-side

顺时针 clockwise

瞬心 instantaneous center

死点 dead point

四杆机构 four-bar linkage

速度 velocity

速度不均匀( 波动) 系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation

速度波动 speed fluctuation

速度曲线 velocity diagram

速度瞬心 instantaneous center of velocity

塔轮 step pulley

踏板 pedal

台钳、虎钳 vice

太阳轮 sun gear

弹性滑动 elasticity sliding motion

弹性联轴器 elastic coupling ; flexible coupling

弹性套柱销联轴器 rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling

套筒 sleeve

梯形螺纹 acme thread form

特殊运动链 special kinematic chain

特性 characteristics

替代机构 equivalent mechanism

调节 modulation, regulation

调心滚子轴承 self-aligning roller bearing

调心球轴承 self-aligning ball bearing 调心轴承 self-aligning bearing

调速 speed governing

调速电动机 adjustable speed motors 调速系统 speed control system

调压调速 variable voltage control

调速器 regulator, governor

铁磁流体密封 ferrofluid seal

停车阶段 stopping phase

停歇 dwell

同步带 synchronous belt

同步带传动 synchronous belt drive

凸的,凸面体 convex

凸轮 cam

凸轮倒置机构 inverse cam mechanism 凸轮机构 cam , cam mechanism

凸轮廓线 cam profile

凸轮廓线绘制 layout of cam profile

凸轮理论廓线 pitch curve

凸缘联轴器 flange coupling

图册、图谱 atlas

图解法 graphical method

推程 rise

推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing

推力轴承 thrust bearing

退刀槽 tool withdrawal groove

退火 anneal

陀螺仪 gyroscope

V 带 V belt

外力 external force

外圈 outer ring

外形尺寸 boundary dimension

万向联轴器 Hooks coupling ; universal coupling

外齿轮 external gear

弯曲应力 beading stress

弯矩 bending moment

腕部 wrist

往复移动 reciprocating motion

往复式密封 reciprocating seal

网上设计 on-net design, OND

微动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism

位移 displacement

位移曲线 displacement diagram

位姿 pose , position and orientation

稳定运转阶段 steady motion period

稳健设计 robust design

蜗杆 worm

蜗杆传动机构 worm gearing

蜗杆头数 number of threads

蜗杆直径系数 diametral quotient

蜗杆蜗轮机构 worm and worm gear 蜗杆形凸轮步进机构 worm cam interval mechanism

蜗杆旋向 hands of worm

蜗轮 worm gear 涡圈形盘簧 power spring

无级变速装置 stepless speed changes devices

无穷大 infinite

系杆 crank arm, planet carrier

现场平衡 field balancing

向心轴承 radial bearing

向心力 centrifugal force

相对速度 relative velocity

相对运动 relative motion

相对间隙 relative gap

象限 quadrant

橡皮泥 plasticine

细牙螺纹 fine threads

销 pin

消耗 consumption

小齿轮 pinion

小径 minor diameter

橡胶弹簧 balata spring

修正梯形加速度运动规律 modified trapezoidal acceleration motion

修正正弦加速度运动规律 modified sine acceleration motion

斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical gear

斜键、钩头楔键 taper key

泄漏 leakage

谐波齿轮 harmonic gear

谐波传动 harmonic driving

谐波发生器 harmonic generator

斜齿轮的当量直齿轮 equivalent spur gear of the helical gear

心轴 spindle

行程速度变化系数 coefficient of travel speed variation

行程速比系数 advance-to return-time ratio

行星齿轮装置 planetary transmission 行星轮 planet gear

行星轮变速装置 planetary speed changing devices

行星轮系 planetary gear train

形封闭凸轮机构 positive-drive (or form-closed) cam mechanism

虚拟现实 virtual reality

虚拟现实技术 virtual reality technology, VRT

虚拟现实设计 virtual reality design, VRD

虚约束 redundant (or passive) constraint

许用不平衡量 allowable amount of unbalance

许用压力角 allowable pressure angle 许用应力 allowable stress; permissible stress

悬臂结构 cantilever structure

悬臂梁 cantilever beam

循环功率流 circulating power load

旋转力矩 running torque

旋转式密封 rotating seal

旋转运动 rotary motion

选型 type selection

压力 pressure

压力中心 center of pressure

压缩机 compressor

压应力 compressive stress

压力角 pressure angle

牙嵌式联轴器 jaw (teeth) positive-contact coupling

雅可比矩阵 Jacobi matrix

摇杆 rocker

液力传动 hydrodynamic drive

液力耦合器 hydraulic couplers

液体弹簧 liquid spring

液压无级变速 hydraulic stepless speed changes

液压机构 hydraulic mechanism

一般化运动链 generalized kinematic chain

移动从动件 reciprocating follower

移动副 prismatic pair, sliding pair

移动关节 prismatic joint

移动凸轮 wedge cam

盈亏功 increment or decrement work 应力幅 stress amplitude

应力集中 stress concentration 应力集中系数 factor of stress concentration

应力图 stress diagram

应力—应变图 stress-strain diagram 优化设计 optimal design

油杯 oil bottle

油壶 oil can

油沟密封 oily ditch seal

有害阻力 useless resistance

有益阻力 useful resistance

有效拉力 effective tension

有效圆周力 effective circle force

有害阻力 detrimental resistance

余弦加速度运动 cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion

预紧力 preload

原动机 primer mover

圆带 round belt

圆带传动 round belt drive

圆弧齿厚 circular thickness

圆弧圆柱蜗杆 hollow flank worm

圆角半径 fillet radius

圆盘摩擦离合器 disc friction clutch

圆盘制动器 disc brake

原动机 prime mover

原始机构 original mechanism

圆形齿轮 circular gear

圆柱滚子 cylindrical roller

圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing

圆柱副 cylindric pair

圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构 barrel (cylindric) cam

圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil extension spring

圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring

圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil compression spring

圆柱凸轮 cylindrical cam

圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm

圆柱坐标操作器 cylindrical coordinate manipulator

圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧 conoid helical-coil compression spring

圆锥滚子 tapered roller

圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing 圆锥齿轮机构 bevel gears

圆锥角 cone angle

原动件 driving link

约束 constraint

约束条件 constraint condition

约束反力 constraining force

跃度 jerk

跃度曲线 jerk diagram

运动倒置 kinematic inversion

运动方案设计 kinematic precept design

运动分析 kinematic analysis

运动副 kinematic pair

运动构件 moving link

运动简图 kinematic sketch

运动链 kinematic chain

运动失真 undercutting

运动设计 kinematic design

运动周期 cycle of motion

运动综合 kinematic synthesis

运转不均匀系数 coefficient of velocity fluctuation

运动粘度 kenematic viscosity

载荷 load

载荷—变形曲线 load—deformation curve

载荷—变形图 load—deformation diagram

窄V 带 narrow V belt

毡圈密封 felt ring seal

展成法 generating

张紧力 tension

张紧轮 tension pulley

振动 vibration

振动力矩 shaking couple

振动频率 frequency of vibration

振幅 amplitude of vibration

正切机构 tangent mechanism

正向运动学 direct (forward) kinematics

正弦机构 sine generator, scotch yoke 织布机 loom

正应力、法向应力 normal stress

制动器 brake

直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear

直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear

直角三角形 right triangle

直角坐标操作器 Cartesian coordinate manipulator

直径系数 diametral quotient

直径系列 diameter series

直廓环面蜗杆 hindley worm

直线运动 linear motion

直轴 straight shaft

质量 mass

质心 center of mass

执行构件 executive link; working link 质径积 mass-radius product

智能化设计 intelligent design, ID

中间平面 mid-plane

中心距 center distance

中心距变动 center distance change

中心轮 central gear

中径 mean diameter

终止啮合点 final contact, end of contact

周节 pitch

周期性速度波动 periodic speed fluctuation

周转轮系 epicyclic gear train

肘形机构 toggle mechanism

轴 shaft

轴承盖 bearing cup

轴承合金 bearing alloy

轴承座 bearing block

轴承高度 bearing height

轴承宽度 bearing width

轴承内径 bearing bore diameter

轴承寿命 bearing life

轴承套圈 bearing ring

轴承外径 bearing outside diameter

轴颈 journal

轴瓦、轴承衬 bearing bush

轴端挡圈 shaft end ring

轴环 shaft collar

轴肩 shaft shoulder

轴角 shaft angle

轴向 axial direction

轴向齿廓 axial tooth profile

轴向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent axial load

轴向当量静载荷 static equivalent axial load

轴向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic axial load rating

轴向基本额定静载荷 basic static axial load rating

轴向接触轴承 axial contact bearing

轴向平面 axial plane

轴向游隙 axial internal clearance

轴向载荷 axial load

轴向载荷系数 axial load factor

轴向分力 axial thrust load

主动件 driving link

主动齿轮 driving gear

主动带轮 driving pulley

转动导杆机构 whitworth mechanism 转动副 revolute (turning) pair

转速 swiveling speed ; rotating speed 转动关节 revolute joint

转轴 revolving shaft

转子 rotor

转子平衡 balance of rotor

装配条件 assembly condition

锥齿轮 bevel gear

锥顶 common apex of cone

锥距 cone distance

锥轮 bevel pulley; bevel wheel

锥齿轮的当量直齿轮 equivalent spur gear of the bevel gear

锥面包络圆柱蜗杆 milled helicoids worm

准双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear

子程序 subroutine

子机构 sub-mechanism 自动化 automation

自锁 self-locking

自锁条件 condition of self-locking

自由度 degree of freedom, mobility

总重合度 total contact ratio

总反力 resultant force

总效率 combined efficiency; overall efficiency

组成原理 theory of constitution

组合齿形 composite tooth form

组合安装 stack mounting

组合机构 combined mechanism

阻抗力 resistance

最大盈亏功 maximum difference work between plus and minus work

纵向重合度 overlap contact ratio

纵坐标 ordinate

组合机构 combined mechanism

最少齿数 minimum teeth number

最小向径 minimum radius

作用力 applied force

坐标系 coordinate frame


工业设计原著选读 优秀的产品设计 第一个拨号电话1897年由卡罗耳Gantz 第一个拨号电话在1897年被自动电器公司引入,成立于1891年布朗强,一名勘萨斯州承担者。在1889年,相信铃声“中央交换”将转移来电给竞争对手,强发明了被拨号系统控制的自动交换机系统。这个系统在1892年第一次在拉波特完成史端乔系统中被安装。1897年,强的模型电话,然而模型扶轮拨条的位置没有类似于轮齿约170度,以及边缘拨阀瓣。电话,当然是被亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔(1847—1922)在1876年发明的。第一个商业交换始建于1878(12个使用者),在1879年,多交换机系统由工程师勒罗伊B 菲尔曼发明,使电话取得商业成功,用户在1890年达到250000。 直到1894年,贝尔原批专利过期,贝尔电话公司在市场上有一个虚拟的垄断。他们已经成功侵权投诉反对至少600竞争者。该公司曾在1896年,刚刚在中央交易所推出了电源的“普通电池”制度。在那之前,一个人有手摇电话以提供足够的电力呼叫。一个连接可能仍然只能在给予该人的名义下提出要求达到一个电话接线员。这是强改变的原因。 强很快成为贝尔的强大竞争者。他在1901年引进了一个桌面拨号模型,这个模型在设计方面比贝尔的模型更加清晰。在1902年,他引进了一个带有磁盘拨号的墙面电话,这次与实际指孔,仍然只有170度左右在磁盘周围。到1905年,一个“长距离”手指孔已经被增加了。最后一个强的知名模型是在1907年。强的专利大概过期于1914年,之后他或他的公司再也没有听到过。直到1919年贝尔引进了拨号系统。当他们这样做,在拨号盘的周围手指孔被充分扩展了。 强发明的拨号系统直到1922年进入像纽约一样的大城市才成为主流。但是一旦作为规规范被确立,直到70年代它仍然是主要的电话技术。后按键式拨号在1963年被推出之后,强发明的最初的手指拨号系统作为“旋转的拨号系统”而知名。这是强怎样“让你的手指拨号”的。 埃姆斯椅LCW和DCW 1947 这些带有复合曲线座位,靠背和橡胶防震装置的成型胶合板椅是由查尔斯埃姆斯设计,在赫曼米勒家具公司生产的。 这个原始的概念是被查尔斯埃姆斯(1907—1978)和埃罗沙里宁(1910—1961)在1940年合作构想出来的。在1937年,埃姆斯成为克兰布鲁克学院实验设计部门的领头人,和沙里宁一起工作调查材料和家具。在这些努力下,埃姆斯发明了分成薄片和成型胶合板夹板,被称作埃姆斯夹板,在1941年收到了来自美国海军5000人的订单。查尔斯和他的妻子雷在他们威尼斯,钙的工作室及工厂和埃文斯产品公司的生产厂家一起生产了这批订单。 在1941年现代艺术博物馆,艾略特诺伊斯组织了一场比赛用以发现对现代生活富有想象力的设计师。奖项颁发给了埃姆斯和沙里宁他们的椅子和存储碎片,由包括埃德加考夫曼,大都会艺术博物馆的阿尔弗雷德,艾略特诺伊斯,马尔塞布鲁尔,弗兰克帕里什和建筑师爱德华达雷尔斯通的陪审团裁决。 这些椅子在1946年的现代艺术展览博物馆被展出,查尔斯埃姆斯设计的新的家具。当时,椅子只有三条腿,稳定性问题气馁了大规模生产。 早期的LCW(低木椅)和DWC(就餐木椅)设计有四条木腿在1946年第一次被埃文斯产品公司(埃姆斯的战时雇主)生产出来,被赫曼米勒家具公司分配。这些工具1946年被乔治纳尔逊为赫曼米勒购买,在1949年接手制造权。后来金属脚的愿景在1951年制作,包括LCW(低金属椅)和DWC(就餐金属椅)模型。配套的餐饮和咖啡桌也产生。这条线一直


机械类常用英语词汇大全 一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver 一点透视 one-point perspective 二画 二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive 二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue 二维的;平面的 two-dimensional 二进制 binary 二极管;整流子 diode 二号螺丝攻 second tap 二路开关 two-way switch 十进制的;公制的 metric 人工制品 artefact 人造板 man-made board 人体工程学 ergonomics; human engineering 人体尺寸 human dimension 人体测量学 anthropometry; anthropometrics 刀片 blade 刀身 blade 刀具 tool 刀具溜座 carriage 刀柱 tool post 刀架 tool rest 刀架底座 tool rest bracket 刀座帷;床鞍 apron 刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle 力 force 力三角形 triangle of force 力平行四边形 parallelogram of force 力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force 力的分解 force resolution 力架;亮漆 lacquer 力矩 moment 力偶 couple 力矩定律 law of moment 力-距离图表 force-distance graph 力图 force diagram 力线 line of force 力点 effort 十字榫 cross halving joint 十字螺丝 Philip s head screw 十字螺丝批 Philip s type screwdriver 丁字尺;T 尺 tee square 三画 三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck 三角尺 set square 三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie 三角锉 triangular file 三维的;立体的 three-dimensional 三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform 三聚氰胺;蜜胺 melamine 三点透视 three-point perspective 上油漆 painting 上釉 enamelling 凡立水 varnish 叉形顶尖 fork centre 口罩 mask 士力;虫漆 shellac 士巴拿;扳手 spanner 大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard; solid corestock-laminated board 大量制造 mass production


模具英语专业术语 模具述语 一、入水:gate 进入位: gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口: switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径: sprue diameter 二、流道: runner 热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴: hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头: connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件: mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板: support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve 司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter 模胚(架): mold base 上内模:cavity insert 下内模:core insert 行位(滑块): slide 镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate 撑头: support pillar 唧嘴: sprue bushing 挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B 顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm 分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin 镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch 喉塞: pipe plug


Interaction design Moggridge Bill Interaction design,Page 1-15 USA Art Press, 2008 Interaction design (IxD) is the study of devices with which a user can interact, in particular computer users. The practice typically centers on "embedding information technology into the ambient social complexities of the physical world."[1] It can also apply to other types of non-electronic products and services, and even organizations. Interaction design defines the behavior (the "interaction") of an artifact or system in response to its users. Malcolm McCullough has written, "As a consequence of pervasive computing, interaction design is poised to become one of the main liberal arts of the twenty-first century." Certain basic principles of cognitive psychology provide grounding for interaction design. These include mental models, mapping, interface metaphors, and affordances. Many of these are laid out in Donald Norman's influential book The Psychology of Everyday Things. As technologies are often overly complex for their intended target audience, interaction design aims to minimize the learning curve and to increase accuracy and efficiency of a task without diminishing usefulness. The objective is to reduce frustration and increase user productivity and satisfaction. Interaction design attempts to improve the usability and experience of the product, by first researching and understanding certain users' needs and then designing to meet and exceed them. (Figuring out who needs to use it, and how those people would like to use it.) Only by involving users who will use a product or system on a regular basis will designers be able to properly tailor and maximize usability. Involving real users, designers gain the ability to better understand user goals and experiences. (see also: User-centered design) There are also positive side effects which include enhanced system capability awareness and user ownership. It is important that the user be aware of system capabilities from an early stage so that expectations regarding functionality are both realistic and properly understood. Also, users who have been active participants in a product's development are more likely to feel a sense of ownership, thus increasing overall satisfa. Instructional design is a goal-oriented, user-centric approach to creating training and education software or written materials. Interaction design and instructional design both rely on cognitive psychology theories to focus on how users will interact with software. They both take an in-depth approach to analyzing the user's needs and goals. A needs analysis is often performed in both disciplines. Both, approach the design from the user's perspective. Both, involve gathering feedback from users, and making revisions until the product or service has been found to be effective. (Summative / formative evaluations) In many ways, instructional


Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in M e c h a n i c s机械学的基本概念mechanics n.力学 modify v.修改,调解,变更manageable a.可控制【管理】的incline v.(使)倾斜 ramp n.斜板,斜坡【道】slope v.(使)倾斜 friction n.摩擦 roll v.滚动 multiplier n.放大器,乘法器broom n.扫帚 convert v.转变【化】 handle n.手柄【把】 sweep v.扫荡【描】,掠过efficiency n.效率 gauge vt.测【计】量,校验bearing n.轴承 ideal mechanical advantage 理想的机械效益 neglect vt.忽略Lesson 2 Basic Assumption in Plasticity Theory 塑性理论的基本假设 assumption n.假定 plasticity n.塑性 investigate v.调查,研究deformation n.变形 metal forming process 金属成型工艺【过程】 strain (rate) n.应变【速率】strength n.强度 stress n.应力 yield stress 屈服应力 flow stress 流动应力 tensile stress 拉【伸】应力compressive stress 压【缩】应力shear stress 剪【切】应力geometry n.几何形状 elastic a.弹性的 springback n.回弹 bending n.弯曲,折弯


模具专业英语词汇 A abrasion n. 磨损 abrasion resistance n. 耐磨损性 abrasive n. 磨料 accelerator n. 促进剂 accuracy n. 准确性 accurate die casting 精密压铸 air trap 积风 acrylic n. 丙烯酸 /压克力 ì active plate 活动板 additive n. 添加剂 adhere v. 黏附 adhesion n. 黏合 adhesive n. 胶粘剂 air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆 air cushion plate 气垫板 air entrapment n. 困气 anneal v. 退火 assemble v. 总成 B back pressure 背压 bismuth mold 铋铸模 baffle plate 挡块 barrel n. 机筒 /料筒 / bending block 折刀 bottom block 下垫脚 bottom plate 下托板(底板) bushing bolck 衬套 barrel temperature 料筒温度 blush 发 blank through dies 漏件式落料模 burnishi blow molding n. 吹塑成型 blow molding machine n. 吹塑机 brittle adj. 脆性 bubble n. 气泡 burr 毛刺 button d by-product n. 副产品 C calendering n. 压延 carbon steel n. 碳素钢 casting n. 铸造 catalyst n. 催化剂 cavity n. 型腔 chemical resistance n. 耐化学腐蚀性 chip v. 削 /凿


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译原文:

DESIGN and ENVIRONMENT Product design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human. In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products. Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea of product design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product. Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores. Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface. Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.


入水:gate 进入位:gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口:switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径:spray diameter 流道: runner 热流道:hot runner, hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot spray/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct spray gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴:hot spray 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头:connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 运水:water line 喉塞:line plug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug 模具零件:mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板:support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar slot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针:ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve 司筒针:ejector pin 模具专业英语 推板:stripper plate 缩呵:movable core, return core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter 模胚(架): mold base 上内模:cavity insert 下内模:core insert 行位(滑块): slide 镶件:insert 压座/斜楔:wedge 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate 撑头: support pillar 唧嘴: sprue bushing 挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B injection nozzle 射出喷嘴 顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm 分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin 镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch 喉塞: pipe plug 锁模块:lock plate 斜顶:angle from pin 斜顶杆:angle ejector rod 尼龙拉勾:parting locks 活动臂:lever arm 复位键、提前回杆:early return bar 气阀:valves 斜导边:angle pin


Design Without Designers 网站截图: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/75533005.html,/baidu?word=%B9%A4%D2%B5%C9%E8%BC%C6%D3%A2%CE%C4%CE%C4%CF%D 7&tn=sogouie_1_dg 原文: Design Without Designers I will always remember my first introduction to the power of good product design. I was newly arrived at Apple, still learning the ways of business, when I was visited by a member of Apple's Industrial Design team. He showed me a foam mockup of a proposed product. "Wow," I said, "I want one! What is it?" That experience brought home the power of design: I was excited and enthusiastic even before I knew what it was. This type of visceral "wow" response requires creative designers. It is subjective, personal. Uh oh, this is not what engineers like to hear. If you can't put a number to it, it's not important. As a result, there is a trend to eliminate designers. Who needs them when we can simply test our way to success? The excitement of powerful, captivating design is defined as irrelevant. Worse, the nature of design is in danger. Don't believe me? Consider Google. In a well-publicized move, a senior designer at Google recently quit, stating that Google had no interest in or understanding of design. Google, it seems, relies primarily upon test results, not human skill or judgment. Want to know whether a design is effective? Try it out. Google can quickly submit samples to millions of people in well-controlled trials, pitting one design against another, selecting the winner based upon number of clicks, or sales, or whatever objective measure they wish. Which color of blue is best? Test. Item placement? Test. Web page layout? Test. This procedure is hardly unique to Google. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/75533005.html, has long followed this practice. Years ago I was proudly informed that they no longer have debates about which design is best: they simply test them and use the data to decide. And this, of course, is the approach used by the human-centered iterative design approach: prototype, test, revise. Is this the future of design? Certainly there are many who believe so. This is a hot topic on the talk and seminar circuit. After all, the proponents ask reasonably, who could object to making decisions based upon data? Two Types of Innovation: Incremental Improvements and New Concepts In design—and almost all innovation, for that matter—there are at least two distinct forms. One is


机械设计制造及其自动化专业英语part3 Unite24 计算机数字控制 数字控制本世纪我们可以看到机器变得更加自动化,因此消除机器工作过程中的人工干预。然而,随着自动化的发展,机器变得更加专业化。 一个高度自动化的机床(一天能够生产2万件)通常只能生产一种零件。直到最近原型和小批量零件通常在传统的机床上手工制造。 随着新的难以加工的材料的出现以及对公差精度的要求达到万分之一,最好的操作工已达到他们能力的极限。这些需求,以及对零件加工柔性的需求,导致了自动控制机器的出现。通常叫做数字控制(通常缩写为NC,) NC的历史开始于19世纪50年代后期,当john提出一种自动机器控制方法(控制机床的铣刀产生光滑的曲线)正如他所设想,坐标点在穿孔卡片上进行编码并送给机床控制器(使经改进的铣床以小增量步长运动从而得到所需轨迹)在1949年,美国空军委托伺服机构实验室(麻省理工学院)开发一种可工作的数控系统(基于parson概念)M.I.T的科学家和工程师选择穿孔的纸带作为通讯介质。最初构建两轴的点对点的系统(在坐标系中确立钻头的位置)。后来,一个更复杂的连续路径的铣床被制造出来,独立的机床制造商随后开发了现在的这种系统。 到1957年第一台成功的数控机床在生产中得到应用。然而,许多用户都在将零件程序输入机床控制器中经历困难,为了改变这种情形,MIT的专家开始开发了基于计算机零件编程语言的刀具控制程序自动编制系统。目标是以直接的方式确定数学关系。在1962年第一台APT自动编程系统发布(对于一般工业应用) 数控技术的开发在两个主要方面进行,硬件开发集中在对控制系统和机床刀具的改进。复杂的数控机床和控制系统在1965年之前对于每个主要的机床工具结构都可应用。软件的开发集中在APT语言的改进和其他NC编程系统的开发。 总体基本原理的变化开始于70年代。数控之后被看做更大的一个概念——计算机辅助制造。CAM不仅包含数控也包括生产控制和监控、物料管理和工艺编制。计算机在制造过程中应用的强调从而产生新的数控形式:CNC和DNC。数控继续发展,在科幻小说中出现的可能性现在被看做可以达到的目标。 数控表现最好的地方其他专业自动化的机床表现不好。NC是一个能解释预先以符号形式录制的指令的系统。它能够使被控机床执行指令并监控执行的结果,从而保持所需要的精度和功能。 NC并不是一种机床而是一种技术(控制大量机床)。。由于这个原因,NC被应用到装配机器、检测设备、绘图机、打字机、木工机器(仅仅列出几种应用)以及金属加工机床。因为NC最开始是为机床开发的,并且因为NC金属切削机床构成NC应用的大部分,因此我们文章中专指数控机床。 数控系统形成一种通讯联系(和传统工艺有许多的相似性)一个简化的示意图(大多数重要的数控系统元件)。如图所示。符号指令被输入到控制单元(解码。进行所需要的逻辑运算并输出精确指令控制机床的运行)。许多NC系统包括检测装置(将机床状态传回指令控制单元)。正是这一个反馈使得控制能够验证机床操作与输入符号指令一致。


艺术装饰风格 被宣告是“唯一一个总体设计”,艺术装饰必然是在众多消费者中间找到观众的最高产的设计之一。虽然它起源于19世纪20年代高度专有的法国手工裁剪装潢艺术,但它通过利用廉价的新金属材料,塑料和玻璃而发展迅速,找到了便宜,短期利用,并可以大批生产的装饰用品,如香烟盒,香水瓶,家庭用的陶瓷和玻璃,流行纺织品及各种装饰物,还有可以像鸡尾般甩动的物品。作为一种装饰风格它可以运用于无数物品的形状和表面装饰,因而赋予它们全部以相同质量的瞬间的现代性和时尚性。 就像许多这个世纪其它的流行风格一样,艺术装饰风格扎根于高雅文化,例如,立体主义、俄国芭蕾、美洲印第安风格和欧洲纯粹主义,但是相对其他文化而言,艺术装饰风格取长补短,装饰特征表现得更为折衷一些。结合艺术装饰风格在1930年代流行的因素,大规模批量生产使用新材料是商品价格相对低廉的必要条件。但这些是远远不够的,更深层次的原因是艺术装饰风格具有典型的适应性。在那段经济萧条的时期,豪华奢侈的装饰风格所带来的美感让当时的消费者有了逃避现实的放松心情。艺术装饰风格的宣传方式也促进了它的流行,艺术风格被好莱坞应用于多种流行电影中。通过影片媒体使大量观众接触到装饰风格,除此之外,艺术装饰风格也运用在广告和包装上,使其有效的影响了大量的环境之外,艺术装饰风格也影响到了建筑领域,许多新场所也运用了这种风格,美化建筑的外表,那些新商业的

娱乐楼房,例如商场电影院,工厂,甚至于新的豪华游轮,它也被利用于在1933年芝加哥展览之中。艺术装饰风格开始象征着高效率的现代化生活和新的生活理念,这种动人的方式随着人们对时尚性和社会地位的追求与渴望,艺术装饰风格得到了大量消费者的高度喜爱地位。 艺术装饰的大量应用伴随着消费产品的需求。但是,从不好的方而来看,艺术装饰风格只是作为一种中档的艺术手法,来装饰非常廉价的商品甚至留有一种杂乱的感觉。在英国有一群针对低端市场开发产品的地毯制造商,他们意识到了这个新潮流里的商业潜力。 但是,这些地毯制造商也很注意他们消费群里的保守心理,因此,即使是在一块地毯里的花紋也会出现那些很传统的1案象是老式的叶子造型和较灰暗的颜色。这种设计的消费市场不同于那些要不就是现代型或是完全传统的设计方案。1920年代到30年代,英国都铎王室的一些新居住者和新建筑的到来,使工艺美术运动和现代风格可以较为自由的发展和合理的被采用.这些各异的艺术风格也被按照使用者的喜好不同加入到地毯的设计之中。在20世纪30年代的中期,改良过的艺术装饰风格在数不清的家居装饰里都可以看到"在花园门饰上,无线电机的面板装饰上,阿芝台克寺庙的壁炉上和那些扶手椅和沙发的几何形体上。"


精选机械设计专业英语词汇 stress diagram 应力—应变图 stress-strain diagram 优化设计 optimal design 油杯 oil bottle 油壶 oil can 油沟密封 oily ditch seal 有害阻力 useless resistance 有益阻力 useful resistance 有效拉力 effective tension 有效圆周力 effective circle force 有害阻力 detrimental resistance 余弦加速度运动 cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion 预紧力 preload 原动机 primer mover 圆带 round belt 圆带传动 round belt drive 圆弧齿厚 circular thickness 圆弧圆柱蜗杆 hollow flank worm 圆角半径 fillet radius

圆盘摩擦离合器 disc friction clutch 圆盘制动器 disc brake 原动机 prime mover 原始机构 original mechanism 圆形齿轮 circular gear 圆柱滚子 cylindrical roller 圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱副 cylindric pair 圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构 barrel (cylindric) cam 圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil extension spring 圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil compression spring 圆柱凸轮 cylindrical cam 圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm 圆柱坐标操作器 cylindrical coordinate manipulator 圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧 conoid helical-coil compression spring 圆锥滚子 tapered roller 圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing 圆锥齿轮机构 bevel gears 圆锥角 cone angle


模具专业的英语词汇大全 一、模具专业英语 入水:gate 进入位:gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口:switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径:sprue diameter 二、流道: runner 热流道:hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴:hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头:connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件:mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板:support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock


1.Creative China must find its ownPath 网站截图: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/75533005.html,/baidu?word=%B9%A4%D2%B5%C9%E8%BC%C6%D3%A2%CE%C4 %CE%C4%CF%D7&tn=sogouie_1_dg 原文: Creative China must find its own Path Justin 0'Connor It is commonly said that China needs to ‘catch-up’ with `the west' or the `developed world'. This phrase implies a singular path; there may be short cuts and `late-comer advantages' but the destination一a modern, developed country一is the same. But just when it seems China is within touching distance, the `developed world' changes the definition of what it is to be `developed' and puts more obstacles in the path of those trying to catch-up. In English we call this `moving the goal-posts'. After manufacturing, services and high-technology seemed to present clear goals for China, the cultural creative industries arrive as the new `value-added' product and service sector, posing yet more problems for the country's policy-makers. Many in the West have argued that China will take a long time to catch-up in these areas and that this provides a new source of competitive advantage to the West. Indeed, for some, the absence of a competitive cultural creative industries sector is evidence that China is not, and maybe can never be, fully `developed'. Much of this can be dismissed as another example of the West's superiority complex; however, there can be no doubt that the cultural creative industries present great possibilities but also great challenges for China. These industries一from visual and performing arts, to recorded music, film and TV, to digital animation and new media services, through to fashion, design and architecture一are highly creative and innovative products and services, relying on complex flows of knowledge and intellectual property. They are also cultural or symbolic products that reflect and influence our pleasures and ambitions, and our individual and collective sense of meaning and identity. For these reasons all nations have sought to protect and develop their own national culture and traditions by investing in cultural infrastructure and expertise. In the second half of the twentieth century this was expanded beyond `the arts,一galleries,
