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Alphabet Shout Out

Randomly choose an alphabet flashcard and award a point to the first student who shouts out a word beginning with that letter.

Alphabet Writing Relay

Divide and line up the students into two teams. Divide the board into two halves and have one student from each team run to the board, write 'A', then run to the back of the line. The next student writes 'B', etc. The first team to finish wins.

Alphabet Erase relay

As 'Alphabet Writing Relay', but this time, write the alphabet on each half of the board and have each team race to erase the letters in order.

Alphabet Sculptures

Divide the students into teams and call out a letter of the alphabet. Award a point to the first team that can form the letter with their bodies.

Alphabet Soup

Give each student an alphabet flashcard and have them skip around the room to the 'ABC Song'. Stop the tape at random and have the students rush to line up in order, e.g. A-K.

Alphabet Touch

Call out letters and have the students find and touch them in the classroom, on posters, etc.

Alphabet Wave

Give each student a few ordered alphabet flashcards and play the 'ABC Song'. Have the students hold up the cards that correspond to the letters they hear in the song.

Animal Crackers

Take a big dice and assign an animal to each number. Have the students roll the dice and act like the animal!

The Ball

Throw the ball to a student and ask that student a question. The student answers and throws the ball to another student asking the same question. E.g. "Can you...?", "Yes, I can. / No, I can't." "Do you like...?", "Yes, I do. / No, I don't."

Balloon Toss

Have the students stand in a circle. Toss a balloon to one student and elicit vocabulary or a structure from that student. They must be able to tap the balloon in the air without missing the vocabulary or structure E.g. S1: "My name's Miki. What's your name?" (tap) "My name's Hiro. What's your name?" (tap).

Basic Flashcard Fun

The teacher simply holds up a flash card and elicits the answer from the students. This can be

done in teams with points awarded for correct answers.

Beat The Clock

Time the students as they race to put alphabet, days of the week, or month flashcards in order. Have them try again to see if they can beat their fastest time.


Bingo can be used with any topic. Blank Bingo sheets can be used, and students can write of draw randomly in the boxes. The winner is the first student to cross out all the numbers/letters etc. on the sheet.

Blindfold Conversation

Arrange the class in a circle and choose one student to stand in the circle with a blindfold on. Spin the student and tell him/her to point. Tell the student to guess the name of the student he/she is pointing at by talking to him/her. E.g. "Hello. How are you? Do you like...?"


The object of the game is to be the first student to get rid of all his/her cards. Divide the students into small group and deal flashcards to each student. Player 1 chooses a card from his/her hand and throws it face down on the table saying, for example, "I have (a cat)". Player 1 may be telling the truth or bluffing. If player 2 has a 'cat' in his/her hand then there's a good chance player 1 is bluffing. Player 2 should say "No, you don't". If player 1 was bluffing, player 2 gives player 1 a penalty card from his/her hand. If player 1 was telling the truth then he/she gives player 2 a penalty card from his/her hand. Continue until one student is out of cards.

The Bomb

Pass a ball, object or a flash card around a circle of students. When the timer rings, the student holding the ball must answer a question, make a sentence or say a word.

Car Race

Arrange the flash cards in a long line with starting and finishing points. Give each student a counter. The first student throws the dice and moves. The student must say the word on the flashcard he/she lands on. If the student makes a mistake, he/she goes back to his/her original place. Add colored paper between cards to represent 'Take Another Turn', and assign a crash number e.g. #4 on the dice which means the student must return to the beginning.

Catch The Fruit

Toss a piece of plastic fruit to a student and ask, "What is it?" Elicit and prompt the correct vocabulary. Gesture the student to throw it back to you and repeat with different fruit and students. For a variation see 'The Ball'.


Divide and line up the class into two teams. The first student from each team comes to the front. The teacher whispers a word or shows a flashcard to the two students and they act it out. The first team to call out the correct word gets a point. E.g. sleeping, eating, playing soccer...


Play any music and have the students walk, skip, jump, hop, etc around the room randomly. Stop the music and call out a number between 1-8. The students must quickly get together in a group or groups of that number, and the odd students must sit out until the next round.


The teacher is the commando and gives commands to the class and/or individual students. This is a great energy burner as well as review of actions colors, numbers or anything else you can throw in. E.g. "Jump 10 times", "Touch your (body part)", "Touch (classroom object", "Turn around", "Stand up / Sit down".

Concentration / Memory

Have the students sit in a circle. Spread out the flashcards (2 sets) face down. Students take turns flipping over two cards and saying the vocabulary. If the flashcards are a match, the student keeps the cards. If they are different, they remain face down. The student with the most pairs is the winner.

Conversation Relay

Line up the students in two teams and have the last student in each team tap the shoulder of the student in front and have a conversation E.g. "What's you name?", "How are you?". The student answering then starts the same conversation with the student in front, and so on. When the conversation reaches the front, the student at the front must run to the back and continue the procedure. The first team to get all the students back in their original positions wins.

Crazy Train

Students line up behind the teacher in a choo choo train line. Give commands such as "faster", "slower", "turn left", and "stop".

Dance Of The Ostriches

Pair up students and attach a flashcard to their backs. The object of the game is to look at the other student's flash card and yell out the word before they see yours.

Draw It Relay

Divide the students into two teams. Whisper a flashcard to the first member of both teams and have them run to the board and draw the word as fast as possible. Award points to the fastest team.

Duck Duck Goose

Students sit in a circle and the teacher starts by walking round the outside of the circle tapping the students on the head saying "duck". When the teacher says "goose" the student whose head was touched must jump up and chase the teacher round the circle. The teacher must sit down in the student's spot before being tagged. If tagged, the teacher must continue tapping heads. If not, the student walks around the circle touching heads. It might be easier to use vocabulary like "cat, cat, dog" or similar, or even "duck, duck, dog" to practice awareness of 'u' vs 'o' and 'g' vs 'ck' sounds.

Fashion Show

Have each student stand up one at a time and elicit from the class what he or she is wearing.

Find It

The teacher holds up a letter flashcard. The students must search around the room to find either a corresponding object/picture that begins with that letter or find that same letter written somewhere in the room. The purpose of this game is letter recognition. It can be played as a relay race with two teams racing to find the letters first.

First letter

Give the students various picture flashcards. Go through the ABC's and instruct students to hold up the flashcards that begin with that letter.

Flash Card Act Out

Choose one or more students to come to the front. Show a flash card or whisper a word, and have the students act it out. Reward the first student to guess the correct answer. This can be used with many subjects (e.g. sports, actions, verbs, animals, etc.)

Flash Card Walk

Arrange the flashcards in a big circle. Play some music while the students walk around the circle. When the music stops, call out a flashcard, and the student standing next to the flashcard wins.

Follow The Leader

Students line up behind the teacher and follow the teacher's actions. Use as a review for identifying and chorusing classroom objects or acting out actions. Give the students a chance to lead.


Use western gestures in your class.

Expressions Gestures

Hello wave

Goodbye wave

It's cold put arms around shoulders

It's hot fan your face with hands

No! shake your head "no"

Come here move your index finger

Me! Touch your chest

OK make the OK sign

I don't know pull shoulders and hands up

Shhhh index finger in front of mouth

Stop hand up, palm out

Stand up raise hand slightly, palm up

Sit down lower hand slightly, palm down

Go Fish

Have students choose two flashcards each. Have the students hold the flashcards face up but not to show anyone. Choose a student and ask "Do you have a cat?" If the answer is yes, they have to give you the flash card. Have each student ask other students questions. A student with no cards is out.


Use Lego. Spread out the Lego and call out "(Five!)". The students should take five blocks, join them together to make a pattern and hold them up. Next say "two blue, one yellow" and other combinations to 5.

Grab It Relay / Race to Touch

Lay the flashcards on the floor at one end of the room, and have the students line up in teams at the other end of the room. Call out a flashcard and have the first person in each team race to grab the card. Those students then go to the back and the next students race to grab the next flashcard the teacher calls.


Use review words from past lessons. The teacher chooses a word and writes the appropriate number of spaces on the board. Students guess a letter one by one. If the student guesses correctly, write that letter in the space and give the student another turn. If they guess wrongly, start drawing a hanging man and have the next student guess a letter. Let the first student to guess the word take the teacher's place. You may prefer to draw a hanging spider (Spiderman?) instead.

Hot Potato

Play like 'Pass It' using a time limit for added motivation. Set the timer for 10 seconds. When the timer goes off, the student holding the flashcard must say the vocabulary / structure.

I Spy

The teacher says "I spy with my little eye something beginning with G". Students try to guess the object (E.g. garbage can). Use classroom objects and with younger students use colors rather than letters e.g. "I spy with my little eye something (red)."

I've Got It

Have students sit in a circle. Give each student a flashcard or item. Ask "What is it?" and elicit the vocabulary. Call out the vocabulary and have the students stand up and say the flash card. Repeat until all the students are standing, then continue until all the students are sitting. Go at a fast pace so the students are sitting and standing rapidly.


Make a jeopardy grid on the white board as follows: Jeopardy

Fruit Sports Animals Body

10 _______ _______ _______ _______

20 _______ _______ _______ _______

30 _______ _______ _______ _______

40 _______ _______ _______ _______

50 _______ _______ _______ _______

In teams, or individually, let the students randomly pick a category and the points to be attempted. The teacher will then ask a question and (a 40 point question should be more difficult than a 10 point question) if the students get the correct answer their team name is written in that box. When all the boxes are filled the team with the most points wins.

Jumping The Line

Put a piece of tape across the middle of the floor or draw an imaginary line dividing the room. Designate ones side as 'true' and the other side as 'false'. Line up the students on the line, hold up a flashcard and say a word. If the students think you said the word that matches the flashcard, they should jump to the 'true' side, otherwise they should jump to the 'false' side. Students who make a mistake should sit out until the next round.


Spread Lego on the floor and call a color for the students to pick up. Continue until all the colors have been called. Allow the students to play with the blocks for a few minutes before packing up. While the students are playing, talk to them about what they're making and the colors they're using.

Letter To Word Match

Give each student an alphabet flashcard, and spread alphabet picture cards randomly around the room. Play and sing the 'ABC Song'. When finished, have the students match their alphabet card to an alphabet picture card and say the letter and vocabulary. Change cards and repeat.

Listen and Order

Put the students into pairs and give them number cards (1-10). Call out numbers (out of order) and have the students put their cards in that order. When finished, have the students chant the numbers in the order you gave them.

Magic Finger

Print a letter of the alphabet on the board. Instruct the students to stand and face the board. Raise your 'magic finger' and trace the letter in the air. Be silly and use other parts of your body to trace

the letter, e.g. elbow, foot, nose, tongue.

Make A Sentence

Put the students into teams and lay out a selection of flashcards or items. One student from each team chooses a vocabulary item and uses it correctly in a sentence. Give each student ten seconds on the timer. Reduce the time in the second and third round. As the item is named, the teacher puts it away and gives the team a point. Write the points on the whiteboard.

Map Game

Use a world map and elicit "Where are you from?", "Where do you live?", "Where do people speak Spanish?", "Where's China?", and any other questions you can think of. Also show and tell the students about where you are from.

Memory Buzz

Have the students sit in a circle and start building a sentence. Student 1 says "In the classroom, I see a clock", student 2 says "In the classroom, I see a clock and a map", student 3 says "In the classroom I see a clock, a map and a chair" etc. For a variation, see 'Question Chain'.

Memory Master

Have the students sit in a circle. Designate one student to be the Memory Master. Arrange the flashcards face up in the center. Each student chooses a flashcard and says the word. They cannot touch the flashcards. After everyone has chosen, the Memory Master must hand the correct flash cards to each student.

Memory Tray

Bring in a tray of various review or new objects. Elicit the names of the objects and give the students a minute to memorize what's on the tray. Take the tray away and see how many objects can be remembered. Older students should write a list of objects. The student who remembers the most objects gets a point. Can be done with flashcards.

Musical Chairs

Line up the chairs and place a flashcard on each one. Play some music and have the students walk, skip, jump around the chairs. When the music stops, the students should sit down on a chair and shout out their flash cards. For more excitement remove a chair while the music is playing and make the chair-less student sit out until the next round.

Object Toss

Select three soft objects. Assign object#1 the question "Do you want some milk?", assign object#2 the response "Yes, I do." And object#3, "No, I don't". Toss each object to a student and have them use the appropriate phrase. Then they toss the objects to different students.

On My Back

Line up the students in two teams and have them face the front. Show an alphabet flashcard to the student at the back of each line and have them use their finger to draw the letter on the back of the student in front. The next student draws on the next student and so on. The student at the front of

each line then writes the letter on the board.

Paper Airplane Contest

Give students a couple of minutes to make an airplane and one minute to test them. Divide the students into two teams and have the teams stand at the back of the room. Ask a student a question and if the answer is correct that student gets a throw. Assign points to different objects in the room (white board = 10pts., far wall = 15pts., etc.). Each student should be asked a question and teammates can help if needed.

Pass It

Have the students sit in a circle. The teacher holds up a flashcard or object (e.g. ball, pen, eraser, etc.), says the word and passes it to the next student. That student holds up the card/object and says the vocabulary and passes it on. After a couple of rounds start the flash cards/objects going in the opposite direction. Also try a speed round.

Pass The Secret

Have the students sit in a circle. Show them that they have to whisper to the person next to them. Start the secret by whispering it to the student next to you, e.g. "It's Windy." Have the students pass the secret around the circle. The last student says the secret out loud. Compare how close it is to the original secret. If necessary, write the original secret on the board.


Have a student come up to the front and show him/her a flashcard. That student should draw it on the board. The first student to guess the picture gets a point. This can also be played in teams.

Question Chain

Have the students sit in a circle. The teachers starts by asking the student on the right a question. That student must answer the question and ask the next student the same question. Go round the class then change the question. For a variation, see 'The Bomb'.

Quick Peek

Cover a flashcard and quickly show it so the students get just a quick peek. Reward the student who can guess it correctly.

Run And Get It

Divide the class into two teams and have them stand in two lines facing each other. Assign each team member a number from one to four. Place a few flashcards in the middle of the two teams. Call a number and a flashcard, e.g. "Student three - rabbit". The students assigned that number must run into the center and touch the flashcard and shout "rabbit". The member who touched and called first can take the flashcard to their side.


Write a selection of letters on the board. Explain to the students that they have to make up as many words as possible from the given letters. Model one or two examples on the board for them. Give

them a time limit.

Ship In The Fog

Make an obstacle course, put a blindfold on a student and have the other students verbally help him or her through the course. For example: Take 2 steps, turn left, one small step, etc.

Shiri Tori

This is a popular Japanese game. Have everyone sit in a circle. The teacher says a word and each student must add a word that begins with the last letter of the word just spoken e.g. apple-egg-girl-lion-neck-etc.

Shoot The Basket

This can be done in teams or individually. Ask a student a question and if the student answers correctly then he/she gets a shot at the basket. Variations include rolling a ball between 'posts', throwing a ball to knock a stuffed animal off a box, bouncing a ball into a bucket, etc. Award points.


Use plastic fruits, vegetables or corresponding flashcards. Gather the students around you and let them ask for what they want using a dialog such as: "What do you you want?", "An apple, please.", "Here you are.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome." Then the teacher calls back the objects from the students, "Apple, please". Then the students put the fruit back into the basket.

Simon Says

Play Simon Says as a review using "touch" body parts, classroom objects, etc., or with actions. E.g. "Simon says touch your toes" = Students touch their toes. "Touch your eyes" = Students don't move. When a student makes a mistake, he/she must sit out until the next round.


Have the students sit in a circle with their hands on their heads. Spread the flashcards face up in the middle. The teacher calls out a flash card and the students race to touch it. The first student to touch it gets to keep the flashcard. In the case of a tie, have the students 'Rock, Scissors, Paper'.

Slow Motion

Put a flashcard in a bag or behind something. Pull it out very slowly showing only the top part of the picture at a time. Reward the first student who can guess it correctly.

Spelling Bee

This can be done with the whole class or in two teams. The first player on team one is given a word to spell orally. The teacher writes the letters on the board as they are spelled out loud. If correct, the team gets a point. If you do a class competition, line the students up and give them words one by one. When they make a mistake they must sit down. The last student standing is the winner.

Spelling Game

Put a name or word on the board and have teams or individuals make as many words as possible from those letters, e.g. Brad Pitt = bat, rat, bad, at, etc.

Spin The Bottle

Use the bottle to ask each student questions. The teacher spins the bottle and asks the student it points to a question. First ask basic warm-up questions and then move on to target structures or review structures.


Students stand in a circle and chorus counting from 1-10. Instruct the students to each call out one, two or three of the numbers in numerical order. The student who calls out 'ten' must sit down. Continue until only one student is standing. That student wins the game. E.g. "one, two", "three, four, five", "six", "seven, eight, nine", "ten (sits down)", "one"..... Try playing it backwards as an extra challenge.

Tongue Twisters

Use these tongue twisters with older students. They work well as an extension activity.

1) She sells seashells by the seashore.

2) Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

3) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

4) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Topic Tag

Give a topic, e.g. fruit. The students must run around the room trying to avoid the teacher's tag. If the student is tagged, he/she has five seconds to name a fruit. If no fruit can be named or the fruit has already been said, that student should sit out until the next round.


Order the students to touch various objects around the classroom e.g. "Touch your book", "Touch something red".

Vocab with Rock, Scissors, Paper

Lay the flashcards in a straight line on the floor. Assign two teams and have them line up at each end of the flashcard line. When you say 'Go' the first member from each team starts to walk from their end of the line, straddling the flashcards, reading the vocabulary out loud as they walk. When the two students meet they have to Rock, Scissors, Paper, the losing student goes to the back of his/her line and the winning student continues along the flashcard line. The second student from the losing team starts walking and reading the vocabulary until the two students meet and Rock, Scissors, Paper, and so on. Give points for reaching the opposite end of the line.

What's Missing?

Scatter 8-10 flashcards face up on the table. Give the students a minute to look at them, then have them close their eyes and take away one flashcard. Tell the students to open their eyes and ask, "What's missing?". Reward the student that guesses correctly.

What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?

Have the students line up against the back wall. The teacher should stand with his/her back turned to the class. The students must ask the teacher "What time is it, Mr. Wolf (or teacher's name if easier)?". The teacher answers with a random time, e.g. "It's four o'clock" - the students take four steps toward the teacher. The students should move the corresponding number of steps. If the teacher says "It's lunch time!", the students must run to safety at the back wall. The teacher chases the students and if tagged, the student must sit out until the next round.

Who's Got What?

Have the students sit in a circle and secretly pass a few objects or flashcards from hand to hand under the table or behind their backs. Say, "Stop", and ask "Who has the (apple)?" The students should point to who they think has the (apple) and say "He/She does." The first student to guess correctly should be rewarded.

Winner Says M

A variation on the activity 'Ten'. Write a big 'M' on the board and have the students take turns reciting the alphabet, saying one or two letters each. The student who says "M" is the winner. E.g. "A", "BC", "DE", "F", "G", "HI", "J", "KL", "M" (winner)! Variations: Numbers 1-21 (winner says 21), Days of the week (winner says Sunday), Months of the year (winner says December).


适合小学生课堂上玩的小游戏(可操作性强) 1、猜成语 主持人事先在四张白纸上写一句成语,一纸一字,比如:龙腾虎跃。请四位游戏者站成一排,用别针在他们背上各别上一张纸,接着手拉手围成一个圈,按逆时针方向跑跳步三周,然后解散,每个人都竭力去看到其他三个人背上的字,同时还要隐蔽好自己背上的字。一旦看到其他三个人背上的字,就可判断自己背上的字,例如看到龙、虎、跃,就可以举手向主持人报出自己背上是一个“腾”字先猜出者为胜。 2、搜捕逃犯 一人当逃犯,另一人当公安干警,用手帕蒙住他们的双眼,分别带到乒乓桌的两个对角上。主持人发令后,两人手摸着桌子一逃一追,逃犯想要躲开公安干警的搜寻,而公安干警则竭力想要找到逃犯,两人都蹑手蹑脚地走动,以免发出声响,使对方发现自己在哪里,但最终也许会糊里糊涂地撞到一起,公安干警便捉到了逃犯。接着可再换两人上场游戏。 规则:围观者只能笑,不得暗示。 3、蹲蹲游戏. 把要记忆的词语分给同学,每一个同学代表一个词语.老师带头.如老师说,萝卜蹲,萝卜蹲,萝卜蹲完白菜蹲.代表白菜的同学站起来说,白菜蹲,白菜蹲,白菜蹲完花生蹲..... 依次完成轮流下去! 4、悄悄话 这个我们英语课上玩过,老师写好几个单词,都比较长,也有没学过的,让每排的第一个同学上去在规定时间内记住,然后往下传,传到最后一个让她上黑板写出来,如果不是英语课可以变通一下 5、开火车 人数:两人以上,多多益善 方法:在开始之前,每个人说出一个地名,代表自己。但是地点不能重复。游戏开始后,假设你来自北京,而另一个人来自上海,你就要说: “开呀开呀开火车,北京的火车就要开。”大家一起问:“往哪开?”你说:“上海开”。那代表上海的那个人就要马上反应接着说:“上海的火车就要开。”然后大家一起问:“往哪


1、讲“方程”一课,采用数学游戏“猜你心中想的数” 师:请同学们想好一个数,经过加减乘除一系列运算,把运算过程和结果告诉我,我就能猜中你想的是什么数,看哪个同学先想好。 生:一个数乘以3,加上7,减9,再减去所想的数结果是10。师:你想的数是6。 2、传话游戏。 课前:把同学分成几组,然后你告诉每组第一个同学一句话,小声说,不能让别的同学听见。然后同样让那些同学去转告第二个同学。传到最后看看哪组完成的最好!之后把第一组到最后一组的话连到一起说。(当然,那几组的话连一起是一首大家不熟悉的诗或短文)看看到最后变化成了什么样。 规则:每人只有一次机会告诉下一个人他说的是什么(根据难易程度可以改变)。不可做动作也就是肢体语言,前面的同学说的时候后面的都闭上眼睛,直到前面的同学招呼的时候才可睁开。以免互相看口型! 3、听指令,快速反应。 指令由慢到快,难度逐渐加强,最后则是听指令,做相反动作,做错的同学淘汰,很快就能决出第一名,稍加奖励。这个游戏的优点是身心结合,既锻炼了学生们的反应能力和迅速应变能力,又能在有限的空间里活动身体。 4、反口令。

教师说“大西瓜”学生说“大西瓜”,手时却做出小西瓜的动作。教师说“站”,学生坐下,反之,教师说“坐”,学生站起来。5、一边说一边示范做: (师)请你摸摸右耳,(生)我就摸摸右耳,(师)请你摸摸左耳,(生)我就摸摸左耳.……请你跟我拍拍手,(我就跟你拍拍手);请你跟我跺跺脚,(我就跟你跺跺脚);请你跟我弯弯腰,(就跟你弯弯腰);请你跟我点点头,(我就跟你点点头);请你跟我坐坐好,(我就跟你坐坐好)。 6、在教“分数的基本性质”这一课中,可以创设这样的情境,使学生在愉快而又紧张的氛围中学会这一抽象的知识。刚上课,我就给学生讲一个“猴子分饼”的故事:猴山上的小猴喜欢吃猴王做的饼。一天,猴王做了3个大小同样的饼,先把第一个饼平均分成4块,给猴(1)1块。猴(2)看到说:“太少了,我要2块”,猴王把第二个饼平均分成8块,给他2块。猴(3)更贪心,说:“我要3块”,猴王又拿出第三个饼平均分成12块,给他3块。小朋友,你们知道哪只猴子吃得多?”不一会儿,学生都说:“同样多”。于是,我追问道:“聪明的猴王是用什么办法来满足小猴子的要求,而且又分得公平呢,你们想知道吗?”正当学生聚精会神地听完故事,而又百思不得其要领时,我说“学了分数的基本性质,你们就知道了!”在学生最佳的心理状态之下自然地导入了新课,使学生怀着浓厚的兴趣转入下一阶段的学习。在这里,疑问使学生产生了好奇心,好奇心又使学生转化成强烈的


几个课堂小游戏(能活跃课堂气氛) 游戏、玩耍是孩子的天性,是孩子认知世界的重要途径。游戏会促使孩子们说话、交流、探索、想象、创造、展示。学生在欢快、活跃、气氛高涨的氛围中获取直观而生动的感性知识,在游戏中认识世界,并在其中吸取成长的种种经验。课堂上开展适当的小游戏,不仅能够活跃课堂气氛,而且可以拓展学生的思路,促进集体的团结,培养学生的创新精神,带动学生的学习积极性。也许在游戏过程中学生们只是玩得很投入,并没有考虑太多游戏之外,但是游戏结束时,教师加以总结,往往能收到单纯说教无法达到的良好效果。 以下是几个我在课堂上尝试过的小游戏: 游戏一:头脑风暴 游戏规则和程序: 1、全班学生分成二至四组,要求每组派一名代表到黑板上写某个字的同音字(音调不同也可以)。 2、同组的其他同学可以提示,也可以换人,但是不能借助字典或其他工具。 3、相同时间内看哪个组写得最多。 4、评比之后可以继续写,直到写不出为止。看一个组内哪个同学想到的字最多。 这个游戏看起来容易,小学生也可以玩,因此所有的学生都会很积极地参与到游戏中来。但是单凭一个人的努力,往往写出几个便“卡壳”

了,于是便会出现大家不停的高声叫着某一个字的热闹场景,甚至出现同一组好几个人集体上阵的情况,教室里的气氛空前活跃。 当然,教师一定要挑选同音字比较多的字作为题目,比如“十”字,同音字就有:是、使、时、事、室、市、石、师、试、史、式、识、虱、矢、拾、屎、驶、始、似、示、士、世、柿、匙、拭、誓、逝、势、什、峙、嗜、噬、失、适、仕、侍、释、饰、氏、狮、食、恃、蚀、视、实、施、湿、诗、尸、轼、谥、舐等近百个。游戏结束后,大家禁不住慨叹祖国语言文化的博大精深,同时我也引导学生:在我们使用汉字输入法的时候,正是因为同音字太多,影响到拼音输入的速度,所以我们才学习五笔字形输入法来提高大家的录入速度。 游戏二、天马行空 游戏规则和程序: 1、全班学生分成二至四组,要求每组派一名代表到黑板上写由某个词联想到的词。 2、同组的其他同学可以提示,也可以换人。 3、相同时间内看哪个组写得最多。 4、评比之后可以继续写,直到写不出为止。看哪些词最有创意。 这也是一个门槛较低的游戏,很容易调动起所有学生的积极性,而且我发现学生联想到的事物往往更侧重于较为时尚的内容,如在对“夏天”一词进行联想时,大家比较容易联想到的有:热、冰糕、知了、空调、电扇、游泳等内容,继续下去大家还会想到裙子、短裤、防晒霜、花露水、颐和园(英文称“夏宫”)、避暑山庄等内容,学生们后


数学课堂小游戏 课堂的小故事,小游戏能很好的提起学生的兴趣,我搜集了几个数学小游戏: 1、关于“左右”的 学生对“左右”的区别,总是不那么准确,于是,上课临时编了几句,效果还不错,故记之。 师:伸出你的左手来 生:我的左手在这里(边说边伸手) 师:伸出你的右手来 生:我的右手会写字(边说边伸手) 其实这几句,很多地方有类似的,觉得比较有效果的是后面那句“右手会写字”,这样,学生就比较容易记住“左右”的区别了。 2、关于数的“分与合” A、猜拳游戏 师:下面我们做关于“6”的游戏 我出2(手势:伸两个手指) 生:我出4(手势:伸四个手指) 2和4合成6 先是老师和学生猜,然后让同桌的两个小朋友互相猜,最后布置回家和爸爸、妈妈猜。 B、拍手游戏 师:下面我们做关于“7”的游戏 师先拍3下,要求学生不说话,只拍手,拍完后,才说“几和几合成7” 这个游戏可以训练小朋友“听”的专注能力。 3、抢卡片 游戏目的:使学生进一步熟悉9加几的计算,提高口算速度. 游戏准备 写有算式和得数的卡片若干张. 游戏过程: 1.学生分组进行.

2.把算式卡片和得数卡片放到桌子上,由组长举算式卡片,其他同学抢得数卡片,谁抢到的多谁获胜. 3.游戏控制在3分钟左右. 4、听反话 游戏目的:1.通过有趣的游戏激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生领会左右的意义. 2.培养学生的空间观念、反应能力和逆向思维能力. 游戏规则: 1.学生要根据教师的口令做出相反的动作. 2.做错动作的学生要为其他学生表演节目. 游戏过程: 1.教师将学生分成几个小组(纵队),面向教师站好. 2.教师发出口令,学生做出相反动作.如:教师说:“向左看”,学生就把头转向右边;教师说:“向前一步”,学生就向后一步;教 师说:“摸左耳”,学生就摸自己的右耳. 游戏说明: 1.这个游戏可以在教室中进行,也可以在操场上进行. 2.在操场上活动时,可以增加一些内容.比如“向上跳”“向前跑” “蹲下”等等. 5、找朋友 游戏目的:使学生能正确计算10以内的加法. 游戏准备: 1.若干套1到9的数字卡片. 2.每次游戏前发给每个学生1张. 游戏过程: 1.把几套从1到9的数字卡片分别发给全班同学,戴在胸前.全班同学围成一圈做丢手帕的游戏,捉到谁,谁就站在圈中央找出自己的 朋友来搭救自己.


适合小学生课堂游戏 1、照镜子 请几组人上台一个人当照镜子的人另一个人当镜子当镜子的那个人要学照镜子的人的动作。 2、小猴捞月 这个游戏非常有趣。大家先手拉手围成一个圆圈当“水井”,选一个小朋友站在圈内当“小月亮”,另外再选两个小朋友站在圈外当“小猴子”。游戏开始,大家按逆时针方向一边转圈走一边唱儿歌:“小月亮,晃悠悠,乐得小猴翻跟头;小月亮快快跑,小猴捉住不得了!”唱完儿歌,两个“小猴”钻进“水井”,手拉着手去捉“小月亮”,“小月亮”只能在圈内逃跑躲闪,一旦被捉住就要说出一个带“月”字的成语、诗句或表现一个小节目。接着由这个同学指定别人担任“小月亮”和“小猴子”的角色,游戏重新开始。小猴捞月 这个游戏非常有趣。大家先手拉手围成一个圆圈当“水井”,选一个小朋友站在圈内当“小月亮”,另外再选两个小朋友站在圈外当“小猴子”。游戏开始,大家按逆时针方向一边转圈走一边唱儿歌:“小月亮,晃悠悠,乐得小猴翻跟头;小月亮快快跑,小猴捉住不得了!”唱完儿歌,两个“小猴”钻进“水井”,手拉着手去捉“小月亮”,“小月亮”只能在圈内逃跑躲闪,一旦被捉住就要说出一个带“月”字的成语、诗句或表现一个小节目。接着由这个同学指定别人担任“小月亮”和“小猴子”的角色,游戏重新开始。 3、三打白骨精 这个游戏有两个同学就能玩。先背向而站,相距二步远。游戏开始后两人一块唱:“孙悟空三打白骨精!”并在原地合拍双足跳三下,注意唱到最后一个“精”字时,必须同时做180度跳,同时在落地前还要做一个造型动作。造型动作有三种:1·抬起左膝,右手反掌心在额前作搭凉棚状,同时左臂微屈勾拳为孙悟空。2·双手插腰,两腿侧开为白骨精。3·双手合掌于胸前为唐僧。这三个童话人物的制约关系是:孙悟空胜白骨精,白骨精胜唐僧,唐僧胜孙悟空。如果正巧造型相同,那么重来一次,方法同前,一旦造型之间建立了制约关系,负者就要给胜者恭敬地鞠一个躬。 4、炒股票 游戏者5人为宜,选一人当股民,面对墙壁而站,其他4人分散站在后面当股票,股票名称可事先自定,比如:新锦江、二纺机、大众出租、豫园商城等。游戏开始,股民把一枚硬币朝头后高高地抛出,说:“炒股票喽!”当股票者其中一人就近拾起藏在手内,与此同时股票要同声对股民说:“什么股票最看好?”股民要马上猜出是何种,对了就算发,继续炒,错了由拾者当股民,重新再玩。 5、搜捕逃犯 一人当逃犯,另一人当公安干警,用手帕蒙住他们的双眼,分别带到乒乓桌的两个对角上。主持人发令后,两人手摸着桌子一逃一追,逃犯想要躲开公安干警的搜寻,而公安干警则竭力想要找到逃犯,两人都蹑手蹑脚地走动,以免发出声响,使对方发现自己在哪里,但最终也许会糊里糊涂地撞到一起,公安干警便捉到了逃犯。接着可再换两人上场游戏。 规则:围观者只能笑,不得暗示。 6、欢乐猜拳 女生们围成一个圆圈,面朝圆心,人数必须是双数,游戏开始,大家拍大麦(1、自己击一下掌;2、侧开与两侧同伴合掌;3、翻掌,用掌背与两侧同伴相碰;4、同1。)并齐说:“赛、赛、赛,阿拉马克赛,一个接一个,阿拉马克赛,这么好的天气飘雪花,这么好的鞋子漏脚丫,这么好的孩子小傻瓜!”接着,各自旋转小臂并说:咕碌咕碌锤!(此时每二人面对


1、关于“左右”的 学生对“左右”的区别,总是不那么准确,于是,上课临时编了几句,效果还不错,故记之。 师:伸出你的左手来 生:我的左手在这里(边说边伸手) 师:伸出你的右手来 生:我的右手会写字(边说边伸手) 其实这几句,很多地方有类似的,觉得比较有效果的是后面那句“右手会写字”,这样,学生就比较容易记住“左右”的区别了。 2、关于数的“分与合” A、猜拳游戏 师:下面我们做关于“6”的游戏 我出2(手势:伸两个手指) 生:我出4(手势:伸四个手指) 2和4合成6 先是老师和学生猜,然后让同桌的两个小朋友互相猜,最后布置回家和爸爸、妈妈猜。 B、拍手游戏 师:下面我们做关于“7”的游戏 师先拍3下,要求学生不说话,只拍手,拍完后,才说“几和几合成7”。这个游戏可以训练小朋友“听”的专注能力。 3、《找朋友》 游戏目的:使学生能正确计算10以内的加法. 游戏准备: A.若干套1到9的数字卡片 B.每次游戏前发给每个学生1张. 游戏过程: A.把几套从1到9的数字卡片分别发给全班同学,戴在胸前.全班同学围成一圈做丢手帕的游戏,捉到谁,谁就站在圈中央找出自己的朋友来搭救自己. B.数字凑成10才能做朋友(可以是两人做朋友,如7和3,也可是三人做朋友,如2,4和4,还可以是四人、五人……做朋友),朋友越多越好.

C.根据找到朋友的人数多少,大家用掌握声进行奖励,找到一个朋友,鼓一次掌,找到两个朋友鼓两次掌,以此类推. 4、《摸几何图形》 游戏目的:训练学生用触摸的方法对看不见的几何图形进行分类,巩固他们对几何图形的特征辨认。 游戏材料:三角形、圆形、正方形、长方形的硬纸片若干,一个纸盒,一块大手帕。 游戏过程: A.将若干三角形、圆形、正方形、长方形硬纸片放进纸盒里,用手帕盖好 B.纸盒外边分别放一块三角形、圆形、正方形、长方形纸片; C..一个小朋友把一只手伸进纸盒摸图形,另一只手在纸盒外边拿一个与摸到的图形同类的图形,然后将摸到的图形拿出来进行比较。如两只手中的图形确是同一类型,得10分,并可继续摸一次;如两只手中的图形不是同一类型,不给分,且不再摸。注意事项:盒子里面的图形与盒子外边的图形尽可能大小相等,否则会给儿童做游戏带来难度。当然增加难度,可以加上各种立体图形。 5、《搭积木》 游戏目的: A.通过学生接触不同形状的积木,熟悉各立体图形的特征. B.培养学生动手操作能力. 游戏准备:有正方体、长方体、球、圆柱等形状的积木. 游戏过程: A.学生分为若干小组,每组发给一副积木. B.以小组为单位,合作搭积木,用不同形状的积木搭成自己喜欢的事物(如:桥、房子等). C.将各小组的作品摆在一起,由各小组推举的一名学生讲解自己组摆的是什么事物,用了那些形状的积木,并一一指出来. D.全体学生评判出最优作品. 6、《拼一拼,摆一摆》 游戏目的: A.通过游戏,培养学生的空间观念. B.培养学生的动手操作能力.


每当看着幼小的孩子入学后握笔做作业的痛苦,我们就在思考:用什么方式可 以让孩子学得快乐点、轻松点,又能满足他们爱玩的天性呢? 翻看了很多数学教育和传播史方面的书籍,这些书让我们豁然开朗,原来在教 科书之外,数学别有洞天:数学是可以玩的,游戏从来没有离开过数学。 于是,我们将游戏和数学结合起来,把一、二年级的数学知识点加以整合,设 计以扑克牌为主,飞行棋、蛇棋等游戏为辅的数学课堂游戏。而在课表上,我 们的数学课也明确地标注成数学游戏。 我们将数学游戏分为两大类:知识性游戏,比如扑克牌、飞行棋、蛇棋等游戏;益智性游戏,比如拼摆类、聪明格等游戏。 知识性游戏根据小学一、二年级数学教材的内容精心设计,以北师大版数学教 材为例,归纳一、二年级“数的认识”及“数的运算”知识点如下: 册别数的认识数的运算 一年级上10以内数的认识。 理解符号>、<、=的含义,10以内 数的比较大小。 20以内数的认识及比较大小。 认识加法和减法。 10以内数的加法和减法。 20以内数的加法。 20以内数的不退位减法。 一年级下100以内数的认识及比较大小。 20以内数的退位减法。 100以内数的加减法。 二年级上100以内数的连加、连减、加减混合运算。 乘法的认识和乘法口诀。 除法的认识和用口诀求商。 二年级下万以内数的认识及比较大小。 有余数的出发。 万以内数的加减法。 根据以上知识点,我们开发了63个知识性游戏。同时,我们结合一、二年级孩子所学的知识和智力发展情况,还开发、收集了古今中外的25个益智性游戏。 课堂游戏教学时,我们把知识性游戏和益智游戏穿插进行。根据益智游戏的难度,我们会安排3-4周的时间玩一种益智游戏。每玩一种游戏,教师会讲解并


乘公共汽车(培养反应敏捷性及社会公德意识) 邀请一位口齿清楚的学生,有表情地朗读下面一则小故事,要求参赛者听见“站”字坐下,听到“坐(包括…座?)”站起来,每位参赛者后面站一位手持纸捧的工作人员,每做错一次就朝头上猛敲一下,最后,挨敲的次数最少者,还要回答一个文明礼貌的小问题,答得好的为优胜。 有一次,小明和妹妹乘公共汽车,上车后,小明发现一个空座位,他丢下妹妹赶紧跑过去坐下。这时,过来一位老奶奶,她扶着拉手,站在小明身边。妹妹对小明说:“哥哥,你看你,你坐着奶奶站着,多不好啊!你赶快站起来,让奶奶坐吧!”小明挨了批评,心里很不高兴,赌气说:“你让我站着,我就偏不站,我要坐嘛!”老奶奶听了笑笑说:“没关系,你坐吧,我不坐。”妹妹站在小明身旁气得撅起了小嘴,说:“你真不懂礼貌,我再也不愿站在你旁边了!”这时,汽车到站了,那位奶奶下了车。望着老奶奶远去的身影,小明的心里很不是滋味,他觉得自己是错了,情不自禁地站起来,悄悄地离开了那个座位,嘴里自言自语地说:“哎,怎么搞的,坐和站,站和坐,坐坐站站,站站坐坐,坐站坐站,站坐站坐,到底是站还是坐,今天我怎么湖涂了!” 玩照镜子 只需请几组人上台一个人当照镜子的人另一个人当镜子当镜子的那个人要学照镜子的人的动作^^ 最后剩下的就是获胜方 让所有人起立,并排站好(或围圈也可以); 然后所有人左手手掌向下,右手只出食指向上,抵住右边人的掌心,一个个的排下去。等大家都排好了(即所有人的左手掌下都是左边人的手指,右手指都抵在右边人的手掌上),这个时候大家安静,听主持人念一段话(随便自己事先编好)。 只要大家听到主持人念“小乌龟”三个字,所有人的左手就去抓左边人的食指、同时右手的食指要逃避右边人的捕捉。主持人事先说好,被抓到的人就是“小乌龟”,大家可以比比,看谁抓到的小乌龟多。PS:中途可以用小猫、小狗等等以小开头的引诱大家,说话的时候也可以快慢结合、出其不意。以前我们每次做都笑翻一大片。但是记得这个不宜太长,一段4、5百字的话,里面包含4、5个“乌龟”就可以了。太长了不好。


口才课堂小游戏有哪些_玩起来 知识的储备,不是为了炫耀自己懂得多,而是为了让说出来的话言之有物不偏不倚。同时,一些课堂上的小游戏能够让气氛更活跃。下面是学习啦小编整理的一些口才课堂小游戏,供你参考。 口才课堂小游戏1、捉老鼠 目的:发展孩子的大肌肉群,又能锻炼孩子身体的灵活性、敏捷性和快速反应能力,并培养孩子互助合作的意识。 传统玩法:教师和孩子手拉手站成一个大圆圈做“老鼠笼”,3~5名孩子站在大圆圈里扮演“老鼠”。扮演“老鼠笼”的孩子手拉手举起并念儿歌,扮演“老鼠”的孩子则在“老鼠笼”四周钻进钻出。当念到“咔嚓一声”时,扮演“老鼠笼"的孩子立即放下手,同时蹲下。在"老鼠笼"内的"老鼠"算被捉住,被捉住的孩子表演节目,然后站在大圆圈上做"老鼠笼"。游戏继续进行,直到"老鼠"全部被捉住再调换部分角色,游戏重新开始。 创新玩法:为了增加游戏的趣味性,扮演"老鼠"的孩子戴上头饰,扮演"老鼠笼"的孩子按顺时针边念儿歌边在圆圈上走动,增加"老鼠"钻出的难度。也可以放置沙包当"粮食",规定"老鼠"一次只能拿一个沙包当"粮食",并把取出后的"粮食"放在旁边的"粮食"筐里。附儿歌:老鼠老鼠坏东西,偷吃粮食偷吃米。我们搭个老鼠笼,咔嚓一声捉住你。 口才课堂小游戏2、打电话 目的:复习有关汉字;练习使用打电话习惯用语。 准备:孩子每人一张不同的字卡。 玩法:教师边做打电话的动作,边说儿歌:"叮铃铃、叮铃铃"全体孩子接着说:"叮铃铃、叮铃铃,悦耳的声音真动听,不知电话谁打来,快快拿起听一听。"(做听电话动作)孩子:"喂,你好,请问你是谁?"师:"你好,我是好老师,我找数字宝宝。"拿相应字卡的孩子站起来,举起字卡说:"我是数字宝宝。"游戏依次进行。 口才课堂小游戏3、照相机 目的:复习有关字词。 准备:相应的大、小字卡(小字卡每人一套)。


1.模仿秀imitate show 游戏说明:教师带领学生一起模仿小动物进行单词操练。 2.传球、拍球pass or bounce the ball 游戏说明:请两组学生边传球边传单词或句子,看哪组同学传的又快又好,可用于单词或句型的分组操练。 3.照镜子look at the mirror 游戏说明:学生与老师做同样的动作并操练单词或句型。 4.拍手停clap hands 游戏说明:教师与学生边拍手边说单词,教师停则学生停;此游戏可用于单词操练,可以集中学生注意力。 5.长大个grow taller 游戏说明:学生的语音根据教师的手势变幻,声音由小变大,可用于单词操练并集中学生学习的注意力。 6.木头人wooden child 游戏说明:教师或选一名学生背对学生进行单词操练,当教师或学生转过身时其他学生保持原来的动作变成木头人。 7.吹气球blow the balloons 游戏说明:学生边说单词边做吹气球的动作,声音随着气球的大小发生相应的变化,用于操练单词。 8.二人转turn and turn 游戏说明:两名学生各持一张单词卡片,根据教师口令做动作,同时观看另外一名学生手中的单词卡片,看哪一位同学能以最快的速度认出另一位同学手中的卡片。该游戏用于考查学生对单词的掌握程度。 9.运气球pass the balloons 游戏说明:两组学生边运气球边说单词,看哪组学生运球好,单词说的又流利。 10.大小声opposite tune 游戏说明:学生与教师进行唱反调的游戏,教师声音大,学生声音小;教师声音小,学生的声音相应变大,可用于单词或简单句型的操练。 11.和卡片跳舞dance with cards


数学课堂小游戏 1、《森林运动会》 我在《森林运动会》一课中,就设计了一个猜谜语的环节,让小朋友特别感兴趣。具体的游 戏过程是这样的:课前我在黑板上贴了一些小朋友喜欢的小动物,这些小动物是用不同颜色 的彩色纸剪的,每一个小动物身上都写了一则数字谜语。上课的时候,我首先提问:“小朋友,你们喜欢猜谜语吗?”小朋友高兴地回答说喜欢,于是我让他们一起看黑板上的小动物,说:“这些小动物每人给大家出了一则谜语,你们谁猜中了就把小动物送给谁。”小朋友一听,高兴极了,争先恐后地举手说要来猜,我让小朋友分小组来猜,每一小组猜一则谜语,结果小朋友几乎都猜出了谜语所代表的数字,所以我就把小动物奖给了他们,看到他们兴高采烈 地拿着漂亮的小动物互相炫耀的样子,我的心里感到由衷地高兴。 2、《10以内数的组成》 1 教学10以内数的组成时,我设计了一个“碰球”的游戏来巩固10以内数的组成。如我先出示数字8,对学生说:“嗨、嗨,我的3球碰几球?”学生可以说:“嗨、嗨,你的3球碰5球,”学生说出的数必须与老师说的数合起来是8。在这样愉快的氛围中,几乎所有的学生都能迅 速地说出碰球的数,于是10以内数的组成很快就被小朋友牢牢地记住了。 《10以内数的分与合》 2 在教学《10以内数的分与合》时,我设计一个扔皮球的游戏,让学生讨论数的分与合的不 同方法。学生分成小组,指名学生拿10个皮球,看谁先报出他扔进几个皮球,就让谁来扔 皮球,并请他讲讲是怎么想的。如一个学生扔完后,篮外有3个皮球。有的说我是想3和7合成10,所以扔进7个球;有的说前面一个同学篮外有4个球扔进6个,现在篮外是3个,我可以肯定他扔进了7个,因为外面少一个,里面就多一个??学生们从不同角度想出正确答案,呈现出思维的个性化,多样化,更可贵的是培养了学生的创新思维 3、《10以内的加减法》 在教学10以内的加减法的时候,学生最喜欢和我一起参加“乘车游戏”,游戏之前,教师需 要准备一些司机头饰和算式卡片,把它们发到每个学生手中,游戏开始了,得到司机头饰的 学生就当小汽车司机,戴上头饰神气地站到指定的地方,我一般也是戴上头饰当“小司机”,每个头饰上写了一个10以内的数,拿到算式卡片的学生就根据自己卡片上的得数去乘坐不 同的“汽车”,全部上车之后,由司机验票,乘错车的被罚下车,验票结束之后,司机就带领 乘客在音乐声中“坐车”,因为有我的参与,所以孩子们显得特别兴奋,他们都想坐上我的车,都为能跟老师一起做游戏而感到自豪。 4、《分类》 在教学《分类》这课时,一开始我就问学生:今天我们来做个游戏,好吗?学生齐声说好, 所有的眼睛都注视着我,思想高度集中。此时我轻声慢语地说:“请小朋友们注意听,并按 老师要求去做。小朋友们请注意,请你按我的要求做:男孩子请你站起来,女孩子请你站起来;高个子男孩坐下去,矮个子男孩坐下;长头发女孩坐下,短头发女孩坐下;大眼睛的小 朋友请你拍拍手,小眼睛的小朋友 请你拍拍手;穿皮鞋的小朋友请你跺跺脚,穿旅游鞋的小朋友请你跺跺脚;全班小朋友们一 起跺跺脚!”在这样有趣的游戏情境中,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生产生追求和掌握知识 的精神力量,为学习《分类》做了很好的铺垫。 5、《有余数的除法》 例如,在教学《有余数的除法》一课时,我设计了一个分水果游戏:“六一”儿童节到了,我 们班要举行联欢会,老师给每组同学准备了一些水果,请小组长打开水果箱,将本组的水果每人分5个。学生分完后发现:15个苹果,每个人分5个,可以分给3个人;16个梨,每个人分5个,可以分3个人,多了1个;18个香蕉,每个人分5个,可以分3个人,多了3


10个经典的课程小游戏! 游戏1——初次见面(消除隔膜的游戏) 见面3分钟时是你留给他人第一印象的最重要的时刻,同样在一个会议或培训的刚开始,如何让大家更加活络,是关系培训是否成功的关键,下面的小游戏就可用于消除大家的陌生感。游戏程序和规则 1.第一步: (1)给每一个人都做一个姓名牌。 (2)让每位成员在进入培训室前,先在名册上核对一下他的姓名,然后给他一个别人的姓名牌。 (3)等所有人到齐后,要求所有人在3分钟之内找到姓名牌上的人,同时向其他人做自我介绍。 2.第二步: (1)主持人作自我介绍,然后告诉与会人员:“很高兴来到这儿!” (2)快速绕教室走一圈,问:“如果你今天不在这儿,你会在做什么不情愿做的事情呢?”(3)注意让问答保持在一个轻松活泼的氛围之内。 相关讨论 1、当你在寻找你的姓名牌上的人的时候,你是不是也同时认识了很多其他的人?经过了这个游戏,你是不是感觉大家的距离近了好多? 2、在第二步中,当你们谈到自己可以不用做自己不愿意做的一些事情,你会不会发现坐在这里听 课是一件比较惬意的事情? 总结:在开始的课程中,主持人一定要注意保持一个积极、幽默的态度,以便让大家迅速的消除腼腆等情绪,然后让大家好好的熟悉起来;同时有助于大家积极的发言。 如果没有调动起来情绪,学员没有积极举手回答的话,讲师可以有意识的点名让同学回 答,以调动气氛。 参与人数:集体参与时间:20分钟场地:不限道具:姓名牌 应用:(1)团队沟通 (2)培训或集体活动前的熟悉和沟通 (3)主持人开场白,帮助主持人与大家进行沟通和交流 游戏2——情感病毒(提高情商的游戏) 情感是人与人交往中的重要因素之一,强烈的感情尤其是负面的情绪会在人与人之间传


小学课堂游戏30个 小学课堂游戏30个 小学课堂游戏(一): 找朋友 适用范围:复习字的偏旁、结构,正反义词,以及声母与韵母的相拼。 游戏准备:有生字的金牌,花形卡片 操作过程: (1)导语:小朋友,你想找到你的好朋友吗?让我们来做一个找朋友的游戏。 (2)如,第一册《识字4》,在学了生字后,请学生找相同偏旁的字做你的好朋友,就能够这样操作。一生拿一张卡片“打”,说:“找呀找,找呀找,谁是我的好朋友?”拿卡片“拔”和“拍”的同学就都能够上前说:“我是你的好朋友。”大家说:“对对对,‘拔’是‘打’的好朋友。”最终大家一齐读读两位好朋友手中的字,说说这两个字的偏旁。又如,教师能够做几个金牌,金牌上贴有生字“跑”“跳”,大家一齐拍手说:“找呀找,找呀找,找到一个好朋友。”挂金牌的同学看一看读一读生字,与挂有相同偏旁字的小朋友手拉手,成为好朋友。找

对了,大家说:“对对对,你们是一对好朋友。”找错了,大家说:“错错错,赶快再去找一找。” (3)教师也能够准备一些声母或韵母相同的生字,用金牌的形式挂在大家胸口,先读一读,然后让小朋友选择字音中相同部分的字手拉手,交朋友。还能够教师准备字型结构相同的或能组成词语的两个生字,准备一些声母和韵母,让学生读后手拉手交朋友。 (4)这样在游戏中能激发学生的学习兴趣,在游戏中巩固所学知识。 小学课堂游戏(二): 开火车 适用范围:用于复习巩固拼音字母、音节、生字、词语等。这个游戏适用范围比较广,所做准备也比较简单,这种游戏很适合课堂操作,能使全体学生兴奋起来。但比较适合复习巩固阶段运用。 游戏准备:相关字母、声母卡片 操作过程:


抢卡片 游戏目的 使学生进一步熟悉9加几的计算,提高口算速度. 游戏准备 写有算式和得数的卡片若干张. 游戏过程 1.学生分组进行. 2.把算式卡片和得数卡片放到桌子上,由组长举算式卡片,其他同学抢得数卡片,谁抢到的多谁获胜. 3.游戏控制在3分钟左右. 成双配对 游戏目的 1.使学生进一步体会加减法的含义. ? 2.使学生能够熟练计算20以内的不进位加法和不退位减法. 游戏准备 将所有20以内的不进位加法和不退位减法算式制作成口算卡片. 游戏过程 1.学生以小组为单位进行活动. 2.组长任意说一个数字,其他学生就从口算卡片中拿出得数等于组长所报数字的口算卡片. 注意:口算卡片不能重复使用.如组长说“14”,第一次可以拿出“13+1”这个卡片;第二次组长再说“14”的时候,可以拿“12+2”“15-1”等等,但是不能再拿“13+1”这个卡片. 3.每次第一个拿出卡片的学生获得奖励(小红花,小星星等等),最后获得奖励最多的学生就是优胜者. 搭积木 游戏目的 1.通过学生接触不同形状的积木,熟悉各立体图形的特征. 2.培养学生动手操作能力. 游戏准备 有正方体、长方体、球、圆柱等形状的积木. 游戏过程 1.学生分为若干小组,每组发给一副积木. 2.以小组为单位,合作搭积木,用不同形状的积木搭成自己喜欢的事物(如:桥、房子等). 3.将各小组的作品摆在一起,由各小组推举的一名学生讲解自己组摆的是什么事物,用了那些形状的积木,并一一指出来. 4.全体学生评判出最优作品. 拼一拼,摆一摆 游戏目的 1.通过游戏,培养学生的空间观念. 2.培养学生的动手操作能力. 游戏准备 1.教师提前准备一个用长方体、正方体、圆柱和球拼摆的玩具.


适合初中生课堂小游戏 1、“海内存知己,天涯若比邻” 游戏规则:7或8个人一组(通过分发扑克牌随机组合),以小组为单位,自行选出自己的组长,然后顺时针依次介绍自己(包括姓名、家乡、性格、爱好),最后由组长来总结发言并介绍自己小组所有成员的基本情况。(看哪个小组组长介绍得生动有特色,能让大家都记住他们的组员) 游戏意义:让大家对彼此有一份最基本的了解 2、“找零钱” 游戏规则:男生代表1元钱,女生代表5毛钱。由主持人说出具体价格数目,由男女生自由组合,最快组合完毕的即为获胜者,落单或者组合错误 的则视为失败。游戏意义:让大家都了解每个人都有其存在的价值,要懂得互相尊重和珍惜。 3、“大风吹,吹大风” 游戏规则:现场所有同学手牵手围成一个大圈,主持人站在圈内开始喊口令:“大风吹,吹大风,吹穿白色衣服的……”,其他同学围着主持人转动,一旦听到吹什么样的人,这些人就得立马反应过来,然后进行位置互换。(重复或者站错的都将受到惩罚,要当场表演节目)游戏意义:一是考验同学们的反应能力,二是考查换位双方的沟通和协调能力。 4、“情有千千结” 游戏规则:现场所有同学分两组,手牵手围成两个大圈,主持人站在圈外指挥。每个同学都要记住自己左右两边的人,听到主持人说解散的口令后开始随便相圈内走动,然后主持人会叫停,大家都得停止运动,然后找到刚开始在自己身边的人,保持原地不动,重新牵手。紧接着就是要想尽一切办法恢复到正常的牵手状态。(最快恢复原状的小组即为胜者,落后的小组则需要受到惩罚,可集体表演节目或者派代表表演) 游戏意义:考察大家的团队协作能力,考 5、“传递呼啦圈” 游戏规则:现场所有同察部分同学具有的组织领导能力。? 学分两组,手牵手围成两个大圈,主持人站在圈外指挥。每个圈内放入一个呼啦圈,由主持人宣布开始计时,看两个小组顺时针传递速度的快慢,一般记为三圈一轮且中途不允许把手放开。(快的一组即为胜者,落后的依旧要给予惩罚) 游戏意义:考察大家的团队协作能力以及随机应变的能力。 6、“有错你就说” 游戏规则:现场所有同学分两组,并排站成两列,用手搭前者的后肩。用数字代替方向(如1代表向左,2代表向右,3代表向前,4代表向后),由主持人喊口令并监督队伍行进情况,犯错的同学需主动举手示意,并大声对组员说声:“对不起,我错了!” 游戏意义:考察大家的方位辨别能力,与此同时 7、“生死与共” 游戏规则:主持人挑让大家敢于面对错误并及时承认错误。? 选6对选手(1男1女为1对,男强壮,女瘦小),助手在每对选手面前的地上铺开1大张报纸。主持人讲解游戏规则,告知最后从报纸上站不住的一对选手即为第一,并与助手示范一次。各对选手站到报纸上,主持人计时,数10下,坚持不住者淘汰。助手把进入第二轮的各对选手面前的报纸对折一半,选手站上去,主持人计时,数10下,坚持不住者淘汰,如此循环,知道胜者决出。游戏意义:让大家知道,在困难面前要懂得互相支持、互帮互助的道理。?8、“撕纸游戏” 游戏规则:大家围成一个大圈坐着,然后由主持人给每个人发一张白纸。然后由主持宣布让大伙闭眼,并按照指示对白纸进行对折,然后进行撕角。最后睁开眼睛将被撕的纸张打开,互相对比下看有什么样的不同。游戏意义:让大家知道,每个人都有属于自己的想法,我们不能把自己的观点强加与人,人与人之间要少一点误会,多一份理解和体谅。 中学生课堂游戏集锦 Game 1复习游戏

数学课前小游戏 2

数学课前小游戏 一、课前做一些数学小游戏,能激发学生学习数学的兴趣。如果大家有什么课前好的数学游戏,简单点的如:教师教师出示一个手指头,问学生这是几?学生会说:“1”。教师很快伸出两个手指头,又问学生这是几?学生会说“2”,教师很快地说:“1+1=?”然后同时伸出三个指头,学生会说“3”。通过这个小游戏,提醒同学们上课要集中注意力。 二、我提供一个:来一个数字接力,比如都说奇数,第一个同学说1,那第二个同学就得说3,第一个同学说11,第二个同学就得说13等,好可以让他们说都是3的倍数的数,比如第一个同学说3,那第二个同学就得说6,第一个同学说15,那第二个同学就要说18等等,如果难点的就说7的倍数,9的倍数等等,这种方法在教学中能培养学生的快速反应和他们的数感. 三、我发一个,集中学生的注意力,锻炼他们的分辨能力和灵活程度。学生端正的坐好后,教师说“左手”,学生举右手;教师说“右手”学生举左手。 四、多啊,如一只青蛙一张嘴,两只眼睛四条腿。两只青蛙两张嘴,四只眼睛八条腿。如此类推。再如:师报一,生击掌两下。师报二,生击掌三下。依次类推 四、二年级数学,刚上完100以内加减法的时候,就在课前3分钟进行20以内的加减法口算练习,如:1+1=2,2+2=4,3+3=6......一直加到10+10=20然后又倒回来9+9=18,8+8=16.......学生注意力很集中,而且算得很起劲 五、曾现场听过强震球老师的“角的大小比较”一课,上课前,强老师让学生在电脑上操作“开炮击球”的游戏:在大炮的炮管前,有几个远近高低都不相同的目标球,玩游戏的学生需要用鼠标调整炮管的角度,以求最终击中目标。操作的学生玩得尽兴、台下的学生看得入神,参谋声、惋惜声、庆祝声


小学英语课堂游戏100种 利用游戏来进行课堂教学,会大大提高教学活动的趣味性,获得较好的教学效果。在此,我收集了英语小学英语课堂常用的100种小游戏,希望能对您的教学有一点点帮助。 1.抢读字母 这是一个训练学生认读字母的游戏,教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答,教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记10分,最后得分最多的组为优胜。 2.抢答字母组 将全班分成两个小组,并把两套字母卡片分别发给各组学生。游戏开始,教师用中文说:"乐谱的七个调","美国","圆心和半径","中华人民共和国",持有这些字母卡片的学生应立即站起来并举起字母"ABCDEFG,"USA",o,r","PRC"等,答得既快又准的组获胜。 3.看谁快 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一组学生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站起来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。 4.听音辨字母 这是一个训练学生辨别字母的游戏。教师可将读音易混的字母分别写在板上,如GJOW,等,共准备2~4套,同时将学生分成2~4个小组,每组抽一名学生到前面向全班站好,教师发给每人一套卡片(2~4张为宜),游戏开始,教师念其中的一个字母,学生应立即找出并高举起该字母,先找对的得2分,后找对的得1分,没找对的不得分,最后得分多的组为优胜。 5.听音摘字母比赛 这是一个训练学生听认字母能力的游戏,教师先把所学过的大小写字母写在卡片上,按大小写把卡片分成两组贴在黑板上,然后把学生分成两组。游戏开始,每组的第一名学生上黑板前等候,教师说出一个字母,这两名学生就立即摘下教师所念的字母,放到讲台上,一人摘大写字母,另一人摘小写字母,摘得对而快的得2分,对而慢的得1分,不对的不得分,在教师念第一个字母时,各组的第二名学生应上前等候,在第一名学生摘完字母后,教师立即说另一个字母,游戏接着进行,最后得分多的组为优胜。 6.图形中找字母 教师在黑板上画一些图形,让学生找出其中所含的字母,例如: CDIO bdpq CIDO EFHIL 7.宾狗(Bingo) 这是一个训练学生听写认读字母能力的游戏,每个学生准备一张纸,并在上面画一个井字,将纸分成九格,然后教师随便念九个学过的字母,学生边听边将字母填在格子中,随便填在哪个格里都行。学生填好后,教师再打乱顺序逐个念这九个字母,学生边听边在听到的字母上画圈,当画的圈在横行、竖行或对角线上成一条直线时,学生便可以边喊"宾狗(Bingo)"边将纸举起让教师检查,最先喊"宾狗"并写得准确的获胜。这个游戏还可以用于音标,单词或数词等。 8.传递字母 每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写一个字母或字母组(如:KG-PV),在教师说"开始"后,最后一排的学生即用耳语把卡片上的内容告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的内容告诉前面的学生…这样依次进行下去,最后第一排的学生把所传的字母或字母组写到黑板上,传得最快,最准确的组获胜。 9.跟我走 这是一个训练学生按字母表顺序记忆字母的游戏。开始前,先把字母卡片发给学生。然后说出一个字母(如:M),持有该字母卡片的学生站出来并说:I am M Follow me ,please.持有字母N的学生应立刻站在持M 卡片学生的后面,并说:I am N.Follow me. please,依次类推,对的给10分,错的不给分,这个游戏也可以倒着排次序,也可说I am M.Who is before me?持字母L的学生应立刻站在持M卡片学生的前面。、 10.字母排次序 这是一个训练学生记忆字母顺序的游戏。教师点名,并出示一张字母卡片。被点名的学生立即读出这个字母,并说出一个包含该字母读音的单词接着由被点名学生的前一位学生说出这个字母的前一个字母,和一个含有该字母读音的单词,然后由被点名学生后面一位学生说出这个字母的下一个字母和含有该字母的单词,如:被点名学生:B-bag,前面的学生:A-apple,后面的学生:C-cat凡说错或接不上的就给该组记负分。11.字母排顺序接力赛


数学课堂中的小游戏 教学游戏主要指课堂教学时所采用的一些游戏,这种游戏可以放在课的开头,激发兴趣,导入新课。如在教学“能被2、3、5整除的数的特征”时,我就设计了这样一个游戏,学生任意报一个数,教师迅速“猜”出这个数是否能被2(3或5)整除,从而引起学生的好奇心,都跃跃欲试,争着报出一个数来让老师猜。 受游戏的启示,部分聪惠的学生也许会猜想并提出:能被2(3或5)整除的数一定有什么特征,教师此刻便可以提出“到底能被2、3、5整除的数有什么特征呢?这就是我们今天要探讨的问题。”新课就这样在热闹的气氛中开始了。 游戏也可以放在新授后面,作巩固练习之用。儿童喜爱游戏也因为游戏中有竞赛,通过竞赛来表现和了解自己,象平时练习计算能力的口算比赛、夺红旗等形式,小学生就很喜爱。 我在教学了亿以内的数位顺序表后,在练习时就设计了这样一个游戏:四人一组,每组发写好0、1、2、4、5、8数字的六张小卡片,要求组成例外的六位数,在规定时间内摆出,写在纸上,多的获胜。当时课堂气氛极好,连平时上课爱走神的学生也兴致勃勃地参加了进去,取得了优良的效果。这样一道带“★”的思考题,就在学生们自己动手操作,在欢愉的课堂气氛中完满解答了。 当然,有些时候,游戏还可以在巩固练习之后,成为“学以致用”、“活活用”的手段。例如在“约数、倍数”一课巩固练习之后,我安排了这样一个游戏:抢三十。 这个游戏很多人都玩过,规则是这样的:两个人从1起轮流依次报数,每人每次报数必须少于三个,先报到30的为胜。我还补充说,看看有哪位同学能赢老师的。这下,全班学生都兴奋起来,先是同桌间比,再是前前后后比,忙得不亦乐乎。其实,在新授课的基础上,明确30是3的倍数,很多学生都能从中发现规律,取胜的关键就在于对方先报数,而自己,只要紧紧“咬”住3的倍数就稳操胜券了。所以到最后,全班的孩子都得意非凡,因为只要我先报数,他们都能赢我这个老师。在“其乐融融”中,我又趁势提出:“如果不是抢三十,而是抢


1。英语课堂小游戏:相同词首单词拼读赛 将全班分成若干小组,教师说一个字母(如:d),第一组的第一名学生立即站起来,说出并拼出三个(也可以是五个或十个,视学生词汇量的多少而定)以字母d打头的单词,如: desk,dog,door等,念不出或念错要扣分,这位学生说完后,教师念另一个字母,由第二组的第一名学生说。这样依次进行下去,最后看哪组得人最多为胜,做这个游戏时,也可以让两组的学生轮流说字母(如由第一组的第一名学生说字母,由第二组的第一名学生答)这样就成了对抗赛,注意不要说q,x,z等字母。2。英语课堂小游戏:拼单词对抗赛 将全班分成若干小组,对抗赛在两个小组中进行,在教师宣布游戏开始后,第一组的第一名学生立即用中文说出一个单词(如:自行车),第一组的第二名学生应立即将这个单词说出来,说错或不能迅速说出单词的记负分,最后哪组扣分最少为优胜。3。英语课堂小游戏:相同元音单词拼读对抗赛 将全z班分成若干小组,对抗赛在两个小组中进行,游戏开始,教师说一个单词(如:bike),第一组的学生a应立即站起来,说出一个含相同元音(即元音[ai]的单词),如:five,说出词义并拼出来,说不出,说错词义拼错要扣分,这位学生说完后,教师念另一个单词,由第二组的学生a站起来说,这样依次进行下去,最后看哪组得分最多为优胜。做这个游戏时,也可以让两组

学生轮流说单词(如由第一组的学生a说一个单词,由第二组的学生a答),这样就成了对抗赛。 4。英语课堂小游戏:拼读单词列队比赛 将全班分成两组,教师发给每个学生一张字母卡片,不常用的字母(如q,z)可以一人多拿几张,游戏开始,教师说一个单词,如ship,或出示一张轮船的图片,两个组持s,h,i,p字母的学生应立即站到讲台前按顺序站好队,先按正确次序排好队的为优胜。 5。英语课堂小游戏:单词接龙 将全班分成若干组,每组来一个学生在黑板上写出一个以某字母为词首的单词,前一个单词的词尾字母作下一个单词的词首字母。在规定时间内哪一组接的词最多为优胜。如: pen-nice-eight-tea-an-no-or-right-teacher-radio-on-nor等。 6。英语课堂小游戏:猜袋中物 教师从书包中拿出一件东西放入一只不透明的袋子里,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“is it a banana(an apple,orange)?”猜对了为优胜。 7。英语课堂小游戏:换宝 教师准备好一些单词卡片(有的写中文,有的写英词)和图画。将卡片和图画放入一只不透明的袋子里。游戏开始教师说,袋子里装的是许多宝物,让学生们上来轮流摸宝,如果摸到的是写有
