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当前位置:文档库 › 老年阵发性心房颤动的临床分析




发表时间:2009-05-05T15:42:11.827Z 来源:《中国医药卫生》杂志供稿作者:汪桂花余利[导读]


乐山市中区人民医院(四川乐山 614000)

【摘要】目的探讨老年阵发性心房颤动(阵发房颤)的临床特点。方法回顾性分析老年阵发性心房颤动患者120例的临床诊断和治疗过程。结果 120例中有基础心脏疾病96例(90.9%),冠心病72例(60%)和高血压病14例(12.3%),83.4%病例有明确诱因可寻,其中各种感染11.2%,疲劳紧张56.9%,饮酒3.3%,其他如发作性眩晕、排便及外伤等引起的占12.0%,16.6%患者无明显诱因。阵发性房颤发作后经休息及去除诱因能自行转律的占13.5%,使用抗心律失常药后转复的占65.7%,其中用洋地黄控制心室率后自行恢复窦律的26例(27.2%),用乙胺磺呋酮转复的30例(25.2%),用倍他乐克和安定转复的13例(10.8%),洋地黄与乙胺碘呋酮合用转律的10例(8.33%)。结论老年人阵发房颤的病因是多样的,房颤易在机体受不良刺激时发作,对老年患者如房颤伴有明显症状,心室率快,尤其表现如心功能不全者,应注意观察并及早治疗。


[中图分类号]R541.7 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1810-5734(2008)01-0002-02 Old age paroxysmal atrium tremor clinical analysis.[WTBZ]Wang GuiHua.YuLi The people's Hospital of leshan carltral (sichuan 614000)【Abstract】 Purpose Explore the Old paroxysmal atrial fibrill

ation (paroxysmal at

rial fibrillation), the clinical features 。 Methods Retrospect

ive analysis of elde

rly patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in 120 cases of clinical diagno sis and treatment process Results 120 cases in 96 cases of hea

rt disease have a

basis, accounting for 90.9 %, 72 cases of coronary heart disease (60%) and hyper tension in 14 cases (12.3%), 83.4 % of cases there is a clear incentive to be fo und, of which 11.2%a variety of infections, fatigue tension 56.9%, 3.3%alcohol, such as paroxysmal vertigo, and defecation, and other trauma caused by accountin g for 12.0%, 16.6% in patients with no significant incentive. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation after the attack by the rest and be able to remove the incentive to transfer their accounts for 13.5 % of the law, the use of anti-arrhythmic drugs after the turn of the complex accounting for 65.7%, digitalis used to control v entricular rate on its own after the restoration of sinus rhythm of 26 cases , A ccounting for 27.2%, and third-methyl-furosemide to resume the 30 cases, account ing for 25.2% metoprolol and stability to the resumption of 13 cases, accounting for 10.8% and digitalis Amiodarone Law to the combination 10 cases, accounting for 8.33%. Conclusion Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the el

derly is a variety

of causes, easy to atrial fibrillation in the body by stimulating the non-perfo
