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1.The first three sentences in Passage One are all constructed with passive voice

while the first three sentences in Passage Two are constructed with active voice. Therefore, the language in Passage One sounds more formal and objective than that of Passage Two.

2.The words spoken by Sheila in Passage Two are informal. Examples: "There's

Ravi at the home of that American doctor." (Contracted form); "A wonderful guy." (Incomplete sentence); "Ravi looks sweet, doesn 't he?" (Question tag).

3.In the second paragraph of Passage One, "it" refers to "to use insecticide

regularly, on a very large scale."

4.In the second paragraph of Passage Two, "through" means "finish" or


5.Passage One is written for academic purpose and Passage Two mainly for



Passage One

A blast of hot air is sent into the bottom of the furnace to make the coke burn fiercely. It is blown into the furnace through pipes. These pipes are installed around the circumference of the blast furnace eight feet above the bottom.

While the coke is burning and iron is melting, gas is formed at the top of the chamber. This is led off from the top of the furnace to be used. It contains carbon monoxide, which is combustible. Part of this gas is used for making the air blast hot. It is led off into stoves.

Passage Two

All elements are composed of discrete units called atoms, which are the smallest particles that exhibit the characteristics of the element. Atoms are tiny units of matter composed of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and electrically neutral neutrons. Protons and neutrons, which have approximately the same mass, are clustered in the nucleus in the center of the atom. Electrons, which are tiny in comparison to the other units, orbit the nucleus at high speed. Atoms that have an equal number of electrons and protons are electrically neutral. Those that have gained or lost electrons, and therefore are positively or negatively charged, are called ions.



1. D (自动驾驶仪)

2. F (生物钟)

3. I (热核的)

4. G (地热的)

5. B (微波)

6. J (放射疗法)

7. E (光周期)

8. A (超导体)

9. H (远距离操纵器) 10. C (超显微/滤过性病毒)


1. 一位从事航空医学研究的医生

2. 防止计算机犯罪的措施

3. 一种新型除霜器

4. 一个用光电池驱动的玩具

5. 一辆装有自动报警器的汽车

6. 隔音材料

7. 一种广泛使用的杀虫剂(农药)8. 用放射性碳做的试验

9. 电信业的发展10. 一台通用机床


1. in-(Inorganic)

2. radio- (radioactive)

3. hydro- (Hydrotherapy)

4. -free (caffeine-free)

5. infra- (infrared) / ultra- (ultrared)

6. mono- (monorail)

7. aero- (Aerodynamics) 8. -fold (33-fold)

9. geo- (geocentric) 10. -proof (weatherproof)

11. bio- (biotechnology) 12. anti- (antibiotic)

IV. 发电站2. 矿物燃料 3. 太阳黑子 4. 航天探测器 5. 滚珠轴承

6. 涡轮

7. 航天飞机

8. 树木的年轮

9. 离心调速器10. 心肌功能


1. flow

2. laws

3. law

4. conserved

5. transferred

6. transformed

7. bond

8. thermodynamics

9. work 10. law 11. degraded 12. work

13. law 14. state 15. disorder 16. energy

17. law 18. biological 19. metabolically 20. cell










1. H (耐热的,抗热的,不传热的)

2. E (带宽)

3. J (流线型的)

4. B (基岩)

5. G (耗电量大的)

6. A (太空行走)

7. I (用水制冷的) 8. D (液态的)

9. F (用防火材料保护的,阻燃的) 10. C (网络)


1. stress shock, stress-related diseases

2. solid-state semiconductor devices

3. energy-efficient appliances

4. topsoil

5. steam engine

6. soil organisms

7. windborne dust

8. the chain reaction

9. Fuelwood shortages

10. heat- and scratch-resistant surfaces


1. nylon

2. volt

3. pasteurization

4. Morse code

5. Bunsen burner

6. mackintosh

7. Doppler effect

8. Xerox

9. newton 10. ampere



1. bacteria

2. spectra / spectrums

3. radius

4. Fungi

5. nucleus

6. formula

7. phenomenon

8. Algae/Algas

9. larvae /larvas 10. stratum II.

1. F (computer disc read-only memory)

2. J (ear, nose, and throat)

3. A (ribonucleic acid)

4. H (unidentified flying object)

5. C (microwave landing system)

6. B (video-display terminal)

7. I (personal computer)

8. E (ultraviolet)

9. G (computer-aided manufacturing)

10. D (artificial intelligence)













1. The first program would require a minimum of 108 weeks, while the second 72 weeks.

2. Heated to 100°C, water will start boiling.

3. The nutrient solution will support growth even if highly dilute.

4. Two or three hundred of these wires, each about 0.19 inches in diameter, are

clamped together to form a single strand.

5. The three groups of tranquilizers are marketed in the United States, but not

commonly used in Britain.


1. Common salt is soluble in water.

2. Benzene has a boiling point of 80.4°C under normal pressure.

3. This plastics material has greater rigidity.

4. The beam has an I-shaped cross-section.

5. This specimen has a length of 3-26 cm.

6. The storage vessel has a capacity of 10,000 liters.

7. A brief description is given of the use and development trends of telecommunication.

8. Some scientists have suggested an immediate ban on the use of fluorocarbons.


1. In planning a road, extensive preliminary surveys must be carried out to determine

the precise line of the road.

2. In such cases, precautions have to be taken to avoid damage to the mechanism.

3. First, the tents must be spaced at 25-foot intervals to prevent flame spread.

4. The solution is weakened by the addition of more water.

5. Electricity can be transmitted by means of wires.

6. The microscope enables small objects to be observed.

7. These methods of joining metal are normally adopted for strong permanent joints.

8. The existence of the biological clock was first recognized in the early 18th century.

9. The way this danger has been assessed and the action taken reflects a growing

awareness of the problem.

10. After the soil has been excavated to the appropriate depth and filled, it is compacted by a roller until it is firm.



I 词的翻译

1 根据词的搭配选择词义

Solid:h), b), g), d), i), f), j), a), c), k), m), l), e)



(1) human ocular system 视觉系统(医学)

(2) rocket system 多级火箭(航天)

(3) pilling system 打桩工程(土木工程)

(4) wiring system 电路图(电路)

(5) transmission system 发送站(无线电)

(6) trunk system 长途电话网(邮电)

(7) stress system 应力状态(力学)

(8) phone-vision system 电视电话(通讯)

(9) system of government 政体(政治)

10) strip system 带伐作业( 林业)

(11) o ptical system 光具组(光学)

(12) p arallel system 平行式布置(设计)

3 根据词类或语境确定词义

(1) round



(2) condition



(3) find



(4) work



II 句子的翻译














III 长句的翻译

1 正是由于集成电路的研制成功,才有可能把电子器件做得越来越小。

2 在发达国家的工厂和车间里,用机器人来充当助手越来越普及,它是经设计


3 试图利用计算机来复制人脑活动方式的数学家们发现,即使运用最先进的电


4 结果表明,在相当长的时间内,全球平均气温都是相当稳定的,可极小的温



6 尽管备受关注的是研发金属,陶瓷,聚合物与复合材料材质的改善,但有能

力生产,制造可以满足特定需求的材料现在也在渐渐变成现实。Information super-highway

7 信息高速公路是一种电子通讯网络,这一网络把所有的人互相联系起来,并


8 如果把管子装成这个样子,使最热的水上升,而最冷的水流下来后返回锅炉


9 多种因素促使人们更加关注(垃圾的处理)/这种兴趣的产生有很多因素,包括


10 无论是用作轿车和公汽的能源,还是发电作其他的什么用途,燃料电池都是


11. 每个化学元素在周期表中都有一定的原子数和位置,可以据此来推测其特


12. 固体加热到足够温度时,它所含的电子就会有一部分离开固体表面而飞到周围的空间中去;这种现象称为热电子放射;通常,电子管就利用这种现象产生自由电子。



Our latest attempt at molding performance protectors has led to some positive results. We spent several hours in Dept.15 trying different machine settings and techniques. Several good parts were molded using two different sheet thicknesses. Here is a summary of the findings.

First, we tried the thick sheet material. At 240°F, this thickness worked well. Next, we tried the thinner sheet material. The thinner material is less forgiving, but after a few adjustments we were making good parts. Still, the thin material caused the most handling problems.



1.Actions of Antibiotics,(不够具体)

Performances of Moderators in Reactors,(不够具体)

A Comprehensive Survey on the Etiological Factors of Stomach Cancer in China,

(删除a comprehensive survey)

Studies on the Fluctuation of Noise and Regression Analysis(删除studies on the)

A Comparison of Radio Waves with Water Waves,(不够具体)

2. Application of Statistical Methods to Diagnose Causes of Poor Air-Quality Model

Performance (统计方法在诊断空气质量模型性质差的原因方面的应用) Investigation on Heat-Electricity Cogeneration with Nuclear Heating Reactors


Light Radiation from Pulsed Discharges in Water




1.The current calibration methods of the projectile-velocity measurement system are introduced, and the problem and the unreasonableness of these methods are analyzed.

Based on the principle of the mathematical statistics, the calibration method is investigated that measures the projectile-velocity at the same time by the multi-group zone-block device is unbiased, uniform and efficient and uses the average of the measured value as the true value of the projectile-velocity at the point. The method advantages are analyzed too. The calibration system of the projectile-velocity measurement system based on the laser screen targets is established. The experiment and the data process prove that the method is not only feasible, but also provides an effective calibration method for quantificationally giving the uncertainty of measuring the projectile-velocity quantitatively.

2. A novel water soluble fluorescent monomer, 4-(N’-methyl-1-piperazinyl)

–N-methyl-1, 8-naphthalimide allyl chloride quaternary ammonium salt (FM) is synthesized from 4-bromo-1, 8-naphthalic anhydride and methylamine. Its structure is characterized by IR, H NMR and MS. The acrylic acid / hydroxypropyl acryate copolymer containing fluorescent group (FM-AA-HPA) is prepared by copolymerization of FM, acrylic acid (AA) and hydroxypropyl acryate (HPA). The effects of FM-AA-HPA on fluorescence and scale inhibition are researched. The results show that the wavelength of the excited and the emitted spectrum of FM-AA-HPA are 399 nm and 531 nm respectively, and the shapes are symmetric as mirror images. The relationship of fluorescent intensity and concentration of FM-AA-HPA is linear. The correlation coefficient (R) is 0.997 8 and the limit of detection is 0.95 mg.L-1. By the static method, the scale inhibition ratio of Ca3 (PO4)2 is 85.4% when the copolymer concentration is 20 mg.L-1; the scale inhibition ratio of CaCO3 is 70.9% when the copolymer concentration is 15 mg.L-1; the scale inhibition ratio of CaSO4 is 86.5% when the copolymer concentration is 15 mg.L-1;

the ability of stabing Zn2+ ion is good. The results from SEM show that the copolymer has high performance of scale inhibition on lattice distortion of CaCO3.

[2010, 34(1):151-156]

3. According to the electromagnetic propagation rule and the calculation methods of

equivalent surface impedance, a new microwave absorber based on resonant high-impedance surface is proposed and designed. The theoretic analysis in the frequency range of 2.95 to 4.15 GHz. But in this frequency range, it is a perfect absorber while the resonant surface is loaded with an ultra-thin electric loss-sheet with impedance matching to the free space. The bandwidth with the reflection coefficient of -10 dB or less is about 700 MHz, and the maximum absorption peak is at 3.55 GHz. The simulated results agree well with the analysis results. The design of the absorber is not only simple in structure, but also has characteristics of ultra-thin

(1.5 mm thickness), ultra-light and wider bandwidth.

4. Since Wiener proposed the Cyvernetics, feedback has always been the most

fundamental concept and methodology for control theory and engineering. This paper summarizes the development of the existing feedback control and the emergency interconnections control. It is pointed that the mechanism of the closed-loop feedback can be regarded to be a design to realize the desired performance by changing the interconnections of the systems via feedback gains. However, in many practical systems, especially, in large-scale systems, some of the interconnections may be regulated directly. Usually, the interconnections can be divided into two parts: fixed part and regulatable part. The regualtable part can be assigned directly in an open-loop way while the closed-loop feedback control is implemented in a coordinate way. A novel control way is thus proposed: it is consists of an open-loop interconnections assigning and a classical closed-loop feedback control. The analysis shows that this technique not only describes a large class of emergency control strategy but also extends the limitation of feedback control. With this strategy, almost all existing closed-loop feedback control theories and their corresponding methodology can be extended to a new sphere.

5. I n order to improve GPS signal’s acquisition, tracking performance in high dynamic

environment. Through the sequential logic, loop parameters, and high dynamic changes under the Doppler frequency shift analysis, using wide bandwidth and high-order tracking loop, a loop to carrier acquisition, tracking is designed based on DSP + FPGA. By signal’s Fourier transform, FPGA is used to complete fast carrier first capture and second precise acquisition, while DSP is used to realize an automatic adjusted second-order FLL-assisted third-order Costas-PLL which makes the loop have the anti-high dynamic performance and still have a high tracking accuracy.

Simulation results show that: the design can achieve GPS carrier’s fast acquisition and accurate tracking in high dynamic environment. [2010, 34(1): 75-79]

6.By the measures of the theory of complex functions, the dynamic propagation

problems concerning mode III asymmetrical interface crack under the action of moving variable loads are studied. The universal expressions of analytical solutions are readily attained by the technique of self-similar functions and corresponding differential and integral operation. The problem discussed here can be easily translated into Riemann-Hibert problem by this approach, and the analytical solutions of the stress, displacement and dynamic stress intensity factor under the crack surfaces subjected to moving variable loads are respectively attained. Their closed solutions are obtained by means of Muskhelishvili’s method. The solutions of the

discretionally complex problems can be gained by those solutions and superposition theorem.

7. In order to study the distribution of the electron densities in the laser-induced-plasma

(LIP), the image-processing methods are utilized to pre-process the interference fringes of laser-induced-plasma. The interograms of the LIP is obtained by Mach-Zehnder interferometer in experiment. The interference fringes of the LIP is pretreated by filtering and sharpening. In order to get the thinning-image of the interference fringes of the LIP, binary and thinning are used to treat the denoised interferograms of the LIP. The inverse Abel transform is operated on the shift of the thinned interference fringes, and the radial distribution of electron density of the LIP is obtained.



a. Aimed at the system consisting of square plansifter and flexible suspender attached

to square plansifter,the rigid-flexible coupling dynamic modeling and the finite element simulation are employed to study it. The nonlinear dynamic equation of square plansifter is established based on the Lagrange equation, and the kinematic circle law is derived from stabilization condition. By using MSC.Patran/Nastran, the finite element model of square plansifter is created and the transient response analysis is applied. The theoretic model and the results of finite element simulation are verified by experimental date. The dynamic model and finite element simulation method presented in this paper possess an important reference value and guidance to intensity checkout and structure optimization of square plansifter.

b. In order to obtain the accurate and efficient simulation algorithm for describing the

rotation of the fuze ball rotor, two kinds of the fuze ball rotor are numerically simulated with the mathematical model of quaternion as examples. Runge-Kutta method and Gear method are adopted.The results show that comparing with the nonlinear mathematical model of Euler angles ,the model of quaternion of fuze ball rotor is able to avoid the singularity when the nutation angle approaches 0°or 180°.The arithmetical solution can be obtained by Runge-Kutta method instead of using the Gear method which is complicated and more time-consumed for calculation.


a. 4-Bromo-1,8-Naphthalic anhydride and methylamine. Its structure was

characterized by IR, 1H NMR and MS. The acrylic acid / hydroxypropyl acryate copolymer containing fluorescent group (FM-AA-HPA) was prepared by copolymerization of FM, acrylic acid (AA) and hydroxypropyl acryate (HPA). The effects of FM-AA-HPA on fluorescence and scale inhibition were researched. The results showed that the wavelength of the excited and the emitted spectrum of FM-AA-HPA were 399nm and 531nm,respectively,and the shapes were symmetric as mirror images. The relationship of fluorescent intensity and concentration of FM-AA-HPA was linear, and the correlation coefficient (R) was 0.9978,the limit of detection was 0.95mg?L-1. By static method, the scale inhibition ratio of Ca3(PO4)2 was 85.4% when the copolymer concentration was 20 mg?L-1; scale inhibition ratio

of CaCO3 was 70.9% when the copolymer concentration was 15 mg?L-1; scale inhibition ratio of CaSO4 was 86.5% when the copolymer concentration was 15 mg?L-1;the ability of stabing Zn2+ ion was good. The results by SEM showed that the copolymer had high performance of scale inhibition on lattice distortion of CaCO3.

b. In order to obtain the thermodynamic data of the synthesis of ethyl carbonate (EMC) from dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and diethyl carbonate (DEC), the standard molar enthalpies of formation, Gibbs free energy and molar heart capacity under constant pressure are calculated by the method of Benson group contributions. The enthalpy change, free energy change, equilibrium constant and equilibrium conversion rate of the reaction are calculated and discussed according to the principles of chemical thermodynamics under 300 -1000 K. The results show that the free energy change in the synthesis of EMC by transesterification of DMC with DEC is negative and the reaction is thermodynamically feasible. The free energy change decreases with the increase with the increase in the temperature, and higher temperature is in favor of the reaction. The equilibrium constant of the reaction is only 33.20 even at 1000 K and the spontaneous degree of the reaction is low.


a. In this paper, the accumulative error analysis of the incremental localization approach (ILA) is conducted by Monte Carlo simulation and the effects of the errors on localization accuracy are revealed. Then an improved ILA is proposed to reduce the accumulative errors. The basic idea behind the proposed algorithm is to reduce the error propagation by using the constraints on the distances between the unknown nodes and the best accurate nodes in previous known nodes. The simulation results show that the improved ILA can significantly reduce the accumulative errors of the ILA, and thus enhance the localization accuracy.

b.In the measurement of the period of torsion pendulum using the photoelectricity timing method, it is demonstrated that only the first sampling interval is the most similar to the real period of torsion pendulum whether caught in rising edges or in falling edges of amplitude, as long as position error exists. However, measurement error can’t be reduced through multi-average. A method of real-time computing damping ratio using the ratio of adjacent area of period is presented, and the feasibility of this method is demonstrated by theoretical analysis. The experimental results show that the standard deviation of moment of inertia with the method introduced in this paper decreases an order of magnitude than that with photoelectricity timing method.


a. There are many discrete-time problems in engineering community, but the existing theory only give us the method in continuous-time systems. Considering the one-unit discrete time repairable systems, this paper proposes a state transition model based on failure rate and repair rate. Then the reliability performances such as reliability, availability of the system and the mean failure times are obtained. A textbook example is given to illustrate the proposed model.

b. There are many discrete-time problems in Engineering community, but the existing theory only give us the method in continuous-time systems. Considering the one-unit discrete time repairable systems, this paper proposes a state transition model based on failure rate and repair rate. Then the reliability performances such as reliability, availability of the system and the mean failure times are obtained. Several textbook examples are given to illustrate the proposed model.


a.To consider the effect of the earth on the calculation of ultra range trajectory more accurately, an elliptic earth trajectory model adopting accurate normal gravity is established. The calculation method for the rocket impact point and flight height is discussed. An accurate normal gravity calculation method is deducted and an elliptic earth trajectory model is obtained. The error of range calculation by adopting a plain earth model is calculated and analyzed. The result shows that, in terms of the long range trajectory, the range calculation error by the ellipsoid earth surface trajectory model is smaller than that by the plain earth surface trajectory model.

b. In order to break through the restriction of tunnel length on the application of tailrace tunnel ventilation technology and extend the technology application scope, a series air-handling system of spraying the tailrace tunnel ventilation with low-temperature water is presented. The mathematical models of the counter and concurrent flow spray systems are established and the analytical solutions are derived. The influences of ventilation rate, spray coefficient, water jet pressure and the location of spray device on the operation performances of the series air-handling system are analyzed. The results indicate that it is useful to improve the heat and moisture treatment of the series air-handling system by using the priority air-handling mode of tailrace tunnel ventilation and increasing the spray coefficient, and the ventilation rate and water het pressure have the less influence on the operating performance of the series air-handling system.


a. The transient received-force response and the penetration depth of the Kevlar composites impregnated with shear thickening fluid (STF) are studied by a self-made drop-hammer tester. The energy-absorbing mechanism of the STF-Kevlar composites during penetration is analyzed. The experimental results show that the peak value of the stab resistance and penetration force of the impregnated Kevlar fabrics rises to about 400 N and the first level stress response time decreases to 3.5 ms while the penetration depth reduces less. The composites impregnated with middle concentration dispersion prepared with 120 nm SiO2 nano particles show the good stab resistance increases to 2.7 times of pure Kevlar fabrics, and their penetration depth reduces by ten percent.

b. The polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based fibers are carbonized at temperature of 600-900℃. Chemical composition and microstructure of the fibers are characterized using elemental analyzer, wide-angle X-ray diffractometer and laser Raman spectrometer. Mechanical and electrical properties of the fibers are examined. The results indicate that with the increase of the carbonization temperature, the mass

fraction of carbon increases; nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen are partially removed from the fibers; linear density and elongation at break of the fibers decrease, volume density and tensile strength of the fibers increase; electrical resistivity of the fibers decreases drastically due to the increasing volume fraction of turbostratic graphite structure formed in carbonization process; low-temperature carbonization fiber/resin composite coatings with admirable antistatic property can be prepared.


a. In order to prove the existence of weak solution for the complex Monge-Ampère equation in the pseudoconvex domain, the sub-solution is constructed by the properties of the domain. According to the theorem that the sub-solution can imply the solution, the existence of weak solution in some special pseudoconvex domain is obtained. The results show that the sub-solution is based on the properties of the domain.

b. The temperature fields and thermal stress fields of the integrate circuit boards with single ship and multiple ships are simulated using formula for thermic insulants and composite materials by 3D FEM (finite element method). The numerical results indicate that there are great tangential thermal stresses between ships and integration circuit boards, which may do peeled damage to the boards. Different layouts of chips on board are also investigated, which makes an impact on temperature fields and thermal stress fields. Both maximum values of temperature and stresses can be decreased effectively when the chips are distributed reasonably.




Text 1


1-7: F T F T T F F


1.That branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions, time and forces is called mechanics.

2.Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i.e., those in which time is not a factor.

3.Dynamics deals with systems which change with time.

4.Geometry and mechanics. By the separation of Geometry from Mechanics, the

determination of the motion from dynamical principles will be made much easier than if the two parts were undertaken conjointly. These two aspects of dynamics were later recognized as Kinematics and kinetics, and deal with motion and the forces producing it, respectively.

5.Kinematics is the study of motion. More particularly, kinematics is the study of position, displacement, rotation, speed, velocity, and acceleration. The study, say, of planetary or orbital motion is also a problem in kinematics.

6.Euler based his separation of dynamics into kinematics and kinetics on the assumption that they should deal with rigid bodies. It is this very important assumption that allows the two to be treated separately.

7.Although all real machine parts are flexible to some degree, machines are usually designed from relatively rigid materials, keeping part deflections to a minimum. Therefore, it is common practice to assume that deflections are negligible and parts are rigid.


a. derive = d. obtain

b. rotate = a. turn

c. deflect = j. bend, turn from a straight course or fixed direction

d. exert = b. use

e. perceptible = c. noticeable

f. magnitude = i. greatness of size

g. neglect = f. pay no attention

h. in equilibrium = g. balanced i. stationary = h. not moving

j. velocity = e. speed


convert motion familiar various Furthermore suitable combine technique Text 2


1. In dimensioning a drawing, nominal size is the numbers placed in the dimension lines that represent dimensions that are only approximate and do not represent any degrees of accuracy unless so stated by the designer.

2. In engineering practice, a permissible deviation from the nominal size is termed as tolerance.

3. If the dimension of the shaft is lower than the dimension of the hole, then there will be clearance. Such a fit is termed clearance fit.

4. If the dimension of the shaft is more than that of the hole, then it is termed interference fit.

5. Dimensions given close tolerances means that the part must fit properly with some other parts.

6. Allowance is the minimum clearance space intended between mating parts and represents the condition of the tightest permissible fit.

7. Unilateral tolerance means that any variation is made in only one direction from the nominal or basic dimension.

8. The tolerance would be bilateral if it varies both over and under the nominal dimension.


measurement straight volumes irregular foundation necessary instruments accuracy



3.单向公差允许容差与配合类型不变化的情况下改变公差。而对双向公差来说,如果不改变两个配合零件中的一个或两个的公称尺寸,改变公差是不可能的。Passage Three


1. Standard machine tools are usually grouped in six basic classes: lathes, drilling machines, shapers, planers, milling machines, and grinding machines.

2. Grinding. Grinding is one of the most accurate of all the basic machining methods. A grinder differs from other machines in that it uses a tool made of emery, carborumdum, or similar materials. The wheel, made up of many tiny cutting points, cuts with the entire surface area that comes in contact with the material being ground. Grinders cut with a grinding action, removing material in the form of tiny particles. II.

车床 lathe/turning machine

钻床 driller/drilling machine

镗床 borer/boring machine

磨床 grinder/grinding machine

齿轮加工机床gear cutting machine

螺纹加工机床threading machine

铣床 miller/milling machine


拉床 broacher/broaching machine

电加工机床electric machine

切割机床cutting machine


size blueprints removing figures indicate modification belongs stands improved





Text 4




数控,数字控制numerical control

计算机辅助工程computer-aided engineering

管理信息系统management information systems

图形终端graphic terminal

数据库data base

交互式图形学interactive graphics


转动惯量moment of inertia

有限元finite element




几何模型geometric model

穿孔卡片punched card

电路卡circuit card


concerned perform separate Ultimately defined consist systems interface IV.







Text 1

I. 将下列短语译为英文。

(1) data acquisition and supervisory control (2) fast switching thyristor (FST) (3) current to voltage convertor (I/V) (4) automation of electric power systems (5) safety control switch (6) Silicon rectifier

(7) feeder automation (FA) (8) Intelligent Power Module(IPM)

(9) power system harmonics (10) voltage transformer

II. 将下列短语翻译为中文。

(1) 电路测试技术(2) 电源控制系统(3) 电流互感器 (4) 配电管理系统(5) 可控硅开关(6) 压敏电阻器 (7) 压控振荡器(8) 硅对称开关

(9) 正序阻抗(10) 电力电子电路

III. 将下列句子翻译成英文。

(1) Electricity is the major energy used in industry.

(2) Heating the semi-conductor, its conductivity can be increased.

(3) The radar signal transmitted to the moon would be sent back because the moon is solid.

(4) Without electric pressure in a semiconductor, the electron flow would not take place in it.

(5) The current may be calculated if we know the voltage and the resistance.

IV. 将下列句子翻译为中文。

(1) 构成电力系统的发电机、电线以及其它设备,其布置取决于该地区负载增长


(2) 要达到达个目的,我们可在断路器B和D上装设方向继电器,该方向继电器的


(3) 存在于绝缘材料体内任何一个小的孔洞,都将导致该处所含气体的电离化,


(4) 由于风固有的间歇性,此类系统必须含有能源存储装置,比如电池,或者其


(5) 有必要在大型太阳辐射收集板上安装半导体,以拦截最大量的太阳能。

Text 2

I. 将下列短语译为英文。

(1) luminous sensitivity / photosensitivity (2) critical fusion frequency (CFF) (3) gamma correction (4) parabolical mirror/ paraboloidal mirror/ parabolic reflector

(5) diffraction grating (6) paraxial ray trace equations

(7) optical path difference (OPD) (8) visual sensitivity/ visual acuity

(9) wavefront aberration (10) color saturation/ color gamut

II. 将下列短语翻译为中文。

(1) 有效焦距(2) 色焦距变换

(3) 高斯求积(4) 轴向色[象]差/光轴色像差

(5) 对比灵敏度/对比敏感度/反差灵敏度(6) 内部反射/内反射

(7) 曲率半径(8) 点分布函数/点扩散函数/点散播函数

(9) 衍射参数(10) 感光灵敏度/感光性

III. 将下列句子翻译成英文。

(1) Wires to connect components are not needed in an integrated circuit.

(2) The force that pulls everything to the ground is called gravity.

(3) A condenser is a device to store electricity/ electrical energe.

(4) Action and reaction are opposite.

(5) Electic current heats the object as it flows through it.

IV. 将下列句子翻译为中文。

(1) 光所产生的色感只取决于产生光的波长。

(2) 测出激光束往返于月球和地球所需要的时间,科学家们就能精确地求出两者之间的距离。

(3) 这种新技术的基础是电子在仅有几个毫微米厚的半导体材料层中的奇特性能。

(4) 在这个过程中,很多变量会变化,使得输出温度偏离期望值。

(5) 就测量的精度和速度而论,似乎还没有其它的技术能与激光相比。

Text 3

I. 将下列短语译为英文。

Logical Link Control(LLC )Media Access Control(MAC)

Carrier synchronization Carrier Sense Multiple Access

Pulse Width Modulation communication subnet

one-way communication parallel highway human-computer communication asynchronous transfer mode virtual LAN

broadcast storm application specific integrated circuit

II. 将下列短语翻译为中文。

(1) 应用层协议规范(2) 脉冲宽度调制

(3) 数字识别(4) 光通信系统

(5)同相检波器(6) 谐波[调和]分析

(7) 数据综合处理(8) 转码误差

(9) 特性曲线(10) 通信终端

III. 将下列句子翻译成英文。

(1) Heat effect, magnetic effect and chemical effect are the three most important

effects of electric current.

(2) Many comets encircle the sun at the same time.

(3) Not only can the electricity generate magnetism, but also the magnetism can

generate electricity.

(4) Steel is a good conductor of eccentricity, so do most of metals.

(5) The lower the frequency is , the stronger the refraction of the wave would be.

IV. 将下列句子翻译为中文。

(1) 只经过一步就达到优化的情况是罕见的,为了得到满意的结果通常绕围绕


(2) 如今,TCP/IP无限局域网在室内应用中越来越普及,例如在证券交易大厅内,


(3) 在20世纪早期,人们发现光能是原子放出电子,而其当光从原子释放出一


(4) 公众电话网目前受到压力,要在容量和所提供的功能方面有一个巨大的扩


Text 4

I. 将下列短语译为英文。

output matrix lag compensation

modem amplitude modulation

control systems with dissipation information system for process control waveform factor industrial automation

computer aided analysis sampling control

pattern recognition asynchronous transmission

II. 将下列短语翻译为中文。





III. 将下列句子翻译成英文。

(1)As we know, the magnetic pole of the same character is repulsive , the opposite pole attracts each other

(2)In another word, any conductor, such as lead, would produce some kind of resistance to electric current.

(3)magnetic line of force is invisible for it is not a kind of substance, but a force. (4)Electron shows some characteristic of substance, which is inertia.

IV. 将下列句子翻译为中文。

(1) 锁相环包含三部分:鉴相器,环路滤波器,以及频率受外加电压控制的压控


(2) 每一次的输入信号周期,振荡器输出不多不少正好也是一个信号周期。锁相


(3) 应用现代数字传输技术可以在一个6MHZ带宽的频道内以每秒17到20兆比特



Text 1

I. Reading Comprehension

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

II. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form when necessary. 1. withstand 2. modify 3. eliminated 4. enhance 5. convert

6. install

7. implement

8. monitor

9. interconnect

10. adjacent to 屋顶方格与地面方格不视为临接。

III. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text.

1. the entire Master System

2. a cabinet or panel of terminals for the instrumentation and control wires

3. the EMS database size and the amount of information communicated to the EMS system

4. interfacing these devices directly into the RTU

5. microwave

IV. Translation







6.In recent years, radio and television have advanced rapidly in Xinjiang. Currently,

there are 41 radio transmission and relay stations, and 826 television transmission and relay stations. Radio reaches 91.3% of the whole district and 90.93% of population have access to television.

7.Some utilities deploy hierarchical control systems to monitor and control.

8.It is a bottomless money pit for IS departments to upgrade bloated applications

(and the hardware needed to run them) for the boast features are hardly used.

9.Normally, a four bit binary counter would increment up to 1111 (decimal15)

before returning to 0.

10.Dagangshan hydroelectric power station is one of the main large-scale

hydroelectric projects build on Dadu River. The acreage of controlling watershed around dam site reaches to 6.27×104 km2, which is 81% of the whole watershed.

The average flux for many years is 1000m3/s and the normal water level is 1130m as planned.

Text 2

I. Reading Comprehension

1. A

2. C


4. B

II. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form when necessary. 1. replenish 2. utilize

3. intermittent (他们看见了灯塔发出一闪一灭的光。)

4. alter (事易时移。/情况不同,事态也会不同。)

5. soar

6. supplement

7. drastically

8. conventional (他总是喜欢说老生常谈的那几句话)

9. renewable

10. disrupt, disrupting (如果你们妨碍了他的雄心和热情,你们就是在妨碍他走向成功。)

III. True or False

1. F. The cost of renewable energy has decreased greatly so it can compete with

traditional sources of energy.



4. F. When large-scale renewable energy projects are developed, the may influence

the environment.

5. F. Increasing the use of renewable energy can help protect people from dramatic

price swings.

IV. Translation








5.The government is vigorously advancing the Renewable Energy Development

6.The Type of Low-Medium Temperature Geothermal System of Convection

Type--The Genesis Analysis of Tangshan Geothermal System in Nanjing

7.The harmful pollutants released into the air by coal-fired electricity generation,

such as sulphur, also dampen the greenhouse effect.

8.Modern sciences of botany provided new technology for sustainable agricultural

development, ecological environment restoration, green energy exploitation and so on, which had great importance to construct harmonious society and improve the relationship between human and nature.

9.Along with the ecological and energy-saving trend of construction development,

solar energy applies light-heat conversion technique to realize the integrated air conditioning system of water heating and refrigerating. It centralizes large area of solar heat collectors to heat water, providing families and units with consistent water supply. In winter, it uses the solar heated water to realize floor heating or fan heating and in summer, the heated water is used to refrigerate by the high-efficiency hot water refrigerating set. Besides, the system is equipped with assisting resources to form an integrated air conditioning system, which is efficient, safe, environmental, energy-saving and economic. By it, people can


《科技英语阅读》参考答案 Text 1: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? FTTFT FF Ⅱ. For questions 1-4 below, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, D. CBDC Text 2: I. Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.calculation / classification / comparison 2.plotting the course of rockets, preparing bank statements, predicting elections, forecasting weather, and so forth 3.if without the help of computers 4.the message of a familiar advertisement is that machines should work, but men should think https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c3912166.html,puters perform very complex operations in a very short time 6. a very large adding machine 7.traffic lights / telephones 8.two / input / processing / output II. Fill in the blanks in the following text. Pay attention to the verb forms. be sharply replaced / recognize / access / convert / book / pay / interacting / be used / dealing / solving III. Translate the following phrases into Chinese. 1.处理数据 2.计算器 3.计算机科学 4.计算机技术 5.电子计时脉冲 IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.数据处理就是以计算、分类、比较的方式来处理那些预先存放到机器中的资料。 2.电脑是由数以百万的电子装置组成的,能够通过具有不同功能的闭合电路,以令人难以置信的高速 存储或转换数据。 3.我们都听说电脑用于火箭路线的设计、银行文件的处理、选举预测、天气预报等。 4.这可能是因为电脑可以在极其短暂的——几秒甚至是不到一秒的时间里完成非常复杂的运行。 5.他的工作就是决定计算机需要什么信息,必须要完成哪些运行才能解决一个问题。 Text 3: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? TFTFF TFT Ⅱ. For questions 1-3 below, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, D. CCA Text 4: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7.F 8. T II. Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.it involves a lot of complicated computer processing 2.their positions / the location of the moving camera 3.work at 200 frames a second on a camera tossed from hand to hand 4.generate a 3D map of a player’s room III. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 1.provided its brain can think fast enough 2.involves collecting and integrating images taken from different angles 3.the less time there is to do this work 4.an affordable, dust-fighting robot that can see where it is going Text 5: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? 1-5 FTFFF 6-10 TTFFT 11-12 FT


最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案 课后练习答案 Unit1 Ways of Learning Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing. 2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel. 3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. 6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself. 7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.

综合英语教程第一册Unit1 课件

上课 时间 上课节次课型Required Course 课题Unit 1 My first Job 教学目的1. Functions: greetings &farewells 2. Grammatical points: this/that be + n. or adj. 3. Vocabulary: run, offer, except for, figure, promote, you’d better, how about, as far as … is concerned, take a day off, bring in, beam 教学 方法 Classroom Instruction讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、任务型教学活动 重点难点1. Practice different ways of greeting and introducing /identifying people 2. Learn to understand and talk about value system in western culture, such as team spirit and royalty, through reading, discussion and task-based activities. 时间分配教学内容 板书或课件版面 设计 2 periods Part I Listening and Speaking Activities Step 1 warming-up exercises 1.Duty report Ask the student talk about his or her feelings towards college life. Step2 lead-in 1.bring a few pictures of my family to the class for teaching introduction. 2.explain my family name, given name and what you prefer to be called by my students. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c3912166.html,ing pictures to teach “this is /that is” 4.ask students to play “a passing ball game” to practise these two sentences pattern. Step 3 Listening activity 1.practise the classroom English. 2.Have the students listen to the conversation twice. Work individually to answer the questions. 3.check the answers for the class. Step 4 Speaking activity Conversation 1 1.explain that friendly greetings can be followed by an offer of help: Hi, may I help you? 2.explain that possible responses may be: No. Thank you. I have been helped. I’m being helped. 3.explain the language in conversation one by using Useful Structures and Expressions. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c3912166.html,anize reading aloud practice and correct pronunciation problems. 5.have students make a new conversation by using the substitutes word. 6.have some students present the conversation(s) they have made up. Conversation 2 1.explain the language in Conversation 2 2.have the students read aloud, check their pronunciation. 3.encourage the students to make a new conversation by using the substitutes. Notes Family name: the name shared by the members of a family Given name: the name given to a child by the child’s parents The train will be arriving at Shanghai: will +be +v-ing, the future continuous tense for a scheduled event which is coming soon It’s been nice talking to you: in American English, people also use It’s been nice to talk to you. Have a happy landing: a farewell used only to people who are going to make a plane trip 、 管 路 敷 设 技 术 通 过 管 线 敷 设 技 术 不 仅 可 以 解 决 吊 顶 层 配 置 不 规 范 高 中 资 料 试 卷 问 题 , 而 且 可 保 障 各 类 管 路 习 题 到 位 。 在 管 路 敷 设 过 程 中 , 要 加 强 看 护 关 于 管 路 高 中 资 料 试 卷 连 接 管 口 处 理 高 中 资 料 试 卷 弯 扁 度 固 定 盒 位 置 保 护 层 防 腐 跨 接 地 线 弯 曲 半 径 标 高 等 , 要 求 技 术 交 底 。 管 线 敷 设 技 术 中 包 含 线 槽 、 管 架 等 多 项 方 式 , 为 解 决 高 中 语 文 电 气 课 件 中 管 壁 薄 、 接 口 不 严 等 问 题 , 合 理 利 用 管 线 敷 设 技 术 。 线 缆 敷 设 原 则 : 在 分 线 盒 处 , 当 不 同 电 压 回 路 交 叉 时 , 应 采 用 金 属 隔 板 进 行 隔 开 处 理 ; 同 一 线 槽 内 , 强 电 回 路 须 同 时 切 断 习 题 电 源 , 线 缆 敷 设 完 毕 , 要 进 行 检 查 和 检 测 处 理 。 、 电 气 课 件 中 调 试 对 全 部 高 中 资 料 试 卷 电 气 设 备 , 在 安 装 过 程 中 以 及 安 装 结 束 后 进 行 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 整 试 验 ; 通 电 检 查 所 有 设 备 高 中 资 料 试 卷 相 互 作 用 与 相 互 关 系 , 根 据 生 产 工 艺 高 中 资 料 试 卷 要 求 , 对 电 气 设 备 进 行 空 载 与 带 负 荷 下 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 控 试 验 ; 对 设 备 进 行 调 整 使 其 在 正 常 工 况 下 与 过 度 工 作 下 都 可 以 正 常 工 作 ; 对 于 继 电 保 护 进 行 整 核 对 定 值 , 审 核 与 校 对 图 纸 , 编 写 复 杂 设 备 与 装 置 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 试 方 案 , 编 写 重 要 设 备 高 中 资 料 试 卷 试 验 方 案 以 及 系 统 启 动 方 案 ; 对 整 套 启 动 过 程 中 高 中 资 料 试 卷 电 气 设 备 进 行 调 试 工 作 并 且 进 行 过 关 运 行 高 中 资 料 试 卷 技 术 指 导 。 对 于 调 试 过 程 中 高 中 资 料 试 卷 技 术 问 题 , 作 为 调 试 人 员 , 需 要 在 事 前 掌 握 图 纸 资 料 、 设 备 制 造 厂 家 出 具 高 中 资 料 试 卷 试 验 报 告 与 相 关 技 术 资 料 , 并 且 了 解 现 场 设 备 高 中 资 料 试 卷 布 置 情 况 与 有 关 高 中 资 料 试 卷 电 气 系 统 接 线 等 情 况 , 然 后 根 据 规 范 与 规 程 规 定 , 制 定 设 备 调 试 高 中 资 料 试 卷 方 案 。 、 电 气 设 备 调 试 高 中 资 料 试 卷 技 术 电 力 保 护 装 置 调 试 技 术 , 电 力 保 护 高 中 资 料 试 卷 配 置 技 术 是 指 机 组 在 进 行 继 电 保 护 高 中 资 料 试 卷 总 体 配 置 时 , 需 要 在 最 大 限 度 内 来 确 保 机 组 高 中 资 料 试 卷 安 全 , 并 且 尽 可 能 地 缩 小 故 障 高 中 资 料 试 卷 破 坏 范 围 , 或 者 对 某 些 异 常 高 中 资 料 试 卷 工 况 进 行 自 动 处 理 , 尤 其 要 避 免 错 误 高 中 资 料 试 卷 保 护 装 置 动 作 , 并 且 拒 绝 动 作 , 来 避 免 不 必 要 高 中 资 料 试 卷 突 然 停 机 。 因 此 , 电 力 高 中 资 料 试 卷 保 护 装 置 调 试 技 术 , 要 求 电 力 保 护 装 置 做 到 准 确 灵 活 。 对 于 差 动 保 护 装 置 高 中 资 料 试 卷 调 试 技 术 是 指 发 电 机 一 变 压 器 组 在 发 生 内 部 故 障 时 , 需 要 进 行 外 部 电 源 高 中 资 料 试 卷 切 除 从 而 采 用 高 中 资 料 试 卷 主 要 保 护 装 置 。


Unit 1 Conversation 1 2. 3.The true statements are: 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1 Joe’s past career _Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2 Andy’s future ambitions Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1 (d) 2 (d) 3 (a) 4 (c) 7. (1) It’s not always very easy working with (2) _How did he end up in London (3)the least experienced person (4)He’s good at his job (5)He’s confident and very competent (6)I get on with him quite well Outside view 2.The statements Samantha agrees with are: 1, 2, 3 and 4. 4. 1)She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job. 2) She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3) She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4) That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation, presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1) professional job coach 2)research on the position and the company 3)having not practised with some of the questions 4)how you present yourself 5)what the interviewer is actually looking for 6)preparation, presentation and understanding 7)in relationship to the job 8)some examples in your life 9)dealing with problems 7. The pieces of advice the speakers give are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.


Book1 课后习题 Unit1 Never Say Goodbye I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home. 2. … they all have one thing in common: sadness. 3. … in that place in your heart where summer is an always time. 4. Don’t ever give in to the sadness and the loneliness of that word. 5. Take that special hello and lock it away within you. II. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them. 1. SHUDDER SHAKE a. Seeing the referee drawing out the yellow card, the coach began ————————— his fist in rage. b. She ————————— at the touch of his leathery hand. c. The tree branches were ———————— in that sudden gust of win d. d. He ———————— breathlessly in the doorway until his pursuers had raced past. 2. ANSWER REPLY a. He had hoped that divorce would be the —————— to all his problems. b. We are still waiting for him to ——————— to our requests for further assistance. c. In ——————— to his suggestions, they have decided to consult him for more details. d. He ———————— his critics by claiming that he was responding to the new needs of globalization. 3. COMMON GENERAL a. The ———————— impression we got was that they were not interested in the new project. b. It was claimed in the newly published report that higher education, in ———————— , is financially in trouble. c. It may be said that good health is a ———————— condition, and that occasional sickness is —————— . d. AIDS is becoming the most ———————— cause of death among drug addicts. 4. SMALL TINY a. A ———————— house would do perfectly for the two of them. b. “Get back on board!” I shouted as his ———————— figure struggled up the river bank. c. Displayed at the exhibition were some ———————— toy soldiers that were beautifully carve d. d. The visitor was a ———————— man who would give every appearance of self-importanc e. III. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. She suffered great mental ——————— after her husband died, and as a result she became mad. A. anger B. discomfort C. Unhappiness D. anguish 2. She offered me some food that had a ———————— taste. A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. Concrete 3. Building the proposed underground railway may ———————— much more than the government could pay. A. spend B. cost C. take D. Waste 4. Realizing the immense international pressure, the President ———————— stepped down. A. conspicuously B. gracefully C. lonely D. truly 5. The audience whistled and shouted, waiting for her to sing one ———————— song. A. last B. final C. ending D. concluding 6. During the war, all the women were left unloved, exhausted, impoverished and ——————— .


Main Content :UNIT 1 MA THEMA TICS I.Text Organization Parts Part One Paragraphs Paras. 1-3 Main Ideas Game theory can be defined as the science of strategy which studies both pure conflicts (zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperative forms. Part Two Paras. 4-11 There are two distinct types interdependence: sequential-move simultaneous-move game.of strategic game and Part Three Paras.The typical examples of game theory are given as the 12-19basic principles such as prisoners’dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves, bargaining, concealing and revealing information. Part Four Para. 20 The research of game theory has succeeded in illustrating strategies in situations of conflict and cooperation and it will focus on the design of successful strategy in future.


Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investig ate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomen a 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1)a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 5)principal 6)principal 7)principle 8)principles 9)principal III herself by herself/on her own by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises (1) (1)contrast (2)exaggerating (3)priority (4)on the other hand (5)promoting


V、练习参考答案 练习1 I、 1、the(各项均为负。) 2、the; a (功率额定值是电阻器不会引起温度太大的上升而能安全地耗散的最大功率。) 3、an(这是均方根值伏特计。) 4、The; a(该设备的成功设计需要详细地了解性能指标。) 5、the; a; a(在氢原子的布尔模型中,一个电子绕一个质子以半径为R的圆周运转。) 6、the(电阻的单位是欧姆。) 7、an (这是一个h参数。) 8、/; /(图5-1画出了Oersted的实验。) 9、A; a; a(机器是能够传递力来完成某一确定目的的一种设备。) 10、/(水压机将在第14章加以考虑。) 11、the; the [/](我们容易确定参数μ的值。) 12、/; the(根据式(2-1),我们得到以下的关系式。) 13、the; /(作者工作在位于阿林顿的得克萨斯大学。) 14、an(甚至当积分区间并不是无穷时,能够恰当地显示一个时函数的傅氏变换的仪器是多么重要啊!) II、 1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001. 2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xi’an University of Technology in 1988. 3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks. 4.The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer. 5.How long a time [或How much time] is required to this experiment? 6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume. 7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2). 8.The unit of inductance is the henry. III、 1.The UASMA protocol employs a unique frame structure. 2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method. 3.Dynamic analysis and evaluation of the security of a proactive secret sharing system 4.The approach can be applied to the one-dimensional potential barrier with an arbitrary profile.


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire.

5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c3912166.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c3912166.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c3912166.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to


期末考试试题及答案2008年1月 ⅠVocabulary and Structure (20%) 1. Have they achieved the American dream _ are they on _____ street? A good B easy C rich D simple 2.The room is in a terrible mess; it ___ cleaned. A would have been B mustn?t have been C shouldn?t have been D can?t have been 3. _____, the chances of winning the lottery are very small. A On purpose B In turn C In reality D With pleasure 4. Charlie ___ his trip to London because he couldn?t get a passport in time. A have canceled B has to cancel C must cancel D had to cancel 5. We were ____ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. A kept off B broken down C put back D held up 6. She _____ waited until they had finished , and then she began to speak calmly but firmly. A peculiarly B pathetically C perfectly D patiently 7.It is better to _____ schoolchildren by feeding them good food. A notice B neglect C witness D nourish 8. ___ the traffic jam, I wouldn?t have been late for the dinner party. A Were it not for B But C Only if D If not 9. the first place ____ in the factory was the tool room. A where we visited B we visited in C we visited D which we visited 10. ____, I will learn it well. A No matter how English is difficult B However English is difficult C However difficult English is D No matter how difficult is English ⅡCloze (20%) When a German couple noticed a man?s head and shoulder sticking out of a glacier in the Austrian Alps recently, they made history. The frozen corpse was about five feet 11 and scientists who helicoptered to the site determined that it was 4,000 years old – the first 12 body ever found from the Bronze Age. Mummified by the wind and snow, he came 13 with sikn, bones, internal organs, and fingernails. He was 14 in leather shoes and finely stitched leather suit, insulted with hay. An array of weapons and equipment was found alongside him_ 15 a leather quiver with fourteen arrows, a stone necklace, a fire flint, a knife, and an ax with a crude bronze head. “The find is of 16 scientific meaning,”said Lonrad Spindler, professor of early and Primeval History at the University of Innsbruck, who is investigating the 17 . Skeletal remains of buried corpses have been excavated before in Bronze Age graves. But “the iceman,”as Austrian newspapers dubbed him, was going about the normal course of life when he died 18 the ages of 20 and 40, which means he should yield a reassure-trove of information about conditions 4,000 years ago. Scientists plans to 19 the contents of his stomach and intestine for clues to the Bronze Age diet, illnesses, and parasites. They also hoped to 20 the glacier site further for companions. 11. A tall B height C long D length 12. A steady B great C alive D intact

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