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1) I was scared of leaving the protective bubble of this place for places unknown,during uncertain economic times.


2) You are the only one who can answer that,But what I can offer as guidance,and reassurance,is a story:the story of one Stanford graduate's process of stumbling and searching to find a place in the world,oftentimes in the face of her fears. 你是仅仅一个可以回答这个问题的人,但是我能够讲一个故事为你提供引导使你放心:这是一位斯坦福大学毕业生在社会上摸爬滚打以争得一席之地的故事,尽管她一直面对恐惧。

3) The philosophics and ideologies themselves certainly left an impression on me.But the rigor of the distillation process,the exercise of refinement,that's where the real learning happened.


4)When you graduate from here,you exit with thousands of

pages of personal text on which are inscribed beliefs and values shaped by years of education,family interactions,relationship,experience.


5)I had convinced myself that my analytic mind and my Stanford humanities degree were enough to guell the fear.


6) We all know that normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours' sleep alternating with some 16-17 hours' wakefulness and that,broadly speaking,the sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness.


7) The case ,for example,with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a question of

growing importance in industry where automation calls insistently for round-the-clock working of machines.


8) This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another,so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping very efficiently.


9) One answer would seem to be longer periods on each shift,a month,or even three months.


10) The only real solution appears to be to hand over the night shift to a corps of permanent night workers whose nocturnal wakefulness may persist through all weekends and holidays.


11) The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of primitive weapons and the discovery of fire,although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of the latter.


12) Animal have a few cries that serve as signals,but even the highest apes haven't been found able to pronounce words,even with the most intensive professional instructions. 动物会发出几种叫声作为信号,然而人们发现,即使是最高级的猿经过强化的专业训练也不能说出话来。

13) Agriculture made possible an immense increase in the number of the human species in the regions where it could be successfully practised.


14) These inventions and discoveries---fire,speech,weapons,domestic

animals,agriculture and writing---made the existence of civilized communities possible.


15) There was progress---there were even two inventions of great importance,namely gunpowder and the mariner's compass---but neither of these can be compared in their revolutionary power to such things as speech and writing and agriculture.


16) Growth in electronic commerce is not a straight line trend---it come slowly at first,then accelerates rapidly.


17) Nonetheless,although it may take six years to reach sales of 1 trillion dollars,it won't take six more to reach 2 trillion,nor perhaps even two to expaned from 2 to 4 trillion dollars.


18) Electronic commence will turn the world into one giant shopping mall for products,services,and investments.


19) By 2005,more than half of the average employees' working hours in advanced countries(like the United States and the United Kingdom)will be spent at home.


20) Employees will be,figuratively speaking,in the driver's seat.


21) My friend's daughter,Sarah,stood by me waiting her turn.


22) I was the only adult present who prompted "What do you say?"When the clown handed Sarah her balloon.The clown beamed at us,grateful he had actually been acknowledged.


23) And what they are seeing is a society focused solely on acquisition---be it another drink in a restaurant or a space on a crowded freeway---without ever stopping to thank the source.


24) Most people today feel proud to have built a society that treats the races,sexes,and economic class more equally than ever before.And,yes,we have made real stride in these areas. 今天大部分人都建立了一个比过去任何时候都更平等地对待种族,性别,和经济阶层的社会而感到骄傲。是的,我


25) Are we really so pressured that we cannot stop to observe simple courtesy?


26) Since it is often used simultaneously by both family members as well as guests,the chicken requires not only a glamorous look but a practical one.


27) This concern includes recycling of household materials, as well as energy efficient appliances and purity of both water and air.


28) The character of today's kitchen is very different from the way it was thirty years ago.There is more sophiscation in food preparation,and more technological help with cooking and cleaning up.


29) Because many of today's kitchens consist of two or more cooks sharing in the meal preparation,there is a need for more counter space,sooktops and sinks.


30) You can have a refrigerator in one place and a freezer in

a separate area or two sets of cooktops:one on the counter next to the wall oven and one on an island.


31) In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply seperated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent,notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.



32) In such a home,the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than their parents did and to prepare more fully participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the "battle of the sexes".


33) There are signs that pshchologists and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should nor receive all the credit,nor all the blame.We have almost given up saying that a woman's place is in the home.


34) We are beginning,however,to study a man's place in the home and to resist that he does have a place in it.Nor is that

place irrelevant to the healthy development of the child.


35) The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules,because each family memberneeds to work out its own ways for solving its own problems.


36) Scientists at Johns Hopkins have discovered :striking" differents between men and women in a part of the brain linked with ability to estimate time,judge speed,visualize things three-dimensionally and solve mathematical problems.


37) The differences,the researchers say,may underlie well-known trends that vary by sex,such as the fact that

more men than women are architects,mathematicians and race-car drivers.


38) In women in the study,it is the right IPL that is somewhat larger,though the difference between the two sides of the brains is less obvious than in men,say Psychiatrist Godfrey Pearlson,M.D. ,who headed the project.


39) It allows the brain to process information from senses such as vision and touch,and enable the sort of thinking involved in selective attention and perception.


40)There are plenty of exceptions,but there is also a grain of truth,revealed throught the brain structure,that we think underlies some of the ways people characterize the sexes.


41) Owning Norand also allowed Pioneer to explore high-technology markets outside agriculture.


42) Pioneer always took a given percent of the annual profits to divide equally among all employees,so our profit-sharing checks were higher than if Pioneer had not purchased Norand.Additionally,my Pioneer stock was lower than it had been before the purchase of Norand.I was not pleased.


43) The CEO of pioneer,Tom Urban,made annualformal visits to each of the Pioneer divisions to talk about the state of the business and to listen to employees' concerns.


44) As I sat listening to him,I knew I could trust him,and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him and to Pioneer.


45) In the brief moment of silence before the questions started,I recalled thinking that I would follow him into any battle.


46) Man's preoccupation with time derives ultimately from his unique relationship to it.All animals are changed by it.But only human can manipulate it.


47) It can be argued that momeny and foresightedness are the essence of intelligence;that man's ability to manupulate

time,to employ both past and future as guides to present action,is what makes him human.


48) But if the delay stretchs beyond 30 seconds.the animal is at a loss.It can no longer associate reward so far in the future with present action.


49) But after that time interval ,the monkey's hunt for the food is no better than chances predicts.


50) They can learn to stack four boxes,one atop the other,as

a platform from which it can reach a hanging banana.They also carry their ability to cope with the present action by means of tools like human being.



小学一年级英语句子练习题(一) ( ) 1.How are you? A你好吗? B再见 ( ) 2.Good morning. A下午好。 B早上好。 ( ) 3.How many girls? A有多少个女孩? B有多少条狗? ( ) 4.How many blue balls? A 有多少个蓝色的球?B有多少个绿色的球? ( ) 5.Point to a girl. A指向一个女孩。 B指向一个男孩。 ( ) 6.I'm Sam. A我是大明。 B我是男孩。 ( ) 7.My name is Panpan. A我的名字叫熊猫。B我的名字叫盼盼。 ( ) 8.Good afternoon. A下午好。 B中午好。 ( ) 9.It's green. A 它是绿色的。 B它是蓝色的。 ( ) 10.Stand up! A 起立! B 请坐! ( ) 11.I'm fine. A 我很好。 B我五岁了。 ( ) 12.What's your name? A你叫什么名字? B这是什么? ( ) 13.I'm a boy. A我有个球. B我是个男孩。

( ) 14.Open the door. A打开门。 B打开窗户。 ( ) 15.It' s the ceiling. A 它是地面。 B他是天花板。 小学一年级英语句子练习题(二) ( ) 16.Sit down! A 坐下。 B起立。 ( ) 17.This is my desk. A这是我的书桌。B这是我的座位。( ) 18.See you! A看你。 B再见! ( ) 19.This is our teacher. A这是我的老师。B这是我们的老师。( ) 20.This is a cat. A这是一只猫。B那是一只猫。 ( ) 21.Pleased to meet you. A很高兴见到你。B再见。 ( ) 22.What's that ? A那是什么? B这是什么? ( ) 23.Is it a dog ? A 它是一条狗吗?B它是一条狗。( ) 24.What's in the box ? A盒子里有什么? B是狐狸吗? ( ) 25.Where's my pen ? A我的钢笔在哪里? B我的铅笔在哪里? ( ) 26.A balloon is on the bed. A床上有一个气球。 B 床下有一个气球。


大连海事大学英语2580题库中英文对照学习完整版 [1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire. A. dry chemical or foam B. foam or soda acid C. carbon dioxide or foam D. carbon dioxide or dry chemical KEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。 [2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed. A. Captain’s cabin B. Chief Officer’s locker C. Chartroom D. Pilot’s cabin KEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。 [3]______:The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone. A. Frame B. Deckbeam C. Stringer D. Keel KEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。 [4]______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it. A. Buoyancy B. Freeboard C. Draft D. Displacement KEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。 [5]______20 targets can be tracked at one time. When maximum tracking capacity is reached, no further acquisitions are possible. A. As many as B. So many as C. As much as D. As more as KEY: A一次可以获取多达20个物标,当跟踪能力达到最大时候,就不再录取了。 [6]______amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation. A. Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Admiralty List of Lights C. Admiralty List of Signals D. Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: A英版航路指南详细描述海图的细节和安全航行所包含的信息。 [7]______are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts. A. Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Admiralty List of Lights C. Mariner’s Handbook D. Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: D英版航海通告出版是为了英版海图的改正。 [8]______are to be used for dunnage if you load rice. A. wooden planks B. rush mats C. steel bars D. wooden planks and rush mats KEY: D木板和席子被用来做垫舱料,如果你装载大米。 [9]______at 53N3 127E4 moving ely 12kts with cold front from center passing 51N3 126E1 to 51N2 125E4 and warm front from 46N1 128E2 passing 40N2 125E2. A. Low 1002HPA B. Low 1045 HPA C. High 1002 HPA D. High 1045 HPA KEY: A低气压1002百帕,位置53N 127E4向东12节速度移动,伴有冷锋中心经51N3 126E1移至51N2 125E4,伴有暖锋从46N1 128E2 经过40N2 125E2位置。 [10]______causing strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay. A. Strong low pressure B. Strong high pressure C. Steep pressure gradient D. Steep gradient pressure KEY: C强气压梯度导致了比斯开湾西北的强风和狂狼。 [11]______chart 3994, positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward. A. To consider B. To check C. To examine D. To agree with KEY: D为了与3994号海图一致,从这张海图上读出的位置应该向北移动0.03分的距离。[12]______is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch. A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D. Seaman’s Book KEY: B航海日志全面记录了航次的情况,由值班驾驶员在每次值班结束后详细填写记录。 [13]______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. A. Biodegradation B. Dissolution C. Cleaning up by crew with skimmers D. Oxidation including photooxidation KEY: C船员用浮油刮集船清扫不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。 [14]______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. A. Emulsification B. Sedimentation / Sinking C. Oxidation including photooxidation D. Burning organized by RCC KEY: D由RCC(海上搜救协调中心)组织的燃烧不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。 [15]______ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.


Passage 3-01 Labour should be ordered by 0900 hrs for 2nd shift (1500 to 2300 hrs) on same day and by 1300 hrs for 1st shift (0700 to 1500 hrs) for next day. By1100 hrs, for 3rd shift (2300 to 0500 hrs) in same day. Under normal circumstances, no work is performed during meal hours 1100 to 1200 hrs and 1830 to 1930 hrs. unless the ship is classified as a key vessel or the agent orders work during the meal hours. 劳工应责令0900小时第二轮班同一天(1500至2300年时)小时和1300第一班的第二天(0700至1500小时)小时。 By1100小时,第三转变同一天(2300至0500小时)。 在正常情况下,没有工作是执行在用膳时间1100至1200年和1830年至1930年小时小时。除非该船舶被列为重点船舶或者其代理人的订单时,才会在用餐时间的工作。 C 001. If you want to order labour in this port for the third shift in same day, the order should be made by ________ .如果你想在这个港同日第三班劳动,顺序应该是在… A. any time任意时间 B. 0900 hours C. 1100 hours D. 1300 hours B 002.________is performed during meal hours under usual circumstances. 正常情况下,…会被安排在用餐时间工作 A. Cargo work货物装卸 B. No cargo work不进行货物装卸 C. Ordering work by Agent代理所下的订单工作 D. loading and discharging 装卸 A 003. Loading and discharging can be performed during meal hours _____ A. if the ship is classified as a key vessel 该船为重要船只 B. if agent orders work beforehand 代理预先有所要求 C. under normal circumstances 在正常情况下 D. either A or B A或者B C 004. What does the word “key” mean ________? A. laden满载的 B. small小的 C. pivotal重要的 D. big大的 Passage 3-02 Before arrival in the United Kingdom, the master will have informed his owners or agents of the approximate time of the vessel's arrival at the pilot station for the port of destination. The vessel should be flying her ensign and also her signal letters and the requisite pilot signal when approaching the pilot station. The international signals, as well as any local port signals, can be found in the Sailing Directions, which is also known as the "Pilot Book" When a pilot is required most ports now require due notice of the vessel's ETA to be sent in by radio. However, this does not relieve the ship's obligation to display the pilot signal ("G" by any of the methods of signaling ) until the pilot is aboard when "H" flag will be flown. If the master or first mate of the vessel has a pilotage certificate for the district then the above is unnecessary, in such case the pilot flag (white and red horizontal halves, as on the pilot vessel) will be flown. 在到达英国之前,船长会在引航站通知他的业主或代理到达目的港的大致时间。船舶应该在靠近引航站时升起船旗和她的信号字以及必要的控制信号。国际信号,以及本地港口的任何信号,都可以在航路指南也叫做水路指南的书中找到。大多数港口现在需要引航员通过无线电适时通知其船只的预计到达时间。但是,只有当引航员在甲板上升起H旗才算是免除船舶显示控制信号的义务(“G“的通过对信号的方法之一)。如果该船只的船长或大副有一个该区的引航证,则不需要进行上述行为。在这种情况下,将需升起引航旗。 B 005. While the pilot is on ship, ________should be displayed on the top of the ship mast. 当引航员在船上,…需要展示在船桅顶端 (1) "G" flag G旗(2) "H" flag H旗 A. only (1) 只有(1) B. only (2) 只有(2) C. both (1) and (2) (1)以及(2) D. (1) plus (2) (1)加上(2) A 006. What's the meaning of the "ETA"________ ETA的意思是…. A. Estimated time of Arrival 预计到达时间


一A英语总复习资料 一、快速读出下列单词: 学习用品book ruler rubber pencil bag 人体部位eye ear face nose mouth 动作dance draw read sing see touch give look cut stick 家庭成员grandfather grandmother me mother father 形容词fat thin tall short big small 食物hamburger pizza cake pie 颜色red blue yellow green 数字one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 水果apple pear peach orange banana 家畜家禽chick duck cow pig 动物叫声peep oink moo quack 野生动物bear tiger monkey panda lion 人名Danny Ben Jack Ann Kitty Alice Eddie 二、读出下列容易混淆的单词: (1) ear耳朵 eye眼睛 (2) face脸 father爸爸 me我 mother妈妈 mouth嘴 morning早上 (3) draw画 dance跳舞 (4) ruler尺 rubber橡皮 (5) grandmother奶奶 grandfather爷爷 (6) bag书包 book书 (7) he他 she她 (8) sing唱歌 thin瘦的

(9) girl女孩 boy男孩 (10) classmate同学 friend朋友 (11) panda熊猫 bear熊 pear梨 peach桃子 pencil铅笔 pizza匹萨 pie 馅饼 (12) four 4 five 5 (13) two 2 three 3 (14) red 红色的 read 读 (15) this 这 that 那 (16) what 什么 who 谁 (17) chick 小鸡 duck 鸭子 cake 蛋糕 (18) pig 猪 big 大的 三、快速读出下列句子: Hello! 你好! Hi! 嗨! Good morning.早上好。 Good afternoon.下午好。Goodbye! 再见! I’m Danny.我是丹尼。 Give me a ruler, please. 请给我一把尺。 Here you are. 给你。 Thank you.谢谢你。How nice! 多好看啊! This is my mouth. 这是我的嘴巴。 Touch your eye. 碰碰你的眼睛。 It’s you.是你呀。My ear 我的耳朵 No. It’s not me. 不,这不是我。 What can you do I can read.你会干吗我会看书。 This is my mother. 这是我妈妈。 This is me. 这是我。 Who is she She is my grandmother. 她是谁她是我奶奶。 Who is he He is my father.他是谁他是我爸爸。 This is Eddie.这是爱迪。 He’s my classmate. 他是我同学。 He’s tall. 他是高的。This is Kitty. 这是凯蒂。 She’s my friend. 她是我朋友。 She’s short.她是矮的。 How many pencils One, two, three, four, five! Five pencils.几支铅笔1,2,3,4,5,5支铅笔。 How many books One! One book. 几本书1,1本书。 Pears, please. 请给我梨。 How many pears Six pears.几只梨6只梨。


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(B) bulge carrier 散货船 bulge bulk 散货容积大量 bulge container 散货集装箱 bulge eraser 整盘磁带消磁器 bulge frame 船腹肋骨 bulge freighter 散货船 bulge grain carrier 散装谷类运输船 bulge oil carrier 散装油船 bulge oil circuit breaker 多油断路器 bulge oil-carrying ship 散装油船 bulge ore carrier 散装矿砂船 bulge ore-and RoRo carrier 散货、矿砂、滚装三用船bulge test 鼓出试验 bulge test 鼓出试验批量试验 bulge test 批量试验 bulge transport department 散货运输处 bulge viscosity 体积粘性 bulge 不规则突起鼓起处 bulge 侧凸出部 bulge 船侧凸出部;舭部 bulge 桶腰 bulgecarrier 散货船 bulged blading 加厚叶片组 bulging shell 鼓出外板 bulging shell 舭外板 bulging test 鼓出试验 bulk carrier 散货船 bulk and general cargo carrier 散杂货运输船 bulk bauxite carrier 散装矾土船 bulk bauxite carrier 散装铁矾土船 bulk bauxite ore-carrier 铝土矿石船 bulk bead mark 防水壁标志 bulk boat 石油驳船 bulk capacity 散货容积 bulk capacity 散装容积 bulk cargo carrier 散装货船 Bulk Cargo Clause 散装货条款 bulk cargo container 散装货柜 bulk cargo container 散装货柜散装集装箱 Bulk Cargo Container 散装集装箱 bulk cargo hold 散货舱 Bulk Cargo Ship 散装货船


1.答案:D 下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号 2.答案:A 根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面 3.答案:D 下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈 4.答案:C 全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗? 5.答案:C 防火救生艇被发现是良好的 6.答案:B 我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。 7.答案:D 你的救生艇配备有锚爪拉索吗? 8.答案:C 在静水压力释放器上涂漆是被禁止的,因为它将会减弱灵敏度 9.答案:C 二氧化碳室的钥匙放在哪里?位于临近房间的“击碎玻璃”面卡的惹人注意的的墙壁上 10.答案:A 消防员装备由安全灯,防护衣,钢盔,呼吸器组成。 11.答案:C 关于莫卡托投影下面哪项不正确,它总是能提供真实的距离 12.答案:B 为什么在莫卡托海图上距离总是由最近的比例测量,因为它与每个纬度成比例 13.答案:A 什么是航向?航向是船舶指示的方向 14.答案:D 在北纬60度15分经度是多长?7.5海里 15.答案:C 关于磁罗经下面哪项是不正确的?磁罗经总是放在刚性结构里面 16.答案:C 关于旋转罗盘的用途下面哪项正确?旋转罗盘需要经常被核查 17答案:D 什么会影响回声探测仪的精度?水的温度和密度. 18.答案:A 当回声探测仪使用于一层淡水位于高密度海水之上的河口时将发生什么? 出现散射层 19.答案:D 关于GPS的用途,下列哪项是不正确的?GPS能在任何条件下提供实时 的位置 20.答案:A 毫无疑问雷达是一种非常重要的助航设备。但是值班驾驶员在使用的时 候应该注意到他的距离读 21.答案:D 关于雷达信标,下列哪项是不正确的?雷达信标能用来取代雷达 22.答案:D 雷达信标能帮助做什么?识别航标。 23.答案:B 电子海图和信息显示系统用来做什么?电子海图显示和信息系统 24.答案:C 航标协会浮标系统分为两类:侧标系统和界标系统 25.答案:B 侧标系统用于限制水道例如浮筒航道 26.答案:A 在侧面左手标,当从海上驶向岸时绿色浮标保持在右舷,红色在左舷 27.答案:D 关于分道通航制下列哪项是不正确的?当在分道通航制区域改变一般交 通规则 28.答案:C 你怎样进行移线定位?隔段时间获取一次陆标方位并且隔段时间测量所 走的距离 29.答案:C 在分道通航制区域谁有优先权?左舷来的船 30.答案:A 在欧洲,当驶向沿岸时将会看到航标协会右舷指示侧标是什么颜色?绿色 31.答案:D 当潮汐使海水每天升降两次形成流或者潮流,形成一种结果是流,或者形 成潮流 32.答案:C 当回落的时候,潮流将会有一段时间很小或者几乎没有。这叫做平潮 33.答案:B 两个高潮之间的平均时间是12小时25分钟,因为这个时候发生在月亮在 地球对面 34.答案:C 什么是潮高?最低天文潮上的水位 35.答案:A 正确使用VHF16频道和工作频道的方法是什么?在16频道上船舶能呼叫 其他的船,但是需要尽快的移动到工作频道


Passage 01 Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year. 1.The deep-sea liners ________. A. carry mainly containerized cargo B. carry mainly conventional cargo C. offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles D. sail across channels and narrow seas. 2.The Liners ________. A. always sail full B. sail regularly even not full C. always sail in ballast D. will not sail if not full 3.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners ________.


1 Where’s my pen? It’s on the bed. ( ) I’m fine. ( ) 2 Happy birthday! Thank you. ( ) Ok. ( ) 3 How old are you? You’re welcome. ( ) I’m six. ( ) 4 Is it a monster? Look! ( ) No, it isn’t. ( ) 5 What’s this? See you. ( ) It’s my ruler. ( ) 6 Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you. ( ) Good boy. ( ) 7 Open the door. Thank you. ( ) Yes. ( ) 8 Bye! See you. ( ) Ok. ( ) 9 How many dogs? One dog. ( ) It’s green. ( ) 10.What color? It’s red. ( ) Hello. ( ) 11. How many? Seven. ( ) Count. ( )

12. Good morning. Good afternoon. ( ) Good morning. ( ) 13. Hello. Hi. ( ) How are you? ( ) 14. What’s your name? My name’s Amy. I’m ten. ( ) 15. How are you? I’m fine. ( ) Goodbye. ( ) 16. Goodbye. Bye. ( ) I’m Feifei. ( )

航海英语302 翻译版

航海英语302 烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机 1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines. A.The funnel烟囱 B.The messroom C.The galley D.The satellite antenna 人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气. 2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection. A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley D.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线 厨房是制作美味食物的地方. 3.——is where delicious food is cooked. A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley厨房 D.The satellite antenna 食堂是全体船员用餐的地方 4.——is where the crew eat their meals. A.The funnel B.The messroom食堂 C.The galley D.The satellite antenna 锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动. 5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary. A.The bulbous bow B.The anchor 锚 C.The bow thruster D.The propeller 船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动. 6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily. A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏 B.The anchor C.The bow thruster D.The propeller 船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。7.——is placed in the front of the ship under the water, which eases berthing or maneuvering sideways at low speed.


仔细读下列句子001 1. xi co m ing zh E g z d r cn zh 宙k cn d mg hu d pi m。 2. di cn sh ij izh eng z d b o fang h u l u w do 3. xi C o d j di z d i xu e xi d o l i d C l d n qi U。 4. xi Co hu d m a o e n zhe mama q u di do U。 5. xi C o g 口ning h e n d i ch i y U。 6. f e i j i yu e f e i yu e g a 0。 7. xi C o b d i t hu e xu e h d i zi y o u ch d ng y o u ti d o, w d n d e h e n k a i x 8. xi eng r j ku i z d i y dng gu a ng xi d g e w di xi a n y d n。 9. zh e n tou sh d ng fang zhe k e d i de b x U o ngw d wa。 10. q i ng w a z d i d o ng l i shu j zh d o le。 11、zu ij in k a x in z d xu e xi d o l ib u lu cn t u lu d hu d。 12 . k a x iny6U d j j n b U zh i de g u l j Cng l j。

仔细读下列句子002 I. 1 co sh uc id a m io 2. w a n w an de yu e liang xi eng xi CD chuan o 3. g e ge d a g u m cimei ti C D w u o 4. ch m ti a n d Co le , b a i hu a q i fangi a p eng y du y o u ch a ngy b u ti Co 5. m a o zhu il C o sh u,mao ch idi a o t a o 6. xi C h du z C sh u sh eng zh a shu i m it do o 7. xi C m ing m e i ti a z C o sh C ng C ch i h u n t u o n 8. j in ti a n b a n j i j u x ing b a h eb i s C o 9. mi a n b a o y i j i ng k c o sh u le ,h a o xi a ng a ! 10. e zh ixi a o mi f e ngf e d a o hu a c d g zh mg o II. n (3n g min b o bo z C d i l i sh au zhu a n g ji a。 12. xi & h d n g h e xi a o min g sh i h C o p O n g you


航海英语154 [1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? A.Rocket parachute signals B.Buoyant smoke signals C.Hand flare signals D.Self-igniting signals Key:D下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号 [2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat? A.the retro-reflective tapes B.the reflective tapes C.the flashing bands D.the anti-flashing bands Key:A根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面

[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts? A.Anti-seasickness medicine B.Immersion suits C.axes D.lifebuoys Key:D下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈 [4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined? A.total enclosed lifeboats B.totally enclosing lifeboats C.totally enclosed lifeboats D.total encloseing lifeboats Key:C全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗? [5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________. A.in satisfactorily condition B.satisfactorily C.satisfactory D.satisfactored Key:C防火救生艇被发现是良好的 [6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e5827436.html,bining with https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e5827436.html,bined with https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e5827436.html,bining to https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e5827436.html,bined to Key:B我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。


UNIT1 LESSON1 1.马来语是本地用语,而英语是宫方和商业用语。 2.该卷所覆盖的这些地区、通往港口的通道会出现高密度的交通流。 3.在这些影响因素,包括交通流的密度和集中程度的共同作用下,使得在海峡中的航行变得很困难,尤其是对于深吃水船舶。 4.从安达曼海北部进入,经由马六甲海峡北部的中央部分,从霹雳岛或半途岛的任一边通过。 5.新加坡共和国通过一条堤道和一座跨越柔佛海峡的桥梁与马来西亚半岛相连。 6.变化随着季风年复一年的前进、后退、强度改变一直持续着。 7.此海峡与南中国海东部的邻近水域都比较浅,以至于该地区的洋流造成一些潮汐现象 8.在这段时期内的西北和东北风的平均风力约为4级,但是在新加坡的马六甲海峡南部的风会弱一点,且风向不定。 9.由于穿越航路和频繁的交叉,让碰撞危险相当高。,而且还有可能遇到当地的渔船。 10.深吃水船舶和超大型油轮的船长在计划穿过此海峡的航线时应尤其注意航行限制。LESSON 2 1.海图上所显示的信息随其比例尺的变化而变化。 2.如果简化的描述会导致与附近浮标的混淆,那么应该保留详细信息。 3.海图上一个位置点的小误差在大比例尺可能表现为几米,而在小比例尺海图上就可能是几链了。

4.修改(海图上)等深线。比如删除深度给其他信息让路,若非是它们具有一些航海意义,航海通告上不会提及。 5.为了清晰的显示信息,其正确位置应该用圆圈和箭头来指示。 6.5011号海图提供了英版海图的缩写和图式,有A4纸这么大,非常便于携带。 7.水底礁石上的水深未知,但是我们认为它对水面航行有危险。 8.所有的这些告诫性的注释便于航海者确保安全航行的,比如避免:搁浅,接近渔具时损失,潜艇经常演刁区域的任何危险。 9.3482号海图上的位置与本区域拓制海图的位置在数量上是有一定差别。位置应该通过距离和方位转变而不是经纬度。 10.此海图省略了20米等深线内的许多灯标和其他助航标志。 LESSON 3 1.使用者应该了解到数据在传送、显示或打印在使用者的设备上、转换为其他软件格式的时候很有可能出观损坏。 2.暂时性、预报性的通告会单面打印,以便与剪切和存档。 3.周版航海通告增补篇发布的数据更新会通过无线电警告传送。X 4.在某些情况下有选择性的发布重要信息以避兔负荷过重也是有必要的。 5.方便归档,通告编号后附年份,每月也会发布一次生效列表。X 6.插入附带注释,海底电缆,位于。。。。。。


小学一年级英语句子表: 序号 单词中文翻译音标What′s your name 你叫什么名字 How are you? 你好吗? My name is Andy 我的名字叫做安迪 Here, Mr Leo 在这里,利奥先生 Here,Miss Gao 在这里,高小姐 Hello,my name is Julia 你好,我的名字叫朱莉娅 Hi,my name is chen Jiamin 嗨,我的名字是家民 Stick your photo 贴你的照片 Write your name 写你的名字[rait j?u neim] Pull the sring through the holes 把绳子穿过洞 Introduce yourself 介绍你自己[,intr?'dju:s j?:'self] I have a pencil 我有一支铅笔 It is new 它是新的 Here is my pencil 这是我的铅笔 Who took the book from Andy′s bag? 谁从安迪的袋子拿 走了书? Amy took the book from Andy′s bag. 艾米从安迪的袋里 拿了本书 Who? Me? Can′t be! 谁?我?不可能! Koto took the book from Andy′s bag Koto从安迪的袋里 拿了书 Show me your pencil-case 拿出你的笔盒给我

看 Show me your ruler 拿出你的尺子给我 看 Show me your rubber 拿出你的橡皮擦给 我看 Open your book 打开你的书Close your book 关上你的书I have a book 我有一本书 I have a book and a pencil 我有一本书和一支 铅笔 I have a book, a pencil and a rubber 我有一本书,一支铅笔和一块橡皮 I have a book, a pencil,a rubber and a ruler 我有一本书,一支铅笔,一块橡皮和 一把尺子 Cut a shape 切割形状[k?t] [?eip] Punch a hole 打眼儿[p?nt?] [h?ul] Pull the string 拉绳子 [pul] [stri?] Draw and write 画和写[dr?:] [rait] Here′s your bookmark 这是你的书签 [hi?] ['bukmɑ:k] Show me something new 查看我的新的东西I have a new pencil 我有一个新铅笔 I have a new bag 我有一个新书包 I have a new pencil-case 我有一个新铅笔 盒。 Er…I have …恩……我有……

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