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Hawthorne’s “black vision” of life and human beings

Hawthorne’s “black vision” of life and human beings
Hawthorne’s “black vision” of life and human beings

Hawthorne’s “black vision” of life and human beings

09 英4

As we can see, Hawthorne’s literary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one possible to imagine. This has much to do with his “black vision” of life and human beings, especially in The Scarlet Letter,this kind of writing characteristic can be tracked most adequately. So ,what is black vision exactly?

Section1.The Hawthorne’s black vision of life and human beings

According to Hawthorne, “There is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life, but circumstances may rouse it to activity ”. One source of evil that Hawthorne is concerned most is overreaching intellect, which usually refers to someone who is too proud, too sure of himself. He believed that “the wrong doing of one generation lives into the successive ones,” Hawthorne looks around the world with black glasses, the more sins they saw, and the darker the world is. The central subject of Hawthorne’s works is human soul. It is in his exploration of human’s soul—especially the dark side, that Hawthorne reveals his criticism of life. There were lots of ghosts, spirit die, grave, ghost black veil shuttle in and out in his works, and also the fate, evil and love were wandering around the character of his works all the time. He reveals the evil and ugly side hidden inside human’s soul by using mask, veil, shadow, and symbolism, ironic and ambiguous writing style.

At the same time, as the influence of mysticism, Hawthorne considered the objective material world as the feint, and the essential of it was ghost. Therefore he tried to use symbol to reveal the conceal meaning in writing. In order to dig out the “evil inside everyone”. He was favor at writing the horror of super-nature, the weird of environment, the dark, abnormal of psychological activities.

But those things were not created to scared people, but to explore the evil and unfaithful thing in history. What’s more, they are used to satirize and criticize the society's injustices and the torment from the religion.

Section2. The background of Hawthorne’s black vision

First, Hawthorne’s Life Experience

Hawthorne was a sinner in history: he had persecuted the puritans that once he met a puritan who was named Ann Colman to a carriage and whipped him.

And Hawthorne was interested in the history of family very much. When he was a little boy, he read books which recorded the anecdotes and deeds about his ancestors. Hawthorne was not so compliment with the behaviors of his grandfathers, therefore he came to realized that sins and evils were born in human’s mind, and came to recognized that the center of life is about darkness. The theory about original sin of Puritanism had deeply impressed him.

Hawthorne was a shy man who likes to be alone and always keeps silence most of the time. This related to his childhood environment. His father who was a captain of a business ship died during a trip in Caribbean Sea. With no choice he and his family had to live in grandpa’s house, which makes him self-abased. The whole

family keep themselves inside the house and seldom go outside, they went outside when the dark had come only. His sisters talk very little; the whole family lives a life like ghost. The lonely person hates loneliness, and they always keep themselves insolated with society and afraid of far away from it at the same time.

Second, Hawthorne’s Education

When Hawthorne was 6, he already read Pilgrim’s Progress. The first book he purchased was Faerie Queene. He read Godwin and Scott’s novels, his favor of history and mystery become much greater. It had been considered as his nature to tell that the world is the cover of fable story.

In 1821, Hawthorne attended to Bowdoin College. At that time, He did read a lot. The most beneficial part he gained from college was that he learned to think independently and built up the spirit of skeptical and the direction of his writing. Third, Cultural Background

The literat ure term “American Romanticism” was first applied to the writers of the 18th century in Europe who broke away the formal rules of the classical writing. When it was in American literature, it referred to the writers of the middle of the 19th century who stimulated the sentimental emotions of their readers. They wrote the mysteries of life, love, birth and death. The romantic writers expressed themselves freely and without restraint. They wrote all kinds of materials: poetry, essays, plays, fiction, history, works of travel and biography. It reached its peak with the appearance of the major authors of the 19th century such as Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson in poetry, and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville in fiction. Section3.The usage of Hawthorne’s black vision in The Scarlet Letter.

In The Scarlet Letter, the whole story and characters were delivering his black vision. The spot of the author was not focus on the relationship between the characters; he was more like a teacher talking about the impact both on emotional and mental to the one who violated the forbidden rules. This kind of impact was revealed deeply by Hester, Dimmesdale and Chillingworth, the main characters in The Scarlet Letter. Hester

She was insolated with a scarlet letter A in her breast. But her response to it was positive. She didn’t leave or be self-abased, but faced the reality and tried hard to rebuild the relationship between her and the society. She had a good sense to the hidden evils of others and had a refresh mind about human’s soul. Thus she was toughly mental. Understanding and sympathy became her passport to reenter the society. The line linking her and the society, though torturing her, she still kept it At last she was succeeded in building up an honest, meaningful new relationship with the society.

Hester is a positive character in Hawthorne’s black vision; she was a light in the darkness. She came to know the evil that was hidden in everyone’s soul, and she felt it, live with it and understood it. Hawthorne had put her guilt and innocent together in a unique and harmony way, it tries to tell people that a man can overcome all the difficulties if you have faith and never give it up.


The name of Dimmesdale was actually a symbol in Hawthorne’s work. It had the meaning of misfortune or glen. He was the origin of the tragedy. The way he dealt with his own sin was to lock it deep inside his glen-like heart. Which leaves no room for him to feel peace; and the burden of misery; pain and sadness on his shoulder were breaking his back. He cut off all his connection with the society and with the other people. He became a living ghost in the world.

That Hawthorne put those two characters together was attempted to tell a rule: the best way people want to live a life is honest and frank, keeping communicating with the world all the time, unfolding the weakness inside you. The two characters just represent each sides of this rule. Hester’s attitude was a positive one and Dimmesdale’s was a negative one. And the result of them was totally different. The former one became a succeed personnel from a sinner, the latter one became a ghost sinner from a successful preach. Both of their life was in a gloomy. The whole setting in it was not a cheerful one, which is the tone of Hawthorne’s black vision. Chillingworth

In The Scarlet Letter, Chillingworth’s sin was he had eroded the holy human mind. His name Chillingworth was also a symbol, it has the meaning of fearful and owe. He tried his best to dig into the young clergy’s heart; the way he explored and touched the poor clergy’s heart just like a man who searched the treasures within darkness. Hester called him “devil”, in Dimmesdale’s eyes he was the worst sinner in the whole world. In Hawthorne’s consideration he would die with no doubt. After Dimmesdale conformed his sin and died, the spirit of Chillingworth left him, like the light of life disappeared from his confused and numbed face. The last word of the young clergy “your sins are extremely serious too” is like the last sense of God hit onto him.

The three main characters were all the reflection of Hawthorne’s black vision, it was revealed all around the novel. Sin, evil, dead, revenge were all the represent of it. The Scarlet Letter is the dark flower of original sin.


职场演讲英语口语展示P P T时常用的英语衔接 口语 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

职场演讲英语口语:展示PPT时常用的英语衔接口语 上班开会的时候,常常需要用到PPT来展示自己的成果。在展示PPT的同时, 你的语言表达如何体现出你的逻辑思维是每个职场人都要学会的软技能。其 实,在PPT演讲时,是有一定的思路及套路的。在本篇文章中,安格英语老师 就将会教给大家英语PPT演讲时的一些“套话”,它们可以帮助你良好地衔接 起来你的演讲过程。 Opening Statements? 开场白? First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming here today. 首先,我要感谢大家今天来到这里。 My name is X and I am the (your position) at (your company). 我的名字是某某某,在(公司)担任(职位)。 Try to make eye contact with everyone you are speaking to if possible. You can also smile at individual members of the audience to put them at their ease. 要注意跟在场的每位听众保持眼神交流,你也可以保持微笑,这样观众才不会 感到局促不安。 I'd briefly like to take you through today's presentation. 我想给大家简单介绍下今天要讲的内容。 First, we're going to... 首先,我们要…… After that, we'll be taking a look at... 之后,我们会看一下…… Once we've identified our challenges we will be able to... 一旦我们确认了我们所要面临的问题我们将会…… Finally, I'll outline what... 最后,我会概述一下……


外国文学名著鉴赏期末论文院—系:数学学院 科目:外国文学名著鉴赏(期末论文)班级: 08级数学与应用数学A班 姓名:沈铁 学号: 200805050149 上课时段:周五晚十、十一节课

奋斗了,才有出路 ——读《鲁宾逊漂游记》有感小说《鲁宾逊漂游记》一直深受人们的喜爱。读完这篇小说,使我对人生应该有自己的一个奋斗历程而受益匪浅。当一个人已经处于绝境的时候,还能够满怀信心的去面对和挑战生活,实在是一种可贵的精神。他使我认识到,人无论何时何地,不管遇到多大的困难,都不能被困难所吓倒,我们要勇敢的面对困难,克服困难,始终保持一种积极向上、乐观的心态去面对。在当今社会只有努力去奋斗,才会有自己的出路! 其实现在的很多人都是那些遇到困难就退缩,不敢勇敢的去面对它。不仅如此,现在很多人都是独生子女,很多家长视子女为掌上明珠,不要说是冒险了,就连小小的家务活也不让孩子做,天天总是说:“我的小宝贝啊,你读好书就行了,其它的爸爸妈妈做就可以了。”读书固然重要,但生活中的小事也不能忽略。想一想,在荒无人烟的孤岛上,如果你连家务活都不会做,你能在那里生存吗?读完这部著作后,我不禁反问自己:“如果我像书中的鲁宾逊那样在大海遭到风暴,我能向他那样与风暴搏斗,最后逃离荒岛得救吗?恐怕我早已经被大海所淹没;如果我漂流到孤岛,能活几天?我又能干些什么?我会劈柴吗?会打猎做饭吗?我连洗洗自己的衣服还笨手笨脚的。”我们应该学习鲁宾逊这种不怕困难的精神,无论何时何地都有坚持地活下去,哪怕只有一线希望也要坚持到底,决不能放弃!我们要像鲁宾

逊那样有志气、有毅力、爱劳动,凭自己的双手创造财富,创造奇迹,取得最后的胜利。这样的例子在我们的生活中屡见不鲜。 《史记》的作者司马迁含冤入狱,可它依然在狱中完成《史记》一书,他之所以能完成此书,靠的也是他心中那顽强的毅力,永不放弃的不断努力的精神。著名作家爱迪生从小就生活在一个贫困的家庭中,可是他从小就表现出了科学方面的天赋。长大后爱迪生着力于电灯的发明与研究,他经过了九百多次的失败,可它依然没有放弃,不断努力,最后终于在第一千次实验中取得了成功。 鲁宾逊在岛上生活了二十八年,他面对了各种各样的困难和挫折,克服了许多常人无法想象的困难,自己动手,丰衣足食,以惊人的毅力,顽强的活了下来。他自从大船失事后,找了一些木材,在岛上盖了一间房屋,为防止野兽,还在房子周围打了木桩,来到荒岛,面对着的首要的就是吃的问题,船上的东西吃完以后,鲁宾逊开始打猎,有时可能会饿肚子,一是他决定播种,几年后他终于可以吃到自己的劳动成果,其实学习也是这样,也有这样一个循序渐进的过程,现在的社会,竞争无处不在,我们要懂得只有付出才会有收获,要勇于付出,在战胜困难的同时不断取得好成绩。要知道只有付出,才会有收获。鲁宾逊在失败后总结教训,终于成果;磨粮食没有石磨,他就用木头代替;没有筛子,就用围巾。鲁宾逊在荒岛上解决了自己的生存难题,面对人生挫折,鲁宾逊的所作所为充分显示了他坚毅的性格和顽强的精神。同样我们在学习上也可以做一些创新,养成一种创新精神,把鲁宾逊在荒岛,不畏艰险,不怕失败挫折,艰苦奋斗的精


(一)文学常识 一、古希腊罗马 1.(1)宙斯(罗马神话称为朱庇特),希腊神话中最高的天神,掌管雷电云雨,是人和神的主宰。 (2)阿波罗,希腊神话中宙斯的儿子,主管光明、青春、音乐、诗歌等,常以手持弓箭的少年形象出现。 (3)雅典那,希腊神话中的智慧女神,雅典城邦的保护神。 (4)潘多拉,希腊神话中的第一个女人,貌美性诈。私自打开了宙斯送她的一只盒子,里面装的疾病、疯狂、罪恶、嫉妒等祸患,一齐飞出,只有希望留在盒底,人间因此充满灾难。“潘多拉的盒子”成为“祸灾的来源”的同义语。 (5)普罗米修斯,希腊神话中造福人间的神。盗取天火带到人间,并传授给人类多种手艺,触怒宙斯,被锁在高加索山崖,受神鹰啄食,是一个反抗强暴、不惜为人类牺牲一切的英雄。 (6)斯芬克司,希腊神话中的狮身女怪。常叫过路行人猜谜,猜不出即将行人杀害;后因谜底被俄底浦斯道破,即自杀。后常喻“谜”一样的人物。与埃及狮身人面像同名。 2.荷马,古希腊盲诗人。主要作品有《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,被称为荷马史诗。《伊利亚特》叙述十年特洛伊战争。《奥德赛》写特洛伊战争结束后,希腊英雄奥德赛历险回乡的故事。马克思称赞它“显示出永久的魅力”。 3.埃斯库罗斯,古希腊悲剧之父,代表作《被缚的普罗米修斯》。6.阿里斯托芬,古希腊“喜剧之父”代表作《阿卡奈人》。 4.索福克勒斯,古希腊重要悲剧作家,代表作《俄狄浦斯王》。5.欧里庇得斯,古希腊重要悲剧作家,代表作《美狄亚》。 二、中世纪文学 但丁,意大利人,伟大诗人,文艺复兴的先驱。恩格斯称他是“中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人”。主要作品有叙事长诗《神曲》,由地狱、炼狱、天堂三部分组成。《神曲》以幻想形式,写但丁迷路,被人导引神游三界。在地狱中见到贪官污吏等受着惩罚,在净界中见到贪色贪财等较轻罪人,在天堂里见到殉道者等高贵的灵魂。 三、文艺复兴时期 1.薄迦丘意大利人短篇小说家,著有《十日谈》拉伯雷,法国人,著《巨人传》塞万提斯,西班牙人,著《堂?吉诃德》。 2.莎士比亚,16-17世纪文艺复兴时期英国伟大的剧作家和诗人,主要作品有四大悲剧——《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》《麦克白》、《李尔王》,另有悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等,喜剧有《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》等,历史剧有《理查二世》、《亨利四世》等。马克思称之为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。 四、17世纪古典主义 9.笛福,17-18世纪英国著名小说家,被誉为“英国和欧洲小说之父”,主要作品《鲁滨逊漂流记》,是英国第一部现实主义长篇小说。10.弥尔顿,17世纪英国诗人,代表作:长诗《失乐园》,《失乐园》,表现了资产阶级清教徒的革命理想和英雄气概。 25.拉伯雷,16世纪法国作家,代表作:长篇小说《巨人传》。 26.莫里哀,法国17世纪古典主义文学最重要的作家,法国古典主义喜剧的创建者,主要作品为《伪君子》《悭吝人》(主人公叫阿巴公)等喜剧。 五、18世纪启蒙运动 1)歌德,德国文学最高成就的代表者。主要作品有书信体小说《少年维特之烦恼》,诗剧《浮士德》。 11.斯威夫特,18世纪英国作家,代表作:《格列佛游记》,以荒诞的情节讽刺了英国现实。 12.亨利·菲尔丁,18世纪英国作家,代表作:《汤姆·琼斯》。 六、19世纪浪漫主义 (1拜伦, 19世纪初期英国伟大的浪漫主义诗人,代表作为诗体小说《唐璜》通过青年贵族唐璜的种种经历,抨击欧洲反动的封建势力。《恰尔德。哈洛尔游记》 (2雨果,伟大作家,欧洲19世纪浪漫主义文学最卓越的代表。主要作品有长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》、《悲惨世界》、《笑面人》、《九三年》等。《悲惨世界》写的是失业短工冉阿让因偷吃一片面包被抓进监狱,后改名换姓,当上企业主和市长,但终不能摆脱迫害的故事。《巴黎圣母院》 弃儿伽西莫多,在一个偶然的场合被副主教克洛德.孚罗洛收养为义子,长大后有让他当上了巴黎圣母院的敲钟人。他虽然十分丑陋而且有多种残疾,心灵却异常高尚纯洁。 长年流浪街头的波希米亚姑娘拉.爱斯梅拉达,能歌善舞,天真貌美而心地淳厚。青年贫诗人尔比埃尔.甘果瓦偶然同她相遇,并在一个更偶然的场合成了她名义上的丈夫。很有名望的副教主本来一向专心于"圣职",忽然有一天欣赏到波希米亚姑娘的歌舞,忧千方百计要把她据为己有,对她进行了种种威胁甚至陷害,同时还为此不惜玩弄卑鄙手段,去欺骗利用他的义子伽西莫多和学生甘果瓦。眼看无论如何也实现不了占有爱斯梅拉达的罪恶企图,最后竟亲手把那可爱的少女送上了绞刑架。 另一方面,伽西莫多私下也爱慕着波希米亚姑娘。她遭到陷害,被伽西莫多巧计救出,在圣母院一间密室里避难,敲钟人用十分纯朴和真诚的感情去安慰她,保护她。当她再次处于危急中时,敲钟人为了援助她,表现出非凡的英勇和机智。而当他无意中发现自己的"义父"和"恩人"远望着高挂在绞刑架上的波希米亚姑娘而发出恶魔般的狞笑时,伽西莫多立即对那个伪善者下了最后的判决,亲手把克洛德.孚罗洛从高耸入云的钟塔上推下,使他摔的粉身碎骨。 (3司汤达,批判现实主义作家。代表作《红与黑》,写的是不满封建制度的平民青年于连,千方百计向上爬,最终被送上断头台的故事。“红”是将军服色,指“入军界”的道路;“黑”是主教服色,指当神父、主教的道路。 14.雪莱,19世纪积极浪漫主义诗人,欧洲文学史上最早歌颂空想社会主义的诗人之一,主要作品为诗剧《解放了的普罗米修斯》,抒情诗《西风颂》等。 15.托马斯·哈代,19世纪英国作家,代表作:长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》。 16.萨克雷,19世纪英国作家,代表作:《名利场》 17.盖斯凯尔夫人,19世纪英国作家,代表作:《玛丽·巴顿》。 18.夏洛蒂?勃朗特,19世纪英国女作家,代表作:长篇小说《简?爱》19艾米丽?勃朗特,19世纪英国女作家,夏洛蒂?勃朗特之妹,代表作:长篇小说《呼啸山庄》。 20.狄更斯,19世纪英国批判现实主义文学的重要代表,主要作品为长篇小说《大卫?科波菲尔》、《艰难时世》《双城记》《雾都孤儿》。21.柯南道尔,19世纪英国著名侦探小说家,代表作品侦探小说集《福尔摩斯探案》是世界上最著名的侦探小说。 七、19世纪现实主义 1、巴尔扎克,19世纪上半叶法国和欧洲批判现实主义文学的杰出代表。主要作品有《人间喜剧》,包括《高老头》、《欧也妮·葛朗台》、《贝姨》、《邦斯舅舅》等。《人间喜剧》是世界文学中规模最宏伟的创作之一,也是人类思维劳动最辉煌的成果之一。马克思称其“提供了一部法国社会特别是巴黎上流社会的卓越的现实主义历史”。


【文件编号】 中材科技风电叶片车间常用英语 受控状态__________ 发放编号__________ 编制:__________ 审核:__________ 批准:__________

目录 组件/Parts (4) 设备&工装/Equipments&Devices (4) 材料/Material (5) 玻纤类/Fabric (5) 芯材类/ Core Material (5) 耗材类/Consumables (6) 辅材类/Adding Material (6) 树脂&粘接胶/Resin &Glue (6) 油漆&腻子/Paint& Filler (6) 避雷系统/Lightning Protection System (6) 金属件/Metal Pieces (7) 2.工艺过程常用中英文词汇对照表 (7) 工序类/Procedure (7) 模具调试/Mold Debug (8) 来料检查/ Incoming Inspection (8) 铺层/Lamination (8) 灌注&预固化/Infusion&Pre-curing (9) 粘接/Bonding (9) 后处理/ Post-processing (10) 3. 缩写/ Abbreviation (10) 4. 维修工艺/ Maintenance Craft (14) 4.1 真空灌注工艺维修方案/Infusion Process (14) 4.1.1维修流程/Repaire Flow Diagram (14) 4.1.2主要流程工序/Primary Process Flow (14) 4.2 手糊真空袋压工艺/Hand-layup Vacuum Bag Molding Process (17) 4.2.1 维修流程/Repaire Flow Diagram (17) 4.2.2 主要流程工序/Primary Process Flow (17)


题目:浅析从简爱到女性的尊严和爱 学院工商学院 专业新闻学3 学号 姓名闫万里 学科外国文学名着赏析 [摘要] 十九世纪中期,英国伟大的女性存在主义先驱,着名作家夏洛蒂勃朗特创作出了她的代表作--《简爱》,当时轰动了整个文坛,它是一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的现实主义小说,被认为是作者"诗意的生平"的写照。它在问世后的一百多年里,它始终保持着历史不败的艺术感染力。直到现在它的影响还继续存在。在作品的序幕、发展、高潮和结尾中,女主人公的叛逆、自由、平等、自尊、纯洁的个性都是各个重点章节的主旨,而这些主旨则在女主人公的爱情观中被展露的淋漓尽致,它们如同乌云上方的星汉,灼灼闪耀着光芒,照亮着后来的女性者们追求爱情的道路。? [关键词] 自尊个性独特新女性主义自由独立平等 《简爱》是一部带有自转色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。从小就成长在一个充满暴力的环境中的简爱,经历了同龄人没有的遭遇。她要面对的是舅妈的毫无人性的虐待,表兄的凶暴专横和表姐的傲慢冷漠,尽管她尽力想“竭力赢得别人的好感”,但是事实告诉她这都是白费力气的,因此她发出了“不公平啊!--不公平!”的近乎绝望的呼喊。不公平的生长环境,使得简爱从小就向往平等、自由和爱,这些愿望在她后来的成长过程中表现无疑,

譬如在她的爱情观中的种种体现。? 1.桑菲尔德府? 谭波儿小姐因为出嫁,离开了洛伍德学校,同时也离开了简爱,这使简爱感觉到了“一种稳定的感觉,一切使我觉得洛伍德学校有点像我家的联想,全都随着她消失了”,她意识到:真正的世界是广阔的,一个充满希望和忧虑、激动和兴奋的变化纷呈的天地,正等待着敢于闯入、甘冒风险寻求人生真谛的人们。意识形态的转变促使着简爱走向更广阔的社会,接受社会的挑战,尽管她才只有十八岁。于是,简爱来到了桑菲尔德府,当了一名在当时地位不高的家庭教师。?桑菲尔德府使简爱感受到“这儿有想象中的完美无缺的家庭安乐气氛”,事实证明了她的预感的正确性,。从和简爱相见、相识到相爱的过程当中,简爱的那种叛逆精神、自强自尊的品质深深地征服了罗切斯特,而罗切斯特的优雅风度和渊博知识同样也征服了简爱。最初开始,简爱一直以为罗切斯特会娶高贵漂亮的英格拉姆为妻,她在和罗切斯特谈到婚姻时,曾经义正言辞的对罗切斯特说:“你以为因为我穷,低微,不美,矮小,就没有灵魂了吗?你想错了!我跟你一样有灵魂—也同样有一颗心!我现在不是凭着肉体凡胎跟你说话,而是我的心灵在和你的心灵说话,就好像我们都已经离开人世,两人平等地站在上帝面前—因为我们本来就是平等的。”这充分表现出简爱的叛逆,她这种维护妇女独立人格、主张婚姻独立自主以及男女平等的主张可以看成是他对整个人类社会自由平等的向往追求,罗切斯特正是爱上了她这样的独特个性,同时他也同样重复道:我们本来就是平等的。罗切斯特自始自终爱的是简爱的心灵—有着意志的力量,美德和纯洁的心灵,正是基于如此,简爱才真正的爱着罗切斯特。因为爱情是来不得半点虚假的,一方为另一方付出了真情的爱,假如得到对方的是虚情假意,那么这份爱


小平台是生产和生活的中心,一般分为二层或三层的模块结构,甲板形状为矩形。各个甲板之间用立柱和斜撑结构连接固定。平台主体顶部装有立柱基座,与主体的垂直防水壁形成一个整体,平台上体的主支撑立柱直接与立柱基座对接,并贯入主体内部以便达到较好的固定效果。生产和生活设施基本上按照传统平台的甲板布局方式布置,根据设计要求,可在顶层甲板上安装重型或轻型钻塔,以完成平台钻探、完井和修井作业。 主体: 1.Classic spar:是一个在水中垂直悬浮的圆柱体,整体直径较大,主体尺度一 般都在100m以上,重心位于水线面以下很深的位置。庞大的主体内部采用垂直隔水舱壁和水平甲板分隔成多层多舱结构,并具有各自的功能。 分为:硬舱、中段和软舱。 硬舱:主体顶甲板至可变压载舱底部之间的部分称为硬舱。 z硬舱位于主体的上部,是整个spar平台系统的主要浮力来源。这部分中的舱室分为固定浮舱和可变压载舱。 z在靠近水线面处的浮舱外层还布置有双层防水壁结构,在平台撞击损坏时能够起到保护浮舱的屏障作用。 中段(midsection):可变压载舱底部至临时浮舱顶甲板之间的部分称为中段。 其功能是刚性连接spar平台主体硬舱和软舱,并且保护中央井中的立管系统不受海流力的影响。 z中段部分最主要的两个结构是外壳体和内壳体,外壳体位于主体的最外侧,负责保护主体内的舱室,贯穿整个中段部分,这就是平台的储油舱。 z另外,spar平台的系泊索与平台主体的连接点也位于中段,中段的主体外侧装有定滑轮结构的导缆器。 软舱(soft tanks)Spar平台主体在中段以下的部分称为软舱。Spar平台的压载大部分由软舱提供。软舱中的舱室分为固定压载舱和临时浮舱。 Truss spar 桁架结构: z是一个类似于导管架(jacket)结构的空间钢架,同传统Spar的金属圆柱中部结构相比,可以节省50%的刚才。


“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛心得 在这次“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛当中,我做为一名选手,感受颇深,这也是我第一次参加这样展示自我的一次比赛,应该对于我来说意义非凡,学到了不少。收获荣誉的同时,我的心灵受到了强烈的震撼和洗礼,参加此次演讲比赛是我人生中非常特别的一次体验,不仅仅是比赛的环节和考验给我留下了深刻的印象,而且这一路走来的心理历练也让我收获颇多。 通过这次的演讲比赛,首先我最想表达的就是感谢。正是因为老师们对我的全力支持,才有了我今天出色的演讲。在此,我要感谢我的我的老师李雁给我的演讲稿做的点睛式地鼓舞,正是因为有这位老师在演讲技巧和稿件写作上给予了我很大帮助和启发,才有我在演讲台上的“淋漓表演”,使我信心越来越强。其次,具体到演讲过程中,首先要有一个好的演讲稿,演讲稿的题材、角度一定要新颖,绝不重复别人的故事,你想那么多的参赛选手,如果学习的榜样总是那几位英雄,无论你多么慷慨激昂,评委们听得多了,便也不会觉得新颖了,因此你的演讲稿就没有什么亮点。一个演讲要有亮点,什么是亮点?与众不同。 另外还有六个方面的小技巧:1、一见倾心:演讲者着装得体、精神振奋、姿态优雅,会使听众有个很好的第一印象。2、一鸣惊人:在演讲开场的三句话内,要能在声音、情感、语调上一炮打响,打动听众,这样演讲就很容易成功。 3、一语中的:在演讲中,演讲者要在适当的时候,一般在热烈的当口上,以简单明确的慨括性语言,说出你的主题观点,最好能用上排比句式来表达,会给听众留下深刻印象。 4、情理交融:演讲之所以要有演的成分,是因为要先体现以情说理,再以理服人。所以在演讲中,演讲者要善于运用动人感人的事例、体验典型人和物、调动听众的情感,在引起情感共鸣的基础上,适时阐明道理和主题,常常会使你的演讲效果倍增。 5、言行一致:演讲中与听众的交流非常


外国文学名著赏析 ——对《哈姆雷特》与《堂吉诃德》人物形象及其现实意义的 分析 班级:学号:姓名: 摘要:《哈姆雷特》和《堂吉诃德》是文艺复兴时期涌现出来的一批比较先进的文学作品,通过对两部文学作品的阅读,我们不难发现两部作品所展现出来的人物形象都反映出了当时不同的社会现实,而且两部文学作品都表现出了浓厚的人文主义色彩,并且在当时也带来了不同的社会作用。堂吉诃德是塞万提斯塑造的一个为了打击骑士文学的文学形象,作者通过对堂吉诃德的描写,生动的说明了骑士文学给世人带来的负面影响,从而给骑士文学以致命的打击。莎士比亚笔下的哈姆雷特则是一个孤独的人文主义者,他以失败告终,哈姆雷特的失败向人们揭示了人文主义时代的悲剧。 Abstract: Hamlet a nd Don Quixote were the advanced literary in the Renaissance Period .After read the two novels, it is not difficult to find that different characters in these novels reflected different social problems. And they all expressed the ideas of humanism. These two images also brought different social functions at that time .Don Quixote is one of which Cervantes’s molds in order to attack the knight literature .According to the description of Don Quixote, vivid explain ed that knight literature brought a serious of bad influence to the human beings, thus gives the knight literature by the fatal attack. Hamlet is a lonely humanism, he is end in failure .His failure has indicated the tragedy which in the Humanism Era. 关键词:人文主义、哈姆雷特、人物形象、艺术特色、堂吉诃德、现实意义、悲剧 Key words:humanism; Hamlet; characters; art features; Don Quixote; realistic significance; tragedy 前言: 莎士比亚和塞万提斯都是文艺复兴时期伟大的戏剧家,作为戏剧艺术的大师,他们的作品都达到了世界文学的巅峰。《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚最著名的悲剧之一,代表了莎士比亚的艺术成就,剧中莎士比亚塑造的著名人物哈姆雷特也被列入了世界文学的艺术画廊。塞万提斯是文艺复兴时期西班牙伟大的作家,在他创作的作品中,以《堂吉诃德》最为著名,影响也最大,是文艺


《雪国》赏析 川端康成幼失怙恃,历尽人世沧桑和炎凉世态,养成了一种孤独沉默的性格,对于世事采取漠然的态度。为此,他早期作品,如《伊豆舞女》和《招魂祭典一景》等,还蕴含着对下层妇女的同情,在一定程度上反映了某些社会现象。但是,由于他后来受日本古典文学和禅宗思想影响很重,逐渐脱离现实,以致原来残留于头脑中的封建主义思想不但未能减弱,而且有所发展。《雪国》这部名著,基本上可以说是他这种前后期思想变化的分水岭。 《雪国》起笔于1935 年,讲述的是一个唯美的故事,其中渗透着一种自然和人性的完美结合,包含着作者的深思,对人性,对美,对爱情的深刻感受。以有钱有闲的舞蹈研究者岛村与一位艺妓和一位纯

情少女之间的感情纠葛,为读者展现了一种哀怨和冷艳的世界 《雪国》并没有曲折复杂的情节,也没有什么丰厚深刻的社会主题,故事写的是一位叫岛村的舞蹈艺术研究者,前后三次前往一个北国的山村,与当地一位叫驹子的艺妓及另一位萍水相逢的少女叶子之间的爱情纠葛。故事就是在这一出洁白雪国里不经意地发生、终结。它把背景设置在远远离开东京的雪国及其温泉旅馆,并以那里的“五 等艺妓”(实际上是妓女)驹子和游客岛村的邂逅为题材,表现了他们的性爱生活和游览活动。作家以富于抒情色彩的优美笔致,描绘年轻艺妓的身姿体态和音容笑貌。并巧妙地用雪国独特的景致加以烘托,创造出美不胜收的情趣和境界,使人受到强烈的感染。诸如,列车行驶在皑皑雪原,夜幕开始降落,然而尚未将雪原全部覆盖起来,大地还留着一片模糊的白色。坐在火车上前往雪国去会驹子的岛村。正从车窗欣赏这蕴含着一种神秘感的黄昏美景,忽然一张同这衬景非常调和的影影绰绰的面孔和一双明亮而不十分清晰的眸子引起他无上的美感,他仿佛被一种无法形容的魅力征服了。驹子陪岛村一夜温存之后,清晨时镜梳妆,红颜黑发,受到窗外白雪的烘托。岛村欣赏着,未免感到心旷神怡。精神恍惚。 “穿过县境上长长的隧道,便是雪国。夜空下,大地一片莹白,火车在信号所前停下来。”在这里川端康成用几近吝啬的简洁文字,拉开了《雪国》的序幕。 故事中充溢着岛村的意识流,他对驹子的触觉美的感应,是真切的。但是他的人生态度却是空虚和荒诞颓废的。在小说中我们可以感受到他的悲哀,在游手好闲无所事事中,他只有通过和女子的邂逅来抚慰自己空虚


外国文学名著赏析 古代欧洲文学. 一、希腊神话和史诗 (一)希腊神话的特点 1、希腊神话中的诸神都住在希腊最高的俄林波斯山上,他们组成了一个高度组织化、纪律化的社会。 2、他们同人一样有爱、有恨、好嫉妒、爱虚荣,有时还来到人间同美貌的男女谈情说爱。 3、他们同凡人唯一不同的地方就是长生不死,比人的力量大。 (二)荷马史诗 包括《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》两部分 1、史诗形成过程:公元前十二世纪末,希腊人和特洛亚 人发生了一场为时十年的战争。最后,希腊人毁灭了特洛亚城。这是一次部落之间的战争,战争结束后,在小亚细亚一代便流传着许多歌颂这次战争的部落首领的短歌,在传诵的过程中,英雄传说又同神话故事交织在一起,由民间歌人口头传授,代代相传。约公元前八九世纪,盲诗人荷马以短歌为基础,予以加工整理,最后形成了具有完整情节和统一风格的两部史诗,至于用文字记载下来约在公元前六世纪。 2、史诗情节梗概(略)

3、《伊利亚特》是一部描写战争的英雄史诗。史诗着重 歌颂了氏族领袖的英雄品质。 4、《奥德赛》描写特洛亚战争后,俄狄修斯返乡途中十 年漂泊的经历和他家中纠纷的事。 5、艺术特色 a)结构巧妙,完整。 b)善于塑造人物。 c)语言质朴、自然,语调庄重昂扬。 (三)《伊索寓言》 相传为公元前六世纪一个名叫伊索的奴隶所作。但今天流传的《伊索寓言》确是后人收集改写,其中掺杂了一些后代其他民族的故事。 《伊索寓言》共收集了三四百个小故事,主要反映的是受欺凌的下层平民和奴隶的斗争经验和生活教训的总结。寓言通过描写动物之间的关系来表现当时的社会关系,主要是压迫者和被压迫者之间的不平等关系。寓言作者谴责社会上人压迫人的现象,号召受欺负的人团结起来对恶人进行斗争。二、古希腊戏剧 三大悲剧家: 1、埃斯库罗斯(公元前约525——456),被称为“悲剧之父”,代表作《被缚的普罗米修斯》 2、索福克勒斯(公元前约496——406),代表作《俄狄浦斯


文件编号】 中材科技风电叶片车间常用英语 受控状态__________ 发放编号__________ 编制:___________ 审核:___________ 批准:___________

目录 组件/Parts (4) 设备& 工装/Equipments&Devices (4) 材料/Material (5) 玻纤类/Fabric (5) 芯材类/ Core Material (6) 耗材类/Consumables (6) 辅材类/Adding Material (6) 树脂& 粘接胶/Resin &Glue (7) 油漆&腻子/Paint& Filler (7) 避雷系统/Light ning Protect ion System (7) 金属件/Metal Pieces (7) 2?工艺过程常用中英文词汇对照表 (8) 工序类/Procedure (8) 模具调试/Mold Debug (9) 来料检查/ Incoming Inspection (9) 铺层/Lam in ati on (9) 灌注& 预固化/Infusion&Pre-curing ............................................................................. 1 0 粘接/Bonding ............................................................................................................... 1..1. 后处理/ Post-processing ............................................................................................... 1 2


2017英文励志演讲稿(3篇) as you slowly open your eyes,look around,notice where the light comes into your room;listen carefully,see if there are new sounds you can recognize;feel with your body and spirit,and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. yes,yes,yes,it’s a n ew day,it’s a different day,and it’s a bright day!and most importantly,it is a new beginning for your life,a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions,take new actions,make new friends,and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! in your mind’s eye,you can see clearly the things you want to have,the paces you intend to go,the relationships you desire to develop,and the positions you aspire to reach. you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream. you can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes. you can feel your face is getting red,your heart is beating fast,and your blood is rushing all over your body,to every single corner of your being! you know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed!and you are confident,you are confident,passionate and committed!


英语励志演讲稿三分钟展现你的魅力 英语演讲是对于英语综合内容的把握以及口语能力的掌握,英语演讲能够促进学生口头表达和写作能力的提升。下面是为大家了英语励志演讲稿三分钟3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 as you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light es into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! you know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and mitted! and you are confident, you are passionate, you are mitted! you will no longer fear ma-ki-ng new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.


我们英语阅读写作小组共有32人,每周四下午7、8 节课活动。我们主要是阅读21世纪英 文报。21世纪英文报为我们提供了丰富多彩的阅读材料,如时事新闻、名人故事、娱乐新闻、 世界各国的风土人情以及幽默风趣的英文故事,这些都大大地激发了我们的阅读兴趣。在老 师的指导下,我们掌握了大量的阅读方法,学会自主阅读。本学期我们尝试写一些话题作文, 如《beatiful fall》和《my favourite......》,还有学生制作了英文手抄报。下面请学员 代表为我们展示自己的学习成果。篇二:英语论文展示演讲稿 1、hello everyone! today i will introduce you a paper, which is called “effects of corporate governance on capital structure: empirical evidence from pakistan “ 2、i will use the following four parts to introduce 3、i got this paper from the emerald reprints the world’s leading publisher of management research and the type of the paper is research paper 纳迪姆阿麦的sheke 4、then we can have a simple knowledge of the two authors:nadeem ahmed sheikh and 王宗军 one is a doctoral degree candidate in the school of management, hua zhong university of science and technology, wuhan .the other is a professor in this college 5. about the paper’s outline firstly the aim of this empirical study is to investigate whether corporate governance attributes affect capital structure choices of pakistani firms then the design of the paper is multiple regression analysis 6、in order to have a good knowledge of the paper we can from the following three aspects to the attributes of the corporate governance are background also includes : measures of corporate governance and their relation to capital structure 8、research design firstly 1.research methodology:it includes three aspects: data variables and methodology date: this study investigates the significant corporate governance attributes that may affect the capital structure of non-financial firms listed on the karachi stock exchange pakistan during 2004-2008. and the final sample set consists of 775 observations for 155 firms over a period of five years. this study employed panel data methodology(面板数据方式) because sample contained data across firms and over time 9、this table is the definition of variables. it includes three parts: 10. dependent variables consist of total debt ratio and long-term debt ratio. this is a basic formula. 11、secondly:2. empirical results 12、this table is the yearly mean value of shareholding pattern 13、here are some of regression analysis tables, through the multiple regression analysis the paper gives the conclusions 14、the results is as follows: capital structure is positively related to board size、outside directors and ownership concentration. that is to say: a large board serve as a means to obtain support from external environment; boards with more independent directors can take on more debt on favorable terms


《外国文学名著鉴赏》试卷三 一、单项选择题(本大题共24小题,每小题1分,共24分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.从公元前6世纪到公元前4世纪,希腊文学进入全盛时期,这个时期是() A.英雄时期 B.荷马时期 C.古典时期 D.希腊化时期 2.古希腊神话中爱与美之神的名字是() A.雅典娜 B.维纳斯 C.阿弗洛狄特 D.阿耳忒弥斯 3.“戏剧艺术的荷马”指的是() A.埃斯库罗斯 B.索福克勒斯 C.欧里庇得斯 D.阿里斯托芬 4.《伊利昂纪》构思巧妙,围绕的结构线索是() A.阿喀琉斯的一次发怒 B.阿喀琉斯的两次发怒 C.阿喀琉斯的三次发怒 D.阿喀琉斯的四次发怒 5.欧洲文学史上的“中世纪文学”指的是() A.整个中世纪的文学 B.中世纪初期的文学 C.中世纪初期和中期的文学 D.中世纪后期的文学 6.莫里哀在讽刺喜剧《伪君子》中塑造的主人公是() A.阿巴贡 B.答尔丢夫 C.奥尔贡 D.史嘉本 7.德国第一部产生世界影响的作品是() A.《少年维特之烦恼》 B.《浮士德》 C.《阴谋与爱情》 D.《强盗》 8.法国启蒙作家创立的一种新型戏剧是() A.悲剧 B.喜剧 C.正剧 D.笑剧 9.德国最早的浪漫主义文学流派是() A.耶拿派 B.海德堡派 C.湖畔派 D.十二月党诗人 10.司各特历史小说的代表作是() A.《傲慢与偏见》 B.《艾凡赫》 C.《勒内》 D.《黛尔菲娜》 11.《包法利夫人》中的女主人公是() A.卡门 B.爱玛 C.玛丽?巴顿 D.蓓基?夏泼 12.狄更斯的《双城记》中的双城指的是() A.巴黎和伦敦 B.巴黎和柏林 C.里昂和伦敦 D.伦敦和曼彻斯特 13.左拉描写劳资矛盾的小说是() A.《艰难时世》 B.《高老头》 C.《萌芽》 D.《巴马修道院》 14.契诃夫《变色龙》中的奥楚蔑洛夫是() A.“多余人”形象 B.“忏悔贵族”形象 C.见风使舵的走狗形象 D.贵族知识分子形象 15.苏联诗人马雅可夫斯基独创的诗歌体式是() A.商籁体 B.温柔的新体 C.阶梯式(楼梯式) D.英雄对偶体 16.20世纪英国著名作家劳伦斯大胆描写性爱,歌颂人性复归的作品是() A.《虹》 B.《查泰莱夫人的情人》 C.《恋爱中的女人》 D.《羽蛇》 17.法国现代作家安德烈?纪德创作了一部被认为从某种程度上是“新小说”先声的长篇小说,它是()
