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Module 6

Module 6
Module 6

Module 6(1)

1 喜剧

2 周刊;周报;每周的

3 相声

4 维护

5 单口喜剧

6 舞台;阶段;时期

7 喜剧演员;滑稽演员

8 取笑;揶揄;戏弄

9 先前的,以往的

10 (同一事物)不同种类;多种样式

11 风格;方式;样式

12 表现

13 视觉的

14 锤子,榔头;敲打

15 绊倒

16 表演,演出;表现;业绩

17 喜爱,钟爱

18 演员;表演者

19 研究院,学会;专科院校

20 演出,表演,履行

21 鲜为人知的

22 想出;拿出

23 技术的;技能的

24 嘴唇

25 无声电影

26 大叫;嚎叫

27 逗笑,逗乐;提供(消遣);使娱乐

28 格言,谚语,警句

29 雪茄烟

30 浴缸

31 去世,亡故

32 哀悼,忧伤

33 健壮,健康;适合

34 增强;巩固

35 瑜伽术

36 肌肉

37 参加,参与

38 深呼吸的

39 积极的,正面的;肯定的

40 赶走,驱赶

41 负面的,消极的;坏的

42 保证,担保

43 愚弄

44 外国人

45 教授;传授;指示;命令;告知

46 接纳

47 最初的,初始的(人名)首字母

48 (通常经过努力)获得,得到,达到

49 提高‘修改;润色


51 长凳,长椅


53 为腾出地方

54 教科书,课本

55 暖和舒适的,惬意的

56 邀请

57 在旁边;与一起

58 拥挤的

59 城堡,堡垒

60 扶手椅

61 叫喊,吼叫

62 摞;垛63 貌似官方的


65 鞠躬,低头,弯曲


67 撕,扯

68 猛冲;突然出现

69 闯进;突然闯入

70 空手;一无所获

71 怒目而视


73 卫生纸;手纸


1 支持,维护

2 突出

3 取笑,嘲弄;拿开玩笑

4 作弄某人

5 提出,想出,拿出

6 被提出;发芽

7 去世,亡故

8 传递

9 赶走,驱赶

10 使某人发疯

11 为腾出地方

12 占地方

13 递出,拿出

14 阻挡

15 毕竟,别忘了

16 根本不

17 总共

18 穿着

19 打扮


21 由到不等

22 扮演角色

23 进行手术/演一场戏/做实验

24 表演

25 以自娱

26 令人愉快的是

27 适合做某事

28 (尺寸,大小)适合某人

29 与相适应;与相协调

30 保持健康


32 尽力

33 基于,凭借

34 增强实力

35 同某人参与某事

36 向某人保证某事

37 在保修期内

38 向某人担保

39 别吹牛了

40 产生,发生

41 出版;结果是;出来

42 为何会

43 突然爆发,闯入

44 突然开始做

45 勃然大怒

46 退缩,阻挡

47 等一等(别挂电话);坚持下去

48 支撑;阻挡,延误,

49 紧紧握住某人/物

50 抓住,得到



2 疼痛,痛苦;折磨

3 体操运动员

4 电视观众;观看者

5 友好,善意


7 跳马;腾跳

8 分开,分离

9 除了

10 厚垫子

11 专科医师;专家

12 严重的;严厉的,严格的,艰巨的

13 心情好

14 感谢,感激,欣赏,理解,鉴定,评估

15 悲伤,悲痛

16 完成,实现

17 感激的,感谢的

18 使适应,改编

19 无线电和电视的节目制作和播放;广播

20 拥护;支持;提倡

21 令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的

22 重建;改建

23 无法忍受的

24 追求;谋求

25 含酒精的饮料;酒

26 短暂的;暂时的

27 最深处;深度;深厚

28 灵魂

29 滑雪;滑雪板

30 陪伴,陪同;伴随;为伴奏

31 教练;导师

32 独自,单独;独立地

33 向山下的,下坡的

34 步骤,程序

35 径直地;直接地

36 朝方向或地方行进,前往

37 服从,听从,顺从

38 优秀的,杰出的,出色的

39 天资,天赋;天才

40 分配

41 足够的;合乎需要的

42 停止;放弃;离开

43 无把握的,不确定的

44 美好的;金色的;金的

45 在那时;在那个阶段

46 匆忙

47 匆忙地,急切地

48 娱乐活动;娱乐;招待;款待

49 艰难,困苦

50 疼痛

51 清晰的,生动的,鲜明的

52 预言,预告,预报

53 工作日

54 部分时间的;兼职的

55易使用的;便利的56 帮助,协助

57 自动的

58 即食的,方便的;立刻的

59 最多的,最大的;最大值;最大极限

60 最少的,最小的;最小值,最小极值

61 成熟的;成熟,使充分发展

62 动力,动机


1 心情好

2 时代精神

3 鼓舞情绪

4 追求;谋求;追赶

5 朝方向前进;行进

6 神志不清

7 匆忙地,急切地

8 高峰时间

9 被包围

10 专心于;致力于

11 振作起来

12 为加油

13 使某人感到轻松的是

14 轻松地

15 使适应于

16 为改编(写)

17 根据改编

18 主张,提倡

19 主张做

20 陪伴某人去某地

21 用为某人伴奏

22 与同时存在或发生

23 陪伴某人

24 与一起

25 多才多艺的人

26 有才能

27 离职

28 离开,离任

29 摆脱

30 帮助某人做某事

31 帮助某人做

32 在的帮助下

33 提供帮助

34 立刻,马上

35 一就

36 开始做,着手干

37 流逝,过去


39 离题的

40 切题的,适当的

41 谈主题;谈主要问题

42 指向

43 相信某人是

44 相信,信任

45 令人无法相信;令人难以置信

46 据信


1 泰国

2 和某人打招呼

3 拥抱,抱紧

4 中东,中东地区

5 阿拉伯人

6 荷兰

7 文莱

8 学期末

9 婚礼

10 韩国;朝鲜

11 公鸡

12 保证,担保,确保

13 向某人道贺,祝贺

14 招待会;接待;接受

15 新郎

16 新娘

17 允许;许可证


19 自始至终;贯穿整个时期;各处;遍及

20 冒犯;侮辱

21 拇指

22 适应,习惯,调整,调节

23 习惯于;惯常的

24 英国人

25 相像,十分相似;同样地

26 在室外为庆祝而燃起的大火堆,篝火

27 通晓,熟悉

28 庆典;庆祝活动

29 焰火,烟花

30 热狗

31 芥末

32 户外烧烤

33 期望,盼望

34 皇帝

35 更不用说

36 带某人参观,游览

37 占据时间或空间

38 禁忌

39 宗教

40 手势;姿势;示意动作

41 问候;问候语

42 轻微的


44 少数民族;少数;少数人

45 雪橇

46 海豹

47 鹿

48 北极的,北极区的;北极

49 北极圈

50 盛宴,宴会;节日

51 描述,叙述

52 勇敢

53 面具;伪装,掩饰

54 雕刻

55 爪,爪子

56 狼

57 澳大利亚土著人

58 统治;控制;支配59 音乐的;音乐剧

60 乐器

61 回力镖

62 神秘的,奇怪的

63 波利尼西亚

54 蒸;蒸汽

55 炉子;火炉

56 印第安人

57 部落

58 平原;清楚的,明显的,朴素的

59 控制,支配

60 和平烟斗

61 蝴蝶结;琴弓

62 箭;箭头标记

63 复述,转述

64 烤;烘焙;烤的


1 带某人参观,游览

2 领某人进来

3 控制,支配

4 控制某人

5 超出某人的能力

6 理应

7 指的是;参考

8 把看成

9 和某人握手

10 寻找

11 更不用说

12 占据(时间或空间)

13 保证某人的安全/成功

14 确保某人某物

15 保护某人免受危险

16 允许某人做某事

17 请求许可

18 未经许可

19 禁止某人做某事

20 的禁令

21 调整以适应

22 使自己适应于

23 适应做

24 作出调整

25 习惯于

26 某人对熟悉

27 某人熟悉某物

28 辅修

29 说明(原因);做出解释;占(比例)

30 由于,因为

31 绝不

32 考虑

33 放出;发出;泄露;把(衣服)放大

34 收回

35 收留;欺骗

36 开始雇用

37 接管

38 上台;开始执政

39 有权力;在权力范围之内

40 做某事有(没有)困难


1 缺乏

2 自来水

3 谈及,提到;与相关;查阅,参考

4 亲善大使

5 描写文字;形容,说明

6 政治的;政府的

7 令人敬重的;值得的;相称的,有价值的

8 受害者


10 平等的;同等的;同等的人;相等物;与相等

11 志愿的;自愿的;主动的

12 使某人觉察到

13 捐献,捐赠;贡献;促成;导致

14 购得,获得;得到

15 扩展,发展业务;扩大,增强

16 重要的,令人愉快的,值得花时间的

17 在的保护下;在的管理下

18 紧急的,紧迫的

19 饥饿;挨饿;饿死

20 沸腾;煮沸;烹煮

21 地毯

22 羊绒毛

23 售得,卖得某价;取来,去拿来

24 出口产品,输出品,出口,输出

25 可供替代的;可供选择的事物

26 但愿

27 偏远的;偏僻的

28 慈善机构;慈善,赈济;仁爱,宽厚

29 个人财产;拥有;具有

30 多山的

31 贫穷,贫困

32 手段,方法

33 原始的

34 尤指经努力获得,赢得

35 供暖;供暖系统,暖气设备

36 井,水井

37 容器;集装箱

38 出故障;抛锚

39 麻烦的,讨厌的,棘手的

40 工资

41 承诺,保证,投入,奉献;不得不做的事

42 混乱,杂乱,紊乱

43 处于混乱状态

44 同事

45 助理,助手;副的

46 空着的,未被占用的;职位空缺的

47 得到;抓住

48 多泥的,泥泞的

49 潮湿的

50 细菌

51 住所;藏身之处

52 人群;挤满,塞满,使拥挤


54 全体员工

55 障碍,隔阂;屏障;障碍物

56 口译工作者57 角度


1 使(某人)觉察到

2 在的保护下

3 但愿

4 只要/有

5 处于混乱状态

6 乱七八糟

7 让某人想起,提醒某人

8 回想

9 仔细考虑

10 独立思考

11 出错

12 变坏了

13 眼睛瞎了

14 有作用(关系,影响)

15 缺少某物

16 因缺少

17 不缺乏

18 缺少

19 值得做某事

20 某人做某事是值得的

21 在方面比得上

22 等于;与相等;胜任

23 在对等的条件下

24 无与伦比

25 把贡献给

26 有助于;导致;把时间投入

27 对作出贡献

28 的替代品

29 别无选择只好做某事

30 别无选择

31 用办法;借助于

32 无论如何

33 绝不,一点也不

34 当然可能

35 躲避雨/风/恶劣的天气

36 保护不受的保护

37 保护免于

38 躲避某事

39 挤满

40 一般群众,大众

41 (想法,问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海

42 把提交给;让参考

43 关于

44 除之外

45 破门而入;突然起来


47 脱离;打破陈规

48 关系破裂;分解

49 对没有/几乎没有影响

50 (某物)几乎没/没有/有很大作用

51 区分/区别


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1.A.who B.zoo C.whose ()2.A.fair B.hair C.heart ()3.A.there B.they C.then ()4.A.were B.me C.we ()5.A.parent B.grandma C.grandpa 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分) ()1.A.My sister was young. B.My sister is young. C.My sisters are young. ()2.A.Your little brother is naughty. B.Your little brother was naughty. C.My brother was nine. ()3.A.The cat is fat. B.The cats are fat. C.This cat was fat. ()4.A.My hair is short. B.Your hair is short.

C.My hair is long. ()5.A.Who is the boy? B.Who is the girl? C.Who is the man? 四、听录音,选出正确的答语。(10分) ()1.A.She is Helen. B.It's my father's. C.She is in the classroom. ()2.A.At four. B.It's four. C.At school. ()3.A.He is eating. B.He is ten. C.He is in the kitchen. ()4.A.Yes,he was. B.No,he was. C.It was there. ()5.A.Thank you. B.Yes,I am. C.No,I can't. 六、给下列句子选择正确的译文。(10分) ()1.Li Jie is a naughty boy. A.那时李杰是一个淘气的男孩。B.李杰是一个淘气的男孩。 ()2.My grandparents weren't old then. A.那时我(外)祖父母不老。B.那时我(外)祖父母很老。 ()3.This monkey is very cute.

高二英语外研版选修六教学案:Module 6 Section 2 含答案(精修版)

外研版英语精品资料(精修版) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I'd like to book a room in your hotel, in which I can overlook (俯视) the sea from the window. 2.The camp lasted (持续) for only a week, but some teachers noticed great changes in their students after the activity. 3.Japan used to occupy (占领) Taiwan for as long as 50 years. 4.The brave soldier dived into the water and rescued (营救) the drowning boy, which made us very moved. 5.I returned to the village many times, and eventually (最终) I gained their trust. 6.The wounded (受伤的) soldier should be sent to the hospital in no time. 7.A group of soldiers led by their commander (指挥官) were advancing towards the front. 8.Because of the icy road, he had to abandon (抛弃) his car and walk home. Ⅱ.拓展词汇 1.invade v.入侵,侵略→invasion n.侵入,侵略 2.abandon v.放弃,抛弃→abandoned adj.自甘堕落的,被抛弃的,无约束的 3.operation n.行动;操作;经营;手术→operate v.操作;运转;做手术 4.survivor n.幸存者→survive vi.幸存,比……活得长→survival n.幸存,生存5.occupy v.占领→occupation n.职业→occupational adj.职业的 6.commander n.指挥官→command v. & n.命令,指挥 7.deep adj.深的→deeply adv.深深地,深刻地→depth n.深度 8. shocked adj.感到震惊的;惊愕的→shock v.使震惊n.震惊,惊愕


reflect 【语境展示】阅读下面句子,注意并归纳 reflect的意思及用法。 1. The little boy saw himself reflected in the shop window. 2. This material absorbs the sound, and doesn't reflect it. 3. Bruce said that the statement did not reflect his own views. 4. Bob had time to reflect on / upon his successes and failures. 5. Moe reflected that he had never seen Sherry so happy. 【归纳】reflect是动词,意为:①映出(影像)(句1);②反射(声音等)(句2); ③反映,表达(句3);④认真思考,沉思(常用搭配:reflect on / upon sth.; reflect that ...)(句4、句5)。 【即学即练】翻译下面句子。 1. 我需要时间来考虑你的建议。 _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 2. 这位作曲家的音乐反映出他对非洲文化的兴趣。 _____________________________________ _____________________________________ cater for 【归纳】cater for意为:①提供饮食,承办酒席;②满足……的要求,适合。如: I'm catering for a wedding reception next week. The school aims to cater for children of all abilities. 【即学即练】翻译下面句子。 1. TV must cater for many different tastes. ____________________________________ 2. Who will cater for your friend's birthday party? ____________________________________ 答案 reflect 【即学即练】 1. I need time to reflect on / upon your offer.

Module6 单元过关测试题

Module6 单元过关测试题 一、找出不属于同一类的单词 1.A.school B.home C.morrning D.afternoon 2.A.have B.has C.hat D.sleep 3.A.English B.PE https://www.wendangku.net/doc/736281968.html, D.Chinese 4.A.class B.music C.meat D.science 5.A.Chinese B.science C.music D.today 6.A.do B.sleep C.watch D.class 7.A.PE B.art C.has https://www.wendangku.net/doc/736281968.html, 8. A.shopping B.swimming C.skipping D.eat. 9.A.in B.on C.at D.and 10.A.today B.Monday C.Sunday D.Saturday 二、单项选择 1.--Do you ride a bike on Monday?-- . A.Yes, I am .. B.No, I don’t C.Yes, I don’t . 2.--What do you do on Monday?-- . A.I ride a bike on Mondays . B.I sleep on Sundays. C.I watch TV on Sundays. 3.Do you watch TV the morning? A.on B.in C.at 4.---- ?---I watch TV in the afternoon. A.What do you do on Sundays? B.What do you do on Mondays? C.What do you do in the afternoon? 5.--Does Lingling like oranges?-- . A.Yes, she does . B.No, he does. C.Yes, I do. 6.What do you do at school?--- . A.Yes, I do B.No, I don’t C.I play football. 7.---What do you have at school?--- . A.I go swimming B. I have music C.I sleep. 8.---What does Lingling have at school today?-- . A.I have Enlish. B.She have Chinese. C.She has maths. 9.--- ----He has music in the morning. A.What do you do at school? B.What do you have in the morning? C.What does Xiaoyong have in th morning? 10.--- Yes, I do. A.Do you go swimming on Mondays? B.What do you do in the morning? C.Does Lingling have a pen? 11.She in the morning. A.sleep B.sleeps C.sleeping 三、连线 A. B. 1.on Monday A.在学校 2.on Sunday B.在下午 3.in the morning C.在上午 4.in the afternoon D.在星期日

B8 Module6完整教学案

B8 Module6 (第一课时) Introduction and Reading and V ocabulary(1) The basic rule of physical and mental health is to keep smiling ----养身之道,喜笑颜开 main words and phrases 1.acquaintance 相识,熟人(可数);认识,相识(不可数) 【归纳拓展】 make one’s acquaintance = make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人(短暂动词) have acquaintance with…对…了解 drop / cut one’s acquaintance 绝交 of one’s acquaintance 所认识的;所了解的 on first acquaintance 初次相见时 Mr Smith is an acquaintance of mine. I made her acquaintance through his introduction. 经由她的介绍我认识了他 The guide has some acquaintance with Italian. 导游懂一点意大利语 No one else of my acquaintance was as rich or successful. 我所认识的人中没有一个如此富有或者成功 2.bar (用铁条或木条)封,堵;阻挡,拦住;禁止,阻止(bar sb. from doing)All the doors and windows were barred. 所有的门窗都加上了铁条 We found our way barred by rocks, so we had to remove them one by one. The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match. 运动员参赛前夜不得喝酒 3. part from …与某人分手part with …放弃某物 4. expansion n. 扩张,扩展,扩充,扩大,膨胀 The book is an expansion of a series of lectures given last year. There are plans for the expansion of our school building. 【归纳拓展】expand v. to become greater in size, number or importance; 扩展,发展业务A child’s vocabulary can be expanded through reading.孩子的词汇量可以通过阅读加以扩大The new system expanded the role of the family doctors. 新体制扩大了家庭医生的作用Metals expand when heated. 金属受热膨胀 There are no plans to expand the local airport. 目前尚无扩建地方机场的方案 We’ve expanded the business y opening two more stores. 我们增开了两家商店已增加业务比较:extend v. 延伸(也有“扩张”意) We extended the subway to the suburbs. 我们已经把地铁延伸到郊区了 They had to extended the meeting another 20 minutes. 5.tolerant adj. 忍受的,容忍的,宽容的 【归纳拓展】tolerate v. 人手,容忍tolerate sth. / doing sth. 常用于表示“容忍,忍受”的动词和短语有:bear / stand / tolerate / put up with等


英语八下外研版module6全模块练习导学案 Module6Entertainment练习导学案 【一】学习目标: 1.知识与技能:能够掌握本模块关于娱乐的词汇;能够熟悉直截了当引语和间接引语的转换规那么(1);能听懂有关娱乐话题的广播节目,猎取对话中的要紧信息和细节;能谈论影视娱乐节目,发表看法,谈自己的喜好;能够读电影简介及评论;明白文章的主旨大意,提高理解文章结构的技能;能运用间接引语转述别人说的话。 2.情感态度:了解不同国家的影视文化,发表对影视的兴趣。【二】重点及难点:直截了当引语和间接引语〔1〕 【三】学习过程: Unit1ShesaidChinawasaveryexcitingplace. 一〕自主学习 A.Watchthevideoofthetext. B.Learnthenewwords. C.ListenandreadthedialogueinActivity3. 二〕听力训练 A.Listenandwritenotes. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/736281968.html,ethewordsintheboxtohelpyou.Listenandcheck. C.Listenandrepeat. 三〕合作学习 A.ListenandreadthedialogueinActivity3. B.Answerthequestions.Listenandcheck. C.WritedownwhatSallysaidintheinterviewwithChenHuan. ShesaidthatshewasstudyingChinese. 1._________________________ Shesaidthatshemissedherparentsbutshehadsomeclosefriendshere. 2._________________________ AndshesaidChinawasaveryexcitingplace.Butshedidn'tliketheword “foreigner”. 3._________________________ 四〕知识点学习A.重要短语: 1.________发生 2._________醒来 3.______谈论 4.________想念某人 5.___________交朋友 6.________拉小提琴 7._______担心 8.______________照顾_______________ B.among,between的区别 between使两者之间among是三者或以上 Amongallthepeople,heisthebest.在所有人内它是最好的。Thereisashopbetweenmyhouseandmyschool.在我家和我的学校之间有一个商店。 C.takeplace,happen的区别 1).takeplace表示“发生、进行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种缘故或事先的安排,例如: Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinourhometownduringthepasttenyears. TheOlympicGamesof2017willtakeplaceinBeijing. (2).happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如: Whathappenedtoyou?(一般不说:Whatdidyouhappen?) Ihappenedtoseehimonmywayhome.

外研社高中英语选修六Module 6 备课参考

Module 6 单元目标 1.学习虚拟条件句的用法。 2.熟练完成本模块所要求的电影影评写作和其他书面练习 3.学习如何描述过去发生的事情。 Unit 1 要点精讲 1. invade 动词v. 侵略;侵入 go into a country to attack it Tourists invade Rome in spring. 春天,游客拥入罗马。 We must be prepared at all times to wipe any enemy that may invade. 我们要随时准备歼灭入侵之敌。 Don’ t invade the rights of others. 不要侵犯别人的权利。 2. abandon 及物动词vt. 离弃;放弃;抛弃 leave someone or something; give up; desert The driver abandoned his car in the snow. 司机把汽车抛在雪地里。 The man abandoned his wife and child. 这个人遗弃他的妻子和孩子。 They had abandoned all hope. 他们放弃了一切希望。 及物动词vt. 停止做某事 stop doing something When the train started, we abandoned our game. 火车开动时,我们停止了游戏。 3. occupy 及物动词vt. 居住 live in a place They occupied a four roomed house. 他们住在一所有四个房间的房子里。 The Jones occupy a large house in the town. 琼斯一家住在城里一所大房子里。 及物动词vt. 占领 take and keep a country, town, etc. in war The enemy soon occupied the fort. 敌人很快占领这座要塞。 及物动词vt. 占时间;占空间;占据思想等 fill time(space,mind,etc.) These activities occupied most of her time.

外研版五年级上册 Module6测试题

2018—2019学年度第一学期 外研版五年级上册Module6教学检测 (完卷时间:40分钟满分:80分) 评分:___________ 一、英译汉。(6分) 1. football team 2. 狂热仰慕者,迷________ 3. good at 4. pass the ball________ 5. run fast 6. jump high________ 二、判断每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×”。(5分) ( ) 1. pen apple ( ) 2. dog hand ( ) 3. team great ( ) 4. how now ( ) 5.banana bear 三、根据提示,选择正确的选项补全单词。(4分) ( ) 1. w___l 熟练地 A. al B. el C、le ( ) 2.th __k 认为 A. in B. en C、an ( ) 3.sw m 游泳 A. a B. u C. o ( ) 4.h lthy 健康的 A. ae B. ea C.ee 四、选出每组中不同类的单词。(5分) ()1、A、pass B、jump C、team ()2、A、catch B、slow C、fast ()3、A、fantastic B、catch C、pass ()4、A. rice B、juice C、milk ()5、A、his B、he C、her 五、单项选择。(10分) ()1.I want to _____ in your football team . A、be B、am C、is ()2.How well do you play basketball ? ---I ____play it at all . I'm not tall. A. can B. can't C. are ()3.You are good ___ _basketball in China . A. in B. at C. on ()4.-- Can you catch the ball ? -- _____. A.No, I can’t. B. Not very well C. Both A and B. ()5.I want to be _____ your basketball team . A. in B. on C. at ()6.I can play football very ______ . A. high B. good C. well ()7.----_____you jump high ? ----Yes, I can . A. Do B. Can C. Are ()8.You can jump ______ high A. bad B. good C. really ()9.I can't pass the ball _____ . A. well B. good C. best ()10.Sam is a _______ goalkeeper. A、fantastic B. well C、really 六、选词填空。(10分) 1. I want _________ a good goalkeeper .(be,to be) 2. I can catch the ball ________ . (good , well)


Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural world Step1. Self-learning 一、根据下列句子的意思及所给单词的首字母或所给的汉语注释,在横线上写出各单词的正确形式。 1、You are easy to be ______________ (攻击) when you are in red in the forest. 2、The man claimed to be able to tell my f______________ by looking at my hands. 3、When moving to Europe together, the children ___________ (适应) to the changes quickly. 4 To some foreigners who have never been to China, China is a m ________ country. 5、His answer ________________ (暗示) that I could leave. 6、My suggestion is to try to remain c_______________ before he interviewer. 7、There are probably lots of strange c________________ in that lake. 8、These animals d_______________ mysteriously millions of years ago. 9、Without protection, some animals will be d_____________ in the near future. 10、He managed to cross the b_______________ into Germany. 11、Lily is an honest girl, so it is u _______________ that she told lies to her teacher. 12、The buildings c________________ an area of 4 square kilometers. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子. 1.Many species of animals are in danger of ________________ (灭绝). 2.The team's success was largely ________________(由于) her efforts. 3.There was nothing to ________________ (帮助弄清楚) the connection between the two men. As we are familiar with each other, let's _____________________ (开门见山). Step2.Introduction (新课学习) Learn the words and match them with the definitions.( Activity 2 , P51) Finish ex. 7&8 on P99. Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural world 第二、三课时(Reading)班级_______ 姓名___________ 座号_______ 评价________ 学习目标:(1)通过阅读文章的起始段猜测文章的出处。(2)把握文章的主要信息。 重难点:(1)根据上下文正确理解生词的含义。(2)掌握并识记重点句型。 Learning steps: Step 1.fast-reading (快速阅读下列文章,把不懂的词汇划出,并查阅) (Kangkang’s father ,Dr.Li, gave a talk about health to the students of our school. Here is pare of his t alk.) You need to have healthy eating habits. Breakfast gives you enough energy for the morning. So don’t go to school without it. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but fast food, like potato chips, will make you fat and unhealthy. So eat the right food to keep you healthy. Playing sports can also help you keep fit. But sometimes it may cause accidents, so stay safe when you are playing sports. It’s necessary to learn about first aid. Then you can help yourselves or others if an accident happen s. Happiness is important for your health. It is the best medicine. When you are ill, try to be happy and you’ll feel better. On the other hand, you may feel sick if you are always unhappy. So , be happy to be healthy. You must avoid smoking and drinking. Many students think it’s cool to smoke and drink. But they don’t know smoking and drinking can cause many illnesses. You should say no to smoking and drinking. Step2. Read the passage and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Playi ng sports can’t help you keep fit..( ) It’s a healthy eating habit to go to school without breakfast.( ) Happiness is important for your health. ( ) Many students think it’s bad to smoke and drink. ( )


Book Four Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Period 1 Introduction & Vocabulary 一、学习目标 1、通过自主阅读本模块教材,能够熟练读出和正确默写教材中的新词汇。 二、使用要求 1、书写要认真规范; 2、教师讲解时,务必用红色笔修正答案。 三、学习内容:Introduction & Vocabulary 四、学习过程 Step 1 同学们,在本模块中,你要掌握这些单词和短语,请自主阅读教材P51-60,然后把它们找出来。 (一)Words:汉互译 【名词】 1、怪物__________ 2、脚印;足迹__________ 3、动物;生物__________ 4、爪__________ 5、指甲________ 6、杂志;学报;期刊____________ 7、(珍奇动物的)目击__________ 8、海豹________ 9、表面;水面__________10、(动物头上的)角________11、毁坏_____ 12、皇帝________13、长袍__________14、名誉;名声________15、边境;国界________ 16、身份;特性___________17、神话故事___________18、运气;命运;财富_________ 【动词】 1、攻击;袭击__________ 2、存在___________ 3、声称___________ 4、潜水__________ 5、占地(多大面积)___________ 6、适应;适合___________ 7、不见;消失__________ 8、进化;演变__________ 9、象征;暗示____________ 【形容词】 1、多毛的__________ 2、吓人的____________ 3、灰色的__________ 4、锋利的_________ 5、神秘的__________ 6、怀疑的___________ 7、不可能的________ 8、火山的_________ 9、绝种的__________10、凶猛的__________11、大方的_______12、变化莫测的______ 13、正面的____________ (二)Phrases:英译汉 1、die out________________________ 2、throw light on________________________ 3、come straight to the point______________ 4、due to_______________________ 5、attack sb with sth_______________ 6、be attacked with a disease__________ 7、make an attack on/upon___________ 8、a heart attack______________________ 9、come into existence______________ 10、a struggle for existence___________ 11、calm down ____________________12、sb. is unlikely to…__________________ 13、It is unlikely that…_____________ 14、be likely to...__________________


外研三年级下册Module6测试题 〔时间40分钟.满分100分〕 一、译出下列单词.〔10分〕 1. 做.干_____________ 2. 星期日___________ 3. 吃_____________ 4.在……期间_____________ 5. 睡觉____________ 6.观看_____________ 7. 电视节目____________ 8. 上〔……课〕____________ 9.一节课____________ 10.今天____________ 二、根据句子.将图片与人物匹配起来.〔8分〕 1. Amy likes English. 2. Sam likes Maths. 3. Lingling likes Chinese. 4. Daming likes Science. 三、写出下列单词的第三人称的单数形式.〔9分〕

1. swim _________ 2. like_ ___________ 3. play ___________ 4. go __________ 5. are ___________ 6. sleep __________ 7. have____________ 8. do__________9. watch__________ 四、根据句意写出单词.〔8分〕 1. What do you do _______ school? 2. I ______ art and Chinese. 3. I _____ football and table tennis. 4. What do you do _______ the weekend? 5. We ______ swimming. 6. ______ you play basketball? Yes, I do. 7. I play football ______ the afternoon. 8. They sleep __________ the morning. 五、读一读.写一写.〔20分〕 1. What do you do ______ ______ _______? 〔在周末〕 2. What do you have _______ _______? 〔在学校〕 3. I ______ _______ 〔踢足球〕now. 4. My students _______ _______〔去游泳〕in the afternoon.


Films and TV Programes 第一课时词汇 重点单词测试 海报 充满刺激的电影 喜剧 优美的 ,优雅的 跳跃 ,飞跃 角色 ,人物 争论 有趣的 ,令人愉快的 有时 ,偶尔 剑 女演员 女的,女性 的 男的,男性的 杰作 未婚夫 屋顶 使感兴趣 勇敢的 感人的 部分,,节 广告 频道 背景 电视 戏剧 情节 航员,水手 轨道 评论 创作 建立 政治家 在船上 1 She is regarded as a successful 高一同步学案 必修 2 Module 6 2. It ' s no use _争_辩( )with him. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,鲨鱼 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,照片 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 单词拼写练习 .(演员 )

(角色)can make great actors. 4.1 n the film the two lovers must not (主演)in the film of Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon. 7. Our visits to the threat made the holiday more (放松)yourself when you study hard. .one ' s surprise 人惊讶的是。。。 4. bel ong place 发生 on eself in words 用语言表达自己 第二课时课文理解 True or false 1. It tells the story of two people who love each other. ( 2. Crouch ing Tiger, Hidde n Drago n is a master piece films.( 3 Now wuxia films are well received on ly in Chi na.( ) 4 Chow Yun-Fat p layed won derfully in the film and the part Li Mubai in terests the audie nee most. ( ) 3. Great (表达)in words. 5. His (杰作)is famous in China. 6. Zhang Ziyi (有趣的). 8. We should help our (邻居)when necessary. 9. Lear n to 10. His refusal was worded in such a (优雅)way that we could not be offended. 三:重点短语 1. come 出版,出现 2. fall in love sb.爱上某人 3. 属于 5. in love with sb.和某人在相爱中 6. 7. every 口 and 不时地 8. .surprise 吃惊地 9. care 关心,顾虑,在乎 10. play a 扮演角色 11. 12. with sb. about sth. 和某人争吵 13. from time time 有时,不时 14. a mistake 犯错误

外研版必修4 Module6教案

Module Six Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Period One Teaching content: Introduction & Reading and V ocabulary Teaching important points: 1.Motivate the students to take an active part in the discussion and speaking activities; 2.Help the students to understand the passage better; 3.Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period. Teaching difficult points: 1.Master some words,phrases and useful expressions describing monsters of the natural world; 2.How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better; 3.How to master the important language points in this passage. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in As we know,there are many unexplained mysteries in the world.Who can give us some examples?(Such as:The Loch Ness Monster,The Extinction of Dinosaurs,The UFO,and so on.)OK,this module,we will talk about the topic to learn more about unexplained mysteries of the natural world.First,let`s see some pictures to recognise some mysterious creatures.(If possible, ask some students to describe the pictures.) 【loch[l?k] n.[苏格兰英语] 湖,湖泊;(狭长)海湾】 Step 2 Introduction 1.Activity1 on P51 Read through the given information to understand and try to match.Then compare the answers and go through the descriptions together to explain some language points if there is one.【Ref:Notes to the text】Last,read out the descriptions individually and slightly to understand better. 2.Activity2 on P51 Read through the given information to understand and try to match.Then call back the answers from the students and explain if https://www.wendangku.net/doc/736281968.html,st,read out the words aloud together in class. Step 3 Pre-reading Next we will read about The Monster of Lake Tianchi.First please just read the first sentence of the passage to decide where it comes from.[Activity1 on P52] 【B is back in the news】 Step 4 While-reading 1.Fast reading Skim the text as quickly as you can to get the main idea and match the main idea with each paragraph;call back the answers and explain if necessary. Para.1 The latest sighting of Lake Tianchi monster. Para.2 Another recent sighting of Lake Tianchi monster. Para.3 The third sighting of Lake Tianchi monster. Para.4 More information about Lake Tianchi monster. Para.5 Information about Lake Tianchi. 2.Careful reading[Activity 2 on P52-53] Read through the text carefully to get more details and then answer the questions in Activity 2 on P53;Call back the answers and explain if necessary.

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