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计算机与现代化 2017年第2期





李耀华1,游 峰1,陈 康1,陈润丰1,彭涵宇2,方伟创3




摘要:为了提高交通火灾的控制及预防能力,有效减少交通火灾带来的不良影响,本文在交通领域内现有监控系统的基础上,设计一种基于安全云平台和移动互联网的交通烟雾预警系统三该系统主要由3个子系统构成:交通场景内摄像监控系统二云端烟雾检测系统和基于移动互联网的烟雾预警系统三1)交通场景摄像监控系统主要采集烟雾发生的事故现场视频,并将视频上传至云端的存储资源池,方便事后事故分析调查和追责;2)云端烟雾检测系统利用云端计算资源池强大的计算能力快速地运行视频烟雾检测算法,实现火灾的早期识别,防止火灾的进一步扩大;3)移动互联网预警系统及时地将火情信息推送给火灾发生地附近的相关人员和机构,尽可能地减小火灾带来的不良影响三本系统在各种环境下进行了大量的实验,其结果如下:烟雾的预警率高达93.75%,虚警率低至5.33%,平均预警时间为7.55s 三实验结果表明,该系统具有较好的实时性二准确率及鲁棒性三


中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A doi :10.3969/j.issn.1006-2475.2017.02.018Traffic Smoke Detection and Warning System Based on Safety Cloud Platform and Mobile Internet

LI Yao-hua 1,YOU Feng 1,CHEN Kang 1,CHEN Run-feng 1,PENG Han-yu 2,FANG Wei-chuang 3

(1.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;

2.School of Electronic and Information Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;

3.School of Mathematics,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China)

Abstract :In order to improve the control and prevention of traffic fire,reduce the ill effects of traffic fire effectively,the paper presents a kind of traffic smoke warning system,which is based on the safety cloud platforms,the mobile Internet,and the exist-ing monitoring system in transportation field.The system mainly consists of three subsystems:video monitoring system in traffic scene,smoke detection system in the cloud,and the smoke warning system by the mobile Internet.First,video monitoring system in traffic scene is mainly used to collect the smoke video of accident scene,and upload the video to the cloud storage resource pool,which is convenient for the analysis and accountability after the accident.Second,smoke detection system in the cloud runs the video smoke detection algorithm quickly by the powerful cloud computing,realizing the early recognition of the fire,which is beneficial for preventing the expansion of fire;Third,warning system by mobile Internet can push the fire information to the rele-vant personnel and institutions in a timely manner,reducing the bad influences of fire as much as possible.After a variety of ex-periments,the system shows its good real-time performance,accuracy and robustness,resulting from the fact that smoke warning rate is 93.75%,the false alarm rate is 5.33%,and the average warning time is 7.55s.Key words :smoke detection;fire warning;monitoring network;clouding analysis;fire push;security cloud platform 0 引 言

