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龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e6856876.html, 浅谈DRGs形式下住院病案首页信息面临的问题和解决办法



[摘要] 传统的卫生统计报表以及手工填写的纸张病案已经不能满足当前实际工作要求,应结合DRGs形式之下的要求,对住院病案首页信息进行严格的整改与完善,通过统一工作标准,提升专科的工作实力,规范信息创建,创建信息质量监督管理机制,从而使首页信息发挥更重要的作用。针对于此,该文分析DRGs形式下住院病案首页信息面临的未能统一具体的诊断与手术决策要求、国际化的疾病诊断与具体的手术编码缺乏统一性、在手术以及诊断中没有规范的名词术语、一些项目未能明确具体的定义问题,提出几点解决建议,以供参考。

[关键词] DRGs;住院病案;病案首页;信息

[中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2019)11(c)-0174-03

[Abstract] Traditional health statistics reports and paper medical records filled by hand can no longer meet the current actual work requirements. In accordance with the requirements under the DRGs form, the homepage information of the inpatient medical records should be strictly rectified and improved. Through the unified work standards, the work strength of the specialists should be improved, the information creation should be standardized, and the information quality supervision and management mechanism should be created, so that the homepage information can be played more important role. In view of this, the following analysis of the DRGs situation in the case of inpatient medical records is not unified, specific diagnosis and surgical decision-making requirements, lack of uniformity in internationalized disease diagnosis and specific surgical codes,and no standardized terminology in surgery and diagnosis. Some projects have failed to clarify specific definition issues and propose several solutions for reference.

[Key words] DRGs; In-patient medical record; Medical record home; Information


资源的消耗程度,有助于促使病例较为良好的保持着临床与资源同质的组合。当前我国在三级医院评审的过程中,已经开始应用DRGs方式。而住院病案首页的信息质量受到了广泛的重视,已经成为对服务功能与医疗工作质量进行合理评价的依据。在此情况下,该文针对DRGs 形式之下住院病案首页所面临的问题,提出几点具体的解决办法,报道如下。

1; DRGs形式之下住院病案首页的转变

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