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广州版新 三年级下册Unit2 let’s colour it教学设计

广州版新 三年级下册Unit2 let’s colour it教学设计
广州版新 三年级下册Unit2 let’s colour it教学设计


Module1Unit2 let’s colour it.


本节课是广州新版小学英语三年级下册Module1的教学内容,该模块的主题是颜色。这是学生在生活中随处可见的熟悉的内容,能有效地激发学生的学习兴趣,也有利于他们把课堂上学到的知识应用到现实生活中,使学生感受到英语学习的乐趣。本课时是会话教学,围绕funny face 展开对话,学生要用英语说出颜色和物品;主要的句型有:Look at……;Let?s colour the …等。其中身体部位单词为已学过的内容。而look at/funny/crayon则是本课时的新知识。



教学目标: :

1.学习新单词:green , purple, orange, brown, black, crayon,funny, hat

2.学会运用句型: Let?s colour … green/orange/...





教学难点:colour作名词和动词在句中的不同用法Warming up .




1. Sing the song What?s your favor ite colour?


【讲授】Presentation .

1.呈现一只蜡笔,问学生:What's this? 从而呈现crayon这个单词,训练…cr?、…ay?


2. 逐一呈现不同颜色的蜡笔,询问学生What colour is the crayon学生答:It's ...,从而复习已学颜色单词,同时巩固crayon这个单词。已学颜色都呈现完后,逐一呈现本单元新的颜色单词相应的蜡笔,从而呈现新颜色单词。

3. 点击课件依次闪现2,3,4,5只不同颜色的蜡笔,要学生说出所有颜色的蜡笔,如2只:a yellow crayon and a blue crayon 5只:a yellow crayon, a brown crayon, an orange crayon and a purple crayon.

4.老师拿出一张彩色的脸问:“Look at this picture. What?s it?” 学生答:“It?s a face.”老师:“Yes. It?s a funny face.”引出新单词:“funny”

5.Let?s Chan t.

6. 呈现一张无色的小丑图片(如左)贴在黑板上,说Look at this picture. This is a funny face, too. But it has no colour(伴随摇头). 然后边取蜡笔,边说:Let's colour it.

7.Let?scolour the nose red.

8. 新课呈现:

(1)看图听录音,理解对话。播放课文对话,学生看完后答问:What colour is the hat? What colour is the nose?

(2)让学生自己拼读hat. 并贴出相应帽子图片,结合颜色操练,如a green hat, a yellow hat, a brown hat, a black hat等。




Consolidation .

1. 让学生运用固定句型与同桌自编对话。

2. 拿出图画纸与蜡笔边说边画,把固定句型运用于实际情景中。

Homework .

1. 抄新单词。

2. 跟录音读课文3次。

3. 与同桌自编对话


八年级(下)复习之语法归纳与练习 Unit 1 语法一:动词不定式作宾语语法二:动词不定式作宾语补足语 语法三:动词不定式作目的状语 【练一练】.单项选择。 ( ) 1. Our teacher gave us 10 minutes __________ about the question. A. thinks B. to think C. thinking D. thought ( ) 2. My father decided ________smoking. A. giving up B. to give up C. give up D. to giving up ( ) 3. You may take a horse to the river, but you can't make it________. A. to drink B. drank C. drink D. drinking ( ) 4. I didn't ask him ______to my party, but he came. A. to come B. come C. came D. coming ( ) 5. You can use a tool ________ a fire. A. make B. making C. to make D. to making Unit 2 语法一:动名词作主语语法二:动名词作宾语 【练一练】I.单项选择。 ( ) 1. __________ the train means waiting for another hour. A. Miss B. Missed C. Missing D. To missing ( ) 2. After _______his homework he went on to write a letter to his parents. A. finishes B. finishing C. finished D. to finish ( ) 3. _________ may cause cancer. A. Smoking B. Smoked C. Smoke D. To smoking ( ) 4. As she is looking forward to __________ from me, please remember to send this letter to her as soon as possible. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. be heard ( ) 5. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble __________ your handwriting. A. to read B. read C. reading D. to reading ( ) 6. Writing stories and articles __________ what I enjoy most. A. is B. are C. was D. were II.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 7. He came to the party without ________ (invite). 8. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ (repair) my car. 9. ________ (keep) your room clean is a way to stay away from disease. 10. He is very busy _______ (do) his homework. 11. Please stop _______ (talk), boys. I have something important to tell you. 12. Before ______ (buy) the house, you should get somebody to look it over. 13. ________ (sh ake) hands is a way of greeting. 14. My brother keeps ______ (help) me with my work. 15. We should often practise _______ (speak) English with each other. Unit 3 语法一:一般现在时的被动语态语法二:一般过去时的被动语态 语法三:一般将来时的被动语态 【练一练】I.用被动语态改写下列句子。


三年级下册教案 教学内容:湘艺版三年级音乐下第一课《小黄帽》 教学目标:1.能用活泼.轻快的声音演唱歌曲 2.能养成遵守交通规则的好习惯 教学重难点:小附点节奏的演唱 教具准备:钢琴.多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一 .组织教学.创设情境。 1.师生问好。 听音乐进教室.肢体语言渲染。 二.新授 1.导入新课.聆听体验。 2. 同学们你们瞧老师头上戴了顶什么呀? 3.你们知道小黄帽的作用吗? 4. 歌曲小黄帽会告诉大家.同学们想不想听听这首歌曲?听一听它的情绪是什么样的? 5.随琴模唱 4.小声跟跟琴唱.老师带 6.提问.这首歌曲的演唱形式是什么 7.小附带作为重难点讲解.试唱.注意反复记号。 8.全班有感情的进行演唱 三.小结 同学们今天的音乐课大家都表现很好.从今天起啊.我们就要个文明的小学生.在马路上一定要注意交通规则.你们记住了吗? 《中国少年先锋队队歌》教学设计 教学内容:湘艺版三年级音乐下第一课《中国少年先锋队队歌》 教学目标:欣赏歌曲《中国少年先锋队队歌》。 教学重难点:对《队歌》产生亲切感.并初步学唱第一段歌词 教具准备:钢琴.多媒体课件。 教学过程:

一 .组织教学.创设情境。 1.师生问好 二.新授 1.从少先队的历史引出少先队队歌的历史。 2.听赏《中国少年先锋队队歌》录音两遍(出示队歌的全部歌词)。 3.听赏由马思聪作曲的《中国少年先锋队队歌》录音并简介作曲家马思聪。 4.跟着《队歌》的录音轻声学唱第一段歌词。 5.边轻唱《队歌》边在原位踏步.体会进行曲的节律。 6.随《队歌》的音乐分组表演高举队旗的行进姿态。 7.欣赏少先队鼓号队演奏的录音或录象。 8.随教师学唱《出旗》的乐谱.提醒学生注意乐谱中只用了“513”四个音。 9.随《出旗》的音乐踏步或分组列队行进.同时即兴模仿吹对号的动作.也可模仿演奏队鼓及镲的动作。 10.边唱《出旗》的乐谱.边列队走出教室 三.小结 《杜鹃圆舞曲》教学设计 教学内容:湘艺版三年级音乐下第二课《杜鹃圆舞曲》 教学目标: 1.通过欣赏《杜鹃圆舞曲》.熟悉作品的旋律.在音乐实践活动中引导学生感受乐曲的情绪.让学生展开丰富的音乐想象。 2.让学生了解.感受手风琴在音乐表现中的音色特点和表现力。 3.鼓励学生积极地音乐评价.体验音乐活动的乐趣.并与同伴共享音乐的快乐。 教学重难点: 感受三拍子乐曲的特点.引导学生听辨手风琴的音色.感受乐曲.表现乐曲。 教具准备:钢琴.多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一. 导入新课: 同学们愉快的音乐课开始了.老师知道大家特别喜欢小动物.今天有个小动物也来到音乐教室和我们一起上课.你们欢迎吗?你们要想知道这个小动物是谁?就让我们先来听段音乐吧。 二.听赏音乐(打开课件1.聆听音乐)听音乐时可以跟着音乐的节奏.轻轻摇动你的身体。你在这首音乐中听到了什么叫声.听完之后.告诉大家好吗?(听到了布谷鸟的叫声。) 我们在音乐中听到了布谷鸟的叫声.你们看.布谷鸟今天飞到我们教室来了.你们欢迎吗?(出示布谷鸟的卡片)

广州版 三年级英语下册知识点

三年级英语下册 Module 1 colours 颜色 red 红blue 蓝yellow 黄green 绿white 白black 黑 pink 粉红purple 紫orange 橙brown 棕grey 灰 go 去to 到... idea 主意like 喜欢great好极了 look 看at 在look at 看funny 有趣的crayon 蜡笔 hat 帽子 Module 2 Positions 位置 where 什么地方where’s = where is 在什么地方robot 机器人 doll 玩具娃娃pencil-box 文具盒near 在...附近English 英语;英国的front 前面in front of 在...前面behind 在...后面beside 在...旁边 TV 电视,电视机schoolbag 书包over 在...上方 Module 3 Personal information 个人信息 how 怎么,怎样How old......?. ..... 几岁? guess 猜 happy快乐的birthday 生日Happy birthday 生日快乐 for 为,给little 小的may 可以May I...... ? 我可以...吗?telephone 电话number 号码,数字can 能够Can I......? 我能够...吗?zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Module 4 Fruits 水果 want想要get 得到fruit 水果banana香蕉grape葡萄apple苹果pear 梨some 一些but 但是Of course 当然then 那么,然后 Module 5 Relatives 亲人 grandpa /grandfather 爷爷;外公grandma/grandmother 奶奶;外婆father/dad父亲;爸爸mother/mum 母亲;妈妈uncle伯伯;叔叔;舅舅aunt姑姑;婶婶;舅母cousin 表/堂兄弟姐妹brother兄弟sister姐妹photo照片strong 强壮的heavy重的lovely可爱的big大的small 小的many 许多的How many....? 多少?who 谁? Module 6 Pets 宠物 cat 猫rabbit兔子dog狗bear熊duck 鸭子chicken 小鸡monkey 猴子fish 鱼horse 马whose 谁的


八年级(下)复习之语法归纳与练习 【练一练】.单项选择。 ( ) 1. Our teacher gave us 10 minutes __________ about the question. A. thinks B. to think C. thinking D. thought ( ) 2. My father decided ________smoking. A. giving up B. to give up C. give up D. to giving up ( ) 3. You may take a horse to the river, but you can't make it________. A. to drink B. drank C. drink D. drinking ( ) 4. I didn't ask him ______to my party, but he came. A. to come B. come C. came D. coming ( ) 5. You can use a tool ________ a fire. A. make B. making C. to make D. to making 【练一练】I.单项选择。 ( ) 1. __________ the train means waiting for another hour. A. Miss B. Missed C. Missing D. To missing ( ) 2. After _______his homework he went on to write a letter to his parents. A. finishes B. finishing C. finished D. to finish ( ) 3. _________ may cause cancer. A. Smoking B. Smoked C. Smoke D. To smoking ( ) 4. As she is looking forward to __________ from me, please remember to send this letter to her as soon as possible. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. be heard ( ) 5. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble __________ your handwriting. A. to read B. read C. reading D. to reading ( ) 6. Writing stories and articles __________ what I enjoy most. A. is B. are C. was D. were II.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 7. He came to the party without ________ (invite). 8. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ (repair) my car. 9. ________ (keep) your room clean is a way to stay away from disease. 10. He is very busy _______ (do) his homework. 11. Please stop _______ (talk), boys. I have something important to tell you. 12. Before ______ (buy) the house, you should get somebody to look it over. 13. ________ (sh ake) hands is a way of greeting. 14. My brother keeps ______ (help) me with my work. 15. We should often practise _______ (speak) English with each other. 【练一练】I.用被动语态改写下列句子。 1. The mother looked after the baby in the room. _____________________________________________________________ 2. My sister cleans the bedroom every day.


《小黄帽》教学设计 教学内容:湘艺版三年级音乐下第一课《小黄帽》 教学目标:1、能用活泼、轻快的声音演唱歌曲2、能养成遵守交通规则的好习惯 教学重难点:小附点节奏的演唱 教具准备:钢琴、多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、组织教学,创设情境。 1、师生问好。 听音乐进教室,肢体语言渲染。 二、新授 1、导入新课,聆听体验。 2、同学们你们瞧老师头上戴了顶什么呀? 3、你们知道小黄帽的作用吗? 4、歌曲小黄帽会告诉大家,同学们想不想听听这首歌曲?听一听它的情绪是什么样的? 5、随琴模唱 4、小声跟跟琴唱,老师带 6、提问,这首歌曲的演唱形式是什么 7、小附带作为重难点讲解,试唱,注意反复记号。 8、全班有感情的进行演唱 三、小结 同学们今天的音乐课大家都表现很好,从今天起啊,我们就要个文明的小学生,在马路上一定要注意交通规则,你们记住了吗?

《中国少年先锋队队歌》教学设计 教学内容:湘艺版三年级音乐下第一课《中国少年先锋队队歌》 教学目标:欣赏歌曲《中国少年先锋队队歌》。 教学重难点:对《队歌》产生亲切感,并初步学唱第一段歌词 教具准备:钢琴、多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、组织教学,创设情境。 1、师生问好 二、新授 1、从少先队的历史引出少先队队歌的历史。 2、听赏《中国少年先锋队队歌》录音两遍(出示队歌的全部歌词)。 3、听赏由马思聪作曲的《中国少年先锋队队歌》录音并简介作曲家马思聪。 4、跟着《队歌》的录音轻声学唱第一段歌词。 5、边轻唱《队歌》边在原位踏步,体会进行曲的节律。 6、随《队歌》的音乐分组表演高举队旗的行进姿态。 7、欣赏少先队鼓号队演奏的录音或录象。 8、随教师学唱《出旗》的乐谱,提醒学生注意乐谱中只用了“513”四个音。 9、随《出旗》的音乐踏步或分组列队行进,同时即兴模仿吹对号的动作,也可模仿演奏队鼓及镲的动作。 10、边唱《出旗》的乐谱,边列队走出教室 三、小结


六下Unit 8 Our dreams(Story time) 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词dream, anastronaut, afootball player, a dancer, a pianist。 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读短语in the future, care about, fly a spaceship to the moon, in the World Cup。 3.能初步听懂、会说和理解make构成的短语和句型。 4.能听懂、会说和会读句型What do you want to be in the future ? I want to be … 5.能初步感知和理解课文,并在此基础上尝试课文复述。 6.能初步尝试谈自己的职业梦想。 二、教学重点 1. 能初步听懂、会说和会读本课的单词、短语和句型。 2. 能理解课文内容,并尝试进行课文复述。 三、教学难点 1. 能初步谈自己的职业梦想,以及要实现这一梦想应付出的努力。 四、教学具准备 PPT课件,人物卡片,板书 五、教学过程 Watch a short film about <> before class. Step 1Warm up 1.Greetings. 2.Q1: Do you know the name of the film? Ss: <> Q2: What is this film about? T: It’s about a musical dream.Miguel is a 12 years old Mexican boy. He had a musical dream. Because he liked playing the guitar and singing songs. He wanted to be a musician. 3.Learn: dream 4.What is a dream? S1: ... S2: ... T: It means what you want to be or what you want to do many years later. Step2 Pre-reading 1.Brain storm: jobs you know. T: When you see the word dream, what words come to your mind? Ss: ... 2.Learn: in the future,come true (1)A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be a ...


2016年广州版小学英语三年级下册课文 Unit 1 I like red A: Janet, let’s go to play, OK? B:Oh, good idea. I have a kite. A:A kite? What colour is it? B:It’s red. A:Great! I like red. Let's go. Unit 2 Let’s colour it A: Look at t his picture. B: Oh, it’s a funny face. I have crayons. ['kre??n] Let’s colour it. A: OK. Let’s colour the nose red. B: OK. And let’s colour the hat green. A: That’s good. Unit 3 Where is my car? A: Let’s pl ay a game. Where is my car?

B: Is it in the box? A: No, it isn’t B: Is it under the chair? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it on the table? A: Yes, it is. Unit 4 Is it in your bag? A: Mum, where is my English book? B: Is it in front of the TV. A: No, it isn’t B: Is it behind your bed? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it in your schoolbag? A: Oh,yes. Unit 5 Happy birthday! A: How old are you? B: Guess. A:One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine.


Unit 1 Helping those in need 一、要点概括 1.短语 in need, voluntary work, ask peimission, suffer from, raise one’s spirits, in order to, continue to do, pay for, work as 2.句型 (1)There are many children without parents. (2)They have difficulty walking or moving. (3)I am thingking about doing some voluntary work. (4)I am going to do some voluntary work. (5)Since then, this project has helped millions of girls return to school. (6)I wish to help other girls the way the Spring Bud Project helped me. 二、疑难宝典 1. courage 勇气,勇敢 amazing courage 惊人的胆量cool courage 镇定勇气 He hurt his leg in an accident, but he has lots of courage. They do not have the courage to apologise for their actions. 2. illness (某种)病 bear illness 忍受疼痛cure illness 治愈疾病combat illness 与疾病斗争 He died at the age of 83 after a long illness. 3. in order to 目的在于,为了 In order to raise money for children in need, we are going to sell old books. She worked all summer in order to save enough money for a holiday. 4. lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的 She is unhappy and very lonely. 【区别】lonely&alone alone单独的(意为没有其他人陪伴);lonely孤独的(因为没有他人的陪伴而难受) 5. offer 主动提出[ + to do sth. ]表示愿意(做......) Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. He offered to get me a cab. 6. peace 宁静,平静(n.)peaceful adj. 宁静的 I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace. After a busy day, all I want is peace and quiet. 7. raise 筹募,增加,提高 We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. They are raising money for charity. Please raise standards. 【区别】raise&rise raise意思是将某物抬举或举到较高的位置,或者增加数量、提高水平,后面必须跟宾语。 rise意思是增加或上升,后面不接宾语。 8. There be句型表示存在,意为“某地有某物”。Be动词应与紧跟其后的主语的单复数形式 保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is或was,主语是复数可数名词时用are 或were。 There is some bread on the plate. There are seven days in a week.


2019年春三年级下册语文全册教案 第一单元 1古诗三首 教学目标: 1、认识“融、燕”等6个生字;会写“鸳、鸯”等13个生字。 2、联系生活实际,利用图文结合等方法了解“芦芽、河豚、阴”等词语的意思, 初知古诗大意。 3、能正确朗读、背诵古诗并默写《绝句》。感受诗中蕴藏的春天的情趣。 教学重点:能正确朗读、背诵古诗;默写《绝句》。 教学难点:能用联系生活实际、利用图文结合等方法了解古诗大意。 教学准备:教师准备:课件学生准备:预习课文、找有关春天的诗句。 教学时间:3课时 教学课程: 第一课时 (1) 一、揭题导入,明确任务 1.导语导入:我们唐代有两位著名诗人,一位享有“诗仙”美称的李白;另一位则被称为“诗圣”的杜甫。杜甫的诗在唐代诗作中享有极高的声誉,今天我们就来学习杜甫写的一首绝句。板书课题 2.明确本节课的学习任务:学习《绝句》这首古诗。 3.补充绝句知识。绝句是诗歌的一种体裁,按照每句字数,可分为五言绝句、七言绝句。 二、初读古诗,感受节奏 1.出示初读要求:(1)大声朗读,读准字音,读通诗句。(2)同桌互相正音。 2.逐句朗读检查。课件出示“迟日”“泥融”“鸳鸯”等词语,并正音。 3.教师范读、学生练读。 4.齐读古诗,读出诗的节奏和韵味。 三、了解诗意,想象春景 1.杜甫的诗中有画,结合课本插图自读古诗,看看诗中画了什么?并展开想象。 诗中有日、江山、春风、花草、泥、燕子、沙、鸳鸯。 2.用自己的话描述出诗中的画。师相机总结古诗的意思。 3.诗中不仅有美好的春色,还有气味呢? 诗中写到:迟日江山(),春风花草()。 3.美丽的春色吸引了许多小动物们。自学三、四句:泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯


Unit 8 Farewell Part A 教学目标 ◆语言知识目标 1.学习单词:farewell,miss,year book,address。 2.学习句型:Why not…? 3.学习字母组合tr,dr,ts和ds在单词中的发音。 4.功能:谈论毕业活动。 ◆语言技能目标 1.能用英语为欢送晚会活动提出合理的建议。 2.能用Why not …?句型建议他人做某事。 3.能用英语介绍自己的个人信息,并制作毕业留念册。 ◆情感态度 教育学生学会热心为他人服务,珍惜同学间的友谊。 教具准备 1.单词卡片: (1)课文新单词卡片。 (2)本课词组卡片。 2.一本毕业留念册。

3.录音机或多媒体教学光盘。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。 2.齐唱歌曲:Our School Will Shine。 3.师生自由对话: Hello,×××. Nice to meet you. What’s your English name? What’s your phone number? What class are you in? Which school will you go to in September? 4.揭示课题。 (1)导入:“You are in Grade Six now.You’ll go to a middle school soon.(出示Sally的头像)Sally will go to a middle school,too.She will go back to the USA.So h er classmates are going to have a party to say goodbye to her.” (2)揭示并板书课题:Unit 8 Farewell Part A。 (3)告诉学生farewell意为“告别,再见”。“告别”与goodbye同义。教学单词farewell。 Step 2 Review


2018 年广州版英语八年级下册 Unit 2 期末复习资料 Unit 2 Body language 跟踪练习 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Y ou had better practise (exercise) every day. 2. J im does his homework as (care) as his brother. He never makes mistakes. 3. W hat about 4. T hey answered the questions (have) a picnic? (different). 5. T hey learn English by (sing) English songs. 单项选择 1. You don’t give people a good , so people choose Debbie instead of you. A. impression B. instruction C. impressive D. instruct 2. Disney is famous for its cartoon characters Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Snow White. A. for example B. such as C. as D. likes 3. The film me of my father. I miss him very much. A. promises B. reminds C. makes D. returns 4. Yesterday I an invitation from Tom but I didn’t it. A. received; receive B. accepted; accept C. accepted; receive D. received; accept 5. I’m with the homework, Mom. A. bore B. bored C. boring D. to bore 6. --- In this example, is not important. --- Yes. We shouldn’t judge a person his or her look. A. appearance; by B. appearance; for C. expresion; by D. expresion; for 7 W hat time will you arrive China? ---- I don’t know. Maybe five hours . A. at; later B. in; later C. at; late D. in; late 8 W hat’s the with you? --- I didn’t know the of this sentence. A. wrong; communication B. matter; communication C. wrong; meaning D. matter; meaning III .Grammar (动名词的用法) 基本用法: 1.作主语 (谓语用三单) Swimming in the sea is her favourite sport. 2.作宾语(动词及介词的宾语) I practise speaking English every day. Debbie is good at communicating with people. 3.作表语(表示主语是什么,可主表互换) My biggest hobby is collecting stamps. 4.作定语(说明所修饰事物的用途) There is a swimming pool nearby.


新版三年级下册教案(全册) back to school第一课时教学内容Let’s talk part A教学目标 A:能听会说“I’m from …”; B:能理解课文内容:Boys and girls ,we have two new friends today巩固;C:能主动参与句型的对话练习,对英语感兴趣。 三、 【教学重点】 句型:We have a new friend today、I’m from the USA 词汇:welcome, America, Canada, China 四、 【教学难点】 Welcome的发音。 五、教具:录音机、卡片、国旗六、教学方法:Comunicating、Reading、Co-operation、Discussion、七、课时类型:新授课课时1课时教学过程: 1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)播放英语歌“Hello”的录音,让学生跟着录音演唱。(2)师生之间互相打招呼,与学生进行日常对话。 2、新课展示(Presentation)接着刚才的环节教师继续和学生对话,如班上有新同学,引入We have a new friend、如没有新同学就安排个学生戴上Amy的头饰,引出该句。T:带领全班一

起说Amy! Welcome!注意不要将Welcome的发音发错了。(2)教师戴上头饰,手中兴起中国的国旗,扮演Bai Ling:Hi, I’m Bai Ling、I’m from China、(手中挥动中国国旗)。利用国旗卡 片,教读China, America, Canada三国的名字。(3)教师通过放录音,贴挂图的方式来让学生感知对话。并能利用头饰及老师 提供的各国特殊物品作拟人式的自我介绍。(4)再进行介绍他人的操练。 3、趣味操练(Practice)用“开火车”的形式请学生作自我介绍,教师引导全班向他/她问好。表演对话内容。(3)鼓励学 生用其他的著名人物或动物改编并表演对话。 4、课堂评价(Assessment)内容:活动手册P1。目标:通过听力练习,检查学生对对话部分的理解和掌握情况。老师可适当 讲解题意。正确一小题,可以涂一朵小花。 5、课外活动(Add-activities)(1)听录音,仿读对话(2)向家长朋友做自我介绍,巩固会话内容。 6、Homework板书: Unit1 Welcome back to schoolpart A Let’s talk I’m from …教学反思:第二课时教学内容Let’s learn教学目标(一)知识目标: 1、学习UK,Canada,USA,China,要求学生能够听、说、认读,并且能够听懂、会说“I’m from … 2、Let’s chant通过歌曲巩固本课单词。

【沪教牛津版(三起)】六年级下册英语教案 unit8reading-signs

Unit 8 Reading signs Period 1 授课时间:总课时: 教学目标 知识与技能:词汇学习:in the middle, look out, no smoking, no swimming 过程与方法:通过Listen and say的情景对话,帮助学生复习句型must的用法,了解不同地区的标识。 情感态度与价值观:在公共场所遵守规则,做文明公民。 教学重点:词汇学习:in the middle, look out, no smoking, no swimming 教学难点:句型:We must look out for them. 教学过程 Pre-task preparations 1.呈现五年级上册Unit 12中学过的禁令标识(Don’t smoke!) 和(Don’t play with matches!),鼓励学生用不同的句式来说说这两个标识的含义。 2.让学生交流在哪里可以看到这些禁令标识。 T: Where can we find these sings? S1: We can find “Don’t smoke” in the library, cinema and theatre. S2: We can find “Don’t play with matches!” in the forest. While-task procedures

1.出示Look and learn中的六个标识。请学生仔细观察这六个标 识有什么不同,并讨论如何将它们分成两大类。 T: The signs on the left tell us we must do these things. The signs on the right tell us we mustn’t do these things. 2.引导学生思考:同一个标识可以用那些不同的句式表达,教 师板书句式。 No smoking. Don’t smoke. You mustn’t smoke. Look out for children. We should look out for children. We must look out for children. 然后教师呈现一些禁令标识和指示标识,请学生用不同的句型表达它们的意思。 3.出示Listen and say的图片,请学生观察图中的四个标识,猜 猜他们分别表示什么意思。 T: How many signs can you see in the picture? S1: I can see four signs. T: What does the blue sign mean?(point at the sign for the underground station) S1: It means” underground station” …


广州版初中英语八年级下册期末复习 Unit 1 Helping those in need I. Key words 1. 区分raise / rise 2. 区分offer/provide 3. 区分lonely/ alone II. Key phrases 1.give sb a hand = help sb 2.offer to do 主动提供做某事 3.suffer from sth. 受…之苦,受….折磨 4. a girl called Cindy = a girl named Cindy 5.help sb do sth/ help sb with sth 6.have difficulty in doing sth 7.raise one’s spirits 使振奋,使鼓起勇气= cheer sb up 8.something dangerous 危险的事 9.would like to do 10.because of/ because 跟踪练习: 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. In order ________________(learn) Japanese, he went to Japan. 2. Daming has great difficulty ________________(speak) English. 3. Do you know the girl _______________(call) Alice? 4. Shenzhen has a population of over ten ________________( million ) 5. ______________(help) others makes me happy. 单项选择 1. May I have a rest ? I have already finished ________the report. A. write B. writing C. to write D. written 2. --I feel a bit hungry now. -- Why not ________for dinner with us? A. go B. did you go C. to go D. do you go 3. He asked her ________the bag because it was too expensive . A. not to buy B. to buy not C. not buying D. not buy 4. Although you may meet with some difficulties, you should never ________. A. turn up B. get up C. give up D. grow up 5.--- Would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick kids this Sunday? --- ________. I’ll be free then. A. Sorry, I can’t B. Not at all C. Thank you D. Sure, I’d love to 6. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?



梁鑫嘉Aug.3 八年级基础知识复习(1)--Unit1 Helping those in need 听写 Unit1 Language points I. Key Words 1. raise v. 筹募;增加 【用法】raise 是一个及物动词,后可直接加宾语。如:raise the national flag;raise money; raise one’s spirits 意为“使振奋,使鼓起勇气”如: A powerful song can raise one’s spirits. 时态变化:raise-raised-raised 例:Raise your hands. The worker demand the manager to raise their salary.工人们要求加薪水。 【拓展】rise 是不及物动词,表示“升起”,例:The sun is rising. 时态变化:rise--rose--risen 【例句】翻译:1. 我们如何才能在短期内提高英语水平?

2. 我想养只狗当宠物。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. disabled. adj. 丧失能力的 【用法】disabled可以作为形容词;也可以作为动词( disable的过去式和过去分词), 意为:使残废;使伤残;使无效 【拓展】我们常用the disabled表示“残疾人”,相当于disabled people. 【例句】He became severely d___________ after the big fire. 3. offer v. 主动提出 【用法】offer后面加不定式,offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 如:On his mum’s birthday, little Tom offered to do the dishes. 【拓展】offer 还可以表示“主动拿给;主动给与”的意思,相当于give,后面可接名词作宾语。如:offer some advice ;也可以接双宾语,即 offer somebody something=offer something to somebody 【例句】翻译:她主动提出将自行车借给我。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. suffer v. 受苦;受折磨 【用法】suffer sth.意为遭受,经受:遭受或承受(痛苦的、有害的或不良的东西),如:suffer death, suffered heavy casualties/loss 【拓展】suffer from 后面加的是疾病、不适(身体或心理上的)意为受……的苦,如:suffered from ill health/ a headache 【例句】She s ___________ greatly as a child. 翻译:很多人都苦于现代生活的压力。

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