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【初中英语】2017中考英语命题研究第3部分中考题型研究篇试题(16份) 人教版14

【初中英语】2017中考英语命题研究第3部分中考题型研究篇试题(16份) 人教版14
【初中英语】2017中考英语命题研究第3部分中考题型研究篇试题(16份) 人教版14













话题1 发表观点类针对某一现象或话题发表自己的观点,如2016和2014遵义真题。


·Some believe that…,while others think that…有些人相信……,而有些人认为……

·There are two sides of opinion of it,one is…,the other is…关于这点有两方面,一是……,另一个是……

·As far as I am concerned/in my opinion(view)我认为……

·From my point of view,I think…在我看来……

·The reason why…is that………的原因是……

·For one thing,…for another…一方面,……另一方面,……

·On one hand,…On the other hand,…一方面,……另一方面,……

·First,…Second,…Last but not least,…首先,……其次,……最后但同样重要的是,……

·From all what I said,I agree to the thought that…从所有我所说的来看,我同意……的看法

·In my view,I hold the point of view that…在我看来,我支持……的观点

·I am sure my opin ion is both…and…我相信我的观点既……又……

·It is very important/difficult/useful/exciting to do…做……很重要/困难/有用/令人激动

话题2 做法类针对某一现象或事件中学生该怎么做。如2015遵义真题。


We should get up early.我们应该早起。

·don't push each other when we go downstairs 下楼时不要互相推挤

·pay attention to traffic rules 注意交通规则

·obey the traffic/public rules 遵守交通/公共规则

·wait in line 排队

·don't play with fire 不要玩火

·call for help 寻求帮助

·save food 节约食物

·eat up 吃光

·pick up 捡起

·have a good habit 有一个良好的习惯

·take action together 一起行动起来

·go to bed early and get up early 早睡早起

·stay up 熬夜

·do more exercise 多做运动

·eat more fruit and vegetables 多吃水果蔬菜

·keep away from 远离

·respect the teachers and the old 尊敬师长

·eat a balanced diet 均衡饮食

·eat less junk food 少吃垃圾食品

·be supposed to care for 应该关心……

·respect others 尊重他人

话题3 校园生活类记叙校园学习或生活有关的事件。如2012、2013遵义真题。


This is my worst day.这是我最糟糕的一天。

·How time flies!时光飞逝!

·I have never expressed my thanks and respect to you.我从未对你表达过我的谢意和敬意。

·Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.非常感谢你为我所做的一切。

·My middle school life is meaningful and colorful.I will never forget it.我的中学生活丰富多彩。我将永远都不会忘记。

·I am so proud that I made it.我很自豪我成功了。

·I kept practicing doing our best to help people who need help.我认为我们应该尽自己最大的努力帮助那些需要帮助的人。

·If everyone helps others,the world will become much more beautiful!如果每个人都去帮助别人,世界将会更加美好!

·This is my day.It's a funny day.How about you?这就是我的一天。很有趣的一天,你呢?

·I really had a good time on my…birthday.I will treasure it forever.在我……岁的生日上我真的很开心。我会永远珍惜它。

·I've learned a lot from it.我从中学到了很多。

话题4 家庭生活与情感类对家人或朋友,老师表达感激之情。如2013遵义真题。


·Thanks very much for staying with me.

·I'm glad to receive your letter.

·I'm writing to say thanks to you.

·I still remember that we went to…together.

·I can't help remembering you,my dearest mother.

·It's your kindness and love that supports me a lot in my life.

·When I was…,I caught a cold and had a high fever in a midnight.

·It's you who took good care of me day and night until I recovered to be well again.

·You are the best mother in the world.

·I love you.

·I will try my best to work hard and be an excellent boy/girl to reward your love.

·I hope you are in good health forever.



Group 1(2016西宁中考)

生活中有很多重要的东西,你认为生活中最重要的东西是什么?为什么它是最重要的(至少说出三点理由)? 既然你认为它最重要,该如何对待呢?请你以“The Most Important Thing in My Life” 为题写一篇80词左右的短文。

The Most Important Thing in My Life

In my opinion,the most important thing in my life is time.However long one may live,his life has only a certain number of years.And once the time goes by,nobody can get it back.Even though he is the richest person in the world,he cannot afford to waste time,because it means that he is wasting his own life.

The only thing we can do is to make full use of our time.If we can finish more work with less time,we will have more time than other people.

Group 2(2016嘉兴中考)

英语课上,你们开展了一次以“What can we do to make home a happier place?”为主题的讨论,同学们把自己的想法写在卡片上。请结合卡片信息,用英语写一篇短文,向校刊English Learning 投稿。




短文首句:In our English class,we had a discussion about what we can do to make home a happier place.

In our English class,we had a discussion about what we can do to make home a happier place.

We shared different ideas.

Some say it's better to spend more time with family.The more we get together,the better we understand each other.Family members should share happiness and worries.For example,when they have problems,we should try to cheer them up.Others believe it's important to give small presents to our family on their birthdays.

I think,showing love for family is necessary.If we help with housework,they may feel warmer.Sometimes,even the smallest thing like walking with family makes them happier.Though we're young,we can do much to make a happier home.

Group 3(2016绍兴中考)

针对大部分高中要求学生住校的现状,英语课上同学们就“Would you like to live in school?”这一话题展开调查,请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇短文,汇报调查结果,表达你的意愿并阐述理由。






短文首句:Would you like to live in school?We had a survey about it and here's the result.

Would you like to live in school?We had a survey about it and here's the result.Most students prefer to live in school because they find it convenient to communicate with their classmates.Also,they can learn how to look after themselves in this way.

However,some students think living at home is a better choice.The main reason is that they can relax better at home.Besides,they can spend more time with family members and get on better with them.

As for me,I'd like to live in school.That's because I can spend more time on study.What's more,it's wonderful experience to live with other classmates.


Group 4(2016宜宾中考)

班级将举行英语演讲比赛,请根据思维导图以“How to Be Happy”为题目,写一篇90词左右的演讲稿,开头和结尾已给出(不计入总数)Good morning,everybody! The topic I want to talk about today is “How to Be Happy”.The following are my suggestions.

Good morning,everybody! The topic I want to talk about today is “How to Be Happy”.The following are my suggestions.

First of all,we should have life aims.When we have life aims,we can be clear about what to do every day and live a busy and meaningful life.

Next,we must keep healthy.Without good health,we will have nothing.So we should have good life habits and try our best to take exercises every day.

Finally,we ought to be ready to help others.When we help those in trouble,we can get much happiness.

I believe if we do so,we can have a happy life.

That's what I want to share with you.Thank you!

Group 5(2016齐齐哈尔中考)








How to Have Reading Activities

How to Have Reading Activities?As we all know,it is important for us to read books.It not only make us know about the world but also helps us relax ourselves.I have some good advice about how to have reading activities.

First,we can read in our school library.There are all kinds of books there.It's a good place to read.Second,we can set up a reading corner in order to read at any time after class.Third,we can exchange books with one another.It helps develop our cooperation spirit.At last,it's necessary to plan reading time and the number of reading books.

All in all,we can benefit from colorful reading activities.


Group 6(2016吉林中考)

随着中国的发展,世界各地掀起了“汉语热”。作为中国人,我们更应该学好汉语。请以“My Chinese Learning ”为题,写一篇短文。






My Chinese Learning

With the development of China,Chinese is becoming more and more popular.As native speakers,it's our duty to learn Chinese well.It helps us to understand Chinese culture better.

Chinese was one of the subjects when I was in a primary school.At first,I used to be weak in it,and I felt stressed out.My Chinese teacher advised me to read morning books.From then on,reading played an important role in my life,I often went to the library which was near my home.I made much more progress in Chinese.

I think reading books is a useful way of learning Chinese well.Also,it's necessary to practice writing as often as we can.Only in this way can we become a good Chinese learner.

Group 7(2016十堰中考)



How to Take a Meaningful Summer Vacation

after the Exam

It is necessary to take a meaningful summer vacation after the exam.There are kinds of activities for us to take part in.

First we can visit our friends and relatives or spend happy time with our family.Second,seeing a film,listening to music or hanging out with our friends will be also wonderful.Third,we should take more exercise to keep healthy.What's more,we had better review what we have learned in middle school.Finally,it is necessary for us to do some housework,which can help our parents a lot.

Above all,I hope all of us can have a pleasant vacation.

Group 8(2015娄底中考)


My English Teacher

I have met many excellent teachers in junior school.One of them is my English teacher.Her name is


_time,she__likes__reading,singing__and__dancing.She__also__enjoys__playing__sports.In__the__school__when__we__ask__her__quest ions,she__is__very__patient.Every__time__we__have__trouble,she__is__always__friendly__and__warm-hearted__to__help__us.She__is__a__good__teacher.She__is__like__not__only__our__friend__but__also__o ur__mother.

Group 9(2016巴中中考)

用微笑播撒阳光,用行动践行梦想,用无形的精神感染身边每一个人——这就是“阳光少年”。请以“A Sunshine Teenager ”为题写一篇英语短文介绍一位你身边的“阳光少年”高飞。









参考词汇:get on well with;take an active part in

A Sunshine Teenager

Hello!My name is Xiao Ming.I'm studying in No.1 Middle School.Our school had an activity“Learn from Sunshine Teenagers”.From then on,there are many sunshine teenagers around us.

Gao Fei is one of them.He is__honest__and__kind.He__gets__on__well__with__others.He__is__always__ready__to__not__only__help_ _others__but__also__go__to__the__old__people's__home__to__do__something__for__the__old.He__reads__ newspapers__for__them,cleans__their__rooms__and__washes__their__clothes.Also__he__is__warm-hearted,active__and__outgoing.He__always__helps__his__parents__do__housework,such__as__doing__the__dishes,sweeping__the__floor__and__making__dinner.He__is__never__afraid__of__difficulties.He__works__very_ _hard__and__he__likes__reading.And__he__takes__part__in__all__kinds__of__sports.After__school,he__plays__football__with__his__classmates.And__he__joins__the__school__clubs,such__as__music__club,the__art__club__and__the__chess__club.He__learns__a__lot__from__all__his__activities.

Gao Fei is the best sunshine teenager in my heart.I should learn from him.

Group 10(2016毕节中考)


请以“How to Get on Well with Our Parents?”为题写一篇短文参加此次征文大赛。








How to Get on Well with Our Parents?

Recently it's reported that many children can't get on well with their parents.How can we get on well with our parents? Here are some suggestions.

First we should understand our parents and respect them.We should listen to them and express our ideas politely.Second we should often communicate with them.We can share our happiness with our parents and tell them about our worries.Third,we should help them to do some housework at home,we should help clean the room,do the dishes and so on.

If we follow these,I think we can get on well with them.

Group 11(2016金华中考)

假如你是No.2 Middle School的学生李华,下周,一批英国中学生将来你们学校进行为期两周的学习和交流。



短文首句:I am Li Hua,a student from No.2 Middle School.

Dear friend,

I am Li Hua,a boy(girl) student from No.2 Middle School.I'm writing to invite you to come and stay in my home during the next two weeks.

I like to make friends.This is the main reason I write this letter.I'm also good at sports and know something about British culture.Do you think we will have a lot to talk about?

As for my family,you will like it the moment you come.My parents are not only kind and friendly,but also helpful.Believe it or not,they can also speak English.

Do you think I am your first choice now?Look forward to meeting you.


Li Hua


Group 12(2016安顺中考)




参考词汇:1.help sb. with sth.帮忙……做……

2.understand 理解

3.communicate with sb.与某人交流

4.farm work 农活

5.do some housework 做一些家务活


1.What do your father and mother do?


2.How old are your parents?


3.What is your mother or father like?


4.Do you really love your parents?


5.What should you do to thank your father and mother?

I__should__often__help__them__with__housework__or__farm__work__and__find__time__to__communicat e__with__them,trying__our__best__to__understand__them.

B.请你根据自己对“感恩父母”的认识和理解,结合以上五个问题,请以“How to Be Thankful to Our Parents”为题,写一篇80—100词的英语短文。不能照抄前面已有的材料,文中不能出现真实姓名、学校等信息。

How to Be Thankful to Our Parents

Our parents are the dearest people to us in the world.For me,I have a really happy family because I love my parents very much.

In fact,both my parents in their early forties are still young.My mother is a housewife and my father is a policeman,but they enjoy doing their work.Actually,my mother is beautiful, kind and hard-working.My father is handsome and brave,so I am proud of him.How can we thank our parents? I think we should often help them with housework or farm work and find time to communicate with them,trying our best to understand them.

In my opinion,we should always be grateful to our parents and do all that we can to thank them,do you think so?

Group 13(2016雅安中考)

假如你是 Millie,上星期你们搬家后,你有了属于自己的房间。请你用英语写一篇 80—100 词的短文介绍你的房间。短文开头已经给出,但不计入总词数。可适当发挥。






Last week,we moved a new house.I have my own room now.My__room__is__pink.It__makes__me__feel__comfortable__and__warm.There__is__a__big__and__comfort

able__bed__and__a__desk__in__my__room.And__there__is__a__computer__on__the__desk.I__like__my__room .It__is__the__place__that__we__can__study__and__relax.I__will__clean__my__room__every__day__and__I __can__keep__it__clean__and__tidy.


英语中考英语完形填空及答案经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 A gift is necessary when one is invited to visit friends in China. After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host. Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person who gives 1 . To show the respect, it may be 2 to explain what the gift is. Bringing some nutrients and tonics (营养品、补品) to the elders in the family is a good idea. You can 3 prepare some small gifts for the spouse (配偶) or kids of the host. The host usually makes full 4 by carefully tidying up the house and 5 a lot of delicious dishes. 6 the meal is well prepared, the host may say to the guest politely, "My preparation is not enough, please excuse me for my poor treat." As a guest, you should make the host believe that there is plenty to eat by praising the food. While eating, the elders will use chopsticks to 7 food for guests as a tradition and ask them to eat 8 . As a guest, you should accept their goodwill readily. But nowadays, the younger people do the traditional way less. After dinner, tea and fruit are usually served. When the guests are to leave, the host may still politely ask them to stay. They don't have to take it 9 and they can try to find a good time to leave. This doesn't mean that leaving early is always a good idea as the host may feel that the guests are not satisfied with the treat. Finding the right time to leave 10 the situation. 1. A. it B. them C. that 2. A. necessary B. careful C. comfortable 3. A. too B. also C. either 4. A. plans B. decisions C. preparations 5. A. enjoying B. cooking C. washing 6. A. But B. Although C. Because 7. A. cut up B. eat up C. pick up 8. A. more B. less C. many 9. A. completely B. seriously C. probably 10. A. works out B. sticks to C. depends on 【答案】(1)A;(2)A;(3)B;(4)C;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)B;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是在中国被邀请去做客时时我们应该带些什么礼物,还有做客时我们要注意的一些行为。 (1)代词辨析。句意:记住通常中国人不会在给礼物的那个人面前打开礼物的。根据Chinese people will not open the gift,可知此处礼物是单数名词,上文出现的单数名词在下文出现时用it代替,it它;that那个;them它们,故选A。 (2)形容词辨析。句意:为了表示尊敬,说明礼物是什么是很必要的。根据常识可知,说明礼物表达的意义是很必要的,necessary必要的;careful细心的;comfortable,舒服的,故选A。

【初中英语】2017中考英语命题研究第一部分教材知识梳理篇试题(40份) 人教版2

第七课时八年级(上) Units 4—6 Ⅰ.单项选择。 ( B )1. (2016宜宾中考)Look out!The food on the plate smells________.You can't eat it. A.badly B.bad C.good ( B )2.(2015滨州中考改编)My mother says my friend is similar ________ me,but I think she is different ________ me. A.as; from B.to; from C.to; to ( A )3.(2016青海中考模拟)—Which do young people prefer,music or sports? —Both.Music is ________sports. A.as popular as B.not as popular as C.more popular than ( C )4.(2016黄冈中考)—Your father never shops online.Why's that? —He says they're much ________ but the products are not really good. A.nicer B.cheap C.cheaper ( C )5.(2017原创)The woman made her son ________ finally after she told him some jokes. A.laughed B.to laugh C.laugh ( C )6.(2016西宁中考)—Many boy students think science is________English. —I agree.I'm weak in English. A.much difficult than B.so difficult as C.less difficult than ( B )7.(2016绥化中考)When he______ school,he saw his classmates playing volleyball. A.arrived B.got to C.reach Ⅱ.(2017原创)完形填空。 People may have many different types of hobbies during their lifetime.When we are very young,we __1__most of our time playing with toys.When we get __2__, we start to pursue(追求)our first hobbies.Some kids go out for a sport like football or skating.Some may get __3__in less active activities like reading,painting,or stamp collecting.Some others may enjoy playing an __4__like the piano or the guitar. As we get older,our __5__might change or not.Some people liked collecting stamps as a child.They may still be collecting stamps when they are 80.__6__people might change their interests every year __7__fashion(时尚).Some people are lucky that they have found __8__that are close to(与……相关)their hobbies.For example,they love computers and they become programmers. __9__do people have hobbies? A hobby is to give yourself a rest from your __10__or school.It is something you should do for yourself. ( C )1.A.take B.pay C.spend ( C )2.A.taller B.younger C.older ( A )3.A.interested B.happy C.bored


初中英语中考试卷分析 整套试卷呈现以下几个特点: 1、今年英语试题较前几年来看体现出了“整体稳定,局部调整,稳中求进”的思路,试题形式上保持相对稳定。可能是基于照顾城乡差距取消了听力的考查。 2、试题内容上突出了用英语做事情的理念,依靠情景来完成的题目相对较多,单选,完型,情景交际和单词填空等题型都有体现了英语作为语言工具学科的特点。 3、整套试卷题量以及难度适中,既考查了初中学生英语基础知识,又有一定的区分度,较好地体现了选拔和甄别的功能,对初中英语教学有良好的导向作用。 4、试卷突出地方特性,如写作内容紧紧围绕学生的生活实际,根据广元创建国家旅游城市和广元的旅游来写作,题材熟悉,与学生认知水平相适应。 具体试题分析: 1、单项选择题主要考查学生在特定语境中运用语言知识的能力。考查学生对所学的词汇,语法,短语,日常交际用语等方面的掌握和运用,考点分布广。在很多试题上我们可以明显看出“语境”在确定正确答案时的作用。避免了单纯的为语法学习的现象。 2、完型填空文章选材新颖,语言地道,时代感强,文章长度适中,设空均匀。既考了单词又考短语,兼顾了各种词性的考查。试题的考点主要设在固定短语搭配,语法知识的应用和逻辑推理能力上,充分

体现了对学生综合运用语言能力的考查。 3、阅读理解主要考查学生理解各种题材的能力以及从中获取信息,分析信息,处理信息的能力。这是学生综合语言运用能力的重要方面之一,在试卷中占最大比例。 4、词汇主要考查学生对基本词汇的掌握情况,试题所涉及的都是四会词汇,学生基本能做出来。 5、写作题材贴近学生的生活实际,结合广元作为国家及旅游城市这一题材并给定写作要点写作。降低了难度,便于学生发挥。 不足之处: 整套试卷取消了听力考试,作为语言学科,缺乏听的能力考查,是不健康的英语。 缺乏主观考试题型,建议可增加句型转换,英汉互译题型。 对教学的思考: 夯实基础,加强基础知识点的掌握。 注重英语语言交际的功能,在具体语境中学习英语。 加强听力练习。


英语试题 姓名: 一.选择题(每小题1分,共30分) ( )1. Yesterday _____ 8-year-old boy fell into the river. _____ boy was saved by _____ policeman. A. an, A, a B. an, The, a C. a, The, the ( )2. His home-made cookies look good but taste _______. A. sweet B. well C. terrible ( )3. —Do you know what the word “cool” means? —Of course. It by young people so often these years. A. uses B. is used C. was used D. is using ( )4. Supermarkets are necessary. People usually spend______ time finding things they want, but they usually spend______ money than they want. A. less; less B. fewer; less C. less; more ( )5. Mr. White ______ China for two years. A. has come B. has been in C. came to ( )6. The beautiful music made the kids __.They began to dance to it. A. boring B. bored C. excited ( )7. —____ is your school from Xiu Shan Park? —Not very far. It’s about twenty minutes’ riding. A. How long B. How often C. How far ( )8. Today the forests have almost gone. People must _____down too many trees. A.be stopped from cutting B. stop from cutting C. be stopped to cut ( )9. To be honest, I won’t tell him unless he _________ me. A. asked B. asks C. will ask ( )10. My sister would rather ____at home reading books than _____ on National Day. A. to stay; to travel B. stay; travel C. stay; traveling ( )11. —May we leave the classroom now? —No, you ______. You _______ to leave until the bell rings. A. needn’t; aren’t allowed B. can’t; aren’t supposed C. mustn’t; are allowed ( )12.I find ___ impossible to master a language without much practice. A. this B. that C. it ( )13. You can_____ the new words in the dictionary if you have problems. A. look for B. look over C. look up ( )14. —Did you see him yesterday? —No, when I got to the airport, he a taxi for home. A. has taken B. had taken C. will take ( )15. You look too tired. Why not ______ a rest? A. stop to have B. to stop having C. stop having ( )16.This story talks about a king ____ is called Arthur. A. what B. that C. he ( )17. My grandfather used to__ in the country, so he isn’t used to__ in the cit A. living, live B. living, living C. live, living ( )18. Bob asked his sister ______ . A. where did she put his ticket B. where she put his ticket C.where she puts his ticket ( )19. —I couldn’t get any tickets for the basketball game . —__________. A. What a pity! B. That’s all right. C. All right. ( )20. This interesting book only __ me ten yuan and I __ ten month reading it. A. cost, spent B. spent, costs C. cost, spend ( )21.He knows little about the city as if he _______ there so far. A. isn't B. weren't C . hadn't been ( )22.If you want to get good scores, you should pay attention your teacher in class. A. to B. of C. on ( )23.The boy kept asking silly questions until my patience finally_______and turned a deaf ear to him. A. ran over B. ran away C. ran out ( )24._____other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is _____ student. A. Compared with, a most satisfied B. Compared to, the most satisfied C. Compared with, a more satisfying ( )25. —Did you find your watch yesterday? —No, I didn't find _________, but I've bought _________. A. it, it B. one, one C. it, one ( )26._______ the boy failed many times, he’ll try again. A. As if B. Because C. When D. Even though ( )27.I always go to sleep ___________ the light on. A. in B. with C. to D. and ( )28.On April 14 ,2010,a serious earthquake happened in Yushu. More than 2000 people in it. 1


【英语】英语中考英语完形填空及答案经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate lo walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then I saw 1 talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there I knew fight then that I had 2 my best friend. At dinner, Mom asked. "Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?" I shrugged (耸肩) and said nothing. The next morning. Mom asked. "Today is 3 . What are you and Jemma going to do?" I shrugged again. " 4 is Jemma?" Mom took a look at me. Them she said, "Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?" 5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. But I just went 6 her. Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug. Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a(an) 7 of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table . Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair. "That's Beth Lambert," she said. "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo." I was 8 at that. "Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything 9 . Then one day, she made new friends and said she didn't want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt 10 that." I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I knew I'd start 11 if I opened my mouth. Grandma hugged me again. "Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen to anyone," she continued. "Then, see him?" Grandma's finger 13 to a boy with glasses in the photo. "He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, I said 'hello'. And we became friends." "So, if we want to start a new friendship," she smiled. "One 15 is all it took." As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, "Hello." 1. A. it B. them C. her D. him 2. A. lost B. hurt C. forgotten D. beaten 3. A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday 4. A. How B. Where C. Which D. Who 5. A. As B. Before C. After D. Until 6. A. to B. past C. with D. against 7. A. card B. photo C. poster D. advertisement 8. A. glad B. angry C. satisfied D. surprised 9. A. together B. outside C. differently D. quickly 10. A. less than B. because of C. more than D. instead of

【初中英语】2017中考英语命题研究第3部分中考题型研究篇试题(16份) 人教版10

C篇 话题1文化教育 Passage 1(2016重庆中考改编) 一个母亲给出了一些选择正确学校的建议 When talking about picking a right school,a mother and teacher gave some pieces of advice.In the latest issue(期) of Youth magazine,the mother shared the school advice she gave her daughters with young people across the country. “I've told my daughters many times that I don't want them to choose a name,” the mother said.“I don't want them to think,‘Oh,I should go to these top schools'. We live in a country with hundreds of excellent universities.So the first question is:what's going to work for me?” “When it was time to prepare for picking schools,nobody around me believed I could get into Xiamen University.But through hard work I finally made it,” she continued.“So,my second piece of advice is:believe in yourself,no matter what other people might say.Once your goal is set,you only need to try your best to make it come true.” “The last piece of advice is not to be worried even if your dreams don't come true.As I've said above,there are so many good universities out there.So it's important for everybody to understand that you can always find a university that gives you a great education.” ( C )1.The mother shared her advice ________. A.with her students B.with her husband C.in Youth magazine ( B )2.To explain her second piece of advice,the mother gave ________. A.a story of her daughters B.a story of her own C.some different reasons ( C )3.We can learn from the last paragraph (自然段)that ________. A.we can realize our dream through hard work B.the name of the university isn't the most important C.more than one university can give us a good education ( C )4.The best title of the passage may be “______”. A.Colorful University Life B.Best School Education C.Advice on School Picking 话题2咨询建议 Passage 2(2016湘潭中考) 鼓励人们骑自行车 It is a convenient kind of transportation.It is also great exercise.And it makes a healthy lifestyle.Do you know what it is? Yes,we are talking about biking. Most of us know that biking is a clean and cheap way to get around a city.It not only reduces traffic problems and pollution,but it is also good for people's health.


2002年初中英语中考试卷分析 镇海区教研室王海波 一.具体情况分析 我区2002年共有13所中学共计2545名考生参加英语中考,英语中考的满分值为100分,考生的各档分数段人数分布如下: 分数段 100 90-99 80-90 70-80 60-70 60以下 人数 26 811 505 273 165 772 全区85分优秀率为44.79%,60分以上的合格率为70.2%,全区的平均分为69.69。与2001年中考相比较: 85分以上 优秀率(%) 60分以上 比率(%)平均分 2001年 24.47 76.0 69.66 2002年 44.79 70.02 69.69 从表中可以发现2002年中考的平均分与去年持平,及格率比去年还低了6个百分点,这一情况与以上两年考生的生源状况不同有关。而44.79%的优秀率是有史以来最高的,其中满分考生达到了26名。从这么高的优秀率可以看出今年的试卷难度比去年有明显下降,整卷试题难度值为0.75,这对“毕业、升学两考合一”的考试还是比较适宜的,既保持了较高的合格率,又保持了85分以上的优秀率的比例,也有一定的区分度,仍有利于高一级学校选拔新生。 二.2002年中考试卷的内容特点分析 1.今年试卷题型和题量与2001年完全一致。试卷含听力和笔试两种形式。共设8个大题105道小题,主观题占30%,包括“听短文,填缺词;词汇;补全对话;看图填词”等四个大题。客观题占70%,包括“听对话,回答问题;听选同义句;短文理解;选择填空;口语应用;完型填空;阅读理解等题型。题型设计科学,题量适中。这样有利于教师对这套教材的教学研究,有利于提高教学质量。


初中英语代词中考真题练习题 【人称代词主格】 1. My father is a worker. _____ is very ? kind. A. He B. She C. His D. It 2. -- Pard on please. Whom did you ask to finish the task? — _____ Y ou have other things to do. A. They B. Them C. Theirs D. Themselves 【人称代词宾格】 1. — Our En glish teacher will work for 2017 BRICS Summit ( 金砖峰会)this September. —Great! I am so proud of ______ . A.she B. her C. hers 2.Some childre n in the villages must look after __ A.them B.their C.theirs Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is look ing for A. it B. him C. them 9. Every one makes mistakes in life. The key is not to repeat A. it B. this C. that 1. Each time I listen to Erquan Yingyue, a picture of ____ sad beauty appears in my mind. A.it B.its C.it ' D.itself 2. 一 Excuse me, what ' s your name? 一 _____ n ame is Betty. A. My B. His C. Her D. Your 3. Tom is ___ best friend and I ofte n help ______ w ith his En glish. A.my; him B.I ;he C.my; he D.mi ne;his 4. We Chin ese people are proud of ______ c oun try. A. we B. us C. our D. ours because their pare nts work in the cities. D.themselves. Jim . 3. H is n ame is James, but he usually calls __ A. he B. him C. his 4. — How do you like the famous actor, Jack Chen? —Won derful! I like ____ very much. B. his C. him D. himself A. he D. himself 5.Miss Zhang teachers __ A.our B.we En glish .She is very strict. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7a7149049.html, D.ours. 6. Tha nks for in vit ing A.we B.they 7. - Who's that young man ? -Don't you know _____ ? to your food festival .We really enjoyed ourselves. C.them https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7a7149049.html, He is Song Zhongji, a famous actor .. A . him B . his C . her 8. The headmaster in troduced A. we B. us to the Germa n visitors before the welcome party. C. our D. ours now. aga in. D. them


中考英语完形填空专项训练 (附带答案解析) 1 Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night. One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ mid dle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!” Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his li brary. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?” “I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man. “Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?” “No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!” 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday 3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run 4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories 5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates 6. A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met 7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled 8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad 9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers 10.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at 11.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can


中考英语题型分析及详细分值介绍 一.听力(24分): 1.听对话选择与对话内相符合的图片(4分)1-4题 2.根据对话内容选择正确选项(12分)5-16题 3.独白填空(8分)17-20题 听力内容和生活相关(问路、购物、助人、询问、打电话、饮食、健康)造成听力不好的原因: 1. 自己发音不标准 2. 词汇量少,语法知识匮乏 3. 大脑反应速度慢 4. 不了解外国文化背景 5. 听时有不良习惯,过度放松或紧张 6. 训练内容太难或过易,训练方法不当或缺少练习等 只有找到原因才能对症下药,标本兼治,最好每天都能播放英语磁带,创造英文环境。技巧:注意力集中,有充分时间去阅读听力题 二.语言知识运用(27分) 选择填空(15分)高频考点 1. 代词-(人称\物主代词\名词性物主代词)主格宾格-单三 2. 介词(at in on )多为固定搭配 3. 名词(可数、不可数)单复数people,famliy,foot 等不规则 4. 连词and 和(并列、承接)or 或者、否则so 因此结果but 但是(转折)Study hard,and you’ll pass the exam(承接关系并非因果关系) (中文习惯因为努力学习所以…努力学习并非通过考试的唯一原因) 5. 情态动词:只做情态动词must(needn’t) can-could(can’t-couldn’

t)may-might (mustn’t) 可情可实need(needn’t) 可情可助动will (would) shall(should) 特征:1.非谓语,必须和行为动词或系动词连用 2.无人称和数的变数 3.后接动词的原则 4.疑问句.否定句规则,提前加NOT 5.用法:表示委婉请求时 6.特殊疑问句:what,who,why,which,whom,whose,where,when,what time How long: 多长时间/长度 how often :多久一次(频率) how far :多远的距离 how soon:多长时间以后(将来时) how many :多少(可数复数) how much多少(不可数) 7.形容词\副词(比较级\最高级\多个形容词修饰一个名词) 规则的形容词的比 较级和最高级的用法 8.不定代词any\some\every\no+body\thing\one some others(另一些,不包括所有)the others 其余全部 another 另一个,很多 the other(两者) both:两者都neither两者都不 none 全部否定 all 全部都 both..and谓语动词复数 neither..nor既不也不(就近原则) Either…or (或者或者) 9.非谓语动词:1.不定式 2.动名词 3.分词(高中知识) 1.不定式:ask\tell sb. To do sth. To +原形 注:make ,let, hear, watch等使役动词 感官动词后不定式省略“to”see\hear\watch + sb.do(doing)


2010年九年级英语中考单项选择专项训练 2010-04-29 07:44:56| 分类:英语试题集锦 |字号大中小订阅 1. English _____ in many countries, but Chinese ______ their own language. A. is spoken, speaks B. speaks, is spoken C. is spoken, speak D. is spoken, is spoken 2. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll _______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A. catch up with B. get on well with C. agree with D. make friend with 3. —What would you do _____broken eggs?—I would ask my parents to pay for them____ me. A.about;to B.for;to C.like;to D.with;for 4. A third of the population of the city _____ their own cars. A, has B. have C. had D. is 5. --- How do you like this TV play? --- _________ A. It’s wonderful B. What about you? C. Yes, I like it D. No, I don’t like it at all 6. --- Your sister isn’t a nurse, is she ? --- ______. She teaches English in a middle school. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t C. Yes, she isn’t D. No, she is 7. --- When shall we meet again, this afternoon or tonight? --- I don’t mind. _______ time is OK. A. Either B. Every C. Neither D. Both 8.Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class. A. students B. students C. student's D. students' 9. --- Tom and Jack? I didn’t believe they could do the work. --- ________, but they really did it well. A. So did I B. So I didn’t C. Neither did I D. Me too 10. The conductor kept _______ hot water to us. A. give B. bring C. taking D. giving 11. --- Where do you think _________ he __________ the TV set? --- Sorry. I have no idea. A. /, bought B. has, bought C. did, buy D. did, bought 12. --- Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Who ____ is be? Is it Wei Fang?

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