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1. For my h omework I have to write a(n) about the wonders of the world.

A. music

B. picture

C. composition

D. exam

2. We usually go to school on weekdays, and sometimes go to cinema at weekends.

A. 不填; the

B. the; the

C. the; 不填

D. 不填;不填

3. —Is this ruler?

—No. is over there.

A. her; Her

B. her; Hers

C. hers; Hers

D. hers; Her

4. I some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.

A. spend

B. cost

C. take

D. pay

5. Do you think maths is than English?

A. difficult

B. as difficult

C. more difficult

D. most difficult

6. My grandmother a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here.

A. sees

B. can see

C. will see

D. has seen

7. If it is dark, the lights, please.

A. pick up

B. look at

C. turn on

D. play with

8. Tom’s mother told him eating too much meat.

A. stopping

B. to stop

C. stops

D. stopped

9. Today a lot of information can online.

A. receive

B. be received

C. is received

D. receiving

10. —W ill you please give the dictionary to Jane?

—Sure. I’ll give it to her she arrives here.

A. before

B. until

C. because

D. as soon as

11. I’d like to buy a big and modern house. , I hope it’s in a quite neighborhood.

A. After all

B. Above all

C. As a result

D. At that moment

12. —I hope you’ll have a good journey.


A. Well done

B. Don’t mention it

C. Certainly

D. Thank you very much

13. We’ll plant trees tomorrow, and I don’t know Tom will come and join us.

A. if

B. which

C. what

D. where

14. John is the boy legs were badly hurt in the accident.

A. whose

B. that

C. who

D. which

15. —I’m sorry I broke your coffee cup.


A. You’re welcome

B. I don’t know

C. You’re right

D. It doesn’t matter


Norman Bethune is one of China’s most famous heroes, but he wasn’t Chinese—he was Canadian. He gave his life to helping Chinese people.

Norman Bethune 16 born in 1890. He became a 17 in 1916, and he went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the First World War. He saw many soldiers die in the war. Later he invented new treatments to 18 soldiers, and medical tools to use outside hospitals.

In 1938 he came to China to treat the Chinese soldiers in the mountains north of Yan’an. There were 19 doctors, so he had to work very hard. He opened hospitals to give treatment to local people and soldiers, and to train doctors and nurses. He also wrote books so that doctors can learn about new treatments.

Dr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to 20 . Once, he performed operations 21 69 hours without stopping, and saved 112 people. He 22 working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation. In the end, he died because he did not take care of his 23 .

Dr Bethune’s work with the Chinese soldiers made 24 a hero in China. There are books and films about him, and he is 25 remembered in both Canada and China.

16. A. is B. was C. has been D. be

17. A. doctor B. nurse C. teacher D. worker

18. A. understand B. believed C. help D. count

19. A. little B. few C. much D. many

20. A. rest B. act C. with D. for

21. A. from B. since C. with D.for

22. A. allowed B. continued C. forgot D. stopped

23. A. face B. leg C. foot D. hand

24. A. his B. he C. him D. one

25. A. still B. never C. hardly D. regularly



If you struggle to spend more than a few moments away from your computer then a new invention could be for you.

That’s because a pair of Dutch inventors have developed a set of jeans that give a whole new meaning to the phrase “laptop”.

The jeans,known as Beauty and the Geek,come with a fully functional keyboard,a mouse and speakers integrated into the upper leg of the fabric(织物) and are the idea of design company Nieuwe Heren,run by Erik de Nijs and Tim Smit.

The two Dutch handmade the trousers themselves and they are designed to give a user ease of movement while still being in control of the computer.

“They’re not that heavy,”de Nijs told WebProNews.“With the flexible keyboard,small speakers,and a small mouse,they are only a little heavier than your regular jeans.”

He added,“The idea was that you could log in to your computer and control it without sitting in a closed environment behind your desk.”

The jeans are of a modern style and have a back pocket that has been specially designed to cover the mouse,which uses an elastic wire to stay attached.

They stay connected to the laptop via wireless technology in a USB device and are expected to sell at around £250—if they ever make it onto the market.

De Nijs added,“The whole project is too complex and we don’t have enough money right now to get it ready for the market.”

1.What’s the purpose of designing the jeans?

A.To make users move freely while controlling the computer.

B.To make jeans fashionable.

C.To control it sitting in a closed environment.

D.To see well.

2.Which one is NOT the character of the jeans?

A.A flexible keyboard.

B.Small speakers and a small mouse.

C.A modern style with a back pocket.

D.Much heavier than common jeans.

3.We can conclude from the passage that ________.

A.the kind of jeans should be made by hand

B.the jeans have been sold at around £250

C.the mouse doesn’t use a wire

D.the project is too difficult and the inventors are short of money

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Two computers inventors.

B.Newly invented Laptops.

C.New jeans with a built-in keyboard,a mouse and speakers. D.The wireless technology.


本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(主观题)和答题卷三部分。请用2B铅笔将第一卷的答案规范地填涂在机读卡上,用蓝黑墨水笔将第二卷答案规范地写在答题卷上。满分150分,考试用时150分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共30分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列加点字注音全都正确的一项是() A.煤屑(xiè)踱步(duò)霎时(shà)袅娜(nuó)梵婀玲(fán) B.癖好(pǐ)明眸(móu)混沌(dùn)落蕊(ruǐ)廿四桥(gān) C.平仄(zè)譬如(pì)落枕(luò)柘木(zhè)残垣断壁(yuán) D.蓓蕾(bèi)蕈菌(xùn)瞥见(piē)倜傥(tì)桀骜不驯(xùn) 2.下列词语中字形没有错误一项是 A. 闲睱镶嵌攀缘巫筮无与士耽 B. 座落陨落掂量风姿没精打采 C. 颤栗厮打萧萦遐迩游目骋怀 D. 缥渺宣泄斑驳点缀不容置喙 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( ) ( 2分) A.这种大肆砍伐森林来发展工业的行为,无异于杀鸡取卵,涸辙之鲋,严重破坏了生态平衡。B.从下午拿到任务后,研究所全体员工夙兴夜寐,连夜奋战,终于在第二天早上拿出了科学的行动方案。 C.张大爷和他弟弟都九十多岁了,尽管都满头白发,但身子骨都还硬朗,像这样白头偕老的亲弟兄,现在还真不多见。 D.春晚后,刘谦的魔术一跃成为虎年网络的第一问,各种“揭秘”的版本也层出不穷。4.下列各句中.没有语病的一句是( ) ( 2分) A.长期的睡眠不足,会使人体生物钟功能失调,正常的生活节奏发生紊乱,从而促使人早衰和引发某些不必要的疾病。 B.据《环球时报》报道,中国谈判代表连续两天在哥本哈根对美欧日进行了直接点名式的批评,一向在媒体面前低调的中国此次的直率受到关注。 C.虽然在西方发达国家,中学校长向大学推荐优秀学生的现象很普遍,但在当下中国,把推荐的权力交给校长,谁又能确保他们是否为权钱而动? D.“贾君鹏,你妈妈喊你吃饭”这个帖子可能因为太好玩了,很快网友们转至各大网站,很多不明真相的网友纷纷问“贾君鹏是何许人也”,但没有任何人出来解答。 5.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是 近几十年来,,,,,,。随着中国国力的增强,关于中国的国际地位、作用和责任的讨论方兴未艾。 ①也高于同时期世界的平均水平 ②中国日益成为世界关注的焦点 ③现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就 ④中国的综合实力大幅度提高 ⑤尽管对增长的原因有不同的看法,然而谁也无法否认增长的事实


2009年蓟县初中毕业生学业考试英语模拟试卷 题号第Ⅰ卷第II卷总分 得分 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共75分) 一、听力理解(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,计30分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。 找出与你所听到句子相匹配的图画。 ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4.

A. B. C. B)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的A、B、C三个答语。找出能正确回答你所听到那个问句的答案。 ( ) 5. A. At six o’clock. B. In class. C. Every day. ( ) 6. A. I’m afraid not. B. Sorry, you can’ t. C. Excuse me. ( ) 7. A. Boring B. Modern C. Nature . ( ) 8. A. Yes, never B. No, never C. Yes, I haven’t ( ) 9. A. In 1995. B. Since 1995. C. Twenty years ago. ( ) 10. A. Yes, we don’t B. No, we do. C. No, we don’t. ( ) 11. A. 3 yuan. B. 3 times. C. 3 meals. ( ) 12. A. Here you are. B. No, thanks. C. No, I don’t. ( ) 13. A. You’re very kind. B. You’re welcome. C. Sorry, I’m a stranger here. s a good idea. C. I think it’s 10 yuan. ( ) 14. A. By bike. B. It’ C)下面你将听到10组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的三A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 ( ) 15. How many girls are there in this class? A. Twenty-five B. Fifteen C. Ten ( ) 16. What are they going to do on Saturday evening? A. Go shopping B. See a film C. Climb the mountain ( ) 17. What are the family doing for Sping Festival this year, Lingling? A. Painting the door. B. Sweeping. C. Cooking ( ) 18. What is Daming going to do on Sunday? A. He doesn’t know. B. He’s going to get up early. C. He’s going to have a picnic . ( ) 19. What sport does Tony like ? A. Table tennis B. Basketball C. Basketball and gymnastics. ( ) 20. What are they talking about? A. The meeting. B. The film. C. The weather. ( ) 21. Where was Betty born?


全国高等院校运动训练、武术与民族传统专业考试模拟题 (华一体育) 英语 I.单项选择(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. ----Could you carry this box of books for me? -----______, but I have a pain in my back. A. That’s easy B. I’d like to C. I’ll help you D. No problem 2. Jennie is the kind of person you ______love or hate. A. both B. either C. all D. only 3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that _____ be used to cut wood with. A. must B. should C. could D. need 4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_____. A. arrived B. will arrive C. is arriving D. arrives 5.______ he left school at 16, he still managed to become a very successful business man. A. Unless B. Even though C. As if D. Until 6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family _______. A. to support B. supporting C. support D. supported 7. The fish tasted good. I mean it is ______. A. available B. delicious C. warm D. cheap 8. I’ll have Hudson _____ you to your room. A. take B. took C. taken D. to take 9. You are standing ______. Would you mind moving aside? A. by the way B. on the way C. in the way D. off the way 10. Peter found a note on the door, _______ him to go to the teacher’s office immediately. A. tell B. told C. telling D. to tell 11. In the city, the prices of vegetables are ______ than those of meat. A. higher B. highest C. the highest D. high 12. Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week, ______ with four years ago. A. compares B. compared C. comparing D. to compare 13. You did well in the math exam; you _______ have done a good job of preparing for it. A. will B. should C. would D. must 14. A successful man is one who had a chance and ______it. A. put B. gave C. took D. brought 15. When the heavy storm started, john and his family _____the area. A. had left B. leave C. have left D. will leave 16. Mary has got herself into a situation_____ she can turn to nobody for help. A. why B. where C. while D. which


GRE英语考试模拟试卷22试卷 [模拟] 120 选择 第1题: A serious critic faces a dilemma: he must recognize the artistic element of uniqueness that________subjective reaction; yet he must not be unduly________by such a reaction. A.requires ... prejudiced B.denies ... limited C.warrants ... repelled D.invalidates ... attracted E.repudiates ... approbated 第2题: Childhood memoirs often gain their poignancy through a sense of displacement: each lesson in experience is accompanied by a loss of________. A.perspective B.innocence C.veracity D.pessimism E.probity 第3题: Although scientists have long________the human appendix as________organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the body''s immune system. A.overestimated ... a minor B.discounted ... a vestigial C.valued ... a major D.ignored ... a pivotal E.studied ... an inaccessible


考单招上高职单招网---- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 2017年辽宁单招英语模拟试题及答案 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. –How do you find your new classmates? – Most of them are kind, but ____ is so good to me as Bruce. A. none B. no one C. every one D. some one 答案是A。考查代词的用法。根据but一词确定应该从A、B中挑选。有一定范围的用none,相当于none of my new classmates。no one不必有这种范围。22. ______ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the check in the car. A. Waiting B. To wait C. Having waited D. To have waited 答案是C。考查非谓语动词的用法。根据the old man与wait之间的关系,应该选择-ing形式,再根据句意得知他是先"wait " 后才"realize"。所以先发生的动作应该选完成式的Having waited。 23. A great man shows his greatness _____ the way he treats little man. A. under B. with C. on D. by 答案是D。考查介词的用法。“借助某种方法和手段”常用“by ”; 而"with" 强调使用工具,常与 with this method 搭配。 24. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _____ be rather cold sometimes. A. must B. can C. should D. would 答案是B。考查情态动词的用法。从but,sometimes来推测,句子应选择能表示“可能”的情态动词can。 25. So far this year we ______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. A. saw B. see C. had seen D. have seen 答案是D。考查动词时态的用法。So far“迄今为止”,So far this year迄止到今年应该与现在完成时连用。 26. In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _____ to people greeting him.


2012年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一 招生考试英语真题 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I单项选择 1、I need someone to help out at the study center. OK,I ______ . A may Bmust Cwill D should 2、The fish taste good,I mean its _______ . AavailableBdelicious Cwarm Dcheap 3、Excuse me, __________ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf . AavailableBdelicious C warm Dcheap 4、Thisis thethird prizeshe_____ thisyear. A wins B won Cis winningDhas won 5、Could you drop some books off at the library for me? Ago ahead Bwith pleasure CIdo Dthank you 6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_______ prefer eating meat. Athe other Bthe others Cothers Danother 7、I will have Hudson ________ you to your room. Atake Btook Ctaken D to take 8、Have you ever been to the city ________ they talked about the other day?Awhen B what Cwhere Dthat 9、You are standing _______ ,Would you mindmoving aside? Aby the way Bon the way C in the wayDoff the way 10、I have notheard frommy brother for a long time,what do you think _______to him ? Ahappens Bhappened Chas happened Dhad happened 11、She ________ comes. I mean she did not ,does not,or will not come at any time . Anever Bsometimes Cseldom Doften 12、Isyour camera like Bill's or Ann's? No,but it's almost the same as________. A.theirs B.yours C.mine D. Hers 13、Peter found a note on the door, ______him to go to the teacher's office immediately. Atell Btold Ctelling Dto tell 14、Mr Smith ,can I use ________department'scar? Sure,if you can find _______key .it has been missing for three days. Athe。不填B不填;the Cthe;the DThe;a 15、Modern technology has _______great change in our life. Abrought up Bbrought out Cbrought back Dbrought about


一、语文知识(每小题4分,共40分) 1.下列词语加横线的字的读音,与所给注音相同的一组是() A.着zháo 着急着数着凉不着痕迹 B.和hè唱和附和和诗曲高和寡 C.落luò落魄涨落落枕丢三落四 D.泊bó飘泊湖泊停泊淡泊名利 2.下列各组词语中,有错别字的一组是()A.灌注全神贯注截流开源节流 B.直言仗义执言长年常年累月 C.背景离乡背井终身奋斗终生 D.委屈委曲求全事故人情世故 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 () 从信息角度看,真话和假话同样可以具有最大的信息量。_____从社会角度看,______具有一定信息量而又切题的真话, ______可能获得最佳效果,具有一定信息量而又切题的假话,表达效果等于零。这是人所皆知的常识,______是语言表达最重要的原则之一。 A.但是只有才也 B.因为只要就也C.因为只有才却 D.但是只要就却 4.下列各句加横线成语的使用,恰当的一句是() A.我虽然没见过这位作者,但每读他的作品,总有一种似.曾相识 ...的感觉 B.刘老师当班主任二十多年,勤勤恳恳,日理万机 ....,不幸积劳成疾。 C.他俩50年前是好朋友,没想到半个世纪之后在他乡萍. 水相逢 ...,真是喜出望外。 D.在球迷的呼吁下,教练使用了巴乔,他在赛场上果然深. 孚众望 ...,多次挽救了意大利队。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()A.有些青少年不喜欢过传统节日而热衷于过洋节,这和我们的传统节日越来越缺少热闹的气氛不能不说一点关系 没有。 B.在一年一度的祭祀孔子的大典上,有些祭祀礼仪的表演变成了闹剧.这遭到了海外有识之士的批评。


Unit 5 Part 6 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1.Some of the villages rarely see tourists and even the visitors are treated like VIPs. Correct answer: humble 2.He was a person; he did not wish people to think that he was better than others. Correct answer: humble 3. Though not generally thought of as a serious handicap (缺陷) in physical terms, eczema (湿疹) has crippled some people's lives because of its effects. Correct answer: nevertheless 4.But there are many good things here; powerful drawings, which impress the audience.

Correct answer: nevertheless 5. With cries of delight, the ladies of the theatre gathered round the old man, loudly that they had never seen anything so pretty. Correct answer: exclaiming 6.He stopped, in surprise, so we gathered round as he scraped the floor with his finger. Correct answer: exclaiming 7. At the same time, senior union officials will meet regularly with top executives to over the future of the entire company. Correct answer: chew 8. He started to repair his car himself, but realized he had bitten off more than he could Correct answer: chew 9. He leaned over and reached for her, his arms wrapping around her waist, but she his hands away. Correct answer: slapped


英语考试形式与试卷结构 1.答卷方式:闭卷、笔试 2.考试时间:120分钟、试卷满分150分。 3.考试题型:第一卷为客观性试题(100分):包括多项选择、完形填空、阅读理解; 第二卷为主观性试题(50分):采用单词填空、完成句子(或完成对话)、书面表达(英语写作)。 4.答题方式:试卷分为试题和答题纸两部分,考生应将答案写在答题纸上。 试卷内容比例:词汇与语法结构约20%、完形填空约20%、阅读理解约30%、综合运用约30% 试卷题型比例:客观题型约67%、主观题型约33% 试卷难以比例:容易题50%、较易题40%、较难题10% 试卷认识层次比例:识记约60%、理解约25%、掌握约15%

数学考试大纲: 体育单招数学考试主要内容为代数、几何、解析几何三个分科,起考试内容的知识要求、能力要求和个性品质要求有一下内容: (一).考试知识要求 1.了解:要求对所学只是内容有初步的了解、感性认识,知道内容是什么,并在相关的问题中识别它。 2.理解和掌握:要求对所学只是有较深刻的掌握、能够推理、变形和推断,并能利用只是解决有关问题。 3.灵活和综合运用:要求系统地掌握只是的内在联系,能运用只是解决和分析教复杂的问题。(二).考试内容 1.平面向量考试内容:向量、向量的加减法、实数与向量的积、平面向量的坐标表示,线段的定比分点、平面向量的数量积、平面两点的距离、平移 2.集合,简易逻辑考试内容:集合、子集、交集、补集、交集、并集 3.函数,映射、函数的单调性、奇偶性,反函数及图像关系,对数的运算、对数函数 4.不等式的基本性质、证明、解法,含绝对值的不等式 5.三角函数,单位圆中的三角函数、正余弦函数、正切函数及其图像,正弦定理、余弦定理。 6.数列:等差、等比数列及其通向公式,前N项和公式 7.直线和圆的方程,直线的倾斜角和斜率,点斜式和两点式、一般式平行线与垂直的关系,点到线的距离。 8.圆锥曲线方程:椭圆的几何性质和参数方程,双曲线、抛物线的标准方程和基本性质。 直线、平面、简单几何体,直线和平面的判定,距离,三垂线定理。 10.排列组合:排列、数列数公式,组合、组合数公式,二项式定理展开式。 11.概率,随机事件的概率、可能性事件的概率。


语文模拟试卷(一) 一、语文知识(每小题4分,共40分) 1.下列各组词语中划线的字,读音全都相同的一项是() A.供应提供供认不讳口供 B.搪塞边塞敷衍塞责瓶塞 C.积累累及罪行累累连累 D.桂冠冠军沐猴而冠弹冠 2.下列各组词语中,书写完全正确的一项是() A.恰谈明察秋毫法网恢恢海角天崖 B.赡养直言不讳高屋建瓴精神涣散 C.凋蔽一蹶不振返朴归真飞扬跋扈 D.部署破釜沉舟锋芒必露如洪气势 3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() ⑴政协委员们建议市政府要建立与首都地位、作用相适应的功能齐全的传染病救治中心,以________突发公共卫生事件。 ⑵大型盆景可以用来________强烈的视觉感而成为室内焦点,在家具较少的客厅里,还可以成为填补空间的重要角色。 ⑶像其他国家的大城市一样,这里也是高楼林立,交通拥挤。大都市的喧嚣________给人以繁华之感,________难免有时会让人感到烦躁。 A.应付营造即使╱也 B.应对创造即使╱也 C.应付创造尽管╱但 D.应对营造尽管╱但 4.下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一项是() A.为什么孔子和孟子之间会有这样一段距离为什么春秋阶段与战国阶段会有这样巨大的差别 B.请说说,你在台上装腔作势是出于内心需要还是为了满足低档观众的需求 C.“这次考试成绩很不理想,什么原因呢同学们!”陈老师严肃地说。 D.一段时间以来,中国足协成为国人关注的焦点;其实,谁来接掌足协,他所面临的最大问题都是如何以积极有效的措施来挽救中国足球 5.下列各句中划线熟语的使用,不正确的一项是()

A.面对这一次训练事故,教练一边安慰大家好好养伤尽快投入训练,一边强调不要好了伤疤忘了疼。 B.局领导在运动会上特别指出,开始全新的训练科目时,总得有一些摸着石头过河的勇气与作为。 C.总教练提醒运动员加强常规训练,目的在于引导大家适度推进训练计划,不能指望毕其功于一役。 D.俗话说的好丑媳妇早晚要见公婆,因此没必要遮遮掩掩我们突出的训练效果,我们应该大胆去宣传。 6.下列各句中划线的成语的使用,不恰当的一项是() A.教练说面对纷至沓来的训练报告,要善于寻找其间的联系,这样才能帮助我们形成针对性的训练对策。 B.一经开幕式上的同场亮相环节,我立刻就意识到,那原以为能够力压群雄的参赛作品真的是相形见绌了。 C.尽管我们队在全国排球联赛中已经连续两次获得冠军,但是正所谓欲壑难填,我们希望还能够获得第三次胜利。 D.面对省队全新的训练环境和训练难度,我一度觉得迷迷糊糊的,有了主教练及时引导,我才豁然开朗起来。 7.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是() A.海洋资源的开发利用,无疑是人类走出人口剧增、资源枯竭、环境恶化困境以及未来发展的重要出路。 B.由于他并不明了对方底细,所以感觉总是游移不定:觉得那人时而高明,时而又觉得那人有些名不副实。 C.高校能够自主决定是否预留少量机动指标的招生举措,可以缓解甚至解决招生中各地上线生源不平衡。 D.有些运动员在比赛前出现失眠、烦躁等异常现象,往往是因为过于看重训练成绩、过于看重奖牌。 8.在横线处填入下列句子或短语,顺序最恰当的一项是() ,,,,。 我回到四叔的书房时,瓦楞上已经雪白,房里也映得较光明,极分明的显出壁上


大学英语(B)考试 考试内容与要求 【语法】考生应较好地掌握基本的英语语法知识,并能在交际中较正确地加以运用。 【词汇】考生应认知3 000个单词,并熟练掌握其中的1 800个单词及其基本的搭配。 【交际能力】考生应掌握日常生活常见情景中的基本交际用语。 【阅读】考生应能读懂与日常生活和社会活动相关的不同类型的文字材料,包括应用文、描述文、记叙文、说明文和议论文等,阅读速度为每分钟50个单词。考生应能: 1.理解主旨要义; 2.理解文中具体信息; 3.根据上下文推测生词词义; 4.进行有关的判断、推理和引申,理解作者的意图、观点或态度。 【翻译】考生应能在10分钟内将3个难度适中的英文句子翻译成中文。考生应能: 1. 对英语原文有准确的理解; 2. 做到译文通顺、达意。 【写作】考生应能在30分钟内写出长度不少于80词的常见应用文及一般的叙述文、说明文或议论文。考生应能: 1.用较正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点进行表达; 2.基本做到内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚; 3.根据不同的写作目的进行有针对性的写作。

题型示例 大学英语(B)模拟试卷 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。 1.—Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? —_________________________ A. Who are you? B. Who’s there? C. Who could I help? D. Who’s speaking? 2. —I believe we’ve met somewhere before. —No, ____________________. A. it isn’t the same B. it can’t be true C. I don’t thi nk so D. I’d rather not 3~5 (略). 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。 Passage 1 The United States covers a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are Canada to the north andMexico to the south. Although the United States is a big country, it is not the largest in the world. In 2000, its population was over 222 million. When this land first became a nation, after winning its independence from England, it had thirteen states. Each of the states was represented on the American flag by a star. All these states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 stars. In 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states ofAlaska and Hawaii. Indians were the first people of the land which is now the United States. There are still many thousands of Indians now living in all parts of the country. Sometimes it is said that the Ind ians are “the only real Americans”. Most Americans come from all over the world. Those who came first in greatest numbers to make their homes on the eastern coast of North America were mostly from England. It is for that reason that the language of theUnited States is English and that its culture and customs are more like those of England than those of any other country in the world. 6. Which of the following is TRUE? A. America is the largest country in the world.


2020职业学校单招英语模拟试题 11.The problem is _____the pupils from accidents after school. A. how can we protect B. that protect C. how to protect D. we protect 12. Do you think a large city is a good place___? A. to live B. to live in C. live D. living 13. The football match was cancelled _____the heavy snow. A. because B. because of C. but D. so 14. It is necessary _____the growth of population.. A. to protect B. to limit C. to limited D. protected 15. It is time ____those houses and to start new ones. A. to stop to build B. stopping to build C. to stop building D. stop building 16.It’s difficult _____me to sing. It’s very kind__ you to help me. A. for; for B. of;of C. of; for D. for; of 17. May I take this book out?No,you___. A. can’t B. may not C needn’t D. aren’t 18.Can you speak Japanese ?----No, I ______.


2011 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业 单独统一招生考试英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第一、第二两卷第一卷三大题,满分120分;第二卷两大题.满分30分,共150 分。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I.单项选择(共20小题;每小题2 分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。 1.-Could you carry this box of books for me? __________but 1 have a pain in my back. A.That 's easy B.I 'd like tou C.I'll help you D.No problem 2.Jennie is kind of person you_______ love or hate. A.both B.either C.all D.only 3.In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that_______ be used to cut wood with. A.must B.should C.could D.need 4.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_________ A.arrived B.will arrive C.is arriving D.arrives 5.___________he left school at 16,he still managed to become a very successful business-man. A.Unless B.Even though C.As if D.until 6.Stene works very hard because he ha abie family ________ A.to support B.supporting C.support D.sopported 7.Frank was very disappointed because he_________the chance to win the game. A.Will lose B.lose C.has lost D.had lost 8.My watch stopped,had I was late _________ school this morning. A.to B.for C.at D.in 9.She must have missed the train ,________she would be there by now. A.meanwhile B.otherwise C.sometimes D. therefore 10._______The Emperor’s New Clothes ,we all found it quite interesting. A.To read B.Reading C.Having read D.Read


2019年单招语文模拟试题(一)【含答案】 一、(每小题9分,共15分) 1.阅读下面一段文字,完成下列各题。 眼前是一条(湮没/隐没)于高草中的水道,宽度似刚容得一条小船通过,伸手可触岸边湿漉漉的树根。两岸茁壮的竹林、茂密的苇丛,①。竹叶扶疏,树影婆娑,水气缭绕,不禁让人遐想,如果是落英缤纷的春天,在这样的水流中漂泊,该是怎样惬意和妙曼。偶有几株高昂的松树,突兀地立于高地,透出一种桀骜不训的骨气。 船儿(径自/径直)往前,一阵异香袭来,只见一棵棵有着百年树龄的古香樟树依次伫立在水边,②,一下子幽暗下来。在那段悠长的航道里,小船贴着盘根错节的树根和厚实湿润的青苔缓缓滑行,天空消失在树冠里,水巷消失在树荫里,那一刻已不知自己身在何处。 水路渐宽,船过浪涌,漫过了泥岸的水线,又缓缓退去。船上发动机的声音戛然而止,像是屏息静气一般,船身无言地滑过,水面静寂无声。船声复起,船儿在水面上划出长长的弧线,前方豁然开朗,(视线/视野)所及,一片连天的碧水,饱满得像是要溢出来。 (1)文中加点字的注音和加点词语的字形,都正确的一项是____ A.惬(qiè)水气缭绕B.苔(tái)落英缤纷 C.冠(guān)桀骜不训D.戛(gā)盘根错节 (2)依次选用文中括号里的词语,最恰当的一项是____ A.湮没径自视线 B.湮没径直视野 C.隐没径直视线 D.隐没径自视野 (3)在文中两处横线上依次填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是____ A.①散发出潮湿的霉气②水路顿时被树叶的浓影遮蔽了 B.①散发出潮湿的霉气②树叶的浓影顿时遮蔽了水路 C.①潮湿的霉气散发出来②树叶的浓影顿时遮蔽了水路 D.①潮湿的霉气散发出来②水路顿时被树叶的浓影遮蔽了。 二、选择题(共2小题,每小题3分,满分6分) 2.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都正确的一项是() ①随着社会的发展,传统的支付方式历久弥新,在交易过程中,支付宝支付、微信支付等新兴的网络支付方式逐渐成为人们的首选。 ②韩国政府全然不顾民意,对中、俄等国的忠告也充耳不闻,执意引进“萨德”反导系统,致使朝鲜半岛局势空前紧。 ③尽管娃哈哈集团的销售额已在同行业中遥遥领先,董事长宗庆后却仍然不胜其烦地走访了上千家经销商,时刻与他们保持着密切的沟通。 ④因主创人员对军事生活缺乏足够的了解,一些抗战题材的影视剧往往粗制滥造,乏善可,难以给观众留下深刻印象。 ⑤他俩虽然家庭经济条件相差很大,性格特点迥然不同,却成为最亲密的朋友,一有时间就凑在一起,简直是形影不离,难分难解。 ⑥成功的绚烂与美好只是岁月长河里的惊鸿一瞥,普通与平淡才是生命的主旋律,所以我们应该坦然地去面对每一天。 A.①③⑤B.①④⑥C.②④⑤D.②③⑥

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