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July and August are the months of fun-filled activities for ki ds and teenagersas long as you know where to find them。 When y ou want some fun activities, consider these ideashappening in the months.


DaqianMuseum has over 1000 pieces on display here. Come and se e the whole of Chinese history!

Place:Daqian Museum

Date:July1-August 31

Price:¥50(half for students)

Time:Monday to Friday:8:30 am—5:30 pm

Weekends:9:00 am—8:00 pm

Tel:487—6887 The Search for Life:Are We Alone?

Time:Friday, July11, 2016,2:00 pm


Children(order 15years):$8。70

Bookings:Phone the booking office:488-2768

Address:Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Note:Are we truly alone in space?Is there any life out there?These are the questions asked in this show。


Time:9:00 am—17:30 pm

Address:16 Xinhua Street


Free exams for those over 70.

Give you good advice to keep healthy!

An Exciting Trip

Have you a wonderful trip! You will enjoythe pleasure of the f erry and see the fantastic city nights.

Place:Hong Kong

Date:July 2-July 7

Price:¥170 a day


( ) 1. You can visit Show-Daqian Museumon ________.

A. Monday 6:00pm

B. Wednesday8: 00 am

C. Saturday8: 30 am D。 Sunday 2: 30pm

( )2. One can get free exams in Health Centre if heis ________。

A.73 B。67 C.27 D。15

() 3. Den Qiang is strongly interested in spacelife. He may go to________.

A. Show Daqian Museum B.The Search for Life

C. Health Centre D。An Exciting Trip

( ) 4.Mr.Zhang and his 10—year—old son want to visit Hong Kong. How much should they pay?

A.¥340 B.¥1020 C.¥2040 D。¥2380

( ) 5。What dothe four activities have in common?

A. They are allfree。

B。 They happen in the same place.

C。They canallbe booked by phone.

D。They are all weekend activities.

Doctors have studied sleepfor many years. It is said that a lot happens when people sleep. It is reportedthat people have f ive stages of sleep and that people may go through each stage about ever y90minutes.

During the first two stages,yousleep lightly. That is, i fsomeone calls you orputs his hands on you, youwakeup quickl y. Your body rests quietly. Yourheart beat slowly. You breathe mo re slowly than when you are awake.

During stages three and four, you sleep deeply.Yo u don't hear sounds. Lightdon’t wake you up。Your heart bea ts more slowly than in stages one and two.The laststage of sleep is called Rapid Eye Movement. During REM sleep,you breathe faste r,and your heartbeats faster than in stage one through four. Your eyes moverapidlyunderyoureyelips。 All of this happens because you are dreaming. What doctors have proved is that everyo ne dreams。

( ) 6. The best title forthepassage is ______.

A. How to sleep B。 What is REM sleep

C.FiveStages of sleep D. The Importance of sleep

( )7. During stages one and two,________.

A。wewakeup easily B。 we don’t want to wakeup

C。we breathe quickly D.we don’t wake upeasil y

() 8。When we sleep deeply, _______.

A.we canhardly breathe

B. wecan hearsounds

C。 our hearts beat faster and faster

D. neither sounds nor lights can wakeus up easily ( ) 9.The Rapid Eye Movement showsthat______.

A。 wewant to wake up B。we can hear so me calling

C。 our eyes are under the eyelids D. we are dreaming

( ) 10. Which of the following is true?

A. Five stagesof sleep usually takes 90 minutes。

B. Youreyelids sometimes openduring REM sleep/。

C。Sometimes we maygo from the last stage of sleep to t he first one.

D. It is proved that we all dream during sleep.

第二节(共5小题 ,每小题2分,满分10分)


Agarden that's just right for you

Have you ever visiteda gardenthatseemed just right for you,wherethe atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more tha nthe sum(总和) of its parts?__16__.But it doesn't happen byaccident。It starts with lookinginsideyourself and understanding who you are with respect to the naturalworld and h ow you approach thegardening process。


Some people may think that a gardenis no more thanplants,flowers,patterns and masses of colour.Others are concernedabo ut using gardening methods that require less water and fewerfertilizers (肥料).__18__.However,there are a numberof other reasons that might explain why you want to garden.One of them comes from our earliest years.

Recall (回忆) your childhood memories

Our modelof what a garden should beoftengoes back to childhood.Grandma's rose garden and Dad’s vegetable garden might begoodor bad, but that's not what's important.__19__—how being in thosegardens made us feel.If you’d liketobuild a powerful bond with yourgarden,startby taking some time to rec allthe gardensof youryouth.__20__。Then go outside andw

ork out a planto translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden.Have fun.

A.Know whyyou garden

B.Find a goodplace for your own garden

C.It's our experience of the garden that matters

D。It’s delightful to see so many beautiful flowers

E.Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and closet


F。You can produce that kind of magicalquality in your owng arden,too

G。Foreach of those gardens, write down the strongest me mory you have




Today Miss White , our history teacher, asked us tomake a poster in groups about the culturethatwe were studying. We we re toldto write the names of the friends that we wanted in onegroup and Miss White wouldthink about our16。_______.

The next day, Miss White told me to be in a group thatIwoul d 17._____ like .The boy did too badly in English, and the two gir ls often wore strange clothes. Oh, how I wanted to be withmy good friends!

After class, I 18。_____to MissWhite’s office 。She lo oked at me and seemed to know what I was therefor。 I toldher I sh ould be in the“good” group. She smiled and gently (轻轻地) put a ha nd on my shoulder (肩膀). “Iknowwhat you want, Ann,but don't 19。______it ,” she said,“I know your groupneedsyou。 I need you to help them. Only you can help them。” I was surprised and m oved. Her words gave me 20._____. I wouldn’t be afraid of it.“Will you help them?” Miss Whiteasked。“Yes,”I replied。 T hen I bravely walked over to my group. I sat down and we starte d. Each ofus did a part21。______ our interests. Halfwaythrough the week, I felt 22._____ enjoying our group.We did agood job together。 My group members weren't thought tobe goodjust b ecause no one cared enough about them 23.______MissWhite。

24._____, our group got an A. But I think we should give the A back to Miss White。She was theone who should truly receive

it。We knew we couldn'twin withoutMiss White . Her words and smile 25._______ usto show our potential (潜能) .

()16。 A。classes B。books C. choices D。cultures

( )17.A。oftenB. never C。always D。sometimes

( )18。 A。 agreed B。 continued C. hurried D。managed

()19. A. worry aboutB。cut down C. laugh at D. learn from

( )20. A.mistakes B. courage C。 pain D. discussion

( )21.A。 according to B. connect to C. in order to D. so as to

()22。 A. yourself B。 myself C. herself D. himself

()23. A. around B。with C。for D。 exc ept

()24。 A.Exactly B. Hardly C. Nearly D。 Fi nally

( )25. A.reached B。realized C。encouraged D. punished


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

It was Sunday morning. BusNo.1 was going along Binjia ng Road.All the passengers on the bus were happy because th ey canenjoy a nice day .

Suddenly the driver saw 26._______ old man lying onthe sideof the road . A woman next to him was 27._____ for a ride。 The bus driver stopped the bus and asked the woman what happened. She said t hat the man had a heart problem and he should go to see a 28._____at once 。 The driver knew he had to help the old who are in 29。______ of help。 He told the passengers toget off and wait 30._____the next bus.But to hissurprise,they all agreed 31.______go with him。 Some passengers helped the bus driver to mov e the manonto the bus.

Thanks to the bus driver andthe passengers, thedoctors saved the manin time。 Now manypeopledon’t wantto helpothers 32.______they don’t want to get into any trouble 。But thedriver didn’t think about the trouble 。 He only thought about howto try33._____ best to help others.

As we all know,helping and taking good careof the old is one of good Chinese traditions .If everyonecan give a34。_____to help others , our world will become 35._____ more harmon ious (和谐的)。



文中共有10处语言错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉. 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attentions, please?In Saturday, July27th,there will haveafewvisits to different places。 Everyone is welcomed. Allthe visitors will be divided into fourgroups。Each group of visitors can visit oneof the place – a f actory, a farm,a school or a hospital. Please yousign your name at the Service Desk before9:00 a.m. and saywhat place you wish to visit。We’ll set out after the breakfast at 8 and we will return in theafternoon。 We will have lunch atplace of visit.

We hope youapleasant journey. That’ s all。

Thank you.

第二节书面表达 ( 25分 )

我市正在创建文明城市(Builda CivilizedCity), 看到上面的短文后,请结合下面的内容提示,以“Take Actions to Build a Civilized City"为题,写一篇80个词左右的演讲稿。(开头已给出,但不计入总词数,文中不能出现真实姓名和校名,请将答案填写在答卷相应的位置上。)



2. 我们应该怎样做,请列出三点建议。

3. 号召大家立即行动,积极参与.

Take Actions to Build a Civilized CityHello, everyone,

Aswe all know, our governmentencouragesus to help build a civilizedcitytheseyears 。
