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1. The advantage of the index model, compared to the Markowitz procedure, is the

vastly reduced number of estimates required. In addition, the large number of

estimates required for the Markowitz procedure can result in large aggregate

estimation errors when implementing the procedure. The disadvantage of the index model arises from the model’s assumption that return residuals are uncorrelated.

This assumption will be incorrect if the index used omits a significant risk factor.

2. The trade-off entailed in departing from pure indexing in favor of an actively

managed portfolio is between the probability (or the possibility) of superior

performance against the certainty of additional management fees.

3. The answer to this question can be seen from the formulas for w0 (equation 8.20)

and w* (equation 8.21). Other things held equal, w0 is smaller the greater the

residual variance of a candidate asset for inclusion in the portfolio. Further, we see that regardless of beta, when w0 decreases, so does w*. Therefore, other things

equal, the greater the residual variance of an asset, the smaller its position in the optimal risky portfolio. That is, increased firm-specific risk reduces the extent to which an active investor will be willing to depart from an indexed portfolio.

4. The total risk premium equals: α + (β × Market risk premium). We call alpha a

nonmarket return premium because it is the portion of the return premium that is independent of market performance.

The Sharpe ratio indicates that a higher alpha makes a security more desirable.

Alpha, the numerator of the Sharpe ratio, is a fixed number that is not affected by the standard deviation of returns, the denominator of the Sharpe ratio. Hence, an increase in alpha increases the Sharpe ratio. Since the portfolio alpha is the

portfolio-weighted average of the securities’ alphas, then, holding all other

parameters fixed, an increase in a security’s alpha results in an increase in the

portfolio Sharpe ratio.

5. a. To optimize this portfolio one would need:

n = 60 estimates of means

n = 60 estimates of variances


2=-n n estimates of covariances Therefore, in total: 890,12

32=+n n estimates

b. In a single index model: r i - r f = α i + β i (r M – r f ) + e i

Equivalently, using excess returns: R i = α i + β i R M + e i

The variance of the rate of return can be decomposed into the components:

(l) The variance due to the common market factor: 22M i σβ

(2) The variance due to firm specific unanticipated events: )(σ2i e

In this model: σββ),(Cov j i j i r r =

The number of parameter estimates is:

n = 60 estimates of the mean E (r i )

n = 60 estimates of the sensitivity coefficient β i

n = 60 estimates of the firm-specific variance σ2(e i )

1 estimate of the market mean E (r M )

1 estimate of the market variance 2M σ

Therefore, in total, 182 estimates.

The single index model reduces the total number of required estimates from 1,890 to 182. In general, the number of parameter estimates is reduced from:

)23( to 232+???

? ??+n n n

6. a. The standard deviation of each individual stock is given by:

2/1222)](β[σi M i i e σσ+=

Since βA = 0.8, βB = 1.2, σ(e A ) = 30%, σ(e B ) = 40%, and σM = 22%, we get:

σA = (0.82 × 222 + 302 )1/2 = 34.78%

σB = (1.22 × 222 + 402 )1/2 = 47.93%

b. The expected rate of return on a portfolio is the weighted average of the

expected returns of the individual securities:

E(r P ) = w A × E(r A ) + w B × E(r B ) + w f × r f

E(r P ) = (0.30 × 13%) + (0.45 × 18%) + (0.25 × 8%) = 14%

The beta of a portfolio is similarly a weighted average of the betas of the

individual securities:

βP = w A × βA + w B × βB + w f × β f

βP = (0.30 × 0.8) + (0.45 × 1.2) + (0.25 × 0.0) = 0.78

The variance of this portfolio is:

)(σβσ2222P M

P P e +=σ where 22σβM

P is the systematic component and )(2P e σis the nonsystematic component. Since the residuals (e i ) are uncorrelated, the nonsystematic

variance is:


2()()()()P A A B B f f e w e w e w e σσσσ=?+?+?

= (0.302 × 302 ) + (0.452 × 402 ) + (0.252 × 0) = 405

where σ2(e A ) and σ2(e B ) are the firm-specific (nonsystematic) variances of

Stocks A and B, and σ2(e f ), the nonsystematic variance of T-bills, is zero. The

residual standard deviation of the portfolio is thus:

σ(e P ) = (405)1/2 = 20.12%

The total variance of the portfolio is then:


405)2278.0(σ222=+?=P The total standard deviation is 26.45%.

7. a. The two figures depict the stocks’ security characteri stic lines (SCL). Stock A

has higher firm-specific risk because the deviations of the observations from

the SCL are larger for Stock A than for Stock B. Deviations are measured by

the vertical distance of each observation from the SCL.

b. Beta is the slope of the SCL, which is the measure of systematic risk. The SCL

for Stock B is steeper; hence Stock B’s systematic risk is greater.

c. The R 2 (or squared correlation coefficient) of the SCL is the ratio of the

explained variance of the stock’s return to total variance, and the total

variance is the sum of the explained variance plus the unexplained variance

(the stock’s residual variance):


i M i M i e R += Since the explained variance for Stock B is greater than for Stock A (the explained variance is 22σβM B , which is greater since its beta is higher), and its residual variance 2()B e σ is smaller, its R 2 is higher than Stock A’s.


Alpha is the intercept of the SCL with the expected return axis. Stock A has a small positive alpha whereas Stock B has a negative alpha; hence, Stock A’s alpha is larger.


The correlation coefficient is simply the square root of R 2, so Stock B’s correlation with the market is higher.



Firm-specific risk is measured by the residual standard deviation. Thus, stock A has more firm-specific risk: 10.3% > 9.1%


Market risk is measured by beta, the slope coefficient of the regression. A has a larger beta coefficient: 1.2 > 0.8


R 2 measures the fraction of total variance of return explained by the market return. A’s R 2 is larger than B’s: 0.576 > 0.436

d. Rewriting the SCL equation in terms of total return (r ) rather than excess

return (R ): ()(1)A f M f A f M

r r r r r r r αβαββ-=+?-?


The intercept is now equal to: (1)1%(1 1.2)f f r r αβ+?-=+?-

Since r f = 6%, the intercept would be: 1%6%(1 1.2)1% 1.2%0.2%+-=-=-

9. The standard deviation of each stock can be derived from the following

equation for R 2:

==2222σσβi M i i

R Explained variance Total variance Therefore:



22222==?==A A M A A

R For stock B:



22==?=B B

10. The systematic risk for A is:

22220.7020196A M βσ?=?=

The firm-specific risk of A (the residual variance) is the difference between

A’s total risk and its systematic risk:

980 – 196 = 784

The systematic risk for B is:

22221.2020576B M βσ?=?=

B’s firm -specific risk (residual variance) is:

4,800 – 576 = 4,224

11. The covariance between the returns of A and B is (since the residuals are assumed

to be uncorrelated):

33640020.170.0σββ)(Cov 2

=??==M B A B A ,r r The correlation coefficient between the returns of A and B is:


.6930.31336σσ),(Cov ρ=?==

B A B A AB r r

12. Note that the correlation is the square root of R 2:2ρR =


()0.1269.2820480A M A M B M B M Cov r r Cov r r ρσσρσσ==??===??=

13. For portfolio P we can compute:

σP = [(0.62 × 980) + (0.42 × 4800) + (2 × 0.4 × 0.6 × 336)]1/2 = [1282.08]1/2 = 35.81% βP = (0.6 × 0.7) + (0.4 × 1.2) = 0.90


σβσ)(σ22222=?-=-=M P P P e Cov(r P ,r M ) = βP 2σM =0.90 ×

400=360 This same result can also be attained using the covariances of the individual stocks with the market:

Cov(r P ,r M ) = Cov(0.6r A + 0.4r B , r M ) = 0.6 × Cov(r A , r M ) + 0.4 × Cov(r B ,r M )

= (0.6 × 280) + (0.4 × 480) = 360

14. Note that the variance of T-bills is zero, and the covariance of T-bills with any asset

is zero. Therefore, for portfolio Q:


55.21)3603.05.02()4003.0()08.282,15.0(),(Cov 2σσσ2/1222


222=???+?+?=???++=M P M P M M P P Q r r w w w w (0.50.90)(0.31)(0.200)0.75Q P P M M w w βββ=+=?+?+?=

52.239)40075.0(52.464σβσ)(σ22222=?-=-=M Q Q Q e

30040075.0σβ),(Cov 2

=?==M Q M Q r r

15. a. Beta Books adjusts beta by taking the sample estimate of beta and averaging it

with 1.0, using the weights of 2/3 and 1/3, as follows:

adjusted beta = [(2/3) × 1.24] + [(1/3) × 1.0] = 1.16


If you use your current estimate of beta to be βt –1 = 1.24, then βt = 0.3 + (0.7 × 1.24) = 1.168

16. For Stock A:

[()].11[.060.8(.12.06)]0.2%A A f A M f r r r r αβ=-+?-=-+?-=

For stock B:

[()].14[.06 1.5(.12.06)]1%B B f B M f r r r r αβ=-+?-=-+?-=-

Stock A would be a good addition to a well-diversified portfolio. A short position in Stock B may be desirable.

17. a.

Alpha (α)

Expected excess return αi = r i – [r f + βi × (r M – r f ) ]

E (r i ) – r f αA = 20% – [8% + 1.3 × (16% – 8%)] = 1.6% 20% – 8% = 12% αB = 18% – [8% + 1.8 × (16% – 8%)] = – 4.4% 18% – 8% = 10% αC = 17% – [8% + 0.7 × (16% – 8%)] = 3.4% 17% – 8% = 9% αD = 12% – [8% + 1.0 × (16% – 8%)] = – 4.0% 12% – 8% = 4%

Stocks A and C have positive alphas, whereas stocks B and D have

negative alphas.

The residual variances are:

σ2(e A ) = 582 = 3,364

σ2(e B ) = 712 = 5,041

σ2(e C ) = 602 = 3,600

σ2(e D ) = 552 = 3,025

b. To construct the optimal risky portfolio, we first determine the optimal active

portfolio. Using the Treynor-Black technique, we construct the active portfolio: 0.000476 –0.6142 Be unconcerned with the negative weights of the positive α stocks —the entire

active position will be negative, returning everything to good order.

With these weights, the forecast for the active portfolio is:

α = [–0.6142 × 1.6] + [1.1265 × (– 4.4)] – [1.2181 × 3.4] + [1.7058 × (– 4.0)]

= –16.90%

β = [–0.6142 × 1.3] + [1.1265 × 1.8] – [1.2181 × 0.70] + [1.7058 × 1] = 2.08

The high beta (higher than any individual beta) results from the short positions

in the relatively low beta stocks and the long positions in the relatively high

beta stocks.

σ2(e ) = [(–0.6142)2×3364] + [1.12652×5041] + [(–1.2181)2×3600] + [1.70582×3025]

= 21,809.6

σ (e ) = 147.68%

The levered position in B [with high σ2(e )] overcomes the diversification

effect and results in a high residual standard deviation. The optimal risky

portfolio has a proportion w * in the active portfolio, computed as follows:



M f M e w E r r ασσ-===-- The negative position is justified for the reason stated earlier.

The adjustment for beta is:


05124.0)(08.21(105124.0)β1(1*00-=--+-=-+=w w w Since w * is negative, the result is a positive position in stocks with positive

alphas and a negative position in stocks with negative alphas. The position in

the index portfolio is:

1 – (–0.0486) = 1.0486

c. To calculate the Sharpe ratio for the optimal risky portfolio, we compute the

information ra tio for the active portfolio and Sharpe’s measure for the market

portfolio. The information ratio for the active portfolio is computed as follows:

A = ()

e ασ = –16.90/147.68 = –0.1144 A 2 = 0.0131 Hence, the square o

f the Sharpe ratio (S) of the optimized risky portfolio is:


? ??=+=A S S M S = 0.3662

Compare this to the market’s Sharpe ratio:

S M = 8/23 = 0.3478 → A difference of: 0.0184

The only moderate improvement in performance results from only a small

position taken in the active portfolio A because of its large residual variance.

d. To calculate the makeup of the complete portfolio, first compute the beta, the

mean excess return, and the variance of the optimal risky portfolio:

βP = w M + (w A × βA ) = 1.0486 + [(–0.0486) ? 2.08] = 0.95

E (R P ) = αP + βP E (R M ) = [(–0.0486) ? (–16.90%)] + (0.95 × 8%) = 8.42%


94.5286.809,21)0486.0()2395.0()(σσβσ222222=?-+?=+=P M P P e %00.23σ=P

Since A = 2.8, the optimal position in this portfolio is:


.5288.201.042.8=??=y In contrast, with a passive strategy: 5401.0238.201.082=??=

y →A difference of: 0.0284 The final positions are (M may include some of stocks A through D):

Bills 1 – 0.5685 = 43.15%

M 0.5685 ? l.0486 = 59.61

A 0.5685 ? (–0.0486) ? (–0.6142) = 1.70

B 0.5685 ? (–0.0486) ? 1.1265 = – 3.11

C 0.5685 ? (–0.0486) ? (–1.2181) = 3.37

D 0.5685 ? (–0.0486) ? 1.7058 = – 4.71

(subject to rounding error) 100.00%

18. a. I f a manager is not allowed to sell short, he will not include stocks with negative alphas in his portfolio, so he will consider only A and C:

The forecast for the active portfolio is:

α = (0.3352 × 1.6) + (0.6648 × 3.4) = 2.80%

β = (0.3352 × 1.3) + (0.6648 × 0.7) = 0.90

σ2(e) = (0.33522 × 3,364) + (0.66482 × 3,600) = 1,969.03

σ(e) = 44.37%

The weight in the active portfolio is:


M R E e w Adjusting for beta:


094.0)90.01[(1094.0w )1(1w *w 00=?-+=β-+= The information ratio of the active portfolio is:


A e ασ=== Hence, the square of the Sharpe ratio is: 22

280.06310.125023S ??=+= ??? Therefore: S = 0.3535

The market’s Sharpe ratio is: S M = 0.3478

When short sales are allowed (Problem 17), the manager’s Sharpe ratio is

higher (0.3662). The reduction in the Sharpe ratio is the cost of the short sale


The characteristics of the optimal risky portfolio are:


()()(0.0931 2.8%)(0.998%)8.18%


23.14%P M A A P P P M P P M P P w w E R E R e ββαβσβσσσ=+?=-+?==+?=?+?==?+=?+?== With A = 2.8, the optimal position in this portfolio is:


.5358.201.018.8y =??= The final positions in each asset are:


1 – 0.5455 = 45.45% M

0.5455 ? (1 - 0.0931) = 49.47 A

0.5455 ? 0.0931 ? 0.3352 = 1.70 C

0.5455 ? 0.0931 ? 0.6648 = 3.38


b. The mean and variance of the optimized complete portfolios in the

unconstrained and short-sales constrained cases, and for the passive strategy are:

E (R C )

2σC Unconstrained

0.5685 × 8.42% = 4.79 0.5685 × 528.94 = 170.95 Constrained

0.5455 × 8.18% = 4.46 0.54552 × 535.54 = 159.36 Passive 0.5401 × 8.00% = 4.32 0.54012 × 529.00 = 154.31 The utility levels below are computed using the formula: 2σ005.0)(C C A r E -


8% + 4.79% – (0.005 × 2.8 × 170.95) = 10.40% Constrained

8% + 4.46% – (0.005 × 2.8 × 159.36) = 10.23% Passive 8% + 4.32% – (0.005 × 2.8 × 154.31) = 10.16%

19. All alphas are reduced to 0.3 times their values in the original case. Therefore, the

relative weights of each security in the active portfolio are unchanged, but the alpha of the active portfolio is only 0.3 times its previous value: 0.3 × -16.90% = -5.07% The investor will take a smaller position in the active portfolio. The optimal risky portfolio has a proportion w * in the active portfolio as follows:


M f M e w E r r ασσ-===-- The negative position is justified for the reason given earlier. The adjustment for beta is:


01537.0()08.21[(101537.0)β1(1*00-=-?-+-=-+=w w w Since w * is negative, the result is a positive position in stocks with positive alphas and a negative position in stocks with negative alphas. The position in the index portfolio is: 1 – (–0.0151) = 1.0151

To calculate the Sharpe ratio for the optimal risky portfolio we compute the information ratio for the active portfolio and the Sharpe ratio for the market portfolio. The

information ratio of the active portfolio is 0.3 times its previous value: A = 5.07()147.68

e ασ-== –0.0343 and A 2 =0.00118 Hence, the square o

f the Sharpe ratio of the optimized risky portfolio is:

S 2 = S 2M + A 2 = (8%/23%)2 + 0.00118 = 0.1222

S = 0.3495

Compare this to the market’s Sharpe ratio: S M =


= 0.3478 The difference is: 0.0017

Note that the reduction of the forecast alphas by a factor of 0.3 reduced the squared information ratio and the improvement in the squared Sharpe ratio by a factor of: 0.32 = 0.09

20. If each of the alpha forecasts is doubled, then the alpha of the active portfolio will

also double. Other things equal, the information ratio (IR) of the active portfolio also doubles. The square of the Sharpe ratio for the optimized portfolio (S -square) equals the square of the Sharpe ratio for the market index (SM -square) plus the square of the information ratio. Since the information ratio has doubled, its square quadruples. Therefore: S -square = SM -square + (4 × IR )

Compared to the previous S -square, the difference is: 3IR

Now you can embark on the calculations to verify this result.


1. The regression results provide quantitative measures of return and risk based on

monthly returns over the five-year period.

βfor ABC was 0.60, considerably less than the average stock’s β of 1.0. This

indicates that, when the S&P 500 rose or fell by 1 percentage point, ABC’s return

on average rose or fell by only 0.60 percentage point. Therefore, ABC’s systematic risk (or market risk) was low relative to the typical value for stocks. ABC’s alpha

(the intercept of the regression) was –3.2%, indicating that when the market return

was 0%, the average return on ABC was –3.2%. ABC’s unsystematic risk (or

residual risk), as measured by σ(e), was 13.02%. For ABC, R2 was 0.35, indicating closeness of fit to the linear regression greater than the value for a typical stock.

βfor XYZ was somewhat higher, at 0.97, indicating XYZ’s return pattern was very similar to the β for the market index. Therefore, XYZ stock had average systematic risk for the period examined. Alpha for XYZ was positive and quite large,

indicating a return of 7.3%, on average, for XYZ independent of market return.

Residual risk was 21.45%, half again as much as ABC’s, ind icating a wider scatter of observations around the regression line for XYZ. Correspondingly, the fit of the regression model was considerably less than that of ABC, consistent with an R2 of

only 0.17.

The effects of including one or the other of these stocks in a diversified portfolio

may be quite different. If it can be assumed that both stocks’ betas will remain

stable over time, then there is a large difference in systematic risk level. The betas

obtained from the two brokerage houses may help the analyst draw inferences for

the future. The three estimates of ABC’s β are similar, regardless of the sample

period of the underlying data. The range of these estimates is 0.60 to 0.71, well

below the market average β of 1.0. The three estimates of XYZ’s β vary

significantly among the three sources, ranging as high as 1.45 for the weekly data

over the most recent two years. One could infer that XYZ’s β for the future might

be well above 1.0, meaning it might have somewhat greater systematic risk than

was implied by the monthly regression for the five-year period.

These stocks appear to have significantly different systematic risk characteristics. If these stocks are added to a diversified portfolio, XYZ will add more to total volatility.

2. The R2 of the regression is: 0.702 = 0.49

Therefore, 51% of total variance is unexplained by the market; this is nonsystematic risk.

3. 9 = 3 + β (11 - 3) ?β = 0.75

4. d.

5. b.


CHAPTER 18: EQUITY VALUATION MODELS PROBLEM SETS 1. Theoretically, dividend discount models can be used to value the stock of rapidly growing companies that do not currently pay dividends; in this scenario, we would be valuing expected dividends in the relatively more distant future. However, as a practical matter, such estimates of payments to be made in the more distant future are notoriously inaccurate, rendering dividend discount models problematic for valuation of such companies; free cash flow models are more likely to be appropriate. At the other extreme, one would be more likely to choose a dividend discount model to value a mature firm paying a relatively stable dividend. 2. It is most important to use multistage dividend discount models when valuing companies with temporarily high growth rates. These companies tend to be companies in the early phases of their life cycles, when they have numerous opportunities for reinvestment, resulting in relatively rapid growth and relatively low dividends (or, in many cases, no dividends at all). As these firms mature, attractive investment opportunities are less numerous so that growth rates slow. 3. The intrinsic value of a share of stock is the individual investor’s assessment of the true worth of the stock. The market capitalization rate is the market consensus for the required rate of return for the stock. If the intrinsic value of the stock is equal to its price, then the market capitalization rate is equal to the expected rate of return. On the other hand, if the individual investor believes the stock is underpriced (i.e., intrinsic value > price), then that investor’s expected rate of return is greater than the market capitalization rate. 4. First estimate the amount of each of the next two dividends and the terminal value. The current value is the sum of the present value of these cash flows, discounted at 8.5%. 5. The required return is 9%. $1.22(1.05) 0.05.09,or 9% $32.03 k ? =+= 6. The Gordon DDM uses the dividend for period (t+1) which would be 1.05.


绝密★启用前 学院 学年第一学期期末考试 级 专业(本/专科)《 投资学 》试卷C 注:需配备答题纸的考试,请在此备注说明“请将答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效”。 一、单项选择题(共 15 题,请将正确答案的代号填写在指定位置,每小题 2分,共 30分) 1、其他条件不变,债券的价格与收益率 ( ) A. 正相关 B. 反相关 C. 有时正相关,有时反相关 D. 无关 2、 市场风险也可解释为 ( ) A. 系统风险,可分散化的风险 B. 系统风险,不可分散化的风险 C. 个别风险,不可分散化的风险 D. 个别风险,可分散化的风险 3、考虑两种有风险证券组成资产组合的方差,下列哪种说法是正确的?( ) A. 证券的相关系数越高,资产组合的方差减小得越多 B. 证券的相关系数与资产组合的方差直接相关 C. 资产组合方差减小的程度依赖于证券的相关性 D. A 和B 4、证券投资购买证券时,可以接受的最高价格是( )。 A .出售的市价 B .到期的价值 C .投资价值 D .票面的价值 5.某一国家借款人在本国以外的某一国家发行以该国货币为面值的债券属 ( )。 A .欧洲债券 B .扬基债券 C .亚洲债券 D .外国债券 6、 市场风险也可解释为。( ) A. 系统风险,可分散化的风险 B . 系统风险,不可分散化的风险 C. 个别风险,不可分散化的风险 D. 个别风险,可分散化的风险 7.如果某可转换债券面额为l 000元,规定其转换比例为50,则转换价格为( )元。 A .10 B .20 C .50 D .100 8. 根据马柯威茨的证券组合理论,下列选项中投资者将不会选择( )组合作为投资对象。 A .期望收益率18%、标准差32% B .期望收益率12%、标准差16% C .期望收益率11%、标准差20% D .期望收益率8%、标准差 11% 9.就单根K 线而言,反映多方占据绝对优势的K 线形状是( )。 A .带有较长上影线的阳线 B .光头光脚大阴线 C .光头光脚大阳线 D .大十字星 10.某公司股票每股收益0.72元,股票市价14.4元,则股票的市盈率为( )。 A .20 B .25 C .30 D .35 11、按投资标的分,基金的类型不包含( ) A. 债券基金 B. 封闭基金 C. 股票基金 D.指数基金 12、以债券类证券为标的物的期货合约,可以回避银行利率波所引起的证券价格变动的风险是() A. 利率期货 B. 国债期货 C. 外汇期货 D.股指期货 13、投资者在确定债券价格时,需要知道该债券的预期货币收入和要求的适当收益率,该收益率又被称为( ). A .内部收益率 B .必要收益率 C .市盈率 D .净资产收益率 14、一般地,银行贷款利率和存款利率的降低,分别会使股票价格发生如下哪种变化( ). A .上涨、下跌 B .上涨、上涨 C .下跌、下跌 D .下跌、上涨 15.( )是指过去的业绩与盈余都有良好表现,而其未来的利润仍能稳定增长的股票 A .成长股 B .投机股 C .防守股 D .绩优股 二、 判断题 (共15题,每小题1分,共15分) 1、股份制实现了资本所有权和经营权的分离。( ) 2、普通股股东只具有有限表决权。 ( ) 3、实际投资是指投资于以货币价值形态表示的金融领域的资产。 ( ) 4、只要经济增长,证券市场就一定火爆。( ) 5、一般来讲,基本分析不能准确预测某种证券的中短期市场价格。( ) 6、市盈率是衡量证券投资价值和风险的指标。( ) 7、基金单位资产净值是指某一时点上每份基金份额实际代表的价值。( ) 8、买进期货或期权同样都有权利和义务。( ) 9、一般认为,市净率越低,表明企业资产的质量越好,越有发展潜力。( ) 10、普通股没有还本要求,股息也不固定,因而不存在信用风险。( ) 11、技术分析是以证券市场的过去轨迹 为基础,预测证券价格未来变动趋势的一种分析方法。( ) 12、技术分析中市场行为涵盖一切信息的假设与有效市场假说不一致。( ) 13、道氏理论认为股市在任何时候都存在着三种运动,即长期趋势、中期趋势、短期趋势运动。( ) 14、实际投资是指投资于以货币价值形态表示的金融领域的资产。 ( ) 15、债券投资的风险相对于股票投资的风险要低。( ) 三、名词解释(共3题,每小题5分,共15分) 1. 可转换债券 2、金融期货 3.市盈率


投资学 题型;一、选择题6分二、计算题78分三、论述题16分(主要是有效市场假说) 1.假设某一中期国债每12个月的收益率是6%,且该国债恰好还剩12个月到期。那么你预期一张12个月的短期国库券的售价将是多少? 解:P=面值/(1+6%) 2.某投资者的税率等级为20%,若公司债券的收益率为9%,要想使投资者偏好市政债券,市政债券应提供的收益率最低为多少? 解:9%×(1-20%)=7.2% 3.下列各项中哪种证券的售价将会更高? a.利率9%的10年期长期国债和利率为10%的10年期长期国债。 b. 期限3个月执行价格为50美元的看涨期权和期限3个月执行价格为45美元的看涨期权。 c. 期限3个月执行价格为40美元的看跌期权和期限3个月执行价格为35美元的看跌期权。 解:a.利率为10%的10年期长期国债 b.3个月执行价格为45美元的看涨期权 c.期限3个月执行价格为40美元的看跌期权 4.若预期股市将会大幅度上涨,股票指数期权市场上的下列哪项交易的风险最大? a.出售一份看涨期权 b出售一份看跌期权

c购买一份看涨期权 d购买一份看跌期权 解:a.出售一份看涨期权 5.短期市政债券的收益率为4%,应税债券的收益率为6%,当你的税率等级分别为下列情况时,哪一种债券可以提供更高的税后收益率? a.0 b.10% c.20% d.30% 解:当短期市政债券收益率与应税债券收益率税后收益率相等时,设税率为X,则: 6%(1-X)=4%,解得:X=33.3% 由于0、10%、20%、30%都小于33.3% 所以在0、10%、20%、30%的税率时,应税债券可以提供更高的税后收益率。 6.免税债券的利率为6.4%,应税债券的利率为8%,两种债券均按面值出售,当投资者的税率等级为多少时投资两种债券是无差别的? 解:设税率等级为X,则: 8%(1-X)=6.4%,解得X=20% 7.假设你卖空100股IBM的股票,其当前价格为每股110美元。 a.你可能遭受的最大损失是多少? b. 假如卖空时你同时设置了128美元的止购指令,你的最大损失又将是多少? 解:a.无限大


一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分) 1、二次世界大战前,国际投资是以( )为主。 A(证券投资 B.实业投资 C.直接投资 D.私人投资 2、国际货币基金组织认为,视为对企业实施有效控制的股权比例一般是( )。A(10, B.25, C.35, D.50, 3、以下哪个不是中国发展对外投资的目的( )。 A(有利于充分利用国外自然资源 B(有利于充分利用国外资金 C(有利于扩大出口,加快国际化进程 D(有利于提高国民收入,增加就业机会 4、下面关于国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应描述不正确的是( )。 A(国际直接投资对东道国的技术进步效应主要是通过跨国公司直接转移发挥的 B(跨国公司将技术转让给东道国的全资子公司的方式效应最低 C(合资方式下技术转移效应较高,但转移的技术等级一般较低 D(跨国公司通过与东道国当地企业或机构合作研发将有助于推进东道国技术进步 5、以下国际投资环境评估方法属于动态方法的是( )。 A.道氏评估法 B.罗氏评估法 C.闽氏评估法 D.冷热评估法 6、以下不属于国际投资环境特点的是( )。 A.综合性 B.稳定性 C.先在行 D.差异性 7、被誉为国际直接投资理论先驱的是( )。 A.纳克斯 B.海默 C.邓宁 D.小岛清 8、以下不属于国际储备管理原则的是(a ) A.多样性 B.安全性 C.流动性 D.盈利性

9.一个子公司主要服务于一国的东道国市场,而跨国公司母公司则在不同的市场控制几 个子公司的经营战略是(a )。 A.独立子公司战略 B.多国战略 C.区域战略 D.全球战略 10、对外国政府贷款的说法中不正确的是( d ) A(外国政府贷款常与出口信贷混合使用 B(外国政府贷款利率低,期限长,有时还伴有部分赠款 C. 使用外国政府贷款要支付少量管理费 D(外国政府贷款可用于购置任何国家或地区的设备或原料 11、在证券市场线上,市场组合的β系数为( c )。 A.0 B.0.5 C.1.0 D.1.5 12(以下不属于国际投资环境评价形式的是(b )。 A.专家实地考察 B.问卷调查 C.东道国政府评估 D.咨询机构评估 13、弗农提出的国际直接投资理论是( a )。 A.产品生命周期理论( B.垄断优势理论 C.折衷理论 D.厂商增长理论 14(以下关于国际直接投资对东道国资本形成直接效应的描述不正确的是( )。 A.在起始阶段,无疑是资本流入,是将国外储蓄国内化,一般会促进东道国的资本形成, 形成新的生产能力,对东道国经济增长产生正效应 B.绿地投资能够直接增加东道国的资本存量,对东道国的资本形成有显在的正效应,而 购并投资只是改变了存量资本的所有权,对东道国的资本形成没有直接的效应


CHAPTER 9: THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL PROBLEM SETS 1. 2. If the security’s correlation coefficient with the market portfolio doubles (with all other variables such as variances unchanged), then beta, and therefore the risk premium, will also double. The current risk premium is: 14% – 6% = 8% The new risk premium would be 16%, and the new discount rate for the security would be: 16% + 6% = 22% If the stock pays a constant perpetual dividend, then we know from the original data that the dividend (D) must satisfy the equation for the present value of a perpetuity: Price = Dividend/Discount rate 50 = D /0.14 ? D = 50 ? 0.14 = $7.00 At the new discount rate of 22%, the stock would be worth: $7/0.22 = $31.82 The increase in stock risk has lowered its value by 36.36%. 3. a. False. β = 0 implies E (r ) = r f , not zero. b. False. Investors require a risk premium only for bearing systematic (undiversifiable or market) risk. Total volatility, as measured by the standard deviation, includes diversifiable risk. c. False. Your portfolio should be invested 75% in the market portfolio and 25% in T-bills. Then:β(0.751)(0.250)0.75P =?+?= 4. The expected return is the return predicted by the CAPM for a given level of systematic risk. $1$5()β[()] ().04 1.5(.10.04).13,or 13%().04 1.0(.10.04).10,or 10% i f i M f Discount Everything E r r E r r E r E r =+?-=+?-==+?-= ()β[()] .12.18.06β[.14.06]β 1.5.08P f P M f P P E r r E r r =+?-=+?-→==


? 作业1:股票定价 1、假设某公司现在正处于高速成长阶段,其上一年支付的股利为每股 1元,预计今后3年的股利年增长率为10%,3年后公司步入成熟期,从第4年开始股利年增长率下降为5%,并一直保持5%的增长速度。如果市场必要收益率为8%,请计算该股票的内在价值。 (元)  09.40%)5%8(%) 51(%)101(1%)81(1%)81(%)101(1%)81(%)101(1%81%)101(1)()1() 1()1()1()1(3333222323103 1 10=-++??++++?+++?+++?=-++++++=∑=g k k g g D k g D V t t t 注:不管是2阶段,还是3阶段、n 阶段模型,股票估值都是计算期0时点的价格或价值,所以对第2阶段及以后阶段的估值,均需要贴现至0时点。这一点要切记! 2、某公司预计从今年起连续5年每年发放固定股利1元,从第6年开 始股利将按每年6%的速度增长。假定当前市场必要收益率为8%,当前该股票价格为50元,请计算该公司股票的内在价值和净现值,并对当前股票价格的高低进行判断。 (),该股票被高估。 (元)元0949064068611811811 5 5 1<-=-==-+??++ +=∑ =NPV .P V NPV )(.%) %(%) (%)(%V n n

3、某股份公司去年支付每股股利1元,预计在未来该公司股票股利按 每年6%的速率增长,假定必要收益率为8%,请计算该公司股票的内在价值。当前该股票价格为30元,请分别用净现值法和内部收益率法判断该股票的投资价值。 (1)净现值法: )(% %%) (V 元5368611=-+?= 。低估,建议购买该股票,所以当前股票价格被023>=-=P V NPV (2)内部收益率法: 30=% 6%)61(1-+?r , r =9.5%>8%(必要收益率) 当前股票价格被低估,建议购买该股票。 4、某上市公司上年每股股利为0.3元,预计以后股利每年以3%的速 度递增。假设必要收益率(贴现率)是8%。试用股利定价模型计算该股票的内在价值。若该股票当时股价为5元,请问该股票是被低估了还是被高估了?应如何操作该股票? 股票内在价值(元)186383130.% %%) (.V =-+?= (元)1815-186..P V NPV ==-= 该股票被低估,应该买入。


《投资学》练习题及答案 一、单项选择题 1、下列行为不属于投资的是( C )。 A. 购买汽车作为出租车使用 B. 农民购买化肥 C. 购买商品房自己居住 D. 政府出资修筑高速公路 2、投资的收益和风险往往( A )。 A. 同方向变化 B. 反方向变化 C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化 D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化 3、购买一家企业20%的股权是( B )。 A. 直接投资 B. 间接投资 C. 实业投资 D. 金融投资 4、对下列问题的回答属于规范分析的是( C )。 A. 中央银行再贷款利率上调,股票价格可能发生怎样的变化? B. 上市公司的审批制和注册制有何差异,会对上市公司的行为以及证券投资产生哪些不同的影响? C. 企业的投资应该追求利润的最大化还是企业价值的最大化? D. 实行最低工资制度对企业会产生怎样的影响? 5、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于( B )。 A. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样 B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样 C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样 D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样 6、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是( D )。 A. 分配机制 B. 再分配机制 C. 生产机制 D. 价格机制 7、以下不是导致市场失灵的原因的是( A )。 A. 市场发育不完全 B. 垄断 C. 市场供求双方之间的信息不对称 D. 分配不公平 二、判断题 1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。(√) 2、无形资本不具备实物形态,却能带来收益,在本质上属于真实资产范畴。(√) 3、证券投资是以实物投资为基础的,是实物投资活动的延伸。(√) 4、直接投资是实物投资。(√) 5、间接投资不直接流入生产服务部门。(√) 6、从银行贷款从事房地产投机的人不是投资主体。(×) 7、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。(√) 8、产权不明晰或产权缺乏严格的法律保护是市场本身固有的缺陷。(×)


CHAPTER 17: MACROECONOMIC AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS PROBLEM SETS 1. Expansionary (looser) monetary policy to lower interest rates would stimulate both investment and expenditures on consumer durables. Expansionary fiscal policy (i.e., lower taxes, increased government spending, increased welfare transfers) would stimulate aggregate demand directly. 2. A depreciating dollar makes imported cars more expensive and American cars less expensive to foreign consumers. This should benefit the U.S. auto industry. 3. This exercise is left to the student; answers will vary. Successful students will likely discuss an industry's profitability, leverage, and growth opportunities, especially in relation to general macroeconomic conditions. 4. A top-down approach to security valuation begins with an analysis of the global and domestic economy. Analysts who follow a top-down approach then narrow their attention to an industry or sector likely to perform well, given the expected performance of the broader economy. Finally, the analysis focuses on specific companies within an industry or sector that has been identified as likely to perform well. A bottom-up approach typically emphasizes fundamental analysis of individual company stocks and is largely based on the belief that undervalued stocks will perform well regardless of the prospects for the industry or the broader economy. The major advantage of the top-down approach is that it provides a structured approach to incorporating the impact of economic and financial var iables, at every level, into analysis of a company’s stock. One would expect, for example, that prospects for a particular industry are highly dependent on broader economic variables. Similarly, the performance of an individual company’s


一:名词解释: 风险: 未来结果的不确定性或损失. 股票: 股份有限公司在筹集资金时向出资人或投资者发行的的股份凭证,代表股东对股份公 司的所有权. 证券市场: 股票,债券,证券投资基金,金融衍生工具等各种有价证券发行和买卖的场所. 经济周期: 由于受多种因素的影响,宏观经济的运行总是呈现出周期性变化,一般包括四个阶 段:即萧条,附属,繁荣,衰退. 财政政策: 通过财政收入和财政支出的变动来影响宏观经济活动水平的经济政策. 成长型产业: 依靠技术进步,推出新产品,提供更优质的服务及改善经营管理,可实现持续成长. 产业生命: 周期:产业经历一个有产生到成长再到衰落的发展演变过程. 财务杠杆: 总资产和所有者权利的比值. 杜邦分解: 将资产用净资产收益率(ROE),总资产收益率(ROA),财务杠杆(FL),销售净利率 (PM),总资产周转率(TAT)表现出来的形式。 市盈率: 股票理论价值和每股收益的比例. 股利贴现模型: 满足假设“股票的价值等于未来用虚线现金流的现值”的模型。 二:简答题 1.简述普通股股票的基本特征和主要种类。 基本特征:不可偿性,参与性,收益性,流通性,价格的波动性和风险性 主要种类:按上市地区划分:A股,B股H股N股S股 按股票代表的股东权利划分:优先股,普通股 其他分类:记名股票和无记名股票,有票面价值股票和无票面值股票,单一股 票和复数股票,表决权股票和无表决权股票 2.金融衍生工具的主要功能有哪些? 衍生工具通过组合单个基础金融工具,利用衍生工具的多头或空头,转移风险,事先避 险目的,衍生工具一招所有交易者对未来市场发现价格,价格的预期定价,两大功能: 转移风险,发现价格 3.简述证券市场的基本功能 融通资金,资本定价,资本配置,转换机制,宏观调控 4.套利定价理论的思想是什么?它与资本资产定价模型的差异和联系是什么? 套利定价理论(APT)的思想是套利均衡; APT所做的假设比资本资产定价模型(CAPM)少很多,其核心是假设不存在套利机会,APT认为,资产价格受多方面因素的影响,其表现形式是一个多因素模型,APT 在更广泛的意义上建立了证券收益与宏观经济中其他因素的联系,相对于CAPM而言 更具有实用性,并且其套利均衡思想为将来的期权定价的推导提供了重要的思想武器。 5货币政策的变动对证券市场价格有何影响? 增加货币供应量一方面证券市场的资金增多,另一方面通货膨胀也使人们为了保值而购买证券,从而推动证券价格上扬,反之亦然;利率的调整通过决定证券投资的机会 成本和影响上市公司的业绩来影响证券市场价格;中央银行在公开市场买进证券时,对 证券的有效需求增加,促进证券价格的上扬,反之亦然。 6证券投资的产业投资需遵循哪些原则? 顺应产业结构演进的趋势,选择有潜力的产业进行投资;对处在生命周期不同阶段的产业们不同的投资者,不同性质的资金应有不同的处理;正确理解国家的产业政策,把


《投资学》复习题 一、单项选择题 1、如果你相信市场是()有效市场的形式,你会觉得 股价反映了所有相关信息,包括那些只提供给内幕人士的信息。 a. 半强式 b. 强式 c. 弱式 d. a 、b 和c 2.很多情况下人们往往把能够带来报酬的支出行为称为。 A 支出 B 储蓄 C 投资 D 消费3、当其他条件相同,分散化投资在那种情况下最有效?()a. 组成证券的收益不相关 b. 组成证券的收益正相关 c. 组成证券的收益很高 d. 组成证券的收益负相关 4.如果强式有效市场假定成立,下列哪一种说法是正确的?()A、未来事件能够被准确地预测。B、价格能够反映所有可得 到的信息。 C、证券价格由于不可辨别的原因而变化。起伏。 5. 市场风险也可解释为( )。 a. 系统风险,可分散化的风险 b. 散化的风险 c. 个别风险,不可分散化的风险 D 、价格不 系统风险,不可分 d. 个别风险,可分散

6.半强式有效市场假定认为股票价格( 测的。 7. 对已经进行贴现,尚未到期的票据转做一次贴现的行为称为 () A.再贴现 B .承兑 C .转贴现 D .多次贴现 8 、其他条件不变,债券的价格与收益率( )。 a. 正相关 b. 反相关 c. 有时正相关,有时反相关 d. 无关 9. 在红利贴现模型中, 不影响贴现率 k 的因素是( ) A 、 真实无风险回报率 B 、 股票风险溢价 C 、 资产回报率 D 、 预期通胀率。 10. 我国现行的证券交易制度规定,在一个交易日内,除首日上 市证券 外,每只股票或基金的交易价格相对上一个交易日收市价 的涨跌幅度不得超过。 A 5% B 10 % C 15% D 20 % 11、在合约到期前,交易者除了进行实物交割,还可以通过来结 束交 易。 A 投机 B 对冲 C 交收 D 主动放弃 A 、反映了已往的全部价格信息 公开可得信息。 B 、反映了全部的 C 、反映了包括内幕信息在内的全部相关信息 D 、是可以预


CHAPTER 7: OPTIMAL RISKY PORTFOLIOS PROBLEM SETS 1. (a) and (e). Short-term rates and labor issues are factors that are common to all firms and therefore must be considered as market risk factors. The remaining three factors are unique to this corporation and are not a part of market risk. 2. (a) and (c). After real estate is added to the portfolio, there are four asset classes in the portfolio: stocks, bonds, cash, and real estate. Portfolio variance now includes a variance term for real estate returns and a covariance term for real estate returns with returns for each of the other three asset classes. Therefore, portfolio risk is affected by the variance (or standard deviation) of real estate returns and the correlation between real estate returns and returns for each of the other asset classes. (Note that the correlation between real estate returns and returns for cash is most likely zero.) 3. (a) Answer (a) is valid because it provides the definition of the minimum variance portfolio. 4. The parameters of the opportunity set are: E (r S ) = 20%, E (r B ) = 12%, σS = 30%, σB = 15%, ρ = From the standard deviations and the correlation coefficient we generate the covariance matrix [note that (,)S B S B Cov r r ρσσ=??]: Bonds Stocks Bonds 225 45 Stocks 45 900 The minimum-variance portfolio is computed as follows: w Min (S ) =1739.0) 452(22590045 225)(Cov 2)(Cov 2 22=?-+-=-+-B S B S B S B ,r r ,r r σσσ w Min (B ) = 1 = The minimum variance portfolio mean and standard deviation are:


************2009学年01学期 专业 07 级《投资学》期末试卷(答题卷)(A) (考试形式:开卷) 一、单选题(共10分,每小题1分) 1.狭义证券指( C ). A. 商品证券 B. 货币证券 C. 资本证券 D. 其他证券 2.( D )是指过去的业绩与盈余都有良好表现,而其未来的利润仍能稳定增长的股票A.成长股B.投机股C.防守股D.绩优股 3.期权交易是一种( B )有偿转让的交易方式. A.合约 B.权利 C.资本 D.投机 4.( B )是证券投资者对证券商所作的业务指示. A.开户 B.委托 C.清算 D.交割 5.( C )也称高新技术板市场,即为一些达不到上市标准的高新技术公司发行股票并为其上市交易提供机会的交易市场. A.一级市场 B.初级市场C.二板市场 D.柜台交易市场 6.深发展公布分红方案:每10股送5股,其除权日前一日的收盘价为15元,其除权价为( C ). A.11 B. 12 C. 10 D. 13 7.投资者在确定债券价格时,需要知道该债券的预期货币收入和要求的适当收益率,该收益率又被称为( B ). A.内部收益率 B.必要收益率 C.市盈率 D.净资产收益率 8.X股票的β系数为1.7,Y股票的β系数为0.8,现在股市处于牛市,请问若要短期获得较大的 收益,则应该选哪种股票? ( A ) A.X B.Y C.X和Y的某种组合 D.无法确定 9.一般地,银行贷款利率和存款利率的降低,分别会使股票价格发生如下哪种变化( B ). A.上涨、下跌 B.上涨、上涨 C.下跌、下跌 D.下跌、上涨 10.移动平均线最常见的使用法则是( B ). A.威廉法则 B.葛兰维尔法则 C.夏普法则 D.艾略特法则 二、多选题(共20分,每小题4分) 1.根据基金单位是否可增加或赎回,投资基金可分为( AC ).A.开放式基金 B.契约型基金 C.封闭式基金 D.公司型基金2.关于证券投资基金,下列正确的有( BCE ). A.证券投资基金与股票类似 B.证券投资基金投向股票、债券等金融工具 C.其风险大于债券 D.其风险小于债券 E.其收益小于股票 3.下面结论正确的是( BCE ). A.通货膨胀对股票市场不利 B.对国际化程度较高的证券市场,币值大幅度波动会导致股价下跌 C.税率降低会使股市上涨 D.紧缩性货币政策会导致股市上涨 E.存款利率和贷款利率下调会使股价上涨 4.技术分析有它赖以生存的理论基础——三大假设,它们分别是( ADE ).A.市场行为包括一切信息 B.市场是完全竞争的 C.所有投资者都追逐自身利益的最大化 D.价格沿着趋势波动,并保持趋势 E.历史会重复 5.属于资本资产定价模型的假设条件的有( ACD ) . A.投资者都依据组合的期望收益率和方差选择证券组合 B.投资者愿意接受风险 C.投资者对证券的收益和风险及证券间的关联性具有完全相同的预期 D.资本市场没有摩擦 三、简答题(共30分,每小题6分) 1.简述证券投资过程的五个主要环节? :证券投资过程的五个主要环节包括: (1)确定证券投资政策;(1分) (2)进行证券投资分析;(1分) (3)组建证券投资组合;(1分) (4)投资组合的修正;(2分) (5)投资组合业绩评估.(1分)


CHAPTER 14: BOND PRICES AND YIELDS PROBLEM SETS 1. a. Catastrophe bond—A bond that allows the issuer to t ransfer “catastrophe risk” from the firm to the capital markets. Investors in these bonds receive a compensation for taking on the risk in the form of higher coupon rates. In the event of a catastrophe, the bondholders will receive only part or perhaps none of the principal payment due to them at maturity. Disaster can be defined by total insured losses or by criteria such as wind speed in a hurricane or Richter level in an earthquake. b. Eurobond—A bond that is denominated in one currency, usually that of the issuer, but sold in other national markets. c. Zero-coupon bond—A bond that makes no coupon payments. Investors receive par value at the maturity date but receive no interest payments until then. These bonds are issued at prices below par value, and the investor’s return comes from the difference between issue price and the payment of par value at maturity (capital gain). d. Samurai bond—Yen-dominated bonds sold in Japan by non-Japanese issuers. e. Junk bond—A bond with a low credit rating due to its high default risk; also known as high-yield bonds. f. Convertible bond—A bond that gives the bondholders an option to exchange the bond for a specified number of shares of common stock of the firm. g. Serial bonds—Bonds issued with staggered maturity dates. As bonds mature sequentially, the principal repayment burden for the firm is spread over time. h. Equipment obligation bond—A collateralized bond for which the collateral is equipment owned by the firm. If the firm defaults on the bond, the bondholders would receive the equipment. i. Original issue discount bond—A bond issued at a discount to the face value. j. Indexed bond— A bond that makes payments that are tied to a general price index or the price of a particular commodity. k. Callable bond—A bond that gives the issuer the option to repurchase the bond at a specified call price before the maturity date.


投资学复习要点 投资学的考试,都要尽可能给出图表、公式,比如简答题和论述题,如果你仅仅是文字描述,最多得一半的分,这个答题的规则和惯例要切记。 一、概念题 1.风险与收益的最优匹配 即是在一定风险下追求更高的收益;或是在一定收益下追求更低的风险。对风险与收益的量化以及对投资者风险偏好的分类,是构建资产组合时首先要解决的一个基础问题。 2.优先股特点 1、优先股通常预先定明股息收益率。 2、优先股的权利范围小。 3、如果公司股东大会需要讨论与优先股有关的索偿权,即优先股的索偿权先于普通股,而次于债权人。 3.资本市场的无差异曲线 对于一个特定风险厌恶的投资者而言,任意给定一个资产组合,根据他对风险的态度,按照期望收益率对风险补偿的要求,就可以得到一系列满意程度相同(无差异)的证券组合。

4.资本市场的无差异曲线 5.风险溢价 风险溢价是指超过无风险资产收益的预期收益,这一溢价为投资的风险提供了补偿。其中的无风险资产,是指其收益确定,从而方差为零的资产。一般以货币市场基金或者短期国债作为无风险资产的代表品。 6.风险资产的可行集(Feasible Set ) 可行集又称为机会集,由它可以确定有效集。可行集代表一组证券所形成的所有组合,也就是说,所有可能的组合位于可行集的边界上或内部。一般而言,这一集合呈现伞形,具体形状依赖于所包含的特定证券,它可能更左或更右、更高或更低、更胖或更瘦。 7.资本配置线 对于任意一个由无风险资产和风险资产所构成的组合,其相应的预期收益率和标准差都落在连接无风险资产和风险资产的直线上。该线被称作资本配置线(capital allocation line,CAL)。E(rc)=rf+ [E(rp)-rf]
