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连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词(coordinating conjunctions)和从属连词(subordinating conjunctions)。

并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组和分句。如:and, but, or, nor, so, therefore, yet, however, for, hence, as well as, both…and, not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, (and) then等。

上述并列连词又可分为: 一般连词(simple conjunction) , 关联连词(correlative conjunction)

coordinating conjunct(并列连词)

, or, not only… but also, as well as等表示并列

She plays (both) the piano and the guitar. = If you make up your mind, you'll get the chance.

Make up your mind, and you'll get the chance.

There is no air or water in the moon. =There is no air and no water on the moon.

She plays not only the piano but (also) the guitar.

Neither you nor he is to blame.


(1) not only… but also 关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否定词not 而必须倒装。如:Not only does he like reading stories, but also he can even write some.

(2)neither…nor 意思为"既不……也不……"谓语动词采用就近原则,与nor后的词保持一致。请选择:

---I don‘t like chicken ___ fish.

---I don’t like chicken, ___ I like fish very much.

A. and; and

B. and; but

C. or; but

D. or;and


We will die without air and water.

We can't live without air or water.



eg. I must work hard, or I'll fail in the exam.

either…or 意思为“或者……或者……”。注意谓语动词采用就近原则。

eg. Either you or I am right.




(1) Some people love cats, ______ others hate them.

(2) --- Would you like to come to dinner tonight

--- I‘d like to, ______ I’m too busy.

A. and

B. so

C. while

D. but

not…but…意思为“不是……而是……“ not 和but 后面的用词要遵循一致原则。eg. They were not the bones of an animal, but (the bones) of a human being.


for是并列连词,不能置于含两个并列分句的句子的句首,只能将其放在两个分句中间。so, therefore

eg. He hurt his leg, so he couldn‘t play in the game.

注意:两个并列连词不能连用,但therefore, then, yet例外。

eg. You can watch TV, and or you can go to bed.(错)

He hurt his leg, and therefore he couldn‘t play in the game.(对)

改错:For he is ill, he is absent today.

Although he was weak, but he tried his best to do the work.

subordinating conjunction(从属连词)英语从属连词( subordinating conjunction)用来连接各种从句。由从属连词引导的句子通常叫从句,而把含有从句的句子叫作复合句。从属连词大致可分为如下三大类:




1. 引导时间状语从句的从属连词

(1) 表示“当…时候”或“每当”的时间连词。主要的有 when, while, as, whenever:He jumped up when the phone rang. 电话铃响时他吓了一跳。

We listened while the teacher read. 老师朗读时我们听着。

The phone rang just as I was leaving. 我正要离开,电话铃就响了起来。

(2) 表示“在…之前(或之后)”的时间连词。主要的有before, after:

Turn the lights off before you leave. 离开前请关灯。

He started the job soon after he left the university. 他大学毕业后就开始做这份工作。

(3) 表示“自从”或“直到”的时间连词。主要的有since, until, till:

He has lived here since he got married. 他结婚后就一直住在这儿。

Most men worked until [till] they’re 65. 大多数男人工作到65岁。


用until / till引导时间状语从句时,主句的谓语动词要十分小心地去加以选择的。如谓语动词是持续性的, 要用肯定形式,如:I studied hard until 12 o‘clock last night.如果谓语动词是瞬间性的,则要用否定形式,如:He didn't go to bed until his mother came back.

(4) 表示“一…就”的时间连词。主要的有as soon as, the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, once, no sooner…than, hardly…when等:

Tell him the news as soon as you see him. 你一见到他就把这消息告诉他。

I recognized her the moment (that) I saw her. 我一看到她就认出她来了。

I want to see him the minute (that) he arrives. 他一到来我就要见他。

I went home directly I had finished work. 我一干完活就回家了。

Once he arrives, we can start. 他一来我们就可以开始。

(5) 表示“上次”、“下次”、“每次”等的时间连词。主要的有every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第一次):

Last time I saw him, he looked ill. 上次我见到他的时候,他好像有病。

Do look me up next time you’re in London. 你下次到伦敦来,一定来找我。

Every time I call on him, he is out. 我每次去访问他,他都不在。

You can call me any time you want to. 你随时都可以给我打电话。

2. 引导条件状语从句的从属连词:主要有if, unless, as (so) long as, in case 等:

If anyone calls tell them I’m not at home. 要是有人打电话来,就说我不在家。

You will fail unless you work hard. 你若不努力就会失败。

As [So] long as you need me, I’ll stay. 只要你需要我,我就留下。

In case I forget, please remind me about it. 万一我忘记,请提醒我一下。【注】在条件状语从句中,通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态。不过,有时表示条件的 if之后可能用 will,但那不是将来时态, 而是表示意愿或委婉的请求(will为情态动词):

If you will wait a moment, I’ll fetch the money. 请等一下,我就去拿钱。

3. 引导目的状语从句的从属连词:主要的有 in order that, so that, in case, for fear 等:

We used the computer in order that we might save time. 我们使用计算机是为了节约时间。

Speak clearly so that they may understand you. 说清楚,以便让他们能明白你的意思。

Be quiet in case you should wake the baby. 安静些,免得把婴儿吵醒。

He is working hard for fear he should fail. 他努力工作以免会失败。

4. 引导结果状语从句的从属连词:主要的有so that, so…that, such…that等:

We’re all here now, so that the meeting can begin at last. 我们现在都到齐了,终于能开会了。

It’s so difficult a question that none of us can answer it. 那是一个很难的问题,我们没有一个人能回答。

He shut the window with such force that the glass broke. 他关窗户用力很大,结果玻璃震破了。

【注】so that 中的that在口语中通常可以省略。

5. 引导原因状语从句的从属连词: 主要的有because, as, since, seeing (that), now

(that), considering (that) 等:

He couldn’t got to school because he had a cold.


Since everybody is here, let’s begin our discussion.


Seeing that it is 8 o’clock, we’ll wait no longer.


Now that you are here, you’d better stay.


6. 引导让步状语从句的从属连词:主要的有although, though, even though, even if, while, however, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever等:

Although [Though] he is poor, he is well contented. 他虽穷却能知足常乐。

Though [Even though] it’s hard work, I enjoy it. 尽管是苦活,但我乐意干。

Even if you don’t like wine, try a glass of this. 即使你不喜欢喝酒,也尝尝这杯吧。

While we don’t agree we continue to be friends. 尽管我们意见不同,但我们还是朋友。

However you use it, it won’t break. 不管你怎么使用,它都不会破。

Whatever you say, I believe you. 无论你说什么,我都相信你。

Whoever telephones, tell them I’m out. 不管是谁打电话,都说我出去了。

Whenever you come, you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。

.However much he eats, he never gets fat. 无论他吃多少, 他都不发胖。

7. 引导方式状语从句的从属连词: 主要的有as, like, as if, as though, the way等:Do it as he does. 像他那样做。

.He behaved as if nothing had happened. 他装作若无其事的样子。

.They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。

.Nobody else loves you the way(=as) I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。

8. 引导地点状语从句的从属连词: 主要的有where, wherever, everywhere等:

There were lots of parks where I lived. 我住的地方有许多公园。

Sit wherever you like. 你想坐在那儿就坐在那儿。

Everywhere they went, they were warmly welcomed. 他们每到一个地方都受到热烈欢迎。

9. 引导比较状语从句的从属连词: 主要的有than和as…as:

It’s easier than I thought. 这比我想像的要容易。

They are as often wrong as they are right. 他们错对各半。


引导引导名词性从句(Noun clauses)的从属连词通常有:

1. 连接词: that (无词义,不做成分) if,whether (表达是否的意义,但不做句子成分)

2. 连接代词:who,whom,whose,what,which,what (有词义,在句子中可作主语、表语、宾语)

3. 连接副词:when,where,why,how,how many,how long,how far,however,whenever,wherever (有词义,在句子中作从句的状语)


Your greatest fault is that you are careless. 你最大的缺点是粗心大意。

Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我们有害还要看一看。

She didn’t say if he was still alive. 她没说他是否还活着。

It is clear enough what he meant. 他是什么意思很清楚。


由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出的定语从句(Attributive Clauses),通常在句中做定语,被其修饰的名词,词组或代词叫先行词。

关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。

关系副词有:when, where, why等。关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。

Simple subordinators




When (ever)

Where (ever)



Whilst, etc













Simple subordinators

I will telephone you directly I hear the news.

Be careful lest you fall down the tree.

I came here immediately after having my super.

He saw me coming, whereupon he offered me his seat.

Complex subordinators

Assuming (that)

Providing (that)

Provided (that)

Given (that)

Supposing (that)

In the event that

Granted (granting) that

Considering (that)

Seeing (that)

Now (that)

In that

In order that

So (that)

Such that

Except that

Excepting (that)

Save that

But that

Insofar that

Granted (granting) that

Complex subordinators

He has many faults, but for all that I like him.

He request is unreasonable in that he knows we can’t afford it.

Granted that we have no future.

In the event that he has not been told, I will tell him.

Correlative subordinators

As … as

As… so

Not so … as

Such … as

Barely / hardly / scarcely … when

No sooner … than

Whether … or

Mo re / less … than

The… the,

Correlative subordinators

I had hardly left when the quarrel started.

We had no sooner sat down than we found it was time to go.

Hardly had I left when the quarrel started.

No sooner had we sat down than we found it was time to go.

Marginal subordinators

Marginal subordinators refer to some free lexical combinations, which is hard to distinguish from complex subordinators:

Even if, if only, only if

Every time (that), the moment (that)

Due to the fact (that), for the reason (that)

In spite of the fact (that)

On the grounds that

Subordinate clauses (finite)

A finite subordinate clause is one whose predicator is a finite verb phrase.

Syntactically, subordinate clauses can be subdivided into

nominal clauses

relative clauses, and

adverbial clauses


(1) Air and water are indispensable to me.

(2) She likes going out with friends or playing outdoor games.

(3) Most workers have a good income, so they look very happy.

(4) He said that he did not want to go .

(5) Many things have happened since I last saw him.

(6) You may come if you want to.

(7) It’s so difficult a question that none of us can answer it.

(8) Whoever telephones, tell them I’m out.

(9) I still remember the day when I first came to college.

(10) Some people love cats while others hate them.


(1) This book may be used both as a text as well as a reference book.

此句的“as well as”和“both”不能搭配,应该将“as well ”改为“and”,使“both.......and......”变成关联连词。

(2) He not only speaks Mandarin but also English.

此句的“not only”应该移到“speaks”后面,使这个动词兼顾两个并列宾语:“Mandarin”和“English”

(3) Although he is fat, but he is very weak.

英语中的“although”和“but”是不见面的,因此这句里的“ but”要去掉,不然“although”就要出来。

(4) Jim is not so strong like you.

此句的“not so”必须和“as”连成一体;介词“like”是不适宜的。

5) No sooner had we reached our destination, they left.

“No sooner”必须和“than”配成从属连词,把“than”省掉是不对的,因此,应改为:No sooner had we reached our destination than they left. 但也可改为: “As soon as we reached our destination, they left.”

(6) I took a taxi and which took me to the station.

此句的并列连词“and”是多余的,必须去掉。如果要保留“and ”也可,但是定语从句里的关系代词“Which”则要改成主语“it”,使整个句子变成并列句,如下: I took a taxi and it took me to the station.

(7) My friend came up to me and held my hand, said good-bye excitedly.


My friend came up to me, held my hand, and said good-bye excitedly.

不然,就要把“ and said”改成“saying”。


并列关系连词:和、跟、与、既、同、及、而、况、况且、何况、乃至等。 承接关系连词:则、乃、就、而、便、于是、然后、至于、说到、此外、像、如、一般、比方、接着等。 转折关系连词:却、虽然、但是、然而、而、偏偏、只是、不过、至于、致、不料、岂知等。 因果关系连词:原来、因为、由于、以便、因此、所以、是故、以致等。 选择关系连词:或、或者、还是、亦、非…即、不是…就是等。 假设关系连词:若、如果、若是、假如、只要、除非、假使、倘若、即使、假若、要是、譬如等。 比较关系连词:像、好比、如同、似乎、等于;不如、不及;与其…不如、若…则、虽然…可是等。 让步关系连词:虽然、固然、尽管、纵然、即使等。 递进关系连词:不但、不仅、而且、何况、并、且等。条件关系连词:... 现代汉语连词 一、连词的性质、特征和类别 汉语的连词是一种具有多层级连接功能的虚词,既可以连接词和短语,也可以连接小句和句子,还可以连接句子和句组。而且,连词除了具有连接的语法功能之外,还兼有修饰的语义功能和表述的语用功能。例如:长期以来,“钻石男”一直是许多女人梦寐以求的择偶对象。但在这个物欲横流的社会,和“钻石男”组建家庭需要面对太多不安定因素,高风险下未必获得高回报。“牛奋男”虽然暂时没有良好的经济基础,但却拥有可靠的人格魅力和信得过的品质;不乏上进心,能够为家庭努力奋斗;对爱情忠诚度高,像牛一样执着。《比钻石男靠谱的牛奋男长啥样?》2010-09-07中国日报网) 前一个“但”连接句子构成句组,后一个“但”连接分句,构成复句。 连词在句法功能上主要具有以下四个方面的特征: a连词是粘附的,本身不能单说,也不能同被连一方一起单说。比如:儿子和女儿或快或慢只有亲自去一趟,才能了解实际情况。 [* ]和女儿 [*]或慢只有亲自去一趟,[* ] 在对话中,会话一方单用的连词其实是配合关系的合用。比如:路上出车祸了,塞车了。-----哦,难怪好多人到现在还没来到呢。 你去通知他们一声。-----要是他们不同意提前呢?-----那就不等他们了。 上面“难怪、可、要是”看似是同所连接的成分单用,其实都是在对话中,从会话双方所组成的整个话轮看,上面的“连词X”是整个复句的一部分。 b连词不能被其他词语修饰。也就是说连词前面出现的修饰语,都不是修饰连词本身的,而是修饰整个由连词引导的分句的。比如: 正因为这一带饭店太多了,所以大家生意都不好。 不论你愿意不愿意,也不论你是否已作好准备,现在没有其他办法,只有马上行动。 显然,“正因为、也不论、更为了”在汉语中单用都是不能成立的。 c同类连词不能在同一层次上连用。比如: *要是如果明天早晨下大雨,他们可能就不会来了。 *因为由于这两天他身体不太好,其他事情又多,所以没有接受我们的邀请。


英语连词用法详解 一、单项选择连词 1.Owen wouldn’t eat anything ________ he cooked it himself. A.until B.since C.unless D.while 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:欧文不吃任何东西,除非这种东西是他自己亲自烹饪的。unless“除非”,符合语境。 2._______ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them. A.As B.Since C.Once D.While 【答案】D 【解析】While尽管,在本题中引导让步状语从句。尽管你的观点值得考虑,委员会发现过于重视它们是不明智的。 3.He was about to tell me the secret __ _____ someone patted him on the shoulder. A.as B.until C.while D.when 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:她正要告诉我这个秘密,这时有人拍了一下她的肩膀。beabouttodo...when...是固定句型,意为“正要做……这时……”。 考点:考查连词。 【名师点睛】 用when引导时间状语从句的句型结构搭配 beabouttodosthwhen刚要,即将;正要做某事,突然发生其他事 bedoingsthwhen正在做某事突然 haddonesthwhen刚刚做过某事突然 beatthepointofdoingsthwhen就在做某事的关键时刻突然 scarcely...when/hardly...when几乎未来得及就…;刚一……就…… nosooner...than一……就…… 4.How long do you think it will be ________ the computer company brings out a new product? A.until B.when C.before D.that 【答案】C 【解析】分析句子,可知这是一个时间状语从句。根据句意,可知选C。 句意: 你认为在电脑公司发布一种新的产品之前,还需要经过多长的时间呢?


连词 连词是用来连接词与词、词组与词组、句子与句子,表示某种逻辑关系的虚词。连词可以表并列、承接、转折、因果、选择、假设、比较、让步、递进、条件、目的等关系。一般说来,连词有很多是由副词、介词发展而来的;很多副词、介词又是由动词发展而来。所以动词、介词、连词需要区别。 和 =跟、=与、=及、=同<方>。表示并列关系、联合关系。 车上装的是机器和材料。他的胳膊和大腿都受伤了。工人和农民都是国家的主人。工业与农业。批评与自我批评。我同你一起去。图书、仪器、标本及其他。(注意:用“及”连接的成分多在词义上有主次之分,主要成分放在“及”的前面) 以及 连接并列的词或词组(“以及”前面往往是主要的):院子里种着大丽花、矢车菊、夹竹桃以及其他的花木。 既=既然 既来之,则安之。既然他不愿意,那就算了吧。既然知道做错了,就应该赶紧纠正。你既然一定要去,我也不便阻拦。既要做,就一定要做好。既然这样,还不去做?用在上半句话里,下半句话里往往用副词就、也、还跟他呼应,表示先提出前提,而后加以推论。 既然。。。就。。。既然。。。也。。。既然。。。还。。。 继而=既而 先是惊叹,既而大家一起欢呼起来。人们先是一惊,继而哄堂大笑。先是一个人领唱,继而全体跟着一起唱。表示紧随在某一情况或动作之后。 而 1、连接动词、形容词、词组、分句。 (1)连接语意相承的成分。伟大而艰巨的任务。战而胜之,取而代之,我们正从事一个伟大的事业,而伟大的事业必须有最广泛的群众的参加和支持。 (2)连接肯定和否定相互补充的成分:此种花香浓而不烈,清而不淡。马克思主义叫我们看问题不要从抽象的定义出发,而要从客观存在的事实出发。有转折的意思。 (3)连接语意相反的成分,表转折:如果能集中生产而不集中,就会影响改进技术、提高生产。 (4)连接事理上前后相因的成分:因困难而畏惧而退却而消极的人,不会有任何成就。 2、有“到”的意思。一而再,再而三。由秋而冬。由南而北。 3、把表示时间、方式、目的、原因、依据等的成分连接到动词上面。匆匆而过、挺身而出、为正义而战、因公而死、视情况而定、三十而立。 而且 表示更进一步,前面往往有“不但、不仅”跟它呼应:性情温和而且心地善良。他不仅会开汽车,而且会修汽车。不但战胜了各种灾害,而且获得了丰收。 因而=因此 表示结果。下游河床狭窄,因而河水容易泛滥。 因为 常跟所以连用,表示因果关系。因为今天事情多,所以没去成。 何况 用反问的语气表示更进一层的意思。这么多事情一个人一天做完是困难的,何况他又是新手。他在生人面前都不习惯讲话,何况要到大庭广众之中呢?(even)


教学过程 一、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节课所学的内容复习,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过简单的句子导入本节课所要学习的连词。 连词含义:连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。 二、知识讲解 知识点1:并列关系连词的用法 在句子中并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组和分句。常用的并列连词有:and,both…and,not only…but also,as well as,neither…nor等。 1. 【考查点】单个连词及固定搭配的用法。 如:They sat down and talked about something. 他们坐下来并且讨论一些事情。 She plays not only the piano, but (also) the guitar. 她不仅弹钢琴而且还弹吉他。 注意:not only… but also关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否定词not 而必须倒装。 Not only does he like reading stories, but also he can even write some. 他不仅喜欢读故事书,甚至能写一些。 2.【易错点】1) 并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。

2) 但有时and也可用于否定句。请注意其不同特点: There is no air or water in the moon. 在月球上没有空气和水。 There is no air and no water on the moon. 在月球上没有空气没有水。 在否定中并列结构用or 连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用and。 知识点2:表示选择关系的连词 1.【考查点】选择关系的连词及固定搭配 or意思为"或则"。either…or意思为"或者……或者……"or else/ otherwise 否则 如:Which do you prefer, tea, coffee, or juice ? 你喜欢哪一个,茶,咖啡还是果汁? Either you or I am right. 你和我有一个是正确的。 Be silent, or else you will be kicked out. 保持沉默,否则你将会背开除。 I am tired, otherwise, I would play. 我很累,不然的话我就去玩了。 知识点3:表示转折或对比关系的连词 1.表示转折关系和对比关系的连词有but,while,yet,however等 2.【考查点】转折关系连词的用法 如:He is rich but unhappy. 他很富裕但不快乐。 Some people love cats, while others hate them. 有些人喜欢猫,而有些则讨厌他们。 She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time. 她说她将会迟到,然而他却准时到达了。 She does not like him, however, I like him. 她不喜欢他,但是我喜欢他。 They were not the bones of an animal, but (the bones) of a human being. 他们不是动物的骨头而是人类的。 注意:not 和but 后面的用词要遵循一致原则。 2.【易错点】but和however的区别。However后有逗号,but没有。 知识点4:表示因果关系的连词 1.【考查点】for因为,做并列连词使用时,是在对先行的句子补述原因或者理由, 以连接句子与句子,通常不置于句首。so, therefore 因此,then那么,因而。 如:He is absent today, for he is ill. 他今天缺席了因为他生病了。 He hurt his leg, so he couldn't play in the game. 他的腿受伤了,因此不能参加这个游戏。 知识点5:谓语动词单复数的判断 1.【考查点】句子有as well as,neither…or等连词时注意谓语动词的单复数。


并列句及连词的用法 【巩固练习】 I.单项选择。 1.Help others whenever you can you'll make the world a nicer place to live. A. and B. or C. unless D. but 2.These story books for children are awfully written. They are interesting exciting. A. either, or B? neither, nor C. both, and D. not only, but also 3.一Would you like to go to the concert with me? ——I'd love to, I'm afraid I have no time. A. so Be or C. and D. but 4.一Where was your brother at this time last night? 一He was writing an e-mail I was watching TV at home. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while 5.you your brother can join us. We want one of you. A. Both, and B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D. Not only, but also 6.the story is short and there are no new words in it, it is difficult to understand. A. But B. Though C. And D. For 7.一Mom, shall we have supper now? 一Oh, we won't have supper your dad comes back. A. until B. since C. while D. after 8.He won't pass the exam he works hard. A. whenever B. because C. if D. unless 9.Tony is a quiet student, he is active in class. A. so B. and C. but D. or 10.They will lose the game hey try their best, A. unless B. once C. since D. after 11.You won't feel happy at school you get on well with your classmates. A. though B. when C. unless D. because 12.This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are D. can 13.The restaurant is nice and the food is not bad.I still prefer eating at home. A. And B. But C. So D. Or 14.Be quick, we'll be late for school. A. and B. or C. so D. but 15.The rain is very heavy we have to stay at home. A. but B. because C. so D. and 16.一I don't think your uncle really likes drama series. 一No,he still watches the programme.


英语连词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择连词 1.Read this story, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. A.or B.and C.but D.so 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查并列句。句意看看这个故事,你就会明白不是所有的东西都可以用钱买到的。“祈使句 + and/or +陈述句”是一个固定句式,根据句意,选B 考点 : 考查并列句。 2.——Have you got the results of the final exam? ——Not yet. I'm afraid it will be a few days we know the final results. A.before B.after C.until D.when 【答案】A 【解析】考查连词的用法。根据句意:你知道期末考试的结果了吗?还不知道呢,恐怕再过一些天我们才知道最终的结果。before …才…,after …之后,until直到,when当什么时候,故选A。 3.We shouldn’t think the question of ________ they are poor or rich is important. A.what B.whether C.why D.how 【答案】B 【解析】考查考查名词性从句。句意“我们不应该把他们是穷人还是富人看得太重要。”whether常与or/or not连用,意为“是否......”。故选B。 4.— How can I wake up so early? — Set the ala rm at 5 o’clock,you’ll make it. A.but B.or C.and D.so 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查情景交际和并列连词。句意:--我怎样才能醒的很早?--把闹钟定到5点,这样,你就能做到了。答语前后是并列关系,祈使句+and表示条件,相当于if条件句。or 表示相反的情况,故选C。 考点:考查情景交际和并列连词 5.He was about to tell me the secret __ _____ someone patted him on the shoulder. A.as B.until C.while D.when


并列句及连词的用法 【真题再现】 1. Study hard, you will pass the exam.(2014 安顺) A. so B. or C. but D. and 2. Think of a number, don't tell me what it is.(2014 沈阳) A. nor B. so C. or D. but 3. Don’t run in the clas sroom, you may hurt yourself.(2014 陕西) A. and B. or C. but D. so 4. Practice more, ________ you'll do better in playing chess.(2014 重庆) A. but B. and C. when D. after 5. Be quick, w e’ll be late for school.(2015 呼和浩特) A.and B.but C.or D.so 6. At school, we are taught knowledge how to behave well. (2015 青岛) A. neither; nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. not; but 7.I have only two tickets for TF Boys’ concert.you he can go on with me.(2015 广东) A.Either… or B.Neither… nor C.Both… and D.Not only… also 8. Going to the movies is good, I really only like listening to music.(2015 安徽) A. and B. but C. so D. or 【答案与解析】 1. D。句意:好好学习,你就会通过考试,由设空后可知,本句是表示并列关系,所以 用D。A. so那么,所以;B. or否则;C. but但是。所以本题答案为D。 2. D。句意:想一个数字,但不要告诉它是什么。not也不;so所以;or否则;but但是。 根据题意可知前半句与后半句之间是转折关系,故选D。 3. B。句意:不要在教室里跑,否则你可能会伤到你自己。or意为“否则,要不然”, 符合语境,故答案为B项。 4. B。句意:多练习,你下象棋的水平会更高些。由句意可知前后分句之间是顺承关系, 故答案为B项。 5. C。句意为:快点,否则我们上学就迟到了。or意为“否则”,表连接,符合题意, 故选C。 6. C。句意:在学校,我们不仅被传授知识,而且被传授如何做到行为得体。neither…… nor……既不……也不……;either……or……要么……要么……;not only……but also…… 不但……而且……;not……but……不是……而是……;故选A。 7. A。句意为:我有两张TF Boys音乐会的票。你和他其中一个人可以跟我去。A项意 为“或者……或者……”,表示两者中的一个;根据语境可知,只有两张票,说话人只能和其中一人一起去,故选A。 8. B。句意:看电影是不错,但是我却只喜欢听音乐。and和,而且;but但是;so因此; or或者,否则。根据句意可知选B项。 【用法讲解】 考试要求: 近年来,全国各地的中考英语试题对连词的考查主要集中在以下几方面: 1. 对并列连词的考查,要求必须确切地理解句子的意义,在此基础上确定词与词之间及 两个分句之间的关系,从而确定正确的并列连词。


连词的用法 一、概说 连词,是一种虚词,不能担任一个句子成分,但可以起连接的作用,即连接词与词或句与句。如:We may be leaving today or tomorrow. 我们可能今天或明天走。(连接词与词) Now I must go or I shall be late for the party. 我现在得走,否则晚会我就要迟到了。(连接句与句)主要是包括并列连词和从属连词。在句子中,连词起连接词与词、短语与短语及句子和句子的作用。它本身在句子里不单独做句子成分。 并列连词:是用来连接语法地位相同的结构、相同的单词、短语及句子。 并列连词有:and, but, or, nor, so, for yet, however, as well as, both...and, not only...but also, either...or, neither...nor, still, 从属连词:用来引导状语从句。 从属连词有:after, when, before, as, while, since, until, till, if, unless, lest, because, than, that, whether, so that, in order that, as if, as though, although, suppose that, provided, that, as...as, now that, such...that, in case that, on condition that 二、连词的种类 连词有两类: 1)从属连词:引导从句。随着从句作用不同,它们又可分为几类: 此外还有that, whether 等从属连词可引导名词从句,在句中担任主语、宾语等。 2)并列连词:连接两个互不依从的次、短语或分句: Slow but sure. 要慢而稳。(连接单词) She’ll be back either this week or next week.她将在这周或下周回来。(连接短语)


现代汉语语法基础知识 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

现代汉语语法基础知识 实词:意义较实在,能独立充当句子成分;加上一定的语气语调,一般可独立成句。 名词、动词、形容词、数词、量词、代词 虚词:不能独立充当句子成分;除了个别副词,一般不能独立成句。 副词、介词、连词、助词、语气词 一、实词 1.名词:表示人或事物名称的词。 有人物名词: 如学生、群众、老头、妇女、同志、叔叔、维吾尔族、酒鬼等; 有事物名词: 如笔、杉木、蜗牛、猎豹、奥托、棒球、战斗机、冥王星、思想、中学、物理、过程等; 有时间名词: 如上午、过去、将来、午夜、三更、甲戊、世纪等; 有方位名词: 如东南、上面、前方、内部、中间等。 2.动词:表示动作行为及发展变化的词。 有行为动词:如跑、唱、喝、敲、吆喝、盯、踢、闻、听、摸; 有发展动词:如生长、枯萎、发芽、结果、产卵; 有心理动词:如喜欢、恨、气愤、觉得、思考、厌恶; 有存现动词:如消失、显现、有、丢失、幻灭;

有使令动词:如使、让、令、禁止、勒令; 有能愿动词:如会、愿意、可以、能够、宁可; 有趋向动词:如来、去、上、下; 有判断动词:如是、为、乃。 3.形容词,表示事物性质、状貌特征的词。 有表形状的:如大、高、胖、瘪、细、壮; 有表性质的:如甜、好、香、漂亮、圆滑、机智、单调; 有表示状态的:如快、浓、满、多、迅速、静悄悄。 4.数词,表示事物数目的词。 有确数:如1、2、3、一、二、三、壹、贰、叁、二分之一、; 有概数:如几、一些、左右、以下、余; 有序数:如第一、第二、老大、老三、初九、初十。 5.量词,表示事物或动作的单位。 有名量词:如尺、寸、里、公里、斤、两、辆、角、元; 有动量词:如把、次、趟、下、回、声、脚、座。 6.代词,能代替事物名称的词。 有人称代词:如我、你、它、她们、大家、咱们; 有疑问代词:如谁、什么、怎么、哪里、为什么、何以; 有指示代词:这、那、那里、那边。 二、虚词 1.副词,经常用在动词、形容词前面,表示程度、范围、时间、否定、语气、频率等。


现代汉语连词 一、连词的性质、特征和类别 汉语的连词是一种具有多层级连接功能的虚词,既可以连接词和短语,也可以连接小句和句子,还可以连接句子和句组。而且,连词除了具有连接的语法功能之外,还兼有修饰的语义功能和表述的语用功能。例如:长期以来,“钻石男”一直是许多女人梦寐以求的择偶对象。但在这个物欲横流的社会,和“钻石男”组建家庭需要面对太多不安定因素,高风险下未必获得高回报。“牛奋男”虽然暂时没有良好的经济基础,但却拥有可靠的人格魅力和信得过的品质;不乏上进心,能够为家庭努力奋斗;对爱情忠诚度高,像牛一样执着。《比钻石男靠谱的牛奋男长啥样?》2010-09-07中国日报网) 前一个“但”连接句子构成句组,后一个“但”连接分句,构成复句。 连词在句法功能上主要具有以下四个方面的特征: a连词是粘附的,本身不能单说,也不能同被连一方一起单说。比如:儿子和女儿或快或慢只有亲自去一趟,才能了解实际情况。 [* ]和女儿 [*]或慢只有亲自去一趟,[* ] 在对话中,会话一方单用的连词其实是配合关系的合用。比如:路上出车祸了,塞车了。-----哦,难怪好多人到现在还没来到呢。 你去通知他们一声。-----要是他们不同意提前呢?-----那就不等他们了。 上面“难怪、可、要是”看似是同所连接的成分单用,其实都是在对话中,从会话双方所组成的整个话轮看,上面的“连词X”是整个复句的一部分。 b连词不能被其他词语修饰。也就是说连词前面出现的修饰语,都不是修饰连词本身的,而是修饰整个由连词引导的分句的。比如: 正因为这一带饭店太多了,所以大家生意都不好。 不论你愿意不愿意,也不论你是否已作好准备,现在没有其他办法,只有马上行动。 显然,“正因为、也不论、更为了”在汉语中单用都是不能成立的。 c同类连词不能在同一层次上连用。比如: *要是如果明天早晨下大雨,他们可能就不会来了。 *因为由于这两天他身体不太好,其他事情又多,所以没有接受我们的邀请。 如果是在不同的层次上,非同类连词共现是可以接受的。比如:因为宁可空缺,也不能降低标准,所以后来真正入围的名额比原定的少了许多。 虽然总经理已经口头答应了,但是如果到时候他又改变主意的话,还是办不成。 d连词可以位于主语之前,也可以位于主语之后。比如: 情况如果属实,那就应该坚决予以制止。→如果情况属实,那就应该坚决予以制止。 虽然我当时不在场,但是案情基本了解。→我虽然当时不在场,但是案


并列连词的用法 一.概念 连词是用来连接词,短语,句或句子的词.连词不作成分. 二.相关知识点精讲 1.表示并列关系的连词有:and和;both…and…两者都;not only… but also…不仅…而且;neither…nor…即不…也不;not…but…(不是…而是…) ;not…not…不…也不…(语气比neither…nor…弱)等。如 1)and:和,并且 A:基本用法: “and”表示“和”、“并且”“而且”,“但”,表示动作的先后、因果、转折、强化语义等。例如: I enjoy basketball , football and table tennis. 我喜欢打篮球、踢足球、打乒乓球。 Mary and Lucy like music very much. 玛丽和露茜喜欢音乐。 It’s getting colder and colder in winter.冬天气候变得越来越冷。 I like reading and my brother likes watching TV.我喜欢读书,而我弟弟喜欢看电视。 The weather becomes colder and colder. 天气越变越冷。 B:特别用法: 祁使句后连接and,有条件句作用,此时and=if you…,you’ll… Go straight on, and you’ll see the library.==If you go straight on, you will see the library. 一直走就能看到图书馆。 Be careful ,and you’ll make fewer mistakes. 小心点,你就会少犯错误。 2)bot h…and…既…也…,(两者)都… A、both…and…构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 Both Jim and Kate are from England. 吉姆和凯特都是英国人。 B、both…and…否定句表示部分否定。 You can’t speak both German and English.你的德语和法语讲的不太好。 Both my father and my mother aren’t doctors.我父亲和我母亲不都是医生。 3)neither…nor…:既不…也不… neit her…nor…连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词靠近哪个主语就与哪个主语保持“人称”和“数”的一致,即采取就近原则。 Neither I nor he has seen the play before. 我和他以前都没有看过这个话剧。 4)not…not…不…也不…(语气比neither…nor…弱) He warned me not to be late, not allowed to work, he got very angry. 5)not only…but also…:不但…而且… not only…but also…连接两个主语后的谓语动词也遵循就近原则。 Not only the mother but also the children are ill. 不仅妈妈而且孩子们也生病了。 6)not …but 不是…而是 He is not short of money but greedy. 他不是缺钱而是贪心。


最新英语连词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择连词 1.Read this story, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. A.or B.and C.but D.so 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查并列句。句意看看这个故事,你就会明白不是所有的东西都可以用钱买到的。“祈使句 + and/or +陈述句”是一个固定句式,根据句意,选B 考点 : 考查并列句。 2.To live in honor, he came from a poor family, was his ambition. A.though B.if C.unless D.however 【答案】A 【解析】though尽管if如果;是否unless除非however无论怎样,根据题意他的野心就是为了有尊严的活着,尽管他来自一个贫穷的家庭.故选A. 3.He was about to tell me the secret __ _____ someone patted him on the shoulder. A.as B.until C.while D.when 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:她正要告诉我这个秘密,这时有人拍了一下她的肩膀。beabouttodo...when...是固定句型,意为“正要做……这时……”。 考点:考查连词。 【名师点睛】 用when引导时间状语从句的句型结构搭配 beabouttodosthwhen刚要,即将;正要做某事,突然发生其他事 bedoingsthwhen正在做某事突然 haddonesthwhen刚刚做过某事突然 beatthepointofdoingsthwhen就在做某事的关键时刻突然 scarcely...when/hardly...when几乎未来得及就…;刚一……就…… nosooner...than一……就…… 4.I’m sorry I got caught in the traffic;_________, I could have been here sooner.A.besides B.although C.anyway D.otherwise 【答案】D 【解析】考查含蓄虚拟条件句。I could have been here sooner是和过去事实相反的虚拟语


现代汉语语法知识 一、语法知识概述 (一)词类 汉语的词可以分为12类。名词、动词、形容词、数词、量词和代词是实词,副词、介词、连词、助词、拟声词和叹词是虚词。 名词:表示人和事物的名称的实词。如:"黄瓜、白菜、拖拉机、计算机"。 表示专用名称的叫做"专用名词",如"云南、上海、李白、白居易"。 表示抽象事物的名称的叫做"抽象名词",如"范畴、思想、质量、品德、友谊、方法"。表示方位的叫做"方位名词",如"上""下""左""右""前""后""中""东""西""南""北""前面""后边""东边""南面""中间"等。 动词:动词表示人或事物的动作、行为、发展、变化。 有的动词表示一般的动作,如:来、去、说、走、跑、学习、起飞、审查、认识"等。 有的动词表示心理活动,如"想、重视、注重、尊敬、了解、相信、佩服、惦念"等,这样的动词前面往往可以加上"很、十分"。 有的动词表示能够、愿意这些意思,叫做"能愿动词",它们是"能、要、应、肯、敢、得(dei)、能够、应该、应当、愿意、可以、可能、必须",这些能愿动词常常用在一般的动词前面,如"得去、能够做、可以考虑、愿意学习、应该说明、可能发展"。 还有一些动词表示趋向,叫做"趋向动词",如"来、去、上、下、进、出、上来、上去、下来、下去、过来、过去、起,它们往往用在一般动词后面表示趋向,如"跳起来、走下去、抬上来、跑过去"。 "是""有"也是动词,跟动词的用法一样。 形容词:形容词表示事物的形状、样式、性质等,如"多、少、高、胖、死板、奢侈、胆小、丑恶"。 数词:数词是表示事物数目的词。如"一、二、两、三、七、十、百、千、万、亿、半"。 量词:量词是表示事物或动作单位的词。汉语的量词分为名量词和动量词。 名量词表示事物的数量,又可以分为单位量词和度量量词。 单位量词表示事物的单位,如"个、张、只、支、本、台、架、辆、颗、株、头、间、把、扇、等; 度量量词表示事物的度量,如"寸、尺、丈、斤、两、吨、升、斗、加仑、伏特、欧姆、立方米"。 动量词表示动作的数量,用在动词前后表示动作的单位,如"次、下、回、趟、场"。


连词的用法 责编:王晓丽 【巩固练习】 I. 用and, but, or或so填空。 1. Hurry up, _________ you’ll be late for school. 2. Who’s the youngest, Rose, Helen ________ Betty? 3. Work hard, ______ you will succeed. 4. I’ll see you either on Monday _______ on Tuesday. 5. Put your coat on, ______ you’ll be cold. 6. His bike is broken,_____ he has to walk there. 7. The old man has no money, ______he can’t buy food to eat. 8. The sky is blue ________ everything is beautiful. 9. We were very tired _______ we were very happy. 10. He never smokes ________ drinks. 11. There is no air ______ water on the moon. 12. Your classroom is clean _______ tidy. 13. My house is small _______ lovely. 14. It is hot today, ______ some boys are still playing basketball outside. 15. People can’t live without air _____ water. 16. The Summer Palace is large _______ beautiful. 17. He looks tall and strong ______ he is afraid to go out at night. 18. We had no water ______ food at that time. 19. Come on! _______ you will win the match. 20. Wang Tao's pen was broken, ______ he needed a new one. II.单项选择。 1.The boy is only ten,_______ he can do some washing himself. A.though B.but C.or D.so 2. Work hard, _____ you'll pass the English exam this time. A. or B. but C. because D. and 3. There are no buses, ____ you’ll have to walk. A. so B. or C. but D. for 4. Mr. Smith is an English teacher ______ he teaches us English. A. or B. and C. but D. so 5. — Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight? —I’d love to, ______ I can’t. I have a lot of homework to do. A. or B. and C. but D. so 6. When you are learning English, use it as often as possible, ______ you might drop it. A. or B. and C. but D. so 7. —You watched the fashion show last night, didn’t you? — Yes, ______ I missed the beginning. A. or B. and C. but D. so


连词 连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。 一.并列连词:用来连接平行的词、词组和分句。 1、and (1)连接两个并列的谓语: They sat down and talked about something. (2)连接两个并列的动词不定式,第二个不定式往往省略to: They started to dance and sing. (3)可以和祈使句或名词词组连用表示条件(or也有此用法): Make up your mind, and you'll get the chance. = If you make up your mind, you'll get the chance. One more effort, and you'll succeed. = If you make one more effort, you'll succeed (4)当表示整体或者指同一人时谓语动词用单数, 当and连接的单数名词前分别有each,every,no等词修饰时,谓语也用单数。 The bread and butter is really delicious(美味的). The mother and teacher is very strict with her son. No teacher and no student is allowed to smoke in class. (5)连接两个相同意思的词,表示“渐渐”,或加强语气: Read it again and again 2、both …and两者都 Both he and she play the piano. 3、neither…nor既不…也不… 谓语动词采用就近原则,与nor后的词保持一致。 Neither you nor he is to blame. 4、not only…but (also) 不但…而且… She plays not only the piano, but (also) the guitar. *not only…but also 关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否定词not 而必须倒装。Not only does he like reading stories, but also he can even write some. 5、as well as 也,与…一样 The teacher, as well as the students, is interested in the activity.
