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导学案 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game

导学案Lesson 3 The Advertising Game 编写人:王海斌审稿:高一英语组 本课目标:掌握单词和词组 细读课文理解广告的作用及实质 了解并学习动名词 Step 1 Discussion The advantages of ads _______________________________ The disadvantages of ads ____________________________ Step 2 Lead-in We can see ads everywhere. What kinds of ads do like most? Why? __________________________________ Step 3 Reading Read the text and answer the questions in item 3 on page 26 Step 4 Word learning 写出意思对应的单词 1 Way of dealing with a person or thing ____________ 2 Praise something publicly in order to encourage people to buy or use it__________ 3 Plan of how money will be spent over a period of time ,in relation to the amount of money available_________ 4 having a high quality that is recognized and unquestioned;of


小学六年级英语导学案 (第1课时) 课题:Lesson 13 I want to be a farmer in the future. 主备:赵君 一:学习目标: 1. 熟练掌握课本61页每幅图下方的文字内容。 2. 四会词句:an actor, make me happy, a pop star I like / enjoy doing ... I often do ... I want to be ... In the future . 二:重难点: 1. 熟练掌握四会词句 2. 理解并能听懂,会读课本第61页每段话的内容。 3. 灵活运用所学的句型和词语,表达真实情感和意愿。 三:预习导引(自主学习) 预习cartoon , make me happy, in the future 是什么意思? 四:交流合作,探究学习 1. 讨论解决自主学习中遇到的问题。 2. 听录音,仔细观察61页四幅图,思考问题: What do you like ? What do you often do after school ? 例如:第二幅图在老师的帮助下,学生可以根据图片回答:I like pop songs. I often sing songs after school . (其他几幅图同理) 3. 老师提问:What do you want to be in the future ? 学生可以回答:I want to be ... 4. 学生自由讨论,谈论自己的真实想法和意愿。(回答问题2)五:课堂检测: 认真读课本61页课文,结合录音情境回答下列问题: 1. What does the boy / girl like ?


英语导学案2018.12.18 Unit 4 L3 It’s time for the weather forecast. 学习目标: 1.正确认读和拼写生词 2.根据文章所给的信息回答问题 3.正确使用be doing 结构 预习 任务1、浏览课本46页Task1、课本52页生词表,拼读单词,并能背过全部单词天气____________ 多云的_____________ 晴朗的______________ 预报____________ 有雾旳______________ 下雨________________ 下雪____________ 有雾霾的____________ 大雨________________ 大雪____________ 有风的______________ 移动________________ 州_____________ 否则_______________ 滑雪________________ 任务2:完成课本46页的Task 2,Task 3 合作探究 1.课本47页Task 4 总结现在进行时态的用法及基本句型 2.课本47页Task5 拓展提升 Fill in the blanks and speak 1. What are you _________(do) now? I _________(eat) bread. 2. It’s nine o’clock. My father_________(work) in the office. 3. Look, the boy____________(put) the rubbish into the bin. 4. ________he______(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He__________(play). 5. Where is Mak? He_________(run) on the grass. 6. Listen, who_________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary_______(sing) there. 自我反思 1.按照课本52页完成学习反思


《lesson1 At the Airport》问题导读生成——评价单设计者:千阳县南寨小学李军萍班级:六年级姓名:同学们,经过你认真地阅读课文,老师相信你对课文内容有了一定的理解,试着完成下列各题,老师相信你哦! 【我来尝试】 1 指名读单词: month airport plane these suitcase 2 向别人介绍你的朋友。 【合作攻关】 3.找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 ()1. want A. make B. apple C.what ()2. room A. school B. book C.foot ()3. bus A. blue B. pull C.mud ()4. sit A. six B. nine C.five 4. 选出不同类的一项。 ()1. A. chair B. couch C. supper ()2. A. China B. Canada C. English ()3. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. home ()4. A. dish B. wash C. cook 《lesson1 At the Airport》问题训练——评价单

设计者:南寨小学李军萍班级:六年级姓名: 同学们,经过大家的自主合作学习,相信大家已经掌握了本课的知识,请大家一定能顺利的完成下列各题。 1我会连线 让我来帮你! Li ming lives in china 李明住在中国it’s gre at! 他在那儿! What time is it? 几点了? Let me help you ! 太棒了! There he is ! 2 两人应用What time is it ? it is ____________做对话 3 连词成句 to nice you meet ! September is today first . 《Jenny’s house》问题导读生成——评价单 设计者:千阳县南寨小学李军萍班级:六年级姓名:同学们,经过你认真地阅读课文,老师相信你对课文内容有了一定

四年级英语下册Lesson6 Little Zeke导学案

四年级英语下册 Lesson 6 Little Zeke导学案 【学习目标】 1.能够听懂和理解这个简单的故事,能就故事进行提问和回答. 2.能够分角色并用自己的语言表演故事. 【学习重点】 能够听懂和理解这个简单的故事,能就故事进行提问和回答. 【学习难点】 能够分角色并用自己的语言表演故事. 【学习过程】 学法指导:引导学生逐渐掌握自主学习、合作探究的学习模式. 课前准备:录音机,磁带,课件. 一、预习小提示!我来帮帮你 Emma埃玛(女名) Zeke齐克(男名) Tom汤姆(男名) Nan南(男名) Jane简(女名) Jones琼斯(女名) Tess苔丝(女名) only只,仅仅 sometimes有时find找到,发现afraid害怕,担心hide躲藏 二、你会读这些单三形式吗 has有hides躲藏helps帮助puts放finds找到,发现comes来feels感觉wants想要writes写 little Zeke’s friend the teacher’s desk feel sad and afraid want to help her want her to feel happy write to her 1.Emma has many friends. Tom, Nan, and Jane are her friends. 2.But little Zeke has only one friend—Emma. He hides in Emma’s desk. 3.What does little Zeke do? --He helps Emma. 4.Sometimes, little Zeke puts an apple on the teacher’s desk.


党岘中学九年级英语导学案 周次:第周编号::DZYY159250 主备:马成林审核:丁贺康班级:组别:姓名:学号: 课题Lesson50:Tips for good communication 年级九年级 学习目标1.通过中心话题“让学校变得更美好”,让学生意识到在学校要与同学和平相处。 2.培养学生热爱和平的优良品质。 3.掌握良好交际的方法。 学习重点1.掌握本课的重点短语和句子。 2.复习定语从句。 学习难点激发学生兴趣,向他人介绍自己与人交流的方法。 学习方法自主学习、合作探究、交流展示、巩固提高 课时设置1课时 课堂流程预习检查-导入新课-探究新知-训练巩固-小结提升-布置作业 教师活动 (环节、方法、措施) 学生活动 (自主学习、合作探究、交流展示、巩固提高) 【自主预习】(充分预习课本,完成基础知识)1.熟读并且记忆本课四会单词; 2.找出并记忆本课重点短语及句型 3.完成课本第1题。 4.完成配套练习册第1题。

【预习检查】:抽查学生课前预习的完成情况。 【导入新课】 Lesson50:Tips for good communication 【探究新知】 一、单词学习 1、播放单词录音,纠正学生读音 2、小组学习: 组内、组间互考单词 二、课文学习 1、播放课文录音,完成课后练习第?题; 2、阅读、讨论,找出本课重点短语、句型; 3、给各小组提供展示机会。 三、教师解析重、难点短语、句型 【训练巩固】 1、课本练习二、三 2、配套练习册II、III题。 【小结提升】:归纳本节课重点知识及涉及考点。 【布置作业】: 1、配套练习册第IV题。 2、作业本习题临时通知科代表。各组组长通报本组预习情况。 【合作探究】 1、由各组组长主持,小组合作,完成练习。 2、组长主持,小组合作探讨共性的疑难问题 【巩固提高】 完成句子 1.弄清楚你打算做什么。 2.Make sure________what ________ going to do. 3.玛丽和我对弹钢琴感兴趣。 4.Mary and I__________ playing the piano. 5.我们应该尽最大努力准时。 6.We should ________to be on time. 7.我愿意和那些总是信守承诺的人交朋友。 8.I will make friends with those who always________________. 根据句意用括号内所给的单词的适当形式或汉语意思填空. 1. You are wasting time _________(talk) to him. 2. You should keep _________( you) promises and go to the museum with me. 3.He saw the accident while _________(walk) in the street. 4. Lisa is a kind girl. She is ___________ (interest) in being a peacemaker. 5.This is my _________ (two)time to be a volunteer in the hospital. 6.Linda works in a radio station. I am a good _l________ to her radio show 7.If you want to go to America, you will need a valid(有效的)____________(护照) 8.I_________(保证)I will be back in an hour. 9. There are a lot of____________________(误会)between them, so they have never reached agreement. 1.配套练习习题巩固 2.作业本习题提升

人教版三年级下册英语unit6 导学案

Unit 6 How many? Lesson 1 一、学习内容:P24 A Let's talk Let's practice 二、学习目标: 1、学习句型How many……can you see?并能正确回答I can see…. 2、复习巩固1-12数字的读法。 三、学习过程 1、复习前面学过的数字1-10,读出下面的数字 96351 47263 52169 63974 52134 79836 2、找出自己身边的数字。 3、Make a dialogue S1:How many pens/pencils……do you have? S2:I have 1,2,……12. 4、小组之间用自己的学习用品练习对话。 5、自学24页的对话,用横线将不明白的标注出来。 四、随堂练习 A:How many________( 猫 )can you see? B:I can see_______( 11只 ) A:How________kites can you_______?(你能看见多少风筝?) B:I can _______ten.(我能看见10只) A:It's__________(它很漂亮) B:Let's______it.(让我们去放飞吧) 家长签字:________________自我评价:

Lesson 2 一、学习内容:P25 A Let's learn Let's play 二、学习目标: 1、认识会读1-15的英语表达方法。 2、J,K两个字母的规范书写,以及代表单的的认读。 三、学习过程 1、1-10在上学期的第六单元已经学过,自己再把课本找出来复习一下,并将他们在四线三格中认真的写出来。(努力加油展示自己) 2、展示不同数量的物品。 T:How many ………………can you see? S:I can see ………… 学习1-15单词的认读,注意11,12的认读和发音。 3、认真的书写J,K两个字母 四、随堂测验 1、读出下面的数字 85672 56843 67983 24586 63984 53694 2、填上正确的数字 one + ten =()two + ten =()three + ten =()four + ten=()five + ten=()four + eight=()three + nine=() three + eight=() five + six =( ) seven + six=( ) seven + five=( ) nine + two=( ) 家长签字:________________自我评价:


Lesson27 What’s Y our Advice? 科目English 课题 Lesson 27 What‘s your advice 主备人杨青梅授课人杨青梅授课 时间 2014.11.21 教 学目 标1. 掌握词汇及短语:advice, choose, spell, as, be nice to,number ,opposite 2. 识别词汇及短语:diamond, advice, advice diamond, opposite, too many / much, Fast is the opposite of slow. 3.让学生了解如何用英语提建议。4.让学生介绍自己喜欢做的游戏。 教学内容1.了解有关建议的方法。2.介绍一些用于介绍游戏的句式: ①All of your diamonds are green.②Now, choose a number. ③Danny counts when he opens and closes the diamond.. 3.掌握表示建议的句式。 重点难点 1.掌握一些与与建议有关的重点词汇: know,walk,show,buy,lose 2.运用所学知识介绍在新环境中的生活情况。 3.掌握以下重点句子:(翻译) ①This is making me tired! ②When Danny gets to fifty-one,he stops counting ③Ienny picks another number and Danny counts. ④That is very good advice, Danny!. Business before pleasure.先务正业,后娱乐。 一、英汉互译【自主学习,预习先知】 1.too many noodles _______ 2.improve your English____ 3.这一次__________________ 4.look inside______________ 5.许多水果和蔬菜__________ 6.需要干某事______________ 8.玩耍,_______________ 9.选择一个号码____________10.do one’s homework______ 11. 78_____ 12. 39_______ 13. 46_______ 14. 19_______15. 53_______ 16. 8_______ 17. 85_______ 18.12_______ 19. 100________ 20. Play with __________ 21.使得我疲倦_____________ 24. Is the opposite of ______________ 25.Let’s do it again.___________ 26.another number ______________ 27.be nice to____________ 28give sb.advice for sth._______________ 29一张纸______________ 30..选 择一个颜色(号码)____________ 合作研讨 1.What’s your advice?你的建议是什么? advice的用法: 1. 表示“劝告”、“忠告”、“建议”,是不可数名词,若要表示一条或几条建议或劝 告,则说a piece / three pieces of advice 一条 / 三条建议。可用some,much, a piece of,pieces of等修饰,不能说an advice或many/a few advices, 2.表示“有关……的建议”时,用介词on接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的不定式。 例如:Let’s ask for his advice on what to do next. 我们去征求一下他的意 见下一步该怎么办。 表示提出建议或忠告,一般用动词give;常见搭配:give sb. advice on对……提 出建议如:He gave us good advice on how to learn English. 3.表示接受意见或劝告,一般用动词take / follow ;take/follow one’s advice 接受某人的建议如:If you take (或follow) my advice and study hard, you’ll pass the examination. 如果你听我的劝告用功读书,你就会考及格。 4.表示向某人请教或征求意见,一般用动词ask / ask for;ask sb.for advice;ask for sb’s advice.征求某人的意见。如:He asked (for) the teacher’s advice. / He asked the teacher for his advice. 他向老师请教。 5. 表示按照某人的意见做某事,一般用介词on 或by。如: It was done on (或by) my advice. 这是按我的意见做的。 6. act on one’s advice照某人的建议去做 accept/refuse one’s advice接受 (拒绝)某人的建议 offer advice to sb.向某人提供建议 want one’s advice 需要某人的建议 7.advice 还可表示“消息”、“报道”,此时多用复数形式。the latest advices(最 新报道)。 8动词形式advise vt.常见搭配:advise sb. to do sth./ doing sth./ that sb. should do sth. 例如;①He advised waiting till the proper time.他建议等到 适当时机才行动。②My teacher advises me to leave now.老师建议我现在就离开。 ③We advise measures(should)be taken to stop pollution at once. 我们建 议立即采取措施以阻止污染。

六年级下册英语 Lesson21 A Party for Li Ming导学案

Lesson21 A Party for Li Ming导学案 一、学习目标 1.我能听说读写新单词early late begin tell party,并能用新单词说句子。 2.我会用英语打电话,并约定计划。 二、学习重、难点 重点:学握本课四会单词和打电话用语。 难点:打电话的交际用语和一般将来时的两种构成。 三、学习流程 (一)自主学习 你能大声读出下列单词并写出它们含义吗? begin_____ early_____ late_____ tell_____ party_____ 仔细阅读深文,将不认识的单词和句子写下来吧! 你会翻译下列句子吗? 1. Li Ming is leaving Soon. __________________________________ 2. Let's have a party for him. __________________________________ 3. Lets have a suprise party for LiMing. __________________________________ 4. I will invite some friends. __________________________________ 5. Would you come to a party for Li Ming? __________________________________ 6. How many poople comig to the party, Jenny? ___________________________________ 7. Don't be late! ___________________________________ 8. What time does it begin? ___________________________________ 9. I will come before 4:00.


《Lesson 33 Let’s go to the zoo!》 【学习目标】 1、重点单词:noise, course, lion,dream,lonely,miss,forest 2、重点短语:at the zoo 3、重点句型:Are they eating donuts? ---No, they aren’t. 4、语法:一般现在时和现在进行时的区别 【预习导学——5’】 根据语境和首字母完成短文 There is a z____ in our city. In it we can see t_____, e______, m_____, pandas, snakes and many other animals. What do they eat? The monkeys eat b______ and peaches. L______ and tigers eat meat. An elephant eats grass. Look! What are the monkeys doing? The monkeys are j____. The lion is s_____. The elephant is d_____. The tiger is e_______ meat. How happy they are! 答案:zoo,tigers,elephants,monkeys,bananas,Lions,jumping,sleeping,dreaming,eating. 【合作研讨——30’】 A、听力训练 Do the listening.(P87,Part1) B、任务阅读 Do the reading. ( P87, Part 2) C、难点点拨 1. noise 噪音 make a noise/ make noises/ make much noise noise噪音; sound泛指听到的任何声音;voice人的嗓音 ①Can you hear the _____ of running water? ②He usually speaks in a loud _______. ③Don’t make a ______ in class. 答案:1.sound 2. voice 3. noise 2. lo nely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的带有感情色彩,可做定语和表语。 alone adj. adv. 独自一人,无感情色彩,形容词时只能做表语。 She is a lonel y girl. His uncle lives in a lonely village. She ______________(不感觉孤独)although her mother is out. She lives alone in the city. The old man is alone in the house. ________________________________(他独自一人在街上散步,但是他并不孤独。) 答案:doesn’t feel lonely. He walks on the street alone, but he doesn’t feel lonely. 3. miss v. 想念;错过;漏掉 missing adj. 丢失的,不见得 Try to translate the following sentences: ①I miss my mother very much. ②miss a lesson ③miss the early bus ④miss a letter of this word.


马伸桥镇中英语导学案 课题:Lesson 1 课型:新授课主备教师:刘娅娜年级:六年级 学习目标:掌握1.during fantastic holiday were 2.过去式 am/is-was are-were go-went see-saw do-did eat- ate spend-spent watch-watched 3.短语 come back enjoy oneself have a good time with sb 课前检测:老师提问学生寒假的生活,引入话题。 学习过程: 一.看图,回答问题,目的是引入课文。(学习建议:仔细看图,认真思考,回答老师的问题。) 二.听录音,回答下列问题。(学习建议:认真听,独立完成答案,然后一起核对答案。) 1.Where did Kate go during her holiday ? 2.What did Kate see there ? 3.When will GaoWei go there ? 三.质疑探究(学习建议:先自主学习,然后不会的小组探究讨论。) (一)自主学习,读对话,在书上找出下列短语。 1.返回_______ 2玩的开心 ________ ________ 3和…在一起

_________ 4 在……前夕_______________ (二)读句子: 1 How was your holiday ? 2 Did they enjoy themselves ? 3 I went to Hainan with my parents. 4 We saw many banana trees… 5 I ate jiaozi that night. 6 They were delicious. 思考:划线的单词是动词 ___________形式,表示_______________ 反思小结:(你想说些什么) 达标测评 (试试你的身手吧!) 一.按要求写出下列单词。 1 they(反身代词) 2 spend (过去式) 3.am/is (过去式) 4.are (过去式) 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.I ______(watch)TV with my sister last night. 2.We ______(eat) some good food yesterday. 3.I ______(see) many old friends last week. 4.______(do) you enjoy yourself yesterday ? 5.I _____ (go) shopping last Sunday. 课后作业:1-4号背诵课文并熟记本课短语,5、6号熟读课文并记住本课短语。

甘肃省白银市强湾中学七年级英语上册 Lesson 46 Let’Go to the Zoo导学案(无答案) 冀教版

Lesson 46 Let’ Go to the Zoo 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 大熊猫()做梦()孤独的() 想念()森林()动物() 他们在吃面包圈吗? 他们正在吃香蕉? 她看上去很可爱。 他看上去很孤独。 他正在想念森林。 I. 选择与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语 1. My little brother walks to school. A. goes to school on his bicycle B. goes to school on foot C. goes to school by bus D. goes to school in a car 2. Eight plus eight equals sixteen. A. is B. are C. and D. with 3. I'll buy four erasers. 课 题 Lesson 46 Let’ Go to the Zoo 课时1课时课型新授 学习目标1掌握下列单词:动物园,狮子,老虎,大象,猴子,在……,大熊猫,做梦,孤独的,想念,森林,动物 2 To learn the names of the animals 3掌握下列句型:What are they doing?他们正在干什么? 流 程 Reading,acting, practicing ,listening 重难点1. New words :zoo, lion, elephant, monkey , lonely 2. The elephant is dreaming . The lion is sleeping . 3. 进一步认识一般现在时和正在进行时。 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 复习导学What are they doing?他们正在干什么?这是一个特殊疑问句。用疑问词what,where ,who,how等引起的问句叫特殊疑问句。朗读是要用降调,回答时,不能用“yes”或“no”,要根据实际情况直接回答。 miss:及物动词 1 vt. 遗失 She did not m iss her necklace 2.想念,惦记[+v-ing] I know how you miss your mother. 我了解你多么地想念你的母亲。miss2名词 n. 1.(通常大写)(用于姓名或姓之前,尤指对未婚女子的称呼)小姐 [C]Miss Brown is a popular teacher. 写出下列单词 动物园()狮子()老虎() 大象()猴子()在……()


班级:组名:姓名:时间: 八年级英语(下)第27课时 Lesson27 Danny the“Dry-o-saur”!导学案 ★学习目标: 1.词汇surprised examine discover explain enough liquid solid mix spoon add pour dissolve 2.短语take sth off sth. take off.show sth to sb.enough to do sth. 3.语法一般将来时 ★学习重难点: 重点:The force is strong enough to hold the water Danny, Jenny and Brian stand in front of the class. Next, Brian will take his hand off the cardboard. 难点:一般将来时 ★学习流程: Ⅰ对照单词表填写下列单词。 1. Can I (检查) the goods? 2. I want him (解释) the sentence to me. 3. Give me (三匙) water. 4. Air is (强大) than I thought. 5. The boy is old (足够) to go to school. 6.Who first __________(发现) America? 7.We are __________(对……感到惊讶) at his conclusion. Ⅱ阅读课文,填写下列实验步骤并得出结论。 The steps of the experiment “Weird Mud” 1._______________________________________ 2.________________________________________ 3.________________________________________ 4._________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________ 结论:suger and salt ________ in water,but not_________.It only ________ with water.When I ________ my hand and ________, some of the water______ _______. The _______ becomes ________. When I open my hand, the water _______ in again. It is a _________.

Unit 11 Lesson 5 导学案

Unit 11 It’s really worth seeing! Lesson 5 Reading 一、 学习目标 1.学习使用略读 ( skimming ) 和 跳读 ( scanning ) 两种阅读技巧来阅读文章。 Skimming: 通过扫描文章迅速掌握主旨大意。 Scanning: 搜索信息,找出答案,解决问题。 2. 通过看文章图片、阅读标题或第一段来预测文章内容;通过上下文来猜测词义 3. 尝试使用阅读策略阅读课外相关博物馆文本材料。 二、 知识链接 Museums in Jinan: _________________________________________________________________________ Kinds of museums in China: ___________________________________________________________________ 三、 新课导学 1. Prediction Look at the pictures, what kind of museums are they? 2. While reading: Read for details. a. The Kimchi Museum Seoul, South Korea ( T / F) 1) The Kimchi Museum is located in Seoul, North Korea. ( ) 2) The museum also provides details about the history and nutritional benefits of kimchi. ( ) 3) You can buy only one type of kimchi in the souvenir shop. ( ) b. The Museum of Gold Bogota, Colombia Read this part again and answer the questions. Then retell it according to the answers. 1) What does the Museum of Gold hold? ___________________________________ 2) Why can you take photographs without using a flash? ___________________________________ 3) Is everything made of gold? If not, what are many of them made from? _______________________________________________________________ c. The Chocolate Museum Cologne, Germany Rewrite these sentences using Active or Passive voice. 1) The Chocolate Museum will teach you everything about chocolate. You _______ _____ ___________ everything about chocolate ____ ______ _____________ ___________. 2) You will discover how it was once used as money in South America. You will discover how _____ _____ it as money in South America. 3) A real chocolate factory shows you how chocolate is made. You _____ __________ by a real chocolate factory how workers __________ _______________. 姓 名: 装 订 线


Lesson 46 学习目标 1、识记并运用单词: shy deep breach raise countryside catch picnic feed goose dark 2、理解并运用短语: more loudly take a deep breath have a picnic 3、掌握并运用句型: He does not feel shy any more. It is Li Ming’s turn to speak. 【预习检测】 一、短语匹配。 1. a little 2. take a deep breath 3. play catch 4. enjoy doing 5. have a picnic A.野餐 B一点儿 C.喜欢做 D.玩接球游戏 E.深呼吸 答案:1~5 BEDCA 二、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 1.现在轮到李明发言了。 Now. ______Li Ming's _____ _____speak. 2.所有的树和草都是绿色的。 ______ _______the trees and the grass were green. 3.我们喜欢闻那些花。 We _____ _______the flowers. 4.他不再感到害羞了。 He ______ ______ feel shy _____ ______. 答案:1. it's; turn to 2 . All of 3. enjoyed smelling 4.does not ;any more 【知识点】 1. It’s Li Ming’s turn to speak. 该轮到李明说了。 It’s one’s turn to do 轮到某人做某事。turn是名词,表示“次序”。 例如:It’s our turn to clean the classroom. 该轮到我们打扫教室了。 It’s Ms. Liu’s turn to give a talk. 轮到刘老师做报告了。 2. He does not feel shy any more. 他不再觉得害羞了。 not… any more=not…anymore=no more,表示“不再”。 例如:When the baby saw his mother, he didn’t cry a ny more. = When the baby saw his mother, he no more cried.

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