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This passage is adapted from AmitChaudhuri, A Strange and Sublime Address. ?1991 by AmitChaudhuri. A ten-year-old boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in Calcutta, India.


【解析】引言提到四个人物。主人公Sandeep:ten-year old boy;Mother;Aunt(Mamima);Uncle(Chhotomama)四个人

事件:Visit family in India

○1Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a small, painted shed which had the following words on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed through the window. ○2The boys interrupted their game to give Chhotomama directions to the house in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their first child.

【阐释】首段分两层。第一层(用○1标示)是一段景物描写,交代事件发生的地点。第二层(用○2标示)是男孩的行为描写(give uncle direction),交代事件是在―指路‖。

【翻译】○1两个男孩在一个油漆小木屋的台阶上玩着carrom『一种棋盘游戏』,木屋墙上涂着大的黑色字母:国家运动协会。通过窗户,可以瞥见屋内有张乒乓球桌。○2男孩们停下了他们的游戏,用凌乱而热情的手势比划着,给Uncle Chhotomama指出房子的方向。太好了,他们认识那对老夫妇;并且,他们的儿子和媳妇昨晚就同他们的第一个孩子一起到达了。

―Is it a girl or a boy?‖ asked Mamima, rolling down the window.

―A girl,‖ said the boy.


【翻译】―是女孩还是男孩?‖Aunt Mamima摇下车窗问


Mamima rolled up her window before the mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind them. When they reached the house, they found that the old man was waiting on the verandah with a lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round and round the lantern, though the old man was oblivious to them. He had come out because he had heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. The night had been silent except for the questioning cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the old man’s listenin g ear, and to his wife’s ear, even when the car was relatively far away and beyond their range of vision. They had pondered over the sound, and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out. ―I told her,‖ he said, referring to his wife. ―I told her that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her you were coming.‖

【阐释】这里Reach the house表明场景转换。本段为门外迎客。主要写了要访问的family 的old man出门迎客。


子时,他们发现老人已在verandah『v??r?nd?露台』上等待着,手中提着灯笼。飞蛾在飞来飞去拍打着灯笼,但老人却对这些飞蛾无动于衷。他早早出来,因为听到了远处发动机的震颤。除了猫头鹰的探寻般的叫声和灌木丛中蟋蟀不断奏响的管弦乐,夜晚是寂静的。因此,发动机的震颤穿透这寂静,直达老人的耳朵,连同他妻子的耳朵,即使这辆车还远得看不见呢。他们估摸是发动机的声音,最后老人还是点了灯笼,蹒跚着出来。―我跟她说,‖老人指他的妻子。―我跟她说,我听到这辆车来了,我知道就是这辆车,我告诉她你们快到了。‖Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old lady. ―There was no need,‖ she said. ―Oh really,‖ she said. ―This is too much,‖ she insisted, with the air of one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present. ―Come, come, come,‖ said Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has j ust given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity. ―It’s nothing.‖ It was nothing, of course, only Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and fussed and created the illusion that it was something, something unique and untasted and unencountered.

【阐释】were inside,进入屋内,场景转换。本段写了屋内这个场景发生的第一件事:送礼。礼物就是一些食品。OK,这段有两个点需要注意。第一是老妇人对礼物的态度。和美国人一般对礼物的态度不同,老妇人先说礼物―用不着‖,一再推辞;而uncle则是一直执意让老妇人收下。作者特意用了一个类比的修辞,把礼物和diamond做了对比。这个细节很重要。第二个需要注意的点是It was nothing,of course引出的作者的评论。

【翻译】一进屋,Aunt Mamima就拿出一壶yoghurt『'jog?t酸奶』和一罐甜食给老妇人。―不用,‖老妇人说。―哦,真的,‖Aunt说。―这太多了,‖老妇人坚持道,带着刚收到的像是Kohinoor『科伊诺尔』大钻石作为生日礼物的神情。―收下吧,拿着,拿着吧‖uncle Chhotomama说,带着像把Kohinoor『科伊诺尔』大钻石作为生日礼物刚送出,但又不会被自己的慷慨大度吓到的神情。―这不算啥。‖这当然不算啥,不过是Ganguram『一个印度的糖果甜品品牌』的点心和酸奶。但他们推来搡去的叽歪个没完,让人都觉得真是啥了不起的东西,是啥独一无二的,从没经历过,遇见过的东西一般。

The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of obeisance towards one’s elders.

【阐释】还是屋内。新人物The son and the daughter-in-law出场。引出屋内发生第二件事情,行(摸脚)礼。那面对这样一种礼节,宾主双方的表现是怎样的呢?

【单词】stoop:vi to walk or stand with your head and shoulders bent forward 躬身

【翻译】儿子和媳妇从等候室羞涩地出来。两人轻轻地俯身去触摸Uncle Chhotomama、Aunt 和mother的脚,这是传统中,对长辈表达问候和敬意的礼节。

―Oh no nono,‖ said Chhotomama, struggling to keep the son’s hand away from his feet. ―There’s no need for all this.‖ This was half a token gesture towards modesty, and half towards the new,

―modern‖ India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual and religion.


【翻译】―哦,不,不,不,‖uncle Chhotomam说道,同时努力不让男子的手碰到自己的脚―用不着这样。‖这姿势一半意味着谦虚,一半体现了新的,―现代的‖印度,也就是Nehru『尼赫鲁:印度独立后第一任总理』的世俗印度,没有仪式和宗教信仰。

―I have not met you for two years, Dada,‖ said the son, struggling to get his hands near Ch hotomama’s toes. ―You must not stop me.‖ This was half a token gesture towards

modesty, and half towards the old, ―traditional‖ India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and custom.


【单词】Dada:an older brother or male cousin. A respectful form of address for an older male. –oxford living dictionary(online) Dada的两种含义。我倾向翻译成哥哥,表兄之类的。【翻译】―达达,我两年没有见过您了,‖老人的儿子说,他努力把手放到uncle Chhotomama 的脚趾附近。―您不要阻止我。‖ 这姿势一半意味着谦虚,一半体现了旧的,―传统的‖印度-Gandhi『甘地:领导印度独立的圣雄甘地』印度的仪式和习俗。

○1Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her own fashion. Simple situations were turned into complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? thoughtSandeep irately. ○2He glanced around him. A single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the impression it gave was of austerity rather than poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and culture of sparseness, which transformed even the lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. 【阐释】从主人公Sandeep的视角对整个事件进行解读。主人公的思想情绪来了。注意,重点!!这段可以分成两层。第一层(用○1标明)是主人公Sandeep对成人的看法。第二层是主人公对小屋的看法。

【单词】bareness:n unfurnished or scantily supplied 不加装饰的,空的

【翻译】○1与此同时,Sandeep得出结论,大人们都是疯狂的,每个人都按自己的套路行事。简单的情况变得复杂而戏剧化; 直到大家弄到大家都认为这并不重要,或者不开心为止吗?他们永远长不大吗?Sandeep气呼呼地想。○2他瞥了周围一眼。墙上点亮着一只蓝色的荧光灯管。这房间并不大。除了寒酸,房间给人的印象是粗鄙而非贫穷。要知道,贫穷意味着流离失所和缺乏,而粗鄙意味着根深蒂固的贫穷,在具有稀缺性特征的传统和文化中,甚至已将稀少与缺乏变为一种常态存在。



(出处: 明志论坛)
