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To work or not to work---that is the question

There are numerous and reliable ways by which one can measure the impact of employment on student achievement, and we used several in our research. We compared the grades of students who work a great deal with those who work in limited amounts or not at all. We also contrasted workers with non-workers, on different indicators of their commitment to education. Additionally, we followed students over time as they increased or decreased their work hours, and we assessed how different patterns of employment altered school performance and engagement.

We have simplified and classified the data and the results are clear: The stakes are high. A heavy commitment to a part-time job during the academic year, say, working 20 hours per week or more, undermines and significantly interferes with school achievement and commitment. Overall, our study offers proof that students who worked more than 20 hours weekly were not comparable to their classmates. They earned lower grades, spent less time on homework, cut class more often, and cheated more frequently. And they reported lower levels of commitment to school and more modest educational aspirations.

On the other hand, we also detected a different pattern. Working for approximately 10 hours per week or less seemingly does not take a consistent toll on school performance. Nevertheless, given that half of all

employed seniors, about one-third of all juniors, and about one-fifth of all second-year students work above the 20-hour limit, indications are that a large number of students are at risk of compromising their school careers with their part-time jobs.

Whereas it is true that more disengaged students are more likely to work long hours to begin with, it appears that working makes a marginal situation worse. In other words, over time, the more students work, the less committed to school they become. When students withdraw from the labor force or cut back on their work hours, however, the results are striking: their interest in school is generated anew. This then is good news: The negative effects of working on schooling are not permanent. We uncovered numerous explanations for the undesirable effects of working on students’engagement in school. First, owing to their demanding work schedule, working students have less time to devote to school assignments. One common response to this time pressure is that they cut corners by taking easier classes, copying assignments from other students, cutting class, or refusing to do work assigned by their teachers. Over time, as these become established practices, students’commitment to school is eroded bit by bit.

Second, in order to work 20 hours or more each week, many students must work evenings. Evening work interferes not only with doing homework, but with both sleep and diet. Studies show that working

students get less rest and eat less healthy meals than non-working students. Burning the midnight oil makes working teenagers more tired in school. Teachers frequently complain about working students falling asleep in class. Nearly a third of the students in our study said they were frequently too tired from work to do their homework.

Third, it appears that the excitement of earning large amounts of spending money makes school seem less rewarding and interesting. Although mind-wandering during school is characteristic of young adults, working students report significantly more of it than non-workers. Indeed, the rush from earning and spending money may be so strong that students who have a history of intensive employment, those who, for example, have been working long hours since their second year, are actually at greater risk than their classmates of dropping out before graduating.

Finally, working long hours can be associated with increased alcohol and drug use. Working students use drugs and alcohol about 33% more often than non-working students. Our long-term study shows that working long hours leads to increased alcohol and drug use for entertainment and recreation among working students. Teenagers with between $200 and $300 of monthly surplus income frequently have more money to spend than their peers, and often they become accustomed to spending their earnings on drugs and alcohol. According to our study, alcohol and

drug use, in turn, may be linked to disengagement from school, and therefore, is likely to depress school performance.

To summarize, convention has long held that early employment builds character. Our findings indicate that for many students, working 20 hours or more a week can contribute to decreased school performance and increased drug and alcohol use. We know that these findings may seem controversial to many. To our own surprise, our findings make us question how long we have held on to the conventional assumptions about the great value of work in our formative years. It’s time to abandon this appealing myth! We conclude that students should resolve to work no more than 10 hours per week if they want to be successful in school. (815 words)

人教版 选修六第四单元

Unit 4 一.知识点 词汇: 1. phenomenon n. pl phenomena 现象 An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon. Bankruptcy is a common phenomenon in an economic recession. 2. glance vi. look quickly at (sb./sth.) n. a quick look glance at = take a glance at 匆匆一看;扫视 stare at 盯着看;凝视 glare at 瞪着眼看;怒目而视;怒视 She glanced shyly at the young fellow from behind. They stood glaring at each other as if they were enemies. 3. decrease vt.&vi. become smaller or fewer;diminish;reduce decrease/reduce…to/by…减小,降低到(了);反义increase Student numbers have decreased by/to 500. Interest in the sport is decreasing. 4. exist vi. 存在 existence n.存在生存came into existence产生 Does life exist on other planets? Few of these monkeys still exist in the world. Pakistan came into existence as an independent country after the war. 5.. supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. for/to sb.提供/供应某物给某人 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 1) The school supplies books for/to the children. 2) We are here to provide a service for the public. 6. compare…to…把……比作 compare…with…把……和……比较 compared with/to与……相比(在句中常作状语) compare with与某人/物相比 People often compare children to flowers. If you compare her work with his,you?ll find hers is better. Compared with/to many women, she was indeed very fortunate This can?t compare with that. 7. come about发生come across偶然遇到come out出版,(花)开 Please tell me how the accident came about,I?m still in the dark. 8. build up 树立,逐步建立;增加;增进(健康);集结 build up one?s health增进健康build up a good reputation/fame树立良好的声誉;Traffic is building up.车辆在增多 1) This built up my hope after the interview. 9. keep on sth/doing sth 继续/坚持做某事表动作的反复,有停顿 keep doing sth一直不断地做某事表动作的持续,无停顿 1) Though it was raining, they kept on working until it was finished. 2) I kept standing in the train


六年级上册语文第五单元知识点整理 1、容易读错的字 允yǔn许颈jǐng上窜cuàn 憎zēng恶wù虐nüè待扎zā好绷带起了蒙méng 模mó模糊糊咳ké嗽 2、多音字 畜chù牲畜供gōng 提供佛fó大佛正zhēng 正月传zhuàn 传记xù畜牧业gòng 供奉供职fú仿佛zhèng 正确chuán 宣传 ng 行列银行hàng 树行子 行xíng 举行行走五行缺土héng 道行 há 嚼jiáo嚼舌蒙mēng 蒙骗恶wù厌恶憎恶塞sài塞外着zháo 着急 jué咀嚼méng 启蒙蒙胧è凶恶恶劣sāi塞住zhāo 着数o 倒嚼měng 内蒙古ě恶心sè堵塞zhuó着陆 jià zhe 听着 更gēng 打更更换号háo 怒号扎zhá挣扎挨āi 挨着血xuè鲜血 血淋淋gèng 更加更好hào 口号zhā 扎下去ái 挨冻xiě  冠guān 鸡冠guàn 冠军 模mú模样结jié结为wéi 作为处chù到处 结实 wèi 为什么chǔ 处理 mó模糊jiē  3、近义词 郑重—庄重允许—同意伶俐—机灵仿佛—好像怕羞—害羞盼望—希望 希奇—稀罕熟识—熟悉追悼—悼念惊异—诧异爱戴—拥戴枯瘦—消瘦 羞愧—惭愧恍然大悟—茅塞顿开悔恨—懊悔囫囵吞枣—不求甚解莽撞—鲁莽 轻视—藐视疑惑—迷惑顽强—坚强毁坏—破坏恭敬—恭顺 憎恶—厌恶伟大—崇高情愿—甘愿到处—处处 4、反义词 笨拙—伶俐郑重—轻率允许—禁止熟识—陌生爱戴—憎恶深奥—浅显 枯瘦—肥胖莽撞—谨慎恍然大悟—百思不解轻视—重视诚恳—虚伪 恭敬—傲慢毁坏—保护伟大—渺小永远—暂时 【第17课少年闰土】 本文节选自鲁迅的短篇小说《故乡》。闰土是一个聪明能干、机智勇敢、见识丰富、年少 活泼的农村少年,作者通过刻画闰土的外貌、动作、神态,闰土给“我”讲的稀奇有趣的事,以及“我”与闰土相处时的感受,使少年闰土的形象不仅给“我”留下了难以忘怀的印象。重点写了闰土给“我”讲雪地捕鸟、海边拾贝、月夜刺猹和看跳鱼儿四件事。最后写两人的分别和友


新视野大学英语1第三版读写教程答案U3 Part II key to exercises Section A Pre-reading activities 1. Traditional classroom: . Advantages: more direct communication between the teacher and students; a better learning atmosphere. . Disadvantages: little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher; the teacher tending to dominate the class; writing on blackboard reducing efficiency. Multimedia learning: . Advantages: more vivid teaching materials; . disadvantages: too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms. Studying online: . advantages: being able to choose when and what you want to learn; easy access to the wide range of online information. . disadvantages: making it easier for students to copy answers from the Internet; lack of face-to-face communication between the teacher and students; the possibility for students to develop Internet addiction. 2. . I prefer the multimedia way of learning. A multimedia classroom is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways: slides, pictures, and even movies. Compared with a traditional classroom, a multimedia classroom is more interesting. . To be frank, I prefer to study online. In this way I can manage my own time. I can have my own priorities and do things at my own pace. It is simply what I want. 3. . Yes. The Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays. It is hard to imagine what


六年级上册语文课文第五单元 六年级上册语文课文第五单元怎么写?下面是由为大家带来的关于六年级上册语文课文第五单元,希望能够帮到您! 六年级上册语文课文第五单元一 朋友,当你看到这个题目时,可能会认为我的“小伙伴”是一个人。其实,它是一窝啄木鸟。 一个星期天的早晨,我和伙伴们一起到山上锄花生草时,看见在一棵树上有一个鸟窝。大家都争先恐后地往树上爬,想早点儿把鸟窝掏到手。没想到鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。他们摇下来的鸟窝正好落在我的怀里。 这个鸟窝跟碗口一般大,里面住着四只小鸟。瞧:他们全身长着绒毛,嫩红的皮肤。光滑的小脑袋下长着一张带钩的长嘴,嘴的两侧嫩黄嫩黄的。尖尖的爪子抓得我的手痒痒的。可以看出是一窝刚出壳不久的小啄木鸟。我马上把它们搂在怀里用衣服半掩着,飞速地奔回家。 回家后,我钻进房间,把被子弄成“鸟窝”一样,把小鸟放下去,看着鸟儿直发呆。心想:得给它们安个“家”才好。于是我用较硬的纸板卷成碗的大小粘好,再剪了一些烂布撒下去,它们的窝就搭好了。然后爬上屋后那棵大叶杨,把鸟窝钉放好,把啄木鸟安放上去后用布遮盖好。不一会儿,天空乌云密布,不好,要下雨了,得给小鸟儿的家加个屋顶

才行。于是,我偷偷地把家里的木梯搬出来,找来材料帮小鸟加盖屋顶。刚刚弄好,一场大雨就哗啦啦地下了起来,把我淋成一个落汤鸡。看着小伙伴们在家里舒服地躺着,我心里美滋滋的。 风过了,雨住了。我来到树下,只听见鸟窝里传来一阵“叽叽喳喳”的叫声。我猜想它们肯定是饿了。我马上跑到山上,在玉米花生地里捉了一些虫子,然后爬到树上去喂它们。喂鸟真有趣,先用手轻轻地碰了一只小鸟的嘴,没想到,饿极了的它头转来转去,把另两只正在睡觉的鸟儿也吵醒了。三只鸟一齐张开饥饿的嘴巴,朝着我要吃的,一时间,我不知道喂哪只好。只好按顺序一个一个来,等把三个饥饿的小伙伴喂饱了,我才想起我自己还没吃饭,肚子正“咕咕”叫呢。从此以后,我都这样照顾我的小伙伴。每天一放学,我就到山上去捉虫子,然后回家喂给它们,等喂饱它们后,自己才进屋吃饭。日子一天一天地过去,啄木鸟慢慢地长大,身上长出了灰黑色的羽毛。我在喂它们的时候,总会想起老师的话:保护濒危野生动物,人人有责。鸟类是我们的朋友,我们应该保护它们,爱护它们。我想:等“小伙伴”长大后,我应该把它们放归大自然,让它们自由自在地生活。它们肯定不会忘记我这个朋友,一定会经常回来看望我的……六年级上册语文课文第五单元二 我有一个形影不离的好朋友。她肉嘟嘟的小脸蛋上长着


人教版英语选修六第四单元知识点 U4(选修六) Language points-reading 1 on/ upon+ n 依靠,依赖, 确(坚)信 You can’t depend on your parents forever. depend on/upon+sb.+to do 指望某人做…… You can’t depend on him to come on time. depend on/upon +it +that…. 指望….. You may depend on it that he will come. depend on/upon +wh-从句 Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work. That (all) depends./ it all depends. (口语)视情况而定, I may help you. But that/ it depends. 2. light 1)n. 光,线,灯 2)v.照亮,点燃 He lit a match. 他划着了一根火柴。 A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她的脸上闪耀着胜利的微笑。 The match lights easily. 这火柴容易划着 3)adj The suitcase is very light.(轻的) There was a light rain falling. He is a light sleeper. 他睡不沉。(易醒的) 3. heat v. / heat up 是某物变热或变暖 heated adj. 热的激烈的 heated debate, heated discussion heatedly adv.愤怒地激昂地 heater加热器发热器 consumer(n.). 1 消耗,花费;耗尽 She consumed most of her time in reading. 2吃完,喝光 The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. 孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。 3 使全神贯注,使着迷+with The boy was consumed with curiosity. 那男孩充满好奇心。 … as one can = as … as possible Please come here as soon as possible.= Please come here as soon as you can.. as many as 多达 as long as 长达,只要 as far as远至,就…而论 as well as 和…一样好,也,和 as early as 早在 6.对比:


Part II key to exercises Section A Pre-reading activities 1.Traditional classroom: . Advantages: more direct communication between the teacher and students; a better learning atmosphere. . Disadvantages: little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher; the teacher tending to dominate the class; writing on blackboard reducing efficiency. Multimedia learning: . Advantages: more vivid teaching materials; . disadvantages: too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms. Studying online: . advantages: being able to choose when and what you want to learn; easy access to the wide range of online information. . disadvantages: making it easier for students to copy answers from the Internet; lack of face-to-face communication between the teacher and students; the possibility for students to develop Internet addiction. 2. . I prefer the multimedia way of learning. A multimedia classroom is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways: slides, pictures, and even movies. Compared with a traditional classroom, a multimedia classroom is more interesting. . To be frank, I prefer to study online. In this way I can manage my own time. I can have my own priorities and do things at my own pace. It is simply what I want. 3. . Yes. The Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays. It is hard to imagine what it would be like without the Internet. We would have no easy or quick way to learn about the latest development of teaching and learning. We would miss the many interesting online courses; we couldn’t communicate effectively with teachers after class. We just can’t afford to lose the Internet. . No. teaching and learning had been carried out long before the Internet came into being. And people did just as well without the Internet or the computer. It is true that the Internet makes teaching and learning more convenient and more efficient, but it is by no means indispensable. I’m sure we can still teach or learn without the Internet. Reading comprehension Understanding the text 1. 1. A fleet of laptops, smartphones and Internet connectivity 24 hours a day. 2. wireless Internet access anywhere and anytime on campus.


第四单元检测 (时间:90分钟满分:120分) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A You might think that “global warming” means nothing more than a rise in the world’s temperature.But rising sea levels caused by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离) of an island nation—the citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland. During the 20th century,sea level rose 8-12 inches.As a result,Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water that has polluted the country’s drinking water. Paani Laupepa,a Tuvaluan government official,reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years.Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms. Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol,an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(温室气体的排放),which are a main cause of global warming.“By refusing to sign the agreement,the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live

部编版六年级上册语文 第五单元 全单元教案完整版

第五单元 单元教学初探 一、单元内容总述 1.本单元主题: 本单元课文主要是围绕“围绕中心意思写习作”这个专题进行编排的。主要由《夏天里的成长》《盼》两篇课文组成。编排意图是引导学生把握课文的主要内容,体会文章是怎样围绕中心意思来写的,学会从不同方面或选取不同事例,表达中心意思。 2.本单元重点: (1)默读课文理解课文内容。本单元的两篇课文语言浅显易懂,都很适合小学生阅读。《夏天里的成长》写的是万物在夏天里都在长,文章最后点明了“人要赶时候,赶热天,尽量地用力地长”的道理。《盼》写的是小姑娘蕾蕾得到了一件新雨衣,于是天天盼望下雨。有一次放学后下雨了,可妈妈有不让蕾蕾出去,她只能干着急。第二天,蕾蕾终于穿上了雨衣。 (2)体会文章是怎样围绕中心意思来写的,学会从不同方面或选取不同事例,表达中心意思。《夏天里的成长》一文,作者围绕“夏天是万物迅速生长的季节”这个中心意思,是选取了绿蔓、竹林、高粱、稻秧、甘蔗等生物的生长情况和水、瀑布、河、铁轨等没有生命的物质长的情况来写的,这些事例真实地体现了中心。《盼》一文,围绕“盼”这一中心意思,作者选取了等下雨、找借口出去、想

新课教学( )分钟二、初读课文,学习字词。 (一)初读课文 1.教师配乐范读课文,请同学们仔细听,看看你听懂了 什么? 2.谁听懂了?(只要求举手,不要求回答)没听懂没关系, 老师给你们时间自己读懂,但是遇到了不认识的字怎么 办呢? (圈出来,借助生字表中的拼音学会查字典、问同 学、问老师……) 3.现在就用你喜欢的方式来读课文吧,要读准字音,读 通句子。读不懂的字、词或句子做上记号,多读几遍。 读完后汇报:你读懂了什么? 4.引导学生汇报交流 在学生汇报的过程中,教师相机做好引导和必要的 点拨,以学生的发言为主。学生的发言和读书,可以是 学生自己的感受,也可以是课文内容的复述。汇报结束 后,对出现的错误,应引导学生展开评价,在评价中进 一步读准字音,读通课文。 5.同桌的同学互相听读全文,检查字音并正音。 6.出示生字卡片,内容为课文中出现的生字。组织学生 在学习小组内把记住的字和学习小伙伴交流,并展开竞 赛,看哪个小组自主学会的生字最多。 7.让学生以读书的方式来汇报识字的情况,及时引导学 生扩词、造句,并理解字词的意思。【出示课件2:词语 解释】 威力:使人敬畏的气魄和力量。 菜畦:指菜地,有土埂围着的一块块排列整齐的种蔬菜的 田。 活生生:有生命力,充满生机。 8.重点指导写好“藓”“蔗”“谚”“瀑”五个字,掌 握“蔗”字的笔顺。【出示课件3:“蔗”字田字格课 让学生用自己喜 欢的方式学习字词,既 可以培养学生自学的 能力,又可以为学习课 文扫除障碍。 通过读课文找出 文章的中心句,为下 一节课突破本课的难 点(文章是怎样围绕


六上语文课内重点内容复习资料 《山中访友》作者:李汉荣文体:散文 内容中心: 作者“带着满怀的好心情”,走进山林,探访山中的“朋友”,与“朋友”互诉心声,营造了一个如诗如画的世界,表达了对大自然的热爱之情。 修辞方法: 1、啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人。 德高望重:道德高尚,名望很大。 作者把“老桥”比喻为“一位德高望重的老人”,不但写出了桥的古老,而且也突出了它默默无闻为大众服务的品质,充分表达了作者对桥的赞美和敬佩。 2、走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。 鸟儿“呼唤我的名字”;露珠“与我交换眼神”。这种拟人化的手法,形象生动地表达了自己和鸟儿、露珠这两位朋友间的默契和情谊。 3、你好,清凉的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?你好,汩汩的溪流!你吟诵着一首首小诗,是邀我与你唱和吗?你好,飞流的瀑布!…… 排比句,同时运用拟人手法,把“我”和山里“朋友”之间的那种深厚情谊表达了出来。采用第二人称,读来倍感亲切、热情。 《草虫的村落》作者:郭枫文体:散文 内容中心: 作者以奇异的想象,追随着一只爬行的小虫,对草虫的村落作了一次奇异的游历,从中反映了作者对大自然、对小生物的喜爱之情。 重点句: 甲虫音乐家们全神贯注地振着翅膀,优美的音韵,像灵泉一般流了出来。此时,我觉得它们的音乐优于人间的一切音乐,这是只有虫子们才能演奏出来的! “灵泉”,形容泉水非同一般,具有灵性。作者赞美这些音乐演奏者,不仅深深地被它们所吸引,而且觉得它们的音乐胜过人间的一切音乐。我们可以感受到作者对大自然小生灵的赞美之情。

课文重点: 第一段结构段(1)是总起,交待游历的特殊氛围和心情。 第二结构段(2~9)写游历的全过程,第一场景:小甲虫迷路的森林;第二场景:“草虫的村落”。第三结构段(10-11),作者对草虫村落的依恋。 《詹天佑》 内容中心: 重点记叙了詹天佑一生中突出的成就——主持修筑第一条完全由我国的工程技术人员设计、施工的铁路干线,为读者勾勒出了一位杰出的爱国工程师的高大形象。 课文是从三个方面来叙述詹天佑主持修筑京张铁路的过程: 勘测线路、开凿隧道、设计“人”字形线路 从课文的哪些描写中,可以看出詹天佑是一位杰出的爱国工程师? 课文的许多地方都表现了詹天佑是一位杰出的爱国工程师。 答:1、面对一些帝国主义国家的阻挠和嘲笑.詹天佑毅然接受了任务; 2、创造性地开凿了居庸关和八达岭两条隧道.设计“人”字形线路。 3、京张铁路提前两年竣工。给了藐视中国的帝国主义者一个有力的回击等等,都体现了詹天佑的爱国主义精神和杰出的才能。 知道詹天佑开凿居庸关和八达岭两条隧道采用的什么不同方法。 居庸关隧道:采用从两端同时向中间凿进的办法。 八达岭隧道:采用中部凿井法。 火车怎样才能爬上这样的陡坡呢? 詹天佑顺着山势,设计了一种“人”字形线路。 这是一句设问句。詹天佑顺着山势,创造性地设计了一条“人”字形线路,采用两个火车头一推一拉的办法,解决了火车爬陡坡的重大难题。这是他对铁路建设作出的杰出贡献,也是他卓越的创造才能的体现。 课文重点:



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front


部编版六年级语文上册第五单元复习知识点 第五单元 一、复习课文 1.《夏天里的成长》中作者用(浅显易懂)的语言向我们描述了熟悉的事物在夏天里是如何生长的,从而让我们感悟到(青少年时期的重要性),启迪我们(要珍惜美好时光,健康地有力量地成长)。 2.《盼》围绕“盼”字记叙了作者童年时(盼望穿上新雨衣)的有趣经历,展现了儿童(细腻、有趣)的内心世界,赞美了(童真、童趣),表达了(对美好童年的怀念)之情。 二、多音字 缝 fèng (裂缝)扁 biǎn (扁担) féng (缝补) piān (扁舟) 三、比较组词 棚(棚子) 苞(花苞) 蕾(花蕾) 苔(青苔) 绷(绷带) 饱(温饱) 雷(雷雨) 抬(抬举) 藓(苔藓) 坪(草坪) 瀑(瀑布) 谚(农谚) 鲜(新鲜) 评(评价) 暴(暴风) 颜(颜色) 袖(衣袖) 篷(船篷) 缩(缩小) 疯(疯狂) 抽(抽査) 蓬(蓬勃) 宿(住宿) 讽(讥讽) 瓦(瓦片) 甩(甩掉) 嚷(叫嚷) 酱(酱油) 瓶(酒瓶) 用(用途) 镶(镶嵌) 奖(奖状)

炖(炖肉) 唇(嘴唇) 梯(楼梯) 钝(迟钝) 辰(星辰) 涕(鼻涕) 四、词语听写 苞蕾草坪苔藓甘蔗瀑布缝隙谚语尽量雨衣袖筒斗篷情况袖子瓦蓝预报遮盖讲座油锅酱油闹钟逗引嘴唇楼梯后脑勺活生生软绵绵农作物满满当当 小心翼翼 五、近义词 迅速一一快速丰满一一丰盈希望一期望 预报一一预测央求——恳求心思一一心绪 逗引——吸引 六、反义词 迅速一一缓慢丰满一一枯槁喧闹一一寂静 兴奋一一消沉担心一一安心凉爽一一酷热 七、词语搭配 1.填入合适的动词 (抖开)雨衣 (抖抖)袖子 (戴上)帽子 (挺着)脖子(变了)脸色 2.填入合适的修饰词 (1) (透明)的新雨衣 (凉爽)的空气 (明晃晃)的玻璃


Unit 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行 pursue追求,致力于available可获得的可利用的qualify使合适,合格 raise提升,增加passion强烈的爱好,热爱virtually实际上 classify分类归类acquire获得,取得,学到fashionable流行的 especially特别的sample样品,标本prosperous繁荣的 University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2) passion for learning, those who wish to (3) attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4) pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, (5) virtually day and night, because they find some computer programs (6)fascinating, and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more (7) prosperous future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to (8) acquire knowledge from all of the resources which are (9) available to


小学语文毕业考试重点课文复习资料(六年级上册) 一、重点课文可能涉及到的考点 1、作者 2、文章标题及含义 3、文中重点问题 4、蕴含的哲理(中心思想) 5、写作方法(包括文体) 6、评价主要人物 7、文章情节 二、六年级上册课文重点内容 (一)第一单元重点课文:《山中访友》《草虫的村落》 ★《山中访友》 1、作者:李汉荣 2、标题含义:山中访友运用拟人手法;访,拜访;友:指山中的一切自然界的朋友。 3、重点问题: (1)说说作者在山中都拜访了哪些“朋友”,想一想课文为什么以“山中访友”为题。 答:作者拜访的“朋友有老桥、鸟儿、露珠、树、山泉、溪流、瀑布、悬崖、白云、云雀、落花、落叶等一切自然界的朋友。作者以“山中访友”为题目是运用拟人的手法,将自然界的一切都称之为朋友,这样写更能激发读者的阅读兴趣。 (2)读读下面的句子,体会这样写的好处。 ①啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人,在这涧水上站了几百年了吧? 答:作者把“老桥”比喻为“一位德高望重的老人”,“站”是拟人的用法,不但写出了桥的古老,而且也突出了它默默无闻为大众服务的品质,充分表达了作者对桥的赞美和敬佩。 ②走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。 答:拟人化的手法,形象地表达了作者和鸟儿、露珠这两位朋友和作者之间的默契和亲密的情谊。 4、中心思想:作者与“山中朋友”互诉心声,营造了一个如诗如画的世界,表达了作者对大自然的无限热爱。 5、写作方法:构思新奇、富有想象力的散文,采用比喻、拟人、排比等手法,使文笔生动活泼,很好地表达了对山中“朋友”的那份深厚感情。 ★《草虫的村落》 1、作者:郭枫 2、标题含义:比喻句,指虫子们的快乐天地。村落:森林边缘的小丘。 3、重点问题 (1)想一想随着作者的目光,你在“草虫的村落”看到些什么。 答:我们和作者一道在草虫的村落看到了街道、小巷、来来往往的“村民们”、花色斑斓的小圆虫、庞大的蜥蜴、甲虫音乐家们、搬运食物的“村民们”、气象观测者、建筑工程师。 (2)填空:作者看到一只孤零零地在草丛中爬行的小虫,把它想象成了(一位“游侠”);看到花色斑斓的小圆虫,把它们想象(成“南国的少女”);看到振动翅膀的甲虫,把它们想象(成“音乐家”);看到推着食物行走的甲虫,把它们想象(成从远方归来的“劳动者”) 4、中心思想:作者以奇异的想象,追随着一只爬行的小虫,对草虫的村落作了一次奇异的游历,从中反映了作者对大自然、对小生物的喜爱之情。 5、写作方法:这是一篇散文,它在表达上颇具特色。作者充分发挥丰富的(想象),运用(拟人、比喻)等修辞手法,将一个草虫世界生动地展现在大家面前。 (二)第二单元重点课文:《詹天佑》《怀念母亲》 ★《詹天佑》 3、重点问题: (1)课文是从三个方面来叙述詹天佑主持修筑京张铁路的过程:(勘测线路)、(开凿隧道)、(设计“人”字形线路)。 (2)詹天佑开凿居庸关采用的是(两端同时向中间凿进法)开凿八达岭采用的是(中部凿井法、两端凿进法)。 4、中心思想:课写了我国杰出爱国工程师詹天佑克服重重困难主持修筑京张铁路, 表现了詹天佑的爱国主义精神和卓越才能,反映了中国人民的智慧和力量。 6、人物评价:詹天佑是一个(不怕困难,勇于挑战,工作严谨,热爱祖国)的人。

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