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book1 unit1-2

book1 unit1-2
book1 unit1-2



1 welcome A 共同,一起

2 library B 两者,双方的

3 vocational C 漂亮的,可爱的

4 dormitory D 穿,戴

5 great E 受欢迎的,流行的

6 handsome F 欢迎

7 manager G 职业的

8 housewoek H 努力工作的

9 together I 图书馆

10 hardworking J 米

11 popular K 伟大的,巨大的

12 wear L 潇洒的,有风度的

13 pretty M 宿舍

14 meter N 经理

15 both O 家务


16 Welcome_______ FangCao vocational school.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. for

17 This _____ WangYang who_____ a new studengt of this school.

A. is am

B. are is

C. are am

D. is is

18 There ______ a blackboard in front of our classroom and there _______ three pictures and a map on the wall.

A. are are

B. are is

C. is are

D. is is

19 Many students play basketball and football after ________ and then they will go back home.

A. class

B. school

C. work

D. classroom

20 Thank you _________ your help

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. at

21 _________ you a new teacher? Yes I ______

A. Are is

B. Is am

C. Are is

D. Are am

22 Look _______ this picture, it is a picture ______ wangyang’s family.

A. in of

B. at in

C. on for

D. at of

23 _______ my grandmother and my grandfather are over seventy, and they are

very kind to ______ of us.

A. Both both

B. All all

C. All both

D. Both all

24 I often help my mother ______ a lot of housework.

A. do

B. does

C. doing


25 Her class is so interesting __________ she is popular ________ her students.

A. too with

B. that with

C. with that

D. in on

26 Liu Fang is a friend of _____.

A. their

B. my

C. mine

D. I

27 ________ a map of XLHT

A. It

B. Its C It’s D. Its

28 _______ is my map. _______ are yours.

A. This Those

B. This That

C. These Those

D. That This 29_______ bedroom is very clean. _______is clean,too.

A. Him My

B. My Him

C. His Mine

D. Their


30 I have a new bike, _______color is black.

A. This

B. That

C. It

D. Its


It was the early autumn of my first year at a middle school, and my old school was far away. As a result, ____31____ knew who I was. I was very lonely and afraid to make friends with anyone.

Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt ____32_____. I couldn’t talk with anyone about my problems.

Then one day, my classmates talked ____33___ with their friends, but I sat at my desk unhappy as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didn’t know ___34____he was. He passed me and then turned back. He ___35___me, with a smile.

Suddenly, I felt something bright and ____36____. It made me feel happy, lively and warm. That ___37___changed my life. I started to talk with _____38_____students and made friends. Day and day, I became ___39____ to everyone in my class. The boy with lucky smile has become my best friend now.

Now I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are ____40____, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back. ( 阅读三剑客十五分钟原版阅读,常考体型式,八年级分册)

31 A. everyone B. anyone C. no one D. someone

32 A. happy B. sad C. careful D. hungry 33 A. happy B. sad C. happily D. sadly

34 A. what B. where C. when D. who

35 A. looked at B. found C. watched D. saw

36 A. friendly B. angry C. shy D. difficult

37 A. laugh B. smile C. word D. look

38 A. another B. others C. the other D. other

39 A. angrier B. more nervous C. closer D. farther

40 A. lonely B. alone C. bright D. sunny



Have you ever been to Beijing,the capital city of our country? Beijing is a big city. It has tall buildings and many wide streets. If you are not a Beijinger, I think it’s difficult for you to find some places.

Last Sunday my friend wudong went to Beijing. On Sunday morning, he went out and wanted to go to the shopping center. But he didn’t know the way. He met an old man and asked him how to get there. The old drew a map on the ground for him and said,“can you see the bank in the bottom left corner? Above the bank, there is a parking lot. The street across from the parking lot to the right is wangfujing street, from the wangfujing street, go above and turn right here, and then you can see a big book store. Go past the book store, and you will find the shopping center is in the top right corner. You have a long way to go.”Then the old man went away. Wudong went to the bank, then the parking lot and wangfujing street. Finally, he got to the shopping center.( 阅读三剑客十五分钟原版阅读,常考体型式,八年级分册)


41 There many tall buildings and many wide streets in beijing.

42 If you are not a Beijinger, it’s difficult for you to find some places in Beijing.

43 WuDong asked a girl to show him the way to the shopping center

44 The shopping center is next to a bank..

45 WuDong didn’t find the shopping center at last.


Mr white is one of my best friends. Last night he told me one of his own stories.

At that time he was riding a horse in the rain all the afternoon. When he reached a restaurant, he was all wet and cold. He saw a fire in the restaurant and many people sitting around it. He couldn’t get a seat near the fire.

He thought hard and soon he had an idea. He called out the waiter,“Bring some fish to my horse!”The waiter answered,“horse don’t eat fish.”Mr white said,“but my horse eat fish.”The waiter did as mr white told him.

The people in the restaurant felt very strange and run after the waiter. When all the people went out, mr white sat down at the table near the fire. When the people and the waiter came back, they said “your horse doesn’t want to eat the fish.”Mr white answered,“put the fish on the table if my horse doesn’t want to eat it I will eat it as soon as I dry out.”( 阅读三剑客十五分钟原版阅读,常考体型式,八年级分册)


46 Mr white felt very cold when he arrived at the restaurant.

47 there were many people sitting around the table when he went into the restaurant.

48 Mr white’s horse likes eating fish very much.

49 The waiter didn’t do as Mr white told him, because he thought the man was foolish.

50 Mr white is a very clever man.


51 欢迎到····来____________ 52 很高兴做·····______________ 53 阅览室__________ 54 靠近紧挨着_____________ 55为·····而感谢____________ 56 对···和蔼可亲_____________ 57 喜欢做·····_____________ 58 与····一起生活_____________ 59受····欢迎____________ 60 在左边_____________


61 这是我们的学校,这边请。


62 我们的教室既宽敞又明亮


63 他是个努力工作的老师


64 我的妹妹穿了一件白色的T恤


65 林峰的家充满了爱



记叙文 1.六要素: 人物、时间、地点、事件的起因、经过和结果。 2.人称: 第一人称(真实可信)、第二人称(更加亲切)和第三人称(更加广泛)。 3.线索:①人线(人物的见闻感受或者事迹)②物线(某一有特意义的物品)③情线(作者或作品中主要人物的思想感情变化)④事线(中心事件)⑤时间线⑥地点线 4.顺序:顺叙、倒叙、插叙、补叙、分叙(平叙)。 5.划分:按事件的发展过程、空间转换、内容变化、人物、场景变化、感情变化、表达方式的变换来划分。 6.表达方式:叙述、描写(肖像,语言,动作,心理,环境等或正面,侧面、细节)、议论、抒情、说明等。 7.语言的特点:形象,生动,具体。 8.表现手法:描写、衬托、渲染、对比、伏笔、铺垫、象征、比喻、以小见大、欲扬先抑、借景抒情、卒章显志、托物言志等。 ?如何找线索? ①文章的标题②各段反复出现的事物③文中议论抒情的语句④作者的思想感情(变化)⑤某一人物的见闻感受作用:文章内容井然有序地组合在一起,人物的思想性格,事情的来龙去脉。 ?记叙顺序? 1.顺叙:即按照事情的发生、发展和结局的顺序写(时间先后)。作用:使文章脉络清楚,有头有尾,给人鲜明的印象。 2.倒叙:把后发生的事情写在前面,然后再按顺序进行叙述。作用:避免平铺直叙,增强文章的生动性,使文章引人入胜。 3.插叙:在叙述过程中,由于内容的需要,中断原来情节的叙述,插入有关的情节或事件,然后再继续原来的叙述。(比如:回忆往事)作用:补充、衬托出文章的中心内容(人物或事件),丰富了情节,深化了主题。 ?人物的描写方法? 1、肖像(外貌)描写[包括神态描写](描写人物容貌、衣着、神情、姿态等):交代了人物的××身份、××地位、××处境、经历以及××心理状态、××思想性格等情况。


Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions (每小题:2 分) Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1.What are the man and woman talking about? A. The good sound system of a theater. B. The good and bad points about a horror movie. C. What movies to watch. D. The movies they plan to watch and what they have already watched. 2.Which of the following movies did the man not suggest? A. A science fiction movie. B. A comedy. C. A horror movie. D. A war movie. 3.According to the woman, why does the man want to see a horror movie? A. Because he likes movies that are really violent. B. Because he likes to see monsters. C. Because the girl is crazy about horror movies. D. Because he wants the girl to move closer to him. 4.What did the man do at the sight of a monster moving across the screen? A. He jumped out of excitement. B. He coughed. C. He jumped and screamed. D. He ran out of the theater. 5.What did the man do that annoyed the girl? A. He threw popcorn in the aisle. B. He ate popcorn with a lot of noise.


Unit 9 Holidays and Special Days Part One Linda: (with a moon cake in her mouth) Mm, this is good. Chris: Yeah... very interesting flavor. So this is a so-called moon cake? Yingying: Yeah, today is a special festival for all Chinese families. It is called Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival. People will eat moon cakes during the festival with family members in the moonlight. It's just like your American Thanksgiving. Linda: Oh, I've heard a little about it... the beautiful story of Hou Yi and Chang Er. Chinese Students: You know the story? Chris: Sure, Linda and I are both very interested in Chinese culture, especially Chinese traditional festivals, like Spring Festival... Linda: It was an unforgettable experience when we were invited to Xiaoqiang's home for the Chinese New Year. Xiaoqiang: I noticed that Chris was especially fascinated by the lion and dragon dancing. Chris: And the fireworks, jiaozi, oh yes, and the red envelopes. Wenwen: Yeh. We Chinese have a lot of traditional festivals. Linda: Can you tell me about some of the others? Wenwen: Yeh. One of my favorite festivals falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. That's the Lantern Festival. During that event, many kinds of delicate and beautiful lanterns are exhibited and red lanterns can be seen everywhere. And every family eats yuanxiao, a kind of rice ball filled with bean paste, sugar or some other sweet things. That's a symbol of family reunion and happiness. Yingying: Also there's the Qingming Festival, which some people call "the Tomb Sweeping Day"... Chris: Tomb Sweeping? Yingying: Yeah! This day is devoted to honoring relatives who died. Thousands of Chinese visit the tombs of their loved ones. The Chinese have great respect for their ancestors.


行测常识常考知识点 1. 非物质文化遗产包括:口头传统和表述、表演艺术、社会风俗、礼仪、节庆、有关自然界和宇宙的知识和实践、传统的手工艺技能。 2. 庐剧为安徽省著名地方剧种,它是以大别山和淮河一带的山歌、民歌、门歌、花鼓灯等民间歌舞为基础发展起来的,因其创作、演出活动中心在皖中一带,古属庐州管辖,故称“庐剧”,已有近200年历史。 3. 有权制定地方性法规的立法主体共有四类:省、自治区、直辖市、较大的市的人民代表大会及其常务委员会。 4. 行政许可,是指行政机关根据公民、法人或者其他组织的申请,经依法审查,通过颁发许可证、执照等形式,赋予或确认行政相对方从事某种活动的法律资格或法律权利的一种具体行政行为。实施行政许可的结果是,相对人获得了从事特定活动的权利或者资格。 5. 《行政诉讼法》第32条规定,被告对作出的具体行政行为负有举证责任,应当提供作出该具体行政行为的证据和所依据的规范性文件。 6. 《行政诉讼法》第19条规定,因不动产提起的行政诉讼,由不动产所在地人民法院管 7. 我国民法通则将法人分为两类:一是企业法人;二是机关事业单位和社会团体法人。这是根据法人设立的宗旨和所从事的活动的性质所进行的分类。社会团体法人是指由自然人或法人自愿组成,从事社会公益、文学艺术、学术研究、宗教等活动的各类法人。社会团体包括的范围十分广泛。如人民群众团体、社会公益团体、学术研究团体、文学艺术团体、宗教团体等。 8. 行政监察是国家行政系统内部由专门监察机关实施的,对行政机关、国家公务员,以及行政机关任命的其他人员的廉政、勤政和执法状况进行监督检查的一种职能活动。纪检委是负责党内监督的专门机关 9. 党的十七大报告指出,要坚持和完善按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度,健全劳动、资本、技术、管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的制度,初次分配和再分配都要处理好效率和公平的关系,再分配更加注重公平。 10. 恩格尔系数是反映食品支出总额占个人消费支出总额的比重. 道-琼斯指数和纳斯达克指数都是股票价格指数 11. 基尼系数Gini Coefficient:在全部居民收入中,用于进行不平均分配的那部分收入占总收入的百分比。基尼系数的实际数值只能介于0~1之间。经济学家们通常用基尼指数来表现一个国家和地区的财富分配状况。这个指数在0和1之间,数值越低,表明财富在社会成员之间的分配越均匀;反之亦然。通常把0.4作为收入分配差距的“警戒线”。一般发达国家的基尼指数在0.24到0.36之间,美国偏高,为0.4。中国大陆和香港的基尼系数都超出0.4。 12. 恩格尔系数Engel's Coefficient: 是指食品支出总额占个人消费支出总额的比重。一个家庭的恩格尔系数越小,就说明这个家庭经济越富裕。反之,如果这个家庭的恩格尔系数越大,就说明这个家庭的经济越困难。 13. 我国古代绘画常用朱红色、青色,故称画为“丹青”。本题选C。“墨宝”指宝贵的字画,也用来尊称别人写的字或画。“金石”:金,指金属制的乐器;石,指石制的磬;“丝竹”:丝,指弦类乐器;竹,指管类乐器。泛指各种乐器,也形容各种声音。 14. 在建国初期的50年代,为了根治淮河水患,国家投入大量资金,在大别山区修建了佛子岭、梅山、响洪甸、磨子潭四大水库。 15. 南非加入BRIC(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国),成为BRICS,成为金砖五国 16. 2011年12月举行的中央经济工作会议认为,推动2012年经济社会发展,要突出把握好稳中求进的工作总基调。


《春》(七上)知识点梳理 文章主题:作者通过描绘大地回春、万物复苏、生机勃勃、草木花争荣的景象,赞美了春的创造力,激励人们珍惜大好时光、辛勤劳作、奋发向上,抒发作者对春天的喜爱和赞美之情。 结构: 1、盼春:①段表达方式是抒情,表达作者急切盼望春到来的心情。运用了拟人的修辞,赋予春天人的感情,它好像懂得人们的期盼,使人倍感亲切。奠定了全文清新愉悦的抒情基调。 2、绘春:②段——⑦段 ②段春回大地、万物复苏(宏观勾勒,绘春的总轮廓。) ③段春草图。④段春花图。⑤段春风图。⑥段春雨图。⑦段迎春图。{描写具体,绘春} 3、⑧段赞春:新(新生)、美(美丽)、力(活力) 多个角度多种手法描绘景物。 1、简析: 春草图——颜色,质地,长势,侧面烘托(人在草地上的活动) 春花图——颜色,味道,虚实(虚:联想到春华秋实)、动静、高低 春风图——触觉,味道,听觉(从触觉写春风的柔和,从嗅觉写春风的芳香,从听觉写春风的悦耳,这就把本来无形、无味、无色的春风写得有形有味、有情有感。)春雨图——从静景写到动景,从物写到人,从近写到远。近景写春雨的滋润,用远景烘托春雨之夜的静谧。其中“静默”:运用拟人的修辞,传达出春雨中安静和平的气氛,着力渲染了春雨沐浴的温馨。 迎春图——侧面烘托 2、考题再现吴江市2012-2013年第一学期期末试卷 雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天。可别恼。看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着,人家屋顶上全笼着一层薄烟。树叶却绿得发亮,小草也青得逼你的眼。傍晚时候,上灯了,一点点黄晕的光,烘托出一片安静而和平的夜。在乡下,小路上,石桥边,有撑着伞慢慢走着的人,地里还有工作的农民,披着蓑戴着笠。他们的房屋稀稀疏疏的,在雨里静默着。 13.选文描绘了春雨的什么特征,回忆你读过的古诗,写一句能表现这种特征的诗句。(2分)。_____________________________________________________________________________ 14.在这段文字中,除写雨外,作者还写了人,有近有远,有静有动,请概括都写了有关人的什么场景?写这些场景的作用是什么?(2分) _____________________________________________________________________________ 答案:13、特征:细密、轻盈(1分)诗句:随风潜入夜,润物细无声(1分) 14、写了灯光;撑着雨伞慢慢行走的人;工作的农民;房屋。(1分)作用是烘托春天雨夜的安宁、和平和生气。(1分) 相城区2011-2012学年第一学期期末试卷 “吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你,风里带着些新翻的泥土的气息,混着青草味儿,还有各种花的香,都在微微润湿的空气里酝酿。鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,


Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He missed home at first and then got used to studying B. He missed home and has never done well in studies. C. He studies well and never misses home. D. He studies well though he always misses home. A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Write a statement for the woman. B. Revise what the woman will write. C. Fill in forms for the woman. D. Apply to an American university for admission. B B 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The grading system there is different. B. The teaching methods there are different. C. Both A) and B). D. Neither A) nor B). C C 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Three parts. B. Two parts. C. One part. D. Less than one part. D D 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She wants to go to Europe for studies. B. She can't afford an education in Europe. C. She has got a part-time job. D. She will borrow cash to pay her tuition. B B


Unit 1 Sharing 3.Answers:b-e-f-d-c-a 4. 2 4 5. anti-social aware of appreciate attitude tolerant come to an end walk away impress Listening 2.2 2.3 peaceful

lovely part party with a passion last second walking their dogs with a bounce away the best part of the day thinking straight at my sharpest we had children in the mornings in the evenings View it 2.2 2 4 Role-playing 1.2 Answers:g-a-f-h-b-d-c-e Conversations 1.DABCC 2.CBDA Passages 1.ACDC 2. distressing desperate urge acquire are totally unaware of are isolated from affirm interact with impulse are convinced of Unit test 1.DDBCD 2.CAAAD 3.CBDDC 4.at

connects at the bottom of shining As cross running away from running away from destroyed Unit 3 Task2 (l)enjoy (2) free{3) music (4)internationally(5)festivals{6)spend your free time Task3 d-e-g-h-b-a-c-f Task4 10. 2 3 5 6 Task5 11. 2 4 5 8 12. Listening Task 2 Activity 1 a-d-g-e-b-f-c Activity 2 1368 Activity 3 (1)She feels it seems very shallow. (2) She has now grown up and matured. (3) She is very happy with where she is now. I She doesn't think life has to be the perfect image she pictured. Viewing {l)husky sledding (2)38 { 3)wing-walking {4)35 { 5)driving on Route 66 I driving on Route Sixty-six {6) 19 {7)bungee Jumping { 8)17


如何总结知识点----思维导图 一直以来都想写一篇关于如何总结知识点/题型/方法的文章,奈何事比较多,人也变得比较懒散,所以拖到现在。。。 复习行测知识最重要的莫过于总结知识点/方法/题型,一直看视频--刷题--刷题--看视频显然不是高效的复习方法,部分问题也得不到实质性的进展,但是看视频--总结--刷题--总结这样的思路/方法就可以解决很多目前已经遇到或者今后还会遇到的问题。 总结知识点/题型/方法是一种复习的思路,也是一种常用的复习方法,意在以思维导图的形式将知识点/题型/方法条理清晰得进行分析理解并展现出来,一般来说,自己能够独立完成某一点的思维导图,代表着自己对这一点的内容有足够的了解(亦或者对某部分内容处于盲区的点能够清晰的知道并寻找相应的解决方案) 没学如何总结之前,也许你会问: “行测好难,该怎么学呢” “数量关系这么难,完全学不会啊” “申论该怎么学”

会这么问的,一般都是还没开始学,或者学了没有用心思考总结。根据这半年答疑情况来看,大部分是属于后者,学了,题目也做了,但还是会一脸茫然,不断乱问~ 学会条理清晰的整理知识点/方法/题型后,你的问题就会升级成这样: “为什么XXX题不能这么理解” “为什么这个题中X选项不能选择” “为什么我这个理解是错的呢” “为什么这个方法不能适用于这个题呢” 这么提问,可以知道你已经发现问题在哪里,经过自己思考,也有自己的想法,需要的是通过别的正确的分析来引导你走出疑惑并寻找正确的方法(也会让人有回答的兴趣),也不是像前文那般一股脑提出大范围的问题,完全不知道自己到底想要问什么!! 学习数量关系大概会在脑中有一个基本的框架:常见方法、各题型分类、针对各题型的解题方法 我以数量中常见方法这块来详细讲解下---如何清晰有条理得分析/制作思维导图

新视野大学英语 Quiz2

个人测试成绩记录 试卷:视听说教程第二册 编号:Quiz2 试卷满分:100 姓名:学号:班级: 登录:2013-10-23 21:05:04 交卷:2013-10-23 22:18:14 上机地址: 老师是否已批卷:尚未批卷批卷时间: 图例:Right or marked by instructor Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. Security and esteem, but nothing else. B. Only fear, love and sensory pleasure. C. Basic human feelings. D. Advertising principals. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2.


百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我 Listening and Speaking Book 1 Answer key Unit 1 Inside view Activity 2 Hertford College accommodation form First name Family name Janet Li Staircase number 6 Room number 5 Keys Janet Li (sign here) 3 Sir. 4 He asks her to call him Stewart. 5 To sign for her keys. Activity 5 Janet Kate English name Janet Li Kate Santos Chinese name Li Hui -------------- Home town Anshan New York Activity 7 Suggested predicted questions: 1 What’s your name? 2 Are you British? 3 What are you studying? 4 What are you studying? 5 And how about you? Correct questions from video:1 And you are …?2 Y ou’re British, huh? 3 What are you reading? 4 How about you, Kate? 5 And you? Activity 8 1 (b)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a) Outside view Activity 1 Clip 1 – interview Clip 2 – conversation Activity 3 True statements according to the passage 3, 5 Activity 4 (1) one of the best universities(2) most talented students(3) well-known around the world(4) have open doors(5) good social life(6) you want it to be(7) on another campus(8) it’s a fun place (9) go to concerts(10) during the week Activity 5 1 From the library system Tree or four times a For leisure purposes, such as following news and sport.5 In the libraries. Listening in Activity 1 Number of institutions: 8 Sporting importance: university sports teams competed against each other Academic importance: near or at the top of the US colleges and university rankings Social importance: social elitism, mostly rich intellectual white students Location: the US Origin of name: four universities, Ivy plants growing on walls Oldest institution: Harvard, founded in 1636 Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000 Acceptance rates: 7% – 20% Famous alumni: George Bush, John F Kenne Activity 2 1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (d) Activity 5 3–6–4–1–5–2 Activity 6 1 At Princeton University. 2 That he is better with numbers than people. 3 Not very. He finds relationships difficult at first. 4 He thinks the Soviets have captured him. Pronunciation Activity 3Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading? Janet English. Mark How about you, Kate? Kate My major is law. And you? Mark I’m studying PPE. Kate That’s a special Oxford subject, isn’t it? Activity 6 Harvard University in Cambridge / is one of the best universities / in the world. He explained / that Harvard looks for the best / and most talented students / from around the world. We asked five students / at Harvard / to tell us / what kind of social life / they have. If you wanna / sit in your room / and study all night / like my friend over here, / you can also do that.


(关注下20XX年两会的内容及相关国家级会议内容) 中国革命的摇篮——井冈山;人民军队的摇篮——南昌;共和国的摇篮——瑞金——中华苏维埃共和国;安源——秋收起义的发生地; 1978年安徽凤阳小岗村率先实行家庭联产承包制; 1979年湖北武汉建立全国第一个小商品批发市场,被誉为中国改革开放第一街; 20XX年江西、福建、浙江、辽宁成为我国集体林权改革的先行省份; 200年底国务院批准湖南湖北率先建设国家“两型社会”综合配套改革实验区(资源节约型和环境友好型); 唐宋八大家:韩愈柳宗元欧阳修苏洵苏轼苏辙王安石曾巩 《牡丹亭》元代戏曲家汤显祖;《醉翁亭记》北宋欧阳修六一居士;《墨池记》曾巩;《答司马谏议书》北宋王安石; 周期性行业是指行业的景气度与外部的宏观经济环境高度正相关,并呈现周期性循环的行业。钢铁有色金属化工等基础大宗原料行业,水泥工程机械机床重型卡车装备制造等资本集约型行业都是典型的周期性行业; 太阳系中行星按照由近到远排序:水星金星地球火星木星土星天王星海王星 离地球最近的行星是金星火星; 离地球最近的恒星太阳 江西景德镇四大传统名瓷:青花瓷粉彩瓷颜色釉瓷玲珑瓷 目前我国采用三角形符号作为塑料回收标志,一般注在瓶底。只有标识5-7的塑料瓶才表示可以重复使用。 人不可能两次踏进一条河流体现的是运动的绝对性和静止的相对性的统一,是辩证法的观点茶叶的制作工艺分为不发酵,全发酵,半发酵。不发酵茶——绿茶;半发酵茶——乌龙茶、茉莉花茶;完全发酵茶——红茶、普洱茶(铁观音属于乌龙茶) 盗窃罪既遂指财物离开占有人的实际控制范围既构成 《婚姻法》夫妻享有共同财产的平等处置权,一方单独订立的买卖合同无效; 《婚姻法》债权人就一方婚前所负个人债务向债务人配偶主张权利的,人民法院不予支持。但债权人能够证明所负债务用于婚后家庭共同生活的除外; 《物权法》不动产的设立、变更、转让和消灭,经依法登记,发生效力; 因环境污染损害赔偿提起诉讼的时效期限为3年;环境污染民事责任的归责原则是无过错《国家赔偿法》规定经复议机关复议的,最初造成侵权行为的行政机关为赔偿义务机关,但复议机关的复议决定加重损害的,复议机关对加重的部分履行赔偿义务。 党的十七大总结改革开放30年历史进程和宝贵经验,提出中国特色社会主义理论体系的主要内容包括:邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观(胡锦涛20XX年提出的) 党的十七大首次提出建设和谐文化是建设社会主义和谐社会的主要任务。社会主义核心价值体系是建设和谐文化的根本,是社会主义意识形态的本质体现。 党的十七届四中全会提出要把建设马克思主义学习型政党作为重大而紧迫的战略任务抓紧抓好;(20XX年9月15号至18号) 全国人民代表大会制定和修改刑事、民事、国家机构的和其他基本法律。全国人民代表大会常务委员会制定和修改除应当由全国人民代表大会制定的法律以外的其他法律。 省自治区直辖市以及较大的市的人民政府可以根据法律、行政法规和本省、自治区、直辖市的地方性法规,制定规章。 《合同法》当事人约定违约金,又约定定金的,一方违约时,对方可以选择适用违约金或定金条款,二者不可并用;(定金原价返还的不算定金罚则)


.各知识点梳理: ⑴我的家在哪里 ①构成社区的要素:相对固定的区域、一定数量的人口以及居民具有共同的区域身份、某些共同的看法、相关的利益和比较密切的交往。P6 ②地图的三要素:P7-8 A.方向:地图上常用的定向方法有三种。 “一般定向法”是地图上普遍采用的方法,即上北下南,左西右东。 “指向标定向法”是在特定条件下所采用的方法,它的画法有多种,但必须标注出正北方向。“经纬网定向法”是最准确的定向方法。地球仪上连接南北两极的弧线叫经线,与赤道平行的线叫纬线。在地球仪上经线指示南北方向,纬线指示东西方向。 B.比例尺:图上距离与实地距离之比,又叫做“缩尺”。地图上的比例尺,通常有三种表示形式。 线段式。例如,0 10 20千米 文字式。例如,“图上1厘米代表实地距离50千米” 。 数字式。例如,1:10000 。 比例尺越大,地图包括的实地范围越小,表示的地理事物越详细;比例尺越小,地图包括的实地范围越大,表示的地理事物越粗略。注意单位的换算,1千米=100000厘米。 C.图例和注记:地图上用来表示地理事物的符号叫图例;地图上用作说明地理事物的文字和数字,叫做注记。 ③社区的主要功能:政治、经济、文化和管理功能。 ⑵多种多样的社区P10-13 ①社区的主要类型:功能社区、自然社区、行政社区。 ②社区的差异:社区间的差异主要体现在两方面: 一是规模不同;二是特色各异,包括城乡之间及城市内部之间的差异。 ③社区间的联系:不同区域间的联系不仅表现在物产方面,还表现在经济、文化、信息等各个方面。 ⑶从地图上获取信息P14-17 ①常见地图: 政区图:按制图区域的大小,可分世界政区图、大洲政区图、国家政区图和地区政区图等。地形图:常见的地形图有等高线地形图和分层设色地形图。 旅游图:向人们提供旅游项目、旅游景点数量和特征、交通线路、旅游服务设施等信息。 ②读图步骤: 首先看比例尺和图例,了解地图内容的详略程度,熟悉表示地理事物的各种符号; 然后概略地了解整个地区的一般特征; 最后分要素、地区详细阅读。 2.具体事例点拨: ⑴请仔细观察,然后完成下列表格。 数字式线段式文字式 1:250000 0 10 20千米

新标准大学英语 Quiz 2 答案.doc

大学英语3网络自主学习单元测试2 试卷编号:Quiz2 考试时间:80 分钟 满分:100 分 注意事项 Part 1 Multiple Choice (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.Can you give me a (an) _____________ of how much it will cost to take the journey? A. assessment B. evaluation C. admission D. estimate 2.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most _____________ areas in Japanese life. A. sophisticated B. competitive C. considerate

D. superficial 3.He badly _____________ his back digging in the public garden on Children's Day. A. stretched B. exerted C. pulled D. strained 4.His plan sounds ________, so you'd better carry out. A. feasible B. useless C. worthy D. weak 5.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm _____________ . A. fist B. handhold C. style D. grip


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说1 Unit 1 Sharing 1.2 (1)busy (2)friends (3)university (4)social life 1.3 a-c-e-d-b-f 1.4 (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal (7)house (8)TV Listening 2.1 (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 2.2 (1)teacher (2)cleaned houses (3)lost (4)visited (5)work (6)his wife (7)in his own words

Viewing 2.1 a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b 2.2 (1)home (2)country (3)relatives (4)foreigner (5)speak (6)passed on (7)heat (8)sea (9)happiness Role-playing 2.2 (1)It was great (2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful 2.3 1 3 5 7 10 Presenting 1.1 (1)a small town (2)1993 (3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations

一BABDD 二DBCD 三DDBA Passage 2 (1)programmes (2)very (3)decisions (4)doing laundry (5)Obviously (6)choices (7)ruining (8)get used to (9)opportunities (10)step back News report 一BC 二DC Unit test Part I CADDA Part II CDABC Part III CBABD Part IV (1)achievements (2)specialised (3)vast (4)professional (5)educated (6)was familiar (7)extensively (8)elegantly


第一章图形推理 一、图形推理的命题形式 二、图形推理考点 (一)位置规律 1.位置类识别特征:元素组成相同(每幅图都长得一模一样),优先考虑位置规律。 如每幅图均由“米”字形、小黑三角、小五角星组成,即为元素组成相同,优先考虑位置规律。 2.具体考点: (1)平移 A.方向:直线(上下、左右、斜对角线)、绕圈(顺逆时针) B.常见步数:恒定(每次走的一样,如每次移动1格)、递增(等差)(如依次移动1、 2、3、4格)。 【注意】a.递减和周期(1、2、1、2)均不常考。 b.多种元素分开看。 c.整体不行分部分观察。 d.黑白格位置移动区域划分:①先整体再部分,顺序不能乱,即多宫格优先看整体,整

体有规律不拆开,无规律才考虑拆开。②8宫格:上下、左右。③12宫格:上下两部分。④九宫格(横竖都有3格)不能对半分,所以九宫格不能分为上下、左右两部分,只能整体观察,分为内外圈(中间1个,其余为外圈)观察不是分部分。⑤16宫格:整体看无规律优先考虑内外圈(考查较多),还可分为上下、左右、四部分(考查较少)。⑥多宫格和常规的图形,平移方向有上下、左右、顺逆时针、斜对角线,都是明确的。 (2)旋转、翻转 ①旋转 A.方向:顺时针、逆时针(与钟表指针移动方向相同为顺时针方向,反之为逆时针) B.常见角度:45°、90°、180° ②翻转 A.左右翻转:竖轴对称——2个图形沿着竖轴对称,如图两个三角形像“照镜子”,左右对称,即为左右翻转。 B.上下翻转:横轴对称——2个图形间画横轴,若2个图形关于横轴对称,即为上下翻转,如图2两个三角形关于横轴对称;考试时都是一行一行的看,很少上下看,如图3蓝色三角形和绿色三角形是上下翻转得到的,不容易看时,简单图形顺手画一下。
