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【摘要】The methanol extracts of 37 plants belonging to27 families were tested for growth inhibition on Rhizoctonia solani by mycelial radial growth inhibition method in vitro. The results showed that the extract of the whole plant of Inula cappa had the highest antimicrobial activity against the pathogen and the EC50 of the stem and leaf extract was 1.19 × 103 and 4.08 ×103 mg/L, respectively. The control effect of stem extract of Inula cappa on rice sheath blight was tested by detached rice leaf method. At the concentration of 10 x 103mg/L, the preventive and curative effect of the extract was 100 % ( spraying first, inoculation later)and 92.38 % ( inoculation first, spraying later ) , respectively. It was demonstrated preliminarily that Inula cappa contained some substances possessing strong antimicrobial activity against Rhizoctonia solani.%以水稻纹枯病菌为供试菌,采用菌丝生长速率法测定了27科37种植物甲醇提取物的离体抑菌活性,发现羊耳菊全草对水稻纹枯病菌的抑菌作用最强,其茎和叶2个不同部位的甲醇提取物对水稻纹枯病菌的抑菌中浓度分别为1.19×103和4.08×103mg/L.以羊耳菊茎秆提取物对离体水稻叶片纹枯病进行了防效试验,当其浓度为10 × 103 mg/L时,先喷药后接种的预防效果为100%,先接种后喷药的治疗效果为92.38%.研究结果初步证实,羊耳菊
