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形容西安的古诗 翻译英文
The number of poems that describe the beauty of the city in history are countless

长安陌上无穷树, 唯有垂柳道离别: Even trees by the road side in Chang'an are rich. Only willows whisper Goodbye. (in the past, willows were everywhere in the city)
总为浮云能蔽日, 长安不见使人愁: I thought the clouds would cover the sun, but still felt sad because Chang'an was out of my view.
冲天香阵透长安, 满城尽带黄金甲: Chang'an immenses itself in the scent, and the city dresses golden likes wearing a corselet.
向长安,对秋灯, 几人老: ahead the direction of Chang'an, face to the lamp in the fall, time hastens people's life.
长安城中秋夜长, 佳人锦石捣流黄: autumn night in Chang'an is much longer, beauties wash clothes by the river side.
举目见日, 不见长安: raise the head I see the sun, but not the Chang'an that I missed.

红尘紫陌, 斜阳暮草, 长安道, 是离人: after sunset, people on the road of Chang'an are saying goodbye
秋风吹渭水, 落叶满长安: winds blow river Wei, then leaves shatter on the ground
三月三日空气新, 长安水边多丽人: on third of March (Chinese Lunar Calendar), thousands of beauties are enjoying Spring in Chang'an.
暗闻歌吹声, 知是长安路: when you hear the music, you know it's Chang'an ahead.
百千家似围棋局, 十二街如种菜畦: this poem points out the feature of the city, streets and roads are very orderly and regular, just like the I-go.
九天阊阖开宫殿, 万国衣冠拜冕旒: this poem shows the scene of Daming Palace in the morning. Officials were waiting outside the palace.
渭水收暮雨, 处处多新泽. 宫苑傍山明, 云林带天碧: this poem means the rain after sunset drips into River Wei (a river near Chang'an), and new pools on the ground are everywhere. The palace snuggles up to the mountain is becoming brighter, and the thick forest has the pretty color as the sky
却惜京华不可见, 烟花二月过长安. 长安通衢十二陌, 出入九州横八极: these sentences mean the transportation in Chang'an is very convenient.
风舞槐花落御沟, 终南山色入城秋: Flower of the locust trees dances with the wind, then fall into the royal river, let's enjoy the beautiful autumn and the scenery of Mount Zhongnan seen from the city
长安大道连狭斜, 青牛白马七香车: the carrige passes the street of Chang'an, leaving a delicate fragrance
西北望长安, 可怜无数山: to the North west, it's Chang'an. How lovely the mountains around it!
秋寒可自长安到? 再忆长安已太迟: Could autumn come into Chang'an by itself? It's already too late to miss Chang'an.
长安雪后似春归, 积素凝华连曙辉: it seems like spring after snowing in Chang'an, can you see the snowflake sparkle in the rosy down?
长安渭桥路, 行客别时心: the bridge over the Ba River, the feeling we separate from each

恐逢故里莺花笑, 且向长安度一春: I'd rather spend my spring in Chang'an than to face the oriole-flower smelling in my hometown
何处可为别? 长安青绮门: where is the place we could say goodbye at last? It's Qingyi Gate in Chang'an
长安道, 一回来, 一回老: when you first passed Chang'an, you were young; the second time you passed by, you are already old.
花萼楼前雨露新, 长安城里太平人: in front of the building, the rain is fresh, the flower as well, the life of people who live in Chang'an is peaceful.
年年今日谁相问, 独卧长安泣岁华: Nobody could answer my question at this time every year, I have to stay myself in Chang'an, weeping bitter tears over my lost youth
长安城中月如练, 家家此夜持针线: the moon in Chang'an is very bright tonight, every family is sewing.
忆长安, 九月时: it's September, it's the time to miss Chang'an
滞雨长安夜, 残灯独客愁: it's raining all night. Lamp is the only thing to accompany with, what a lonely passenger, no words can express the grief
红尘白日长安路, 马走车轮不暂闲: the wheels of the carrige are very busy on the road in Chang'an
碧池新涨浴桥鸦, 分锁长安富贵家:
豪家沽酒长安陌, 一旦起楼高百尺:
长安九城路, 戚里五侯家:
长安大道沙为堤, 早风无尘雨无泥: the streets in Chang'an are made of sand. There's no ash in the morning wind and no mud in the rain.
长安回望绣成堆, 山顶千门次第开: turn back and find the beautiful natural sights behind Chang'an.
长相思, 在长安: the place we are pining for is Chang'an!
一为迁客去长沙, 西望长安不见家: once I moved to Chang'sha, it's another city far away from Chang'an. From then on,I couldn't see my hometown to the west.
忆来唯把旧书看, 几时携手入长安: when I miss her, I read the old books. Who can tell me when could I go back to Chang'an with her?
碧池新涨浴桥鸦, 分锁长安富贵家:After absorbing the water, green pond is getting swell even the crow that standing on the bridge is nearly to be submerged; the swelling across the Chang'an so that everyone hardly moves one step to outside
