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要求: 50分钟内根据命题要求写出一篇不少于250-300字的短文, 满分为20。




1)Thesis statement

2)Topic sentence

3)Detailed discussion (examples, statistics)



4.有漂亮用词用句, 即闪光点, 适当加分










Three words to remember: Unity, Coherence and V ariety

Unity 一致/统一/切题


When you wait on tables, remember that people are unpredictable. With this in mind you won’t get flustered, annoyed, or irritable when customers ask for margarine instead of butter, whole wheat instead of white, cottage cheese instead of coleslaw, and French fries instead of salad with their linguini Alfredo. Nor will you think anything of it when a person orders pumpkin pie topped with chocolate ice cream or scrambled egg beaters (cholesterol-free powdered eggs) with greasy home fries and bacon.

这段话的第一句表明了主题, 其后紧跟六个例子说明食客难以伺候,整个段落主次分明, 结为一体。

每个段落表达一个主题(通常用主题句来表达) 段落内不应出现多余的或与主题不相干的内容。否则就破坏了UNITY。文章就不切题了。



议论文的三个构成要素分别是论点(proposition)、论据(evidence)和论证(logical presentation)。掌握议论文的论点、论据和论证的写作要求和方法是写好议论文的前提条件。考博作文一般不给出文章的论点、论据和论证,考生必须作出自己的选择, 因此审题和构思很重要(见mapping)。



“We hold these truth to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,Liberty.And the pursuit of Happiness.”










另外,在论证过程中应该避免使用模棱两可的语言表达,像“maybe,perhaps,possibly, sometimes, most often,more often than not,nearly always”或者“in my opinion, I think,as far as I am concerned”这样的用语会不同程度地削弱文章的论证气势。



(主题引入句) 一. 引言


1. 展开句论点句

2. 展开句二. 正文

3. 展开句 1. 主题句

结尾句1) 展开句

2) 展开句

3) 展开句


2. 主题句

1) 展开句

2) 展开句

3) 展开句


3. 主题句

1) 展开句

2) 展开句

3) 展开句


三. 结尾







考博作文基本结构:往往包括三个主要组成部分:引言段, 正文(可以是3段), 和结尾段。

1. 引言段:一般由引言句介绍背景(background introduction)和论点句(thesis statement)两部分


泛而谈”到个别(from general to specific),逐步深入。这样文章就显得自然,思

路清晰,对于考生也容易下笔。论题或论题句(thesis statement)是引言段的核心,


2. 正文:它们是根据论题句而展开的,对论题句进行解释、说明和阐述。

3. 结尾段:总结全文和收尾,进一步点明主题,加深读者对全文的印象。

(插入“Mapping” [power point文件])

(再插入“如何写论点句thesis” [power point文件])


A person born in the twentieth century has seen a lot of changes take place in almost all areas of human life. Some people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer; others want to return to the simpler less automated life style of the past. Living in the twentieth century has certain advantages such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages such as a polluted environment, the depersonalization of human relationships, and the weakening of spiritual values.

polluted environment …

depersonalization of human relationships…

weakening of spiritual values…

In conclusion, although the twenties century has indeed given us a lot of advantages by making us richer, healthier, freer to enjoy our lives, it has, in my opinion, not made us wiser. The twentieth century has also made our Earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spiritual lives poorer.

Sample 1:

No doubt, everyone wishes to be successful in life. In discussing this, three fundamental principles should be borne in mind: diligence, devotion, and perseverance.

The first key factor to success is diligence, which simply means no waste of time. Diligence can help us remove ignorance-overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. Diligence can make a fool wise, and a poor man rich. If we idle away our time now, our future life will be a failure. If we are diligent now, we will surely be successful in future.

Devotion, which means the concentration of our mind and effort in doing things, is another key factor to success. Whatever job we are doing, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set out our minds on the job can we do it well.

Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is also necessary in order to make success a certainty. If we study or work day after day, them is nothing that cannot be achieved. Without a strong will, on the other hand, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties.

In short, the three basic qualities can always urge a person to perform wonderful for final splendid success.


Sample 2:

Should Students Go in for Business?

There are two opposite views on university students? tryi ng their hand at business. One is that doing business helps to adapt themselves better to society after graduation, while the other says it might occupy too much of the students' time and energy which, in turn, has a negative impact on their academic study. In my opinion, as long as we can successfully strike a balance between

doing business and studying, the advantage of the former is more obvious.

Firstly, it lets us put what we have learned to practice. In fact, doing business is not that easy as we have expected. It requires good communication skills, negotiation knacks, and presentation capabilities and so on. Although we can learn all these from textbooks, they are only theoretical. And the real situations are far more complicated. As long as we put theories into practice, we can grasp their essence better. That is also why at present, more universities emphasize on the importance of practice. If it is the case and meanwhile we are provided with the chance to do business ourselves, why should we not have a try?

Secondly, it lets us adapt better to society. It is known that it needs time to conduct the role-shifting from a student to a professional. The earlier we are able to adapt to the business environment of society, the better it is for our future career development. At the same time, doing business is beneficial when we are trying to find the right position in society for ourselves.

Last but not least, it enriches our campus life. Campus life does not merely mean academic study; it involves other aspects too. If we can make best use of our leisure time to do something we are interested in, like business, on the basis of the guarantee that academic study in the universities will not be affected, it surely makes our campus life more colorful and meaningful.

Undoubtedly, doing business is full of risk. To cope with it well not only needs bravery and creativity but also requires knowledge and wisdom. So, through doing business, we, university students are more likely to be a high-caliber intellectual and make a greater contribution to society in future.

Exercise: (Chinese situation)

1.My View on the Construction of the Three Gorges Dam

Although the project of the Three Gorges Dam, the world?s largest dam, is now under construction, the issue of whether it is worth undertaking is still in controversy. Actually ever since the proposal of the construction project was put forward, opinions of it has varied sharply. …

As the construction of the Three Gorges project has both merits and demerits, what we are going to do is minimize all potential negative effects.

2. Prospect of the New Age of Science and Technology

There is no doubt that the century has marked by a burst of new science and technology. Y et, the technology such as cloning and the internet fills everyone?s heart with delight as well as awe. …

In my judgment, however, such problems and dangers will be outweighed by solutions and opportunities afforded by the development of science and technology, and balanced by human beings to take corrective action.

3. Reform on Medical Care Service

I can?t agree with newspapers? praise of reform on medical care service as “a success”. On the contrary, I believe that the reform on medical care service won?t work in our nation, a t least in the rural areas of China.

The high cost it has incurred and many defects it has brought about confirm me in the view that the reform on medical care service in China is a failure rather than a wonder.


1. Broad Statement Narrowing to a Limited Subject

For generations, morality has been molded primarily by parents, religion, and schools. Children traditionally acquired their ideas about what is right and wrong, which goals are important in life, and how others should be treated from these three sources. But now there is another powerful force influencing youngsters. (thesis) Television is implanting in children negative values about sex, work, and family life.

2. Brief Anecdote

At a local high school recently, students in a psychology course were given a hint of what it is like to be the parents of a newborn. Each “parent” had to carry a raw egg around at all times to symbolize the responsibilities of parenthood. The egg could not be left alone; it limited the “parents ” activities; it placed a full-time emotional burden on “Mom” and “Dad.” This class exercise illustrates a common problem facing the majority of new mothers and fathers. (thesis) Most people receive little preparation for the job of being parents.

3. Idea That Is the Opposite of the One Developed

We hear a great deal about divorce?s disastrous impact on children. We are deluged with advice on ways to make divorce as painless as possible for youngsters; we listen to heartbreaking stories about the confused, grieving children of divorced parents. Little attention has been paid, however, to a different kind of effect divorce may have on children. (thesis) Children from divorced families may become skilled manipulators, playing off one parent against the other, worsening an already painful situation.

4. Series of Short Questions

What happens if a child is caught vandalizing school property? What happens if a child goes for a joyride in a stolen car and accidentally hits a pedestrian? Should parents be liable for their children?s mistakes? Should parents have to pay what might be hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages? Adults have begun to think seriously about such questions because the laws concerning the limits of parental responsibility are changing rapidly. (thesis) With unfortunate frequency, courts have begun to hold parents liable for their children?s mistakes.

5. Quotation

Educator Neil Postman believes that television has blurred the line between childhood and adulthood. According t o Postman, “All the secrets that a print culture kept from children…are revealed all at once by media that do not, and cannot, exclude any audience.” (thesis) This media barrage of information, once intended only for adults, has changed childhood for the w orse.

6. Brief Background on the Topic

For a long time, adults believed that “children should be seen not heard.” On special occasions, youngsters were dressed up and told to sit quietly while adults socialized. Even when they were

alone with their parents, children were not supposed to bother adults with their concerns. However, beginning with psychologist Arnold Gesell in the 1940s, child-raising experts began to question the wisdom of an approach that blocked communication. (thesis) These days, experts agree, successful parents are those who encourage their children to share their thoughts and concerns.

7. Refutation of a Common Belief

Adolescents care only about material things; their lives revolve around brand-name sneaker, designer jeans the latest fad in stereo equipment. They resist education, don?t red, barely know who is president, and exist on a steady diet of Ring-Dings, nachos, and beer. This is what many adults, including parents, seem to believe about the young. (thesis) The reality is, however, that young people today show more maturity and common sense than most adults give them credit for.

8. Dramatic Fact or Statistic

Seventy percent of the respondents in a poll conducted by columnist Ann Landers stated that, if they could live their lives over, they would choose not to have children. This startling statistic makes one wonder what these people believed parenthood would be like. (thesis) Most parents, it seems, have unrealistic expectations about their children. Parents want their children to accept their values, follow their paths, and succeed where they failed.

(插入开头段Type 3练习(power point))

Exercise write introduction sentence for a thesis:

1. Shopping on the Internet

Ebay has become part of life. Anyone surfing on line must know Ebay, which is a newly-rising industry for commercial goods. Whether it is routine marketing for groceries, gift hunting, purchasing trivial necessities, or buy major items, on-line shoppers have the opportunity of selecting and rejecting, of weighing values and of using their own judgment.Therefore, shopping on the internet offers us a world of choices.

To conclude, shopping on Ebay has become an expedition of discovery. It is little wonder that most of us enjoy the wide choices it offers when shopping online.

2. Is Stress a Bad Thing?

“I can?t stand the pressure and competition,” explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don?t think his decision to quit is wise in reality.

Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.

3. Good Health

Do you wish to work hard for your bright future? Do you wish to reap the harvest of your painstaking? Do you wish to enjoy your life? Y es? Then do you have a good health? As good

health makes it possible to enjoy your life and achieve what you wish for. If you want to realize your wishes, you may want to try some of the following ways to help building up health.

In fact the above-suggested ways have changed me completely. I was once weak and often caught cold. Recently I have attended calisthenic practice organized by our university and have benefited a lot from it. Now, I find my life full of sunshine, with my body in god health condition.

In short, the opening paragraph consisting of two parts: the topic (limited subject) and the thesis (your point of view) has four purposes:

●有论点句It states the thesis of the essay;

●使用引言句It gives background information on the topic;

●引言句要激发读者的兴趣It should arouse the reader?s curiosity about or interest in the topic;

●论点句要提示作文的重点、目的、和发展方向It often indicates the focus, purpose or direction of the composition.

Writing an Effective Body Paragraph正文发展法:

The body of your composition consists of several sentences, each of which develop or support the thesis.


Title: Good Health (1996)

Outline given: Ways to keep fit

Y our outline: there are many ways to keep fit

A.To get rid of some bad habits

B.To learn to relax oneself

C.To do some regular exercises

There are many ways to keep fit. First, one should try to get rid of some bad habits. Secondly, one should learn to relax oneself from his working pressure. Finally, one should attend various kinds of physical exercises.

→Now that we know health is the resource of our energy, what should we do to keep fit? First of all, one should try to get rid of some bad habits that damage his health, such as overeating, drinking, smoking, and so on. Secondly, those who are always under pressure working should find time to relax because too much stress can lead to illness. Finally, it is important for one to do lots of physical exercise, which are quite essential for healthy mind and body.

→There are many ways which help t o build up one?s health. In the first place, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress can lead to poor performance and ill health. Secondly, if one wants to keep fit, he must give up the habits that damage his health. Finally, regular exercise is essential for a healthy mind and body. To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing more healthful than a brisk walk in the morning.

Further Exercise:

For this thesis: “To those who haven?t done it, b abysitting looks easy. In practice, though, babysitting can be difficult, frightening, even dangerous.” Y ou can develop the body in at least the following patterns:

1. Description: Details about a child who, while being babysat, was badly hurt playing on a backyard swing;

2. Narration: Story about the time a friend babysat a child who became seriously ill and whose condition was worsened by the babysitter?s remedies.

3. Illustration: Examples of babysitting problems: an infant who rolls off a changing table; a toddler who sticks objects in an electric outlet; a school-age child who is bitten by a neighborhood dog;

4. Process Analysis: Step-by-step account of what a babysitter should do if a child becomes ill or injured;

5. Comparison: Contrast between two babysitters: one well-prepared, the other unprepared;

6. Cause-effect: Why children have bad temper; the effect of such temper on an unskilled babysitter.

7. Argumentation: A proposal for a babysitting training program to be offered by the local community center.

Tips for body paragraph development:

1. It must be relevant:

“Fairly fought arguments can strengthen relationships”

Y ou will use materials about an argument you had with a friend: how the disagreement started, how you and your friend worked out your differences, how your friendship deepened because of what your learned about each other. It would not serve your thesis, to include details about the way negotiating strategies can backfire.

2. It must be specific:

To prevent readers from thinking Who cares? Who says?

Eg. Focus on your own experience working at a fast-food restaurant. Y ou might start by describing how you once worked in such a restaurant. A story to tell. The specific will help readers to “see” the point you are making.

3. It must be dramatic:

To enlarge the reader?s experience.

Eg. To write about “People who affirm the value of life refuse to wear fur coats”. Y ou will write: most animals killed for their fur are caught in steel-jaw, leg-hold traps snap shut on an animal?s

limb, c rushing tissue and bone and leaving the animal to die, in severe pain…

4. It must be accurate:

Suppose to write that dormitory security is lax:

Y ou begin supporting your thesis by narrating the time you were nearly attacked in your dorm hallway. Y ou can even invent some materials, to exaggerate the amount of time it took campus security to respond to an emergency call.

Sample 1:

Going Abroad for Studies

The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education. My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family: Why should I borrow a huge stun of money for overseas studies while I might receive the same education at home at relatively low cost? My answer is: in addition to knowledge, I can gain experiences that those who stay at home will never have. (用个人经历引出主题,继而引出了文章观点:我出国读书不只是为了知识,还有在国内读书体验不到的经历)

First, experience is the opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. (主题句)While a person can study a foreign language at home, the effect can never be compared with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Living in English-speaking countries such as America and Australia for several years, for example, my English w ill be as perfect as native speakers.

Second, living and studying abroad offers me a different perspective of the world. (主题句) On a university campus, foreign students are likely to encounter their counterparts from different countries and areas and are exposed to different ideas mid values. This helps me to have a meaningful understanding of different societies and inevitably sees my own country in a new light. (在国外接触不同国家的价值观念对了解自己国家,了解世界,开阔眼界是很有帮助的) Third, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is helpful (主题句). A person going abroad for study often experiences much more difficulty—difficulty in adapting to a new culture and in dealing with all problems alone. Y et, the difficulty, coupled with the frustration brought on by culture shock, is a rewarding experience for one's future life and development of personality.(在国外遇到的挫折,和独立处理问题的经历对人生的成长是一种宝贵的财富) Although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. For the benefit is not merely knowledge gained, but the experiences desirable in one's personal life.(回到文章开头:出国学习所得到的不仅仅是知识,而且还有经历)


1.首尾呼应:My answer is in addition to knowledge,I can gain experiences that those who stay at home will never have.一The benefit is not merely knowledge gained,but the experiences desirable in one's personal life.

2.用词变化:go abroad for study--study abroad—overseas study—study experience;offer a different perspective of—have a meaningful understanding of—see something in a new light;


3.句型变化:A person going abroad for study often experience much more difficulty --difficulty in adapting to a new culture (同位语);The difficulty, coupled with the frustration brought on

by culture shock, is a rewarding experience (插入过去分词句). There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than...(比较级句).

4. 词汇亮点:evoke, offer a different perspective of …, see something in a new light, be exposed

to ideas, adapt to...

Sample 2

Traditionally, we tend to believe that the major task of a student is studying at school and striving hard to achieve good academic records. Now there is a growing awareness of the importance of preparing university students for their future careers. So there has been a general debate these days on whether to encourage university students to go in for business. In my view, the advantages derived from letting university students start their own business outweigh its negative effects.

To begin with, running a business provides university students with profound hands-on experience and insights that never to be gained from textbooks by sitting in the classroom. For a university student, especially a business major, the best way to test what they have learned on campus is to do business oneself. One can never know whether a theory is right or not by without applying it to the practice. Some people then may argue that running a business might consume too much of the students' time and energy and result in low score academically. But what is the point of achieving a strikingly high score without knowing how to apply the knowledge to the real business practices? Bill Gates, the software giant of today, dropped university halfway and soon became successful. This is a good case in point.

In the second place, running a business helps university students get prepared for their career after graduation. We all know work life is quite different from the life in the ivory tower. Entering the society, they have to be both financially and psychologically independent and take responsibility for themselves. Therefore, they must contact with the outside world as much as possible in order to get themselves fully prepared.

In conclusion, university students have already grown up to make good choices for their own. The society should provide guidance rather than make decisions for them. We should adopt a more tolerant attitude and let the university students choose their own way.



Contrary to what many adults think, most adolescents are not only aware of the important issues of the times but also deeply concerned about them. They are sensitive to the plight of the homeless, the destruction of the environment, and the pitfalls of rampant materialism. Indeed, today?s young people are not less mature and sensible than their parents were. If anything, they are more so.

2. Prediction

The growing tendency on the part of the judicial system to hold parents responsible for the actions of their delinquent children can have a disturbing impact on all of us. Parents will feel bitter toward their own children and cynical about a system that holds them accountable for the actions of minors. Children, continuing to escape the consequences of their actions, will become even more lawless and destructive. Society cannot afford two such possibilities.

3. Quotation

The comic W. C. Fields is reputed to have said, “Anyone who hates children and dogs can?t be all bad.” Most people do not share Fields?s cynicism. V iewing childhood as a time of purity, they are alarmed at the way television exposes children to the seamy side of life, stripping youngsters of their innocence and giving them a glib sophistication that is a poor substitute for wisdom.

4. Statistic

Granted, divorce may, in some cases, be the best thing for families torn apart by parents who battle one another. However, in longitudinal studies of children from divorced families, psychologist Judith Wallerstein found that only 10 percen t of the youngsters felt relief at their parents? divorce; the remaining 90 percent felt devastated. Such statistics surely call into question parents? claims that they are divorcing or their children?s sake.

5. Recommendation or Call for Action

It is a mistake to leave parenting to instinct. Instead, we should make parenting skills a required course in school. In addition, a nationwide hotline should be established to help parents deal with crises such training and continuing support would help adults deal more effectively with many of the problems they face as parents.



The busy schedules that mot adults face from day to day have created a rising health problem in the modern world; Stress affects almost everyone, from the highly pressured executive to the busy homemaker or student. It can cause a variety of physical disorders, ranging form headaches to stomach ulcers and even alcoholism; Stress, like a common cold, is a problem that can?t be cured; however, it can be controlled. A person can learn to control stress by setting realistic goals, enjoying a hobby and/or physical exercise, and by maintaining a good, warm relationship with family and friends.

请为这开头段写一个简单的结尾段(2句), 使用总结法(summary):

Key for reference:

To sum up, the problem of stress is quite common in our society. Although disorders caused by stress vary from person to person, stress can be brought under control if people decide upon practical targets, stay relaxed and develop close and warm relationship with others.



Thesis: … Although Shanghai is a culturally rich city and an important center of national and international business, it still has several serious problems.

Body: A. inadequate transportation system

B. extremely congested condition in the streets

C. lack of affordable housing


key for reference:

In conclusion, Shanghai?s public transit system is in bad shape. Furthermore, the high cost of

housing and massive traffic jams are all negative aspects of this city.


Thesis: … Flextime has obvious advantages for both workers and management although it may not be practical in all types of businesses.

Body: A. increased production per hour

B. workers happier

C. absenteeism declined

D. not advantageous in all types of business


key for reference:

To summarize, flextime has resulted in increased production and happier workers who are less likely to miss work, and it works well in manufacturing and retail industries. But it will work less in service industries such as restaurants and health care industries.

To put it briefly, in the concluding paragraph you usually use one of or more than one of these strategies:

●总结论据A summary of the main points discussed;

●重复论点A restatement of the main idea in different words;

●引用名言A quotation which supports your main point;

●解决方法A solution to the problems you have discussed;

●展望或呼吁A new question or questions your composition raises.


由于段落式由一系列句子组成的有机整体, 段内各句之间便存在一定的逻辑关系。因此, 段落对于写好文章有重要的作用。因为在组织段落的同时, 我们也在组织思想,使其成为一个有序的结构, 段内各句的逻辑关系赋予段落以内在的逻辑性, 那么,构成段落的各个句子通过平行, 顺序, 总分, 对比, 因果等方式把段落组织成为一个连贯的整体。除了指称、替代、省略、词义衔接, 使用过渡词是我们保证连贯的简单但有效的手段。要避免受汉语思维的影响(汉语注重…意合?; 英语注重…形合?) 多多注意使用过渡词。

过渡词(transitional/signal Words)


Studies have shown that color is also an important part of the way people experience food. In one rich s tudy, individuals fed a rich red tomato sauce didn?t notice it had no flavor until they were nearly finished eating. Similarly, in another experiment, people were offered strangely colored foods: gray pork chops, lavender mashed potatoes, dark blue peas, dessert topped with yellow whipped cream. Not one of the subjects would eat the strange-looking food, even though it smelled and tasted normal.

Studies have shown that color is also an important part of the way people experience food. In one study, individuals fed a rich red tomato sauce didn?t notice it had no flavor until they were nearly finished eating. Similarly, in another experiment, people were offered strangely colored foods: gray pork chops, lavender mashed potatoes, dark blue peas, dessert topped with yellow whipped cream. Not one of the subjects would eat the strange-looking food, even though it smelled and tasted normal.



first, (second…,) then, next, last, finally, second, …at last, first of all, to begin/start/end with, in the second place, initially, eventually, ultimately, first and most important, last but not least, to conclude, in the end, for one t hing…for another…, above all,


and, additionally, in addition (to), also, as well as, moreover, furthermore, besides, what?s more, both…and, not only…but (also), either…or…, too, equally, in the same way, on the one hand…on the other hand, in the first place…in the second place


for example/instance, as you know, a case in point, in particular, notably, for one thing, for another, to put it simply, stated roughly, as an illustration, to detail this, take…as example, as for, as regards, as to, such as, just as, as an illustration, namely, to illustrate, specifically, including


that is, that is to say, namely, viz. in other words, or rather, in this way, alone this line of consideration, as a popular saying goes…, accordingly, as far as, more over


then, in that case, otherwise, or else, if, unless, lest, provided that, in other words, in that case, in this sense, once…, if possible, if necessary, if so, if not, if not all, the conclusion is…, such being the case, to put it more precisely, under such circumstances


even so, nevertheless, notwithstanding, regarding of, on the other hand, granted, all the same, even though, however, nonetheless, spite of , despite admittedly, for all that, in any case


since, because, for, for that reason, in that, in view of, because of, on account of, owing to, due to, thanks to, in view of, so, therefore, hence, thus, as a result/consequence, consequently, accordingly, so that,


in comparison, similarly, equally in the same way, correspondingly, likewise, in the same way, comparison also, in reality


as…, just as, like, just like, in comparison/contrast with, (when) compared with, by the same token, similarly, conversely, on the contrary, similar to, likewise, similarly, apart from (doing), rather than…, by doing so, in the same vein, whereas


but, yet, however, nevertheless, by/in contrast, on the contrary, by comparison, although, though, unless, even so/though, whereas, while, on the one/other hand, in stead of, in spite of, regardless of, despite, reckless of, of course, by way of, different from this, as opposed to this, but on the other hand, something is just the other way around


above all, most important (of all), indeed, of course, in fact, as a matter of fact, surely, truly, certainly, especially, no doubt, without doubt, last but not the least


as a matter of fact, in this case, in other words, frankly speaking, namely


all in all, all together, in a word, in conclusion, in summary, in brief, in short, in other words, to conclude, to sum up, to summarize, thus, thus, therefore, finally, from the forgoing, as has been mentioned, given all the points


as soon as, by then, by that time, at first, then, after that, later on, since, until/till, not…until, hardly…when, no sooner…than, shortly after, immediately, the moment, before, after, when, while, in the end, finally, at last


above, over, below, under, next to, behind, in front of, on the left/right


Fill in the blanks with transitions that help to move the idea forward:

Foreign cars are often more expensive to own in the United States than American-made cars. __1__, foreign cars cost more to buy. __2__, there are reasons for this. The quality of workmanship that goes into making them is very high. __3__ high tariffs on many foreign models

have raised prices. __4__, foreign cars often cost more to register. __5__ insurance rates can be higher. __6__, parts and repair costs are much greater than they are for American cars. __7__, there are some financial advantages to owning a foreign car. __8__, many of them get better gas mileage, and they need new tires less often than American cars do. __9__, their resale value is higher. The price of a year-old foreign car may be only $300 less than what is cost new. __10__ the price for a year-old American car will be round $1,000 less.

Key: 1. For one thing 2. Of course 3. Then 4. Furthermore 5. In addition 6. Moreover 7. However 8. First 9. Second 10. But

V ariety 多变

句子的多样化(Three writing techniques for emphasis):



She returned to her office.There was a note under the door.It was from Mr. May.He said he was waiting for her in the coffee room. And he had not found her sister.He was sorry to have missed her.


When she returned to her office,she was surprised to find a note from Mr. May under the door.He said be was waiting for her in the coffee room and had not found her sister yet. He added that he was sorry to have missed her.


同样,句子也不能全是长句。通篇使用长句会让人喘不过气来,不免令人太累。如:This view of philosophy appears to result, partly from a wrong conception of the ends of life, partly from a wrong conception of the kind of goods which philosophy strives to achieve whereas physical science, through the medium of inventions, is useful to innumerable people who are wholly ignorant of it and the study of physical science is to be recommended, not only, or primarily, because of the effect on the student, but rather because of the effect on mankind in general. Thus utility does not belong to philosophy, the study of which has any value at all for others than students of philosophy; it must be only indirectly, through its effects upon the lives of those who study it.


Witches bring their faces close as goblins glare, their eyes fiery. Approaching stealthily, fiendish devils come to claw a beloved stuffed bear that recoils in horror. These are among the possible terrifying happenings in the world of children?s nightmare.

Witches bring their faces close. Goblins glare with fiery eyes. Fiendish devils stealthily approach to claw a beloved stuffed bear. The boy recoils, in horror. These are often among the terrifying happenings in the world of children?s nightmare.


Please combine the following groups of sentences into two or three sentences with the main idea emphasized.

1. Travel has already begun to recover. Hotel in the city have lost a lot of business. The city was put on the blacklist of the infectious disease. WHO lifts the travel advisory. Tourism in the city will recover during the summer.


1. Ever since the city was put on the blacklist of the infectious disease, hotels in the city have lost

a lot of business. With WHO?s lifting of the travel advisory, tourism in the city will recover during

the summer. Indeed, travel has begun to recover.

2. The Internet is the greatest creation of humankind in 20th century. One can get information on the Internet. Y ou can get entertainment on the Internet. Companies can do business on the Internet. People can talk on the Internet. The Internet can give one a broader view of the world. Combined:

2. The Internet is the greatest creation of humankind in 20th century because one can talk, entertain, do business and obtain information on the Internet. Above all, people can broaden their view of the world.

(Y ou can use parallel structure to achieve emphasis. The Internet is the greatest creation of humankind in 20th century. One talk on the Internet; one get entertainment on the Internet; one can do business on the Internet; one can get information on the Internet; one can get a broader view of the world on the Internet.)

3. E-mail has very important advantages over normal mail and telephone calls. It is a natural communication technology. It developed along with the evolution of the Internet. One could write tersely and type imperfectly, and the recipient took no offense. Email works much faster and is more convenient than telephoning.


3. E-mail, a natural communication technology developed along with the evolution of the Internet, has very important advantages over normal mail and telephone calls. One could write tersely and type imperfectly without offending the recipient. Email works much faster and is more convenient than telephoning.

(二) 句子开头的多样化。


1.Defeated in the minor exchanges,I now play my queen of Trumps. (分词短语作状语从句) 2.Under no circumstances shall we neglect the education of children.(介词短语作状语从句) 3. With great courage, he feared nothing in the world but the disapproving frown of his wife. (介


4. That you can not do while you sleep.(宾语开句)

5. Equally important is a good habit of reading. (表语开句)

6.There are two ways in which one can own a book(there be句型开句)

7. Intelligent and hard working, the girl is popular with all her classmates. (形容词开头)

8. An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger (护林人) talked to the campers about safety in

the woods. (同位语开头)


Ex. Revise the following sentences so that they begin in the various ways mentioned in parentheses.

1. The pioneer was strong and healthy and lived to be 112 years old. (Begin with adjectives.)


2. The university will open on September 19 unless circumstances force a postponement. (Begin

with an adverb clause.)


3. Beijing, the capital of China, is my birthplace. (Begin with an appositive.)


4. Y ou may regret in leisure what you impulsively do in haste. (Begin with a noun clause.)


5. The girl was in despair and turned to her friends for help (begin with a prepositional phrase.)


6. The women volleyball players practiced very hard to win the match. (Begin with an infinitive



7. Tolstoy, completing Ana Karenina, won national recognition is Russia. (Begin with a participial




句子开头的多样化是句子结构多样化的一种情况。除此之外,写作中还应避免过多使用同一种句型结构。如果一篇文章句子结构没有变化,即使没有语法错误,思路也清晰,但由于同一结构的堆积,读起来未免单调。从语法结构上来说,句子可分为三种: 简单句,复合句, 复杂句。请判断下列是什么句子。

Hot and thirsty, exhausted from the effort of carrying so many groceries, I desired nothing more than an ice-cold glass of lemonade.

Because I was hot and thirsty, I craved lemonade.

Gorillas can learn sign language (手语), and they have been seen teaching this language to others. Y esterday, editorials attacked the plan; a week ago, they praised it.


1. 主-谓-修饰语

2. 修饰语-主-谓

3. 修饰语嵌入式

4. 分布形修饰语.


1. The school board approved the controversial sex education program, despite teachers?

reservation and many parents? objections.

2. Despite teachers? reservation and many parents? object ions,the school board approved the

controversial sex education program.

3. The school board, despite teachers? reservation and many parents? objections,approved the

controversial sex education program.

4. Waiting for food and water, the long line of refugees, angry at the delay, threatened to snap into

violence, a fact that distressed the agency.


Revising Words:

After refining the sentences in your first draft, you are in a good position to look closely at individual words. Please compare:

The young woman emerged from the interview, her face aglow/aflame. Moving briskly/hurriedly to the coat rack, she tossed/flung her raincoat over one arm. After a carefree/perfunctory“Thank you” to the receptionist, she glided/bolted out of the building.

As far as choice of words are concerned, we should aim for


·specific rather than general words;

·concrete rather than abstract words;

·strong verbs;


Please compare:

a.At that time the Friendship Store was open to foreign visitors, not to Chinese customers.

b.At that time the Friendship Store was exclusively open to foreign visitors.

a.He is proud of his achievement, which is justifiable.

b.He is justifiably proud of his achievements.

a.I struggled, fighting to solve the problem, but didn?t succeed.

b.I struggled vainly, fighting to solve the problem.

a.Y ears of watching television have made their attention span shorter.

b.Y ears of watching television have shortened their attention span.

a.The new problem made the economic crisis deep.

b.The new problem deepened the economic crisis.

a.Her smile radiated intelligence and made my heart beat fast.

b.Her smile radiated intelligence and quickened my heartbeat.

Specific rather than general words:

Sponsored by a charitable organization, a group of children from a nearby town visited a theme park. The kids had a great time. They went on several rides and ate a variety of foods.

→Sponsored by the United Glendale Charities, twenty-five underprivileged Glendale grade-schoolers visited the Universe of Fun Themepark. The kids had a great time. They roller-coastered through a meteor shower on the Space Probe, encountered a giant squid on the Submarine V oyage, and screamed their way past coffins and ghosts in the House Horrors. At the International Cuisine arcade, they sampled foods ranging from Hawaiian poi to German strudel.

Concrete rather than abstract words:

(most abstract) entertainment →amusement park entertainment →amusement park ride →roller-coaster ride →roller-coaster ride that simulates space flight →the Space Probe ride at Universe of Fun Themepark (most concrete)

Use Strong Verbs:

Because a verb is the source of action in a sentence, it carries more weight than any other element.


考博详解与指导 专业课一:中国文学史 一、名词解释(每题6分,共30分) 1、宫词 2、辛派词人 3、毛诗郑笺 4、金圣叹 5、今文经学 二、分析题(三选二,每题35分,共70)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7413299438.html, 1、鲁迅《文学史大纲》说屈原《楚辞》比《诗经》对后世影响要深,请从文体风格等内容与形势方面来说明其成就与对后世的影响 2、结合具体作家作品阐述韩愈的诗文理论主张对于宋代诗文革新运动的影响 3、从题材、内容等方面阐述明清戏曲创作的新特征,并结合历史与现实谈其原因https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7413299438.html, 付:专业课一无论是哪个方向,只要是考古文学的都一样的,只有专业课2才会根据不同的方向出不同的题目 专业课二(先秦魏晋南北朝方向,考邵炳军先生的博士,11选5,共100分)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7413299438.html, 1、写出古今中外有关十三经某一经的十部研究论著之作者、书名、版本 2、从二《雅》贵族政治讽喻诗看先秦文学之放言无惮之传统 3、从《楚辞》对《诗经》比兴艺术手法的继承与发展 4、谈孔子时代散文创作的基本状况与主要文学成就https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7413299438.html, 5、今本、帛本、简本三种版本《老子》有何异同,他们之间在版本方面存在着怎么样的继承关系 6举例说明汉代古文学派与今文学派文学阐释方法特点之异 7、班固《汉书艺文志》在整理汉代文献目录过程中对刘歆《七略》有那些创新与继承 8你如何理解建安风骨的实质。建安文学时代风格的形成主要原因有那些

9从庾信入北前后风格的变化说明社会整治生活环境对作家文学创作风格之影响。 10、从《诗※国风》农事诗看中国古代田园诗歌之滥觞与流变https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7413299438.html, 11、、“物象“兴象、”、“意象”有何区别?你认为《诗经》作者的意象经营艺术对中国古代诗歌意象经营有何影响 专业课二(元明清方向,考张寅彭和孙小力先生的博士) 一、名词解释(4×5=20)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7413299438.html, 1、写出明前后七子的姓名、字号、里籍、生平,著作、仕履等基本情况 2、写出钱谦益身平小传 3、同光体的基本情况 4桐城创作三元则的基本情况https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7413299438.html, 二、分析(三选二,每题40分,共80) 1、归有光在唐宋散文“文统”中的作用及地位 2、梅村体的来龙去脉及在清代诗史上的地位 3神韵。肌理、性灵。格调四大诗观在明清之际的传承关系 第一部分、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) 这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史,他是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索,来判断你是否适合读研或者MBA。下面是一个积极正面回答的好例子:“在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。” In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in.As a college student,I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell

同济大学医学院考博历年真题 诊断学试题

同济医科大学2002年诊断学(博士) 一、名词解释(8*5) 1.三凹征 2.猫喘 3.毛细血管博动症 征阳性 5.眩晕 6.肿瘤标记物 7.抗核抗体 8.医院感染 二、简答题(10×6) 1.简述咯血与呕血的区别 2.简述慢性腹泻的原因 3.用文字简述心肌梗塞的基本图形 4.诊断疾病的步骤有哪些? 5.正常人血沉的参考值,试述血觉加快的临床意义 6.脑脊液检查的适应征,脑脊液中的葡萄糖降低的意义 同济医科大学2003年诊断学(博士) 一名解(共5题,每题3分,共15分) 1.塔颅 2.猫喘 Flint杂音 4.液波震颤 蛋白

二简答题(共8题,共55分) 1.简述心肌梗塞的心电图特点。(5分) 2.何谓Louis角?其有何临床意义?(5分) 3.简述正常呼吸音的种类及其各自特点。(5分) 4.简述营养状态的判断方法及其分级标准。(5分) 5.简述Cheyne-Stokes呼吸的特点及其临床意义。(5分) 6.简述第一心音和第二心音产生的机制及其临床特征。(10分) 7.简述左心衰竭发生呼吸困难的机制及左心衰竭的体征。(10分) 8.简述全身浅表淋巴结的组群分布及左、右锁骨上淋巴结群各收集哪些区域的淋巴液。(1 0分) 三.选答题(任选2题,每题15分,共30分) 1.试述肝脏病检查项目的选择原则及常见肝病的肝功能改变。 2.试述胸腔积液与肺炎在体征上有何区别?渗出液和漏出液如何鉴别? 3.主动脉瓣关闭不全的临床表现。 4.脑脊液检查的适应症?禁忌症?脑脊液检查葡萄糖降低的临床意义? 同济医科大学2004年诊断学(专基)(博士) 科目代码:826 注明:所有的答案内容必须答在答题纸上,凡答在试题纸上的一律无效。 一、名词解释(每题5分,共40分) 1. Oliver征 2、gallop rhythm 3、board-like-rigidity 4、非选择性蛋白尿 5.Troube区 6、嗜睡


湖北省博士研究生入学考试(非英语专业) 英语联合考试大纲 Ⅰ考试性质 湖北省博士研究生入学考试(非英语专业)英语联合考试,由湖北省部分博士研究生招生单位联合创办、湖北省教育考试院承办,它通过为我省高等学校、科研院所招收博士研究生提供英语科目的入学水平测试,检验考生是否具有进入攻读博士学位阶段所需的英语水平和英语应用能力,为各高等学校、科研院所选拔优秀人才服务。因此,该考试应有较高的考试效度,适当的难度和必要的区分度。 本项考试是按照标准化测试要求设计的。 Ⅱ考试内容和要求 根据博士研究生招生单位对招收新生文化素质的要求,参照各博士招生单位制定的培养方案,并考虑研究生教育的实际,制订本学科的考试内容。 本考试共分五个部分:阅读理解(40 %)、完形填空(10 %)、英译汉(15 %)、汉译英(10%)、写作(25 %)。听力和口语可放在复试中进行。 第一部分阅读理解(Part I Reading Comprehension) 阅读理解部分主要测试考生在规定的时间内通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的速度。 本部分主要测试下述能力: 1. 掌握所读材料的中心思想、主要内容和有关细节; 2. 对所读材料的内容进行正确的判断和推理; 3. 根据上下文的逻辑关系理解某些词和句子的意义; 4. 领会作者的观点和判断作者的态度。 阅读材料的选择原则: 1. 题材广泛,可以包括社会、文化、科普知识、史地、人物传记等。所涉及的背景知识应能为考生所了解;

2. 体裁多样,可包括叙事、议论、描述、说明、应用文等; 3.文章应有一定的难度。 共20题,每小题2分,总计40分。 阅读五篇文章,阅读量为2300-2500个单词。每篇文章后有4道选择题,共计20题。考生应根据文章内容从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 第二部分完形填空(Part II Cloze) 完形填空部分主要测试考生在语篇水平上的理解能力和实际运用语言的能力。测试的形式是在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约150-180词)中留出20个空(第一句和最后一句不留空),每个空为一题,要求考生就所给篇章后所给各题的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的一个最佳答案。该部分共20小题,每小题0.5分,总计10分。 第三部分英译汉(Part III E-C Translation) 英译汉部分主要测试考生在英语语篇水平理解基础之上对某些具体内容的准确理解并译成汉语的能力。测试的形式是从一篇约400-500词的短文中划出三句或三小段,要求考生译成汉语。测试内容为一般性或科普常识性的短文。译文须忠实于原文,表达正确,语言流畅。该部分共3小题,每小题5分,总计15分。 第四部分汉译英(Part IV C-E Translation) 汉译英部分主要测试考生将汉语译成英语的能力。测试内容为一般性或科普常识性的短文,总量为一篇130-160汉字的中文段落,内含6-8个汉语句子,要求考生译成英语。译文须忠实于原文,表达正确,无重大语言错误。该部分共1题,总计10分。 第五部分写作(Writing) 写作部分主要测试考生用英语书面表达思想的能力,要求其写出一篇150词左右的应用型短文和一篇200词左右的非应用型短文。应用型短文的形式可以是申请信、推荐信、个人陈述等,文中不应出现任何和考生相关的信息;非应用型短文的形式可以有命题作文,主题作文、图表作文等。应用型短文写作一般应有写作要求;非应用型短文写作一般提供写作提纲。应用型短文写作和非应用型短文写作均要求切题、能正确表达思想、无重大语言错误。该部分共2题,第一题为10分,第二题为15分,总计25分。 - 1 -


1自我介绍 Good afternoon professors. it is my great honor to be here for this interview. Now, let me briefly introduce myself. My name is W Cf, 28 years old. I come from Hangzou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. I am a teacher of university. In order to improve my researching ability and expand my interests I come here to apply for doctoral admission qualification. (性格特点)Firstly, my character, I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of management. Frequently I exchange ideas with my friends. In addition, during my college years, I participated in ERP contest. This work has granted me active and responsible characters. I also like researching, I often read relative books carefully and analysis the study logically. (背景)Secondly, my Education background, In 2011, I entered university for my master degree. My major was management science and engineering, during the following three years study, my academic records kept distinguished among students. I have published a paper on Operations research and management science, then I entered …university as a teacher teaching logistics management. But I found my researching ability was not enough to write out a high level article, so I wanted to learn more knowledge about model and algorithm. (研究计划)Thirdly, my future plan, First of all, If I get the chance to study in this famous university, I will make full use of the resources of school library, learning management science theory and application. Secondly, I will try my best to involve in the major’s subject learning to further develop my own research capacity, after three years of study, I hope to write some doctoral article with certain academic level. That’s all, thank you for your attention. 2考博原因 Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize the importance of doctoral degree. As for me, there are several reasons. I had been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere. when I was in shanghai university. In my opinion, as one of the most famous universities in our country, it provided people with enough room to get further enrichment. This is the first reason. The second one is I am long for doing research in management science throughout my life.Its a pleasure to study with a teacher like Professor…, and his valuable experience and profound knowledge could enlarge my thought.Her rigorous attitude toward academic will influence my lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision. Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my job. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future research life. 3 .介绍家乡(about hometown) My hometown is Zc, a famous city with a long history and lying in the soutern part of Shangdong province, it is famous for its famous person. 孟子was born here, You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. Zch is a good place to travel, such as 孟府.孟庙.孟林. Yi Mountain. AT the same time you can enjoy delicious food of Shandong cuisine, which is famous all over the country. This is my brief introduce about hometown, if one day, you came to shangdong, welcome to Zc and I will be happy to be your travel guide. 4.家庭(about family)

2013年 同济大学 考博英语翻译原文

同济大学2013年考博英语翻译 I am far from thinking, that all those, who have depreciated our species, have been enemies to virtue, and have exposed the frailties of their fellow creatures with any bad intention. On the contrary, I am sensible that a delicate sense of morals, especially when attended with a splenetic temper, is apt to give a man a disgust of the world, and to make him consider the common course of human affairs with too much indignation. I must, however, be of opinion, that the sentiments of those,who are inclined to think favourably of mankind, are more advantageous to virtue, than the contrary principles, which give us a mean opinion of our nature. When a man is prepossessed with a high notion of his rank and character in the creation, he will naturally endeavour to act up to it, and will scorn to do a base or vicious action, which might sink him below that figure which he makes in his own imagination. Accordingly we find, that all our polite and fashionable moralists insist upon this topic, and endeavour to represent vice as unworthy of man, as well as odious in itself. We find few disputes, that are not founded on some ambiguity in the expression; and I am persuaded, that the present dispute, concerning the dignity or meanness of human nature, is not more exempt from it than any other. It may, therefore, be worth while to consider, what is real, and what is only verbal, in this controversy.


2014年同济大学考博面试过程与技巧 2014考博面试经验及技巧 一些同学在初试复试前见过导师,或者已经很熟悉他了,于是以下的文字,送给那些不熟悉相关情况,而显得更无助的人。 大部分的同学,在初试和复试之间的时间,或者面试中,才会第一次见到导师,眼见着数个渊博或者半渊博的教授们一排坐在面前,就象面前立着一排大书柜,而且他们还会随便从这个书柜上的任意一本书上的任意一页来问你一个任意的问题。 有一点紧张,对不对? 没关系,我会尽力告诉一点点我所知道的,或许能帮助你些什么。 1:面试之前的时间。 在之前的1到2个星期,最好在下了复试线之后,就立刻和导师电话联系。 电话号码在各个院系办公室都可以查到。 先说清楚你的名字,告诉他你已经通过分数线了,现在很多情况都不是很明白,问了相关复试程序问题以后,就谈谈你对该专业的爱好程度,与关注程度,你看了些什么书,现在为了复试还该多看些什么等等。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八如果他语气很友善与平和,那么最后询问,是否能上门拜访,希望仔细了解相关情况,他答应了是最好的。 上门拜访的时候,适当的送一些小的礼品,导师给你讲课也很辛苦,何况是未来的导师,一点小小的礼品是应该的,不要很贵重的东西(如果你和他都没有不良企图的话),一些水果等就好了。 所做的这一切,都是为了加深导师对你的了解与印象。 在这个过程中,如果你在学术上,专业上很牛,那你就多谈专业方面的事情,如果,你不是特别牛,你最好象他表示你对该专业极大的热情与希望今后跟随于他的愿望,毕竟面试的人很多,他往往能印象深刻的不多,这样能非常深刻的加重他对你的了解。 2:注意 服装要简单朴素干净,要象个实在的学生样子。 一定要表现的稳重大方,千万要谨慎,对自己不了解的事情,不要胡夸乱吹,也不要随便贬低谁,或者负面的评价谁。千万不要夸夸其谈。 我父亲曾有一个很年轻的学生,刚刚当副教授,那一年第一次招研究生,该男生面试前上门拜访他,第一句话就是:**老师啊,你们系那些老教授怎么不招生,你怎么年轻却招啊。或许他不过想表示对该老师年轻有为的赞扬,可是那个老师认为这是对他的不削,认为他没有带研究生的能力。刚好那个男生有是专科,而且排名中间,于是复试就没通过,而收了一个笔试分比他低的人。 还有一个真实的例子,导师问他:你最近看了什么书啊。他说我看了***。 导师再问:相关内容的书你还看过谁写的呢? 我看了****,不过那本太差劲了,比不上我看的前一本,于是数落一通,以表示他对学术问题如何如何深刻的评价。谁知道,那本书正是该教授去世了的导师写的,而且是他审的稿。 于是~~~~~。总之就是第一印象不好了。 一定要作到谦虚,再谦虚,多谈对导师学术声明的仰慕与崇拜。之前最好多找些导师写的文章来看,可以去中国期刊网上搜索,一旦你对他的学术


根据教育部《上海大学关于选拔普通高校优秀考生进入博士阶段学习的通知》文件精神,结合学校实际,对普通高校毕业生进入博士阶段学习提出如下要求。 一、报考事项安排 1.每年报考我校的考生很多,要早复习,早准备。按照考试范围复习。 2.我校考生,到学校考试中心,办理内部试卷。 3.每年有很多考生,不知道考试重点范围,不知道考试大纲要求,盲目复习,浪费时间和精力,复习效果很差,影响考试。 4.每年有很多考生,选择错误的复习资料,解题思路及讲解答案都是错误的,具有误导性,不利于复习。 5.学校为考生正确复习,印刷内部试卷。 6.内部试卷:包含考试范围、历年真题、考试题库、内部复习资料。 7.专业课,学校出题。一定要按照内部试卷复习,每年都有原题出现。 8.内部试卷联系QQ363.916.816张老师。学校安排邮寄,具体事项联系张老师。 二、选拔对象条件 1.普通高校硕士毕业生,主干课程成绩合格,在校学习期间未受到任何纪律处分。 2.身体健康状况符合国家和学校规定的体检要求。 三、招生专业计划 1.招生要求和专业,详见《教育部选拔普通高等学校毕业生进入博士阶段学习招生及专业总表》。 2.学校计划招收全日制博士研究生和非全日制博士研究生,《博士学位研究生招生专业目录》公布的拟招生人数(含推免生),实际招生人数将根据国家下达我校招生计划、各专业生源情况进行适当调整。我校部分专业将另设计划用于接收调剂生,具体专业及拟招生人数将在初试成绩公布后另行公布。 四、报名资格审核 1.报考考生按照《教育部选拔普通高等学校优秀毕业生进入博士阶段学习专业对照及考试课程一览表》以下简称《专业对照及考试课程一览表》选择报考专业,并填写《教育部普通高等学校毕业生进入博士阶段学习


同济大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析 Technically,any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a drug.Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts.They don't realize that familiar substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also drugs.This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi psychologists. The phrase substance abuse is often used instead of drug abuse to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine. We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances(drugs)is pervasive:an aspirin to quiet a headache,some wine to be sociable,coffee to get going in the morning,a cigarette for the nerves.When do these socially acceptable and apparently constructive uses of a substance become misuses?First of all,most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions.Repeated use of a substance can also lead to physical addiction or substance dependence. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance,with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect,and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.


2015华东师范大学考博英语分析 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、华东师范大学考博英语题型 Part1:词汇语法,30题15分 Part2:完型填空,20题20分 Part3:阅读理解,五篇25题25分 Part4:翻译25分,英译汉10分,汉译英15分 Part5:作文,15分 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。


同济大学考博英语写作素材 生活中,要想得到自己想要的东西,有时需要付出本来承受不了的耐心。人们应该从不放弃希望。生活可能会不如人之所愿,但只要希望还在,终归会获得满足……需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二 六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 BY the year my husband turned40and I hit the age of35,John’s parents evidently were worried about us.His older brother had produced three grandchildren.So had his younger sister.We had produced none. For my in-laws,to love is to worry.When John’s parents visited us from New York,his mother would get me alone and inquire delicately. After a perfect summer seafood dinner at their beach house,the same questions were fired at us.They always made attempts to know our attitude.Didn’t we want kids?Or was there a problem with our marriage? John’s father rarely said anything,yet I knew that she spoke for both of them.He was a re tired ambassador and he liked to call himself a cranky(怪僻的)old mail.But I knew that he cared and they fretted(烦忧)over us together. By then we were wondering too.In earlier years the pressure to procreate(生育)had made us roll our eyes.In our20’s and even into our30’s,we were ambivalent(矛盾的)about the whole idea of children.


同济大学2007年博士研究生入学考试试题 编号:101 考试科目:英语 答题要求:答案一律写在答题纸上。 1. Vocabulary(10%) Directions:For each of the following sentences there are four choices. Choose the best one to complete the sentence. Mark your choices on the answer sheet. 1.The man had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he ______himself. A.exposed B.revealed C.betrayed D.disclosed 2. The leaders of the two countries feel it desirable to ______funds from armaments to health and education. A.derive B.deprive C. dispatch D.divert 3.Democratic government is a phrase that is notoriously hard to ________. A.credit B.defy C.modify D.define 4. I reject absolutely the _____that privatization is now inevitable in our industry. A. perception B.notion C.impression D.concept 5. With the economy of the county going strong,the ______mood is one of optimism. A.presiding B,circulating C.floating D. prevailing 6. The panel will consider whether or not Mr.Wilson has been ________serious professional misconduct. A.wary of B.guilty of C.confronted with D.reduced to 7. It is a ____of our company to give refunds if goods are faulty. A.policy B.discipline C.decision D.determination 8. He had always been _______ the way Ruth looked, and had never once paid her a compliment A.unaware of B.cautious about C.oblivious to D. subject to 9.Since a circle has no beginning or end,the wedding ring is a symbol of _______love.A.constant B.infinite C.prolonged D.eternal 10.Dick,who had failed the math test,was sitting.on a bench in the corner, ______over his disappointment. A.brooding B.mediating C.apologizing D.complaining 11. Last week the seamen's strike led to the _______closure of the whole vast dock area. A.actual B.virtual C.factual D.local 12.In the garden bees moved from _________flowers to purple ones. A.colorful B.prosperous C.scarlet D.brilliant 13.Professor Smith has already retired but his teachings still _____a strong influence on his students. A.perform B.exhibit C.exert D. execute 14.When they asked him about it,he said it was no ______ of theirs and wouldn't tell them anything. A.concern B.relation C. connection D.relevance 15.The hunter knows quite well that wild animals go seeking the their _______ in the jungle.after


同济大学考博考生应该掌握的考博英语真题词汇同义词、近义词对于考研英语具有重要意义。一方面,作文时可以避免文章的枯燥和累赘;另一方面,考试中经常要求考生能辨析同义词、近义词的细小差别,正确指出它们在语言表达、使用场合方面的不同。下面,我们按照字母表顺序将常考近义词进行了汇总,希望给2015各位考生的复习提供一定的帮助。需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 daily,everyday这两个形容词均有“每天的,日常的”之意。 daily:普通用词,特指每天发生一次的,也可指按日计的。 everyday:一般日常用词,指日常发生的、无须特别关心的。 danger,risk,hazard,menace,peril,threat这些名词均含有“危险、威胁”之意。 danger:含义广,普通用词,指能够造成伤害、损害或不利的任何情况。 risk:指有可能发生的危险,尤指主动进行某种活动或去碰运气而冒的危险。 hazard比risk正式,多指偶然发生的或无法控制的危险,常含较严重或有一定风险的意味。 menace:所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。 peril:指迫在眉睫很有可能发生的严重危险。 threat:普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。 dark,dim,black,gloomy,obscure,vague,grey这些形容词都

含有“完全地或不完全地缺少光亮”之意。 dark:最普通用词,指缺乏自然光线或人工照明,使某物漆黑无光或光线十分微弱。 dim:指光线不足或视力较差,不能清晰地看见物体。 black:侧重颜色是黑色的,有时也指无光的黑暗。 gloomy:指光线不足或部分光线受阻而出现的阴暗。 obscure:指因光线不充足而使物体灰暗不清,失去光泽或若隐若现。作借喻时指因复杂、深奥或含糊而难于理解。 vague:通常作借喻用,形容抽象事物。 grey与dark意思相近,但侧重阴暗单调的意味。 date,day这两个名词均有“日”之意。 date:指具体的年、月、日,或指年代、时代。 day:泛指任何一天,或指含有“一昼夜”意义的一天,也可指工作日。可用复数表时代、时期。 dash,rush这两个动词都有“冲,奔”之意。 dash:指以最快的速度向前奔驰。 rush:指因急躁或事务紧急而采取快速行动。 dead,dying这两个形容词都有“死”之意。 dead:指已停止呼吸和心脏跳动,与alive(活着的,活的)相对。 dying:指奄奄一息,行将死亡。 deadly,fatal,mortal,lethal这些形容词均表示“致命的”之意。 deadly:指能致命或实际已致命的事物,也可指企图致死他人的人。 fatal:正式用词,强调死亡的不可避免性,多用于指伤或疾病等。 mortal:语气强,指导致死亡的直接原因。


同济大学考博辅导班:2019同济大学土木工程学院考博难度解析及 经验分享 同济大学2019 年计划面向全国招收攻读博士学位研究生1200 名左右,含少数民族高层次骨干人才计划博士生专项计划 4 名左右,对口支援西部高校定向培养博士生专项计划12 名左右,与科研院所联合培养博士生计划20 名左右。上述招生计划以教育部最终下达为准。本年度招生将进行两次,实行申请考核制,第一次招生不设置初试环节,报名时间2018 年10 月,考核时间为2018 年12 月,入学时间为2019 年 3 月,有10 个学院参加;第二次招生预计报名时间2018 年12 月,入学时间为2019 年9 月,所有学院都参加。我校博士生招生实行“申请-考核”选拔机制。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于同济大学土木工程学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 同济大学土木工程学院是国内同类专业中教学和研究实力最强的学院之一,目前院内设有建筑工程系、地下建筑与工程系、桥梁工程系、结构防灾减灾工程系和水利工程系5个系所。另外还设有土木工程防灾国家重点实验室和国家土建结构预制装配化工程技术研究中心。学院现有教职工403人,其中中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士5人,中国工程院外籍院士1人。具有研究生招生资格的在校研究生指导教师219人、正高级职称126人、副高级职称109人。现有9个博士点学科研究方向、12个硕士点学科、2个工程领域。设有土木工程博士后流动站、地质资源与地质工程博士后流动站。土木工程一级学科为国家级重点学科,地质工程为上海市重点学科。 创新知识、引领发展,培养面向未来国家建设需要、适应未来科技进步、德智体全面发展、具有国际视野和领导意识的拔尖创新人才始终是土木工程学院各项工作的主旨。百年来,土木工程学院取得的科研成果和业绩享誉海内外,培养造就的土木工程方面专业人才遍布国民经济建设的各条战线。土木工程学院历来重视教学和科研的结合、重视基础研究和工程应用研究的结合。近期将针对学院发展瓶颈与发展目标,锐意改革,创新高校管理体制与运行机制,深化落实全面推进卓越工程师人才培养机制。通过教授治学、人才选拔与培养机制改革、人事制度改革等措施,将教师的精力和兴趣进一步吸引到人才培养和科学研究上来。 二、招生信息 同济大学土木工程学院博士招生专业有3个:

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