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1.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.

A. Unpopular has as white been

B. White has been as unpopular

C. Unpopular has been as white

D. Unpopular as white has been

2.____for a long time, the fields are all dried up.

A. There has been no rain

B. Hav ing no rain

C. There having been no rain

D. There being no rain

3. The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.

A. had they been done

B. they had been done

C. having been done

D. they were done

4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment____.

A. which they are happening

B. they are happening

C. which they happen

D. they have happened

5.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.

A. That amazed

B. It amazed

C. Which amazed

D. What amazed

6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____she was twenty-five.

A. her first real success did not come until

B. her real first success came until not

C. since her first real success did not come until

D. not until her first real success

7. You should know better than____ your little sister at home by herself.

A. to leave

B. leaving

C. to have left

D. left

8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snack bar.

A. may well

B. just as well

C. might as well

D. as well

9. She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.

A. have stolen

B. steal

C. stole

D. stealing

10. The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday.

A. breaking

B. having been broken

C. break

D. be breaking

11. Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets

____in transit.

A. misused

B. mishandled

C. mistaken

D. mislaid

12.____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.

A. Concerning

B. As to

C. In terms of

D. In the light of

13. A well written composition ____good choice of words and clear organization among other things.

A. calls for

B. calls on

C. calls up

D. calls off

14. It is ____with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.

A. in her honor

B. on her honor

C. a point of honor

D. an honor

15. This house will probably come on the ____next month.

A. fair

B. market

C. shop

D. store

16. George was introduced to ____activities at a young age, when she was hire to act as a lookout for drug dealers.

A. illegal

B. lawful

C. faithful

D. peaceful

17. An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education____.

A. settlement

B. establishment

C. construction

D. structure

18. People’s status in society is frequently ____by how much they own.

A. measured

B. examined

C. tested

D. questioned

19. Jack is so ____to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.

A. adverse

B. anonymous

C. indifferent

D. casual

20. There is an increasing ____to make movies describing violence.

A. strength

B. direction

C. tradition

D. trend

21. Outside my office window there is a fire ____ on the right.

A. escape

B. ladder

C. steps

D. stairs

22. I ____with the Browns during my stay in New York City.

A. put in

B. put down

C. put on

D. put up

23. Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.

A. exhausted

B. unhealthy

C. upset

D. fearful

24. Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

25. The electric fan does not work because of the ____of service.

A. pause

B. break

C. interruption

D. breakdown


1. D) 【句意】虽然白色过去不受欢迎,但目前它是婚纱的首选颜色。

【难点】as是连词,引导让步状语从句时,往往使用半倒装形式。又如:Beautiful as she is, she is foolish.

2. C) 【句意】由于长时间无雨,田野变得十分干燥。

【难点】该句的前半部分是There be结构,完成式独立结构形式,这与时间状语for a long time相吻合。

3. A) 【句意】数百万次计算如果用手工操作,那么,到计算结束的时候,就将失去其全部实际意义。


4. B) 【句意】电视使我们能够在事情发生的那一瞬间就看到它们是如何发生的。


5. D) 【句意】最令我惊讶的是,这个在车祸中失去双臂的小男孩能够用脚使用钢笔。


6. A) 【句意】虽然她很小的时候就写了很多短篇小说和诗歌,但她直到25岁才迎来第一次真正的成功。

【难点】这是一个练习not until结构的句子。

7. A) 【句意】你应该知道,不该把你小妹妹一个人留在家里。

【难点】to know better than to do sth.是一个常见的表示责备的句型,意为“应该知道不该做某事”。

8. C) 【句意】既然火车一个小时以后才开,我们不妨到快餐店吃口东西。

【难点】might as well后接动词原形,意为“不妨,何不”。

9. D) 【句意】当她没钱为孩子买吃的东西时,她开始偷。

【难点】resort to意为:求助于,其中to是介词,后接动名词。

10. A) 【句意】那个男孩承认在昨天踢足球的时候打破了窗子。

【难点】admit to中的to是介词,后接名词或动名词。

11. D) 【句意】贝蒂建议我把我们的行李认真地贴上标签以免运输中放错位置。


12. C) 【句意】就钱而言,她很富裕。然而这并不意味着她幸福。

【难点】in terms of意为“从……方面来说”;concerning意为“关于”;as to也是“关于;至于”;in the light of 意为“鉴于,由于”。

13. A) 【句意】一篇好文章,除其它因素外,还要求选词优美,组织清晰。

【难点】call for意为“要求,需要”;call on意为“号召,请求”;call up意为“使人想起” ;call off意为“取消,停止做”。

14. C) 【句意】对于顾客来说,直到最后时刻才让售货员猜出她真正喜欢什么,真正想买什么,这是一个涉及面子的问题。

【难点】a point of honor意为“涉及名誉的事情”;in one’s honor 意为“为某人的荣誉”;on one’s honor意为“以名誉担保”;an honor 意为“光荣的人或事”。

15. B)【句意】这座房子可能下月上市。

【难点】on the market意为“上市,出售”;fair意为“集市;庙会;交易会”;shop是“商店”;store是“储存;仓库”。

16. A) 【句意】很小的时候,乔治被介绍参与了非法活动,他受雇为毒贩子放哨。

【难点】illegal 意为“不合法的,非法的”;lawful 意为“依法的,守定的”;faithful意为“忠实的,守信的”;peaceful 意为“平静的;安宁的”。

17. B) 【句意】能称得上大学称号的机构是一个比其他种类高等教育机构都更复杂更综合的机构。

【难点】establishment 意为“企业,设施(公司,学校,医院,教会等)”;settlement 意为“定居点;殖民地”;construction意为“建造;建筑物”;structure是“结构,构造”。

18. A) 【句意】人的社会地位常常由他们拥有的财富的多少来衡量。

【难点】measure 意为“估量,衡量”;examine 意为“检查;仔细观察”;test意为“试验,测试”;question意为“询问,审问”。

19. C) 【句意】杰克从不注意自己的外表,衣服从来不烫。

【难点】indifferent意为“漠不关心的”;adverse意为“不利的,反对的”;anonymous 意为“匿名的”;casual意为“非正式的,不拘礼节的”。

20. D) 【句意】暴力片的拍摄大有上升趋势。

【难点】trend意为“倾向,趋势”;strength意为“力量,实力”;direction意为“方向”;tradition 意为“传统”。

21. A) 【句意】我办公室的窗外右侧有一个救生楼梯。

【难点】fire escape 意为“防火安全楼梯(位于楼房的外侧面)”;ladder意为“梯子”;steps意为“台阶”;stairs意为“楼梯”,指室内的。

22. D) 【句意】我在纽约市逗留期间和布朗一家人过了一夜。

【难点】put up意为“宿夜”;put in 意为“度过,消磨(时间等)”;put down意为“写下,记录”;put on 意为“上演,演出”。

23. A) 【句意】以前,病人手术后精疲力竭,需长时间才能恢复,现在手术的病人却感到既轻松又舒适。

【难点】exhausted 意为“精疲力竭的”;unhealthy意为“不健康的”;upset意为“苦恼的,不适的”;fearful 意为“担心的,可怕的”。

24. A) 【句意】农夫们被允许在自己的菜园耕种,并将蔬菜拿到黑市上去卖。

【难点】on the market 意为“上市,出售中”,其它介词搭配不合适。

25. C) 【句意】由于中止了服务,所以电扇不转了。

【难点】interruption 意为“中止,中断”;pause 意为“暂停,间歇”;break意为“停顿,间歇”;breakdown意为“损坏,故障”。


专四语法考点-非谓语 动词

专四语法考点:非谓语动词 考点1:不定式专四题中对于不定式用法的考察比较少,特别是近些年的考题几乎已经不考了。以前的考点基本集中在: (1)考察哪些动词接不定式; (2)考察哪些短语接不带to的不定式; 1) can’t help/choose but do不得不,只能,不禁 2) why not do sth 1. ________him tomorrow?2001 A. Why not to call on B. Why don’t call on C. Why not calling on D. Why not call on 3) would do rather than do 1.She said she would work it out herself,________ ask me for help.1993 A.and not to B.but not C.and prefer not D.rather than (3)考察短语"be believed/said to do sth"的用法; 1. The Minister of Finance is believed ________ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.2004 A. that he is thinking B. to be thinking C. that he is to think D. to think 2. AIDS is said________the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in the region.2002 A. being B. to be C. to have been D. having been 3. Professor Johnson is said ________some significant advance in his research in the past year. 1999 A. having made B. making C. to have made D. to make (4)考察动词不定时的时态和语态:进行式to be doing,完成式to have done;一般式被动语态to be done;完成式被动语态to have been done。另外,不定式短语有将来时的意思; 考点2:动名词 (1)常接动名词做宾语的词:mind(介意), miss(逃过), mention(提及), prevent, postpone, practice, risk(冒险), resist(抵制), consider(考虑), admit(承认), avoid(避免), appreciate(感激), fancy(幻想), finish(完成),feel like(喜欢), escape(逃脱), ensure(确保) , delay(延迟), deny(否认), resent, detest, imagine(想象), suggest(建议) 1. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid________. 1996 A. from being beaten B. being beaten C. beating D. to be beaten


历年(1994-2012专四语法词汇题汇总及答案附 714 道词汇模拟题2012 年 51.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT A.Twenty miles seems like a long walk to him.B.No one except his supporters agree with him.C.Neither Julia nor I were going to the party.D.Few students in my class are really lazy.52.Which of the following determiners限定词can be placed before bothsingular count nouns and plural count nouns A.many a B.few C.such D.the next 53.Which of the following reflexive pronouns 反身代词is used as anappositive同位语A,He promised himself rapid progress.B.The manager herself will interview Mary.C.I have nothing to say for myself.D.They quarreled themselves red in the face.54.My boss ordered that the legal documents ____ to him before lunch.A.be sent B.were sent C.were to be sent D.must be sent 55.Which of the following sentences expresses WILLINGNESS A.By now she will be eating dinner.B.I shall never do that again.C.My brother will help you with the luggage.D.You shall get a promotion.56.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT A.How strange feelings they are B.How dare you speak to me like that C.What noise they are making D. What a mess we are in 57.which of the italicized parts functions as a subject A.We never doubt that her brother is honest.B.The problem is not who will go but who will stay.C.You must give it back to whoever it belongs to。 D.It is clear that the crime was done deliberately.58.which of the italicized parts functions as an object A.He doesn’t like the idea of my speaking at the meeting.B.It is no use your pretending not to know the matter.C.My parents strongly object to my going out alone at night.D.Her falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip.59.All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT A.She bought herself a pair of new shoes.B.Only one problem still remains-the food.C.My friends all understand and support me.D.She liked her current job,teaching English.60.Which of the following best explains the meaning of“Shall we buy the tickets first” A.He said that we were going to buy the tickets first.B.He requested that we buy the tickets first.C.He suggested that we buy the


2011年 My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man _____ he was fifteen years ago. (D) A. which B. whom C. who D. that Which of the following sentences is a COMMAND (C) A. Beg your pardon. B. Have a good time. C. Never do that again! D. What noise you are making! Which of the following italicized phrases indicates pu rpose (A) A. She said it for fun, but others took her seriousl y. B. For all its effort, the team didn't win the matc h. C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years. D. He set out for Beijing yesterday. When you have finished with the book, don’t forget to return it to Tim, ___(B) A. do you B. will you C. don't you D. won't you In phrases like freezing cold, burning hot, or soakin g wet, the -ING participleis used _____. (D) A. as a command B. as a condition C. for concession D. for emphasis Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT (B) A. The city is now ten times its original size. B. I wish I had two times his strength.


语法考点之一:虚拟语气 考点1. If从句中的虚拟语气 1、与过去事实相反:从句sb had done,主句sb would(should, could, might)+ have done; 2、省略if,从句的语序用到装,即将were, had或should移至主语的前面,但否定词not不前移。 3、与将来事实相反:从句sb did (should+do或were+to do),主句sb would (should, could, might)+do。 4、错综条件句:主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间段。 比如:从句对过去虚拟,而主句对现在虚拟,即从句sb had done,主句sb would(should, could, might)+do; 考点2:表示建议、要求、命令等动词如insist, order, command, suggest, advise, propose, ask, require, request, demand引导的从句及it引导的相应的分词、名词和形容词从句,谓语用(should)+动词原形。 考点3:It is +advisable, essential, important, imperative, incredible等从句,谓语用(should)+动词原形。考点4:it is (high/about) time that的结构中,从句使用一般过去式。例如: 考点5:much as"尽管,虽然"引导让步状语从句,从句中用would have done表示假设。 考点6:if only, wish, as if/as though引导从句, 与过去事实相反:had + done; 与现在事实相反:动词过去式; 与将来事实相反:could/would + do 考点7:would rather/sooner从句中 使用一般过去式或过去完成式 分别表示对现在或过去的虚拟 考点8:lest / for fear that+(should ) +原形动词。 语法考点之二:情态动词 *情态动词: will(愿意), shall(将), must(必须), can, may, would, should (应该), might, could, ought to, used to(过去常常), need(需要), dare(竟敢),have to(不得不) 考试中,情态动词部分重点测试以下内容: (1)情态动词+行为动词完成式(表示推测) (2)某些情态动词的特殊用法 考点1. 情态动词+have+过去分词结构表示推测 (1) must have done表示推测过去某事“一定”发生了。否定形式为:can’t / couldn’t have v-ed, 表示过去不可能发生某事。 (2) could have done表示推测过去某动作“很可能”发生了。 (3) may / might have done 表示推测过去某事“也许”发生了. (4) ought to / should have done 和ought not to / shouldn’t have done用于对已发生的情况表示“责备”、“不满”,分别表示“本应该…”和“本不应该…” (5) needn’t have done 表示过去做了某事,但没有做的必要,意为“本没必要…”。 *did not need to do 动作并没发生。


i 一、谓语动词63. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language. (2008)A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes 58.The committee has anticipated the problems that ____in the road construction project. (2007)A. arise B. will arise ?C. arose D. have arisen 59.The student said there were a few points in the essay he ____impossible to comprehend. (2006)A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find (2007) 60.He would have finished his college education, but he______ to quit and find a job to support his family. (2007)A. had had B. has C. had D. would have 54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.(2005) A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (2005) A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 56.Jack __ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. 2003 A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed 2. For some time now, world leaders ___out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. 2002a. had been pointing b. have been pointing c. were pointing d. pointed 二、非谓语动词: 非谓语动词 – 分词 逻辑主语与从句中动词的主动与被动的关系。 64. ______ at in his way, the situation doesn't seem so desperate. (2007) A. Looking B. Looked C. Being looked D. To look 55.If not ______ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time. (2004)A. being treated B. treated C. be treated D. having been treated not counting = not including 不算 (视为固定用法) 63.There are only ten apples left in the baskets, ______ the spoilt ones. (2006)A. not counting B. not to count C. don't count D. having not counted 65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm’s lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT(2009) A. the man who has prepared the documents... B. the man who has been preparing the documents... C. the man who is preparing the documents... D. the man who will prepare the documents... 非谓语动词 – 动名词


英语专四语法重点总结(适合短时间提高) 英语专四语法重点总结(适合短时间提高) 一代数名词数词 1 在使用两个以上的人称代词时顺序是:第二人称第三人称第一人 称 2 everyone后面不可以跟of短语 every one 就可以 3 以‘名词/动名词+介词(短语)/形容词/副词/动词不定式’构成的复合名词, 它的复数形式是将作为主要部分的名词或动名词变为复 数直接来源于短语或以可数名词结尾的复合名词的复数形式是将最后一个构词部分变为复数以‘man 或者woman+名词’构成的复合名词的复数形式是 将两个组成部分全变成复数以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式如:homework 4 物质名词一般不可数,但用于表示‘各种不同品种’时几乎都可做可数名词如:different teas 当抽象名词前后有修饰语表示‘某一种’或‘某一方面’的抽象概念时其前可加a/an 6 名词所有格要点:必须用’s的场合 1)’s属格用于表示时间,度量衡,价值的名词之后 2)作为一个整体的词组在最后一个词加’s 3)人或物为两人共有,在第二个名词后加’s 4)当所有格后面的名词是人们熟悉的建筑物如商店,住家,教堂,医院等,此名词常省略 5)复合名词在最后一个词后加’s 6)当被修饰的名词后有同位语时,必须用’s 7 当用来表示类别或属性时,要用’s children’s shoes 儿童鞋,必须用of的场合 1)名词后跟有后置修饰语或同位语时 2)以定冠词加分词或形容词表示一类人时 如果dozen/score/hundred/thousand/million前有基数词以表示确切数目时,都不能用复数形式如果用来表示很多有不确切的数目时,须用复数,而且后面加of 8 表示顺序的两种方式: 1)‘名词+基数词’,不用冠词,如Chapter four


英语专业四级语法汇总 语法回顾篇: 专四语法考点虚拟语气、情态动词、非谓语动词、复合句、倒装、小语法(省略,时态,反义疑问句,代词,强调句,主谓一致,冠词,形容词及副词)、as 的特殊用法。 专四英语语法考点串讲之一虚拟语气 一般说来,有下列几种考点需要考生注意(十考点及两备考点) 考点1. 与现在事实相反 从句谓语动词用did (be用were), 主句谓语动词would (should, could, might)+do; 考点2. 与过去事实相反 从句谓语动词用had done, 主句谓语动词用would(should, could, might)+ have done; 例如: 43. I _________the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people there. A. would enjoy B. will have enjoyed C. would have enjoyed D. will be enjoying KEY: C 49. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there _________ quite such a crowd of people there. A. weren’t B. hasn’t been C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t KEY: C 考点3.与将来事实相反, 从句谓语动词用:did (should + do或were + to do), 主句谓语动词用:would (should, could, might)+do。


1994-20XX年专四语法真题集 By Wang Ying & Chu Xiuwei SFL, SWU 一、1994-20XX年专四语法真题集:已分类 I.独立主格结构 1. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat ______ by far the biggest cereal crop. a. is b. been c. be d. being TEM-4 2003 2. Time ______, the celebration will be held as scheduled. a. permit b. permitting c. permitted d. permits TEM-4 2003 3. There ____nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier. a. to be b. to have been c. being d. be 2000 4. _____no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom. a. There was b. Since c. Being d. There being 1996 5. The country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars ______the most important of these. a. have been b. are c. being d. are being 1994 II. 定语从句 1. Above the trees are the hills, _______ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. a. where b. of whose c. whose d. which 2003 2. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _____is something we had not expected. a. which b. it c. that d. what 2003 3. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man_______ he was twenty years ago. a. which b. that c. who d. whom 2003 4. The experiment requires more money than _______. a. have been put in b. being put in c. has been put in d. to be put in 2002 5. We’ve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, ______should make great differences in our life next summer. a. which b. what c. that d. they 2002 6. Have you ever been in a situation _____you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?


主谓一致----专四语法真题汇总(2000-2017) 2016年 PART III LANGUAGE USAGE [10 MIN] 18. The audience ___________ excited on seeing ___________favorite star glide onto the stage. A. were ... its B. were...their C. was...their D. was...one's 2015年 53. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Only one out of six were present at the meeting. B. Ten dollars was stolen from the cash register. C. Either my sister or my brother is wrong. D. Five miles seem like a long walk to me. 57. All the Presidents Men ______ one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal. A. remains B. remained C. remain D. is remaining 2014年 54. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A. Physics is an important school subject. B. The United States borders Canada. C. The Niagara Falls is in North America. D. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease. 2013年 59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT? ______. A. Politics are the art or science of government. B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me. C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease. D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged. 2012年 51.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A.Twenty miles seems like a long walk to him.B.No one except his supporters agree with him. C.Neither Julia nor I was going to the party.D.Few students in my class are really lazy.65.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A.Poultry are very expensive in the city.B.New machinery were introduced in the factory. C.The police are investigating the murder case.D.The militia were called out to rescue flood victims. 2007年 52. All the President's Men________ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal. A. remain B. remains C. remained D. is remaining 2006年 62. The statistics ________ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times. A. proves B. is proving C. are proving D. prove 2005年 51. Mr. Wells, together with all the members of his family, ________ for Europe this afternoon. A. are to leave B. are leaving C. is leaving D. leave


综英专四真题 一、谓语动词 63. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language. (2008) A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes 58.The committee has anticipated the problems that ____in the road construction project. (2007) A. arise B. will arise ? C. arose D. have arisen 59.The student said there were a few points in the essay he ____impossible to comprehend. (2006) A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find(2007) 60.He would have finished his college education, but he______ to quit and find a job to support his family. (2007) A. had had B. has C. had D. would have 54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. (2005) A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (2005) A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 56.Jack __ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. 2003 A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed 2. For some time now, world leaders ___out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. 2002 a. had been pointing b. have been pointing c. were pointing d. pointed 二、非谓语动词: 非谓语动词–分词


情态动词有can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should, will (would), dare (dared), need (needed), ought to等。情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语。 一、can, could 1) 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)。 Can you lift this heavy box?(体力) Mary can speak three languages.(知识) Can you skate?(技能) 此时可用be able to代替。Can只有一般现在时和一般过去式;而be able to则有更多的时态。 I’ll not be able to come this afternoon. 2) 表示请求和允许。 -----Can I go now? ----- Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could,might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不能用于肯定句和答语中。 ----Could I come to see you tomorrow? ---- Yes, you can. ( No, I’m afraid not. ) 3) 表示客观可能性(客观原因形成的能力)。 They’ve changed the timetable, so we can go by bus instead. This hall can hold 500 people at least. 4) 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。 Can this be true? This can’t be done by him. How can this be true? 二、may, might 1) 表示请求和允许。might比may语气更委婉,而不是过去式。否定回答时可用can’t或mustn’t,表示“不可以,禁止”。 ----Might/ May I smoke in this room? ---- No, you mustn’t. ---- May/Might I take this book out of the room? ---- Yes, you can. (No, you can’t / mustn’t. ) 用May I...?征徇对方许可时比较正式和客气,而用Can I...?在口语中更常见。 2)用于祈使句,表示祝愿。 May you succeed! 3) 表示推测、可能性(不用于疑问句)。 might不是过去式,它所表示的可能性比may小。 1.He may /might be very busy now. 2.Your mother may /might not know the truth. 三、must, have to 1) 表示必须、必要。 You must come in time. 在回答引出的问句时,如果是否定的,不能用mustn’t(禁止,不准),而用needn’


新版专四语法总结 专四必备语法 一、时态、语态 时态、语态需要掌握的要点: 1。表达将来时的形式: (1)在时间、条件、让步从句中,一般现在时代替将来时,但要注意区别从句的类型,如: I’ll tell him when you will ring again.我告诉他你什么时候再来电话。(宾语从句) 比较:I’ll tellhim when you ring again.你再打电话时我告诉他.(状语从句) (2)在make sure, make certain, see (to it) 后的tha t从句中,谓语动词用一般现在时代替将来时,如: See to it that youinclude in the paper wha tever questions they didn't know the answer to la st time。 (include 不能用will include或其他形式) 2.完成时是时态测试的重点,注意与完成时连用的句型和时间状语: (1)by/between/up to/till +过去时间、since、by th e time/when +表示过去发生情况的从句,主句用过去完成时。如:We had justhad our breakfast whenan old man came to the door。......感谢聆听 Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pict ures in which artificial beings were portrayed had been produced. (表示1919年时已发生的情况) (2)by +将来时间、by thetime/ when+谓语动词是一般现在时的从句,主句用将来完成时。如: By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed inEurope for two weeks。 I hope her healthwill have improved greatly by the time we come back next year。 (3)by now、since +过去时间、in/during/for/over/the past/lastfew(或具体数字)years/days/months,主句用现在完成时, 但在it is +具体时间since/before这一句型中,主句更多的时候不用完成时。如:......感谢聆听


专四语法备忘录 非谓语动词 * admit to (承认), approach to (方法),object to(反对), contribute to(起作用) , confess to (承认), resort to (求助于), reconcile to (顺从于), revert to(重新开始) submit to (忍受), swear to (断言),take to(开始从事)be used to (习惯于),look forward to,oppose to (反对)中的to 都是介词而不是不定式。 冠词 * 不定冠词位置 不定冠词常位于名词或名词修饰语前。注意: a. 位于下列词之后:such,what,many,half, I have never seen such an animal. Many a man is fit for the job. b. 当名词前的形容词被副词as, so, too, how, however, enough修饰时,不定冠词应放在形 容词之后: It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. So short a time. Too long a distance. c. quite,rather与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后。 如:quite a lot 情态动词 * may/might (just) as well “不妨,最好”,与had better相近; Since the flight was cancelled, you might as well go by train. * cannot / can’t…too …“越……越好,怎么也不过分”。注意这个句型的变体cannot…over…. 如: You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 驾车时越小心越好。 The final chapter covers organizational change and development. This subject cannot be over emphasized . * should 除了“应该”一层意思外,还有“竟然”的意思。 I did not expect that he should have behaved like that. 我无法想象他竟然这样做。 主动语态和被动语态 * 主动形式表示被动意义 wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, draw, write, sell, drive… The book sells well.这本书销路好。 This knife cuts easily.这刀子很好用。 blame, let(出租), remain, keep, rent
