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Heart failure 心力衰竭

Congestive beart failure 充血性心力衰竭

Acute left-sided heart failure 急性左心衰竭

Chroinc heart failure 慢性心力衰竭

Intractable heart failure 难治性心力衰竭

Systolic insufficiency heart failure 收缩功能不全性心力衰竭

Diastolic insufficiency heart failure 舒张功能不全性心力衰竭

Congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭

Cardiac dysfunction 心功能障碍


Arrhythmia (cardiac arrhythmia)心律失常

Triggered activity 触发活动

Afterdepolarization 后除极


Sinus node recovery time SNRT 窦房结恢复时间

Sinoatrial conduction time SACT 窦房传导时间

Bradycardia 心动过缓

Tachycardia 心动过速

Sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速

Sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缓

Sinus pause (sinus arrest) 窦性停搏(窦性静止)

sinoatrial block 窦房阻滞(Mobitz 莫氏, Wenckebach 文氏)

Sick sinus syndrome(SSS) 病(态)窦(房结)综合征

Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome 心动过缓-心动过速综合征


Atrial premature beats 房性期前收缩

Atrial tachycardia 房性心动过速

Intrinsic heart rate 固有心率

Automatic atrial tachycardia 自律性房性心动过速

Reentrant atrial tachycardia 折返性房性心动过速

Chaotic atrial tachycardia 紊乱性房性心动过速

Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV block (PAT with block) 伴有房室阻滞的阵发性房性心动过速

Multifocal atrial tachycardia 多源性房性心动过速

Atrial flutter 心房扑动

Atrial fibrillation 心房颤动


Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT)房室返性心动过速

Preexcitation syndrome(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) 预激综合征(WPW综合征)d.心室

Premature ventricular beats 室性期前收缩

Ventricular parasystole 室性并行心律

Ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 加速性心室自主节律

Torsades de pointes 尖端扭转

Ventricular flutter 心室扑动

Ventricular fibrillation 心室颤动

Atrioventricular block 房室传导阻滞

Wenckebach block 文氏阻滞

Adame-Strokes syndrom 阿-斯综合征

Intraventricular block 室内传导阻滞

Right bundle branch block 右束支传导阻滞

Left bundle branch block 左束支传导阻滞

Left anterior fascicular block 左前分支传导阻滞

Left posterior fascicular block 左后分支传导阻滞

Bifascicular block 双分支阻滞

Trifascicular block 三分支阻滞


sudden cardiac death 心脏性猝死

Cardiac arrest 心脏骤停

Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 无脉性电活动


Hypertension 高血压

Hypertensive urgencyes 高血压急症

Hypertensive crisis 高血压危象

Hypertensive emergencies 高血压危症

Secondary hypertension 继发性高血压

Primary hypertension 原发性高血压

“White coat” hypertension 白大衣性高血压

Isolated systolic hypertension 单纯收缩期高血压Arteriolosclerosis 小动脉硬化


Congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病

Congenital cardiovascular disease 先天性心血管病

Pulmonic stenosis 肺动脉狭窄

Isolated pulmonic stenosis 单纯肺动脉口狭窄

Coarctation of the aorta 主动脉缩窄

Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery 单纯肺动脉扩张Primary pulmonary hypertension 原发性肺动脉高压

Persistent left superior vena cava 双侧上腔静脉(左上腔静脉残存)Isolated dextrocardia 孤立性右位心

Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损

Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage 部分性肺静脉畸形引流Ventricular septal defect (VSD) 室间隔缺损

Eisenmenger’s syndrome 艾森门格综合征

Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)动脉导管未闭

Tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四联症

Trilogy of Fallot 法洛三联症

Complete transposition of the great vessels 完全性大血管错位

Atrial septal defect (ASD) 房间隔缺损


Multivalve heart disease 多瓣膜疾病

Mitral valve disease 二尖瓣疾病

Pulmonic valve disease 肺动脉瓣疾病

Tricuspid valve disease 三尖瓣疾病

Ebstein’s anomaly 三尖瓣下移畸形

Dysfunction or rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调或断裂Aortic valve disease 主动脉瓣疾病

Aortic arch syndrome 主动脉弓综合征

Valvular heart disease 心脏瓣膜病

rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病

Rheumatic fever 风湿热

Rheumatic carditis 风湿性心脏炎

Mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄

Mitral incompetence 二尖瓣关闭不全

Acute mitral insufficiency 急性二尖瓣关闭不全

Chronic mitral insufficiency 慢性二尖瓣关闭不全

Marfan’s syndrom 马凡氏综合征

Aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄

Aortic incompetence 主动脉瓣关闭不全

Chronic aortic insufficiency 慢性主动脉瓣关闭不全

Tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄

Tricuspid incompetence 三尖瓣关闭不全

Pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄

Pulmonary incompetence 肺动脉瓣关闭不全


Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化

Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Coronary heart disease 冠状动脉性心脏病

Angina pectoris 心绞痛

Stable angina pectoris 稳定型心绞痛

Unstable angina pectoris 不稳定心绞痛

Initial onset angina pectoris 初发型心绞痛

Accelerated angina pectoris 恶化型心绞痛

Variant angina pectoris (Prinzmetal’s variant angina pectoris)变异型心绞痛Angina decubitus 卧位心绞痛

Acute coronary insufficiency 急性冠状动脉功能不全

Postinfarction angina pectoris 梗塞后心绞痛

Acute coronary syndrome(ACS) 急性冠脉综合征

Myocardial infarction(MI) 心肌梗死

Acute myocardial infarction(AMI) 急性心肌梗死

Dysfunction of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能失调

Rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌断裂

Rupture of the heart 心脏破裂

Embolism 栓塞

Cardiac aneurysm 心脏室壁瘤

Postinfarction syndrome 心肌梗死后综合征

Latent coronary heart disease 无症状型冠心病(隐性冠心病)Ischemic cardiomyopathy 缺血性心肌病

Sudden death 猝死


Infective endocarditis (IE) 感染性心内膜炎

Native valve endocarditis 自体瓣膜心内膜炎

Prothetic valve endocarditis 人工瓣膜心内膜炎

Endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers 静脉药瘾者心内膜炎Acute infective endocarditics(AIE) 急性感染性心内膜炎Subacute Infective endocarditis 亚急性感染性心内膜炎


Specific cardiomyopathy 特异性心肌病

Viral myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)肥厚性心肌病Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH) 非对称性室间隔肥厚Restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM)限制性心肌病

Dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM)扩张型心肌病

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy 酒精性心肌病

Peripartum cardiomyopathy 围生期心肌病

Drug-induced cardiomyopathy 药物性心肌病

Keshan disease (KD) 克山病

Endemic cardiomyopathy (ECD) 地方性心肌病Cardiomyopathies 心肌疾病

Myocardial bridging 心肌桥

Myocarditis 心肌炎

Right ventricular cardiomyopathy 右室心肌病

Acute pericarditis 急性心包炎

Tuberculous pericarditis 结核性心包炎

Constrictive pericarditis 缩窄性心包炎


Peripheral arteriosclerosis obliteration 闭塞性周围动脉粥样硬化Primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches 多发性大动脉炎Raynaud syndrome 雷诺综合征

Pulness disease 无脉病

Thromboangitis obliterans 血栓闭塞性脉管炎Thrombophlebitis 血栓性静脉炎

Aortic dissection 主动脉夹层


Syndrome X

Cardiogenic shock 心原性休克

Postpericardiostomy syndrome 心肌损伤后综合征

Pulmonary embolism 肺动脉栓塞

Syncope 晕厥

Syphlitic cardiovascular disease 梅毒性心血管病

Cardiovascular neurosis 心脏血管神经官能症


Vasodilator 血管扩张剂(phlebectasis 静脉扩张,arteriectasis 动脉扩张)

Diuretic 利尿剂(thiazide diuretic 噻嗪类利尿剂;loop diuretic 袢利尿剂;potassium-sparing

diuretics 保钾利尿剂)

inotropic agent 正性肌力药(digitalis preparation 洋地黄制剂;adrenergic receptor stimulan t 肾上腺素能受体兴奋剂;

phosphodiesterase inhibitor 磷酸二酯酶抑制剂)

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor(ACE inhibitors)(ACEI)血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂Aldosterone antagonist 醛固酮拮抗剂

Beta adrene



recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator ,rt-PA 重组组织型纤维蛋白酶原激活剂



interventional therapy for cardiovascular diseases 心血管病介入性治疗

Holter ECG monitoring 动态心电图

Ultrasound angioplasty 超声消融术

Directional coronary atherectomy 定向旋切术

High frequency rotational atherectomy 高频旋磨术

Laser angioplasty 激光血管成形术

Catheter ab

Vasopressin 血管加压素,抗利尿激素

Bradykinin 缓激肽

Triggered activity 触发活动


心理学专业英语复习资料 I. Translate the Following English Phrases into Chinese 1. Research Methods 研究方法 2. Psychophysics 心理物理学 3. Theories of Learning 学习理论 4. Social Cognition 社会认知 5.Personality Test 人格测试 6. Extraneous Variable 无关变量 7. Longitudinal Study 纵向研究 8. Crystallized Intelligence 晶体智力 9. Motor control 运动控制 10. Corpus Callosum 胼胝体 11. Group Thinking 群体思维 12. Social Loafing 社会懈怠 13. Social Exchange 社会交换 14. Social Approval 社会赞许 15. Diffusion of Responsibility 责任分散 16. Recency Effec 近因效应 17.Trace Decay 痕迹消退 18. Retrograde Amnesia 倒摄遗忘 19. Social Support 社会支持 20. Self-efficacy 自我效能 21. Case Study 个案研究 II. Translate the Following Chinese Word Groups into English 1. 机能主义functionalism 2. 自我实现self—actualization 3.一般规律研究法nomothetic method 4. 分层抽样stratified sampling 5. 外在信度external reliability 6. 选择性注意selective attention 7. 知觉恒常性perceptual constancy 8. 自我概念self concept 9. 液体智力fluid intelligence 10. 安全型依恋secure attachment 11. 性别图示gender schema 12. 亲社会行为pro social behavior 13. 从众实验conformity experiment 14. 头脑风暴brain storming 15. 社会助长social facilitation 16. 旁观者效应bystander effect 17. 标准差standard deviation 18. 柱状图bar chart 19. 正态分布normal distribution


Chaper 1 psychoanalysis n. 精神分析brain n. 脑 intestine n.肠inflammation n.炎症endoscope n.内镜pancreas n.胰腺psychology n.心理学electrocardiogram n.心电图enteritis n.肠炎tumor n.肿瘤 muscle n.肌肉organ n.器官 abdomen n.腹(部)organism n.有机体,生物体surgeon n.外科医生surgery n.外科(学)malignant a.恶性的immune n.免疫 tissue n.组织molecule n.分子,微小颗粒urine n.尿液stool n.大便,粪便vertebra n.椎骨formula n.处方 cortex n.皮质,皮层appendix n.阑尾 thorax n.胸larynx n. 喉 pharynx n.咽 Chapter 2 kidney n.肾脏receptor n.感受器,受体chromosome n.染色体embryo n.胚胎 gene n.基因catabolism n.分解代谢

anabolism n.合成代谢infection n.感染puncture n.穿刺fat n.脂肪 spine n.脊柱exocrine a.外分泌的cartilage n.软骨spleen n.脾脏gallbladder n.胆囊digestive system 消化系统urinary a.泌尿的respiratory a.呼吸的uterus n.子宫skull n.头颅,头骨pelvic cavity 盆腔trachea n.气管esophagus n.食管bronchial tube 支气管aorta n.主动脉diaphragm n.横膈膜pleura(复,pleurae)n.胸膜urinary bladder 膀胱rectum n.直肠cartilage n.软骨umbilicus n.脐ovary n.卵巢 inferior a.下面的superior a.上面的skeletal muscle 骨骼肌striated muscle 横纹肌 Chapter 3 capillary n.毛细血管artery n.动脉chamber n.腔,小室atrium n.心房ventricle n.室,脑室,心室valve n.瓣膜 mitral a.僧帽状的,二尖瓣的breastbone n.胸骨


心理学是什么--What Psychology Is Why people do the things they do is an age-old question. However, psychology--the science concerned with behavior, both humans and animals--is only about 125 years old. Despite its youth, it is a broad discipline, essentially spanning subject matter from biology to sociology. Biology studies the structures and functions of living organisms. Sociology examines how groups function in society. Psychologists study two critical relationships: one between brain function and behavior, and one between the environment and behavior. As scientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation, and analysis. But psychologists also need to be creative in the way they apply scientific findings. Psychologists are frequently innovators, evolving new approaches from established knowledge to meet changing needs of people and societies. They develop theories and test them through their research. As this research yields new information, these findings become part of the body of knowledge that practitioners call on in their work with clients and patients. Psychology is a tremendously varied field. Psychologists conduct both basic and applied research, serve as consultants to communities and organizations, diagnose and treat people, and teach future psychologists and other types of students. They test intelligence and personality. They assess behavioral and mental function and well-being, stepping in to help where appropriate. They study how human beings relate to each other and also to machines, and they work to improve these relationships. And with America undergoing large changes in its population makeup, psychologists bring important knowledge and skills to understanding diverse cultures. Many psychologists work independently. They also team up with other professionals--for example, other scientists, physicians, lawyers, school personnel, computer experts, engineers, policy makers, and managers--to contribute to every area of society. Thus we find them in laboratories, hospitals, courtrooms, schools and universities, community health centers, prisons, and corporate offices. Psychologists traditionally study both normal and abnormal functioning, and also treat patients with mental and emotional problems. Today, they are increasingly concentrating on behaviors that affect the mental and emotional health and mental processes of healthy human beings. For example, they work with business executives, performers, and athletes to combat stress and improve performance. They advise lawyers on jury selection and collaborate with educators on school reform. They show up immediately following a disaster such as a plane crash or bombing, to help victims and bystanders recover from the trauma, or shock, of the event. They team with law enforcement and public health officials to analyze the causes of such events and prevent their occurrence. Involved in all aspects of our fast-paced world, psychologists must keep up with what's happening all around us. When you're a psychologist, your education never ends. Psychology is a discipline with a bright future. Among fields requiring a college degree, it is expected to be the third fastest-growing field in America through the year 2005 and to continue to grow steadily for at least another dozen years after that. Opportunities for work in psychology are expanding in number and scope. The move toward preventing illness, rather than merely diagnosing and treating it, requires people to learn how to make healthy behavior a routine part of living. Indeed, many of the problems facing society today are problems about behavior, for example, drug addiction, poor personal relationships, violence at home and in the street, and the harm we do to our environment. Psychologists contribute solutions to problems through careful collection of data, analysis of data, and development of intervention strategies--in other words, by


Dear Sir: Thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is…., born in ...., ….city, ….province. I major in ……and I will graduate from the…….. Medical University in July, 2010. Hope a chance to work and develop in your department. During the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, I have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. With the help of my supervisor, I have successfully finished the subject “………” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, DNA extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. .. I passed the CET band 4 test in2006, after that, I tried my best to learn Medical English and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. I can manipulate computer proficiently and master Microsoft Office software, also be familiar with SPSS and Photoshop, etc. During three-year study in research, I studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. I benefit from working together with excellent colleague. I developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. My inter nship in college of ….. could qualify me for this job, and I believe I can be fit for the position quickly. I am looking forward to working in your department. If I am admitted, I will be thankful and try my best to work for you. Thank you very much. 简单一点的 Hello, everyone, my name is Alice, I am from Medical college of Xi’an Jiaotong University. My hometown is Xi’an, Shanxi province. I am so lucky to be here for this interview. At the very beginning, I would like to talk about my major. When I was an undergraduate student, I studied clinical medicine for five years in Jiaotong University. During my graduating education, my major is internal medicine, specifically, it’s about digestive diseases, like HBV, immune gastroenteritic diseases, and so on. I worked very hard on my study and clinical practice all through the past 8 years, and gradually, I have mastered a lot of useful knowledge and skills about my major. Em, as for my English, I have passed the CET-6 college English test, besides, in order to keep my interest of English,I also studied Advanced Oral English for one year,and now I am good at speaking and writing English.


英语各类考试 三一口语(GESE)的全称为:英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages),它是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的纯英语口语等级考试体系。该考试共有12个级别,分成4个档次,每个档次有三个级别,其中1-6级是非常适合孩子的,这是现有英语考试中不多的适合孩子考试之一;7级以上不太适合孩子,但也可以考。 等级考试描述 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages)是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在世界四十多个国家和地区开展这项考试。1995年,北京高等学校教育科技发展中心开始与伦敦三一学院在教师培训和口语考试方面进行合作并取得了较好的效果。1999年,北京教育考试院与伦敦三一学院正式签署合作协议,引进该项考试。 等级考试的权威性 伦敦三一学院(TCL-Trinity College London)是经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。伦敦三一学院在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试,是英国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一,也是英语考试服务系统的主要国际承办者之一。1995年,伦敦三一学院因其英语教育方面的成就获得英国女王嘉奖。伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书,它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。三一口语考试共分为12个级别,每三个级别为一个阶段,三一口语考试每月底进行,一个半两个月后出成绩。 内容 三一口语测试适于6-7岁以上母语为非英语的英语学习者。此项测试共分为四段12个级别。1-3级为预备段;4-6级为初级段;7-9级为中级段;10-12级为高级段。高级别的考试涵盖低于该级别的其他级别的内容。考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。考试成绩评定:A—优秀,B—良好,C —及格,D—不及格 优势 大家为什么要考“三一口语”这一问题,首先,从发展方面来看,三一口语存在着很多的优势: 1.三一口语是国内第一个不与笔试捆绑的专项、系统的英语口语考试。 2.所有级别的考试都实行一对一的交流形式,与人机对话的考试方式相比更显人性化。 3.每个月中下旬组织一次考试,较之公共英语(每年仅三月和九月两次)机会较多。 4.三一口语考试无职业、学历、地域、年龄等限制,任何母语非英语的人员均可参加。 5.三一口语为水平考试,考试通过率高,证书颁发得快。对急于获得证书的家长是一个不错的选择。然后,再从学习成长方面来看,三一口语可能是所有认证考试中最适合学生学习的课程。三一口语的多层次、多类别、幽默风趣的学习方式更能够调动中小学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。三一口语更侧语言沟通的交流与表达,使得学生能在学习的过程中快速的提高自己的英语表达水平,非常有利于孩子以后的成长和发展。最后,从学习的困难


护理专业学生阶段性英语水平测试 考试卷A 考试时间:2011 年1 月日时分所需时间:90 分钟考试形式: 闭卷身份证号_______________ 学号_________ 姓名___________ Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (60 points, 2 points each) Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. We should ______ primary importance to the psychological health of the students. A)pay B)place C)attach D)provide 2. He thinks we shouldn’t go ahead with this plan because of the ______ of failure. A)future B)pressure C)worry D)risk 3. Yesterday the parties concerned sat together _____ several solutions to the problem. A)exposing B)exploring C)expressing D)exploding 4. If you fail three times, you are not ________ to try any more. A)voted B)insured C)entitled D)equipped 5. The application of the new technology enables the factory to _____ twice as many machines as it did last year. A)turn down B)turn off C)turn to D)turn out 6. My aunt is rich and owns a lot of ________ in the middle of our town. A)preparation B)prospect C)property D)prosperity 7. They had a(n)______ argument for several hours without reaching an agreement A)bored B)excited C)heated D)interested 8. If you continue, you will surely ________ in prison. A)grow up B)end up C)put up D)bring up 9. The students are eager to know what the weather will be like tomorrow because it will _______ their picnic directly. A)effect B)affect C)infect D)influence 10.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _________ in a quiet neighborhood.


心理学专业英语总结——HXY 随意传阅·顺颂试安 注释:1.“*”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用 2.“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择 3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择 4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词) 5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义 6.“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子 Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览 Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门 ●What is psychology? 心理学是什么 Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. 定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究 Psychology come from: ①philosophy, ②biology ③physics. 心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学 When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline. 形成于:1879年,作为独立学科 History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach. 历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。 ●The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论 Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory. 历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。 Assumptions: unconscious processes, psychic determinism, hydraulic drives, psychodynamic conflict, stages of development. 假设:潜意识过程,精神决定论,驱力(攻击、性),心理动力冲突,发展阶段 Methods of investigation: case study (method), free association (tech), dream analysis (tech). 研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术 *Areas of explanation: personality development, moral/gender development, aggression, abnormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德/性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆 *Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific. 缺点:不可被其他事件驳斥,因此理论不具科学性 ●The behaviourist approach to psychology 行为主义理论 Origins & history: John Watson, empiricism, learning. 历史来源:华生,经验主义,学习 Assumptions: behaviour is learned from the environment, only observable behaviour should be studied. 假设:行为来源于环境,研究可观察的行为 *Areas of explanation: language acquisition, moral development, attraction, abnormality.


医学生研究生复试英语自我介绍 lls than the knowledge ifself. Because in the mordern world ,as you know, knowledge is updating day and night, but if you prosess the ability of “how to learn”, then you can keep up with the development of society. In order to get the opportunity for this interview, I have been waiting too long and made pain-staking efforts to stay here. It’s the second year that I take the national postgraduate entrance examinations.I think that is my disadvantage . But every coin has two sides , that’s a lso my advantage to some extent. Because during the course of preparing the exam, I have developed good self-learning skills and time-planning abilities. I have found the most efficient learing method that conforms to me. Most importantly, I have developed a strong heart towards setbacks and difficulties. This experieces will be unfogettable throughout my life. I will never foget the time that I was told my score for the primary exam. Then I confirmed my believings----fortune always appreciate a hard-working man. Thank you for your attention! Good morning, dear professors.


心理现象 mental phenomenon 心理过程 mental process 心理状态 mental state 心理活动 mental activity 意识 consciousness 心理维度 psychological dimension 心理运动 psychomotor 内部活动 internal activity 普通心理学 general psychology 实验心理学 experimental psychology 行为科学 behavioral science 心身关系 mind-body relation 心理机能定位 localization of mental function 心理能动性 mental activism 外周论 peripheralism 先天理论 nativistic theory 强调遗传素质决定人心理的产生与发展。 遗传 heredity 目的论 teleology 认为生物和人类的活动受一定目的的引导。 活动 activity 活动理论 activity theory 认知心理学 cognitive psychology 认知 cognition 相对于情感、意志等心理过程的所有认识过程的总称。包括知觉、注意、表象、学习记忆、问题解决、思维和言语等心理过程。 认知过程 cognitive process 认知结构 cognitive structure 元认知 metacognition

认知失调 cognitive dissonance 认知地图 cognitive map 认知技能 cognitive skill 认知方式 cognitive style 信息 information 信息论 information theory 信息加工 information processing 信息加工心理学 information processing psychology 信息加工理论 information processing theory 信息加工模型 information processing model 中央处理器模型 central processor model 信息储存 information storage 信息提取 information retrieval 人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI 计算机类比 computer analogy 计算机模拟 computer simulation 计算机模型 computer model 唯心主义心理学 idealistic psychology 意动心理学 act psychology 唯意志论 voluntarism 唯灵论 spiritualism 强调超自然精神作用。 心灵学 parapsychology 心灵决定论 psychic determinism 心灵致动 psychokinesis, PK 心理技术学 psychotechnics 内省 introspection 内省法 introspective method 直觉主义 intuitionalism


cardiovascular diseases; 脑垂体的功能the function of pituitary; 泌尿道urinary tract; 分子molecule; 动脉artery; 内分泌学endocrinology; 呼吸困难dyspnea; 唾液saliva; 组织学histology; 血液循环blood circulation; 血液学hematology; 生理学physiology; 解剖学anatomy; 女性生殖系统femal reproductive system; 神经细胞nerve cell; 免疫学immunology; 消化不良dyspepsia; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 胚胎学embryology; 心理学psychology; 细胞学cytology; 原生质protoplasm; 细胞膜cell membrane; 细胞核nucleus; 细胞质(浆)cytoplasm; 脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid; 能半渗透的semipermeable; 分子生物学molecular biology; 碳水化合物carbohydrate; 有区别性的differentially; 使…完整intact; 根据according to; 遗传特性hereditary trait; 渗滤diffusion; 转换transaction; 蓝图blueprint; 染色体chromosome; 色素pigment; 排出废液excrete waste fluid; 散开disperse; 脉冲信号impulse; 核糖核酸ribonucleic acid; 损害正常功能impair the normal function; 污染环境pollute environment; 功能失调malfunction; 致病因子causative agents; 易受侵害的人群vulnerable groups; 局部化的感染localized infection; 花柳病venereal disease; 抗原与抗体antigen&antibody; 肌电图electromyogram; 多发性硬化multiple sclerosis; 心电图electrocardiograph; 疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease; 光纤技术fiber optic technology; 造血系统hematopoietic system; 致命的疾病fatal disease; 体液body fluid; 无副作用的治疗hazard-free treatment; 无侵犯的实验检查non-invasive laboratory test; 核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance; 葡萄糖耐糖实验the glucose-tolerance test; 乐观的预后optimistic prognosis; 超声波检测法ultrasonography; 病史medical history; 随访活动follow-up visit; 营养不良nutritional deficiency; 使细节显著highlight detail; 脑电图electroencephalogram; 缺血的组织blood-starved tissue; 肌纤维muscle fiber; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 消化道alimentary canal; 肌腹fleshy belly of muscle; 横纹肌striated muscle; 肌肉痉挛cramps of muscle; 肌肉收缩muscle contraction; 肌肉附着点attachment of the muscle; 肌肉放松relaxation of muscle; 动脉出血arterial hemorrhage; 止端insertion;起端origion;供血blood supply; 屈肌flexor; 蛋白分子protein molecule; 纤维结缔组织fibrous connective tissue; 伸肌extensor; 意志力willpower; 横切面transverse section; 起搏器pacemaker; 肌萎缩muscle atrophy; 重症肌无力myasthenia gravis; 弥散性局部缺血diffuse ischemia; 常染色体隐性autosomal recessive; 全身性感染systemic infection; 受累的肌肉muscle involved; 显著相关性significant correlation; 神经末梢nerve terminal; 自体免疫反应autoimmune reaction; 神经支配innervation; 肌营养不良muscular dystrophy; 慢性营养不良chronic mulnutrition; 先天性肌病congenital myopathy; 预期寿命life expectancy; 免疫紊乱immunologic derangemant; 发病高峰年龄the peak age of onset; 胸腺肿瘤thymoma; 呼吸肌受累the involvement of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎inflammatory myositic; 去神经支配denervation; 矿物质吸收mineral absorption; 机械应力mechanical stress; 骨基质有机部分the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟premature puberty; 蛋白溶解酶protein-digesting enzyme; 破骨细胞osteoclast; 松质骨spongy bone; 骨折fracture; 不规则骨irregular bone; 骨骼系统skeletal system; 维生素吸收vitamin absorption; 骨钙丧失the loss of calcium from bone; 生长激素growth hormone;
