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全椒中学英语课教学设计Lesson1 Global Warming







Unit 22 Environmental Protection

Lesson 1: Global Warming

(The First Period)

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge Aims:

Let students know something about global warming by reading this text.

2. Ability Aims:

Enable students to improve their reading ability by using different and appropriate strategies and tasks.

3. Moral Aims:

Let students know more about global warming and raise their awareness of environmental protection.

Teaching Important Points:

Make students read the text to get some specific information about the reading passage.

Make students do some tasks to practice their reading ability. Teaching Difficult Points:

How does the teacher use appropriate strategies and tasks to develop students’ task-based reading ability?

Teaching Methods:

1 Task-based teaching method

2. Cooperation teaching method

3. Individual, pair, and group work.

4. Fast and further reading

5. Discussion

Teaching Aids:


Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Warm up

Students look some pictures about “Earth is like a paradise”.

Step2. Pre- reading

Let the whole students discuss two questions to guess the meaning of the title and the general idea of the text.

What makes the Earth become so hot?

What problems does it result in?

Then, show some pictures to them.

Step3. While-reading


Play the tape of the text to the students, ask them to go through the text quickly and underline the strange words on the screen.

Then guess the correct meaning of each new word.


Before reading again, let students read through the heads on the screen . Then ask them to skim the text and match the heads with the paragraphs.

Step4. Post- reading

1. Show students a form about the text; let students get more

detailed information to fill in the missing word of each blank.

After few minutes, ask some students to write these missing words on the blackboard.

2. Read the text and answer these questions.

1) What is global warming?

Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change.

2) What human activities are causing global warming?

Industry, agriculture, the cutting down of forests, the increase in transport and the burning of fuels are causing global warming.

3) By how much has the global average temperature increased in the

last 100 years?

By 1oF (One degree Fahrenheit)

4) Are greenhouse gases necessary for life on Earth?

Yes, they are. Because they trap heat from the sun in the Earth’s atmosphere. Otherwise the Earth would be cold and unsuitable for


5) How can we help solve the problem of global warming?

We can make small changes like taking public transport, recycling, using low-flow shower heads, buying light bulbs that use less energy, using recycled paper and switching off the lights when we leave a room.

Step6. V oice your opinion

What will you do every day to help reduce greenhouse gases?

Show an example to students, and then ask students to imitate this example to organize a dialogue about this question with their partners..

Step7. Homework

?Read the text after class.

?Try to recycle something to make your own contribution. Then based on these actions, write a composition to share your experience with us.

Step8. Record after teaching


第三方支付介绍及国内第三方支付平台比较分析 摘要 第三方支付是我国电子商务支付领域发展的重要力量,在解决网络信用方面有重要保障作用。本文先介绍第三方支付系统流程、特点、功能,然后对目前国内四大支付平台的发展情况进行比较分析,可以从中看出第三方支付的发展规律及其存在的问题,从而才能够采取有效应对措施推动我国电子支付的健康有序的可持续发展。文章主要分为七个部分:第一部分,对第三方支付系统及发展现状的概述;第二、三、四部分,分别介绍第三方支付的交易流程、特点、功能及作用,第五部分通过对国内四大第三方支付平台的详细分析得出分析结论;第六部分,对国内第三方支付企业存在的问题进行了探讨及提出对我国第三方支付平台建设的对策建议;第七部分总结。 关键词:网上支付、第三方支付、分析 一、第三方支付概述及发展现状 (一)第三方支付概述 “第三方支付”是指一些和国内外银行签约、具备一定实力和信誉保障的第三方独立机构提供的交易支持平台。在通过第三方支付平台的电子商务交易中,买方选购商品后,使用第三方平台进行货款支付,由第三方通知卖家货款到达,进行发货;买方检验签收物品后,通过第三方支付平台确认收货,可以付款给卖家。第三方平台再将款项转至卖家账户。 第三方支付平台与国内知名物流企业紧密合作,使网络交易的安全性更加坚固,进一步防止了交易中可能出现的欺诈行为,提高了第三方支付平台的运作效率。第三方支付平台正好抓住互联网购物中消费者希望少花钱的心理,在用户交易过程中不收取任何费用,利用这种会员免费服务集聚了大量人气,提升了整体用户数量,为企业带来了更丰厚的收入。(二)国内第三方支付发展现状 下图1是艾瑞咨询对2013年第二季度国内支付市场份额的统计数据。2013Q2中国第三


Unit 4 Global warming全球变暖 一、词汇 about发生;造成 注意:(1)come about是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态,常指情况不受人控制的突然发生。有时用it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语。 (2)表示“发生”的词或短语有:happen,occur,take place,break ① Many a quarrel comes about through a misunderstanding. ② The moon came out from behind the clouds. ③ I’ll let you know if anything comes up. ④ I’ll come over and see how you are coming along. ⑤ I came across an old friend yesterday. ⑥ When she came to, she couldn’t recognize the surroundings. ① I subscribe to your suggestion. ② Which magazine do you subscribe to? ③ He subscribed his name to the paper(文件). ④ He subscribed a large sum to the poor students. n.量;数量

① It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity / in large quantities. ② A large quantity of silk is sold in Japan. ③ A large quantity of drugs are found in his home. ④ Large quantities of rain are needed in this area. ① He tends to get angry when others disagree with her. ② His views tend towards the extreme(极端). ③ He was tending (to) his son when I saw him in the hospital. ④ Jane is nice but has a tendency to talk too much. =Jane is nice but she tends to talk too much. ① The price of the new house in our area has gone up by 1,000 yuan per square meter(平方米)。That is(也就是说)it has gone up to 5,000 yuan per square meter. ② The wind has gone down a little. ④ The country has gone through too many wars.


《Unit 4 Global warming》 Does It Matter? 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) When 1________ (compare) with most natural changes, that the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century is quite shocking. And it’s human activity 2________ has caused this global warming rather 3________ a random but natural phenomenon. Dr. Janice Foster explains that we add huge 4________ of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil 5________. From the second 6________ and the discovery of Charles Keeling, all scientists believe that the burning of more and more fossil fuels 7________ (result) in the increase in carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases continue to build up. On the one hand, Dr. Foster thinks that the trend would be a 8________. On the other hand, George Hambley 9________ (state) that more carbon dioxide would encourage a greater range of animals and bring us 10________ better life.


D 实验三关于第三方支付平台(2学时) 1、现在第三方支付平台的格局如何以及各自所占有的市场情况是多少? 2、请同学上网查询目前主要的第三方支付平台有哪些?大的网上商城采用的有哪些?(列表说 明) 网上商 快钱易宝支付宝Paypal 财付通首信易城 淘宝√ 易趣√ 当当网√√√√ 卓越网银行卡 支付 拍拍网√你认为哪几家第三方支付平台最有生命力,会长期生存下去? 我觉得易宝的生命力比较强,会长期生存下去。 (1)如果消费者可以享受到:安全的在线支付,方便的电话支付,免费的会员服务,为您的手机充植,精彩活动积分奖励。 (2)可以为商户提供:网上、电话、汇款,多种收款方式,支持外卡,让你您的生意做到全球,7*24小时客服,技术支持快速反应,接入更简单,交易更安全,结算更及时! (3)功能有:会员登录安全设置:通过验证图片、提示问题、常用机校验等手段实现的双向安全验证机制,确保用户在任意场所登录易宝网站时的安全。 快捷查单服务:消费者通过此项服务可以方便快捷的查到自己选择YeePay易宝支付的网上购物订单!商户通过接入“快捷查单”功能,为客户提供贴心增值服务,提升服务品质和形象! 自主接入服务:商户可通过自助方式网上注册并使用易宝在线支付服务,不仅可以在线收款,而且还能登录商户系统进行定单管理和交易结算。依托易宝强大平台,确保安全交易,并享受7*24小时客户服务及快捷查单等增值服务。 3、第三方支付牌照的颁发会对现行的网络支付以及银联会产生什么样的影响? 易观国际分析认为,牌照发放后,获得牌照的企业将可接入超级网银,第三方支付企业以提高企业资金周转效率的定制化解决方案,将会逐步向传统企业进行渗透,也将出现从单一产业链的支付服务向跨产业链的融合转移的趋势。支付企业通过整合各种支付产品,为企业进行深度定制化服务,加快资金周转效率,而保险、基金等行业将是一个新的蓝海市场。 一旦涉及到钱,那么这个庞大的支付产业必定摆脱不了银行的介入。在《支付机构客户备付金存管暂行办法(06.02会议征求意见稿)》出台前,仅有支付宝等少数国内第三方支付公司委托银行每月对客户的交易保证金做托管审计,其他公司则会依托三四家银行提供备付金托管与清算服务。而随着今年5月26日首批支付牌照正式发放,一场第三方支付公司挑


支付知识 河南省郑州市第三方支付公司拥有支付牌照的共有2家,以下是河南省郑州市第三方支付公司详情列表 许可证编号 公司名称 所在地区 发证日期 Z 河南汇银丰信息技术有限公司 郑州市 2011年12月22日 Z 郑州建业至尊商务服务有限公司 郑州市 2013年1月6日 摘要:第三方支付是现代金融服务业的重要组成部分,作为独立机构提供的交易支持平台。也是中国互联网经济高速发展的底层支撑力量和进一步发展的推动力。2013年,余额宝的崛起,开启了全民理财的新篇章,也让其他第三方支付公司看到了金融理财巨大的市场。 第三方支付是现代金融服务业的重要组成部分,作为独立机构提供的交易支持平台。也是中国互联网经济高速发展的底层支撑力量和进一步发展的推动力。2013年,余额宝的崛起,开启了全民理财的新篇章,也让其他第三方支付公司看到了金融理财巨大的市场。 突围策略 第三方支付命悬一线转型瞄准综合金融服务

“现在的市场环境纯做支付很难挣钱,第三方支付必须转型,布局其他业务,否则必死。”近日,一位银联内部人士告诉《每日经济新闻》记者。 记者深入支付机构调查发现,目前支付机构充当融资中介,行业里比较普遍,大型支付机构均有涉足,模式大致是支付机构向银行提供商户交易流水和信息,由银行审核后放贷。 业内人士称,支付平台连接大量的商户、用户和金融资源,并沉淀了海量交易数据。这些资源和数据对于展开综合金融服务极为有利。 同时,与“余额宝”类似的金融理财服务方面,支付机构过去一年也都迈出了第一步,余额理财成为支付机构的又一增值服务。面对火热的P2P领域,支付机构则以平台资金托管为主,有个别平台也建立了内部的P2P平台。 试水综合金融服务 7月23日,快钱公司在上海召开首届外包服务商大会,全面规划专业发展路线,培养专业级外包服务商。针对中小企业市场,快钱围绕“支付叠加应用”的发展战略,针对中小企业的应用场景,叠加多种创新产品,形成了包括高效收单、金融服务、会员管理、预付卡、理财等在内的一整套中小企业解决方案。 而这并不是快钱第一次是试水融资中介,此前快钱宣布将业务范围由单纯的电子支付延展到更为广阔的信息化金融服务领域,成为“保理商”的角色,处理应收账款的打包、融资以及回款等。不过,快钱并不提供资金,资金还是来自于金融机构,如银行、信托等。上述快钱人士告诉记者,保理业务目前针对核心企业做供应链融资,主要集中在制造业领域。 另一家大型支付公司汇付天下也开始做金融中介服务,汇


支付知识 1 支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司(支付宝) 支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司是国内领先的第三方支付平台,致力于提供“简单、安全、快速”的支付解决方案。 从2004年建立至今,支付宝及支付宝钱包已经成为线上及线下众多商家首选的支付解决方案,为连接亿万用户及商户提供了基础的资金流服务。截至2013年12月,支付宝单日交易笔数峰值达到1.88亿笔,其中,移动支付单日交易笔数峰值达到4518万笔,移动支付单日交易额峰值达到113亿人民币。支付宝稳健的作风、先进的技术、敏锐的市场预见能力及极大的社会责任感,赢得了银行等合作伙伴的广泛认同。目前,支付宝已经跟国内外180多家银行以及VISA、MasterCard国际组织等机构建立了深入的战略合作关系,成为金融机构在电子支付领域最为信任的合作伙伴。我们会跟各领域的合作伙伴一起,继续围绕用户需求不断创新。希望用我们的服务给您的生活带来微小而美好的改变。 2 汇元银通(北京)在线支付技术有限公司(汇付宝) 汇付宝是汇元银通(北京)在线支付技术有限公司于2010年创办的专业化的信息化金融支付服务平台,公司在2012年获颁中国人民银行《支付业务许可证》。汇付宝致力深入行业,量身打造专业高效的流动资金管理解决方案,帮助企业快速获取和优化现金流。 作为专业的信息化金融支付服务提供商,汇付宝依托于与各大银行的战略合作伙伴关系,打造了跨银行、跨地域、跨网络的信息化平台,形成一套集互联网支付、移动支付、资金归集管理等的高效的流动资金管理解决方案。

3 易宝支付有限公司(易宝支付) 易宝作为互联网金融专家,2005年便首创了行业支付模式,陆续推出了网上在线支付、非银行卡支付、信用卡无卡支付、POS支付、基金易购通、一键支付等创新产品,先后为数字娱乐、航空旅游、电信移动、行政教育、保险、基金、快消连锁、电商物流等众多行业提供了量身定制的行业解决方案,为产业转型及行业变革做出了积极贡献。易宝在航空旅游、数字娱乐、行政教育等多个领域保持领先地位。2011年5月,易宝获得首批央行颁发的支付牌照。2012年3月,易宝获得证监会颁发的基金销售支付结算许可证。2013年10月,易宝支付获得国家外汇管理局批准的跨境支付业务许可证。 4 上海佰晟通信息科技有限公司(mo9先玩后付) mo9是一家线上游戏及虚拟商品的支付服务提供商,由顶尖风投机构红杉资本、德国贝塔斯曼基金、银泰资本投资数千万美元,现已完成C轮融资。首创“先玩后付”支付模式,已成为游戏领域最流行的付费方式,并已开始布局虚拟商品交易并拓展至更多领域。为全国着名的社交平台及电子商户提供移动消费及购买等服务。 使用mo9,可以便捷地购买各种虚拟商品及增值服务。同时可以自由灵活地选择充值渠道。目前mo9在中国的游戏付费用户近3000万,支持800余款热门游戏,覆盖众多主流游戏平台和上百家知名游戏厂商,并逐步将业务扩展至社交平台、付费视频、在线彩票等新领域。将虚拟信用体系应用到“衣食住行”各个行业,您可以在许多热门的社交游戏、网络游戏及移动应用中找到mo9. 5 网银在线(北京)科技有限公司(网银在线) 网银在线(北京)科技有限公司(以下简称网银在线)

Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍

One of the effects of global warming is the destruction of many important ecosystems.Changing and erratic climate conditions will put our ecosystems to the test, the increase in carbon dioxide will increase the problem. The evidence is clear that global warming and climate change affects physical and biological systems. There will be effects to land, water, and life. Already today, scientists are seeing the effects of global warming on coral reefs, many have been bleached and have died. This is due to warmer ocean waters, and to the fact that some species of plants and animals are simply migrating to better suited geographical regions where water temperatures are more suitable. Melting ice sheets are also making some animals migrate to better regions. This effects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live. Several climate models have been made and they predict more floods (big floods), drought, wildfires, ocean acidification, and the eventual collapse of many ecosystems throughout the world both on land and at sea. There have been forecasts of things like famine, war, and social unrest, in our days ahead. These are the types of effects global warming could have on our planet. Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss and endangerment of many species. Did you know that 30 percent of all plant and animal species alive in the world today are at risk of extinction by the year 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit. These mass extinctions will be due to a loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation, and ocean warming. Many plants and animals will also be affected by the inability to adapt to our climate warming.


第三方支付平台教学设计 授课人:宋文鑫授课时间:2016年12月30日?学习目标: ?1、认识第三方支付平台的概念组成; ?2、理解两种第三方支付平台的运行机制以及优缺点; ?3、使学生认识到第三方支付平台的发展可以改变我们的生活。 教学过程 一:案例导入 1.共同阅读案例,学生思考案例问题,得出问题答案。 2.进而引出对之前学习的知识的复习,回顾电子商务支付方式。 3.导入本课内容“第三方支付平台”,说明本课的学习目标,开始新课教学。二:新课教学 1.第三方支付平台概念 (1)学生阅读课本,找出第三方平台概念,通过课本知识填写学案。 (2)展示PPT,讲解第三方平台概念。但此概念过长不易记忆,教授学生记忆方法,将概念拆解进行记忆,引出课堂思考。 (3)学生思考学案问题,通过PPT引导学生理解概念以组块的方式进行记忆。 2.第三方支付平台分类 (1)学生阅读课本找出第三方支付平台的种类,可分为网关型第三方支付平台与信用担保型第三方支付平台。 (2)通过PPT学习网关型平台的运行模式以及优缺点,利用画图的方式使学生理解此类平台的运行模式,并回顾之前学过的知识点“支付网关”。 (3)理解信用担保型第三方支付平台运行模式,点出其典型代表支付宝,引出探究讨论。学生分小组讨论“支付宝的工作流程是什么?”并将讨论结果并落实纸面。提问小组代表,而后利用PPT分步展示其工作流程。 (4)简单介绍支付宝的产生、发展以及作用,讲解信用担保型第三方支付平台的优点。结合日常生活中支付宝付款、收款等功能,使学生认识到第三方支付平台的便利,相信第三方支付平台可以改变我们的生活。 三:总结 总结本课所学内容,与本课开始时提出的学习目标相呼应。 四:作业 1.以支付宝为例介绍第三方支付的交易流程并画出其流程图。 2.利用课后时间搜集其他的第三方支付平台,并比较其相同点和不同点。


Teaching Plan Contents: Reading Book 6 Unit 4 Global warming I.Analysis of the Teaching Material This article is from a magazine about global warming, which illustrates how global warming has come about and different attitudes to its effects. The passage is long, abstract and far away from their life. What’s more, there are many mouthful professional terms, which increases students’ difficulty while reading, although they have some knowledge about global warming. II. Analysis of the Students Students from Senior Two are the students in an excellent level, who have good abilities to read and speak. This unit talks about global warming, which has been taught in Geography. It will help students understand the text better and I believe the students will be interested in this class. However,because they pay little attention to this topic in the daily life, they may have few desire to speak something about global warming. III. Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge objective 1) Enable the students to analyze how global warming has come about; 2) Get students know different attitudes towards global warming and its effects. 2. Competence objective Improve the students’ reading and speaking abilities. 3. Emotion objective 1) Develop student s’ teamwork. 2) Raise their awareness of global warming. IV. Important points Enable the students to understand how global warming has come about. V. D ifficult points Get the students understand how global warming has come about. Let the students understand the difficult sentences better. ①It is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. (Line 6) ②All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due t o the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. (Line 18) ③This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.(Line 26-29) VI. Teaching aids: Multimedia classroom, printed material VII. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching, communicative teaching method VIII.Teaching procedures: Step 1. Lead in and pre-reading (5 mins ) It’s reported that global temperatures continue to rise, making July 2016 the hottest month in the history of the earth. Did you feel extremely hot in July? When you felt hot, what did you do? Did you feel global temperatures going up quietly? Let’s look at a flash (global temperatures from 1850 to 2016). What information can you get? The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. Is it natural or caused by human being? Do you think what effects global warming will bring about? Is global warming beneficial or harmful? Today we’re going to read a magazine article about global warming. It will work out your puzzles. Please open your book and turn to P26. Today we are going to


我国第三方支付平台系统发展现状 目前中国国内的第三方支付产品主要有PayPal(易趣公司产品)、支付宝(阿里巴巴旗下)、财付通(腾讯公司,腾讯拍拍)、快钱(快钱—--完全独立的第三方支付平台)、百付宝(百度C2C)、环迅支付、汇付天下等,其中数量最大的用户群体是PayPal和支付宝,前者主要在欧美国家流行,后者是阿里巴巴旗下的产品。本文将对我国第三方支付系统发展现状做个简单比较,方便大家做个对比。 第三方支付系统比较: Paypal 功能服务:1、通过中国本地银行提现2、账户集成的高级管理功能3、eBay跨国贸易中,提供一站式支付方案; 特色:1、独有即时支付、到账,实时收到海外客户发送款项;最短3天,可将账户内款项转至国内银行账户2、eBay跨国贸易中,提供一站式支付方案; 收费状况:1、注册完全免费2、申请无月费,费率仅为传统方式的1/2; 市场份额:全球超过2.2亿用户;已在全球190个国家和地区支持多达24种货币交易;跨国交易中超过90%的卖家和85%的买家认可并正在使用。 支付宝Alipay 功能服务:1、轻松网购2、生活支付3、多种支付方式4、担保交易; 特色:1、实名认证2、支付宝卡通3、数字证书4、支付盾; 收费状况:免费; 市场份额:用户覆盖整个C2C、B2C以及B2B领域;支持使用支付宝交易服务的商家已经超过46万家。 财付通Tenpay 功能服务:1、在线交易:用户账户的充值、提现、支付和交易管理;对于企业用户还提供支付清算服务和辅助营销服务2、信用卡还款;生活缴费;影视博览;机票订购;游戏充值;话费充值;彩票购买3、“财付券”;拍拍购物;腾讯服务购买;商家工具4、虚拟物品中介保护交易功能。


Unit 4 Global warming I. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出 最佳选项。 Today the scientific community is in almost total agreement that the earth’s climate is changing and that this represents a huge threat to the planet and to us. According to a survey, with only 69% accepting the earth is warming— only 1/4 Americans see global warming as a major threat, public opinion 1 the scientific conclusion. Climate scientists and campaigners have long debated how to better communicate the message to nonexperts so that climate science can be 2 into action. According to Christopher Rapley, the usual tactic(策略) of climate experts to provide the public wit h information isn’t 3 because "it does not address key potential causes." We are all exposed to the evidence of climate change on an almost a daily basis. The information is almost 4 . Then what’s wrong? 5 our brains. Daniel Gilbert mentioned our brains’ failure to accu rately notice gradual change. Robert Gifford also __6__ the point about our brains’ difficulty in grasping climate change because of limited cognition and social __7__ with other people ("Why should we change if X won’t?") ." A more powerful barrier is the 8 of perceived(感知的) be havioral control; ‘I’ m only one person; what can I do ?’ is certainly a big one." For many, the first challenge will be in recognizing barriers 9 they can overcome them. But for those of us who understand that climate change is a problem yet make little effort to cut the number of overseas trips we make or the amount of meat we consume, neither the uncaring attitude nor denial really explains the 10 between our actions and beliefs. Lertzman has come to the conclusion that the conflict between __11 _ both the planet and our way of life is too painful to bear. "When we don’t 12 the pain of that, that’s when we get 13 and


Global Warming Section A 本文词数:302 参考时间:2'40'' Rising temperatures in coming years would lead to less sea ice in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica and fewer habitats and feeding grounds for penguins, says the World Wildlife Fund (世界自然基金会) in its report 2 Degrees is Too Much. Antarctica and the Arctic are the most threatened regions from climate change. In the Antarctica, the temperature has risen 2.5 degrees in the past 50 years. This speed is nearly five times faster than that before the Industrial Revolution. It is mainly caused by burning fossil fuels. Unless nations reduce carbon dioxide emission1, the world will warm by an average of 2 degrees in less than 40 years. Rich nations should agree to reduce greenhouse gas emission. Temperatures near the Poles have risen much faster, which has led glaciers2 on the Antarctic Peninsula to melt3 quickly. The situation is quite critical, because in the past 50 years the number of emperor penguins (帝企鹅) has decreased by 50 percent across the whole Antarctica. On the Antarctic Peninsula’s northwest coast, the number of Adelie penguins (阿德里企鹅) has dropped surprisingly over the past 25 years. Fifty percent of the habitats of the emperor penguin and 75 percent of the habitats of the Adelie penguin face a rapid reduction, or even disappearance, if the global temperature rises 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels. With a 2-degree increase in global temperature and the decrease in sea ice thickness, emperor penguins will find it difficult to find new areas to live. With less sea ice, penguins could be pushed further south, but this could prevent them from hunting for food during the dark winters, because they need at least a few hours of daylight to find their food. Notes: 1. emission n. 排放 2. glacier n. 冰川 3. melt v. 融化 词数:150处理时间:2′45″ Read the passage and then choose the best answer for each question. 1. The purpose of the passage is to _____. A. introduce readers to the Adelie penguins and emperor penguins B. tell readers about the rising temperatures in the Antarctica C. tell readers about the effect of global warming D. warn people that Antarctica is becoming smaller and smaller 2. In the writer’s opinion, what has caused global warming? A. That the earth is getting hotter and hotter. B. That the atmosphere of the earth is becoming thinner. C. That carbon dioxide emission is too high. D. That the use of oxygen in the air is out of control. 3. From the first paragraph, what do you think the author wants to tell us?


第三方支付平台 D 实验三关于第三方支付平台(2学时) 1、现在第三方支付平台的格局如何以及各自所占有的市场情况是多少, 2、请同学上网查询目前主要的第三方支付平台有哪些?大的网上商城采用的有哪些?(列表说明) 网上商快钱易宝支付宝 Paypal 财付通首信易城 淘宝 ? 易趣 ? 当当网 ? ? ? ? 卓越网银行卡 支付 拍拍网 ? 你认为哪几家第三方支付平台最有生命力,会长期生存下去? 我觉得易宝的生命力比较强,会长期生存下去。 (1)如果消费者可以享受到:安全的在线支付,方便的电话支付,免费的会员服务,为您的手机充植,精彩活动积分奖励。 (2)可以为商户提供:网上、电话、汇款,多种收款方式,支持外卡,让你您的生意做到全球,7*24小时客服,技术支持快速反应,接入更简单,交易更安全, 结算更及时~ (3)功能有:会员登录安全设置:通过验证图片、提示问题、常用机校验等手段实现的双向安全验证机制,确保用户在任意场所登录易宝网站时的安全。 快捷查单服务:消费者通过此项服务可以方便快捷的查到自己选择YeePay易宝支付的网上购物订单~商户通过接入“快捷查单”功能,为客户提供贴心增值服务,提升服务品质和形象~ 自主接入服务:商户可通过自助方式网上注册并使用易宝在线支付服务,不仅 可以在线收款,而且还能登录商户系统进行定单管理和交易结算。依托易宝强大平台,确保安全交易,并享受7*24小时客户服务及快捷查单等增值服务。 3、第三方支付牌照的颁发会对现行的网络支付以及银联会产生什么样的影响,

易观国际分析认为,牌照发放后,获得牌照的企业将可接入超级网银,第三方支付企业以提高企业资金周转效率的定制化解决方案,将会逐步向传统企业进行渗透,也将出现从单一产业链的支付服务向跨产业链的融合转移的趋势。支付企业通过整合各种支付产品,为企业进行深度定制化服务,加快资金周转效率,而保险、基金等行业将是一个新的蓝海市场。 一旦涉及到钱,那么这个庞大的支付产业必定摆脱不了银行的介入。在《支付机构客户备付金存管暂行办法(06.02会议征求意见稿)》出台前,仅有支付宝等少数国内第三方支付公司委托银行每月对客户的交易保证金做托管审计,其他公司则会依托三四家银行提供备付金托管与清算服务。而随着今年5月26日首批支付牌照正式发放,一场第三方支付公司挑 选客户备付金存管行与回流备付金的“战斗”悄然开启。 根据之前提到的艾瑞公布的第一季度中国第三方网上支付的交易规模达到3650亿元这个数据,如果按5%交易金额被沉淀计算,仅在网上支付领域近180亿元资金将回流银行存款。业内人士表示,获得第三方支付备付金存管资格对商业银行中间业务收入、存款规模等都会带来有利影响,而在一些支付公司涉足预付卡业务之后,银行也将获得更多沉淀资金。 各第三方支付早已“明刀明枪”激战,备付金存管这“粮草”又怎会毫无准备。日前,支付宝正式宣布选择工商银行作为其备付金存管银行;本月初,建设银行与深圳华夏通宝商务有限公司签署战略合作协议,华夏通宝将选择建行作为主要的结算银行;7月上旬,浦发银行也与首批获得第三方支付牌照的上海付费通信息服务有限公司签署了战略合作协议,成为付费通的备付金托管银行;快钱公司日前也宣布与八家银行分别签署战略合作协议。 目前,《非金融机构支付业务许可证》已经颁发,首批获得支付牌照的公司包括消费者熟知的支付宝、快钱、财付通、银联商务等27家第三方支付公司。

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