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语言与文化unit 6 课件分解

语言与文化unit 6 课件分解
语言与文化unit 6 课件分解

Unit Six Similes, metaphors and Associations 修辞---比喻和联想

A Red Red Rose

by Robert Burns

?Oh, my luve is like a red, red rose,


That’s newly sprung in June,


Oh, my luve is like the melodie,


That’s sweetly played in tune.


(2) As fair art thou my bonnie lass,


So deep in luve am I,


And I will luve thee still my dear,


?“Till a’ the seas gang dry.









?My love is like a red, red rose

?That’s newly sprung in June;

?My love is like a melody

?That’s swee tly played in tune

(Robert Burns)





?I wondered lonely as a cloud


?(William Wordsworth)

?Shall I compare thee to a summer’s da y?


?(William Shakespeare)

?My heart is like a singing bird


Section 1 Simile明喻

?Simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another, in such a way as to clarify and enha nce an image. It is an explicit comparison recognizable by the use of the words “like “ or “ as”….

From a dictionary of Literary Terms


1. Structure


?本体(Primary term 或tenor)

?喻体(Secondary term或vehicle)

?比喻词(simile marker)/comparative words or acknowledging words





2. 任何明喻必须具备以下条件:

?(1)Simile is a comparison between two unlike things from different domains.


?The tiger is as brave as the lion.

?John looks like his brother Billy.

?-My car runs as fast as the train.

?-The child is like a man.

?-The one standing there looks like a beggar.

?They are not similes, because the things compared have too many points of resemblance.


?The diamond is as blue as the great sea.

?She’s like a rose– fresh, delicate and beautiful.

?We shall not be moved– just like a tree standing by the water.

3. 常用比喻词

?(3) 用比喻词之类的引导方式引导。

?I wondered lonely as a cloud.


?like; unlike; it was a bit like;can be likened to ; as ; as if ; as though;

?as it were;as comparable to ; may be compared to ; similar to; etc.

"like" pattern

?Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.

?She accidentally breaks our coffee pot, and she really is like a bull in a china shop.

?They will never be able to save money to buy a new house they both spend money like water.


"as" pattern

?a. as + adj. + as + n.

My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.

?钱财对我来说如同生命一样宝贵。/ 我视财如命。

?b. as + S + V

?Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark. (Francis Bacon)


?The news came as a bombshell.


?c. as if / as though 好像,仿佛

?When the earthquake happened, she felt as if she were in a storm at sea.


?Jeff looked as if he had seen a ghost.


?She was the fattest woman I have ever seen in my life sitting in a small stool. It was as if a sack of grain was supported by a matchbox.

?d. as…, so…像……那样,犹如(the main clause introduced by so)

?As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds.


?As lungs are to the animals, so leaves are to the plants.

?叶子之于植物,犹如肺之于动物。(As C is to D, so A is to B.)

?e. " may / might as well +V… as + V… " pattern(正如不能……也不能……一样)

?You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.


?You might as well expect a river to flow backward as hope to move me.


● "what" pattern: what = as

?a. A is to B what C is to D. / A is for B what C is for D.

?Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.


The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter.


● "what" pattern: what = as

?b. What C is to D, (that) A is to B.

?What sculpture is to a block of marble, that education is to the soul.


?What salt is to food, that wit and humour are to conversation and literature.


? "than" pattern:

?A home without love is no more than a body without a soul.


A student can no more obtain knowledge without studying than a farmer can get harvest without ploughing.


? "and" pattern (用于谚语中)

?Love and cough can not be hid.


?Kings and bears often worry their keepers.


?A word and a stone let go cannot be called back.


?Truth and oil are ever above.


?Time and tide wait for no man.


?Fish and visitors stink in three days.


? "something of" pattern

?He is something of a political chameleon


?Note: The two things compared must be dissimilar but have one quality in common.

?e.g. Sandy is as tall as his brother Billy. (not a simile)

?Sandy is as tall as a Maypole(五朔节花柱). (simile)

7. as…as pattern

?And the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea. (O. Wilde)





?快乐如神仙;快乐得像喜鹊/ 百灵鸟

8. Other examples

?Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.


5 Worn-out and useless similes




?As---as 句型:(喻体相同)

?As black as coal

?As cunning as a fox

?As light as a feather

?As hard as a stone

?As graceful as a swan

?As cold as an ice

?As poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗

?As plentiful as blackberries多如牛毛

?as cool as cucumber 泰然自若

?as stubborn as a mule犟得像牛

?as drunk as a rat烂醉如泥

?as stupid as a goose 愚蠢如猪

?as black as a cow 黑如乌鸦

Section 2 Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻

?It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, The world is a stage.

?暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作浓缩了的明喻(a compressed simile)。

1. Metaphor简介

?A is B in respect of C.

?A is the tenor (本体), B is the vehicle(喻体), and C is the ground (the likeness)(喻底) . ?隐喻是用一个事物来表达另一事物,是一种“由此及彼”的转换。换言之,隐喻涉及两种事物,一个是出发点(tenor),一个为目的地(vehicle)。





明喻直接指出两种不同事物的共同点; 而隐喻则不然,它留有余地让读者去琢磨。如:

?He is lazy like a pig (他像猪一样懒。)


?He is a bag of wind。

?All his fingers are thumbs。




?She is forty, and as tough and as sour as this bit of lemon peel



2. Difference between Simile and Metaphor



?Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested….



?Jim was a fox.

?(Jim was cunning, so was a fox)

?Money is the lens in a camera.

?(similar in what way? Unclear) more difficult to understand, more challenging, more concise and interesting.







?See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the four weeks was never distinct.

?2. 事物之间的功能相似

?The root of the present international convulsive动荡不安的situation lies in the hegemony霸权of the two superpowers.

?They have been innocent sweethearts at the German University but their romance withered when they came back to England.



?He’s merely parroting what many others have said.

?The row of penguins at the dinner table nodded approval as he sat down.


?There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists.


二. 英语隐喻的表现形式

?隐喻既然是一种比喻,也就有本体和喻体之分,联系本体和喻体的表达形式主要有以下几种:?1. 喻体直陈式用to be 来连接本体和喻体,喻体一般体现在句子的表语部分。这是metaphor最基本的结构形式。

?The face is the index of a man.



Now for me life is coming to bud again as if in eternal spring.


?A heavy silence blanketed the room.



?The one place not have dictionaries is in a sitting room or at a dinning table. Look the thing up the next morning, but not in the middle of the conversation. Otherwise one will bind the conversation, one will not let it flow freely here and there.

?3. 主体隐去,只有喻体出现

?The sunshine of life is made of very little beams.


?1)用of 连接喻体和本体,这是metaphor的另一结构,of的前面是比喻的喻体,of后面是比喻的本体。喻体对本体起修辞作用。多见于文学作品中。

?I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!


?He nodded toward the corner to where the giant stood, his thick arms crossed on his hogshead大桶of a chest.


?an oyster of a man

?the pain of separation

?a grain of hope

?a shower of letter

?a sea of blood

?a storm of applause

?a mountain of a man

?a mere dot of a child

?a girl of a boy











?The village is at the foot of a hill.

?Let’s go to see the mouth of the volcano.

Extended metaphor延喻

?Extender metaphor是英语中一种很常见的连续用喻,延喻同一般的明喻、隐喻、类比等复合引串而成。从不同的角度设喻,用几个喻体说明同一个主体,揭示喻体的多方面特征,使语境层层加深,层层扩展。(特点:喻体+延伸体)

?All the world’s a stage,

?And all the men and women merely players;

?They have their exits and their entrances,

?And one man in his time plays many parts,

?His acts being seven ages. (Shakespeare, As you Like it )

?All the world’s a stage是比喻的核心,后面的比喻都是由此而引申出来的。


Sustained metaphor


?Cool was I and logical, keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute—I was all of these. My brain was powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemist’s scales, as penetrating as scalpel. (明喻)


?Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good,

?A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly;

?A flower that dies when first it begins to bud;

?A brittle glass that’s broken presently;





?一物数喻,通过a shining glass, a flower, a brittle glass三个喻体的描绘,把“美是浮光掠影,转瞬即逝”的立论鲜明而突出地呈现出来。


?( 1 ) 名词型( noun metaphors )

?Time is money.

?Life is a journey.

?All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. ( William Shak espeare ) ?整个世界是座舞台,男男女女,演员而已。


?At once,the Eastern and Western Chang’an Roads became roaring oceans.

?他是一本活词典(百科全书) 。

?He is a walking dictionary/encyclopedia.

?A silver plate (=The moon) is rising up in the sky.


?The human tide was rolling westward. ( Dickens )


?The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. ( Shakespeare )


?( 2 ) 动词型( verb metaphors )

?The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in U. S. history.


?The boy wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it.


?Misfortune dogged him at every turn.


?The long faced hijacker barked his orders.


?Everything was bathed in the golden sunlight.


?He tailed her into the cave.


?( 3 )形容词型( adjective metaphors )

?It is a thorny problem/issue/subject.

?这是个棘手的问题(题目) 。

?The girl is a dead shot.


?He loves a rosy cheek.


?She has a photographic memory for detail.


?the golden age

?stormy applause

?iron will

?a silver tongue

?a biting north wind






?( 4 ) 副词型( adverbial metaphors )

?He flatly refused us.


?They escaped by a hair’s breadth.


?( 5 )谚语型(proverbs serving as metaphors )

?Give him an inch and he will make a mile.


?Look before you leap.


?Strike the iron while it is hot.


?A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush/wood.


5. 英汉比喻的民族文化特色






“Rise,like lions aster slumber

In unvanquishable number,

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you,

You are many…they are few.”







?regal as a lion(狮子般庄严),majestic as a lion(像狮子一样雄伟)。





?英语常说as timid as hare, as timid as rabbit(胆小如兔)。


?in like a lion, out like a lamb


?like a cat on hot bricks像热锅上的蚂蚁(像热砖上的猫)。like a drowned rat像落汤鸡(像落水的老鼠)。

?as thirsty as a camel像条渴龙(像头渴骆驼)。

?as stupid as a goose蠢得像猪(笨得像鹅)。

?as stubborn as a mule犟得像头牛(顽固得像头骡子)。

To eat like a horse

“To eat like a horse” means to eat large amounts of food.


To eat like a pig

“To eat like a pig” means to have bad table manners.


To be chicken

“To be chicken” means to be afraid.


To work like a dog

“To work like a dog” means to work really hard.




Prometheus Unbound的原义是“解放了的普罗米修斯”,转义“释放出来的巨大力量”。把Prometheus喻为一种巨大的力量。


?用virgin birth(处女生育)喻指“好处要得,责任不负”;

?用Tower of Babel(巴别通天塔)比喻语言障碍,等等。而这些词语全出自圣经。






New York is neither heaven nor hell but battlefield.纽约既不是天堂也不是地狱,而是战场。这种比喻既是对美国无情的揭露,同时也说明了只有勇者才能在这里生存。




?Comfortable as an old shoe


?“三顾茅庐” 英国人就没有这个历史背景,所以也没有这个比喻。





Metaphors in daily Conversations

?Ideas are food

?For example : 1. what he said left a bad taste in my mouth..

?2. All this paper has in it are raw facts, half baked facts, and warmed –over theories.

?3. There are too many facts here for me to digest them all.

?4. Let me stew over that for a while.

?5. Now there is theory you can really sink your teeth into.

?6. That’s food for thought .

?7.We don’t need to spoon-feed the students.

?8. This is the meaty part of the book.

Ideas are people

?1. The theory of relativity gave birth to an enormous number of ideas in people.

?2.He is the father of modern biology.

?3.Those ideas died off in the Middle Ages .

?4. His ideas will live long forever.

?5. Cognitive psychology is still in its infancy.

?6. He breathed new life into that idea.

Ideas are plants

?1.His ideas have finally come to fruition.

?2. That’s a budding theory.

?3. It will take years for that idea to come to full flower.

?4. Mathematics has many branches.

?5.The seeds of his great ideas were planted in his youth.

Ideas are products

?1. We’re really turning out new ideas.

?2. We’ve generated a lot of ideas this week.

?3. He produces new ideas at an astounding rate.

?4. His intellectual productivity has decreased in recent years.

?5. It’s a rough idea; it needs to be refined.

Ideas are resources

?1. He ran out of idea.

?2. Don’t waste your thought on small projects.

?3. We’ve used up all our ideas.

Ideas are commodities

?1.That idea won’t sell.

?2. There is always market for good ideas.

?3.He’s been a source of valuable ideas.

?4. Your idea don’t have a chance in the intellectual marketplace. Ideas are fashions

?1.That idea went out of style years ago.

?2. Marxism is currently fashionable in Western Europe.

?3. Old- fashioned notions have no place in today’s society.

?4. He keeps up-to- date by reading the New York Review of books. ?5. What are the new trends in English Criticism .

Chinese associations







Love is a physical force

1.I could feel the electricity between us.

2. There were sparks.

3. I was magnetically drawn to her.

4. They are uncontrollably attracted to each other.

5. His whole life revolves around her.

6. There is incredible energy in their relationship.

Love is a patient

?1.This is a sick relationship.

?2. The marriage is dead–it can’t be revived.

?3. Their marriage is on the mend.

?4. Their marriage is on its last legs.

Love is madness

?1.I’m crazy about her.

?2. She drives me out of his mind.

?3.He’s gone mad over her.

?4.I am just wild about Harry.

?5. I’m insane about her.

Love is magic

?1. She cast her spell over me.

?2. She had me hypnotized.

?3. I’m charmed by her.

?4. She is bewitching.

?5.I was entranced by him.

Metaphorical Expressions about life

?1. Life is empty for him.

?2. His life contained a lot of sorrow.

?3.I’ll take my chances.



?All the following sentences contain metaphors. Rewrite these sentences, using plain, non-figurative language.

?1.He is said to be a rough diamond.

?2.They are birds of a feather.

?3.Your case is a horse of another color.

?4. He is a dog in the manger.

?5. He is a bag of wind.

?6.That remark was a shot at me.

?7. You are the backbone of the team.

?8. She swallowed his story, hook, line and sinker.

?9.His bark is worse than his bite.

?10. He needled his way through the crowd.


?1.He is said to be a man of excellent parts, but lacking social polish.

?2.They are people of the same sort.

?3.Yours is quite different case.

?4. He holds on to a post without doing any work.

?5.He talks a lot and does nothing.

?6. That remark aimed at me.

?7. You are the key member of the team.

?8. She believed his story entirely.

?9.He is bad-tempered but not so dangerous.

?10.He made his way through the crowd.

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