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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-19 字体: [大 中 小]

pink 粉红色
salmon pink 橙红色
baby pink 浅粉红色
shocking pink 鲜粉红色
brown 褐色, 茶色
beige 灰褐色
chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色
sandy beige 浅褐色
camel 驼色
amber 琥珀色
khaki 卡其色
maroon 褐红色
green 绿色
moss green 苔绿色
emerald green 鲜绿色
olive green 橄榄绿
blue 蓝色
turquoise blue 土耳其玉色
cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色
navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色
aquamarine blue 蓝绿色
red 红色
scarlet 绯红, 猩红
mauve 紫红
wine red 葡萄酒红
purple, violet 紫色
lavender 淡紫色
lilac 浅紫色
antique violet 古紫色
pansy 紫罗兰色
white 白色
off-white 灰白色
ivory 象牙色
snowy white 雪白色
oyster white 乳白色
gray 灰色
charcoal gray 炭灰色
smoky gray 烟灰色
misty gray 雾灰色

February,二月,简写 Feb
March 三月,简写March
April,四月,简写 Apr
May 五月,没有简写
June 六月,简写Jun或不改
July 七月,没有简写
August, 八月,简写Aug
September 九月,简写 Sep或Sept
October 十月,简写Oct
November 十一月,简写Nov
December 十二月,简写Dec

一月 January []
二月 February []
三月 March []
四月 April []
五月 May []
六月 June []
七月 July []
八月 august []
九月 September []
十月 October []
十一月November []
十二月December []

星期日 Sunday []
星期一 Monday []
星期二 Tuesday []
星期三 Wednesday []
星期四 Thursday []
星期五 Friday []
星期六 Saturday []


中 英 文 英文缩写 中 英 文 英文缩写

CONT. 单价Unit Price
Goods 总额Amount AMT
总价Total Amout
件数Packages PKGS
毛重Gross Weight G.W.
原产国Made In / Origin
净重Net Weight N.W.
装货港Port of Loading
P.O.L. 保险费Insurance
目的国Destination Country
指运港Port of Destination
P.O.D. 佣金Commission

装箱单(Packing List)上的主要内容

中 英 文
英文缩写 中 英 文 英文缩写
装箱单Packing List

PKGS 净重Net Weight N.W.
毛重Gross Weight
G.W/GR.WT. 所附单证Document Attached DOC.ATT.

提单(Bill of loading)上的主要内容

中 英 文 英文缩写 中 英 文 英文缩写
提单Bill of loading(B/L)


被通知人Notify Party
空运提单Air Way Bill
A.W.B. 停靠港Port of Call P.O.C
空运提单Air Freight Bill
A.F.B. 卸货港Port of Discharge P.O.D
原产国Made In/Origin/M
装货港Port of Loading P.O.L
船名及航次Ocean Vessel Voy. No.
转运港Port of Transfer
到达港Port of Arrival
P.A 经过Via
指运港Port of Destination
P.O.D. 转运到Intransit to

cm 厘米

g 克

宏观经济的 macroeconomic
通货膨胀 inflation
破产 insolvency
有偿还债务能力的 solvent
合同 contract
汇率 exchange rate
紧缩信贷 tighten credit creation
私营部门 private sector
财政管理机构 fiscal authorities
宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy
税法 tax bill
财政 public finance
财政部 the Ministry of Finance
平衡预算 balanced budget
继承税 inheritance tax
货币主义者 monetariest
增值税 VAT (value added tax)
收入 revenue
总需求 aggregate demand
货币化 monetization
赤字 deficit
经济不景气 recession
a period when the economy of a country is not
successful, business conditions are bad, industrial
production and trade are at a low level and there
is a lot of unemployment
经济好转 turnabout
复苏 recovery
成本推进型 cost push
货币供应 money supply
生产率 productivity
劳动力 labor force
实际工资 real wages
成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation
需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation
双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation
极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation
长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation
治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation
最终目标 ultimate goal
坏的影响 adverse effect
担保 ensure
贴现 discount
萧条的 sluggish
认购 subscribe to
支票帐户 checking account
货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control
借据 IOUs(I owe you)
本票 promissory notes
货币总监 controller of the currency
拖收系统 collection system
支票清算或结算 check clearing
资金划拨 transfer of funds
可以相信的证明 credentials
改革 fashion
被缠住 entangled
货币联盟 Monetary Union
再购协议 repo
精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading
欧元 euro
公共债务 membership criteria
汇率机制 REM
储备货币 reserve currency
劳动密集型 labor-intensive
股票交易所 bourse
竞争领先 frontrun
牛市 bull market
非凡的牛市 a raging bull
规模经济 scale economcies
买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads
期货(股票) futures
经济商行 brokerage firm
回报率 rate of return
股票 equities
违约 default
现金外流 cash drains
经济人佣金 brokerage fee
存款单 CD(certificate of deposit)
营业额 turnover
资本市场 capital market
布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System
经常帐户 current account
套利者 arbitrager

远期汇率 forward exchange rate
即期汇率 spot rate
实际利率 real interest rates
货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy
银行倒闭 bank failures
跨国公司 MNC ( Multi-National Corporation)
商业银行 commercial bank
商业票据 comercial paper
利润 profit
本票,期票 promissory notes
监督 to monitor
佣金(经济人) commission brokers
套期保值 hedge
有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves
固定汇率 fixed exchange rate
浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate
货币选择权(期货) currency option
套利 arbitrage
合约价 exercise price
远期升水 forward premium
多头买升 buying long
空头卖跌 selling short
按市价订购股票 market order
股票经纪人 stockbroker
国际货币基金 the IMF
七国集团 the G-7
监督 surveillance
同业拆借市场 interbank market
可兑换性 convertibility
软通货 soft currency
限制 restriction
交易 transaction
充分需求 adequate demand
短期外债 short term external debt
汇率机制 exchange rate regime
直接标价 direct quotes
资本流动性 mobility of capital
赤字 deficit
本国货币 domestic currency
外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market
国际储备 international reserve
利率 interest rate
资产 assets
国际收支 balance of payments
贸易差额 balance of trade
繁荣 boom
债券 bond
资本 captial
资本支出 captial expenditures
商品 commodities
商品交易所 commodity exchange
期货合同 commodity futures contract
普通股票 common stock
联合大企业 conglomerate
货币贬值 currency devaluation
通货紧缩 deflation
折旧 depreciation
贴现率 discount rate
归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income
从业人员 employed person
汇率 exchange rate
财政年度fiscal year
自由企业 free enterprise
国民生产总值 gross antional product
库存 inventory
劳动力人数 labor force
债务 liabilities
市场经济 market economy
合并 merger
货币收入 money income
跨国公司 Multinational Corproation
个人收入 personal income
优先股票 preferred stock
价格收益比率 price-earning ratio
优惠贷款利率 prime rate
利润 profit
回报 return on investment
使货币升值 revaluation
薪水 salary
季节性调整 seasonal adjustment
关税 tariff
失业人员 unemployed person
效用 utility
价值 value
工资 wages
工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral
收益 yield
补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal
储蓄银行 saving banks
欧洲联盟 the European Union
单一的实体 a single entity
抵押贷款 mortgage lending
业主产权 owner's equity
普通股 common stock
无形资产 intangible assets
收益表 income statement
营业开支 operating expenses
行政开支 administrative expenses
现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow
贸易中的存货 inventory
收益 proceeds

investment bank
机构投资者 institutional investor
垄断兼并委员会 MMC
招标发行 issue by tender
定向发行 introduction
代销 offer for sale
直销 placing
公开发行 public issue
信贷额度 credit line
国际债券 international bonds
利差 interest margin
以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan
权利股发行 rights issues
净收入比例结合 net income gearing


2007-03-25 19:09:09

1. 交通规则 traffic regulation
2. 路标 guide post
3. 里程碑 milestone
4. 停车标志 mark car stop
5. 红绿灯 traffic light
6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light
7. 红灯 red light
8. 绿灯 green light
9. 黄灯 amber light
10. 交通岗 traffic post
11. 岗亭 police box
12. 交通警 traffic police
13. 打手势 pantomime
14. 单行线 single line
15. 双白线 double white lines
16. 双程线 dual carriage-way
17. 斑马线 zebra stripes
18. 划路线机 traffic line marker
19. 交通干线 artery traffic
20. 车行道 carriage-way
21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary
22. 双车道 two-way traffic
23. 自行车通行cyclists only
24. 单行道 one way only
25. 窄路 narrow road
26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet
27. 陡坡 steep hill
28. 不平整路 rough road
29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road
30. 连续弯路 winding road
31. 之字路 double bend road
32. 之字公路 switch back road
33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade
34. 道路交叉点road junction
35. 十字路 cross road
36. 左转 turn left
37. 右转 turn right
38. 靠左 keep left
39. 靠右 keep right
40. 慢驶 slow
41. 速度 speed
42. 超速 excessive speed
43. 速度限制 speed limit
44. 恢复速度 resume speed
45. 禁止通行 no through traffic
46. 此路不通 blocked
47. 不准驶入 no entry
48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead
49. 不准掉头 no turns
50. 让车道 passing bay
51. 回路 loop
52. 安全岛 safety island
53. 停车处 parking place
54. 停私人车 private car park
55. 只停公用车 public car only
56. 不准停车 restricted stop
57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting
58. 临街停车 parking on-street
59. 街外停车 parking off-street
60. 街外卸车 loading off-street
61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing
62. 当心牲畜 caution animals
63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead
64. 拱桥 hump bridge
65. 火车栅 level crossing
66. 修路 road works
67. 医院 hospital
68. 儿童 children
69. 学校 school
70. 寂静地带 silent zone
71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends
72. 交通管理 traffic control
73. 人山人海 crowded conditions

拥挤的人 jam-packed with people
75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam
76. 水泄不通 overwhelm
77. 顺挤 extrusion direct
78. 冲挤 extrusion impact
79. 推挤 shoved
80. 挨身轻推 nudging
81. 让路 give way
82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian
83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences
84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license
85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving
86. 粗心驾车 careless driving
87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor
88. 无证驾驶 driving without license
89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent
90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance
91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate
92. 安全第一 safety first
93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact
94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision
95. 相撞 collided
96. 连环撞 a chain collision
97. 撞车 crash
98. 辗过 run over
99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver
100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement


2007-03-14 18:10:51

1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。
2. Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?
3. Are you sure? 你能肯定吗?
4. As soon as possible. 尽快。
5. Believe me. 相信我。
6. Buy it . 买下来!
7. Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。
8. Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗?
9. Come with me. 跟我来。
10. Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。
11. Do it right! 把它做对。
12. Do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗?
13. Do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗?
14. Do you see it? = Do you understand? 你明白了吗?
15. Do you want it? 你要吗?
16. Do you want something? 你想要些什么?
17. Don’t do it . 不要做。
18. Don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。
19. Don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。
20. Give me a hand . 帮我一下。
21. Go right ahead. 一直往前走。
22. Have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。
23. Have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。
24. Have you finished? 你做完了吗?
25. He doesn’t have time. 他没空。
26. He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。
27. How are you doing? 你好吗?
28. How long are you staying ? 你要呆多久?
29. I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。
30. I am wasting my time . 我在浪费时间。
31. I can do it . 我能做。
32. I can’t believe it . 我简直不能相信。
33. I can’t wait . 我不能再等了。
34. I don’t have time . 我没时间了。
35. I don’t know anybody. 我一个人都不认识。
36. I don’t like it . 我不喜欢。
37. I don’t think so . 我认为不是。
38. I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。
39. I found it . 我找到了。
40. I hope so . 我希望如此。
41. I knew it . 我早知道了。
42. I noticed that. 我注意到了。
43. I see. 我明

44. I speak English well. 我英语说得很好。
45. I think so . 我认为是这样的。
46. I want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话。
47. I won. 我赢了。
48. I would like a cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡。
49. I’m hungry. 我饿死了。
50. I’m leaving. 我要走了。
51. I’m sorry. 对不起。
52. I’m used to it . 我习惯了。
53. I’ll miss you. 我会想念你的。
54. I’ll try. 我试试看。
55. I’m bored. 我很无聊。
56. I’m busy. 我很忙。
57. I’m having fun. 我玩得很开心。
58. I’m ready. 我准备好了。
59. I’ve got it . 我明白了。
60. I’ve had it . 我受够了。
61. It’s incredible! 真是难以置信!
62. Is it far? 很远吗?
63. It doesn’t matter. 没关系。
64. It smells good. 闻起来很香。
65. It’s about time . 是时候了。
66. It’s all right. 没关系。
67. It’s easy. 很容易。
68. It’s good. 很好。
69. It’s near here. 离这很近。
70. It’s nothing. 没什么。
71. It’s time to go . 该走了。
72. It’s different. 那是不同的。
73. It’s funny. 很滑稽。
74. It’s impossible. 那是不可能的。
75. It’s not bad. 还行。
76. It’s not difficult. 不难.
77. It’s not worth it . 不值得。
78. It’s obvious. 很明显。
79. It’s the same thing. 还是一样的。
80. It’s your turn. 轮到你了。
81. Let me see . 让我想想。
82. Let me know . 告诉我。
83. Me too. 我也一样。
84. Not yet. 还没有。
85. Relax! 放松。
86. See you tomorrow. 明天见。
87. She is my best friend . 她是我最好的朋友。
88. She is so smart. 她真聪明。
89. Show me . 指给我看。
90. Tell me . 告诉我。
91. Thank you very much. 多谢。
92. That happens. 这样的事情经常发生。
93. That’s enough. 够了。
94. That’s interesting. 很有趣。
95. That’s right. 对了。
96. That’s true. 这是真的。
97. There are too many people here. 这里人很多。
98. They like each other. 他们互相倾慕。
99. Think about it . 考虑一下。
100. Too bad! 太糟糕啦!
101. Wait for me . 等等我。
102. What did you say? 你说什么?
103. What do you think? 你认为怎样?
104. What is he talking about? 他在说些什么?
105. What terrible weather! 多坏的天气。
106. What’s going on/ happening / the problem? 怎么啦?
107. What’s the date today?今天几号?
108. Where are you going ? 你去哪里?
109. Where is he? 他在哪里?
110. You are impatient. 你太*急了。
111. You look tired. 你看上去很累。
112. You surprise me. 你让我大吃一惊。
113. You’re crazy. 你疯了。
114. You’re welcome. 别客气。
115. You’re always right. 你总是对的。
116. You’re in a bad mood. 你的心情不好。
117. You’re lying. 你在撒谎。
118. You’re wrong. 你错了。



2007-03-28 14:49:11

Hello. Is there Susan speaking?喂,是苏珊吗?


Tian Yuan.田园。

You must have the wrong number.你一定打错电话了。

Oh, I'm sorry.噢,对不起。

Is Li Ying in?李英在家吗?

Wrong number.打错电话了。

Isn't this the Nanjing University?请问是南京大学吗?

No. It's not.不是。

Oh. I'm sorry.噢,对不起。

May I please speak to Ling Ling?我可以和玲玲讲话吗?

There is no one here by that name.这里没有玲玲这个人。

Is this five-two-one double eight six-four?这里是521-8864吗?

No. This is five-two-one double eight three-five.不,这里是521-8835。

Oh. I'm sorry.噢,对不起。

That's all right.没关系。

Are you sure you are dialing the right number?你确定你打的号码是对的吗?

What number are you trying to dial?你要的电话是什么号码?

No one lives here by that name.这里没有人叫那个名字。

I'm sorry. I dialed the wrong number.对不起,我打错电话了。

May I speak to the head of the household?我可以请户主听电话吗?

May I ask who's calling?请问你是谁?

I am calling on behalf of the Private Teacher Company.我代表家教公司给您打电话。

This is Susan with Jiaotong University student. May I have your name, sir?我是交通大学的在校生苏珊,请问您贵姓?

My name is Li.我姓李。

Excuse me, Mr. Li. Do you have children, Mr. Li?打搅了,李先生。您有孩子吗?


Great. I believe you must care for his educations.太好了。我相信你肯定很关心他的教育吧。

You probably heard about it. We have private teachers in our holiday.或许你已经听说过。我们交大的学生在假期间做家教。

We will help your children in learning lessons in their free time.我们可以帮助您的孩子在他们空闲时学习功课。

We are running a special offer on this holiday.我们在这个假期有个特价优惠。

You might want to know more about it.我想你肯定想多了解点吧。

May I ask who I am talking to?请问你是谁?

I am a representative of Politics Association.我是政治协会的代表。

I am calling for the A company.我是代表A公司打电话来的。

This is Wang with China Bank.我是中国银行的王先生。

Maybe you read our ads in the newspaper.也许你在报纸上看过我们的广告。

Maybe you saw our commercials on TV.也许你在电视上看过我们的广告。

Let me give you more detail.让我来详细说明。

I would like to tell you more about it.我很乐意向你说得更详细一点。

Mr. Lu, we are very pleased to be able to offer this product to you.陆先生,我们很高兴能提供这个产品给您。

Would you please repeat your offer again?能否再说一遍您的优惠?

Oh. Your offer sounds in


Yes. This product will save you a lot of money and time.是的。这个产品可为你节省很多的钱和时间。

And plus, if you are not completely satisfied, you can return it to us.并且,如果您不是百分百的满意,你可以将产品退还给我们。

So, it's virtually risk-free for you.所以,事实上对您而言,是完全没有风险的。

Hello. This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store.喂,您好。我是中友百货的。

Sir, everything now is offered with a great discount.先生,所有的东西都在打很大的折扣。

I am sure you would like to know more about it.我相信您一定想知道详情。

I am sorry. I am not free right now.对不起,我现在很忙。

Sir, this offer will expire this week.先生,这次特价这个礼拜就结束了。

This is the last chance you can get up to 60 percent discount.这是您可以得到6折的最后机会。

Yeah, and I have to finish this report by four.是,我在四点之前得完成这个报告。

Hello, I wish to speak to Xiao Fu.喂,我想和小付通话。

This is Xiao Fu speaking.我就是。

Oh, how do you do, Xiao Fu. This is Mary.哦,你好,小付。我是Mary。

Mary, I'm glad you called me.Mary,很高兴你给我打电话。`

I'm calling to ask you some questions about Susan.我打电话是想问一些关于苏珊的事。

Sure. Oh, sorry, Mary, I'd better go now.可以。哦,抱歉,Mary,我要挂电话了。

Is the boss coming by?是老板过来了吗?

OK. I'll let you get back to your work.好,你过去工作吧。

I'll call you again later, OK?我以后再打给你,好吗?


Oh, Somebody's at the door. I have to go.哦,有人来了,我得去开门。

"Sorry, I have to say ""good-bye""."我不得不说再见了。

I'll think about it and call you back soon, OK?我考虑一下,回头我尽快打电话给你,好吗?

Sorry. I have a meeting right now.抱歉,我马上有个会议要开。

Emergency Assistance, may I help you?紧急事故救援中心,有什么需要帮助的吗?

I've just been robbed. What should I do?我刚刚被抢劫了,现在不知道该怎么办?

Are you injured, sir?先生,您受伤了吗?

No, no, I'm just a little upset.没有,没有受伤,只是情绪有点不稳。

Please remain calm, sir. Just give me your name and your location.请保持镇静,先生。告诉我你的名字和所在地点。

My name is Lu Wei. I am beside Beijing Hotel on Changan Street.我叫陆伟,在长安街北京饭店旁边。

Please stay where you are, we'll have a patrol car there in two minutes.请您呆在原地,两分钟之内我们派巡逻车过来。

I've just been the victim of a robbery.我被抢劫了。

A thief has just robbed me. Can you send the police?一个盗贼抢劫了我,你能替我报警吗

Please try to keep relaxed, sir.别太紧张,先生。

Just give me your name and the place where you are calling from?请给我您的姓名与地点所在。

San Francisco General Hospital.这里是旧金山总医院。

Hello. This is an emergency. Can you please send an ambulance?喂,这儿有急病患者,请派一部救护车来。

OK, OK- just try to calm down, sir.好,好,请冷静下来,先生。

And tell me where you are and what's happened.告诉我你在哪里,发生了什么事?

OK. Right. Uh, We're at La Traviata restaurant in North Beach.是,对。我们在North Beach的La Traviata餐厅。

And my wife is- uh-我的太太她-

Is your wife ill?是你太太病了吗?

Uh, in a way.嗯,是呀。

Sir, I thought this was an emergency.先生,我想这是一位急病患者。

It is! She's having pains a minute apart!是啊。她隔一分钟就会痛呀。

You mean from the food?是不是吃东西引起的?

From the baby!是胎儿引起的。

She's having a baby?她怀孕了吗?


Well, why didn't you tell me?! Now, what's the restaurant's address?那你为什么不早告诉我?餐厅的地址是?

Uh, uh, it's 888 Grant Avenue. It's a block east of Washington Square.嗯,哦,是Grant大道888号。华盛顿广场东边的一个街区。

OK, sir, just sit tight, and we'll have an ambulance there in about ten minutes.好的,先生。你就在那边等着,救护车10分钟之内到。

Thanks a lot.多谢,多谢!

There is an emergency. Please send a fire engine.这有火灾,请尽快派消防车来。

There's been a car accident, please call the police.这发生了车祸,请快报警。

Take it easy, sir. I'll need your name, in full, and what's happened.别着急,给我你的全名和事情的情况。

May I speak with Mr. Chen, please?可以请陈先生听电话吗?

Sorry, but he is out at the moment.抱歉,他现在出去了?

Then, please tell him that Zhao Li called.这样好了,请转告他赵力来过电话。

Yes. I'm sorry, but how do you spell your last name, sir?好的,不过对不起,先生你的姓怎么拼?

It's Zhao, Z-H-A-O.姓赵,Z-H-A-O。

Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him.请你转告他陆明正设法跟他联系。

Please inform him that Chen Gang was calling.麻烦你通知他陈刚来过电话。

Please give him the message.请转告他。

What's the spelling of your family name, sir?您的姓怎么拼,先生?

May I speak to Miss Tan, please?可以请谭小姐听电话吗?

Sorry, but she is with someone right now.抱歉,她正在会客。

I see. May I leave her a message then?噢,那我可以留话给她吗?


Please ask her to call me at 6225-9438.麻烦你请她打5225-9438找我。

Yes. I will.好的。

I'd like to leave a message for him, if you don't mind.你若不介意的


Can I leave him a voice in mail?我可以在他的语音信箱里留话吗?

Can you relay this to Mr. Li?你能传话给李先生吗?

May I speak to Miss Hu, please?可以请胡小姐听电话吗?

Sorry, but she is out for lunch right now.抱歉,她现在出去吃午饭了。

I see. What time will she come back?哦,那她几点会回来?

She'll be back around 2:30.大概两点半会回来。

I'll have her call you as soon as she comes back.等她一回来,我就请她马上回电。

That's nice. I'll be waiting for her call. Thank you.太好了,那我就等她的电话。谢谢。

I'll give him your message as soon as he's available.他一有空我就转告他您的留言。

Shall I tell him you called?我告诉他你来过电话,好吗?

I'll be here when he calls back. Much appreciated.他打电话时我会在这,太感谢你了!

That's fine. I'll await his return call.很好。我会等他的来电。

Barker's Service Station.这里是巴克尔维修站。

I need your help badly. My car can't start. Can you send somebody over?我急需你们的帮助。我的车启动不了,能派人来修吗?

We can have somebody come by, but it won't be right away.我们可以派人去,但现在不行。

What time can you send one over?那你们什么时候能派人来呢?

Oh, let's see. It'll be about 3:30 before we have anybody free.哦,让我想想。大概要到3:30我们才有空。

Can it be earlier than that?能早点吗?

I doubt it, sir. We'll try, but I can't promise anybody before 3:30.我没把握,先生。我们会尽早的,但我不敢许诺3:30以前行。

If I had it towed over there, could you work on it right away?如果把车拖到你们那里,能马上修吗?

Sure, if you had it towed here to the garage, we could get right on it.当然能。您把车拖过来的话,我们马上就修。

Can you send your tow truck over here?你们能派辆拖车来吗?

No. I'm sorry, but we can't send out our tow truck to get you.不能,真对不起,我们不能派拖车来。

Why not?为什么不能?

Our tow truck's being repaired.我们的拖车正在修理呢。

That's too bad. Bye.太糟了。再见。


Will you help me?可以帮助我吗?

Please help me to get things straight.请帮助我把事情搞好。

Will you be so kind as to help me out of the difficulty?帮助我克服困难,好吗?

I don't know how to solve the problem. Will you help me out?我不知道该怎么解决这个问题。你能帮我吗?

Will you come over to help me with the tough job?您能否来帮助我做这项艰苦的工作?

Can you assist me in this matter?这件事您能帮助我吗?

I'm in great need of your assistance.我特别需要您的帮助。

I'm calling for your assistance.我打电话是要您帮助我。

My name is Wang Feng and I'm calling to cance

l plane ticket.我叫王峰,我想取消我预定的飞机票。

When was your reservation?您预定的是什么时候?

It's 5:00 p.m. today.今天下午5点整。

Would you like me to reschedule you for another time?要不要我再另外为你安排别的时间?

No. Thank you.不用了,谢谢。

Beijing Hotel.北京饭店。

Hello, my name is Li Ming and we have a reservation for party tonight.喂,您好。我叫李明,我们在你们这预定了今晚聚会。

Yes, what can I do for you?是的,我能为您效劳吗?

I need to cancel that. We have had a last minute change of plans.我要取消预约,我们临时改变计划了。

I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night?我明白了。要不要另外为你安排别的晚上。

OK, we have let you know as early as possible.好的,我们会让你们尽早知道。

By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation?顺便问一下,我们取消后可拿回定金吗?


Thank you very much.谢谢你。

That's all right. I hope we can help you at some other time. Good-bye.好了,希望我们今后还能给你帮助。再见。


本新闻共6页,当前在第3页 1 2 3 4 5 6

I'm calling to know if it would be at all possible to cancel our reservation.我打电话想知道我们的预约是否有可能取消。

I have to postpone our appointment.我要把我们的约会延期。

Is it too late to cancel our plans?现在取消我们的计划是否太迟了?

How much notice of cancellation is necessary to get my deposit back?想把定金拿回来,要提前多长时间通知你才行?

Hello, my name is Susan and I am calling to confirm my reservation.喂,你好,我叫苏珊,我大电话确定我的预定。

Yes, Miss Susan, we have you down for a deluxe room tonight.您好,苏珊小姐,我们已为您定好了今晚一间豪华房间。

Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park.很好,要定那个可以看到公园美丽景色的房间。

Yes, Miss. I will.好的,小姐。我会注意的。

Thanks a lot!多谢了!

Not at all.不客气。

Hi. This si Peter from Dr. Alice's office.嗨,你好,我是埃里斯诊所的彼得。

Hi, Peter.彼得,你好。

I'm just calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.我打电话确认明天下午3点你约定的时间。

Thank you. I will be there on time.谢谢你,我会准时到的。

I need to confirm my reservation.我要确认我的预定。

Can you confirm that the meeting is at 9:00 a.m.?你能否确认一下,开会的时间是早上9点吗?

I just want to confirm that the arrangements have been made.我要确认所有计划都安排好了。

I'm looking for whoever is in charge of your company.我要找你们公司的负责人。

And I want to know a certain product of yours


What about it? I may possibly be of help.什么产品?也许我能效劳。

Well. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we got cloth that are all the wrong color.哦,很抱歉告诉你,我们发现你们寄送的布匹颜色搞错了。

We asked for black and green, but we got white and red.我们要黑的和绿的,但你们送来的是白的和红的。

I'll check on it immediately. What would you like us to do?我马上给你核对一下,你们想怎么办呢?

Do you need us to replace them, or would you prefer a discount on the ones you've received?要我们重新给您换货,还是对已收到的这批货打折扣呢?

Let me think about it. I'll let you know when you find out.让我考虑一下,具体怎么办我会通知你。

I'd like to talk to the person responsible for sale.我想同你们负责销售的人谈谈。

I'd like to be connected to your person who handles sale.我想和你们负责销售的人联络。

What's the matter?出什么事了?

What's wrong with it?电话英语

I hate to tell you of this。很抱歉通知您。

But we found that there are some faulty materials in goods which we have shipped to you.我们发觉前不久寄送给你们的那批货里有一些劣质品。

Oh, that's quite unusual for your company, isn't it?哦,你们公司向来很少会出这种事情,不是吗?

Well, I'm flattered.嗯,不敢当。

What can we do to fix things?那现在我们要怎么办呢?

We would like you to ship back all the goods to us.我们希望您能把整批货寄送回来。

And we will send you a replacement right now.我们会马上补寄一批货过去。

OK. We will do.好,我们照办。

I don't like to have to bring this up, but we found that-我也不想给你说这些,但我们发觉-

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we found that-很抱歉通知您,我们发觉-

I have regret to let you know of this, but we found that-很遗憾地让你知道这些,我们发觉-

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we found that-我也不喜欢告诉你不好的消息,我们发觉-

How do you suggest this be handled?你认为该怎么处理呢?

What could you like us to do?我们应该怎么做呢?

Do you have any suggestions?你有什么建议呢?

Hello, Miss Huang. How are you?喂,黄小姐,你好吗?

Hello, Miss Wang. I'm fine, and you?喂,王小姐,我很好,你呢?

I'll doing fine, too.我也很好。

Well, Miss Huang, we are planning to have a casual get-together.嗯,黄小姐,我们打算大家小聚一番。

I wonder if you and your husband can join us.不知道你和你丈夫能不能赏光?

That sounds very nice. When will it be?听起来真不错,什么时候呢?

It's next week from this Monday.下个星期一。

What a pity! We have another party that day.太可惜了,我们那天也有个聚会。

It doesn'

t matter. Let's wait until the next time.没关系。下次还有机会。

We're organizing an informal party, and I'd like you to come.我们计划组织一个非正式聚会,我想请你参加。

We're having a small to-do, and I'd really be happy if you come.我们打算热闹一下,我真心的希望你能赏光。

We have another event to attend on the same day.那天我们有其他活动要参加。

We have another appointment on the same day.我们那天有另外一个约会。

We're already scheduled elsewhere.我们已经有其他安排了。

Room service. May I help you?客房服务部,需要我为您效劳吗?

Yes. I wonder if you can send up some of boiling water for me.是的,你可以送点开水上来吗?

Certainly. Hold on, please.当然可以,请稍等。

What room are you in, sir?先生,您住几号房?

This is Mr. Wu in Room 415.我在415房间,姓巫。

Very well, sir. You'll have them as soon as possible.好的,先生。我会尽快送过去。

Good morning. Restaurant Service. May I help you?早上好,餐厅服务部,能为你效劳吗?

Good morning. Would you please bring me some breakfast?早上好,可否为我送点早餐?

Certainly, Miss. What are you going to have?当然可以,小姐。您想吃点什么?

I'd like to order a hamburger and fries.来个汉堡包和薯条吧。

Would you like anything else?还要其他的吗?

No, thanks.不啦,谢谢。

Well. It will be up immediately.好,立即给你送去。

I'd like to get some of today's papers sent to my room.我想要些今天的报纸送到我的房间。

They'll be at your door within a few minutes.他们会尽快送到你的门口。

No problem, sir. Someone will bring them to your room shortly.没问题,先生。有人会尽快给你送过去。

Room Service. What can I do for you?客房服务部,能为您效劳吗?

May I ask for a morning call tomorrow morning?明天早上请叫我起床好吗?

Certainly. What time would you like?好的,要几点叫你?

6:00 sharp, please.请6点整叫我。

I don't like to have to bring this up, but we found that-我也不想给你说这些,但我们发觉-

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we found that-很抱歉通知您,我们发觉-

I have regret to let you know of this, but we found that-很遗憾地让你知道这些,我们发觉-

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we found that-我也不喜欢告诉你不好的消息,我们发觉-

How do you suggest this be handled?你认为该怎么处理呢?

What could you like us to do?我们应该怎么做呢?

Do you have any suggestions?你有什么建议呢?

Hello, Miss Huang. How are you?喂,黄小姐,你好吗?

Hello, Miss Wang. I'm fine, and you?喂,王小姐,我很好,你呢?

I'll doing fine, too.我也很好。

Well, Miss Huang, we are planning to have a casual get-together.嗯,


I wonder if you and your husband can join us.不知道你和你丈夫能不能赏光?

That sounds very nice. When will it be?听起来真不错,什么时候呢?

It's next week from this Monday.下个星期一。

What a pity! We have another party that day.太可惜了,我们那天也有个聚会。

It doesn't matter. Let's wait until the next time.没关系。下次还有机会。

We're organizing an informal party, and I'd like you to come.我们计划组织一个非正式聚会,我想请你参加。

We're having a small to-do, and I'd really be happy if you come.我们打算热闹一下,我真心的希望你能赏光。

We have another event to attend on the same day.那天我们有其他活动要参加。

We have another appointment on the same day.我们那天有另外一个约会。

We're already scheduled elsewhere.我们已经有其他安排了。

Room service. May I help you?客房服务部,需要我为您效劳吗?

Yes. I wonder if you can send up some of boiling water for me.是的,你可以送点开水上来吗?

Certainly. Hold on, please.当然可以,请稍等。

What room are you in, sir?先生,您住几号房?

This is Mr. Wu in Room 415.我在415房间,姓巫。

Very well, sir. You'll have them as soon as possible.好的,先生。我会尽快送过去。

Good morning. Restaurant Service. May I help you?早上好,餐厅服务部,能为你效劳吗?

Good morning. Would you please bring me some breakfast?早上好,可否为我送点早餐?

Certainly, Miss. What are you going to have?当然可以,小姐。您想吃点什么?

I'd like to order a hamburger and fries.来个汉堡包和薯条吧。

Would you like anything else?还要其他的吗?

No, thanks.不啦,谢谢。

Well. It will be up immediately.好,立即给你送去。

I'd like to get some of today's papers sent to my room.我想要些今天的报纸送到我的房间。

They'll be at your door within a few minutes.他们会尽快送到你的门口。

No problem, sir. Someone will bring them to your room shortly.没问题,先生。有人会尽快给你送过去。

Room Service. What can I do for you?客房服务部,能为您效劳吗?

May I ask for a morning call tomorrow morning?明天早上请叫我起床好吗?

Certainly. What time would you like?好的,要几点叫你?

6:00 sharp, please.请6点整叫我。

I'm trying to catch Mary, please.我想与Mary联络。

Mary is not available at the moment.Mary现在没空接电话

What time should I call back?我应该何时再打来?

About 9:30.大约九点半。

May I speak to Miss Wang?我可以和王小姐讲话吗?

She is in a meeting until night.她开会要开到晚上。

OK. I will try her back then.好的,我到时再试试看。

Okey. Thank you.好的,谢谢。

May I please speak to Mr. Kong?我


He is with someone right now. Would you hold?他现在在会客。你可以稍等吗?

She is busy now.她正忙着呢。

John cannot get to the phone right now.John现在没办法接电话。

He is on another line right now.他正在接另一个电话。

John is tied up at the present time.John现在有事。

She is not able to take your call at the moment.她现在没办法接你的电话。

Hello, May I speak to Miss Li, please?喂。我可以请李小姐接电话吗?

This is she.我就是。


2007-03-28 14:57:26

Oh, Miss Li. This is Tom.I didn't recognize your voice.噢,李小姐。我是汤姆。我没听出你的声音。


Who is that?你是谁?

It's John. Didn't you recognize my voice?我是约翰。你没听出我的声音?

No, you sound different today.没有,今天你的声音听起来不一样。

It's because I have a bad cold.那是因为我患了重感冒。

This is he speaking.我就是。

Bob speaking.我就是鲍勃。

Clark's Theater.Clark's剧院。

I hear that you have a Italy Symphony Orchestra concert on the 15th evening.听说15号晚上意大利交响乐团要在贵院演奏。

And I wonder if there are some balcony seats still available.不知道还有没有包厢的位子?

I'm sorry, all the balcony seats are gone.抱歉,包厢的票都卖完了。

All right. Please hold two orchestra seats for us.好,请帮我们保留两张前排的座位。

Can I have your name, please?请问您贵姓大名?

My last name is Chen. C-H-E-N.我姓陈,C-H-E-N。

Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you?`喂,你好,中国航空公司订票处,需要帮忙吗?

Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong?是的。你们还有10号早上7点半去香港的机票吗?

Yes, we have. For how many?有,要几张?

Please keep two for us to pick up.请给我保留两张。

Would you prefer a window, aside or enter seat?您喜欢*窗、*走道还是中间的位置?

Window, please.*窗的吧。


Please have two window seats placed aside for us.请为我们保留两个*窗口的位子。

There aren't window seats left, but a few enter seats are open.那些*窗的位子已没有了,但里面的位子还有。

All window seats are sold out.所有*窗口的位子都卖光了。

Hello, my name is Tom with Steve Rogers.喂,你好,我是Steve Rogers公司的汤姆。

I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu.我想跟徐小姐约个会面的时间。

Yes, Mr. Tom. Let me check Miss Xu's schedule.好,汤姆先生。让我查查徐小姐的日程表。

Oh, she has an opening tomorrow at ten.哦,她明天上午10点有空。

I'm afraid I'll be tied up tomorrow at ten.恐怕明天上午10点我很忙。

Could we make it tomorrow at nine?明


Yes. That would be much better.行,那样也好。

Fine. Good-bye.好的,再见。

Hello, this is Wang Ming. May I speak to Gao Ling, please?喂,我是王明,我可以和高玲通话吗?

Oh, Wang Ming, this is she.哦,王明,我就是高玲。

I need to make an appointment with you tonight.我想今晚约你。

OK. What time is it?好啊。什么时候?

Seven o'clock, I'll pick you up at your office.晚7点,我去办公室接你。


I'd like to make an appointment to discuss a question.我想约个时间讨论个问题。

I'd like to meet Miss Kong sometime.我想找个时间跟孔小姐见面。

Dr. Lee's office.李医生诊所。

Hello, I have a bad headache.喂,我的头痛得很厉害。

I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time.我想尽快看医生。

May I make an appointment now?现在可以预约门诊吗?

Yes, but Dr. Lee's schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight?可以,不过李医生今天的时间排满了。今晚9点好吗?

That's fine. I think I can wait till then.好的,我想我可以等到那时候。

May I have your name and number, please?请问你的姓名和电话号码?

The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127.我姓王,电话是363-1127。

Thank you, Mr. Wang. See you later.谢谢您,王先生。再见!

Dr. Tyler's office. Good morning.早上好,泰勒医务所。

Good moring. This is Huang Feng.早上好,我叫黄凤。

Are you sick?你病了吗?

Yes, I have a terrible cold.是的,我得了重感冒。

Have you been here to see Dr. Tyler before?你曾来过泰勒医务所看过医生吗?

No. This is my first visit.没有。这是第一次。

Just a moment, I'll ask him.稍等,我问一下他。

Yes, he makes house calls, but the doctor has an opening only after 2:00 p.m.好,他愿出诊,但他在下午2点后才有空。

That'll be fine.好吧!

I'll try to squeeze you at 2:30 p.m.你来如何?我会在下午2点半挤出时间的。

Thank you. The address is No.44 Changning Road.谢谢你,地址是长宁路19号。

And my phone number is 797-7963.我的电话是797-7963。

Would two o'clock be acceptable?两点钟合适吗?

Does two o'clock sound alright?两点钟好吗?

I'd like to set up a doctor's appointment as soon as possible.我想尽快预约门诊。

Can I set it up now?现在可以预约吗?


2007-03-11 20:35:51

(1)To begin with首先
例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas."首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。"
(2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说
例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to s

pend more money on libraries."总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。"
(3)First of all第一,首先
例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty."第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。"
(4)With (the development/progress/growth)
例:With the development of society, women’s role has become more important than ever before in daily life."随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。"
例:Recently,the problem (conflict, production) of grain shortage has become the world focus."近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。"
(1)In conclusion最后,在结束时
例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war."最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。"
(2)In brief简言之
例:In brief, family planning is of vital importance in China."简言之,计划生育对中国具有重要意义。"
(3)In a word总之
例:In a word, without mutual understanding, true friendship does not exist."总之,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。"
(4)It is high time that...到...时候了
例:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development."为了促进经济发展到该解决问题的时候了。"
(5)It is only when...that...只有当...才...
例:It is only when people become the masters of the country that science can serve the people."只有当人民成为国家的主人,科学才能为人民服务。"
(1)first, second, third...第一,第二,第三
例:First, she had studied chemistry during her sophomore and junior years. Second, she never missed a class. Third, she performed every required experiment in all her chemistry courses. Fourth, she always worked hard. Her classmates were sure that she would win top award in Chemistry during her senior year at the university."首先,她在一二年级时就选修了化学课程。其次,她从不误课。再有,她认真完成每一次化学试验。还有,她学习非常刻苦。因而同学们确信她在高年级时会获得学校化学大奖。"
(2)To begin with...,moreover...,finally...,首先...,此外...,最后...
例:There are a few reasons for his decision of studying law. To begin with, he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engage in these activities. Moreover, his father is a lawyer. He has always encouraged him to do something similar. Finally, he is sure he can get a job after graduation."他决定学法律有几方面的原因:首先,他对社会事物感兴趣,学习法律有助于他参与这些活动。此外,他父亲是个律师,一直鼓励他从事同

例:Meanwhile, the better skills and knowledge children possess, the more opportunities they will be ensured."
(4)since then自此之后
例:Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for small nations."自此之后,奥林匹克运动成为小国争取和平和自由的工具。"
例:Therefore, if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured a bright future."因而,如果父母们在其为孩子们寻求的良好教育中加入这一点,他们的子女肯定会有一个光辉灿烂的未来。"
(1)As a result由于...结果
例:Her performance in college was excellent. As a result, she has got a satisfactory job."由于她在大学成绩优异,她找到一份令人满意的工作。"
(2)Due to由于
例:My trip to Guang Zhou and Shen Zhen has to be cancelled due to the financial problem."由于财务问题,我去广州和深圳的旅行取消了。"
例:The government was unwilling to risk a conflict with that neighboring country, and consequently, promised to sign the treaty."该国政府不愿冒险与邻国发生冲突,因此答应签署条约。"
(4)One may criticize......for......,but the real cause of...lies deeper人们可以因为...批评...,但是...的真正原因在更深层次
例:One may criticize the school authorities for the fire accident, but the real reason of the accident lies deeper."人们可以就火灾事故批评校领导,但事故还有更深的原因。"
(5)Among...reasons, one should be emphasized that...在众多的原因中,其中一点给予强调...
例:Among the most important reasons, one reason should be emphasized that large pieces of cultivated land have been occupied, which results in the grain shortage."在许多重要的原因中,其中一点应强调的是造成粮食减产是因为大量的可耕地被占用。"
例:Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal."与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。"
(2)In contrast...与之相比
例:In contrast with Tom, Mario seldom studies harder."与汤姆比,玛里奥很少努力学习。"
(3)On the other hand...另一方面
例:The life expectancy in developing countries has increased during the past thirty years. On the other hand, the infant mortality has decreased from twenty percent to ten percent in the same period."发展中国家的期望寿命在过去的30年间都增长了。另一方面婴儿死亡率同期由20%下降到10%。"
例:Plenty of food must be packed for the journey;likewise, warm clothes

will also be needed."要带上旅行中吃的食品,同样也需要带上御寒保暖的衣服。"
例:If only one can make his audience understood, it seems insignificant if one makes some mistakes in his oral English; similarly, as to the audience, they are only interested in grasping the meaning, not actually mind or even hardly notice the speakers mistakes."只要能使听众听明白,在口头英语中出一些错误是无关紧要的,同样作为听众也只对讲话者的意思感兴趣,根本不介意或几乎注意不到讲话者所犯的口语错误。"

缘分 predestined relationship

无缘无故地 for no reason at all

世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.

不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。I can't tell the true shape of Lu Shan because I myself am on the mountain.

花径不曾缘客扫。The garden path has never been cleared for the visit of a guest.

血缘 blood relationship

人缘 relations with people

姻缘 predestined marriage

前世因缘 predestination

天赐良缘 a godsent marriage;a good marriage arranged in Heaven

天缘巧合 a luck coincidence

投缘的街坊们 congenial neighbors

化缘 beg for alms

有人缘 enjoy great popularity

喜结良缘 tie the nuptial knot

缔结姻缘 form marital tie

聊得投缘 talk congenially

有缘结识某人 be lucky to get acquainted with sb.

无缘结识某人 have no opportunity to get acquainted with sb.

与某人有一面之缘 happen to have met sb. once

婚姻是缘分。 A couple's conjugal fate is prearranged.

他们的结合是美满的姻缘。 Their wedlock is a happy marriage.

有缘终相逢。 Fate brings together people who are far apart.

无缘不相逢。 There is no meeting without predestination.

我与烟酒无缘。 Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me.

好事似乎与他无缘。 Good luck seemed to be wholly denied to him.

千里姻缘一线牵。 Two beings destined to marry each other,though thousands of miles apart,are tied together with an invisible red thread by an old man under the moonlight.

他们俩有情无缘。 The are attracted to each other but are not fated to be conjugally tied.

机缘凑巧,我找到一份工作。 As luck would have it,I found a job.

有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。 As decreed by providence you have met him;otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way.

我发现班里有几个同学和我挺投缘。 I found quite a few classmates congenial to me.

我在班里有人缘。 I am popular with my classmates.


无缘相见。 It is a pity that we have no opportunity to meet each other.

兄弟及表兄弟有血缘关系联系着。 Brothers and cousins are united by ties of consanguinity.

他化缘为生。 He followed the life of a mendicant.

为盖新厂房他四处化缘。 He went about seeking financial help from the sponsers to build new workshops.

外缘 outer fringes

攀援 climb up

缘木求鱼 climb up a tree to look for fish

他若想那样解决问题,无异缘木求鱼。 He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the prblem that way.

有巨人的肩膀可攀缘,侏儒看得比巨人还远。 The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulders to mount on.

缘故 reason;cause;sake

缘由 reason;cause


2007-03-10 18:33:18

人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM)
人力资源经理:( human resource manager)
操作工:(operative employees)
人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI)
外部环境:(external environment)
内部环境:(internal environment)
企业文化:(corporate culture)
非正式组织:(informal organization)
跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC)
管理多样性:(managing diversity)
工作分析:(job analysis)
工作说明:(job description)
工作规范:(job specification)
工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS)
职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ)
行政秘书:(executive secretary)
地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager)
人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP)
战略规划:(strategic planning)
长期趋势:(long term trend)
要求预测:(requirement forecast)
供给预测:(availability forecast)
管理人力储备:(management inventory)
人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS)
员工申请表:(employee requisition)
招聘方法:(recruitment methods)
内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW)
工作公告:(job posting)
职业介绍所:(employment agency)
特殊事件:(special events)
选择率:(selection rate)
录用分数线:(cutoff score)
业务知识测试:(job knowledge tests)
求职面试:(employment interview)
非结构化面试:(unstructured interview)
结构化面试:(structured interview)
小组面试:(group interview)
职业兴趣测试:(vocational interest tests)
