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Unit 4 Wildlife protection How Daisy Learned To Help Wildlife




Unit4.Wildlife protection


一. Analysis of teaching material:

The main idea of the unit is "Wildlife protection". It is a topic that is very important everywhere. The main idea "How Daisy Learned To Protect Wildlife" of this passage is the core of the unit. It's a fairy tale, not expositoty writing. So it's easy to be accepted by students. Daisy's story shows students the problems of wildlife protection in three parts of the world: Tibet, Africa and the Brazilian rainforest. It also introduce the students to an organization (WWF) which works all over the world for wildlife protection. Through the passage we students love animals better than before and try their best to protect them.

二.Learning aims:

1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions.

2. Enable students to read and understand wildlife protection.

3. Enable students to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.

三.Learning key points:

1. Enable students to master the reading skills such as skimming, scanning and how to get the main idea of a paragraph or passage.

2. Get students to understand the structures and meanings of some difficult sentences.

3. Have students make a discussion about wildlife protection.

四.The initial high cohesion:


①She came. ②Our school is not far from my my home.

③All of us considered him honest. ④He buys a piece of glass.

⑤My grandmother brought me a pair of sports shoes.

五.Learning procedures:

Step I. Lead-in

Look at the picture .What are these animals?

As we all know, many kinds of animals are in danger of disappearing, and we call them endangered wildlife. Let’s come to the topic of this unit “Wildlife protection”, and understand more about antelop e



wildlife protection.

Step II. Fasting reading

I will give you 5 minutes to read the text and get the answers to the questions.

⑴Which places did she travel to?

⑵Matching work:

Para.1 Elephants are being protected by the Zimbabwe


Para2. The monkey is unhappy with the way humans are

dealing with the environment problems.

Para3. Daisy decided to be the voice of the wild animals.

Para4. Antelopes are likely to disappear altogether.

Step III. Careful reading

True or false:

1. Farmers hunted the elephants because they destroyed their farms. ( )

2. The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe. ( )

3. In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the elephants. ( )

4. The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants now. ( )

Step IV. Class test

Key sentences

①. Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.

___________________________________________________________ ②Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.


Retell the story by filling in the blanks

A girl called Daisy went _______ the help of a flying carpet to see the animals that gave their ________ to make her sweater. In Tibet she saw an antelope ________ sad who told her that they _________________ for the wool beneath their ___________ and that their fur was being used to make sweaters for people. ________ a result, they had become ___________. Daisy was sorry for https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c18831415.html,ter, she went to Zimbabwe and found that she was being _________ by an elephant, who told Daisy that farmers ________ hunt them. Then the elephant said that later, the __________ took action to help both farmers and elephants. In the thick rainforest, Daisy saw a monkey _______ an insect over his body to _________ itself. For Daisy, it was an amazing ____________; she had learned so much about the wildlife.

Step V. Homework

Read the reading passage carefully and try to find the new grammatical structure in it.


必修二unit4 Period1 Listening and speaking 课时目标 1.听懂这名游客Willian和学生Xiaokong的对话,并归纳出对话大意 2.写出对话中英语常用的习语的意思以及思考一些它们的中文对等词 3.学习并掌握一些连读音的技巧 教学重难点 能听懂对话并且学会归纳一些描述孔子府的词语 教学过程 Activity一听前感知 Ask students to look at the three pictures and try to introduce the three historic places brief in simple English. Activity二:听力活动 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7c18831415.html,plete a table(p38 part2) (1)Go through the chart quickly and let the students know what they should write down while listening (2)Play the tapes for students and ask them to get the important information about the Confucius. (3)Exchange the answers with others and brainstorm. (4)Play the tape again for students to check the answers. (5)Share the answer with the whole class. Suggested answers:

人教版英语必修四4Unit4(Showing Our Feelings)课程教学设计

Book4 Body Language Showing Our Feelings教学设计 河北饶阳中学王晓莉一、教学内容(Teaching Content) 人民教育出版社普通高中课程标准试验教科书英语必修四Body Language第三课时---Showing Our Feelings. 二、教学设计(Teaching Plan) (1)教学思路 本单元的中心话题是“身势语”,各项活动的设计都围绕着这个主题进行。身势语是非语言交际手段中非常重要的一个方面,它通过无声的语言表达一个人的内心世界。与有声语言一样,身势语也是文化的载体,在跨文化交际中起着举足轻重的作用。了解身势语的不同文化涵义并正确地加以运用,会在交际场合中起到意想不到的好效果。通过本堂课的学习,学生们能够了解世界各地的人们表达各种各样的情感、愿望和态度,“读懂”我们周围人的意思。 整个教学过程以“ 以学生为学习主体” 为设计理念,采用设置任务和小组讨论的形式组织教学,将学生的自主学习调动起来并把这样的活动作为课堂的主体,引导学生完成学习任务。 (2)课前准备 要求学生预习课文Showing Our Feelings,并找出我们周围人们是怎样表达快乐、不高兴、愤怒、厌烦等情感的。 三、学生情况分析

我们的学生绝大多数来自农村,学习英语的条件有限,大部分是上了初中才开始学习英语,所以英语意识淡薄,知识薄弱。面对这样一群孩子,吸引他们对英语的兴趣是关键,因此我在这节课中使用了大量的图片,一方面吸引他们的注意力,引起兴趣,另一方面很大限度地帮助了学生们对这篇课文的理解。 四、三维目标(Teaching Aims) (1)知识目标(Knowledge Aims) 让学生了解“身势语”的概念,掌握身势语的不同文化涵义并正确地加以运用。通过阅读熟悉本课的相关单词、短语及重点句型,如spoken, unspoken, likely, be likely to, in general, at ease, etc. (2)能力目标(Ability Aims) 提高学生的阅读能力,训练学生skimming和scanning的阅读技巧,提高学生归纳总结、善于提取有用信息的能力; 在教学总过程中锻炼学生听、说、读、写各方面的技能,培养学生独立思考和合作学习的能力; 快速获取信息和处理信息的能力。 (3)情感态度与价值观(Emotional Attitude and Point of Value) 通过学生参与英语教学活动,增强其学习英语的主动性和积极性;通过对世界各国身势语及其情感表达方式的介绍,开拓学生的视野;通过自主学习和合作学习,使学生们能够了解世界各地的人们表达各种各样的情感、愿望和态度的方式,并对以后的工作生活产生一定的影响。 五、教学重难点(Teaching Key and Difficult Points) Teaching Key Points:

人教课标版高中英语必修二 Unit4 Reading 教案-新版

Unit4 Reading 教学设计 1. Teaching Analysis 教情分析 1)Teaching objectives-教学目标 ①Language target语言目标 a. Key words & expressions重点词汇和短语 Carpet,respond,distant,certain,powerful, rub, mosquito, affect, appreciate, in danger of, burst into laughter, protect...... from, in relief b. Sentence structures: Please take me to the distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater. It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but I’d like to help as the WWF suggests. The flying carpet traveled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe. ②Ability goals能力目标 a. Students will develop their reading skills such as skimming, scanning and making inferences to acquire a better understanding of the passage b. Students will apply the new knowledge to communication based on the reading passage. c. Students will adopt cooperative learning. ③Emotion goals情感目标 a. Let the students be conscious of the critical situation of endangered animals and establish their awareness of wildlife protection. b. Initiate students’ critical and creative thinking in solving the problem of wildlife protection 2)Important & difficult teaching points-教学重难点 ①Important teaching points-教学重点 Developing reading skills like skimming, scanning, making inference, to better


Book 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 1 Read ing —An In terview (Teach ing Pla n) Desig ned by: Yulei Teach ing Aims: 1. Knowledge aim: To let the studentsknow some basic information about the ancient Olympics and moder n Olympics. 2. Ability aim: (1) To get the stude nts familiar with the form of an in terview. (2) To develop students ability of using what they have learned to make a dialogue. 3. Emotion aim: (1) .To arouse stude nts in terested in the Olympic Games. (2) To let the Olympic spirits in spire stude nts in their life and study .Enhance their n atio nal pride. Teach ing importa nt point: 1. Train the stude nts ' readi ng ability 2. The similarities and differences between the ancient Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games 3. How to make an in terview Teach ing difficult point: (1) How to en able the stude nts con clude the key in formatio n from an in terview. (2) How to enable the students use what they have learned to express their own ideas. Teach ing skills 1) Task-based teachi ng and lear ning. 2) Discussi on IV. Teach ing method: self-learni ng before teach ing mixed with task based teach ing Teach ing aids Multi-media Teach ing procedures Step1 lead-in Enjoy a song of the Olympic Games to lead in the topic: the Olympic Games. Step 2 Warmi ng up Step 1: warm ing up Competiti on: How much do you know about the Olympics? 1.. How often are the Olympic Games held ? A. Every 4 years B. Every 2 years C. Every 3 years

人教版高中英语必修四教案:Unit 4 Body language

Unit 4 Body language ⅠAims:T alk about body language: cultural differences and intercultural communication Practise talking about prohibition & warning as well as obligation Learn to use the -ing form as the Attribute &Adverbial Learn to write a diary that showing the observation of how body language helps in communication ⅡStructures:Talk about body language What is the purpose of language? What do you think “body language” means? How can you tell if someone is sad or happy even if they do not speak? How can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language? Why do we need to study body language? Talk about cultural differences & intercultural communication What do British people often do when they meet strangers? What do French people often do when they meet people they know? Why should we be careful about our own body language? Why is it important to watch others as well as listen to them? ⅢKey new words:represent, association, canteen, dormitory, flight, curious, approach, major, misunderstand, dash, adult, crossroad ⅣKey expressions:represent, introduce, approach, touch, express, nod, avoid, misunderstand, punish, general, curious, similar, expression, agreement, gesture, action Ⅴ.Grammmar:The -ing form as the attribute && adverbial Finding out in the reading text sentences with present participle(s) used as the attribute or adverb Period 1-2 warming up Step I Lead-in The teacher shows some pictures on screen. These pictures are from the Evening Party Celebrating the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster of 2005. Ss: Yes, Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin.T: But do you know who she is? Yes, she was the leading dancer of

【人教版】高中英语必修二:Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 教案

Unit 4 Wildlife Protection I. 单元教学目标 II. 目标语言

II. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以保护动物为话题,旨在通过本单元的学习使学生了解很多动物已经灭

绝或濒临灭绝,从而认识到保护动物的重要性和必要性;通过探讨保护动物的措施和建议,引导学生发表自己的见解和看法;通过进一步讨论提出有效的保护措施,唤起学生保护动植物、维护生态平衡、保护我们家园的责任感。并能写信表达自己保护动物的方法与建议,力求正确表达自己的意图并解释原因,并能正确使用被动语态的现在进行时。 1.1 Warming Up首先帮助学生明确保护野生动物的原因以及方向。旨在通过图片和表格引导学生讨论当今我国珍稀动物的现状。以panda、Milu Deer、South China Tiger 为例,通过对这些珍惜动物所面临的问题、在中国的栖息地以及采取措施其后对比所做的报告,学生能够用已有的知识和经验讨论在中国处于保护状态下的濒临灭绝动物。从而有效地引导学生关注本单元话题,关注动物生存现状。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。通过回答两个问题引导学生讨论自己所知道的濒临灭绝的动物并思考灭亡的原因。同时要求学生通过阅读文中的图片和标题来猜测文章的内容。 1.3 Reading是一篇童话故事,讲述Daisy 乘坐飞毯跨越时空,在不同个国度、不同地区与生存状态不尽相同的和藏羚羊、大象、猴子对话的神奇经历,展示了Daisy逐渐认识保护动物重要性以及学习如何保护动物的经历。动物们讲述了各自的处境,唤起了Daisy对动物的热爱以及保护动物的责任心。从而号召人们热爱动物,保护动物,从我做起。 1.4 Comprehending考察学生对阅读内容的进一步理解与对所学知识的综合运用、迁移。练习1要求学生根据阅读文的内容回答问题。这四个问题设计到濒临物种生存现状,保护这些物种所取得成效的措施、保护动物栖息地的重要性以及决定保护成果能够的必要措施。练习2通过填空练习,学生分析课文结构,内容特点。为写作做好铺垫。练习3帮助学生综合运用、迁移所学知识。通过列举WWF所面临的一个棘手问题,要求学生小组讨论找出合理的解决方案。 1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。其中Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元单词的英文释义练习、在具体文章中的运用和相关词汇的分类与运用;Discovering useful structures 是以文章内容为载体的“被动语态的现在进行时”的操练。由此可以看出本教材已明显地由以结构为特征的传统语法训练转变到以交际功能为特征的功能语法训练,充分体现了新教材话题、功能、


The First Period (Warming up, one class) Teaching Aims: 1. To learn the knowledge of the cultural relics. 2. Discuss how to protect our cultural relics. 3. To learn the following words or phrases: Teaching Design Step One: Presentation (By showing them some photos of some famous cultural relics.) Hello, everybody, let’s look at the screen. Here are some pictures. They are all very famous places in China or in the world. Please think these over: A.Can you name them out? B.Who have the right to own and confirm them? (The shown pictures:①The Great Wall, ②The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang; ③The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors) Let the students name out the famous places in the pictures, and tell them they are cultural relic s. And explain what cultural relics are. A. a cultural relic is sth. that survive d for a long time B. a cultural relic may be a part of old thing has remain ed when the rest of it had been destroyed C.or a cultural relic is something rather rare (while showing these photos, teach the new words in red: cultural relics, survive, remain, rare) 1. Get the students understand the identity of the cultural relics. 2. Let the students try to know that they are at least two sites of cultural relics, the natural site; and the cultural site. ( By showing the pictures of some natural sites relics. Eg: Mount Huashan, The JiuZhaiGou Valley, River Li ) Step Two: Drills Let the students make some more examples of cultural relics, including the ones inside our country or in other countries, especially the ones in our location. Here are some possible answers from the students: (The Neiguan Cave(内莞岩); The Xinfengjiang River(新丰江); Heyuan Dinosaur Park(河源恐龙公园); Y uanmingyuan(圆明园), etc.) (The Sydney Opera; The White House; The Big Ben; The Amber Room, etc.) Step Three: Discussing 1 As we all know that cultural relics are rather valuable, rare, and sometimes, it is in very high price. 1. Then can you tell the value of the cultural relic? (Have the students discussed for some time in teams, then get their answers by expressing in class.)

新人教版必修四Unit4 Body Language教学设计

Unit 4 Body language I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

Ⅲ.教材分析和教材重组 1.教材分析 本单元以Body Language——“体态语”为中心话题,具体涉及什么是“体态语”,如何理解“体态语”,以及“体态语”的跨文化性等。本单元的语言技能和语言知识也都是围绕“体态语”这一中心话题设计的,旨在通过单元教学,用听、说、读、写、做(表演)等多种形式,让学生正确认识和掌握“体态语”在交际中的作用和意义,使学生明确“体态语”在人类交际中的重要性,了解“体态语”在不同民族、不同文化交际中的多样性;使学生在今后的日常生活、学习、工作和交往中尽量减少或避免运用“体态语”时可能产生的误解,提高他们的“语言交际”能力和“非语言交际”能力。 1.1 WARMING UP 以列表对比(填充及增补)的形式,并通过WARMING UP 的活动,让学生了解有声语言与“体态语”的对应关系,了解语言意义与行为意义(“体态语”)在交际中具有同等重要的作用。同时,学生在听、说、做(即表演

“体态语”的动作)中能够增进对语言交际的感性认识,为他们在阅读过程中上升到对语言交际的理性认识打下基础。 1.2 PRE-READING 通过提供三个关于不同文化背景下“体态语”的问题,启发学生思考我们所学习的“语言”的目的、形式、功能。通过引导学生联系自己日常生活的实际,提高学生努力学习英语的积极性和自觉性;同时培养学生留心社会、关注生活的洞察力,为引导学生进一步“阅读”作好准备。 1.3 READING 是一篇介绍性(记叙文)体裁的文章,主要介绍了各种文化背景下的“体态语”的异同,为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例证。学生也可以结合自己在语言交际中所遇到的实际例子来进一步理解“交际,毫无问题可言吗?”这一主题。 1.4 COMPREHENDING 包括八个问题(前5个旨在检查学生对阅读材料细节的理解,6~7旨在引导学生对“体态语”的意义及文化差异的思考,第8个检查学生能否通过细节进行推理判断),通过对来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的六个角色对待男女不同性别所使用的“体态语”异同的(学生在老师指导下的自我或小组讨论后的)归纳,进一步熟悉和掌握“体态语”在不同语言文化交际中的作用和意义。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分由“本单元重点词汇英文释义”,“词语填空”和“词性变换”三项内容构成,语法部分由两大方面组成:一是让学生自己通过在课文中寻找相关语法的句子并按其语法功能分类,二是根据学生的认知规律安排该语法项目的练习让学生进行操练。整个项目通过三个练习和一个游戏,以及语法结构讲练,进一步巩固本单元所学词汇(尤其是课文中的黑体字),学习“现在分词”结构用作定语和状语,并通过操练,以收到“学以致用”、“熟练生巧”的效果。 1.6 USING LANGUAGE 通过增加阅读篇目“Showing Our Feelings”来拓展学生在“体态语”方面的知识视野,并通过“True” or “False”判断练习和问题讨论,使学生进一步明确“体态语”对人们在日常交际中了解对方情感、思想、态度等方面所起的作用。同时要让学生认真对待自己的“体态语”,并在日常交际中“听其言”(Listen to them)、“观其行”(Watch them)。此外,该部分还通过听、说、读、写四个方面来巩固本单元所学内容和语言交际项目。

英语优秀教案(人教版):必修二(Unit4 Wildlife protection--Period5 Speaking and Writing)

Period 5 Speaking and Writing The General Idea of This Period: This period aims at encouraging the Ss to think and talk creatively about the problems of the endangered animals and figure out some solutions.And help the Ss to organize their ideas into a composition. Teaching Aims: 1.Get the Ss to learn to express “intention and purpose”and talk about solutions. 2.Help the Ss learn how to organize a letter to save the endangered animal dodo. Teaching Important Points: 1.Get the Ss to learn to express “intention and purpose”and talk about solutions. 2.Enable the students to organize a letter in the proper and efficient way. Teaching Difficult Point: How to write a letter in a correct way. Teaching Methods: 1.Create some situations for the Ss to talk actively in public. 2.Practice to improve the students’ writing ability. Teaching Aid: 1.A multimedia computer. 2.A projector. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision 1.Revise some information about some endangered animals. T:Yesterday we learned something about an disappeared animal.What is it? Ss:Dodo. S1:It had large body and small wings so it couldn’t fly high in the sky. S2:It was kind to human beings but it was cheated by human and hunter to disappearance. T:Very good. 2.Get the Ss to present what they have found about endangered animals.Each group of Ss choose one representative to imitate the endangered animal and describe for the rest of the class to guess the name of the animal,its appearance,habits and the problems they are facing,with pictures shown on the screen. Step 2 Speaking T:So you know many species of endangered animals.Do you feel it a pity that so many animals are dying out? Ss:Of course/Sure. T:Now imagine that you are with one of the species.You try to help them.How to help them? Talk in pairs what you might do.Try to use as many useful phrases as possible. The phrases of Speaking on Page 31 may be useful to you. After four minutes,get some Ss to present their solutions and at the same time collect their ideas on the Blackboard. S1:I’m going to do something to help the Tibetan antelopes,for they are endangered.I mean to take them away from people and hide it in a cave on a separate plain.And I will dig holes


Book2-- Unit4 Wildlife Protection Period 1 New Words and Warming Up Teaching aims: 1. enable the Ss to say something about wildlife protection 2. help the Ss to get to know "how to help wildlife" by reading 3. cultivate the ss' awareness of protecting wildlife. Teaching important points: 1. let ss read the passage and learn something about wildlife protection. 2. get ss to learn different reading skills. Teaching difficult points: 1. develop ss’ reading ability. 2. enable ss to learn to talk about wildlife protection. Teaching aids: Multimedia, a blackboard Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision the language points in unit 3 1.have something/much in common 有一些/很多共同之处 have nothing/ little in common 没有共同之处 2. arise from 由……引起 3.signal(to) sb 向某人示意 4.as a result 表示_________ as a result of 表示____________,相当于because of, 只能连接______/______/_______及what引导的宾语从句。 5.in a way 在某种程度上,从某一点看(= in one/ some way) in this way in no way

人教版高中英语必修四 Unit 4 Reading 教学设计

Lesson Plan Basic information Teaching Content Unit 4 Body Language Reading: Communication: No problem? Learner Profile This is the second teaching period of this unit, students will have a general knowledge about “ body language”. Although some of them know different body languages in different countries, they may not know what culture mistakes will be made when people don’t understand different cultures. The reading material is about some misunderstandings among different countries people. And students will be also interested about that. Main Focus Students will learn some background information about body language. Students will learn different cultures which are behind different greeting gestures. Sttudents will learn “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Anticipated Learner Difficulty Understand some culture mistakes among different countries. Understand different cultures in different countries. Teaching Aims

北师大版高中英语必修四 Unit 12 Culture shock Lesson 4 The New Australians 教学设计

Lesson 4 The New Australians Teaching aims: To identify facts and opinions in a reading text To practise using words with negative and positive connotations Teaching difficulties: To practise using words with negative and positive connotations Teaching Aids:computer and cassette Teaching procedures: I. Warming up T: What do you know about Australia? Australia lies on the southern hemisphere. Australia is the sixth biggest country in the wo rld and the only country covering the whole continent. Australia is also one of the oldest continent. It has special animals. Can you name their names? But today we talk the topi c “The New Australia”. Can you guess what does the text talk about? Let’s read the text and see if your prediction is right. II. Reading 1) Before reading the text can you write two questions about things you’d like to know a bout life in Australia? Then ask students to hand in their notes to the teacher. After reading the article teacher can ask these questions students write. 2) Read the article again||,do the exercise 3 and make if the statements are true||,fals e or no information is given. When checking students’ answers||,have them read out the section of the text which giv es the answer and have them correct the false statements. 3) Listen to the cassette and do the exercise 4 4) Do the first two with the whole class. Then students work in pairs||,reading the sent ences and discussing who said them III. Further understanding Now||,go into the text for detail information. What can we do at night in Sydney ? ? a wide choice of opera ?classical concert ?Shakespearean drama ?Aboriginal culture ?rock concert ?Broadway musicals ?comedy ?cabaret

人教版高一英语必修二Unit4 Reading 课程教学设计

Unit4 Rea ding名师教学设计(一) 设计主题:人教版高中英语必修二Unit 4 Wildlife protection 第一课时 姓名:陈婉香__________ 学校:漳州市长泰第二中学 教学目的 一、课标内容 英语课程目标教学目标三维目标领域语言技能通读了解有关中国及世界濒 知识与技能领域 危动物的信息资料;提高保 英语课程目标教学目标 三维目标领域语言技能 How Daisy learned to help wildlife?这篇课文,并进行全 面整体理解,积极思考,达 到强化语言意识、积累语言 经验的目的,全面提升综合 语言运用能力。 语言知识学习本课新单词、短语 学习策略交际策略、资源策略过程与方法领域情感态度理解保护野生动物的重要性 文化意识了解有关中国及世界濒危动 物的信息资料;提高保护野 生动物的意识;思考人类该 如何采取措施保护濒危的野 生动物,并与之和睦相处。 二、教学要求

三、学情分析 (一)学生的知识水平 一方面,学生进入高一英语的学习,逐渐适应高中英语的学习方式,积累了一定的词汇量,并可以用英语简单表达自己的一些思想。另一方面,学生在生物学科中已经学了关于生态环境的一些知识,对野生动物的生存状态和产生原因有一定的了解,这都为本节课的进行奠定了良好的基础。 (二)学生的情感态度价值观 学生处在好动、善良、富有同情心的青少年时期,对动物具有比较强烈的兴趣,也可能对濒危的野生动物的遭遇给予极大的同情,并会热心地想办法来解决这个问题。但同时,学生可能也会有意无意地伤害一些动物,通过这堂课的学习,可以让学生意识到这种行为的错误。因此,这堂课可以让他们提高野生动物保护的意识,学会与大自然和睦相处,可以帮助他们形成正确的价值观,使未来的社会更加关注大自然。 (三)学生在学习过程中可能存在的问题 1. 学生虽然知道濒危野生动物的中文名称,但不知道大部分野生动物的英文名称。 2. 学生运用英语的能力可能会影响他们表达野生动物灭绝或减少的原因以及可以采取的措施。 (四)相应的策略

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