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Principal; headmaster



General secretary

Chief engineer

Editor-in-chief ; managing editor

General manager ; managing director ; executive head

Head coach

Sectary-general ; commissioner

Commander-in-chief ; generalissimo


Chief inspector ; inspector-general

Head cook ; chef

Vice chairman/president

Vice premier

Vice governor

Associate professor

Associate managing editor

Assistant/deputy general manager ; Assistant/deputy managing director Assistant manager

Assistant professor

Assistant research fellow

Assistant engineer

Senior engineer

Chief executive

Chief judge

Chief representative

Presiding judge ;chief judge ; chief of judges

Head nurse


Chief of staff

Acting mayor

Managing vice president

Executive secretary

Honorary president/principal

Associate senior editor

Chief secretary

Senior doctor

Attending/chief doctor ; physician ; consultant

Special-grade senior teacher

Accredited correspondent

Contributing editor

Special correspondent

①翻译冠以“总”字的头衔时,常用chief 、general 、managing 。

②行政的“副”通常用vice 。

学术职称通常用associate 。

职场职位头衔用assistant 。

Deputy 常用于director 、secretary 、mayor 、dean 。

③学术的初级职称(助理)用assistant 。

高级用senior 。

首席用chief 。

代理用acting 。

常务用managing 。

执行用executive 。

名誉用honorary 。

办公室主任 博士生导师 客座教授 院士 业务经理 注册会计师 学习标兵 劳动模范 优秀员工 Office manager Doctoral student supervisor

Visiting professor Academician

Service/business/operation manager Chartered/certified public accountant Student pacemaker

Model worker

Outstanding employee ; employee of the month/year 宾至如归。 眼见为实/百闻不如一见。 吃一蛰,长一智。 教学相长。 公事公办。 文如其人。 浑水摸鱼。 欲速则不达。有其父必有其子。 英雄所见略同。 祸不单行。 眼不见心不烦。 无官一身轻。事实胜于雄辩。 祸从口出。 失败是成功之母。 谋事在人成事在天。 时不我待/岁月无情。 家有万贯财不如一身健。 前事不忘后事之师。 班门弄斧。 勿打草惊蛇。

杀鸡儆猴。 When the visitor arrives , it is as if returning home .

Seeing is believing.

A fall into the pit , a gain in your wit.

To teach is to learn. Business is business. The style is the man. Fish in trouble waters. More haste , less speed.

Like father , like son.

Great minds think alike.

Misfortunes never come alone.

Out of sight , out of mind.

Out of office , out of danger.

Factors speak louder than words.

The tongue cuts the throat.

Failure is the mother of success. Man proposes , God disposes. Time and tide wait for no man. Health is better than wealth.

The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.

Teach fish to swim. Let sleeping dogs lie. Beat the dog before the lion .












































逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜。Hedges have eyes , walls have ears.

Have a card up one’s sleeve.

Put the cart before the horse.

Diamond cut diamond .

Gifts blind the eyes.

The sauce is better than the fish .

There is no smoke without fire.

A new broom sweeps clean .

Much will have more .

He cries wine and sells vinegar .

Every potter praises his pot .

Don’t bite the hand that feed you .

There are plenty of fish in the sea .

Kill two birds with one stone.

A word spoken is past recalling .

Birds of a feather flock together.

Speak of the devil.(and he will appear.)

The same knife cuts bread and fingers .

Judge not a book by its cover.

A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.

Sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a wan .

A horse stumbles that has four legs .

Names are debts.

Late fruit keeps well.

Rest breeds rust.

All your swans are geese .

A stitch in time saves nine .

True blue will never stain .

Penny wise and pound foolish .

The pot calls the kettle black .

Short pleasure , long lament .

Justice has long arms .

A watched pot never boils .

Nothing venture , nothing have .

As you make the bed , so you must lie in it .

The moon is not seen when the sun shines .

A hedge between keeps friendship green .

Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake .

Everybody’s business is nobody’s business .

Don’t count the chicken before they are hatched .

What is done by night appears by day .

What we lose in hake we shall have in herring .

Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise .

Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you .

The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep .

One swallow dose not make a summer .

Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters .

The passage of time is just like the flow of water , which goes on day and night.

























非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。The people are the most important element in a state , next are the gods of land and grain ; least the ruler himself .

All living creatures grow together without harming one another ; ways run parallel without interfering one another .

Distance cannot separate true friends who feel so closed even when are thousands miles apart .

Build on past success and open up new horizon for new progress . China and India are fellow travelers sharing weal and woe in a common journey .

A wise man changes as time and event change .

A single flower does not make a spring , while a hundred flowers in full blossom brings spring to the garden .

The ocean is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers . Neighbors wish each other well , just as loved ones do to each other .

If two people are of the same mind , their sharpens can cut through metal .

A good citizen in one community will befriend to other citizens of the community , a good citizens of the world will befriend to other citizens of the world .

A man who studies extensively the arts and literature , and directs his studies with judgment and state , is not likely to get into a wrong track .

One can never be aware of the height of the sky and the depth of the earth if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss .

Unless you pile up little steps , you can never journey a thousand miles ; unless you pile up tiny streams , you can never make a river or a sea .

Wealth and rank attained through immoral means are as empty as floating clouds to me .

A bosom friend afar brings distance near .

Heaven has endowed me with talent for eventual use .

It is such a delight to have friend coming from far .

A public spirit will rule all under the heaven when the great wall prevails .

As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous , so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along ; As the earth’s capacity is to hold , so must a gentleman constantly cultivate virtue in himself to shoulder the world .

The way ahead is long and has no ending ; yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending .

Learning without thinking leads to confusion ; thinking without learning ends in danger .

Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are outmatched by terrestrial advantages , which in turn are outmatched by the harmony among people .

Preparedness ensures success , and unpreparedness spells failure . Only when one is not here to seek glory and wealth can one have great ideas ; only by being in peace at heart can one think and see far ahead .









知不足,然后能自反也。只困,然后能自强也。故曰教学相长。It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse ,no poverty and hardship can shake , and no power and force can suffocate .

A huge tree that fills in one’s arms grows from tiny seedling ; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth ; a thousand li journey starts with the first step .

A long dike will collapse because of an ant-hole in it ; a tall building will be burned down because of a spark from a chimney’s chink .

If you carve but give up half away , even a decayed piece of wood will not break ; if you carve without a break , even a metal and stone can be engraved .

Among any three men walking , I will find something to learn for sure . Their good qualities are to be followed , and their shortcomings are to be avoid .

Diligence is the vehicle in the paths of Mountains of Books ; endurance is the vessel on the courses of the Seas of Learning . There is never an end to study . The dye extracted from the indigo is bluer than the plant ; so is the ice colder than the water . By broadly learning and constantly examining himself every day , the gentlemen sharpens his awareness and makes fewer mistakes.

We widen our views three hundred miles by ascending one flight of stairs . Exhausting my eyes to thousand li further , I am ascending one more story of the tower .

Knowing of his deficiency stimulates him into self-examination ; the discovery of his confusion leads him to self-improving . Hence ,teaching and learning promote each other .


宾馆入住 先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗? 是的,我是伦敦大学亚非学院的乔治泰莱克,我要是没认错的话,您一定是戴小姐? 是的,我叫戴佳佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。泰莱克教授,我一直在此恭候您的到来。 谢谢您来机场接我。这个机场太美了,绝对是顶尖的国际机场。 我很高兴能在我的家乡接待您。人人都说这是一个一流的现代化国际机场。欢迎,欢迎。我们非常高兴您能成行啊,非常感激您能不辞辛劳,在百忙之中抽空来我海通指导。 我一直希望能真正了解赫赫有名的海通集团。你们也给了我近距离了解中国企业的机会,我感激不尽。

一路可好?十几个小时的飞行很辛苦啊。 还可以,但班机延误了,下了暴雨,我们之得在机场待了几个小时,天气好转后才起飞。但飞行途中天气还不错,服务也很好。 恩,长途旅行后您一定很累了,你还得倒时差呢。行李都齐了,我们回宾馆吧。 是的,我是有点儿累了。我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就恢复了。 好的,先回宾馆下榻,好好休息一下。明天不必早起。明天的安排是这样的,中午设宴为您洗尘,下午会见集团总裁,晚上我们去看一场杂技表演,典型的中国杂技。不知泰莱克教授意下如何? 太好了。中国人友善好客,我早有所闻。戴小姐考虑率得很周到,过不了几天我便会被宠坏了。 我们希望您在这里过得愉快,希望您与我海



A:Excuse me , sir . Is this professor Tallack from London ? B:Yes , I ’m George Tallack from the School of Oriental African Studies , University of London . You must be Miss Dai , if I ’m not mistaken . A:Yes , I ’m Dai Jiajia ,manager of Human Resources , the Haitong Group .I have been expecting you , Prof. Tallack . B:Thank you for meeting me at the airport . This is a fantastic airport , absolutely one of the top-notch international airports . A:I ’m very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you at my hometown . This is indeed a first-class international airport ,as everybody says so . You ’re welcome . We ’re very happy that you made it in spite of tiring trip . We ’ve very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice . B:I ’ve long been expecting to learn about the famous Haitong Group . I really appreciate this opportunity , which is also an opportunity for me to learn about Chinese enterprise at a close distance . A: How was the trip ? It must be very tiring ,flying for more than 10 hours . B: Not too bad . But we were later than expected . Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm . We were held up for several hours at the airport , waiting for the storm to clear up . But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service , of course . A:Well , you must be very tired after the long trip , and you have to get over the jet-lag . We have got all the luggage ,haven ’t we ? Let ’s drive directly to the hotel . B:Yes , I ’m a bit tired . I ’m very bad with a jet-lag . But I ’ll be right in a couple of days . A:Good . We ’ll take you to the hotel for a good rest . You don ’t have to get up early tomorrow . Here ’s the schedule for tomorrow . We ’ll host a reception lunch in your honor . And then you ’ll meet with Chairman of the Board in the afternoon . We ’ll take you to an acrobatic show in the evening , a typical Chinese acrobatic show . How do you like that , Prof. Tallack . B:I like that . I ’ve heard that Chinese people are very friendly and hospitable . You ’re very considerate ,Miss Dai . I ’ll soon be spoiled , I ’m afraid . A:I hope you ’ll have a pleasant stay here , and enjoy a happy collaboration with the Haitong Group . I think we ’ve got everything . Our car is waiting outside . Shall we go now ?
















太好了,非常感谢。A: Good afternoon . Welcome to the Peace Hotel . May I help you ,sir?

B:Yes , I’d like to check in ,please .

A:Certainly , sir . May I have your name , please ? Do you have a reservation with us , sir ?

B:Yes , it’s Robert King . I suppose somebody made reservation for me .

A:Just a moment , please . I’ll check our reservation record ...Oh , thank you for your waiting , sir . But I’m afraid we have no record of your reservation . Where was it made ? Do you have a confirmation letter ?

B:That’s very strange . I made the reservation about 10 days ago , through a travel agency at home . But I don’t have a confirmation letter with me .what I have with me is a copy of the itinerary . Is there any problem with the accommodation for two days ?

A: Just a minute , please . I’ll check vacancies . Very good ,I got it . We have a double room , and there’s a deluxe suite available . Which one do you prefer ?

B:Thanks a lot . I prefer the double room . How long can I take it ? And is it a regular rate with no extra charge ?

A: Very good , sir . Will you register here , please ? No , there’s no extra charge . Actually , you would have a good rate with 20% off on the lase deluxe suite .

B:The double room is fine . Is there any service that I need to know?

A:Certainly sir . May I know if you have anything in particular ? B:Yes , I’d like to have a 7o’clock morning call , breakfast sent up to my room , shirts and pants laundered , some documents photocopied ,an express mail sent out , and something like that . A:No problem . Just call our Front Desk , Catering Service , Laundry Service , and Business Center accordingly . Or you may contact the Floor Service Desk . Is there anything else I can do for you ?

B:Just one more thing --do you have any place for fitness exercises? I go to the gym and exercise everyday .

A:Yes , we have a well-equipped fitness center , with coaches available . We have many modern fitness facilities catering to the different needs of our guests . I do hope you enjoy your stay here . If you have any other requirements , please let me know ant anytime.

B:Very good . Thank you very much .













园区对外企有什么要求吗?A:Hello , welcome to Jinghe High-tech Park . I am Operation Manager of the Park . I’m honored to be your guide and take you to tour around the park . May I have your major interests ? B: I’m interested in the general layout of the Park . Would you please give me some idea of its setup ?

A:Very good . First of all , we’ll take a bird’s-eye view of the Park . And then we’ll took around in the Park and , to use a Chinese metaphor ,we’ll cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horse back .

B:Good idea , but we’ll cast a passing glance at flowers while riding a car ... In a more comfortable manner .

A: I really like your humor , sir . Now let me come back to our story . Jinghe High-tech Park enjoys a superior location , with the Capital Beijing as the backdrop , facing the vast expanse of the Bo Sea , boardered by the Jingjintang Expressway to the east . It takes only 30 minutes to reach the Capital’s International Airport , 20 minutes to get to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station , and an hour to arrive at the Tianjin New Harbor . The Park is a national development project approved by the State Council . It is authorized to approve projects withe preferential policies , operating under the management system of international standards .

B:When was it put to use ? Who fuelled its development ?

A: The construction of the Park was undertaken in two phrases with the first covering 588 acres comprising 28 industrail lots as well as R&D , administrative and support facilities . And the second phase covers an area of 525 acres with 22 industrail lots .The Part has been in full operation , supported by the generous loans from 5 Chinese banks and 2 overseas banks . B: The Park is well planned and arranged in perfect order .

A:Yes , it is . A golf course lies on its east , the Moon River to its west , and a kilometer-wide green belt to its north . Inside the Park , industries cluster in the east and the residences concentrate in the west . In-between you can find the public service area .

B:What do you do to attract foreign direct investment ?

A:The Park Administration takes takes strong measures to improve the investment environment, to foster new competitive advantages, and to make the Park an investment paradise in North China for hi-tech and new-tech companies , multinationals and the large enterprises of pillar industries . The Park’s two leading industries are modern information technology and biotechnology based on big data and cloud computing .

B:Are there any particular requirements that prospective foreign enterprises must meet .






太棒了!A: The target industries must meet the Park’s selection criteria . That is , they must strengthen research and development functions , use locally available technical resources and materials , develop suitable supporting industries , and collaborate with universities and public research institutes . Multinational companies from the United States , Japan , Korea , Germany , the United Kingdom , France , Italy , Canada , Australia ,Holland and Norway have settled down in the Park . The Park enjoys strong government support and has complete high-tech industry chains . It focuses on the integration of industry , education , and R&D . The Park provides a stream-lined one-stop service for incoming enterprises .

B:The physical environment of the Park is wonderful .

A:Yes , it is one of the things that we take so much pride in . The Park Administration has been pursuing the policy of ecological conservation and sustainable development . To ensure the quality of the local environment , we stick steadfastly to our development strategy of “attracting investment with a green environment and maintaining a green environment through investment .”As you can see , the Park has a green coverage of more than 45%. It really boasts stretches of green grass , fosters of green trees , streams murmuring ,birds chirping , air refreshing , fragrant flowers blossoming all year around --The whole environment is enveloped in a peaceful , elegant and relaxing atmosphere .

B:You’re a real poet . Do you have independent and complete establishments for water and power supply , and for waste treatment ?

A:Yes , the Park has an independent techno-support center , which is equipped with high-standard facilities for water and electricity supply and provides the enterprises with reliable , stable and quality power , clean water , internet maintenance service , as well as a 24-hour security service .

B:That’s wonderful .













A:长途飞行后您一定很累了。今晚有招待晚宴,您需要休息一下。晚上六点我派车来接您。A:Welcome to Shanghai , Mr. Roberts . I’m Chen Tianmin , from Shanghai Post and Telecommunications Service Development Company . I’m director of the company’s Overseas Department .

B:Nice to meet you , Director Chen . I’m very excited to visit your company and of course , tour around Shanghai and the whole country .

A: I’m very happy that you have come all the way from Britain . We are very proud and honored that you will work with us , and be part of our department . I sincerely hope that your visit will be worthwhile and meaningful .

B:It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of people like Director Chen . I had been looking forward to this visit for years . I had a dream that someday I would visit China and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while . I’m very grateful that you have made my dream come true .

A:I’m very glad that you have so high expectations on this business trip in Shanghai . We will make all-out effort to make your stay comfortable and pleasant . For your convenience and comfort , we accommodate you in one of the company’s villas for overseas visitors . It is located by the beach , fifteen minutes’ bicycle ride from the office building of the Overseas Department . I’m sure you will like it .

B:That’s wonderful . Isn’t it nice that not only your “Overseas Department ”looks “over the sea ” but also my residence ?

A:I really like your sense of humor , Mr. Roberts . Do you know that the word “Shanghai” in Chinese means literally “a port on the sea” . We’re very proud that we can offer our British friends a residence overlooking the sea . Britain is a country of island on the sea , isn’t it ? B:I like what you said , Director Chen . We have much in common with Shanghai and Shanghai people . I believe my wife will like here , too.

A:I hope your family will join you soon . Our company will pay for all their expenses , including international flights .

B:Thank you so much for your concern . My wife teaches at a university and the best time for her and my son to come over is when school breaks in the summer . Two more months to go . We simply can’t wait to see each other here in Shanghai .

A: I’m sorry that you have to wait for that long.

B:You’re very nice , Director Chen , really .

A:You must be very tired after a long flight , Mr. Roberts . You’ll need a rest for tonight’s reception party . I’ll send someone to pick you up at six .













B:我很喜欢人民币。我们都知道这是世界上最坚挺的货币之一。我还听说中国的人民币不就便可成为一种可兑换的货币。不过我接受您的建议。我们负责在国际市场上推销三分之二的A:I’m so happy to see you again , Mr. Roberts . May I help you in someway ?

B:Hi , Miss Chen , it’s been ten months since I left China . I would like to discuss with you the possibilities of establish a joint venture with your company to manufacture mobile TV and mobile phones . A:That’s great . Your investment proposal is a very wise decision . Our company is also seeking foreign investment in a manufacturing company for mobile TV and mobile phones . Your initiative is most welcome . I remember talking to you about the matter of foreign investment in China a year ago , Mr. Roberts .

B:Yes , you did a good job . The whole idea of my investing in a joint enterprise with your company is the direct result of your wonderful lecture . Your answer were direct and honest . And your explanations were sincere and persuasive . May I get on China’s economic express train and share your economic gains ?

A:Of course . Welcome aboard , Mr. Roberts ! Let’s get down to the business of this joint venture.May I have some idea of your proposal? B:I did a lot of research in the market of entertainment and telecommunications equipment lately . There’s a potential market for mobile TV and mobile phones in China and elsewhere in the world . Initially , I would like to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate , with a safe sale . My suggestion for the amount of total capital investment is in the vicinity of 16.8 million US dollars , a lucky number in China , I suppose .

A:Very good . 16.8 million is more than a lucky number ; it’s the right number for the initiation of this joint venture , as I understand it . But how much would be your share of investment in this partnership ?

B:My contribution is 50% of the total investment , including the construction funds and the cost of all the imported equipment , and the engineers , technicians and management staff from my home company .

A:I like the idea of a 50 to 50 investment partnership , in which case there will be a 50-to-50 distribution in business management and profit share .

B:You’re absolutely right .

A:The problem then involves the marketing of manufactured products . Mobile TV is in high demand in China , but we can’t guarantee the 50% domestic marketing of mobile phones . Besides , we need to increase our foreign exchange reserve for the rainy day . May I suggest that you market at least 65% of the total number of mobile phones internationally ? I believe you need mor foreign currency than our renminbi .

B:I love renminbi . We all know it is one of the strongest currencies in the world . And I have heard that the Chinese yuan will become a convertible currency soon . But I accept your proposal and we will be responsible for the international marketing of two-thirds of the









移动电话m obile

投资意向investment proposal


制造公司manufacturing company


快车express train

潜在市场potential market


从...着手embark on


At a moderate rate and a safe scale 在...附近in the vicinity

投资比重share of investment

利润分配profit share


the relations of the rights and interests


外汇储备foreign exchange reserve .


Keep sth. for the rainy day

可兑换货币convertible currency

合作期the term of our relationship

董事会the board of directors

正合我意that coincides with my mind

丰收日a rewarding day

登记check in

预订房间make a reservation


旅行社travel agency



双人间double room mobile phones .

A: That’s beautiful .

B:Two more questions . One concerns the term of our partnership and the other management’s structure of the venture .

A:As for the term of the partnership , let’s start with a 15-year term of this joint venture , and extend the contract later if both parties wish to continue the partnership . What do you say to this ?

B:That’s quite logical . May I suggest that we set up a board of directors for the management of the company and share rights and obligations as equal partners ?

A:That coincides with our usual practice . Shall we hold another round of discussion next week on some technical problems in a more detailed way ?

B:That’s fine . I like to work with you , as I did before . It’s been a very rewarding day .

A:Yes , indeed . Have a nice weekend , Mr. Roberts!

B:You , too .

邮电post and telecommunications

海外部主任director of overseas department

感到骄傲和荣幸be proud and honored

友好邀请gracious invitation

杰出的人士distinguished group

寄托high expectation 洗熨部laundry service

外宾专用别墅villas for overseas visitors

面朝大海look over the sea 楼层服务台floor service desk

字面意思literal meaning 健身运动fitness exercise

国际机票international flight 教练coat

人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager


能够成行make it

不辞辛劳in spite of

百忙中抽空take time from busy schedule

遇到风暴run into a storm

滞留be held up

放晴clear up

飞机上的服务attending service

倒时差get over get log

行李齐了baggage together

下榻宾馆take you to the hotel

设宴洗尘dinner honor


杂技表演acrobatic show

豪华套房deluxe suit

八折优惠价rate with 20% off

早晨叫醒服务morning cal


快递express mail


餐饮部catering service









A:那是自然的。我国有世界上最发达的租车业。美国的两家最大的租车公司Hertz和Avis 在全美都设立了公司办事处,在大部分机场和许多国际都市设有租车站。其它一些跟全国性的租车公司如Thrifty , National , Budget , Dollar等也在其它国家设有租车办事处,所以你尅通过自己国内的旅行社办理租车预定事宜。


A:租车时你必须拥有一张大公司的信用卡,如万事达、维萨或美国运通。你若没有信用卡,或许得付一比高额押金。如果你不想花费太多的钱,也可以向Rent-A-Junker和Ugly Ducking 这类二手车租车公司租上一辆二手车。这类公司的收费往往比较低,而且也不一定非要用信用卡付款不可。有时它们还给顾客优惠价,这样租车费用就更低了。

A:如果我没有驾照,我应该怎样去其它城市呢Q:要是没有小汽车,你去其他城市可以搭乘三种交通工具。在有些地方,你可以乘坐全国客运汽车Amtrak。不然的话你可以坐长途汽车,灰狗长途汽车公司是每股最大的长途汽车公Q: It is said that the United States is a country driven by automobiles , and Americans are actually a people living on wheels . Is this an exaggeration ?

A:This is basically a correct observation , which says something about the American way of life . Americans like to do business without leaving their cars . Wherever you go , you’ll see drive-in banks , drive-in restaurants , drive-in churches , and drive-in movies .

Q:If I visit the United States with a tourist’s visa ,can I drive in the country ?

A:Yes , you can . When you drive in the United States , it’s a good idea to have an international drive’s license if you are a foreigner and don’t have a state license . Each of the fifty states of the U.S has its own traffic laws . Drivers are expected to know and understand the local lows even if they don’t live in a particular state . You can get information at a tourist information center when you cross the border into a different state .

Q:In China , drivers have to drive under a posted speed limit on some roads . Is there any national speed limit in the U.S ?

A:Yes . In most states , the speed limit on the expressway is 55 miles per hour , or about 88 kilometers per hour . On some roads , such as state or federal expressways ,there is a minimum speed of 40 miles per hour , or about 65 kilometers per hour .

Q:As a visitor on a business trip , I don’t need to buy a car in order to travel in America . I suppose you have some kind of car rental service , don’t you ?

A:Of course we do . This country has the most developed car rental industry in the world . The two largest American car rental companies , Hertz and Avis , have offices all over the United States , with counters at most airports and in many international cities . Other national car rental companies that you can find at airports , such as Thrifty , National , Budget or Dollar , have offices in other countries too, so you may want to reserve a car through your travel agent in your own country .

Q:How do I pay for my rental service ?

A:In order to rent a car , you have to have a major credit card such as Mastercard , Visa , or American Express . Without a credit card you may have to pay a very high deposit on the car . If you don’t want to spend a lot of money , you may rent used cars from used car rental companies , such as Rent-A-Junker and Ugly Ducking . Their rates are often lower and have special offers that make the total cost of renting a car even lower .

Q:If I don’t have a license , how do I travel between cities ?

A:There are three ways to get from city to city without a car . In some places , you can take Amtrak , the national passenger rail service . Or you can take a bus . Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company , which offers the monthly pass . And , of course , you can fly . There are dozens of airlines both regional and national . Prices







据说It is said that


A country driven by automobiles


正确的看法correct observation

生活方式way of life

免下车银行drive-in bank

国际驾照international driver’s license

行车限速drive under limited speed

洲际高速公路federal expressway

最小/最大速度minimum/maximun speed 出公差on business trip

租车服务业car rented service

付款方式type of payment

信用卡credit card



美国运通American Express


特别优惠special offer


铁路客运服务passenger rail service

高科技园区High-tech Park

业务经理operation manager

鸟瞰take a bird’s eye view

项目审批权approve projects are not regulated , so airlines can make special offers that are sometimes cheaper than train tickets . There are also shuttle and commuter flights between some major cities that are close to each other .

Q:I heard the city public transportation system in your country is not very desirable . Is that so ?

A:Well , I have to admit that getting around a city on public transportation is generally not as easy as it is in most other countries , but it is possible . Although only a few cities have subways , most towns with a population of 50,000 or more have some kind of city bus service .

Q:What do I do in case I can’t get where I want to by bus or subway ?

A:You can always take a cab . You can top a cab on the street , but that’s not easy in many cities . It’s actually easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages of a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to your door . American taxi drivers will usually expect a tip of at least 10% . In big cities like New York , cabbies expect a tip of 15%.

Q:Thank you so much for the information .

A:You’re welcome .

灰狗Greyhound 流水潺潺streams murmuring

长途公共汽车long distance coach

月票monthly pass 鸟儿啁啾birds chirping

统一票价regulate price 安保服务security service

更低的价格lower rates

短期往返单机shuttle/commuter flight

不尽如人意be not very desirable

地铁subway 四季花香

出租车cab/cabby fragrant flowers blossoming all year around

黄页Yellow Pages

电话簿telephone directory

言归正传come back to our story

优惠政策preferential polices


operating under the management system of international standards

跨国公司multinationals joint venture

骨干企业pillar industries

大数据big data

走马观花cast a passing glance while riding a horse


云计算cloud computing

高技术产业链high-tech industry chains

一条龙服务a stream lined one-stop service

生态型开发ecological development


绿草成茵stretches of green grass













A:其次,笔译员必须在最后期限之前完成翻译,但他不用实时翻译,甚至可以不按原文的顺序来翻译。他可以休息,可以在遇到晦涩难懂的内容时放慢速度,他甚至可以先翻译后面的内容。笔译是一项精细活儿,笔译译员有时会花费几天时间来润色一句话或Q:We know that you’re always on a busy schedule , and we’re very delighted to have you here with us and talk about translation and in particular interpretation and interpreting .

A:It is indeed my honor . I’d like to begin with something about the interpretation.Interpretation is a communicative activity . Specifically , it is a verbal translation of the speaker’s speech from the speaker’s language to the language of the target audience . There are different modes of interpretation which require different skills and equipment to achieve the purpose of bilingual or multilingual communication in various situations .

Q:I hear that there are several forms of interpretation , such as consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation . Am I right? A:Exactly !

Q:May I ask you to give a brief overview ?

A:Sure! Consecutive interpretation is recommended for working in small group meetings ,where the speak and the interpreter take turns speaking . The interpreter takes notes while listening , and then interprets what was said while the speaker pauses . This mode is commonly used when there are just two language at work . In consecutive interpretation , no special equipment is required , but the speaker must be aware that he should provide pauses for the interpretation to occur .

Q:Is simultaneous interpretation quite a different mode of work ?

A:Let me put in this way : Simultaneous interpretation is commonly used when there are more than two languages involved and it requires a specialized audio system with headsets for the audience , a soundproof booth for the team of interpreters and two interpreters per language . The interpreters sit in the booth or booths and listen to the speaker through headphones , then instantly render the speech into the target language or languages . The audience tune in to listen to the channels assigned to their languages .

Q:We would like to know about the differences between translation and interpretation .

A:So what on earth are the difference between translation and interpretation ? Firstly , in translation , there is often no opportunity for dialogue between the translator and the original writer . In interpretation , however , there sometimes an open avenue of dialogue between the interpreter and the speaker . The interpreter can ask a question , ask for a rephrase , or confirm that his or her understandings is correct .

Q:I see . And then ?

A:Secondly , the translator must meet the deadline , but he does not have no translate in real time , or even in real order . He can take breaks , or slow down on a section of text if it is difficult ; he can even translate the end before the beginning if he wishes . The translator works in nuance , sometimes spending days fine-tuning a single sentence or even a single word . The translation will be considered as a







A:我们在雅加达对“语言线服务公司”进行了测试,这是一家总部设在美国的口笔译服务公司,也是全球最大的电话口译服务公司。他们的个人口译服务注册和使用都非常简单。我们从拨打电话到译员接听的时间从未超过两分钟,我们从一家中餐馆大金电话,给译员列出了一长串我们想要点的菜肴名称,对每道菜都提出了具体要求,并告诉译员我们邀请的客人对花生过敏。我们发现这位译员的表现非常出色:她向服务员解释了自己的身份,仔细确认了该中餐馆的服务“whole product”, and on one will ever know or care how it was done . In interpretation , however , the interpreter is not so lucky as to receive the whole speech beforehand . What is given , instead , is the immense time pressure . The interpreter cannot skip to the end of a speech or conversation and do that part first . Nor does he have the time to loving craft craft polish each line like a fine precious stone .

Q:Exactly!I gather there are different degrees of mental stressfulness . A:In the area of mental train , which is highly individualistic , I see some differences as well . There is a lot of mental fatigue in translation , because the translator is usually performing the same high-mentally-talking activity for hours at a time . Therefore , this fatigue is a slow drain for me , like walking around all day . By contrast , interpretation is a fast drain , like sprinting . The interpreter has to has to do his utmost to remember everything that’s been said and is being said . Holding all that stuff in the head while at the same time figuring out how to orally translate it in the language of the target audience , the interpreter faces a tremendous mental task that really stretches both memory and intellect . These are my personal observations of the differences between translation and interpretation .

I hope it will be of some help to your better understanding of these two concepts .

Q:You grant us rare opportunity and we would very much like to learn about the emerging service , telephone in interpretation , before we let you go .

A:My pleasure! Telephone interpretation is a mode of interpretation that is becoming more and more popular , especially in business circles . With that popularity comes an increase in demand for competent interpreters . It’s equally important to be aware of the pricing when requesting service from companies that offer telephone interpretation . What is the pricing structure ? Does the company charge by minute or by hour ? The charge depends on the language and the destination , along with a connection fee .

Q:Who usually request telephone interpretation ?

A:Over-the-phone interpretation mostly aims at companies that conduct business in several languages . The industry is expanding . According to Common Sense Advisory , a research firm specializing in business globalization and the language-services industry , the business of over-the-phone interpretation saw $700 million in sales last year , and is expected to grow to $1.2 billion in 5 years .

Q:Other than that , do you have a case in particular that you want to share with us .

A:In Jakarta we tested Language Line Services , a U.S-based translation and interpretation service which boasts the largest telephone interpretation service in the world . Their personal interpretation service was easy to sign up for and use . We never had to wait more than two minutes between the time we called and the moment an interpreter came on the line . We called the service from a Chinese restaurant , giving the interpreter a long list of items we wanted to order , nothing specifics about how we preferred each dish and informing the interpreter of our dinner guest’s peanut allergy . We found the interpreter very impressive : She explained to the waiter who she was and double-checked the service , adding “Bon appetit” to us






目标观众target audience

翻译的方式mode of interpretation

轮流做take turns doing sth.


audio system with headset .

隔音间soundproof booth

听的频道tune in listen


Open avenue of dialogue


最后期限meet the deadline

精细活work in nuance


跳到演说的最后skip to the end of speech 压力、疲劳mental strain/fatigue


Fast drain like sprinting


Stretch both memory and intellect

个人看法personal observations

电话接通费connection fee



愿你口味好Bon appetit




对...特别尊敬a special regard for



最崇高的敬意utmost courtesy



民间组织non-governmental sector

共同的利益mutual benefit

好的信仰good faith

战略关系strategic relationship


天真的naive before saying goodbye . Much to our delight , the order came exactly as required .

Q:That’s wonderful ! Perfect service , I would say .

A:But we felt with some regret that the service was a bit expensive for casual us at $3.95 per minute . The company explained that the service was low-priced compared with the standard international calling charges , and the caller was billed only for the time actually spent with an interpreter .

Q:It’s really a fulfilling day ! Thank you so much !

A:My pleasure !

阁下Your Excellency

文明的摇篮cradle of civilization

重温旧情renew old friendships

结交新友establish new contacts


始终鼓励着constant source of encouragement

对...的追求in the pursuit of

共同愿望common aspiration


造福in the service of

在结束之前in closing


祝酒propose a toast












我的访问是良好诚意的象征,我们怀着这种良好诚意,希望能在有益的基础上建立文化和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。我们在过去十年的交往已在证明,我们之间的友谊与合作将在未来的岁月里持续发展并结出更多的果实。Ladies and gentlemen ,

Permit me first to thank you , our Chinese hosts , for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality . My wife and I , as well as our entire party , are deeply grateful .

In the short period of six days , we have gone a longer distance than the world-renowned “Long March”. We have acquired a keen sense of ye diversity , dynamism , and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world .

My wife and I have a special regard and personal friendship for the people of China . Beijing is for us an old and nostalgic home . During our stay here ten years ago we spent a great deal of memorable time with the people here--working , shopping , sightseeing , and touring the city on our bicycles . During that time we never experienced anything other than the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of the Chinese people .

Those were happy days . They were good days , important days . We were part of the dramatic process which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship .

Our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive , affecting all aspects of our national lives: commerce , culture , education , and scientific exchange .

I am most proud of the large number of Chinese students being educated in exchange in my country . I myself tech some of them and see the benefits that come from this exchange . At the same time we are learning valuable lessons from you .

Nonetheless , problems remain in our economic , education and strategic . While we are not so naive as to believe that there are no issues or difference between us , I also believe that our differences are greatly overshadowed by issues which bind us and strengthen our relationship .

As a former government leader and now a private citizen , I recognize that many of the burdens and opportunities of our relationship have now passed to the non-government sectors of our two societies: to individuals , our corporations , universities , research institutes , and so on . There is no doubt that our relations have reached a new stage . In this context , it is important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit .

My visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship , our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship . Events of the past decade have confirmed time and time again that our friendship and cooperation will continue to flourish and yield more fruits in the days to come .
















干杯!Respected Your Excellency,

My Chinese friends,

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome . This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation .

To come to China , one of the earliest cradles of civilization is , I suppose , the dream of many people the world over . I , therefore , feel very honored to be your guest .

In accepting Your Excellency’s gracious invitation to visit this great country , I have had an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and establish new contacts .

When we established our friendly and cooperative relations , we did so on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and equality , and mutual benefit . These are the principles on which we seek friendship with all people of the world . It is absolutely vital that all nations , big or small , strong or weak , should conduct their relations with each other on these principles .

We , therefore , welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries . China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country .

It is my sincere hope that we can develop further , on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit , the links and the friendship that exist between our two countries . As we are both developing countries , having a common aspiration in improving the standard of life of our peoples , I look forward , in the next few days , to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavours and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people .

I’d like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency an invitation to visit my country , so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us .

In closing , may I say again how delighted and privilege we are to be in your country . We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country .

May I propose a toast ,

To the health of Your Excellency ,

To the health of all the Chinese friends .

To our lasting friendships ,

Cheers !














董事长Mr. Chairman

装饰华丽magnificently decorated

良辰佳时a wonderful time



奉献dedication of humanity

全年的亮点a high point of the year

生活的真谛the key to life

信念faith Mr. Chairman ,

Ladies and gentlemen ,

Merry Christmas to you all!

On behalf of all the members of my group , I’d like to thank you , Mr. Chairman , for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party in such a magnificently decorated hall .

Christmas is a very happy and joyous occasion . It is really a wonderful time of the year . There is something in this holiday which appeals to everyone . That is , love , care , union , harmony and dedication of humanity . This is the spirit of the Christmas holiday .

In many countries of the world , the celebration of Christmas is a high point of the year . We hope for more than presents at Christmas . We feel sure that behind all the fun and decorations , there must somehow be a message , something more -- the key to life , such as happiness , hope and faith . Armed with that faith , we should be able to embark undaunted upon the New Year with all its challenges and chances .

Of course , we really enjoy the delicious wine and excellent food served here . Yes , the roast turkey is simply delicious . Also , the music is superb . If I were a better dancer , I could have enjoy the party more . I like everything here , but more important , I enjoyed meeting and talking to you , getting to know you , and sharing the memorable time together .

I am deeply grateful to you for this nice arrangement . The party was perfectly organized and I enjoyed every minute of it . I’m sure I will remember this great occasion for many years to come .

It has been a great year for all of us in terns of our harmonious business friendship . Our joint venture has had a remarkable sales growth . I hope we will be able to maintain this pragmatic cooperative relationship and make the new year a more fruitful year.

I would like to toast with you to this happy occasion at the end of the year .

Than you very much again for this wonderful party . We had a great time .

Please join me once again in wishing every one of you a merry Christmas .

尽兴尽致enjoy every minute of it

销售额sale amount


辉煌业绩a more fruitful

年终岁末之际end of the year


第二单元接待口译Interpreting for Reception Service 2-1 机场迎宾Greeting at the Airport 人力资源部经理:manager of Human Resources. Top-notch: 顶尖的 能够成行:make it 不辞辛苦:in spite of the tiring trip 百忙中抽空:take time from busy schedule run into a storm:下暴雨 Be held up: 耽搁clear up:天气转好 Attending service:服务倒时差:get over the jet-lag 行李齐了:get all the luggage 下榻宾馆:take sb.to the hotel 设宴洗尘:host a reception in one’s honor 总裁:chairman 杂技表演:acrobatic show 2-2 宾馆入住Hotel Accommodation Check-in: 登记住宿预定房间:have a reservation with 确认函:confirmation letter travel agency:旅行社 Itinerary:行程表accommodation:住宿 双人间:double room 豪华套房:a deluxe suite 8折优惠价:have a good rate with 20% off morning cal::叫醒 Photo-copy:复印express mail:快递邮件 总台:Front desk 餐饮部:Catering Service 洗熨部:Laundry Service 楼层服务台:Floor Service Desk Fitness exercise:健身教练:coach 2-3 宴会招待Banquet Service 敬业(的专家):dedicated(experts)contribute one’s share:尽了…责任Maneuver :机动,演习,策略,调遣大自然所赐予的:Mother Nature grant us Cuisine:菜系色,香,味,形:color,aroma,taste,appearance 食物的质地:raw materials with quality texture 调料:seasonings 原汁原味:original flavor appetizing:引起食欲的 特色点心:special snack 酸甜适口:a sweet and sour sauce 皮薄汁醇:with thin and translucent wrappers and rish tasty soup. 皮脆肉嫩:(with a ) crispy skin and tender meat figure out:想出 好戏还在后头:have more surprises to expect 祝酒:drink to (the health) of sb. 干杯:cheers 2-4 参观访问Getting Around 高科技园区:High-Tech Park 业务经理:operation manager 鸟瞰:take a bird’s eye view of 言归正传:come back to story 走马观花:cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horsehack 显目审批权:be authorized to approve projects (with) 优惠政策:preferential policies 与国际管理体制接轨:operate under the management system of international standards 跨国公司:multinationals 骨干企业:enterprises of pillar industries 生物技术:biotechnology 高技术产业链:high-tech industry chains 一条龙服务:a stream –lined one-stop service 生态型开发:ecological conservation 可持续发展:sustainable development 绿草成茵:boasts stretches of green grass 流水潺潺:streams murmuring 鸟儿啁啾:birds chirping 四季花香:fragrant flowers blossoming all year round 安保服务:security service


1.3 US Vice President's Speech at Fudan University 美国副总统在复旦大学的演讲开场白 Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your kind words of introduction. And we're delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. // We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.// 非常感谢您,市长先生。谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我夫人与我为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们。我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline. I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.


第二单元 接待口译 Interpreting for Reception Service 2- 1 机场迎宾 Greeting at the Airport 人力资源部经理:manager of Human Resources. 能够成行:make it 百忙中抽空:take time from busy schedule Be held up:耽搁 Attending service :服务 行齐 了: get all the luggage 设宴洗尘:host a reception in one's honor 杂技表演:acrobatic show 2- 2 宾馆入住 Hotel Accommodation Check-in:登记住宿 确认函:confirmation letter Itinerary :行程表 双人间:double room 8 折优惠价:have a good rate with 20% off Photo-copy :复印 总台:Front desk 洗熨部:Laundry Service Fitness exercise :健身 2-5 宴会招待 Banquet Service 敬业(的专家):dedicated (experts) Maneuver :机动,演习,策略,调遣 Cuisine :菜系 食物的质地:raw materials with quality texture 原汁原味:original flavor 特色点心:special snack 预立房间:have a reservation with travel agency: 旅行社 accommodation :住宿 豪华套房:a deluxe suite morning cal ::叫醒 express mail : 快递 餐饮部:Catering Service 楼层服务台:Floor Service Desk 教练:coach contribute one's share : 尽了 …责任 大自然所赐予的:Mother Nature grant us 色,香,味,形:color t aromadaste.appearance 调料:seasonings appetizing :引起食欲的 酸甜适口: a sweet and sour sauce 皮薄汁醇:with thin and translucent wrappers and rish tasty soup ? 皮脆肉嫩:(with a ) crispy skin and tender meat figure out :想出 好戏还在后头:have more suiprises to expect 祝洒:drink to (the health) of sb. 干杯:cheers 2- 4 参观访问 Getting Around 高科技园 区:High-Tech Park 鸟瞰:take a bird's eye view of 走马观花:cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horsehack 显目审批权:be authorized to approve projects (with)优惠政策:preferential policies 与国际管理体制接轨:operate under the management system of international standards 跨国公司:multinationals 生物技术:biotechnology 一条龙服务:a stream -lined one-stop service 可持续发展:sustainable development 流水潺潺:streams murmuring 四季花香:fragrant flowers blossoming all year round 安保服务:security service Top-notch:顶尖的 不辞辛苦:in spite of the tiring trip nin into a stomi:下暴雨 clear up:天气转好 倒时差:get over the jet-lag 下榻宾馆:lake sb.to the hotel 总裁:chairman 业务经理:operation manager 言 归正传:come back to story 件干企业:enterprises of pillar industries 高技术产业链:high-tech industry chains 生态型开发:ecological conservation 绿草成茵:boasts stretches of green grass 鸟儿蜩啾:birds chirping


Lesson 3 3.3 Steve Forbes on Forbes 我祖父二十世纪初来到美国,他离开苏格兰时身上没有什么钱。连他在内有兄弟姐妹10人,不过他自小受到很好的教育。像许多人一样,他也是满怀憧憬和理想来到美国的。** 他创办了《福布斯》杂志,报道那些实干家,那些给商业社会带来变革的人。 我祖父常说,做生意不是为了堆积百万财富,而是为了带来幸福快乐。如今我们讲到公司和经营,文章中会用到许多数字,但是焦点一直放在人上面。**对公司而言,最重要的是人,而不是资产负债表。以前我祖父是这样看的,我们现在也这样看。 ** 当前世界信息泛滥,足以将人淹么其中,人们迫切需要一本刊物来解读这些信息,告诉读者哪些重要哪些可以不必理会。这就是《福布斯》的价值所在。我们提供额外的视角和判断。我们从不停留于表面,总想看看公司到底如何经营的,正是当今芜杂繁多的信息使得《福布斯》日益重要。 3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts company Distinguished guests, dear friends: I feel honored to have this opportunity to introduce our company to you through the platform provided by this conference. Founded 15 years ago, we are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sales of handicrafts. Fifteen years ago our staff numbered 50; now the figure is 1,700. Fifteen years ago we rented a facility covering a floor space of4,500 square meters; now our own facility covers a floor space of 24,000 square meters. **These figures speak loudly and clearly of our success. Our leading products are various architectural models, including exotic European cathedrals, the


----- 3-2 投资意向 词汇预习 Share my thoughts with you Foreign firm Investment destination 翻了两番 投资热 全面对外开放 沿海城市 内地 有利可图 I'm all ears to?? 最大限度 发挥有关双方的优势 幅员辽阔 税收 消费者市场

基础设施 诱人的投资政策 资金 管理知识 研究资料 合资/独资企业 资金 Enlightening Consultant 课文口译 A:您好,罗伯茨先生. Hi, Miss Chen. I have been thinking about something lately and I'd like to share my B:thoughts with you. 好呀,请说.我很高兴能为您做些什么.A: In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. Apparently B:a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into Chine, and the Pudong Area of Shanghai is among the best choices of their investment destination. Today it is not a matter of whether to go east, but when and how. 出现这一高涨不止的投你说的完全对.A:海外人士在上海


. 第二单元接待口译Interpreting for Reception Service 2-1 机场迎宾Greeting at the Airport 人力资源部经理:manager of Human Resources. Top-notch: 顶尖的 能够成行:make it 不辞辛苦:in spite of the tiring trip 百忙中抽空:take time from busy schedule run into a storm:下暴雨 Be held up: 耽搁clear up:天气转好 Attending service:服务倒时差:get over the jet-lag 行李齐了:get all the luggage 下榻宾馆:take sb.to the hotel 设宴洗尘:host a reception in one's honor 总裁:chairman 杂技表演:acrobatic show 2-2 宾馆入住Hotel Accommodation Check-in: 登记住宿预定房间:have a reservation with 确认函:confirmation letter travel agency:旅行社 Itinerary:行程表accommodation:住宿 双人间:double room 豪华套房:a deluxe suite 8折优惠价:have a good rate with 20% off morning cal::叫醒 Photo-copy:复印express mail:快递邮件 总台:Front desk 餐饮部:Catering Service 洗熨部:Laundry Service 楼层服务台:Floor Service Desk Fitness exercise:健身教练:coach 2-3 宴会招待Banquet Service 敬业(的专家):dedicated(experts)contribute one's share:尽了…责任Maneuver :机动,演习,策略,调遣大自然所赐予的:Mother Nature grant us Cuisine:菜系色,香,味,形:color,aroma,taste,appearance 食物的质地:raw materials with quality texture 调料:seasonings 原汁原味:original flavor appetizing:引起食欲的 特色点心:special snack 酸甜适口:a sweet and sour sauce 皮薄汁醇:with thin and translucent wrappers and rish tasty soup. 皮脆肉嫩:(with a ) crispy skin and tender meat figure out:想出 好戏还在后头:have more surprises to expect 祝酒:drink to (the health) of sb. 干杯:cheers 2-4 参观访问Getting Around 高科技园区:High-Tech Park 业务经理:operation manager


Lesson 10 10.3 中与欧盟的关系 女士们、先生们、朋友们: 今天,我很荣幸给大家介绍欧盟的一些情况以及欧盟与中国的关系。 欧盟全称为欧洲联盟,是在欧洲共同体基础上由25个(27)独立的国家组成的,目的是为了加强政治、经济和社会合作。原来称“欧共体”或“欧洲经济共同体”。 目前的25个成员国是奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、英国、塞浦路斯(希腊部分)、捷克共和国、爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马耳他、欧兰、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚。 欧盟25国总面积400万平方公里,接近半个中国的面积。总人口数为4.544亿,排行第三,仅次于中国和印度,约占世界总人口的7%。 欧盟统一货币为欧元,2002年1月1日正式启用。到目前为止,已经有12个欧盟成员国用欧元取代其本国货币。统一货币使人们出门旅行、对比价格更为容易,它还为欧洲的商业往来、刺激增长与竞争创造了一个稳定的环境。 到目前为止,欧盟的国内生产总值逾10万亿美元。作为一个整体,这个规模与它的主要竞争对手美国差不多。经济总量和贸易总额分别占全球25%和35%。 欧盟与中国关系十分友好。今年5月欧盟与中国就建交30周年了。去年,欧盟与中国的进出口贸易总额达到2,000亿欧元。德国是中国最大的贸易伙伴,英国、荷兰名列第二和第三。 欧盟正抓住当前大好的历史机遇——团结曾经分裂的欧洲大陆,创造一个和平、稳定、民主的欧洲。*** 这次欧盟的扩大还将创造一个几乎拥有5亿消费者的统一市场,这个市场饱含经济增长和不断繁荣的极大潜力。 我的话讲完了,谢谢大家!

10.4 中国与东盟的关系 A: Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? And how many member countries does it have now? B: 东盟于1967年8月8日成立,目前有10个成员国,它们是:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和越南。 A: Besides these 10 member countries, ASEAN also always holds the 10+1, 10+3 meetings. Does it mean that ASEAN has some dialogue partners? B: 是的。东盟有10个对话伙伴,它们是澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本、俄罗斯、新西兰、韩国和美国。 A:What is the area that ASEAN covers? How man languages are spoken in this region? What is the total population? B: 东盟地区面积大约有450万平方公里,有14中官方语言和7种宗教。人口总数在2000年有5.12亿。 A: 4.5 million square kilometers is about half of China’s territory, such a big regional organization neighboring China. How is the relationship between ASEAN and China now? B:东盟不仅在区域上面积广大,在经济、政治、科技上也是一个举足轻重的地区。所有的东盟成员国都是中国的友好近邻。自从上世纪90年代以来,中国与东盟的关系一直很好,政治联系日益密切。 A:Can you give some data? B: 在中国与东盟的关系中,经贸、科技方面的合作是基本的组成部分。1994年的贸易总额从120亿增加到235亿美元,其中中国出口额109.2亿美元,进口123.6亿美元。双方的相互投资过去几年也不断增加。东盟在劳务合作和项目建设方面已经成为中国的重要市场。中国和东盟已经同意用8年的时间创建世界人口最密集的自由贸易区。 A:The relationship is very good economically, but how about


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 口译文本(二) 2.4 CNN采访李连杰 CNN:Congratulations on “Hero”. I mean,is the part very similar to what you normally play? 译文:祝贺《英雄》。我想问的是,这个角色是否和你通常演的角色很相似? 李连杰:不,这是一部不同寻常的电影中的一个非常独特的角色,和我以往演过的角色都不一样。可以说这是我最重要的动作片之一。 译文:No, this is a very unique role in a very unusual movie, different from all the other roles I have played before. It can be said to be one of my most important action movies. CNN:Why do you say that? You have made about 30 movies. How is this one different from the rest? 译文:为什么这么说?你演了大约30部电影。为什么这一部那么与众不同? 李连杰:通常的动作片都有这么一个模式:一个孩子的父母亲被杀,这个孩子从小习武,立志报仇血恨。长大后他果然功夫超群,除掉坏蛋,为父母报仇。但《英雄》的题材则广博得多。 译文:Normally, action movies follow such a formula: a child’s parents got killed, and this child started playing Kongfu at a very young age, determined to take his revenge. And when he grows up, he will have become an outstanding Kongfu master, he will kill the bad guy and take the revenge for his parents. But Hero has a much broader theme. CNN:Is it very similar to “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” for example? 译文:那它是否和《卧虎藏龙》类似? 李连杰:完全不同。我认为李安是个非常有才华的导演,他用武术来描写爱情。而张艺谋则尝试用武术来描述中国文化,中国人的思想,以及他们期望的世界是什么样的。 译文:Absolutely different. Ang Lee is a very talented director; he uses martial arts to depict love. While Zhang Yimou uses martial arts to describe Chinese culture, the thoughts of Chinese people as well as the world in their eyes. CNN:That’s very deep. We know your first-ever movie was “Shaolin Temple” made in 1979 when you were still just a teenager. The movie was a huge hit in Asia and was followed by two sequels. Let me ask you, how did you move from being a martial arts champion to becoming a Hollywood action star? 译文:这可真够深奥的。我们知道你的银幕处女作是1979年拍摄的《少林寺》,


句子精炼( Sentences in Focus ) Unit 2 接待口译(机场迎宾、宾馆入住、宴会招待、参观访问) 1. This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports.(这个机场太美了,绝对是一个顶尖的国际机场。) 2. I’m very bad with a jet-lag. But I will be all right in a couple of days.(我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就回复了。) 3. I’d like to have a 7 o’clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, laundry done, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and something like that.(我要早上7点钟叫醒,早餐送到我房间,衣服要熨,文件要复印,邮件要快递,诸如此类的事情需要服务。) 4. We all maneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.(可以说我们每个人都成功的使我们的使命得以完成。) 5. Let’s delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us.(让我们尽情享受大自然赋予我们的食物吧。) 6. 我要是没认错的话,您一定是从伦敦来的泰莱科教授吧。(You must be Prof. Tallack from London, if I’m not mistaken.) 7. 我是海通集团人力资源部经理。(I’m manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group.)


上海中级口译考试全 攻略

上海中级口译考试全攻略(笔试+口试) 两周前风尘仆仆地考完中级口译,常有人问我考得怎么样。我的答复总是:美女很多+非常紧张。 在参加考试之前,我常听到两种说法:中级口译太简单了,根本是没用的证,不如去考高口;中级口译太难了,只有高手才能拿到证。这两种说法都没错,对不同英语程度的人来说,中级口译的地位也不尽相同。我当初想到考中级口译并不是为了那一纸证书,因为我对于口译兴趣很小。想到报名完全是为了提高听力。上海交大去年做的一项调查显示,65%的同学认为经过口译训练,听力水平得到了大幅提高。当时我在《外国语》上看到这篇论文,立刻想到通过中级口译提高我可怜的听力。复习之后我还发现,口译对拓宽词汇量尤其是生活词汇作用巨大。 下面我就来谈谈怎么准备中级口译。 首先你需要买中级口译的教材,一共五本《中级听力教程》《中级阅读教程》《中级口语教程》《中级翻译教程》《中级口译教程》,但是,这五本中只需要买三本,那就是《中级翻译教程(第三版)》,《中级听力教程(第3版)》,《中级口译教程(第3版)》,另外两本千万别买,和考试根本没关系,除了这三本,我还推荐买《中级口译真题解析》,《中高级口译口试备考精要(附MP3)--新东方大愚英语学习丛书》,《英语口译资格考试分类词汇精编》。 书买好了,就可以开始准备了。

在准备之前,先确定打算何时考中级口译。中级口译一年两次,一次在3月笔试(同年5月初口试),另一次在9月(同年11月初口试),笔试部分考点较多,可以去上海中级口译官网查找,在哪个城市报名就在哪个城市考笔试,但是你也可以网上报名,网上报名必须在上海考试。注意报名时间:9月的考试在6月报名,3月的考试在12月报名,一定要随时关注官网的通知。 中级口译的笔试满分250分,149.5分以上通过笔试。一旦通过笔试,你就获得了接下来四次参加口试的机会(即两年有效期),我推荐在9月参加笔试,因为暑假时间较多,而寒假有春节的干扰,复习不充分,很多人都会放弃3月的考试。 下面我简要介绍一下中级口译的考试内容及复习方法。 笔试部分共三部分,即听力、阅读和笔译。 听力占90分,包含听写填空,段对话及长对话,听译。 听写填空,英文叫spot dictitation, 给400词左右的文章,抠去20个空,每个空需要填进去1~4个单词,文章只读一遍。这部分最重要的就是练习和预测了。反复的练习能够迅速提高正确率,而做这一题型的技巧就是预测。拿到一份试题,迅速阅读这篇文章,预测每一个空的词性和含义,最容易做错或漏听的是两个空格靠得很近的时候以及空格在一行行首的时候,在这时就要提前标出这些空,重点关注。


中级口译课程大纲 课程名称:中级口译/ Oral Interpretation: Intermediate Level 课程编号: 学时学分:32学时 2 学分 先修课程:无 适用专业:非英语专业 建议教材:梅德明编著,《中级口译教程》,上海外语教学出版社,2007年3月 开课系所:外国语学院大学英语教学部 一、课程的性质与任务 课程性质:大学英语后续课程 课程任务:本课程是非英语专业第四学期的一门后续课程。本课程的教学目标是教授口译的基本原理与方法,为学生提供系统的口译技能训练,帮助学生克服在不同场合的口译过程中遇到的双语转换和文化差异的障碍,培养学生独立从事英汉、汉英口译的基本能力。本课程的教学原则是精讲多练,鼓励学生在大量实践的基础上运用所学原理和方法去发现存在的问题,寻求解决办法,提高口译技能。 二、课程的基本内容及要求 课程教学分为若干单元,内容涵盖文化、历史、政治、经济、生活等各个方面,为学习者创造汉英、英汉互译的学习条件。 以下为分学期、分章节详细编写的本课程主要教学内容、课程的重点、难点、课程教学要求。 《中级口译》课程的基本内容与要求 绪论 总学时:2学时 重点与难点: 1、口译基本概念(包括口译发展进程、分类定义、操作标准、译员素质等)。 2、口译课学习的基本要求、课程进度及评价标准。 内容与要求: 1、通过对口译发展史的介绍,让学生认识到口译在文化交流中的重要作用。 2、帮助学生了解口译实践中的分类定义、相应操作过程及标准。 3、就本课程对学生提出相关要求,明确课程的性质与目的。 第一章会话口译 总学时:2学时 重点与难点: 1、会话翻译的衔接与连贯。 2、职务、职衔的翻译方式及惯用法。 3、“经济、贸易”内容的文体特点及相关术语。 内容与要求: 1、会话是语用学研究的重点之一,通过引入语用学中“会话含义理论(Conversational implicature)”以及相应的“合作原则(Cooperative principle)”及“预设(presupposition)”等概

中级口译--翻译教程第3单元PART ONE

中级口译--翻译教程第3单元PART ONE Unit three 3.1.1 翻译练习 A Mixed Economy:the United States System The economic system of the United States is principally privately owned. This system is often referred to as the "free enterprise system" and can be contrasted to a socialist economy, which depends heavily on government planning and on public ownership of the means of production. It should be noted that although the United States operates a system of private enterprise, government has to some extent always been involved in regulating and guiding the American economy. Yet despite this history of government intervention, individuals in the United States have always been able to choose for whom they will work and what they will buy. Most important, they vote for officials who will set economic policy. Traditionally, the system has been referred to as a "market economy". Now decisions are made by three groups and it is their dynamic interaction that makes the economy function. Consumers, producers and government make economic decisions on a daily basis,the primary force being between producers and consumers; hence the market economy designation. Consumers look for the best values for what they spend while producers seek the best price and profit for what they have to sell. Government, at the federal, state, and local level, seeks to promote the public security, assure fair competition, and provide a range of services believed to be better performed by public rather than private enterprises. Some of these public services include education, the postal (but not the telephone) service, the road system, social statistical reporting and, of course, national defense. In the United States most people are simultaneously consumers and producers; they are also voters who help influence the decisions of the government. The mixture among consumers, producers and government changes constantly, making a dynamic rather than a static economy. In the last decade consumers have made their concern known and government has responded by creating agencies to protect consumer interests and promote the general public welfare. In another development, the population and the labor force have moved dramatically from farms to cities, from the fields to the factories, and above all to service industries, thus providing more personal and public services. In today's economy these providers of services far outnumber producers of agricultural and manufactured goods. Generally, there are three kinds of businesses: (1) those started and managed personally by single owners or single entrepreneurs; (2) the partnership where two or more people share the risks and rewards of a business, and (3) the corporation where shareholders as owners


上海中级口译考试全攻略(笔试+口试)两周前风尘仆仆地考完中级口译,常有人问我考得怎么样。我的答复总是:美女很多+非常紧张。 在参加考试之前,我常听到两种说法:中级口译太简单了,根本是没用的证,不如去考高口;中级口译太难了,只有高手才能拿到证。这两种说法都没错,对不同英语程度的人来说,中级口译的地位也不尽相同。我当初想到考中级口译并不是为了那一纸证书,因为我对于口译兴趣很小。想到报名完全是为了提高听力。上海交大去年做的一项调查显示,65%的同学认为经过口译训练,听力水平得到了大幅提高。当时我在《外国语》上看到这篇论文,立刻想到通过中级口译提高我可怜的听力。复习之后我还发现,口译对拓宽词汇量尤其是生活词汇作用巨大。 下面我就来谈谈怎么准备中级口译。 首先你需要买中级口译的教材,一共五本《中级听力教程》《中级阅读教程》《中级口语教程》《中级翻译教程》《中级口译教程》,但是,这五本中只需要买三本,那就是《中级翻译教程(第三版)》,《中级听力教程(第3版)》,《中级口译教程(第3版)》,另外两本千万别买,和考试根本没关系,除了这三本,我还推荐买《中级口译真题解析》,《中高级口译口试备考精要(附MP3)--新东方大愚英语学习丛书》,《英语口译资格考试分类词汇精编》。 书买好了,就可以开始准备了。 在准备之前,先确定打算何时考中级口译。中级口译一年两次,一次在3月笔试(同年5月初口试),另一次在9月(同年11月初口试),笔试部分考点较多,可以去上海中级口译官网查找,在哪个城市报名就在哪个城市考笔试,但是你也可以网上报名,网上报名必须在上海考试。注意报名时间:9月的考试在6月报名,3月的考试在12月报名,一定要随时关注官网的通知。 中级口译的笔试满分250分,149.5分以上通过笔试。一旦通过笔试,你就获得了接下来四次参加口试的机会(即两年有效期),我推荐在9月参加笔试,因为暑假时间较多,而寒假有春节的干扰,复习不充分,很多人都会放弃3月的考试。 下面我简要介绍一下中级口译的考试内容及复习方法。 笔试部分共三部分,即听力、阅读和笔译。 听力占90分,包含听写填空,段对话及长对话,听译。 听写填空,英文叫spot dictitation, 给400词左右的文章,抠去20个空,每个空需要填进去

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