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1. __________________ it's good to have a (健康的)eating habit.

2. __________________ His father always (鼓励) him to face the failure bravely.

3. ____________________ John is interested in (化学)

4. ____________________________________ The Blacks are going to have their garden ________________________________ (浇水)this weekend.

5. _______________________________________ Reading is important, for it can open up a ________________________________ (未知的)world to us.

6. Sue always has great _ (勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.

7. _____________________________ Be polite, Henry. It's rude to (指向)at others like that.

8. _______________________________________________________To my surprise, the 3- year- old boy can spell all those words ___________________ (正确地).

9. ________________________________________________________ With the developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy more and mor ____________ (机器人)

are used in factories

10. _________________ Drinking tea is a (传统的)custom in China.

11. ___________________ Everest is a natur (奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.

12. ______________________________________________________There are three mon ths in spri ng in cludi ng March , April and __________________ (五月).

13. _________________________ Most drivers in Suqia n ar (礼貌的)eno ugh to let people walk across the

street first.

14. All my classmates went to the old people's home (除了)Enic because he was

ill .

15. ____________________________________________________ Researcherssay temperaturesin North Africa will continue ______________________ (上升)this summer.

16. ______________________________ - When was the new cross- sea (桥)in Lianyungang completed?- In

April , 2016.

17. ___________________________________________ -Come on, Sandy. Everybody will be lucky or ________________________ (成功的)sometime in their life .

-Thanks, ril try again .

18. ____________ Flight 846 (降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers

19. ____________________________________________________ On his way back home Frank lost his wallet because of his _____________________ (粗心).

20. Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very (真实的)

21. ________________________________________________ Each different part of China has its own special forms of _______________________ (传统的)art.

22. Mrs Wang, a ne ____ (顾客)of our shop, has become my friend

23. ____________________________________________ Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a Ion ___________________________ (历史).

24. We all know that the earth is not th ___ (中心)of the uni verse.

25. _____________ They were (激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday

26. ____________________ I could feel my heart (跳动)fast when I heard the news

27. _______________________ The floor will feel even (光滑的)after it is mopped by me.

28. Don't drink the ___ (污染)water. It will make you ill .

29. To my parents my health ___ (要紧)more to them than anything else

30. _______ All (建议)are welcome. Please give them to us at any time

31. Something must be done to stop the virus __ (扩散).

32. The little boy ___ his head when he heard what his mother said (垂下)

33 . I think these cameras are those_ (导演).Please look after them

34 . The Shan ghai Disney Resort which ope ns in June is __ to attract 10milli on visits each yea .(预计)

35 . Ice fishing, a popular winter sport, is ___ (相似的)in many ways to regular fishi ng .

36 . We need to learn new words and more_ (语法)to understand English better

37 . They wan ted to _ (发送)every one e- mails to ask for help .

38 . I was told that Apple Pay is one of the ____ (最安全的)way to pay on the

In ternet .

39 . Jack has many story books and he often_ (分享)them with his friends .

40 . My father is interested in __ (收集)stamps.

41 . His family is not rich eno ugh to _ (买得起)a house

42 . To our surprise, there was no salt in the fish . Dad did the cooking __ (粗心地).

43 . Here is the __ (菜单),can you tell me what you will order?

44 . My dream is to be a teacher in the _ (将来).

45. __________________ Every one is here (除了)Tom. He is abse nt because of his ill nes s

46. __________________________________ This big meal gives me en ergy for th after noon. ____________________________ (整个的)

47. __ of patients are treated in the hospital every day (千)

48. He climbed __ the window and saw what he could take away (穿过)

49. It is my ___ to be together with you.(愉快)

50. Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou Taizhou Airport.(国际的)

51. Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of the _______ m ost beautiful college campuses (世界的)

52. ______________________________ Any person who does somethin the law will be put into prison .(违反)

53. __ fireworks lighted up Shanghai Disneyland on March 29 2016.(首次)

54. Danny Bowman is crazy about taking photos of __ .(他自己)

55. __________________________________ The boy learns to play the piano every evening.(星期二)

56. ___________________ This is probably the painting I've ever seen (丑陋的)

57. The man seems to be in his _ .(四十)

58. __________________ Please tell me th (总的,大体的)idea of the passage after you read it

59. __________________________________________ The boy who won the drawing competition is the _______________________ (骄傲)of his class.

60. _________________________________________ The robot caught a virus and no Ion ger worked _____________________________ (正常地)

61. My friends in Australia say that they now have hot days with temperatures in the (三十).

62. _________________________ Helping others is the most (有价值的)thing in the world.

63. People like __ (分享)things through WeChat now

64 . Could you tell me the __ (高度)of Qomolangma?

65 . He has just come back after livin __ (在国外)for almost ten years

66 . The copy of Evangeline has man __ (有帮助的)notes at the back

67 . The twins looked the same so I often __ (弄错)one from the other.

68 . Do you know the __ (首都)of America ?

69 . Mum sometimes __ (混合)vegetables together to make a salad for us

70 . To catch her attention I ___ (摇动)my head and held up my hat to her

71. ________________________________ Ihave no interest in TV ads I think it (简

直)a waste of time to watch them

72. ___________________________ Today, I consider myself the (幸运的)man on the face of the Earth

73. Can you help me divide the cake into tw __ (半)?

74. ______________________________ I never learned to raise cows an (也不)did they.

75. ______________________________ The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin i (赞扬)as the"Art Palace of Nature".

76 . The enemies suspected that Wang Fang was an_ (地下的)worker of our Party .

77 . Somethi ng is wrong with the __ (模型)pla ne . Can you fix it for me ?

78 . The Australian teacher in our school tries to use (筷子)when he has meals

79 . We should work __ (紧密地)with the local people to help them with their problems.

80 . Most foreig n visitors are very _ (兴趣)in Chin ese traditi onal culture .

81 . Yesterday we had a special party for h _ (九)birthday .

82 . Supermarket is th __ (吵闹的)place that I have bee n to

83 . Before the game started I __ (分开)these children into five groups.

84 . I found a letter _ (躺)on the floor when I came into the classroom

85 . - Do you know the lady well over there?

-No, she is a (完全的)stranger to me

86 . Luckily , neither the driver nor the __ (乘客)was hurt.

87 . - What's the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?

-It will drop ____ zero, to - 5°C .

88 . - What do you think of Mr . Reads speech

-It was very ____ .Some of the students were sleeping all the time

89 . - Are these vegetables safe eno ugh to e?t

-Yes, they are up to high .

90 . - Is there any chanee that we can change the plan

-rm afraid not . Whether you are for or , it will be carried out .

91 . - Where are you going for your school trip, Tom?

-I have n't made a ___ yet, I'm going to talk about it with our classmates.

92. - Why not take this road? It's a short cu t

-I am afraid we can't, for it breaks down. Several workers are busy it now.

93. 一in before others is really not polite, I think.

一I agree. We should always queue

94 . 一Are there any clues for the big fire?

一The police confirm that the house caught fire by design rather than by .

95 . 一Have the passengers gone on yet?

一Yes, they are all on the plane now

96 . -------- Why did n't you accept such a good jo?

------ O h, it's my ability , so I had to give it up .

97 . - Do you know what the gesture"V"stands for?

-It stands for" " . I think .

98 . ——Will Tom win the game?

——Of course. There is no that he will be come first .

99 . - How much does this elephant ?

-About 3tons.

100 . - The doctor advised me to get up and sleep at a time, but I found it very hard .

-I think you can make it .

101 . Tomorrow is his __ (九十)birthday, and he is so excited

102 . There are still some places that are_ (未知)to humans.

103 . Sim on, don't worry too much . We all thi nk you can make it by (自己). 104 . America n __ (发明家)Thomas Edis on bega n maki ng short actio n pictures at thebegi nning of the 20th century .

105 . Chang'e 4will send wonderful pictures back to us when i!_ (至U达)the moon in the year 2018.

106 . Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest players retired (退役)in April . He (赢

得)five NBA champi on ships and two Olympic gold medals.

107 . Alex and Tony are crazy about computer They want to be computer __ (工程师)in the future.

108. ______________________ Lots of parents become (没耐心)as their children grow up.

109. Bill married the wrong woman and he thought his life wa __ (完全)finished. 110. You can watch more English __ (录像)to improve your oral English.

111. Leon ardo DiCaprio fin ally _ (赢得)his first Oscar for Best Actor at the 88h Academy Awards.

112. ____________________ This kind of disease (传播)so quickly that it drew the government's atte nti on.

113. Each of us felt __ (口渴的)when seeing the watermelons on the table

114. To ___ (形成)a good habit of reading, you should always choose the good reads

115. Don't wear dark clothes when you walk on the road at nigh,yellow and white are th __ (容易的)colours for dirvers to see

116. I can't tell the differences between the two boys They look___ (完全地)the same

117 . The museum is about two _ (小时)ride from the theme park We had better start right now .

118 . He is a talented man and all his novels were well (写).

119. Though the little girl has no pare nt. lots of people have volun teered to give a (帮助)ha nd.

120 . Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world , was inven ted by (意外的事).

121 . I think the __ (人口)of China will become larger and larger because of the new policy (政策).
