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Part 1 Listening 30%

I. Listen and choose (选出听到的音标、单词、词组和句子)10%

( ) 1. A. / m?θ / B. / mes / C. / mis /

( ) 2. A. / fu:d / B. / fut / C. / fru:t / ( ) 3. A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose

( ) 4. A. shadow B. shape C. sharp

( ) 5. A. a black cocoon B. a brown cocoon C. a brown coat ( ) 6. A. two carrots B. four potatoes C. five tomatoes ( ) 7. A. Here’s a school bag. Whose is it?

B. Here’s a bag. Whose is this?

C. Here’s a pencil case. Whose is it?

( )8. A. The silkworms are eating leaves.

B. The moths are eating leaves.

C. The silkworms are on the leaves.

( )9. A. We have Chinese, Maths and PE.

B. We have Chinese, English and Art.

C. We have Maths, English and Music.

( )10. A. Healthy children eat a lot of fruit.

B. Healthy children have some milk.

C. Unhealthy children eat a lot of sweets.

II. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)5%

( ) 1. A. Yes, I like plums. B. I like apples.

C. I don’t like apples.

( ) 2. A. Sure, I’d love to. B. Yes, I do.

C. Yes, I like.

( ) 3. A.They’re Kitty’s. B. It’s Kitty’s.

C. They are beautiful.

( ) 4. A. There’s an apple. B. It’s an apple.

C. There are four.

( ) 5. A. Thank you. B. That’s all right. C. I see. III. Listen and choose (根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)5%

( ) 1. A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. No, he isn’t ( ) 2. A. Danny’s B. George’s C. Peter’s ( ) 3. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it’s smooth. ( ) 4. A. Fifty yuan. B. Fifteen yuan. C. Five yuan . ( ) 5. A He played the drum B. He did his homework

C. He watched TV.

IV. Listen and judge (听录音判断,用"T"或"F"表示)5%

( ) 1.The pupils of Class Four, Grade Five are in the park.

( ) 2. Sue and May can pick the flowers.

( ) 3. Eric’s sunglasses are on his hand.

( ) 4.Near the tree, there’s a plant house..

( ) 5.Three boys like to draw under the tree.

V. Listen and fill in the blanks(听短文,填入所缺的单词)5%Peter and Sally were at the supermarket. They _______ at the toys. There were a lot of people. They talked _________. It was _________. Soon Sally and Peter were back at home. They ________ on the sofa and ________TV. Their little brother Paul played with a toy bear in his bedroom.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar 45%

I. Read and choose(语音判断,将不含有所给音标的单词的编号写在前面的括号内)4%

( ) 1. / ei / A. baby B. lady C. castle

( ) 2. / au / A. out B. house C. touch

( ) 3. / ?u / A. bowl B. now C. ago

( ) 4. / u / A. cook B. good C. cool

( ) 5. / N / A. think B. find C. sing

II. Read and write(填上适当的单词,每线一词)7%

1. I had some rice and some __________ for breakfast. That sounds nice.

2. Put the books on Miss Fang’s desk. They’re all _______. She likes reading.

3. We can sing and dance in this class. This subject is __________.

4. I want to draw a picture. Please give me some ____________.

5. The film is about a princess and seven dwarfs. It’s _________ __________.

6. It was an egg. Now it’s a __________.

Ⅲ. Read and choose (选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)12% ( ) 1. --What is Kitty doing?—She is doing__________homework.

A. his

B. her

C. my

( ) 2. I usually __________TV with my parents, but now we_______at the stars.

A. watch, look

B. watch, are looking

C. are watching, look ( ) 3. Let’s move some _________.

A. furniture

B. furnitures

C. a furniture

( ) 4. Put the lamp under the window________.

A. one

B. first

C. the first

( ) 5. Peter wants ____ a paper kite.

A. to make

B. make

C. making

( ) 6. It’s _____outside. There are some students outside.

A. noise

B. noisy

C. noises

( ) 7. Kitty, tell me your timetable _______ Monday.

A. to

B. on

C. for

( ) 8.Let’s go ________too.

A. swim

B. swimming

C. to swim

( ) 9. It’s time to _______.

A. dinner

B. having dinner

C. have dinner


2016-2017年度第二学期期末试卷 八年级历史试题卷 1、1949年10月1日的开国大典标志着中华人民共和国的成立,开辟了中国历史的新 纪元,这个“新”主要是指( ) A .国家的名称变了 B .国家独立富强了 C .中国的社会性质变了 D .人民的生活改善 了 2、历史兴趣小组开设了一个有关抗美援朝时期人物的专题网站,收录的历史人物不应 包括() A .彭德怀 B .黄继光 C .邱少云 D .邓稼先 3、某同学利用下面的三幅历史图片开展研究性学习,研究内容应围绕() A .土地改革 B .农业合作化 C .人民公社化 D .“大跃进”运动 4、新中国成立以来,党和政府的下列举措中,推动了西藏社会进步和经济发展的措施 是() ①和平解放西藏 ②修建了青藏铁路 ③建立了经济特区 ④实施西部大开发展战略 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ 5、在发展国民经济的第一个五年计划(1953—1957)里,我国没有完成的任务是 A .实现工业化,把我国从农业国变成了工业国() B .农业的社会主义改造 C .手工业的社会主义改造 D .资本主义工商业的社会主义改造 6、“开着一辆解放牌汽车,奔驰在青藏公路上”,这种情景最早会出现在() A .抗美援朝时期 B .“一五”计划时期 C .“大跃进” 时期 D .“文革”时期 7、如图是1949~1989年我国粮食产量变化折线图。下列选项中,哪一个不是引起A 点到B 点粮食产量变化的原因?() A .农业合作化运动 B .“文革”的破坏 C .生产力水平低下 D .急于求成,缺乏经验 8、人民公社体制下的农民和家庭联产承包生产责任制下的农民在下面哪一方面是相同 的?() A.生产的积极性方面 B.土地的所有制方面 C.家庭的收入方面 D.生产的自主性方面 9、1976年《天安门诗抄》:“黄浦江上有座桥,江桥腐朽已动摇。江桥摇,眼看要垮 掉;请指示,是拆还是烧?”这首诗反应的政治要求是() A .黄浦江上建新桥 B .粉碎“四人帮” C .粉碎林彪集团 D .炮打资产阶级司令 部 10、历史老师布置一道作文题:中共十一届三中全会即将召开,请你为邓小平拟一份发言提纲。同学们所拟提纲中不恰当的是() A .否定“两个凡是”的方针 B .阶级斗争要常抓不懈 C .实行改革开放 D .将全党的工作重点转移到现代化建设上 11、中共八大,十一届三中全会,十三大这三次会议的共同点是() ①都体现了从实际出发,实事求是的马克思主义思想路线 ②工作重点都主张发展经济,满足广大人民日益增长的物质和文化的需要 ③都主张对内改革,对外开放 ④主要方针、路线在实践中得到贯彻 A.①④ B.②③ C.①② D.①②③ 12、当前,我国经济特区已走过30多年的历程,港澳特别行政区也已走过十多年的历程,下列关于两者的叙述不正确的是() A .都是划出一定范围的区域 B .都是在中央人民政府的统一管辖下 C .经济特区实行社会主义制度,特别行政区实行资本主义制度 D .都是为加快祖国统一大业的完成而设立 13、邓小平是如何解除我们在改革开放遇到的姓“资”姓“社”的困惑的?() A.坚持四项基本原则 B .和平共处五项原则 C .三个是否有利 D .以经济建设为中心 14、小明同学为班会准备了以下方面的素材,下列各项中较适合作为本次班会主题的是() A .朋友遍天下 B .五十六个民族是一家 C .科教兴国 D .“一国两制”与祖国统一 15、我国能够恢复对香港、澳门行使主权的各种因素中最主要的是() A .新中国已经成为独立自主的国家 B .国家统一是中华民族的共同愿望 C .改革开放使综合国力大大增强 D .“一国两制”构想为有关各方接受 16、1992年,海峡两岸达成“九二共识”的核心内容是() A .实现两岸真正停火 B .坚持一个中国原则 C .彻底实现祖国统一 D .结束军事对峙状态 17、近年来,南海、东海冲突时有发生,面对日益严峻的海上挑战,我国应:() ①坚决维护领土与主权完整 ②提倡以和平方式解决国际争端 ③加紧海军的现代化建设 ④通过国际仲裁决定钓鱼岛、黄岩岛等地领土归属 A .①②③④ B .①②③ C .①②④ D .①③④ 18、古人说“君子和而不同”,含义是“和谐而又不千篇一律,不同而又不互相冲突;和谐以共生共长,不同以相辅相成。”新中国成功运用这一思想的外交政策或事件是() ①提出和平共处五项原则 ②提出求同存异的方针 ③邀请尼克松访华,中美关系缓和 A .①② B .②③ C .①③ D .①②③ 班级: 学校 考号: ---------密----------------------封-------------------线-------------------内--------------不------------------得------------------答--------------------题--


一、阅读改错 A butterfly is an insect. It lays eggs. The eggs are small and white. The eggs become caterpillars. They eat leaves. They make little houses. They are cocoons. They are brown. When the cocoon opens, a butterfly comes out. ( ) 1、The eggs are big and white. ( ) 2、The egg eats leaves. ( ) 3、The cocoons are white. ( ) 4、Butterflies come out of cocoons. ( ) 5、The caterpillars make cocoons. 二、要求写句子 1. There are five birds in the tree. (对画线部分提问) 2. I can see some juice in the bottle. (改成一般疑问句) 3. I like model ships. (改成否定句) 4. There is a cat behind the door. (对画线部分提问) 5. The masks are forty yuan. (对画线部分提问) 6. The boy can play the guitar. (对画线部分提问) 7. I like tiger masks. (对画线部分提问) 三、选择 ( ) 1. They are going to the restaurant by A. a taxi B. the taxi C. taxi ( ) 2. My brother to school at seven o’clock in the morning. A. is going B. go C. goes ( ) 3. Kitty needs uniform for school .A. a B. an C. the ( ) 4. Look! Our classroom is on the __________ . A. second floor B. two floor C. two floors ( ) 5. This doll too old. I need a new A. ones B. one C. that one . ( ) 6. The traffic light . “Stop” ! A. is red man B. red C. is red ( ) 7. ——washes his face at six o’clock in the morning . A. Danny B. Danny and Ben C. They ( ) 8. We like and leaves .A. some fruit B. fruits C. fruit ( ) 9.The are going to the underground statain . A. Lis B. Mr Li C. Li ( ) 10. My birthday is on of January . A. the twenty-first B. the twentieth-first C. the twenty-one 选择对应的回答 ()1、What is this monkey doing? ()2、How much is that ball ? ()3、How is Kitty, Mary ? ()4、What do you like ? ()5、How many children ? A、She is sick today. B、One hundred . C、It’s eating a banana. D、Ninety yuan . E、Bananas . 填进适当的词 1、Ben and his ______ (家庭) are in the sitting-room. 2、There aren’t ______ (一些) sofas in the sitting-room. 3、Now ,follow ______ (我),please. 4、We’re having a Music _______(课). 5、They like (做) model planes. 6、We ______(需要) some flowers and vases. 7、--What do you like? -- I like ______(马).


Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Can I do this? 单词:cross穿越drink 喝make a noise 制造噪音mean 意味着one 一or 或者out 出去road 路 rubbish 垃圾sign 标志smoke 抽烟station 站 traffic light 交通灯underground 地下wait for等待way 路 which 哪一个 句子: 1 Don’t cross the road. __________________________________________ 2 Look! The traffic light’s red. Stop.________________________________ 3 Look! The traffic light’s yellow. Wait! _____________________________ 4 Look! The traffic light’s green. Go! _______________________________ 5 Can I go out, Mum? No, you can’t. ________________________________ 6 Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can. Here you are. ___________________________ Unit 2 This is what I want 单词:BigMac 巨无霸French Fries 炸鸡glue 胶水McChicken 鸡肉汉堡paper纸picnic 野餐scissors 剪刀tape 磁带vegetable 蔬菜want想要 句子: 1 What do you want? __________________________ I want some paper, please. _________________________________ 2 Here’s some paper. Thank you very much. _________________________________ Unit 3 This is What I need 单词:bake 烘烤buy 买cheap 便宜的dear 昂贵的for 为了need 需要salt 盐uniform 制服wear 穿let’s=let us 词组:1 a new uniform 一件新制服some new shoes 一些新鞋 some new socks 一些新袜子 a new bag 一件新书包 some books 一些书some crayons 一些蜡笔 Module 2 Me. My family and friends Unit 1 Me 单词:


人教版数学八年级下册期末测试卷 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一、选择题:(每题3分,共24分) 1.与12是同类二次根式的是( ) A. 4 B. 8 C. 18 D. 27 2.下面计算正确的是( ) A. 3+3=33 B. 273=3÷ C. 2?3=5 D. () 2 2=2-- 3.一个矩形的两条对角线的夹角为 60°,且对角线的长度为 8cm ,则较短边的长度为( ) A. 8cm B. 6cm C. 4cm D. 2cm 4.下列图形中是中心对称图形,但不是轴对称图形的是( ) A. B. C. D. 5.下列方程中是关于x 的一元二次方程的是( ) A. 221 0x x += B. 20ax bx c ++= C. 223 2 53x x x --= D. 1 2()()1x x -+= 6.顺次连接对角线互相垂直的四边形的各边中点,所得图形一定是( ) A. 正方形 B. 矩形 C. 菱形 D. 梯形 7.关于x 的方程2 4 0x x a -+=有两实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A. 4a ≤ B. 4a < C. 4a > D. 4a ≥ 8.Rt △ABC 中,AB=AC ,点D BC 中点.∠MDN=90°,∠MDN 绕点D 旋转,DM 、DN 分别与边AB 、 AC 交于E 、F 两点.下列结论 ①(BE+CF)= 2 2 BC ,②AEF ABC 1S S 4??≤,③AEDF S =四形边AD·EF ,④AD≥EF ,⑤AD 与EF 可能互相平分, 其中正确结论的个数是【 】 A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个

部编人教版2018年八年级历史下册单元测试1-9课(word 无答案)

八年级历史单元测试 一、选择题 1.标志着中国新民主主义革命胜利的历史事件是() A.中华民国的成立B.抗日战争的胜利C.中华人民共和国的成立D.三大改造的完成 2.1956年中国共产党召开了第八次全国代表大会,提出了当时党和人民的主要任务是集中力量发展社会生产力。中共八大提出这一主要任务的依据是() A.巩固新中国政权的需要B.当时国内的主要矛盾 C.社会主义制度建立的要求D.“左”倾思想的指导 3.某同学在学习中国共产党90多年的奋斗历程,自制了历史年代尺,其中②处应该填写的是() A.开天辟地B.当家作主C.改革开放D.香港回归 4.“抗美援朝打败美帝野心狼!”,中国人民付出了巨大的代价,这场战争对中国以及世界的影响是() ①打击了美国的嚣张气焰②提高了中国的国际地位 ③鼓舞了世界人民保卫和平反对侵略的勇气和信心④进一步巩固了新中国政权。 A.①②B.②③④C.①②④D.①②③④ 5.下列是在某场战争中牺牲的现江苏省赣州市龙南县籍部分革命烈士名录 陈观松(1924﹣1952)赖监桥(1933﹣1953)李佛林(1929﹣1953) 刘宴群(1927﹣1950)徐承钦(1928﹣1951)邱慈荣(1923﹣1952) 廖武(1931﹣1953)蔡以仁(1918﹣1950)刘房添(1919﹣1951) 据此分析,这场战争最有可能是() A.北伐战争B.抗日战争C.解放战争D.抗美援朝 6.从农民拥护新生政权的角度看,新中国成立后的土地改革成果,最有意义的是() A.农民成为土地主人B.废除了封建剥削制度

C.消灭了地主阶级D.为工业化开辟了道路 7.访谈当事人是获取历史知识的途径之一.要了解下列历史事件,最适合当下中学生采用此法的是()A.戊戌变法B.五四运动C.西安事变D.土地改革 8.刘少奇同志在一次大会的报告中指出:“从l953年起,我们有完全的必要在共同纲领的基础上前进一步,制定一个像现在向各位代表提出的这样的宪法。”这里“在共同纲领的基础上前进一步”指的是() A.“双百”方针的提出和推行B.第一部社会主义宪法的制定 C.“第一个五年计划”的通过D.和平共处五项原则首次提出 9.第一个五年计划期间,我国取得了巨大的成就,其中包括() ①长春第一汽车制造厂生产出第一辆汽车②沈阳第一机床厂建成投产 ③第一颗原子弹爆炸成功④武汉长江大桥建成通车。 A.①②③B.②③④C.①②④D.①③④ 10.中国走社会主义道路是历史的选择,人民的选择.社会主义制度在中国确立的标志是() A.1949年新中国成立 B.1956年三大改造基本完成 C.1952年土地改革基本完成D.1957年“一五”计划提前完成 11.《共产党宣言》指出:“无产阶级将利用自己的政治统治,一步一步地夺取资产阶级的全部资本,把一切生产工具集中在国家,即组织成为统治阶级的无产阶级手中,并且尽可能快地增加生产力的总量。”新中国成立后采取的措施中客观上符合上述思想的有() ①“一五计划”经济建设②“三大改造”③“大跃进”运动④人民公社化运动。 A.①②B.③④C.①②③D.①②③④ 12.以下是第一个五年计划(重工业基地)示意图和对外开放初期示意图。对这两幅图解读正确的是() A.图一以发展重工业为主,图二以发展农业和轻工业为主 B.图一重工业基地集中在东北地区,图二对外开放始于东南沿海地区


Part 2 Writing (阅读部分) 60% 一、找出不同类的词5% ( ) 1. A. drum B. violin C. music D. piano ( ) 2. A. am B. were C. are D. is ( ) 3. A. cloudy B. cloud C. cold D. rainy ( ) 4. A. theirs B. your C. our D. my ( ) 5. A. plums B. pears C. durians D. chocolates 二、仿照例词写单词5% Model say says said come __________ __________ do __________ __________ cut __________ __________ play__________ __________ like __________ __________ 三、为下列单词找出相应的音标词8% shadow climb down same shelf farmer where summer /klaIm / __________ /daJn / __________ /seIm / __________ /Felf / __________ /5fB:mE / __________ /weE/ __________ /5sQmE / __________ /5FAdEJ / __________ 四、选词填空10% 1.选择合适的词完成句子5% a.It’s six o’clock. I’m up. (get , getting) b.Do you like the green ones __________ red ones? (and , or) c.I smell with my __________. (nose , ears) d.Is this bird Mr Wang’s? Yes, it’s . (his , hers) e.Be quiet. The baby is ___________. (asleep, awake) 2.用疑问词(How, When, Whose, Which, What colour )填空5% a.__________ strawberries do you want? The soft and sweet ones. b.__________ screwdriver is that? It’s Peter’s father’s. c.__________are the beans? They are green. d.__________ do you feed the parrots? At six o’clock. e.__________ do you go to the Country Park? By car. 五、选择填空10% ( ) 1. Here’s the weather ________ Friday, the first ________June.


牛津英语五年级下册知识点整理 Unit1 What a mess 生词: notebook paints crayon school bag tape glue brush 音标: /e?/ /a?/ a baby favourite i pilot tiger a_e grade space i_e line white ai rain paint y fly sky ay May stay igh light right eigh eight weight ie die lie 语法:Whose...? It’s mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. They’re... Unit2 Watch it grow 生词: caterpillar butterfly chick chicken duckling duck puppy dog 音标: /??/ /e?/ ear hear near air hair pair ere here ere where there eer deer cheer ear wear bear 语法: ...was/were... Unit3 How noisy 生词: drill lorry bus car motorbike 音标: /??/ /??/ oy boy toy ure sure joy enjoy our tour oi noise join oor poor point toilet 语法: ...did...

Module2 My favorite things Unit1 Food and drinks 生词: Meat: pork beef chicken fish Vegetables: tomatoes potatoes carrots cabbages beans Fruit: apples oranges bananas grapes Staple Food: rice noodles bread Drinks: juice water milk tea 音标: 语法: What did you have for...? I had... Unit2 Film 生词: ticket ticket office entrance exit seat 音标: 语法: Shall we... Unit3 school subject 生词: Chinese English Maths Art Music IT PE 音标: 语法: It ’s time for... Module3 Things around us Unit1 Signs 生词: telephone toilet restaurant exit entrance /??/ /a ?/ o no ago ou out south photo go loud cloud o_e those home ow how now close hole bow cow ow show bowl grow crow oa coat boat /m/ /n/ /?/ m milk mouse n night find ng sing ring room cream win in n 【k 】 bank thank n 【g 】 hungry English / j/ / h/ / w/ y yes you h he hat w we wind yellow year wh who whose when what


八年级数学单元试题(时间 120分钟) 一、选择题 1、方程(x-1)(x+2)=0的根是( ) A 、x 1=1 x 2=-2 B 、x 1=-1 x 2=2 C 、x 1=-1 x 2=-2 D 、x 1=1 x 2=2 2、下列两个三角形中,一定全等的是( ) A 、有一个角是40°,腰相等的两个等腰三角形 B 、两个等边三角形 C 、有一个角是100°,底相等的两个等腰三角形 D 、有一条边相等,有一个内角相等的两个等腰三角形 3、方程x 2-x +2=0根的情况是( ) A. 只有一个实数根 B. 有两个相等的实数根 C. 有两个不相等的实数根 D. 没有实数根 4、方程x 2+6x-5=0的左边配成完全平方后所得方程为( ) A 、(x+3) 2=14 B 、 (x-3) 2=14 C 、(x+6) 2=1 2 D 、 以上答案都不对 5、如图,D 在AB 上,E 在AC 上,且AB =AC ,那么 补充下列一个条件后,仍无法判定△ABE ≌△ACD 的条 件是( ) A 、 AD =AE B 、 ∠AEB =∠AD C C 、 BE =CD D 、 BD=CE 6、如图,△ABC 中,AB=BD=AC ,AD=CD ,则∠BAC 的度数是( ) A 、100° B 、108° C 、120° D 、150° 7、在联欢晚会上,有A 、B 、C 三名同学站在一个三角形的三个顶点位置上,他们在玩抢凳子游戏,要求在他们中间放一个木凳,谁先抢到凳子谁获胜,为使游戏公平,则凳子应放的最适当的位置在△ABC 的( ) A 、三边中线的交点 B 、三条角平分线的交点 C 、三边上高的交点 D 、三边垂直平分线的交点 8、如果关于x 的一元二次方程x 2+px+q=0的两根分别为x 1=3, x 2=1,那么这个一元二 次方程是( ) A 、 x 2+4x+3=0 B 、 x 2-4x+3=0 C 、 x 2+4x-3=0 D 、 x 2-4x-3=0 9、如图所示的图形中,所有的四边形都是正方形, 所有的三角形都是直角三角形,其中最大的正方形 的边长为7cm ,则阴影部分正方形A 、B 、C 、D 的 面积的和是( )2 cm 。 A 、28 B 、49 C 、98 D 、147 10、 关于x 的方程2x 2+mx -1=0的两根互为相反数,则m 的值为( ) A 、 0 B 、 2 C 、 1 D 、 -2 11、角平分线的尺规作图,其根据是构造两个全等三角形,由作图可知:判断所构造的两个三角形全等的依据是( ) A 、 HL B 、ASA C 、 SAS D 、 SSS 12、若关于x 的一元二次方程kx 2-6x+9=0有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围( ) A 、 k <1 B 、 k ≠0 C 、 k <1且k ≠0 D 、 k >1 二、填空题 13、直角三角形三边是3,4,x ,那么x = 14、关于x 的二次三项式4x 2+mx+1是完全平方式,则m = 15、三角形两边的长分别是8cm 和6cm ,第三边的长是方程x 2-12x +20=0的一个实数根,则三角形的面积是 。 16、方程(m+1)x |m|+(m-3)x-1=0是关于x 的一元二次方程,则m= 17、关于x 的一元二次方程2230kx x -+=有实根,则k 得取值范围是 18、如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠B=90°,∠A=40°, AC 的垂直平分线MN 与AB 相交于D 点,则 B C


五年级英语(上)期末试卷 (考试时间为60分钟) 听力部分(25分) 一、听录音,选出听到的单词或短语,将其序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍,共10题,每小题1 分,计10分) ( )1. A.really B. finally C. usually ( )2. A. finger B. body C. group ( )3. A. forest B. from C. floor ( )4.A. please B. policeman C. push ( )5. A. Christmas Eve B. Christmas Day C. Christmas card ( )6.A. America B. CanadaC. Australia ( )7. A. lesson B. listen C. let’s ( )8.A. prettyB. monkey C. turkey ( )9.A. come out B. get out C. come in ( )10.A. a popular song B. a popular colourC. a popular teacher 二、听录音,判断下列各图是否与所听内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表 示。(听两遍,共5题,每小题1分,计5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(听两遍,共5题,每小题1 分,计5分) ( )1.A. Yes, they are.B. Yes, there is. C. No, there aren’t. ( ) 2.A.Yes, he does. B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, she does. ( ) 3.A. They can jump. B. It likes jumping. C. It can jump. ( ) 4. A. Yes, we can.B. No, I don’t.C. No, we don’t. ( )5.A. She is playing the piano. B. She can play the piano. C. She has a picnic. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍,共5空,每空1分,计5分) Angel is my ________. She’s nine years old. She’s from the UK, but she _______in China now. Her father is a _______. He teaches Maths. Her mother is a ________. She makes sweets. Angel is a student. She likes reading and drawing. She ________ goes to the library. She often visits her grandparents at weekends. They have picnics in the park. 笔试部分(75分) 五、单项选择。(共15题,每小题1分,计15分) ( ) 1.Can you show us ______ your new school? A. to B.around C. about ( ) 2. ________ any swings in the park. A. There are B. There isn’t C. There aren’t ( ) 3. People eat a lot of nice food ______ Christmas Day. A. on B. at C. in


My favourite fruit Some fruit is sweet. Some fruit is sour. I like apples best. Look at the apple. It is big and red. Touch it. It is smooth. Smell it. It is nice. Taste it. It is sweet. This is my favourite fruit. What about you? The tree's shadow Look at the sun. In the morning, it rises behind the hill. The tree's shadow is long. It is on the lawn. At noon, the sun is high in the sky. The tree's shadow grows short. It is on the bench. In the evening, the sun goes down. The tree's shadow grows long again. It is on the path. My shadow This is my shadow. She is also my friend. She often goes with me. Sometimes my shadow is behind me. Sometimes my shadow is in front of me. Sometimes my shadow is big and strong. Sometimes my shadow is short and small. I like my shadow. My favorite sport My favourite sport is playing football . There is a football club in our school. My friend and I join the club together. Sometimes I play football in the park. Sometimes I play football on the playground.I can play football very well. I like playing football. What about you? My home This is my home. Look, this is my bedroom. It is small. I can do my homework in it. This is the living room. It is big and clean. I can watch TV in it. This is the bathroom. I can wash my hair in it. It is clean too. That is the kitchen. My mother can cook dinner in it. I like my home. What about you? My holiday I have a holiday in Sanya. Sanya is big and nice. I can see a beach in Sanya. It is big. There is some sand on the beach. I can see many shells on the beach. I can swim in the sea. I can play beach ball with my f riend. I like eating ice creams very much. I enjoy myself in Sanya. What about you?


牛津英语五年级上册练习题 一、英汉词组互译。 1、她的家人_______________ 2、买东西 _______________________ 3、在课桌下_______________ 4、需要一些花 ____________________ 5、唱一首歌________________ 6、Good idea. ____________________ 7、a large sitting-room_______ 8、on the wall ____________________ 9、at a Music lesson__________ 10、have a Halloween party______ 二、对话配对。 () 1. Do you like the tiger mask? A. There’s a cat. ()2. Are there any pens on the desk? B. They’re twenty yuan. () 3. What’s under the table? C. Yes, there is. () 4. Is there a map on the wall? D. Yes, I need some pens and pencils. () 5. What can you do ? E. I can dance. ()6. How much are the flowers? F. Good idea. () 7. Can I help you? G. There are forty. () 8. Shall we put the vase on the teacher’s desk? H. OK. () 9. How many trees are there in the garden? I. No, I don’t. () 10. Listen to the teacher, please. J. Yes, there are. 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内。 ()1. Ben’s family____ having lunch in the dinning-room. A. am B. is C. are () 2. Are there ______ swings in the garden? Yes, there are. A. some B. any C. one () 3. _____any coffee in the cup?


语法测试题一.按要求改写句子 1. The boy is playing basketball. 否定句:____________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:_________________________________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________________________________ 否定回答:__________________________________________________ 对“is playing basketball”提问:__________________________ 对“ The boy”提问:__________________________________________________ 2. They are singing in the classroom. 否定句:____________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________________________________ 否定回答:__________________________________________________ 对“are singing ”提问:__________________________ 对“ in the classroom”提问:__________________________ 3.仿照例句造句: Model:read a book --What are you doing? --I'm reading a book. 1).read a new book ________________________________________ 2).clean the blackboard ________________________________________ 4.she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.) _____________________________________________ 5.The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问) ________________________________________________ 6.is,who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句) ______________________________________________ 7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) ________________________________________________ 8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句) ______________________________________________ 9.You are doing your homework.(用"I"作主语改写句子) ______________________________________________


检测内容:第一、二单元 得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________ 一、选择题(每小题3分,共60分) 1.从1950年到1952年,我国在全国范围内形成了一个以召开各界人民代表会议为主要内容的民主建政高潮。此“建政高潮”( D ) A.保证了第一届政协会议召开 B.反映了人民代表大会制度建立 C.旨在为全国人大普选做准备 D.体现了民主协商的政治特色 2.“这是亚洲一个划时代的历史时刻,虽然不是所有的中国都在共产党的手中,但毫无疑问,无论好坏,这是拥有近5亿人民、目前世界上最大的单一同质种族群体的政府。”英国(泰晤士报)报道的这个“划时代的历史时刻”是指( B ) A.第一届政协会议召开 B.新中国举行开国大典 C.旧民主主义革命胜利 D.西藏地区已和平解放 3.1949年10月1日的开国大典,标志着中华人民共和国的成立,开辟了中国历史的新纪元,这个“新”主要是指( C ) A.国家的名称变了 B.国家独立富强了 C.中国的社会性质变了 D.人民的生活改善了 4.1951年5月,《中央人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》在北京正式签字,这一协议的执行意味着( B ) A.摧毁了封建土地制度 B.获得了祖国大陆的统一 C.完成了社会主义改造 D.推翻了国民党的反动统治 5.中国人民志愿军被称为“最可爱的人”,是因为( B ) ①中国人民志愿军有着高度的爱国主义精神和革命英雄主义精神②志愿军战士在战斗中英勇顽强,不畏艰险,不怕牺牲③志愿军战士保卫了国家,也为国家和民族在国际上赢得了荣誉④中国人民志愿军有着伟大的国际主义精神 A.①②③ B.①②③④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 6.回顾过去的血与火的激烈战斗,我们发自内心地对英勇的志愿军战士表示崇高的敬意!抗美援朝战争胜利的原因是( D ) ①抗美援朝是一场正义的反侵略战争②党的英明决策和正确指挥③中国军事实力强于美国 ④志愿军和朝鲜人民军的英勇战斗 A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①②④ 7.建国初期,捍卫了亚洲与世界和平、保卫了国家独立、提高了中国国际地位的事件是( B ) A.《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》的颁布 B.抗美援朝 C.西藏和平解放 D.土地改革 8.(2017·江苏常州)“废除地主阶级封建剥削的土地所有制,实行农民的土地所有制,借以解放农村生产力,发展农业生产,为新中国的工业化开辟道路。”以此为基本目的,我国进行了( A ) A.土地改革 B.人民公社化运动 C.三大改造 D.“包产到户”改革 9.关于土地改革的完成,农民有深切体会,其中符合当时情景的是( A ) A.农民甲说:“我们总算翻了身,成为土地的主人。” B.农民乙说:“今年多收三五斗,还要向地主交租!”

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