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you all are leaving your alma mater now. i have no

gift to present you all except a piece of advice.

what i would like to advise is that “don’t give up your study.” most of the courses you have taken are

partly for your certificate. you had no choice but to

take them. from now on, you may study on your own. i

would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. your youth will be gone that will never e back to you again. when you are old,

and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to. even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. at this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. perhaps you will

say, “after graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent problem, that is, to make a living. for this we have no time to study. even though we hope to study, we have no library nor labs, how can we study further?”

i would like to say that all those who wait to have a library will not study further even though they have one and all these who wait to have a lab will not do experiments even though they have one. when you have a firm resolution and determination to solve a problem, you will naturally economize on food and clothing.

as for time, i should say it’s not a problem. you may know that every day he could do only an hour work, not much more than that because darwin was ill for all his life. you must have read his achievements. every day you spend an hour in reading 10 useful pages, then you will read more than 3650 pages every year. in 30 years you will have read 110,000 pages.

my fellow students, reading 110,000 pages will make you a scholar. but it will take you an hour to read three kinds of small-sized newspapers and it will take you an hour and a half to play four rounds of mahjian pieces.

reading small-sized newspapers or playing mahjian pieces, or working hard to be a scholar? it’s up to you all.

henrik ibsen said, “it is your greatest duty to make yourself out.”

studying is then as tool as casting. giving up studying will destroy yourself.

i have to say goodbye to you all. your alma mater

will open her eyes to see what you will be in 10 years. goodbye!


It’s an honor to be here today to address HBS’s distinguished faculty, proud parents, patient guests, and most importantly, the class of 20xx.今天很荣幸来到这里为尊敬的哈佛商学院(HBS)的教授们,自豪的毕业生家长们和耐心的来宾们,尤其是为今年的毕业生们演讲。

Today was supposed to be a day of unbridled celebration and I know that’s no longer true. I join all of you in grieving for your classmate Nate. I know there are no words that makes something like this better.今天原本应该是狂欢的日子,不过我知道现在并不合适了(由于一名毕业生在欧洲突然死亡)让我们一起为Nate同学表示哀悼,当然任何言语在这样的悲剧前都苍白无力。

Although laden with sadness, today still marks a distinct and impressive achievement for this class. So please everyone join me in giving our warmest congratulations to this class of 2020.尽管有悲伤萦绕在大家心头,今天仍然象征着你们取得的杰出成绩。所以让我们一起为12届的毕业生们献上最热烈的祝贺。

When the wonderful Dean Nohria invited me to speak here today, I thought, e talk to a group of people way younger and cooler than I am? I can do that. I do that every day at facebok. I like being surrounded by young people, except when they say to me, “What was it like being in college without the inter?” or worse,“ Sheryl, can you e here? We need to see what old people think of this feature.” It’s not joking.当尊敬的院长Nohria邀请我今天来做演讲时,我想来给一群远比我年轻有活力的人们演讲?我没问题。这正是我每天在facebok做的事情。我喜欢和年轻人在一起,除了当他们问我,“没有互联网的大学是怎样的?” 或者更夸张“谢丽尔,你能过来下么?我们想知道‘老人’会对这个新功能怎么看” 这类问题。我不是在开玩笑。

It’s a special privilege for me to be here this month. When I was a student here 17 years ago, I studied social marketing with Professor Kash Rangan. One of the

many exles Kash used to explain the concept of social marketing was the lack of organ donors in this country, which kills 18 people every single day. Earlier this month, facebok launched a tool to support organ donations, something that stems directly from Kash’s work. Kash, wherever you are here, we are all grateful for your dedication.能够在毕业季来到这里,我觉得很荣幸。2020年前当我是哈佛的学生时,我上了Kash Rangan教授的“社交化营





It wasn’t really that long ago when I was sitting where you are, but the world has changed an awful lot. My section, section B, tried to have HBS’s first online class. We had to use an AOL chat room and dial up service. We had to pass out a list of screen names because it was unthinkable to put your real name on the inter. And it never worked. It kept crashing and kicking all of us off. Because the w orld just wasn’t set up for 90 people to municate at once online. For a few brief moments, we

glimpsed the future – a future where technology would power who we are and connect us to our real colleagues, our real family, our real friends.所以也就在“不久”之前,我坐在你们现在的位置上。但是这个世界已经变化了很多。我所在的小组Section B曾尝试进行HBS的第一次在线课程。我们用的是AOL的聊天室和电话拨号上网服务。(你们的父母可以向你们解释什么是拨号上网。)我们得给每人发一张写有我们网名的列表,因为那时在WTT用真名是件让人难以想象的事。不过这完全不行。网一直断,我们会被踢出聊天室。因为当时的世界还无法让90人同时在线交流。不过有几个瞬间,我们仿佛看到了未来。一个由于科技进步让我们和真实生活中的同事、家人和朋友更好地联系在一起的未来。

It used to be that in order to reach more people than you could talk to in a day, you had to be rich and famous and powerful. You had to be a celebrity, a politician, a CEO. But that’s not true today. Now ordinary people have voice, not just those of us lucky enough to go to HBS, but anyone with access to facebok, to Twitter, to a mobile phone. This is disrupting traditional power structures and leveling traditional hierarchy. Voice and power are shifting from institutions to individuals, from the historically powerful to the historically powerless.

And all of this is happening so much faster than I could have ever imagined when I was sitting where you are today – and Mark Zuckerberg was 11 years old.过去如果想在一天内联系到比你能见着面更多的人,你要么有钱,要么有名,要么有权。你得是名人,政客,或者CEO。但是今天不一样了。现在普通人也可以获得话语权。不仅是那些能到HBS读书的幸运儿,而是任何能上facebok,Twitter或者有手机的人。这正在打破传统的权利结构,让传统的阶层界限变得模糊。话语权正从机构转向个人,从曾经有权有势的人转向普通人。而且这一切的变化速度远远超出了当时就坐在你们今天位置上的我的想像。那时候,马克·扎克伯格才十一岁。

As the world bees more connected and less hierarchical, traditional career paths are shifting as well. In 2020, after working in the government, I moved out to Silicon Valley to try to find a job. My timing wasn’t really that good. The bubble had crashed. Small panies were closing. Big panies were laying people off. One women CEO looked at me and said, “we wo uld never even think about hiring someone like you.”当世界变得更紧密界限更模糊时,传统的职业生涯也在发生变化。2020年在为政府工作了几年之后,(谢丽尔·桑德伯格当初为Larry Summers工作)我搬到硅谷找下一份工作。当时并不是个好时机。泡沫破灭


After a while I had a few offers and I had to make a decision, so what did I do? I am MBA trained, so I made a spreadsheet. I listed my jobs in the columns and the things for my criteria in the rows, and pared the panies, the missions, and the roles. One of the jobs on that sheet was to bee Google’s first Busin ess Unit general manager, which sounds good now, but at the time no one thought consumer inter panies could ever make money. I was not sure there was actually a job there at all; Google had no business units, so what was there to generally manage? And the job was several levels lower than jobs I was being offered at other panies.过了一段时间,我有了几个offers。需要做决定了,那么我是怎么做的呢?由于我受过MBA的训练,所以我做了一个Excel表。我把工作都列了出来并且一行行把我的评判标准也列了出来。比较公司的远景,工作的职责等。表格中有一个工作是去做Google的第一个业务部总经理。这现在听起来很不错,但是当时没人相信直接面对消费者的互联网公司可以赚钱。我都不敢确定那儿是不是真有这样的职位;Google就没有业务部,那要我去总管什么呢?何况那职位比我在其他公司得到的offers都要低好几级。

So I sat down with Eric Schmidt, who had just bee the CEO, and I showed him the spreadsheet and I said, this

job meets none of my criteria. He put his hand on my spreadsheet and he looked at me and said, “Don’t be an idiot.”后来我和当时刚刚上任的CEO艾里克·施密特见了面,


Excellent career advice. And then he said, “Get on a rocket ship. When panies are growing quickly and having a lot of impact, careers take care of themselves. And when panies aren’t growing quickly or their missions don’t matter as much, that’s when stagnation and politics e in. If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.”极佳的职业忠告。然后他说,重要的





About six and one-half years later, when I was

leaving Google, I took that advice to heart. I was

offered CEO jobs at a bunch of panies, but I went to facebok as COO. At the time people said, why are you

going to work for a 23-year-old?大概六年半之后,当我要离开Google的时候,我记住了这句忠告。当时好几家公司请我去做CEO,但是我去了facebok做COO(首席运营官)。那时有人问你为什么要去给一个23岁的年轻人打工?

The traditional metaphor for careers is a ladder, but I no longer think that metaphor holds. It just doesn’t make sense in a less hierarchical world. When I was first at facebok, a woman named Lori Goler, a 1997 graduate of HBS, was working in marketing at eBay and I knew her kind of socially. She called me and said, “I want to think about you know talk with you about ing to work with you at facebok. So I thought about calling you and telling you all the things I’m good at and all the things I like to do. But I figured that everyone is doing that. So instead I want to know what’s your biggest problem and how can I solve it?”职业发展通常会被比作“爬阶梯”。但我认为这个比喻不再恰当了。在越来越扁平的世界里,这种说法是没有意义的。我刚到facebok的时候,97届HBS的校友Lori Goler还在eBay做市场营销,我知道她善于交际。她打电话给我说,“我想和你谈谈到facebok和你一起工作的事,我想到给你打电话,和你说我有哪些特长以及我想做的事情。但我知道所有



My jaw hit the floor. I’d hired thousands of people up to that point in my career, but no one had ever said anything like that. I had never said anything like that. Job searches are always about the job searcher, but not

in Lori’s case. I said, “You’re hired. My biggest problem is recruiting and y ou can solve it.” So Lori changed fields into something she never thought she’d do, went down a level to start in a new field. She has since been promoted and runs all of People Operations at

facebok and is doing an extraordinary job, having an amazing impact.我感动得五体投地。那时我一路过来,雇了上千人,但是从来没有人对我这样说过。我自己也从来没有这样说





Lori has a great metaphor for careers. She says

they’re not a ladder, they’re a jungle gym.Lori对职业有


As you start your post-HBS career, look for opportunities, look for growth, look for impact, look for mission. Move sideways, move down, move on, move off. Build your skills, not your resume. Evaluate what you can do, not the title they’re going to give you. Do real work. Take a sales a, a line role, an ops job. Don’t plan too much, and don’t expect a direct climb. If I had mapped out my career when I was sitting where you are, I would have missed my career.当你们开始HBS之后的职业生涯时,你们要去寻找机会,追随成长,力求影响力,发现远景,可以平调,降级,升职,甚至换新的领域。培养你的技能,而不是填充你的简历。根据你能做的事来评判工作,而不是你可以得到的职位。做真正的工作。接受一个销售目标,一个生产线上的工作,一个涉及运营方面的工作,别作太多计划,也别要求要“青云直上”。如果我在坐在你们的位置上时就计划好我的职业,我会错过我现在的职业。

You are entering a different business world than I entered. Mine was just starting to get connected. Yours

is hyper-connected. Mine was petitive. Yours is way more petitive. Mine moved quickly, yours moves even more


As traditional structures are breaking down, leadership has to evolve as well-from hierarchy to shared responsibility, from mand and control to listening and guiding. You’ve been trained by this great institution not just to be part of these trends, but to lead.在这个传统结构正被打破的时代,领导班子也需要演变。从设立阶层到责任共享,从命令与控制到聆听和引导。你在HBS这个伟大的学院学习不仅是为了能够跟上浪潮,更重要的是能去引领潮流。

As you lead in this new world, you will not be able to rely on who you are or the degree you hold. You’ll have to rely on what you know. Your strength will not e from your place on some org chart, your strength will e from building trust and earning respect. You’re going to need talent, skill, and imagination and vision. But more than anything else, you’re going to need the ability to municate authentically, to speak so that you inspire the people around you and to listen so that you continue to learn each and every day on the job.当你在这个新世界里乘


If you watch young children, you’ll immediately notice how honest they are. My friend Betsy from my section a few years after business school was pregnant with her second child. And her first child, Sam, was about five and he look ed around and said, “Mommy, where is the baby?” She said, “The baby is in my tummy.” He said, “Really? Aren’t the baby’s arms in your arms?” She said, “No, the baby’s in my tummy.” “Are the baby’s legs in your legs?” “No, the whole baby is in my tummy.” Then he said, ’Then Mommy, what is growing in your butt?“如果你留意小孩,你会立刻发现他们是多么的诚实。我的一个HBS小组里的朋友Betsy在毕业后几年怀上了第二个孩子。她的第一个小孩,Sam,那时大概五岁。Sam环视了下她问,“妈妈,小宝宝在哪里啊?”她说,“小宝宝在我肚子里。”他说,“真的么?难道小宝宝的手不在你的手里?”她说,“不,小宝宝在我肚子里。”“真的?小宝宝的腿不在你腿里?”“不,


As adults, we are never this honest. And that’s not a bad thing. I have borne two children and the last thing I needed were those ments which obviously could be made. But it’s not always a good thing either. Because all of us, and especially leaders, need to speak and hear the truth.作为成年人,我们从不如此直接。这未必是件坏事。我也是两个孩子的妈妈,我最不想听到的恐怕就是这些评论,当然这些评论用在我身上也确实没错。但是那也不总是件好事。因为我们所有人,尤其是领导者,需要说真话,听真话。

The workplace is an especially difficult place for anyone to tell the truth, because no matter how flat we want our organizations to be, all organizations have some form of hierarchy. And what that means is that one person’s performance is assessed by someone else’s perception.在工作环境中,说真话尤其得难,因为无论我们多希望将组织架构扁平化,所有的组织都会有某种层级。这就意味着一个员工的表现会由别人对其印象来评估。

This is not a setup for honesty. Think about how people speak in a typical workforce. Rather than say, ”I disagree with our expansion strategy“ or better

yet, ”this seems truly stupid.“ They say, ”I think there are many good reasons why we’re entering this new line of business, a nd I’m certain the management team has done a thorough ROI analysis, but I’m not sure we have fully considered the downstream effects of taking this step forward at this time.“ As we would say at facebok, three letters: WTF.这是不鼓励真诚的设计。想象一下人们在典型的工作环境中是如何沟通的。人们不说“我不同意我们的扩张策略”或者,更好,“这看起来真傻。”人们会说,“我知道进入这个新领域有众多好处,而且我相信管理团队一定做过细致的投资回报分析,不过,我不确定我们是否完整地考虑了在这个时刻采取这个方案会产生的所有后果。对此就该用我们在facebok或者互联WTT常说的三个字:WTF。

Truth is better served by using simple language. Last year, Mark decided to learn Chinese and as part of studying, he would spend an hour or so each week with some of our employees who were native Chinese speakers. One day, one of them was trying to tell him something about her manager. She said this long sentence and he said, ”simpler please.“ And then she sai d it again and he said, ”no, I still don’t understand, simpler

please“and so on and so on. Finally, in sheer

exasperation, she burst out, ”my manager is

bad.“ Simple and clear and super important for him to know.事实最好用简短的语言来表达。去年,马克·扎克伯格决定







People rarely speak this clearly in the workforce or

in life. And as you get more senior, not only will people speak less clearly to you but they will overreact to the small things you say. When I joined facebok, one of the things I had to do was build the business side of the

pany and put some systems into place. But I wanted to do

it without destroying the culture that made facebok great. So one of the things I tried to do was encourage people

not to do formal PowerPoint presentations for meetings

with me. I would say things like, ”Don’t do PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. Why don’t you e in with a list of what you want to discuss.“ But everyone ignored me and they kept doing their presentations

meeting after meeting, month after month. So about two years in, I said, ”OK, I hate rules but I have a rule: no more PowerPoint in my meetings. And I mean it, no more.在工作或者生活中,人们很少会把话说那么明了。尤其是当你的









英文毕业典礼演讲稿 Sheryl Sandberg told a graduating class of Tsinghua University that great leaders want 'genuine enthusiasm', something she said her late husband, Dave Goldberg, always had. 雪莉·桑德伯格鼓励清华大学毕业学子说,伟大的领袖需要“真正的激情”,而这一点她和她已故先生戴夫·哥德伯格(Dave Goldberg)一直怀有。 'No one won more hearts than my beloved husband Dave- He raised the performance of everyone around him,' she said during a commencement speech on Saturday in Beijing. 'He did it as CEO of SurveyMonkey, a great company he helped build, and he did it for me and our children.' 雪莉·桑德伯格周六在北京发表的毕业演讲中说道,“没有人能像我挚爱的丈夫戴夫·哥德伯格那样赢得那么多人的心,他让身边的人表现更为出色,他在调查猴子(SurveyMonkey,美国一家网络调查公司)担任首席执行官时就是如此。这是他帮助建立起来的一个极为出色的公司。同时他也让我和我们的孩子成为更好的人。”


英语毕业典礼演讲稿 英语毕业典礼演讲稿一 3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境! 优尼全能英语:英语演讲稿:小学生毕业典礼讲 话 Distinguished leadership, teachers, Dear students: Good afternoon! Today is a special day, but also a day worth commemorating. Because today we are about to take the pearl of the primary school, the alma mater of left us to start our brand new secondary school life, and enter a new phase of the study. We also remember the significance of Pearl primary school badge. It was the cradle of a very large, which loaded with countless as long as the Mirs a grown up and will be flying in the sky far away, but they will not forget the cradle of the ex-rearing. We like it a only with hopes, dreams and Thanksgiving, flying out of small beads. We will make joint efforts in various parts of the world, for our faith, to live up to the expectations of the teachers work hard!


三分钟英文演讲稿五篇 下面我为大家整理三分钟英文演讲稿大全,欢迎参阅。 三分钟英文演讲稿篇一 Needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important. If there is no money, I can’t use this microphone to speak to you and we can’t have such a room to hold such a competition. Without money, we can’t study in such a schoolyard. Without money, we can’t live in such a hometown. Without money, we can’t have such a motherland. On the other hand, If there is no money, you don’t need to bear my speech about money now. Most of us have dreams about the future, dreams of having a good job and making much money. Surely someone has thought at times “If only I had a lot of money, I could be the happiest person in the world.” In fact it’s the main mistake that people make about money. However, is money the road to happiness? Not really! Many people work every day, work overtime, work weekends to make a lot of money. Are they happy? No. They are too busy making money.


Top 10 Commencement Speeches Quotes in American Universities 美国大学十佳毕业典礼演讲精选 阅读难度☆☆☆ 每年的五六月,是美国大学举行毕业典礼的季节。按照惯例,各界名流都会受邀到各大名校去作激动人心的演讲。本文精选了近年来美国最有影响力的十佳毕业典礼演讲,与已经或即将毕业的读者朋友们共勉。 1. Steve Jobs 史蒂芬·乔布斯 CEO of Apple Computers 苹果电脑CEO Stanford University 斯坦福大学 June 12, 2005 2005年6月12日 Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. Y ou are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Y our time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. 记着你总会死去,这是我知道的防止患得患失的最佳办法。赤条条来去无牵挂,还有什么理由不随你的心?! 你的时间是有限的,因此不要把时间浪费在过别人的生活上。不要被教条所困——使自己的生活受限于他人的思想成果。不要让他人的意见淹没了你自己内心的声音。最重要的是,要有勇气跟随你的内心与直觉,它们好歹已经知道你真正想让自己成为什么。其他的,都是次要的。 2. David Foster Wallace 大卫·福斯特·华莱士 Novelist 小说家 Kenyon College 肯尼恩学院 May 21, 2005 2005年5月21日 There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How's the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of t hem looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?” ... simple awareness; awareness of what is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, all the time, that we have to keep reminding ourselves over and over: “This is water.” “This is water.” It is unimaginably hard to do this, to stay conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out. 有两条小鱼一起在水里游,碰到一条老鱼迎面游过来。老鱼向他们点点头,并说:“早上好,孩子们。水怎么样?”这两条小鱼继续往前游了一会儿后,其中一条小鱼实在忍不住了,看了一下另一条小鱼,问道:“水到底是什么东西?”


我的英文演讲稿 Ladies and Gentlemen ,Good MORNING! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech。 today my topic is “youth”。 I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it。 First I want to ask you some questions: 1、 Do you know what is youth? 2、 How do you master your youth? Youth Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life 。 Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease。 This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 。 Nobody grows old merely by a number of years 。We grow old by deserting our ideals。 Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul 。 Worry , fear , self –distrust bows


毕业典礼的英文演讲稿 毕业典礼的英文演讲稿 I have met faculty across our schools who are expanding religious literacy; who are exploring the role of the arts in promoting justice; who are confronting the opioid epidemic from every angle; who are working to make state and local government more effective. Their work is nothing short of inspiring. And I’ve come to know our students –absolutely amazing students. To the parents who are here, thank you, thank you for sending these remarkable young people to us. They are nothing short of inspiring. Interacting with them is one of the great privileges of living and working on a college campus. Adele and I have had dinner with them in the Houses. We’ve watched th em perform on the stage and on the playing fields. I’ve met with them during office hours and talked to them as I’ve gone running with them. If you spend time with our students, you cannot help but feel optimistic about our future. This past week, I had lunch with thirty graduating seniors. It was wonderful to hear how they think they have changed and matured during their four years here. I actually asked them how is your current self different from your 18-year-old self that arrived here on campus, and the stories were marvelous. And I’ve witnessed this process of transformation myself. I helped to advise three of our incoming first-year undergraduates this


三分钟英文演讲稿范文 篇一 honorable judges and dear friends, my name is maer dongyan, i’m very happy today to stand here to share my speech, my imagination, and my story as an air traffic controller with all of you. i, as a 35-year-old air traffic controller, have been working on the tower for nearly ten years. through these years’ working, i really come to love this job. besides, as the husband of my beloved, the father of my 8-year-old daughter, and the son of my old parents, i also love my family, a happy family. however, it has been really hard to coordinate my work and my family. it’s generally considered great to be an air traffic controller by the public, for the job is believed to be well-paid and quite easy. i was also one of them before i started the work. but things have been entirely different from what i used to think. as an air traffic controller of the new century, we’re facing tasks and barriers greater and harder than ever, that is, we have to ensure


毕业典礼英文演讲稿 Answering speech Dear professors and dear friends of China Jiliang University, I’m honored to address you on behalf of all the graduations this year. I would like to thank my parents, classmates, and friends who helped us ,and encouraged and supported us as we worked towards to our graduate degrees. I also want to thank Jiliang’s faculty members who served as our instructors,mentor, and friends, relatives, like Prof.Yu, Prof.Gao, Mrs. Liang. Through their mitments, they have inspired us to achieve and guided us to our dream. On this stage, at my graduation ceremony, when I look back my four years at Jiliang, my mind is filled with memories. May be you will ask me: do you have special to share? Yes, I want to share few simple but critical suggestions with you and with for the ing juniors: First, be work hard and think smart. Secondly, believe things happened for a reason. Thirdly, just as Jobs said at the graduation ceremony in Stanford University, stay hungry, stay foolish.


我的爱好英语演讲稿 篇一:我的爱好英语演讲稿 篇一:my hobbies 希望之星小学演讲稿我的爱好 hello, everyone! i`m very happy to make a speech here. my name is pengyiwei. i`m ten years old. today, i’d like to share my hobbies with you. i like reading because there are lots of useful things in books. books can teach me how to be a good person, books even can solve many problems for me. now, i will play the cucurbit for you. i hope you can enjoy it. thank you!篇二:汉语演讲稿我的爱好我的爱好 大家早上好,我来自,我叫。今天我演讲的题目是:我的爱好。 每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,有的人喜欢在篮球场上奔跑;有的人喜欢畅游知识的海洋;有人喜欢情不自禁地陶醉在歌声里;我的爱好是拿着五彩的画笔,畅游在绘画世界里。画画这活动别提多有趣了!只要一到周末或美术课我就来劲儿,什么卡通人物.月亮星星.树林小鸟.小猫小狗都是我的强项,从我的笔下画出的这些,那才叫栩栩如生呢! 我曾经看到这样一句话——“美妙的音乐,令人回味无穷;杰出的画作,让人百看不厌。”是啊,艺术有着神奇的

魅力,它吸引着每一个对它感兴趣的人。 每次画画时,我都会那么专注,达到忘我的境界,什么事都不会让我烦心,什么都能使我快乐。有一次我正在画我的房间,可画了好长时间,就是画不出窗帘的效果。妈妈催了我好几次,让我吃饭,我也只是心不在焉的回答一声,一直到我把窗帘画好,才出来。“你一直在画画,爱吃的可乐鸡翅吃完了。”我心里暗暗地说,没了就没了吧,我只要把这幅画画好,那我也就心满意足了。 我喜欢绘画,喜欢把绘画运用到所有的东西上。绘画已经成了我生活中不可缺少的部分。也因有了它,才使我的生活更加美好,更加幸福,更加多姿多彩。画画丰富了我的课余生活,給了我无穷的乐趣,我喜欢画画!wǒ de ài hǎo dà jiā zǎo shàng hǎo ,wǒ lái zì,wǒ jiào 。jīn tiān wǒ yǎn jiǎng de tí mù shì:wǒ de ài hǎo 。 měi ga rn dōu yǒu zì jǐ de xìng qùài hǎo ,yǒu de rn xǐ huān zài lán qiú chǎng shàng bēn pǎo ;yǒu de rn xǐ huān chàng yu zhī shí de hǎi yáng ;yǒu rn xǐ huān qíng bú zì jìn dì táo zuì zài gē shēng lǐ;wǒ de ài hǎo shì ná zhe wǔ cǎi de huà bǐ,chàng yu zài huì huà shì jia lǐ。 huà huà zha hu dng bi tí duō yǒu qù le !zhī yào


应届毕业典礼五分钟经典英语演讲稿范文五篇 演讲是个人魅力渲染的舞台介质,一场精彩演讲是可以影响人思维的,以下是给大家带来 ___演讲的应届毕业典礼五分钟经典英语五篇,欢迎大家参考借鉴! One of the legacies of re ___iving a world-class education is the sobering awareness of the inadequacy of our knowledge. Some years ago, one of the people I admire and respect most architect is Renzo Piano just turned 70 and I asked him what felt like. He said that, as much as he had thought about and prepared for that moment, it still came as a shock. Now I can attest to that feeling of shock but more than anything he said it ___de him feel that our proper lifespan should be 210 years, 70 to learn, 70 to do, and 70 to teach the next generation. This lovely description captures an elementary fact of life: a good life has the feeling that we’re learning more and more as we go. And that we could do even better if we just learned a bit more. I hope that you are fortunate enough to carry that spirit of life with you and we must hope together that it continues to define this nation and


三分钟英语演讲稿 三分钟英语演讲稿 三分钟英语演讲稿1 I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English. I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too. I am sure that I will realize my dream one day! Thank you!


毕业典礼英文演讲稿 演讲稿一:you all are leaving your alma mater now. i have no gift to present you all except a piece of advice. what i would like to advise is that "don’t give up your study." most of the courses you have taken are partly for your certificate. you had no choice but to take them. from now on, you may study on your own. i would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. your youth will be gone that will never come back to you again. when you are old, and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to. even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. at this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. perhaps you will say, "after graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent problem, that is, to make a living. for this we have no time to study. even though we hope to study, we have no library nor


我的英文演讲稿(精选多篇)英文演讲稿三分钟 第一篇:我的英文演讲稿opportunity and challenge opportunity and challenge honorable judges, ladies and gentleman, good afternoon! today it’s my great honor here, standing on the stage, to share my view points on “opportunity and challenge”. first of all: definitions of the opportunity and challenge. so, what’s an opportunity? opportunity is a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something.it is not acplish of our goal, it may be just a good begninning; it is not achievement of another seashore, it may be just the fair-weather on the day we set out; it is ont a matter of flowers, applause or success, it is a great chance which god provides us, helps us to realize our dreams, it is an advantage we won over for our


毕业典礼精彩两分钟英语演讲稿范文五篇 英语演讲稿1 For your generation, there’s an incredible amount of pressure on all of you to succeed, particularly now that you have accomplished so much. You’re whole generation faces this pressure. I see it in my grandchildren who are honors students at other Ivy universities right now. You race to do what others think is right in high school. You raced through the bloodsport of college admissions. You raced through Yale for the next big thing. And all along, some of you compare yourself to the success of your peers on Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, Twitter. Today, some of you may have found that you slipped into the self- referential bubble that validates certain choices. And the bubble expands once you leave this campus, the pressures and anxiousness, as well -- take this job, make that much money, live in this place, hang out with people like you, take no real risks and have no real impact, while getting paid for the false sense of both. But resist that temptation to rationalize what others view is the right choice for you -— instead of what you feel in your gut is the right choice — - that’s your North Star. Trust it. Follow it. You're an incredible group of young women and men. And that's not hyperbole. You're an incredible group. 英语演讲稿2 Let me con clude with this. I’m not going to moralize about to whom much is given, much is expected, because most of you have made of yourself much more than what you’ve been given. But now you are in a privileged position. You’re part of an exceptional generation an d doors will open to you that will not open to others. My Yale Law School grad son graduated very well from Yale Law School. My other son out of loyalty to his deceased mother decided to go to Syracuse Law School from Penn. They're a year and a day apart in their age. The one who graduated from Yale had doors open to him, the lowest salary offered back in the early ‘90s was $50,000 more than a federal judge made. My other son, it was a struggle -- equally as bright, went on to be elected one of the youngest attorney generals in the history of the state of Delaware, the most popular public official in my state. Big headline after the 2021 election, “Biden Most Popular Man in Delaware -- Beau.” Laughter.


三分钟励志英文演讲稿大全 励志英语演讲是用英语语言的激发力让人心潮澎湃,达到励志效果。下面是OK为你的几篇三分钟励志英文演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .It is the flim ___sx me . It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .Precious isx fat and not beautiful. Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .Out of assumption ,her child is her farther ''s child .Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .Fortunately,with the help and careneof the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad . Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult education ,she will not meet the teacher and her life may not be changed .When we xfaced

演讲稿 毕业典礼演讲稿英文

毕业典礼演讲稿英文 对于学生来说,英语演讲是提高其英语综合运用能力的一个重要的手段。而英语演讲稿的撰写对于英语演讲的成败起着至关重要的作用。下面整理了毕业典礼演讲稿英文,供你参考。 毕业典礼演讲稿英文篇1 Graduates of Yale University, I apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but I want you to do something for me. Please, take a ood look around you. Look at the classmate on your left. Look at the classmate on your right. Now, consider this: five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. The person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. And you, in the middle? What can you expect? Loser. Loserhood. Loser Cum Laude. In fact, as I look out before me today, I dont see a thousand hopes for a bright tomorrow. I dont see a thousand future leaders in a thousand industries. I see a thousand losers. Youre upset. Thats understandable. After all, how can I, Lawrence Larry Ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nations most prestigious institutions? Ill tell you why. Because I, Lawrence Larry Ellison, second richest man on the planet, am a college dropout, and you are not.


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 我的英文演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen , good morning! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is youth. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、 do you know what is youth? 2、 how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the 1 / 7

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