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人贵有自知之明 :Man have self-knowledge 。

我们在黑夜中爬进了围墙而没有被敌人发现 :We crawled into the wall and not that the enemy should find them in the darkness of night 。

我从来没见过他这么生气过 : I have never seen him so angry 。

我希望能见到你做事像一个坚强的男子汉 : I hope to see you do things like a strong man

这东西很沉,你试试能否提起来 :It's heavy, you can mention to try.

你设法把农药放在一个安全的地方,这东西有毒 :You try to put pesticide in a safe place, this thing is poisonous 。

在这个问题上,我俩看法不一致 :In this issue, we don't agree 。

我看不出有什么理由我不能试试 :I don't see why I can't have a try。

我送你出去,这楼太大,你会转向的 :I send you out, this tower is too big,You will get lost 。

他的爱人去机场给他送行 :His lover to the airport to see him off 。

烧已经退了,可是我的头还痛 :Fever is gone, but I head still hurt 。

牛奶已经变酸了,这天气食品很容易馊 :Milk has gone sour,this weather food easily darrius sayle: darrius smell 。

这个国家的经济现在是江河日下了,愈来愈坏了 :The economy of this country is now worse anti-mugabe, More and more bad 。

不言而喻,要想建设社会主义,我们必须有高度发展的文化 :Self-evident, want to build socialism, we must have a highly developed culture。

听说你们上星期六晚上举行了一个晚会,搞得怎么样 :Heard you last Saturday evening held a party,How about?

据说他每月工资的一半都用到吃的上面了 :It is said that he half of every monthly wages Used in eating the aspect 。

故事大概是这样的:从前有一个美丽的公主 :The story is probably like this: once upon a time there was a beautiful princess。。。。。。

有些人认为我们在改革方面已经走过头了。但更多的人认为我们做的还不够,我们还有很长的路要走 :Some people think we have reform excessive,But more people think we do enough, we still have a long way to go 。

他从小就双目失明 :He is blind at an early age 。
