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特征是组合起来以组成零件的实体。这里介绍的特征是通过在“草图编辑器(Sketcher)”工作台(请参见《草图编辑器用户指南》)或在“创成式外形设计(Generative Shape Design)”工作台(请参见《创成式外形设计用户指南》)中创建的初始轮廓以及曲面上应用命令获得的。



使用草图的子元素:在“凸台(Pad)”或“凹槽(Pocket)”对话框中右键单击“选择(Selection)”字段,然后选择“转到轮廓定义(Go to Profile Definition)”以显示“轮廓定义(Profile Definition)”对话框。

创建“直到下一个”凸台:单击此图标,选择要拉伸的轮廓,将“类型(Type)”选项设置为“直到下一个 (Up to next)”,然后在对话框中输入所需的参数。

创建“直到上一个”凸台:单击此图标,选择要拉伸的轮廓,将“类型(Type)”选项设置为“直到上一个 (Up to last)”,然后在对话框中输入所需的参数。

创建“直到平面”凸台:单击此图标,选择要拉伸的轮廓,在对话框中输入所需的参数,将“类型(Type)”选项设置为“直到平面 (`Up to plane)”,然后选择所需的平面。

创建“直到曲面”凸台:单击此图标,选择要拉伸的轮廓,在对话框中输入所需的参数,将“类型(Type)”选项设置为“直到曲面 (Up to surface)”,然后选择所需的曲面。













创建非平面面上的孔:选择一个非平面面和此面上的一个点,然后单击此图标并在“孔定义 (Hole Definition)”



创建螺纹孔:单击此图标,选择面以定位孔,定义孔造型,选中“螺纹 (Threaded)”,单击“规格 (Specifications)”,然后在



创建肋:单击此图标,选择要沿中心曲线扫掠的轮廓,选择此中心曲线,然后在对话框中设置位置选项。 修剪肋或开槽:如果肋或开槽不能由现有材料修剪,则获得肋的唯一方法是使用“厚轮廓 (Thick Profile)”选项。


:单击此图标,选择沿中心曲线扫掠的轮廓,选择此中心曲线,然后在对话框中设置位置选项。 创建加强肋






在 V5R14 之前的零件设计中,用于创建基于草图的特征的草图在结构树中直接位于特征下。现在,为提高设计过程的可见性,此行为已更改:结构树中的草图实体位置由新规则定义。草图在结构树中的位置一节介绍了此新行为。







中“圆弧圆角 (Circle Fillet)”选项并选择脊线。 重新整形圆角:在“倒圆角 (Edge Fillet)”对话框中单击“更多 (More)”按钮,或在“可变半径圆角

(Variable Radius Fillet)”对话框中单击“桥接曲面圆角 (Blend corners)”按钮检测要整形的圆角。




创建基本拔模:单击此图标,设置“通过中性面选择(Selection by neutral face)”选择模式或选择要拔模的面,然后输入所需参数。

使用分离元素创建拔模:单击此图标,设置“通过中性面选择(Selection by neutral face)”选择模式或选择要拔模的面,展开对话框然后输入所需参数。





















爆炸阵列:右键单击要分解的阵列并选择RectPattern.1object >“分解... (Explode...)”上下文命令。
















删除特征:选择要删除的特征,然后选择“编辑(Edit)”>“删除... (Delete...)”命令。(可选)通过选中相应的选项删除它的互斥父级或它的子级。

删除未参考的元素:选择“工具(Tools)”>“删除无用的元素... (Delete Useless Elements...)”,然后在出现的对话框中单击“确定 (OK)”确认删除。

删除在OGS 内执行的布尔运算:在结构树中,右键单击要删除的布尔运算并选择“XXX.object”>“删除和保留上下文中的操作数(Delete and Keep Operand in Context)”。

停用元素:在结构树中右键单击要停用的元素,然后选择“Xxx 对象(Xxx object)”>“停用(Deactivate)”。

重新排序特征:选择要重新排序的特征,然后选择“编辑(Edit)”>“xxx.object”>“重新排序... (Reorder...)”以及要在其后定位对象的特征。

重新排序基于草图的特征:选择要重新排序的特征,然后选择“编辑(Edit)”>“xxx.object”>“重新排序... (Reorder...)”以及要在其后定位对象的特征。





修改约束:双击要修改的约束,然后在显示的“约束定义(Constraint Definition)”对话框中


重命名约束:选择要重命名的约束,再选择“xxx.n.object”>“重命名 (R ename)”上下文菜


( )停用/激活约束:选择要激活(停用)的约束和“xxx.n.object”>“重命名参数 (Rename parameter)”上下文菜单项,然后在出现的对话框中输入所需名称。





... (Replace...)”选择替换元素,并且(可选)选择“删除 (De lete)”删除要替换的元素以及它的独占父级。

替换几何体:右键单击连接的几何体并选择“替换... (Replace...)”。选择替换几何体。


(Change Sketch Support)”命令,然后选择替换平面或替换面。





显示和编辑几何体属性:右键单击几何体,然后选择“编辑(Edit)”>“属性(Properties)”。单击“特征属性(Feature Properties)”选项卡,编辑名称,然后单击“图形(Graphic)”选项卡以更改几何体的颜色。


(Deactivate)”以停用该特征,并定义受影响的元素以保持它们的激活状态。单击“特征属性 (Feature










将特征插入新几何体:单击此图标或选择“插入(Insert)”>“插入到新几何体(Insert in new body)”。

装配几何体:选择所需的几何体,然后选择“插入(Insert)”>“布尔运算(Boolean Operations)”>“装配(Assemble)”和目标几何体。

相交几何体:选择第一个几何体,然后选择“插入(Insert)”>“布尔运算(Boolean Operations)”>“相交(Intersect)”和第二个几何体。

添加几何体:选择要添加的几何体,然后选择“插入(Insert)”>“布尔运算 (Boolean Operatio ns)”>“添加(Add)”和目标几何体。

移除几何体:选择要移除的几何体,然后选择“插入(Insert)”>“布尔运算(Boolean Operations)”>“移除(Remove)”和目标几何体。

修剪几何体:选择要修剪的几何体,然后选择“插入(Insert)”>“Body.1.object”>“联合修剪... (Union Trim...)”. 单击“要移除的面(Faces to remove)”字段并选择所需的面。单击“要保留的面(Faces to keep)”字段并选择所需的面。

移除块:选择零件几何体,然后右键单击并选择“零件几何体对象(Part Body object)”>“移除块...

(Remove Lump...)”。单击“要移除的面(Faces to remove)”字段并选择所需的面。




编辑元素列表:单击此图标以显示“元素列表 (E lement list)”对话框。单击“移除(Remove)”按钮可


扫描零件并定义局部对象:选择“编辑(Edit)”>“扫描或定义工作对象... (Scan or Define in Work


定义工作对象可以通过使用“定义工作对象(Define in Work Object)”上下文命令,将一个特征定义为局部特征,而无需扫描整个零件。





隔离几何元素:选择要隔离的元素,然后右键单击“XXXobject”>“隔离 (Isolate)”。

应用材料:选择要应用材料的元素,单击此图标,选择任意材料,并单击“应用材料 (Apply Material)”。


显示父级和子级:选择所研究的特征,再选择“工具 (Tools)”>“父级/子级...



发布元素:选择“工具 (Tools)”>“发布 (Publication)”,再选择要发布的元素,然后重命名此元素。

在 3D 支持面上工作:单击此图标,然后选择一个定义

3D 支持面的类型:参考或局部。


创建超级副本:选择“插入 (Insert)”->“知识工程模板 (Knowledge Templates)”->“超级副本...



实例化超级副本:选择“插入 (Insert)”->“从文档实例化 (Instantiate From Document)”,选择包含超级副本的文档或目录,然后在几何区域中选择适当的元素以完成对话框中的“输入 (Inputs)”。


使用零件实例化比较实例化超级副本 从 VB 宏实例化超级副本

将超级副本保存到目录中:选择结构树中的超级副本,然后选择“插入 (Insert)”>“知识工程模板

(Knowledge Templates)”>“保存在目录中... (Save In Catalog...)”,输入目录名称并单击“打开
















Create associative 3D curves创建关联的3D 曲线: specify the curve creation mode (passing through specific points, specifying the curve degree and smoothing the curve through points, or defining the curve control points), and click in space to indicate the curve definition points.

Creating associative 3D curves on a scan在交线上创建关联的3D曲线: select one or more scans, specify the curve creation mode and click in space to indicate the curve definition points.

Creating associative 3D curves on a cloud of points在云点上创建关联的3D 曲线: select points on the cloud to indicate the curve definition points.

Create Associative Isoparametric Curves创建关联的等参数曲线: select a surface and move the cursor over the surface to reveal the isoparametric curves.

Create free form curves on surfaces在面上创造自由形状的曲线(相当于曲面上的曲线): select a surface, specify the curve creation mode (interpolation or smoothing in relation to the selected points), click definition points on the surface, double-click to end the curve.

Project curves投影曲线: select a curve, the surface on which it is to be projected and specify projection parameters

Create blend curves创造混合曲线: select two curves, activate their options display and use the

control points to define the blending point.

Create a styling corner创建样式圆角: select two curves, set the radius value.

Match curves匹配曲线: select two curves, activate their options display and use the contextual menu on the displayed text to modify the continuities and tension, manipulate the control points to define the matching point.

Extrapolate curves外插延伸曲线: select a curve, specify the extrapolation mode, and enter the extension value. 此任务说明如何通过外插延伸(即,修改长度)修改曲线或曲面边界。它可以是正向或负向的外插延伸,意味着可以实际拉长或缩短该曲线。

Extend curves扩展曲线: select a curve, specify the extension mode, and enter the extension value.

Breaking Curves by Points用点分割曲线: select curves and specify the breaking options using points.

Break Curves by Curves用曲线分割曲线: select curves and specify the breaking options using curves.

Concatenate curves连接曲线(合并): select a multi-cell curve and set the tolerance value此任务说明如何连接3D 多单元单域自由样式曲线或将连续曲线分割成单一单元曲线。

Fragment curves分割曲线: break a multi-arc curve into several mono-arc curves将多弧几何体分割成单弧几何体。

Approximate/segment procedural curves近似/分段过程曲线: select a curve, specify the approximation tolerance, and resulting curve maximum orders and/or segments. 使用除自由样式之外的其它产品创建的任何曲线转换为NUPBS(非均匀多项式 B 样条线)曲线,并修改所有曲线上的弧(线段)数量,包括使用自由样式产品创建的那些曲线。


Manipulate surfaces: select a surface, drag and drop the compass onto it, move the surface along the compass axes.

Rotate a surface: select a surface, drag and drop the compass onto it, select, hold and glide on one of the compass' arc of circle

Create planar patches创建平面曲面: use the compass to define the creation plane, click two points.

Create a surface from three points创建三点曲面: click two points, drag the pointer and click a third point.

Create a surface from four points创建四点曲面: click at least three points on existing geometry and a fourth point.

Create a surface on an existing surface在现有曲面上创建曲面: select a surface, click a point, drag the pointer over the surface and click another point still on the surface.

Create revolution surfaces 创建旋转曲面: select a profile, a rotation axis, and define the angular

limits of the revolution surface.

Offset surfaces 偏移(偏置且移动)曲面: select a surface, specify the offset type (simple or variable), the offset value and constraints to be taken into account when offsetting (deviation

tolerance, maximum orders, etc.).

Extrapolate a surface 外插延伸曲面(相当于UG 的延伸曲面): select a surface boundary, specify the

extrapolation type and value.

Create blend surfaces 创建混合曲面(相当于UG 的通过曲线)TG 相切,CT 曲率: click an edge on two surfaces, set the display options allowing the modifications of continuities and tensions,

manipulate the coupling points defining the blend.

Create an ACA Fillet 在2个曲面间生成倒角

: click the icon and select two edges.

Create filling surfaces 创建填充曲面(相当于网格): select contiguous surface boundaries forming

a closed contour, or close it by clicking OK.

Create associative filling surfaces 创建联合填充曲面(相当于网格): select contiguous surface

boundaries forming a closed contour, or close it by clicking OK.

Perform symmetry on geometry 在几何图形中执行对称: select an element, then a point, line, or

plane as reference element.

Edit a surface boundary 编辑曲面边界(相当于调面): select a surface boundary and edit it using

its control points.

Use Manipulators 使用操作器(使用自由样式工作台时会显示许多操作器,可用于修改曲线和曲面的外形。这些操作器显示为带二个到四个箭头的绿点,分别取决于它们是被约束在给定的平面内还是可以在空间自由移


( 图标)时,将根据选择的“支持面 (Support)”和“法则曲线 (Law)”选项来约束点。): select a manipulator, move it close to geometry to detect another point to be used for projection

or snap onto it, using auto-detection capabilities.

Match surfaces 匹配面: select a surface edge and a boundary on another surface, specify the matching parameters using manipulators on coupling and control points, and the contextual

menu to set continuities and tensions.

Multi-side matching 多边匹配: successively select a surface edge and its target curve on another surface, specify the matching parameters, and use the contextual menu to set continuities or

surface order.

Extend a surface 延伸曲面(相当于扩大/缩小): select a surface boundary, specify the extension

type and value.

Redefine surface limits 重定义曲面边界: click the icon and select the part of the surface to be


Restore a surface 还原曲面(取消修剪曲面或曲线 (Untrim Surface or Curve)): select the surface to

be restored and click the icon.

Concatenate surfaces 连接曲面: select a two-cell surface, or two separate surfaces, and set the tolerance value.

Fragment surfaces 分割曲面: select a surface and specify the breaking options.

Disassemble elements拆解元素: select a multi-cell element, and choose the disassembling mode. 多单元几何体,不管是曲线还是曲面,拆解为单一单元或单一域几何体。

Approximate/segment procedural surfaces对生成的曲面进行近似的/分段处理: select a surface, specify the approximation tolerance, and the resulting surface maximum orders and/or


Copy geometric parameters复制几何参数

: select the template curve and select the target curves.

Create a Continuity Constraint创建一个连续的约束: click the Continuity Constraint icon and select the elements to be connected.


Check connections between surfaces检查曲面之间的连接: select two surfaces, specify the type of

analysis (distance, tangency, curvature) and set the analysis parameters.

Check connections between curves检查曲线之间的连接: select two curves, specify the type of

analysis (distance, tangency, curvature) and set the analysis parameters.

Analyze the distance between two sets of elements分析两组元素之间的距离: select a surface and

a target element, specify the analysis mode, type, and display parameters.

Use dynamic cutting planes动态切割平面: select a surface, specify the cutting planes orientation,

numbers, spacing, etc.

Analyze using highlight lines面分析(高光线反射)

: select a surface, and specify the highlight type. Perform a curvature analysis执行曲率分析: select a curve or surface boundary, specify the

curvature comb parameters (spikes number and length, orientation, etc.).

Perform a surfacic curvature analysis执行曲面曲率分析: select a surface and specify the display


Perform a draft analysis执行拔模分析

: select a surface and specify the display parameters. Map an environment on a surface在曲面上映射环境(跟UG看曲面反射一样): choose the mapping

to be reflected onto every element.

Analyze using isophotes使用等照度线分析: specify the isophotes number, thickness, color, and


Analyze using highlights强光分析: click the ACA Highlight icon and define stripes or grid lines density, thickness and sharpness. 分析曲面法线和预定义方向之间的角度。根据角度设置此曲面位置的颜色。具有相同曲面法线和预定义方向之间角度的所有位置都将获得相同的着色颜色。如果角度是90 度,结果条纹将为预定义方向的轮廓线。

Manipulate light sources操作光源: click the icon, define the mode and manipulation parameters 沿着预定义的圆(以光线目标为中心)操作光源。











在元素上显示U 和V 阶数:选择元素并单击该图标以显示沿U 和/或V 的阶数。



Display dress-up options设置修饰选项: set the display options then apply or remove the visualization options on selected elements. 显示或隐藏永久控制点以及曲线段/曲面段以用于分析。

Display information on elements显示元素的几何信息: click the icon and select any element. 显示或隐藏几何元素,如作为独立元素或组成其它元素(相交曲线、圆柱面轴、凸台的面等)的曲线或曲面上的几何信息。仅分析拓扑单元几何图形,因此不会分析诸如云点之类的元素。

Display a part symmetrically对称显示零件

: select a part, and a mirror plane.

Manage the compass管理指南针: click the adequate icon in the displayed toolbar to define the

compass orientation.

Define an axis system定义轴系: click the icon, and enter coordinates or select geometry to define the three axes.

Create masks创建遮罩: select the mask type and an axis system then use the manipulators to translate and resize the mask box. 遮罩是用来显示几何图形的3D 框。此框限定几何图形的显示但不截断几何体。它由六个平面限定,框的每条边与当前轴系平行。

Work with a 3D support使用3D支持面: click this icon and select a define the 3D support type: Reference or Local (Only available with the Automotive Body in White Template license) 此命令仅用于汽车BiW 模板产品。若要在“零件设计(Part Design)”工作台访问此命令,需要汽车 A 级曲面造型ACA、汽车BiW 模板或自由风格曲面优化许可证。创建3D 支持面。它由三条规则网格线组成,这些网格通常设置在零件的三个主平面上,聚集了在三个可选工作支持面。当您需要参考点来创建其它几何元素时,它使您可以随时在每个支持面上创建参考点。您不再需要显式选择支持面元素。

它还允许您随时创建网格的子元素(点、边线)。这些特征既不出现在结构树中也不出现在3D 几何图形中,而是聚集在使用它们的特征下。

Stretch view analysis tool使用拉伸视图分析工具: set the stretching ratio.拉伸意味着扭曲空间视图但不影响元素本身。在从不同视点和特定角度精确检查元素的曲率时尤为有用。此拉伸根据Y 和X 轴(Y/X)(以屏幕作为活动窗口中的参考)之间的比率进行。

Manipulate views操作视图: click the adequate icon to freeze viewpoint manipulations. 何约束视图,以设置特定的视点。

Define views定义视图(跟下面3个一样,没什么用): drag and drop the compass and click the icon

to define the viewpoint.

Define Views

: click this icon to reverse the viewpoint.

Manipulate Views

: click this icon to move backward in the viewpoints.

Manipulate Views: click this icon to move forward in the viewpoints.


Fit a curve to a cloud of points将曲线拟合为点云: select the curve to be deformed and the target element, specify the fitting parameters and, if needed, the continuity constraints using the contextual menu, click Fit

then OK.

Fit a surface to a cloud of points将曲面拟合为云点: Select the surface to be deformed and the target element, specify the fitting parameters and, if needed, the edge constraints using the contextual menu, click Fit

then OK.

Globally deform a surface全局变形曲面(相当于X成型): Select a set of surfaces, if needed select the guiding curve, click Run, specify the deformation type and use the control points and mesh

lines to deform the surface.

Analyze reflect curves分析反射曲线: Select a surface, specify the neons grid parameters (number, spacing, position, viewpoint.), manipulate the grid to analyze its reflection on the

selected surface.

Analyze inflection lines创建变形线: select a surface, set the compass orientation and click the icon to visualize inflection lines

Create n planes between two planes创建2个平面之间的平面: select two planes, and specify the number of planes to be created

Create projections创建投影: select the element to be projected and its support, specify the projection direction, 通过将一个或多个元素投影到支持面上来创建几何图形。投影可以沿法线或沿某一方向。Create combined curves创建组合曲线: select the curves, possibly directions, and specify the combine type.

Create reflect lines创建反射线: select the support and direction, and specify an angle.

Create intersections创建相交(相当于相交曲线): select the two elements to be intersected.

Create parallel curves创建平行曲线: select the reference curve, a support plane or surface, and specify the offset value from the reference.

Create a 3D Curve Offset创建3D偏置曲线(相当于偏置): select the reference curve, a direction and specify the offset value from the reference.

Create a circle based on a point and a radius圆心和半径创建圆: select a point as the circle center, a support plane or surface, and key in a radius value. For circular arcs, specify the start and end angles.

Create a circle from two points圆心和点: select a point as the circle center, a passing point, and a support plane or surface. For circular arcs, specify the start and end angles.

Create a circle from two points and a radius2个点和半径: select the two passing points, a support plane or surface, and key in a radius value. For circular arcs, specify the arc based on the selected points.

Create a circle from three points3个点: select three points. For circular arcs, specify the arc based on the selected points.

Create a circle tangent to two curves, at a point双切线和点: select two curves, a passing point, a support plane or surface, and click where the circle should be created. For circular arcs, specify the arc based on the selected points.

Create a circle tangent to two curves, with a radius双切线和半径: select two curves, a support surface, key in a radius value, and click where the circle should be created. For circular arcs, specify the arc based on the selected points.

Create a circle tangent to three curves三切线: select three curves.

Create corners圆倒角: select a first reference element (curve or point), select a curve, a support plane or surface, and enter a radius value.

Creating connect curves桥接曲线: select two sets of curve and point on the curve, set their continuity type and, if needed, tension value.

Create conics圆锥曲线(抛物线): select a support plane, start and end points, and any other three constraints (intermediate points or tangents).

Create splines创建样条: select two or more points, if needed a support surface, set tangency conditions and close the spline if needed.

Create a helix创建螺旋线: select a starting point and a direction, and specify the helix pitch, height, orientation and taper angle.

Create spirals创建螺旋线: select a support plane, center point, and reference direction, then set the radius, angle, and pitch as needed.

Create a spine创建脊柱线: select several planes or planar curves to which the spine is normal.

Create associative isoparametric curves创建关联的等参数曲线: select a surface and click on it to create the curve.


Create extruded surfaces创建拉伸曲面: select a profile, specify the extrusion direction, and define the start and end limits of the extrusion通过沿给定的方向拉伸轮廓来创建曲面。

Create revolution surfaces创建旋转曲面: select a profile, a rotation axis, and define the angular limits of the revolution surface通过绕轴线旋转平面轮廓来创建曲面。

Create spherical surfaces创建球面: select the center point of the sphere, the axis-system defining the meridian and parallel curves, and define the angular limits of the spherical surface创建球面形状的曲面。球面基于一个中心点、一个定义经线和纬线方向的轴系以及角度限制。

Create cylindrical surfaces创建圆柱面: select the center point of the circle and specify the extrusion direction.通过沿给定的方向拉伸圆来创建圆柱面。

Create offset surfaces创建偏移曲面: select the surface to be offset, enter the offset value and

specify the offset direction

Create variable offset surfaces创建多个偏移曲面: select the surface to be offset, select the

surfaces to remove and specify a constant or variable offset direction

Create rough offset surfaces粗略偏移(可以把多个面合并成一张): select the surface to be offset,

enter the offset value and specify the deviation

Create swept surfaces扫描曲面(相当于扫掠): select one or more guiding curves, the profile to be

swept, possibly a spine, reference surface, and start and end values

Create adaptive swept surfaces创建适应的扫掠曲面: select a guiding curve, a profile to be swept,

points to define more sections if needed, set the constraints on each section, and choose a spine Create fill surfaces填充曲面: select curves, or surface edges, forming a closed boundary, and

specify the continuity type

Create multi-sections surfaces创建多截面曲面: select two or more planar section curves, possibly

guide curves and a spine, and specify tangency conditions

Create blend surfaces创建桥接曲面: select two curves, and possibly their support, specify the tension, continuity, closing point and coupling ratio, if needed

Performing Operations on Shape Geometry

Join geometry接合曲面或曲线

: select at least two curves or surfaces to be joined.

Heal geometry修复几何体

: select at least two surfaces presenting a gap to be healed.

Smooth a curve光顺曲线

: select the curve to be smoothed and set the tangency threshold Restore an element还原曲面(相当于片体边界,移除孔等)

: select a split element, and click the icon.

Disassemble elements拆解元素: select a multi-cell element, and choose the disassembling mode. 将多单元几何体,不管是曲线还是曲面,拆解为单一单元或单一域几何体。

Split geometry分割几何图形(相当于修剪片体): select the element to be split and a cutting

Trim geometry修剪几何图形(修剪片体或曲线)ect two elements to be trimmed and specify which side of element.

Create boundary curves创建边界曲线(相当于抽取曲线)a surface's edge, set the propagation type, and re-define the curve limits if needed.

Extract geometry提取几何图形(相当于抽取几何体)n edge or the face of a geometric element, and set the propagation type.从元素(曲线、点、曲面、实体、体积等)中执行提取

Extract multiple elements提取多个几何图形select one or more element(s) of a sketch, and click OK.

Create bitangent shape fillets创建棱边倒角(倒角,以下皆倒角,侧重点不一样而已,相当于花式倒角,软倒角等)ired parameters.

Create tritangent shape fillets倒角: select two support surfaces, select the surface to remove, and enter a radius value.

Create edge fillets倒角: select an internal edge of a surface, the surface itself, define the type of fillet and propagation mode, and enter a radius value.

Create variable radius fillets倒角: select an edge to be filleted, specify the fillet extremity type, the propagation mode, select a point on the edge where the radius will vary, and enter the radius value at this point.

Create variable radius fillets using a spine倒角: select edges with no tangency continuity to be filleted, specify the fillet extremity type, the propagation mode, click the circle option, and select a spine.

Create face-face fillets倒角: select a support surface, the two faces to be filleted, specify the relimitation mode, and enter a radius value.

Create tritangent fillets倒角: select a support surface, specify the relimitation mode, the two faces to be filleted and the one to be removed.

Reshape Corners: click either the Edge Fillet icon or the Variable Radius Fillet icon, select the edge to be filleted, click More>> and define the corner to reshape and the setback distance.

Translate geometry平移几何图形: select an element, a translation direction (line, plane or vector), specify the translation distance.平移一个或多个点、直线或曲面元素

Rotate geometry旋转几何图形: select an element, a line as the rotation axis, and specify the rotation angle.

Perform symmetry on geometry在几何图形中执行对称: select an element, then a point, line, or plane as reference element.

Transform geometry by scaling通过缩放变换几何图形: select an element, then a point, plane, or planar surface as reference element, and specify the scaling ratio.

Transform geometry by affinity通过仿射变换几何图形: select an element to be transformed, specify the axis system characteristics, and the enter the affinity ratio values.

Transform geometry from an axis to another将元素从一个轴线转换到另一个轴线: select an element to be transformed, specify the axis system characteristics, and the enter the affinity ratio values.

Extrapolate a surface外插延伸曲面(相当于曲面延伸,按G0,G1,G2)undary then the surface itself, specify the extrapolation limit (value or limiting surface/plane), and specify the extremities constraints (tangent/normal).

Extrapolate a curve外插延伸曲线: select a curve endpoint then the curve itself, specify the extrapolation limit (length value or limiting surface/plane), and specify the continuity constraints

Create laws: select a reference line and a curve.

Invert geometry orientation反转几何图形方向: select the Insert -> Operations -> Invert Orientation menu item, then the surface or curve whose orientation is to be inverted, click the orientation arrow, and click Invert Orientation again to accept the inverted element.

Create the nearest sub-element创建多个元素的最近实体: select the Insert -> Operations -> Near menu item, the element made of several sub-elements, then a reference element whose position is close to the sub-element to be created.


Create bumped surfaces创建凸起面t a surface, a limit curve, the deformation center, direction, and value.

Deform surfaces based on curve wrapping约束曲线使面变形the surface to be deformed then matching pairs or reference and target curves.

Deform surfaces based on surface wrapping约束曲面使面变形lect the surface to be deformed, the reference surface then the target surface.

Deform surfaces based on shape morphing曲面变形lect the surface to be deformed and deformation elements

Develop wires and points展开线和点: select a wireframe contour, a revolution surface, and if needed the developing type, point of origin, and further positioning parameters. 将线和点展开到旋转曲面上,即根据曲面的曲率,使用曲面上局部轴系的横坐标和纵坐标映射线的平面横坐标和纵坐标来创建新线。只要线是多样性元素,它就可以是任意曲线或草图。因此,它不能是T 或H 形等元素。

Unfold a surface展开曲面: select a surface to unfold, a target plane, and if needed edges to tear, the origin and direction of the target plane.

Create junctions创建连接面ect two or more sections, define coupling points and tangency constraints on these sections if needed

Create a diabolo创建阴阳包ect the seat surface, the base surface then the draft direction and the draft angle.

Create a hole创建孔elect the center point, the support surface and the punch direction.

Create a hole curve孔位线elect the center point, the support surface and the punch direction.

Create a mating flange创建相交法兰(类似钣金)base surface, the reference element, then define parameters.

Create a bead创建3角筋the base surface, the location point, and the reference direction.
