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Unit 3 Computers I. 单元教学目标

II. 目标语言

III. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析


Warming up提供几幅与计算机有关的图片,形象地说明了计算机的发展历程,并用三个问题引发学生对这一话题的思考,从而起到热身的作用。

Pre-reading根据文章内容预设问题,检查学生对computers相关知识及应用的了解。学生对computers的了解可能参差不齐,这更能激发学生想获取更多知识的欲望,从而引出下面的阅读文章——WHO AM I。

Reading中以别致的标题WHO AM I引起学生的好奇心,使学生迫不急待地阅读这篇文章,并判断出“I”是computer,从而对文章的内容印象更深刻。文章以第一人称的形式按时间先后顺序讲述了computers的产生、发展和现状,并用拟人化的口吻表达了computers乐于为人类服务的精神。

Comprehending 1 通过scanning的方式完成反映计算机发展历程的时间进程;2 通过填表的形式帮助学生宏观梳理文章结构,找出每个段落的主题句(论点)及具体的支持性论据;3 是读后讨论,要求学生结合自己的生活实际讨论计算机如何改变了我们的生活。

Learning about language分词汇(Discovering useful words and expressions)和语法(Discovering useful structures)两大部分。Discovering useful words and expressions 1 根据单词释义写出相对应的词汇,考查学生对WHO AM I 文章中的重要词汇及短语的理解。2 是以对短文填词完型的形式考查学生对几个重点词汇在篇章中的运用。3 以personalize的形式练习几个表时间状语的短语的用法。Discovering useful structures 是学习现在完成时的被动语态。1 是让学生根据例子提示在WHO AM I文章中找出两个含有现在完成时的被动语态的句子,初步了解这一时态的形式。2 是根据例句提示把所给的现在完成时句子变为被动语态。3 通过欣赏一首小诗进一步理解现在完成时的被动语态的用法。

Using language从听、说、读、写四个部分强化学生的语言应用能力。Listening and Speaking 以“信息技术”为子话题展开听说活动。说的活动主要是就信息技术各种形式的优势和劣势展开讨论,并用所给的表reasoning的功能项目展开讨论,决定哪种类型是最有用的。Reading, speaking and writing 以“芯片”为子话题展开读、说和写的活动。阅读文章介绍了叫一个叫Andy的机器人的故事,故事以第一人称的拟人话手法来写,说明了计算机芯片在机器人领域的应用。1 根据文章内容完成Andy的个人简历,检验学生对一些具体信息的掌握。2 激发学生的想象力,让他们设计出自己的机器人,并能用简历的形式描述。3 是写作任务,学生根据所给范文和2中的notes写篇文章,介绍自己设计的机器人。

LISTENING 材料的话题衔接Reading, speaking and writing的话题,介绍

了三个不同的机器人。1 听前预测。2 听大意。3 听细节完成表格。



USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS通过各种形式练习本单元的重点词汇和短语。USING STRUCTURES设计了各种活动练习巩固本单元的语法项目。

LSITENING TASK也是以机器人为话题,从机器人的权利这一角度展开听力


READING TASK 阅读材料介绍了一种未来机器人——体育机器人,文章为科






2. 教材重组

将Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading和Comprehending整合在一起,上一


将Learning about Language和Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS及USING STRUCTURES整合为一节“语言学习课”。

将Using language中的Listening and Speaking设计为一节“听说课”。

将Using language中的Reading, speaking and writing及Workbook中的LISTENING和TALKING整合为一节“综合技能课(一)”。


3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用五课时教完)

1st Period Intensive reading

2nd Period Language study

3rd Period Listening and Speaking

4th Period Integrative skills (I)

5th Period Integrative skills (II)

V. 分课时教案

The First Period Intensive Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

simplify logically technological revolution solve from…on personal

as a result totally so…that network Web application explore anyhow human race

b. 重点句子

Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!

And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it!

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to learn about the development and history of computers.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

By finishing the timeline and the chart, help students grasp the basic structure and main idea of the passage.

Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点

Understand how details are used to support topic sentences.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Prediction, scanning and discussion.

Teaching aids 教具准备

Projector and tape recorder.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Warming-up

T: How many of you have computers in your home Please put up your hands. Ss respond accordingly.

T: What do you usually do on your computers

Ss: Type documents/homework, listen to music, watch videos, play games, search on the Internet, send mails …

T: When I were at your age, I knew nothing about computers. Most Chinese families never heard about it. However, in recent years, computers have become more and more popular, and most families in cities have one or more than one computer in their home. And some families in villages also have their own computers. Computers make life more convenient and colorful. However, it took a long time for humans to have computers that we see today. Now look at the pictures on page 17 and discuss what they have in common. Then think about Questions 2 & 3.

Suggested answers:

1.These pictures are all technological inventions.

2.From these pictures, we know computers have experienced a long

development process, and the development will never stop.

3.(There may be various answers.)

Step II Pre-reading


Let students predict the content of the passage according to the pictures and the title. This will involve students in active thinking and exploring.

Then let them make a list of the ways computers are used today. Sample list:

date processing

industrial design

learning and teaching aids

TV program editing

entertainment (watch TV/video, listen to music, play games, online chat…)

communication (e-mail, e-card, instant message)

T: Now look at the inventions in activity 3. First check their meanings in your dictionaries. Then put them in the order according to the time when they appeared.

Help students understand the meanings of the words: analytical, calculate and



Universal machine is also known as Alan Turing's “universal computing machine”, is

capable of computing any algorithm.

Students may have different answers. They will check it after reading the passage.

T: Have you put them in the right order You will find it after reading the passage. Now turn to page 18 please.

Step III Reading


Get students read the whole passage and try to get the main idea of it. After reading

T: What does “I” in the title refer to

Ss: Computer.

T: What is the main idea of the passage

Ss: The passage is mainly about the history and development of computers. Scanning

T: Correct! Now read the passage and finish the timeline. With this timeline, you will have a clear idea of the development of computer. Check the answers.

T: The passage has three paragraphs. Find out the topic sentence of each

paragraph, and the details that are used to support the topic sentences. Then complete the chart in activity 2.

Suggested answers:

Caculating machine Analytical machine Universal machine


Laptop Tubes









Mobile phones



Space rockets

T: From this chart, you will know the basic structure of this passage. As you may have found the topic sentences are not standing there alone, they are supported with details and date, which make the topic sentences more convincing. Now I will play the tape of this passage. Listen and find out/underline the difficult words and expressions.

Teacher gives some explanations.

T: What can be “over time” replaced by

Ss: As time goes by.

T: How do you understand the word “simplify” Look! (on the board: simple+-ify). -ify is a suffix which means to turn into, make or become. For example, beautify. So if you know the meaning of “simple”, you can easily get the meaning of “simplify”. Who can tell me its meaning

S: To make something easier or less complicated.

T: What does “it” in line 9 refer to

Ss: It refers to the fact that computer was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes.

T: Why was Alan Turing called computer’s real father

S: I guess that’s because Alan made computer more powerful, which could solve any difficult mathematical problem.

T: What does “this reality” in line 15 refer to

S: It refers to the reality that computer had grown as large as a room. T: In paragraph two, there are two sentences which contain the use of “so…that…” structure. Underline them and study carefully.

Show the following on the screen/board:

Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!

And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it! Help students sum up the form and function of this structure:

Form:so + adj./adv. + that + clause

Function: This structure is used when emphasizing the degree or amount of something by saying what the result is.

Step IV Discussion

Deal with activity 3 on page 19. Let students discuss how computers have changed

our lives

Sample discussion:

S1: I think it’s impossible to live without computers!

S2: What makes you say that My grandparents didn’t use a computer and they were still able to entertain themselves, to operate big machines, to analyze data, to make robots and so on.

S1: You are right. But computers do change the way we live. They change

the way we learn by providing distance-learning programs. They change the way we communicate with the use of e-mail and instant messenger.

They change the way we obtain information with Internet search engine such as Google and Baidu. They change the way we deal with documents and pictures.

S2: I agree. Can you imagine what our life would be like If we could not use computers any more

S2: We would go back to the world when everything goes slowly. For example, send mails via train or air plane, which takes several days or even long; go to libraries to search for information, where limited information are provided; spend long time to solve difficult mathematical problems etc. And on the other hand, we may have more time for outdoor activities instead of spending much time on computer. S1: Yes, computers changed our lives both in a good way and in a bad way.

It depends on how we make use of it. I hope we can make good use if it.

T: Do you want to see how cyber friends answer this question Look at the screen.

Show the following on the screen or let students visit the web page: (One the screen)

User 1

Computers have made it easier for us to access a wealth of information and have all but rendered printer encyclopedias obsolete. They have also made it easier and cheaper to advertise our business anywhere we wish and do business with anyone anywhere in the world. On the downside however, computers have also made it easier for sexual predators to find victims, for criminals to steal our hard-earned money, and to even steal our identity, something nearly unheard of just a few decades ago. Also, children are more likely to sit in front of a computer and chat when they

could just as easily speak with their friends on a telephone or go outside and play like children used to before the "computer revolution". As with any new technology, there are good and bad points, but in the end the general public through their actions will determine whether or not computers have actually improved our lives.

User 2

Of course!!!!! They have changed the way we shop, play, chat, work and more.

User 3

They have made us a lazy generation.

User 4

A computer has changed my life certainly even still at a very young age. It's fulfilled my dreams, knowledge and much more. For some it's gained them employment and giving others something to do. It's opened a new world of gaming, chatting and finding advice and information. I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT ONE!

User 5

Well, they made our lives easier, the made us lazier and they gave us the chance to

have some adventure when we are bored.

User 6

Majority of "addicted" computer users lack "real life" social skills these days.

User 7

They hurt my eyes.

User 8

Computers change our attitudes, the way we live, the way we express ourselves, the way we are too others, views on life, views overall, how we dress, what we listen too, what we think of one another, how we work,

interests. Basically everything without computers we wouldn’t have the internet and like newspapers radios magazines and television we get these all on the internet. These change how we are so basically everything about it. Also we get addicted and learn about things that maybe we shouldn’t. Also can get into trouble . downloading, piracy all done with a computer. Good things are that computers have helped reach forward into the future. Helps with technology, education and will help the future generations. Soon everyt hing will be run by computers the good thing for us is we don’t have to lift a finger the bad thing is will computers take over.

Step V Homework (retelling)

T: Suppose you work for an information technology magazine. Write a short passage which briefly introduces the history and development of computers. Don’t write in the first person.

The Second Period Language study

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

revolution network simplify sum mobile solve explore

totally anyhow finance artificial technology intelligent application Web reality logically

b. 重点句子

As time had gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller.

I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.

Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!

Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.

I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations.

I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to learn the meanings and use of some key words in the reading passage.

Enable students to learn the form and function of present perfect passive voice.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

By writing a poem using present perfect passive voice, enable students to use the structure freely and creatively.

Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点

How to change the sentences into the present perfect passive voice. Teaching methods 教学方法

Personalization, Induction and imitation.

Teaching aids 教具准备

Projector and tape recorder.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the homework. Ask two students to read the passage they have written. Their passage should be brief and include the key information or facts about the development of computers.

Step II Discovering useful words and expressions

T: Look at activity 1. These are the meanings of some words or expressions in the text we learned yesterday. Find out these words or expressions. Check the answers.

T: Now look at the words in activity 2. Do you know their meanings Check their meanings in your dictionaries. Then complete the passage with the words.

Check the answers.

T: Now activity 3. Look at the phrases in bold in the story. What do they have in common

S: They are all time phrases except “as a result”. They are used in the passage to indicate the development of the story. From them, we get a clear timeline of the story.

T: Correct! Now use these phrases to create one of your own stories. The story can be a real one or an imaginary one.

After they finish writing, let students exchange their stories and proofread for each


Step III Discovering useful structures

Let students find sentences in the present perfect passive voice in the text and then

analyze their form and function. (Activity 1 on page 21.)

Students may find the following sentences:

1. I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.

2. Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!

3. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.

4. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations.

5. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.

Then let students study these sentences carefully and sum up the form of present

perfect passive voice tense.

Elicit the structure: S + have/has + been + V-ed

T: Why is the passive voice used here When do we usually use passive voice Ss: …

T: The passive voice is used when the subject of a sentence is the person or thing affected by the action of the sentence. We particular use the passive voice when don’t know or aren’t bothered exactly who has done something. Now look at activity 2. Change the sentences into the present perfect passive voice. Pay attention to the use of has/have. When do we use has and when do we use have

Ss: We use has when the recipient of the action is the third person single or single nouns. We use have when the recipient of the action is the first or second person or plural nouns.

After students finish, check the answers.

T: Now write passive sentences in Present Perfect according to the words given.

Show the following on the screen.

1 the postcard / send __________________________

2 the pencils / count ___________________________

3 the door / close _____________________________

4 the beds / make _____________________________

5 the mail / write _____________________________

6 the trees / plant _____________________________

7 the money / spend ___________________________

8 the room / book / not _________________________

9 the rent / pay / not ___________________________

10 the people / inform / not _______________________


1 The postcard has been sent.

2 The pencils have been counted.

3 The door has been closed.

4 The beds have been made.

5 The mail has been written.

6 The trees have been planted.

7 The money has been spent.

8 The room has not been booked.

9 The rent has not been paid.

10 The people have not been informed.

Then deal with activity 3.

T: Read the poem. Underline the use of the present perfect passive voice. Then decide which things have been done well and which have been done badly. Guess what might have happened to the face, hair and shoes and what might have happened to the flowers, grass and paths. You can get cues from the examples.

After students finish, check their work.

Then get them to write a similar poem following the rhythm and intonation. T: Which words in the poem rhymes

Ss: washed, combed, cleaned, planted, cut, swept, again, again.

T: Right! Now write your own poem with similar rhythm and intonation. After you finish, exchange yours with your partner’s and check for each other. Pay attention to the rhythm and grammar.

Then, let some read their poems to the class.

Step IV Workbook Exercises

Give students some time to finish USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS and USING STRUCTURES in Workbook individually. If time is limited, leave them as


The Third Period Listening and Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言


The advantage/disadvantage is …

I think/don’t think that …

What’s your reason

What makes you think so …

I think … because (of) …

I believe that …

I agree/don’t agree … because …

First … Second …

I’ve decided that …

As/Since …, I think …

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT by using the reasoning expressions.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help students learn how to make use of the reasoning expressions. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点

Reasoning expressions

Teaching methods 教学方法


Teaching aids 教具准备

Tape recorder

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Lead-in

Introduce the term “information technology”.

T: We are now in a new century. As you may have heard, it will be a century of information technology. How do you understand this frequently used term

Encourage students to voice their own opinions.

S: I think IT is closely connected with computers. Without computers,

there would be no IT.

S: I guess IT refers to the computer-based information systems, which include software application and hardware.

S: …

Show the definition of IT on the screen to help students better understand this term.

What is IT

IT is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. In short, IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information, securely.

Today, the term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term is more recognizable than ever before. The information technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include:

Data management

Computer networking

Database systems design

Software design

Management information systems

Systems management

Step II Listening

Deal with activities 1-3 on page 22.

T: Excellent opinions! Now discuss in pairs what IT consists of. Make a

list and compare your ideas with another pair.

Give a few minutes for them to discuss and make a list.

T: Now you will hear a text about IT which will tell you more about it. First listen and get the main idea of the text. Write down the main idea in one sentence.

Play the tape for the first time.

Then check the sentences they write.

T: What does IT include What is the most popular form of IT Now listen to the first part again and fill in the chart, Part A.

Play Part A, check the answers.

T: Which form of IT describes the skills of a sport best Which form of IT has the most functions Now listen to the second part again and fill in the chart, Part B.

Play Part B, check the answers.

Step III Speaking

Get students to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT in

groups, using the reasoning expressions. Then decide when each kind of IT is most


T: Look at the expressions in activity 4. Which are used to make decisions Ss: The advantage/disadvantage is …

I think/don’t think that …

I believe that …

I’ve decided that …

T: Then which ask about reasons

Ss: What’s your reason

What makes you thinks so

T: Good! Which are used to state reasons

Ss: I think … because (of) …

I agree/don’t agree … because …

First … Second …

As/Since …, I think …

T: From the listening material, we have learned about the different forms of IT such as computer, TV, book and radio. Now work in groups and discuss: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT Use the expressions we just talked about. Then fill in the chart with your discussion results.

It’s better that students work in groups of four and each focus on one form of IT.

Sample discussion:

A: I think computer is the most powerful IT form because it can store plenty of information in various forms. The advantage of computer IT is that the information can be updated at anytime and you can get almost information when connect with Internet.

B: I think TV is the most popular form of IT and can be accepted by people at any age. It is easy to operate and there are more and more channels and programs to choose from. As most people still prefer to get information or have fun from TV, I think TV will continue to be a dominant IT form in the 21st century.

C: I think radio has many disadvantages.

D: What makes you think so

C: First, you can only hear but can’t watch. Second, the information that you can get from it is very limited. However, it also has its advantages. You can listen to radio programs when you are driving, walking or doing housework. What’s more, it’s small and easy to take.

D: I prefer to read books. I think book is the most reliable IT form. The information in books are usually better selected and organized.


Unit 3 How do you get to school? 一、知识概述 1.学习谈论如何到达某地(交通工具)和表示距离的有关句型。 2.学习how, how long, how far等引导的特殊疑问句。 3.学习和掌握含有实义动词的陈述句、一般疑问句、肯定回答和否定回答之间的转换。 4.会用英语相互谈论交通方式的话题。 二、语音知识 三、单元重难点讲述 1.词汇篇: train—take the train—by train bus—take the bus—by bus subway—take the subway—by subway taxi—take the taxi

—by taxi car—drive the car—by car plane—take the plane —by plane bike—ride a bike—by bike walk—on foot 2.—Hey, Dave. How do you get to school? 嘿,大卫。你怎样去学校? —I walk. How about you, Sally?我步行去学校,你呢,萨利? —I ride my bike. 我骑自行车。 (1)在这个对话中,how的意思是“怎样;怎么;如何”。 e.g.Tell me how to spell it. 告诉我怎么拼写它。 I don’t know how to get to the post office. 我不知道如何去邮局。 除这个意思外,how还可表示“健康情况怎样”。 e.g.How are the children? 孩子们身体好吗? (2)get to 到达 表示“到达”这一意思的有三个词组:get to, arrive at/in, reach ① get to是一个常用的词组,比较口语化。 e.g.When does she usually get to school? 她通常什么时候到校? ② arrive是不及物动词,其后要接介词at或in,at后接小地点,in后接大地点。 e.g.We will arrive at the village at 5 tomorrow afternoon.


幼儿园中班音乐教案及幼儿园教学反思 幼儿园中班音乐教案及幼儿园教学反思:三只猴子 活动名称 中班音乐三只猴子 活动班级 中三班 课时 一个课时 活动设计背景 猴子是孩子们生活当中比较常见的动物,也知道猴子是比较调皮的动物,猴子喜欢玩跳来跳去的游戏。幼儿园里孩子们也喜欢玩跳蹦蹦床的游戏,但是在游戏的时候往往会发生一些危险的事情。通过本次音乐活动的学习,让孩子在比较轻松愉快的学习过程中,初步学会演唱歌曲,同时用激发孩子的想象让他们知道不仅在床上可以玩跳床的游戏,还能用身体的各个部分跟着音乐表演动作。不仅学会了歌曲,还能给孩子带来游戏的乐趣。 活动目标 1.熟悉歌词,充分感受歌曲的诙谐和幽默。 2.在倾听和做动作及游戏的过程中逐步学唱歌曲。 教学重难点

重点:在倾听和做动作的过程中初步学唱歌曲。 难点:能够正确唱准十六分节奏。 活动准备 电子琴一架、猴子PPT、多媒体设备、图谱一张 活动过程 开始部分 一.出示三只猴子的PPT导入活动。 1.教师播放三只猴子的PPT猴子图片,提问:“谁来了?” 2.这是三只很调皮的猴子,他们已经开始等不及在做游戏了,我们一起来听听看,他们在做什么游戏呢? 基本部分 二、播放音乐节奏和PPT 1.教师播放电子琴的节奏,幼儿听节奏教师做动作。 2.播放PPT图片,教师边做动作边完整念歌词。 3.引导幼儿在第三段的时候跟着教师一边做动作一边念歌词。 三、通过完整欣赏与图谱结合的方式学唱歌曲 1.老师把三只猴子玩蹦蹦床的游戏变成了一首很好听的歌曲,一起听听看。 2.教师完整清唱前三段歌曲。 3.师幼一起学唱1—2遍。 4.“三只猴子都不见了,发生了什么事情,最后都去哪


《向日葵》音乐教案及反思 音乐教案-向日葵 授课教师:田雨 单位:石景山区古城第六小学 教学内容:1、第一课(九年义务教育音乐学科六年制小学教科书第八册) 2、第二课时 教学分析:因为要求借班上课,对实验小学四(3)班学生的音乐情况不太清楚。据了解第一课教学时,对休止符、节奏、归韵、衬腔的演唱等尚未完全解决,因此这些将是我这节课的主要教学任务设计在: 1、声音的训练:歌曲设在教材第八册教材中,学生处于中高年级段,声音是最好的状态,进行声音的辅导是必要的,通过熟悉的歌曲让学生掌握一点正确的歌唱状态与歌唱方法是可行的。歌曲的韵脚都落在了韵母“ao”上,解决好“ao”的唱法是声音训练的重点。“ao”属于“姚条”辙,属半嘬口音,演唱时要求口型的正确、声音的高位置。 2、休止符:休止符在音乐当中有着极其重要的作用,是作曲家用来刻画音乐形象的重要手段。本歌曲是4/4拍,节奏颇有特点,每一乐句的第一拍都是四分休止符,但四句又有所不同。第三、四乐句属于弱起。而第一、二乐句是一

个典型的切分节奏“0 x - x”,既然是切分节奏那么x―就必然是强拍,不应是弱起。 3、切分节奏:每个乐句都含有切分音节奏,这是歌曲的又一特点。第一、第二在句首出现切分节奏;第三、第四乐句在句中使用跨小节切分节奏。 4、音符的时值:谈到休止符自然就要联系到音符的时值,因为在音乐教学中已是司空见惯的了,也常被忽视,缺乏准确(长了点短了点好像无所谓)。在教学中我发现,学生在演唱长音符时,时值往往唱不够。本歌曲的每一乐句最后一个音符都是全音符 x ---,学生往往只演唱两拍x -0 0,形成了 0 0x x | x - 0 0 |这样就失去了和声效果,违背了作曲家的创作意图。 5、衬腔:歌曲每一句最后一小节都有一个模拟布谷鸟叫声的衬腔(为了增加歌曲的童趣),它与下方的长音构成了一个简单得二部和声。在这里是教师们出现问题最多的地方,一是不唱衬腔;二是把衬腔的时值加到旋律中,没有形成和声效果;三是节奏掌握得不好;四是唱对了但是衬腔的音准不够好。本课重点解决学生在演唱中出现的各种问题。 教学目标:1、通过本课教学使学生掌握韵母(ao)的演唱方法,处理好学生在演唱中出现的问题。 2、启发学生较好地有感情地演唱歌曲,能发自内心的


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班音乐活动教案《运动会》附反思

活动目标: 1. 理解歌曲内容,学唱歌曲,感受东北说唱曲调的欢快风格。 2. 掌握歌曲,能根据动物的特性创编歌词进行演唱。 3. 热爱运动,向往运动会,感受其欢乐的情境。 活动准备: 钢琴伴奏,动物图谱。 活动过程: 一、发声练习。 1.师:弹:12345o 唱:小朋友们好。 二、学习歌词,理解歌词内容。 1. 教师范唱,幼儿初步欣赏歌曲。 师:小动物们召开了运动会,听一听都有谁参加了什么比赛? 2. 根据幼儿的回答出示动物图卡,引导幼儿学习说唱部分 师:你听到了谁?它参加了什么比赛?①小青蛙,在游泳②小猴子,在爬树③小熊小熊在举重 除了运动员,运动场上还有谁呢?④啦啦队,大声喊,加油加油加油!(引导幼儿理解三个加油的音量是逐渐上升的) 3. 教师再次范唱,引导幼儿跟着琴声练习自己打节奏 师:我们来看一看是不是这些小动物在参加比赛。 4. 引导幼儿学习完整的歌词,并用多种方式熟悉歌词 师:开运动会之前会发生什么?有人在招呼小动物们来参加比赛呢!〃嗨~运动场上真热闹,比赛项目真不少"参加的小动物,个个本领

高。 师:〃有哪些小动物参加了比赛呢?“(引导幼儿自己根据图卡来说)小猴子。。。小青蛙。。。小熊。。。啦啦队。。。〃锻炼身体真正好! 三、学唱歌曲,体会歌曲的欢快风格。 1. 介绍说唱形式,带领幼儿感受说唱歌曲的欢快风格 师:这首歌有什么特别的地方?东北歌曲的说唱形式,有唱的地方,还有的地方是说的。哪些地方?一起来说一说。跟着琴声,老师唱,你们来说。 师:有一个地方请你们听一听哪里是唱的哪里是说的?(练习难点句式〃参加的小动物,个个本领高〃) 2. 引导幼儿尝试用动作记唱的部分,教师带领幼儿歌唱整首歌 师:有什么好方法记住唱的部分?一起来唱唱看。 3. 用多种方式引导幼儿学唱歌曲 师:你们有没有学会了呢?老师现在轻轻唱,请学会的小朋友大声唱出来。 师:看来好多小朋友都会唱了,那我要来考考你们了。请女生唱念的地方,男生唱唱的地方。想一想,哪些是念的,哪些是唱的。 师:请几个小朋友表演唱给大家听,其他的小朋友做小裁判,听听看他唱的怎么样? 4. 加入演唱情感,整体练习,尝试不用琴声伴奏演唱


幼儿园音乐欣赏《娃娃》教案及反思一、活动目标:整个活动我抓住理解歌词、感受三拍子的旋律及体验歌曲情绪变化这三方面进行欣赏。所以在目标的安排上我也遵循了以上三点进行制定: (1)欣赏歌曲《娃娃》,体验抒情优美的三拍子旋律。 (2)尝试运用语言、动作、表情等方面,大胆表达对歌曲的理解。 (3)激励幼儿不怕困难,保持乐观的心态,做一个快乐的娃娃。 二、重难点 本次活动的重点及难点都在于教师如何引导幼儿用语言、动作、表情等方面去体验歌曲的情绪变化。 针对此重难点,我采取的策略是在活动室中营造歌曲

中的氛围让幼儿加以体验。雾来了,天色暗了,我事先给整个活动室挂上窗帘,关上灯,营造一种天色暗了感觉,让幼儿在这样的氛围中体验“娃娃”在森林里迷路了的害怕、恐慌心情;雾散了,天色亮了时,请配班老师开灯,让幼儿体验“娃娃”看到天亮了,感受有希望了的快乐心情。 三、活动准备 1、知识准备:幼儿多次感受过三拍子旋律的歌曲,会听二拍子、三拍子、四拍子的歌曲并能自己打节拍。 2、物质准备:整个活动室挂上窗帘;韩版《大长今》主题曲、中文版歌曲《娃娃》及《娃娃》的Flash动画;背景音乐《娃娃》的钢琴曲。 四、教学过程 (一)听韩版《大长今》主题曲进活动室,激发幼儿回忆原有经验。

韩剧《大长今》在各电视台热播后,大街小巷都在播放其主题曲,电脑、手机铃声到处都是,孩子们在日常生活中也有意无意感受到了曲子的旋律。我班的电子琴示范曲中也有这首曲子的旋律,平时我们还把它作为整理玩具的信号曲,孩子们也能哼唱一二,所以我让孩子们在进入活动室时倾听这首曲子,激发其回忆已有的经验。 (二)听配乐故事《娃娃》,帮助幼儿感知、理解歌曲内容。 (三)欣赏《娃娃》的Flash动画,进一步引导幼儿通过画面来理解歌词。 在这两个环节中,我让幼儿通过语言、画面去理解歌词,让幼儿通过听觉、视觉等不同感官去理解和欣赏,为下面欣赏曲子的拍子的情绪作好铺垫。 (四)再次欣赏歌曲,幼儿用哼唱及身体动作,感受


大班音乐教案及反思 在实际教学活动中,教案起着十分重要的作用。那么大班音乐教案及反思分别应该怎么写,以下是小编精心整理的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助! 大班音乐教案及反思设计思路: 《欢乐颂》是一首名曲,是德国音乐家贝多芬写的。孩子们对唱歌很感兴趣;唱歌本身就能抒发幼儿的情感,但他们缺乏一种唱歌的激情;《欢乐颂》正好能让幼儿在唱歌中体验欢快的情绪。因此我选择此课进行教育教学活动。 活动目的: 1.能感受歌曲欢快的情绪。 2.学习二声部合唱,学唱歌曲。 3.能用自然好听的声音歌唱。 活动重点: 重点是引导幼儿和谐地进行二声部合唱。 活动准备: 节奏图谱、磁带 活动过程: 一、感受音乐: 1、小朋友喜欢唱歌吗?唱歌时我们能感受到高兴、快乐。今天老师给小朋友带来一首好听的歌,我们先来听一听这首曲子,感觉怎么样?(快乐的、悲伤的)

2、我来表演,你来猜一猜,歌中会唱什么? 3、我来唱,但不出声,看着老师的动作和嘴,猜一猜歌中会唱什么? 二、学歌词 1、这首歌到底唱了什么呢?听一听录音机里的小朋友市怎么唱的?(根据幼儿说的出示相应的图片) 2、歌中还唱了什么?听一听老师是怎么唱的? 三、学唱歌 1、教师大声唱,幼儿小声唱。 2、幼儿一起唱。 3、这首歌曲的名字叫《欢乐颂》,什么是欢乐呢?找一找歌中表现欢乐的地方。小朋友应该怎么唱? 4、我们加上动作边唱边表演。 四、学唱衬词 1、这首歌你会用“啦”来唱吗?(教师师范) 2、师幼一起用“啦”唱欢乐颂。 五、二声部合唱 1、教师唱歌词,幼儿唱衬词(互换) 2、幼儿分组合唱二声部 活动延伸: 我们出去把这首好听的歌曲唱给别的小朋友听吧。 活动反思:


大班音乐活动案例及反思 中心园李艳华 大班音乐活动:库齐齐 活动目标: 1、通过图谱的帮助,感受三段乐曲的结构及风格特点。 2、为乐曲创编动作并表演,通过创编动作发展创造力,促进小朋友之间的相互交流与合作。 3、在理解乐曲基础上,尝试用乐器为乐曲伴奏。 活动准备: 图谱、乐器(铃鼓、圆舞板、碰铃等)、音乐磁带 活动过程: 一、音乐热身律动 1、《握手舞》 2、师:宝宝、宝宝、早上好。宝宝好。 幼儿:老师、老师、早上好。老师好。 二、感受区分乐句,并按乐句自由做动作。 (一)欣赏第一乐句 1、倾听音乐感受:小男孩去找宝贝,是骑马上山还是走路上山的?为什么? 2、再次倾听音乐:共上了几座山?(教师根据音乐画图) 3、倾听音乐手指图谱画图,引导幼儿感受乐句的第一拍重拍。 4、倾听音乐自由创编动作。在这首音乐里,我们可以用我们的身体动作来表现音乐。请小朋友想一想可以做什么动作。 5、启发幼儿找找身上的“高山”并用动作表示。 (二)欣赏第二乐句:

1、倾听音乐:上了几个台阶? 2、用动作表示上台阶。 (三)欣赏第三乐句: 1、倾听音乐:对山洞说了什么咒语?(库、库、库齐齐) 2、边做声势边说咒语。 3、创编动作,变换山洞方位。 三、完整欣赏乐曲。 1、完整欣赏乐曲,师小结。 2、表现音乐: (1)倾听音乐,根据乐句变换骑马动作,教师指不同的地方为山洞,以发展幼儿的方位感。 2、自由结伴,互相创编库齐齐动作,促进幼儿之间的相互交流与合作。 3、老师参与到游戏中来,促进师幼互动。 四、为乐曲配器并演奏。 引导幼儿根据乐句节奏特点为乐曲创编节奏型,商讨配器并演奏打击乐。 五、谈话: 你认为山洞里会有什么宝贝? 拿出“宝贝”——书,并说说为什么是书?进行品德教育,勉励幼儿好好学习。 活动反思: 这节课的主线是非常清晰的,就是让孩子熟悉并掌握节奏。活动的开始,我就以节奏游戏“问好”的形式开头,其目的是让幼儿熟悉节奏,感知四分音符和八分音符,培养幼儿听辨节奏的能力。

人教版高中英语 必修2 Unit 3Computers-知识点复习学案

Computers-知识点复习学案 核心单词 1. common adj. 共同的,普遍的;常见的 常用结构: in common 共有,公用(在句中多作状语) have nothing/little/a lot/something in common (with) sb. 与某人没有/许多/有些共同之处 in common with 和……一样 common sense/knowledge 常识 common welfare 公共福利 易混辨析 common/ordinary/usual/normal common 指“共有的,公共的;共同的;常见的”。反义词为rare。 common作“普通的”讲时可与ordinary换用。如“普通人”也可以说成common people。ordinary 意为“普通的,平淡无奇的”,指没有什么特别的地方。 usual 意为“平常的,通常的,一向的”,含惯例之意。 normal 意为“正常的”。 Jane and I have nothing in common. =I have nothing in common with Jane. 我与简毫无共同之处。 The problems are common to all societies. 这些问题是所有社会的通病。 In common with many young people, he prefers pop songs. 和许多年轻人一样,他喜欢流行歌曲。 He is in ordinary clothes. 他穿着平常的衣服。 We meet every day at the usual place. 我们每天在往常那个地方见面。 高手过招 单项填空 Harry visited the bookstore every week. He became such a customer that the bookseller gave him some books as presents. (2009·12·浙江桐庐检测) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7f8484361.html,mon B. normal C. usual D. average 解析:选C。由“Harry visited the bookstore every week”可知,他是常客,含有“习惯,惯例”之意,故选C。 2. signal n. 信号;手势;声音;暗号 v. 发信号;用信号传达;用信号与……通讯 A red light is usually a signal for/of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。 He signaled (to) the waiter to bring the menu. 他示意服务员把菜单拿过来。 常用结构: signal to sb./sth. for sth.


四年级音乐歌曲《幸福拍手歌》教案 教学目标: 1、能自信、自然、有表情地演唱《幸福拍手歌》; 2、能较准确地演唱连续的附点节奏,内心节奏感得到强化。 教学重点 学唱歌曲;附点节奏 教学难点 感受音乐作品欢快的情绪,用歌声及恰当的肢体语言表现这种情绪教具准备 手风琴、课件 教学过程 一、组织教学 1、师生问好 2、复习歌曲 二、谈话导入: 幸福是什么意思?在生活中,有什么事情让我们感到幸福当你感到幸福的时候,你会用什么样的方式表达?” 二、学习歌曲:

1、初听音乐,让我们来听一首歌,听完告诉老师,这首歌里是怎样表达幸福的?”(听听歌中有哪些肢体动作(拍拍手、跺跺脚、打打肩 膀、握握手) 2、揭示课题 今天我们要学唱一首日本儿童歌曲《假如幸福的话拍拍手吧》。这首歌曲还有一个名字,叫做《幸福拍手歌》。(板书课题) 3、复听 要求:(可跟着歌曲的节拍随意做做动作,但是嘴巴不能发出声音)问:这首歌的节奏怎样? 4、出示节奏谱,解释并学习X × 5、老师读第一段歌词,学生仔细看歌词。 6、老师:“同学们能不能按照节奏读歌词呢?”要求:学生试一试。 哪些句子读的不好,提出来,大家一起解决。 7、学生跟录音范唱轻声唱一唱。要求:积极唱好X X (前重后轻, 前长后短) 8、老师弹伴奏,学生跟唱全曲。 要求:(1)学生听好前奏,听老师喊拍起唱。 2)解释弱起,开始的这一拍要唱的弱一点。重音在小节线的后面。 3)这一遍歌唱中不做动作。 9、完整演唱歌曲

四、编歌词 1. 同“学们,你们还可以用什么动作来表达自己幸福的情感与心情 呢?”让我们当一回小小作词家!(一段) 2.自由结组,引导同学们发现还可以用哪种行动表现幸福的心情。小组讨论后,得出结论。(同学相互配合,表演或回答:跺脚、跳舞、拍腿、拍肩、揪耳朵.................... ) 3.分组请同学们到前面来表演,师生共同评价。 4.教师举例如何创编歌词,带领同学们试唱一遍。 5.请个别同学到前边来表演。(让学生偷偷地告诉老师用什么动作表 现幸福,然后大声唱出来,带领大家一起唱) 6.学生互评,共同进步。 7.全体同学共同创作一首四段歌曲《幸福拍手歌》,一起唱一唱,并 五、小结 快乐的四十分钟又要过去了,最后老师想在歌声中结束我们的音乐 课好吗?记得,要配合我哦: 假如幸福的话你就点点头。

Unit3 Computers知识点详解

Unit3 Computers知识点详解 Ⅰ. 常考单词必背 1.simplify vt. 简化 Try to simplify your explanation for the children. 设法让你的解释简易一些,让孩子们能听懂。 simplified adj. 简化的simplification n. 简化 2. sum n.总数;算术题;金额v.合计 In sum,the course is clear.总而言之,这个过程是清晰的。 in sum 总之,总而言之sum up 概括;合计 3.intelligence n.智力;聪明;智能 Computer scientists study artificial intelligence.计算机科研人员研究人工智能。intelligent adj. 智能的;聪明的 4. solve vt. 解决;解答Can you help me to solve this maths question? (1) solve/settle/deal with problems 解决问题 (2) solution n. 解决,解答 5.total adj. 总的;整个的n. 总数;合计 In total,they spent 420 hours on the project. totally adv. 完全地;整个地 6.application n.应用;用途;申请 There were more than 300 applications for the six jobs.有300多人申请这6份工作。apply v. 应用,运用,申请,请求 7. explore vt.&vi. 探索;探测;探究 The scientists are exploring all possible ways to improve food production. 科学家们正在探究所有可能提高食品产量的方法。 exploration n. 探索explorer n. 探险者 8. anyhow adv. (也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此 The fog was heavy that day, but anyhow he drove away. 那天的雾很大,但是即使如此他还是开车离开了。 somehow adv. 不知怎么地;以某种方式 somewhat adv. 稍微;有点 9. goal n.目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分 To become an excellent director is her life goal. 成为一名优秀的导演是她的人生目标。


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班音乐森林音乐家教案反思 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

大班音乐森林音乐家教案反思主要包含了活动目标,活动准备,活动过程,活动反思等内容,感知理解歌曲内容,能够愉快地演唱歌曲,准确地唱出弱起拍,通过欣赏、随乐意歌词以及看图仿编歌词等活动,学习完整正确地演唱歌曲,适合幼儿园老师们上大班音乐活动课,快来看看森林音乐家教案吧。活动目标 1、感知理解歌曲内容,能够愉快地演唱歌曲,准确地唱出弱起拍。 2、通过欣赏、随乐意歌词以及看图仿编歌词等活动,学习完整正确地演唱歌曲。 3、体验森林动物生活的自在和快乐。 4、培养幼儿的音乐节奏感,发展幼儿的表现力。 5、乐意参加音乐活动,体验音乐活动中的快乐。 活动准备 1、《幼儿用书》人手一册,实物展示仪一吕。 2、音乐磁带或CD,录音机一台。 3、图片:小松鼠、小白兔、小熊猫、小提琴、喇叭小鼓。 4、打击乐器:铃鼓、碰铃、圆舞板及小锣若干。 活动过程 1、打击乐活动:小看戏。 ——教师带领幼儿随着音乐给《小看戏》伴奏。 ——教师:刚才,你们用了哪些乐器演奏《小看戏》的? 2、教师朗诵歌词,感知歌词内容,带领幼儿学习念歌词。 ——教师讲述歌词《森林音乐家》第一段歌词。

——教师:在热闹的森林里有许多音乐家,第一位是谁?他有什么乐器?他是怎样演奏乐器的? ——教师出示小松鼠图片和小提琴乐器图片,带领幼儿有节奏地念歌词。 3、学唱歌曲《森林音乐会》第一段。 ——引导幼儿看图片,教师放慢弹奏音乐,带领幼儿随着音乐有节奏地念歌词。 ——教师演唱歌曲.鼓励幼儿随着音乐跟唱。。 ——教师:小松鼠怎样拉小提琴? ——引导幼儿探索表演小松鼠拉提琴的动作,然后边唱歌边完整地表演第一首歌曲。 4、看图仿编歌词,学习第二段、第三段歌曲。 ——教师分别出示小白兔和喇叭图片以及小熊猫图片和小鼓乐器图片。 ——教师;在热闹的森林里,第二位音乐家是谁?他在演奏什么乐器?怎样演奏这个乐器呢? ——启发幼儿根据第一段歌词的结构,仿编小白兔吹喇叭的歌词,鼓励幼儿快乐地演唱第二段歌曲。 ——采用上述方法,学习表演唱第三段的歌曲。 5、完整地看图表演唱歌曲《森林音乐会》。 活动反思 《森林音乐家》是一首活泼富有童趣的歌曲,在听我范唱的时候孩子们的注意力都非常集中,都表现得很积极兴奋,特别是歌曲后半段“这边拉一拉那边拉一拉”愉快的节奏使孩子们情不自禁地用肢体


大班音乐活动我和音乐一起玩教案反思 大班音乐活动我和音乐一起玩教案反思主要包含了活动目标,活动准备,活动过程,活动建议,活动反思等内容,尝试用肢体动作大胆表现音乐的结构特点,体验用生活情境表现音乐的乐趣,适合幼儿园老师们上大班音乐活动课,快来看看我和音乐一起玩教案吧。 活动目标: 1、尝试用肢体动作大胆表现音乐的结构特点。 2、体验用生活情境表现音乐的乐趣。 3、感受旋律的气氛以及和同伴一起参加集体音乐活动的乐趣。 4、培养幼儿的音乐节奏感,发展幼儿的表现力。 5、乐意参加音乐活动,体验音乐活动中的快乐。 活动准备: 1、生活经验的准备 2、活动材料准备(音乐、场地、黑板、图片、笔等) 活动过程: 一、谈话:回顾生活中“煮面条”的情境,引发幼儿对面条不同姿态的联想。 没下锅前的面条是什么样子的?面条刚放入开水锅中会有什么变化?水沸腾翻滚时面条又在锅里做什么呢?关火后的面条呢? 二、欣赏音乐,划分音乐段落。 师:今天,我带来一首乐曲,面条要和它做游戏,我们先来仔细听,音乐可以分成几段? 三、感知乐曲特点,尝试用肢体动作大胆表现音乐。

1、分段感知乐曲特点。 2、结合煮面的过程找出适宜表现的段落。 3、用手指动作感受并表现。 4、用肢体动作大胆感受并表现。 5、完整感受并表现。 教师适时走近幼儿用语言、体态激励幼儿大胆表现,注意突出结束造型的动作。 四、延伸活动:启发幼儿大胆想象,运用不同的生活情境表现音乐。 1、想象用厨房中的其他活动表现音乐。 2、想象户外活动中可以如何表现音乐。 五、结束部分,带领幼儿去寻找更多可以表现这个音乐的生活情境,结束活动。 活动建议: 1、活动前应给予幼儿充分的生活经验准备。 2、重点提示幼儿动作的个性化;活动前提好常规要求,活动中始终以情境贯穿。 活动反思: 大班幼儿思维活跃,有很强的迁移生活经验的能力,加之活泼好动的特点给予老师创作的灵感-----能否运用生活中真实情境的模仿、再现,来激发幼儿感受音乐和表现音乐的热情呢?就这样,一次音乐与生活、实践与创造、充分感受与大胆表现紧密相连的教学活动诞生了。这不仅仅使音乐变得生活化、情趣化,也使生活变得艺术化、生动化。

上海教育版八年级英语上册《Unit 3 Computers》知识要点归纳

《Unit 3 Computers》知识点归纳 一、重点单词(词性变化) 1.order(n.)---(v.) order(命令,点菜) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7f8484361.html,pare(v.) ---(n.)comparison 3. speaker(演讲者)---(v.)speak 4.tiny---近义词sm all 5.depend---(adj.)dependent---independent 6.operate---(n.)operation 7.sell---(过去式) sold 8.popular---(n.)popularity 9.aware---(反义词) unaware 10.expensive--- (反义词) cheap 11.mouse---(复数)mice 12.type--- (名词) typist 13.inch--- (复数) inches https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7f8484361.html,pany---(复数) companies 二、同义词(组): 1.tiny=very small 2.depend on=need help from 3.operate=make…work 4. realize---notice; know about 5.in addition=besides 6.be good at=do well in 三、重点短语: 1. be unaware of 2. depend on 依靠 3. more than 超过 4. do with 处理 12. have nothing to do 无所事事*17 be made of 5. happen to 发生 6. operate railways 7. in addition 另外 四、重点句子: 1. In t he 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. 在20世纪40年代,第一批电脑比汽车还大。 2. You may be unaware of them. 你也许没有意识到他们。 3.You depend on computers more than you realize.你比你意识到的更依赖电脑。 4. What can we do with computers ?我们可以用电脑处理什么? 5. We can use computers to calculate.我们可以用电脑计算。 6. In addition, computers can do important jobs like ope rating railways and flying planes and spaceships.另外,电脑可以做重要的工作比如操控火车、飞机和飞船。 7. For example, they may be better than doctors at doing their job. 比如,他们比医生更擅长做他们的工作。 8.What will happen to us if computers can do all our jobs?Will we have nothing to do? 如果电脑可以完成我们所有的工作,那我们会发生什么事?我们会不会无事可做? 五、语法:形容词和副词比较级和最高级的不规则变化 1. good/well---better---the best 2. bad/ill---worse---the worst 3.. much/many---more---the most 4. little ---less---the least 5.. far---farther(further)---the farthest(furthest) More to learn: 1. much, far, a lot (比…得多) a little, a bit(比…一点) even甚至更+比较级 表示不同程度的比较e.g. much older 年长得多


Unit 3 Computers Period 4 Using language教学设计 (ANDY— THE ANDROID) Aims To discuss about IT To write a report about IT To read about androids or robots Procedures I. Warming up by talking about IT What is Information technology? Information technology (IT) or information and communication technology (ICT) is the technology required for information processing. In particular the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime. II. Listening and writing Turn to page 21. Look at the pictures and listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or IT, discuss and write down in groups the advantages and disadvantages of each kind. III. Speaking and writing Suppose you and your partner are going to help choose computers for your school. Now talk about the special things each of the computer can do and write a report to your headmaster. IV. Reading, underlining and speaking It is said that computers could be put into androids or robots. Read the text Andy—The Android,


幼儿园音乐公开课教案及反思三篇 1、感受歌曲中人物情绪的变化,学习用两种不同的唱法来演唱歌曲前后两部分。 2、探索在歌表演中使用眼神、动作、表情与他人交往。 3、体验与同伴合作表演的快乐。 活动准备:录音机、音乐磁带《拉拉勾》 活动过程 一、教师引导幼儿回忆已有的情绪经验,为歌曲学习做好准备。 1、你和好朋友之间发生过不愉快的事情吗事情发生后心情是怎样的 2、当你和好朋友不吵不闹在一起玩的时候,你的心情又是怎样的 3、如果你和好朋友之间发生矛盾,你有什么好办法能够解决 : 二、幼儿学唱歌 1、教师范唱歌曲《拉拉勾》,引导幼儿重点注重歌词内容。 请你们仔细听一听,老师的歌里唱了些什么 2、教师再次范唱歌曲,引导幼儿重点注重歌曲中的情绪变化。 教师:你们感觉这首歌的前半部分和后半部分在情绪上有什么不同 3、教师引导幼儿初步学唱歌曲,注意在唱到切分音符和休止符处,教师要有较明显的动作暗 示。

4、教师引导探索用两种不同的唱法演唱歌曲前后两部分(用断顿的唱法演唱前半部分,轻快的唱 法演唱后半部分。) 三、幼儿按歌词内容创编动作,学习与同伴合作表演。 [ 1、幼儿根据每一句歌词内容,分乐句创编响应的动作和表情。 2、教师引导幼儿不但注意动作还能够使用表情来表现歌曲内容,重点创编动作:生气、不理睬、 翘嘴巴。 活动延伸 当幼儿熟悉歌曲后,在歌曲的最后两句,教师还能够启发幼儿做出各种表示友好的动作,以突出歌 曲中同伴友好相处的积极情感。唱歌曲前半部分时,用较弱的力度表示害羞;唱后半部分时,用欢 快的情绪表示同伴间成功和好的自豪感! 篇二:颠倒歌 活动目标: 1、学唱歌曲《颠倒歌》,感受滑稽、可笑的意蕴。 … 2、引导幼儿创编歌词,尝试使用绘画的方式记忆歌词。 3、激发幼儿与同伴积极配合、互相合作,共享成功的喜悦。 活动准备: 1、知识准备:引导幼儿大胆想象颠倒、滑稽的事情。


音乐教案的反思 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 音乐课教案,也称之为音乐课课时计划。教案的设计是音乐教学活动的重要组成部分,是教师知识向能力的一个创造过程。教案的质量是课堂教学的基础,上好课的功夫在课外,只有备好课,才能上好课。为此,学校领导为督促教师备好课,定期检查教案,是必要的。不过,教案真的为教学服务了吗?下面一些老师的对话我感觉似乎反应些什么。 师:应付检查,年年照抄。 师:写教案是一回事,上课是一回事,二者没啥关系。 师:我们学校就我一名音乐教师,每天忙于写教案之中,说实话,真考虑不到那么多,什么教法了,学生实际了,等等。只要周数够了,节数够了,就行了。

教案原本是为教师教学服务的,却成了教师应付检查的负担了。这样的教案不仅脱离了学生的实际,而且脱离教学的实际,形成备教脱节的现象,养成了教师不思、不看的坏毛病,使得教师教法落后,观念陈旧,谈不上对学生进行创新精神和实践能力的培养了,大大的影响了学生学习的积极性。 新一轮教学改革轰轰烈烈的进行着,新标准要求,音乐教学要以审美为核心,以培养学生兴趣、爱好为动力,重视音乐实践活动,培养学生终生学习的能力与健全的人格,为此教案改革,事在必行。教案的书写要体现“活”、“明”、“简”、“新”、“广”、“真”。 “活”是指教师在确定教学内容时要“活”。对于教师来说,教学内容的设定要依据标准、教材,并能充分考虑到学生的认知规律和学习心理。这就有一个教材内容的重组过程。在重组过程中,教师要充分挖掘学生的资源,教材的人文因素,要创造性的使用教材,教材中

偏难的内容可以舍去,填加一些学生感兴趣的同步知识内容,力求站在开阔学生的视野,内容达到综合的角度去思考,去设定教学内容。教学内容的设定是一个“扬弃”的过程。 “明”是指确定教学目标时要“明”。 教学目标是教学所预期达到的境地和标准,是教学的起点和归宿。对教学活动具有导向、激励、评价、调控的作用。在确定目标时,教师要充分考虑到学生的认知规律和学习心理,依据教材教学内容及标准对所授课年段教学内容具体要求、符合学生发展的设计,要把情感态度与价值观这一目标放在首位,过程与方法放在二位、知识与技能放在最后位。要注意,教学目标是陈述学生的学习结果,而不应陈述教师的目标。 “简”是指教学的重、难点要“简”。基础音乐教育阶段主要是培养人,而不是培养音乐家。因此,在音乐教学中,以培养学生兴趣、爱好为目的,以培养学生终身学习能力(方法)为终点。这就


大班音乐教学活动《颠倒歌》设计及反思 张兰 活动目标: 1、学唱歌曲《颠倒歌》,感受滑稽、可笑的意蕴。 2、引导幼儿创编歌词,尝试运用绘画的方式记忆歌词。 3、激发幼儿与同伴积极配合、互相合作,共享成功的喜悦。 活动准备: 1、知识准备:引导幼儿大胆想象颠倒、滑稽的事情。 2、物质准备:录好的歌曲伴奏、幼儿操作板块、笔、纸等。 活动过程: 一、倾听歌曲,感受滑稽、可笑的歌词,体验快乐的情绪。 教师演唱后提问:歌曲里唱了些什么事情?刚才有的小朋友还听得不太清楚,我们再来听一次,这一次呀,小耳朵可要竖起来听好哦!“听了这个歌曲,有什么感受?” 二、学唱歌曲 1 、跟音乐练说唱 你们平时是这样穿的吗?你们是怎么做的?(用动作引导幼儿说出‘颠倒’),那我们一起来学吧!我们先跟着音乐来轻轻地说唱歌词! 2 、听音乐轻声哼唱。 “刚才小朋友们说得不错,我们来轻声唱唱看!”“下面,汤老师要把音乐放大一点了,你们也要大声唱出来哦!” 3 、鼓励生生互动表演唱 小朋友们唱得真不错,下面请和你的好朋友一起来试着表演表演,我们一起来看看谁表演得最可爱最滑稽!” 三、鼓励幼儿相互讨论、创编歌曲。 1、启发幼儿把生活中有趣的事情颠倒着说出来。 “小朋友,刚才歌词里讲的都是些颠倒的事情,你们有没有颠倒的话或事情说出来和大家一起分享呢? 2、个别幼儿展示创编的歌词 “请小朋友们把你的事情编到歌词里唱唱看!谁来试试看?” 3、引导幼儿四人合作,创编歌曲 “小朋友们编唱得真不错,你们现在可都是小小创作家哦!汤老师有件事要麻烦你们,请你们 4 个好朋友为一组、将自己想到的一句颠倒的话或一件颠倒的事情画下来,贴到一块板上,编一首完整的曲子,小组看图演唱。 四、活动延伸 师生共享创编的歌曲与快乐。 各小组表演自己创编的歌曲,教师引导幼儿进行经验的分享与互学。 教学反思: 颠倒歌是一首带有诙谐、幽默曲风的歌曲童谣,歌曲活泼有趣,并有韵律感,深受幼儿的喜欢。结合“动物世界”这一主题活动,我根据我班幼儿的实际,运


必修二Unit 3 Computers词汇句型复习要点 词汇 1.work out计算出;解答;解决;制订(方法、计划等);锻炼;成功,产生结果 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7f8484361.html,pare … with/to… 与…相比 compare A to B 将A比喻为B 3.calculate the total costs计算、核算总费用 4.universal agreement全体的一致同意 Universal Studio环球影城(主题公园名) 5.simplify sums 简化运算 a large sum of money 一大笔钱 sum up总结;归纳;概括(要点) 6.artificial intelligence人造智能 artificial teeth/flower 假牙、花intelligence test 智力测试 a person of high intelligence 高智商的人 gather intelligence搜集情报IQ 智商 7.solve a math problem解答数学题 solve a puzzle/mystery/case 破解谜语、谜、案子 8.from then on 从那时起from now on从今天起 9.go by (时光)流逝;路过;根据,依照 10.as a result:因此;结果as a result of… 由于…的结果 11.totally different 完全不同;天壤之别 12.in the early 1960s 在20世纪六十年代早期 13.share my knowledge with sb. 和某人分享我的知识 14.mobile phone移动电话;手机 15.be able to do sth有能力去做ability to do sth做某事的能力 16.set a goal 确立目标 achieve/reach/attain one’s goal实现目标 score a goal 射门;投篮 17. a life of high quality 高质量的生活 18. a devoted friend 忠实的朋友 19.human race 人类 20.download/upload information下载/上传信息 21.in reality 实际上;事实上 become a reality 变为现实 face (up)reality 面对现实 22.be crazy about… 对…痴迷、狂热 drive sb. crazy让某人发狂 23.do research into… 研究 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7f8484361.html,e true (梦想)成真 25.give computers away to a local school 赠送电脑给地方的学校 26.IT即information technology 信息技术 27.make a decision 作出决定 decide to do sth决定去做 decide on sth对…作出决定

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