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Lecture Notes_U1

Lecture Notes_U1
Lecture Notes_U1

Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Book Three

Unit One: People Around Us

Part I Get Started

Section A Discussion

▇Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.

1.How do you expect to be treated by people around you? Please give examples.

2.Have you ever met anyone just once but remember that person well? If yes, share your

experiences with your group members.

3.Do you think special help should be offered to the sick, the poor, the aged and the


▇ Answers for reference:

1. A sample answer:

I expect everyone to treat me in a friendly way. For example, when I ask someone for

information, I hope he or she can patiently tell me what he or she knows. I expect a ―sorry‖ from someone who has hurt me and a ―thank you‖ when I do him or her a favor.

2. A sample answer:

Yes. I remember a mother and a son on the train from Xining back to Guangzhou. They were sitting opposite me. They offered to share their food with me and told me what places they were going to visit and about the life they were living in Xining. Their trust in a stranger like me and their sincere hospitality impressed me profoundly.

3. A sample answer:

I definitely think so. In fact the whole society should offer special help to the aged, the sick,

the poor and the handicapped since they are virtually unable to depend on themselves for a decent life. Our government should strengthen the welfare system for such disadvantaged people. And we, as ordinary citizens, should show concern and love for them by performing acts of kindness to help them, such as making donations or getting involved in charity events.

Section B Quotes

▇ Study the following quotes about people around us. Which quote(s) do you like best? Why?

John Donne

⊙ No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

— John Donne


Everybody lives in relation to other people in a community. Our well-being depends on this community and we, in turn, should contribute our efforts to its prosperity and harmony.

About John Donne (1572-1631): an English poet, who is famous for his Songs and Sonnets (《歌与十四行诗》) and Elegies (《挽歌》).


⊙ The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others.

— Homer


An offer of help is likely to be of little value or importance to us, but it means a lot to those in need and it makes a great difference to their lives.

About Homer: an ancient Greek epic poet. He is traditionally held to be the author of The Iliad (《伊利亚特》) and The Odyssey (《奥德赛》), which have had an enormous influence on the history of Western literature. Some ancient sources estimate that Homer lived in the 8th century BC while others claim that he lived much nearer to the supposed time of the Trojan War (特洛伊战争) in the early 12th century BC.

Pearl S. Buck

⊙ To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind.

— Pearl S. Buck Interpretation:

When we choose to do something good for others, the act of kindness will be considered noble only if it is done with a willing heart and genuine delight.

About Pearl S. Buck (1892–1973): an American writer also known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu (赛珍珠). She is famous for her novel The Good Earth (《大地》). In 1938, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature ―for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces‖.


⊙ Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.



Being grateful is the highest moral standard. In fact, all other good human qualities, such as kindness, generosity, compassion and courage, derive from gratitude.

About Cicero (106 BC–43 BC): an ancient Roman statesman and a great orator. He was an important figure in many of the significant political events of his time and is more often remembered today for his philosophical works as well as for his writings on rhetoric. His works include On the Laws, On Fate, On Friendship, On Duties, etc.

Section C Watching and Discussion

Watch the following video clip “Shenzhen Drafting Samaritan Law” and do the tasks that follow:

2.How do you explain the phenomenon that people try to hold their helpers responsible for

injuries or damages? (Open.)


Shenzhen Drafting Samaritan Law

Lawmakers in Shenzhen, Guangdong province in the south have been considering making laws to protect people willing to help strangers in distress, while the proposal comes after several tragedies where passers-by failed to help those injured people. The local government is collecting public opinions before drafting China’s first so-called ―Good Samaritan regulation‖.

Let warm-hearted people be in peace. The new draft proposes that Samaritans won’t be held accountable for the consequences of their compassion. And if those in distress ever try to hold their helpers responsible for injuries or damages by deliberately distorting the facts or lodging false complaints, they will face various punishments.

Xu Long, Shenzhen CPPCC mem ber, said, ―The regulation would protect helpers from being sued or even receiving punishment. We hope it can promote the development of a harmonious society.‖

It is not very comfortable to know that people need to be legally protected before reaching out to help those in need. But if that can stop tragedies such as the 2-year-old toddler Yueyue’s death, it will win hearts and minds.

Yueyue died last month after she was twice run over by vans and ignored by 18 passers-by as she lay critically injured on a street in Foshan, Guangdong province.

Many believe the apathy of the onlookers was the result of what happened to Peng Yu five years ago when the man helped an injured old woman but was later sued and had to pay the woman 45 thousand yuan in damages.

But the belief of goodness shall not be tainted, according to those in Shenzhen.

―To protect morality by law can encourage people to do the right thing is good.‖

Legally protecting Good Samaritans has been adopted by many countries over the years, but China was left behind. Many believe it is a step toward rebuilding social credibility and harmony.

Part II Listen and Respond

Section A Word Bank

In this section you will listen to a short passage entitled “At the 7-Eleven Store”. The following words and phrases may be of some help.

Section B Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas

▇Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1.What did the old woman look like when the speaker saw her?

A) She was in neat clothes and walked elegantly.

B) She was in shabby clothes and walked with difficulty.

C) Her clothes were too thick and heavy and she could hardly walk.

D) She was fashionably dressed and walked with her head held high.

2.Why did the old woman come into the store?

A) Because she needed some food.

B) Because she wanted to take a rest.

C) Because the store looked bright at night.

D) Because the store was warmer than the outside.

3.What was the speaker’s attitude toward the woman?

A) She was just polite to her.

B) She was honest with her.

C) She felt sorry for her.

D) She was impatient with her.

4.Did the woman get food from the store?

A) Yes, she bought some canned food.

B) Yes, the speaker gave her some food for free.

C) No, she didn’t like the food sold in the store.

D) No, she left with no food because she couldn’t pay.

5.How did the speaker feel afterwards?

A) She felt relieved when the woman left.

B) She was glad that she was a good employee.

C) She regretted not having helped the woman.

D) She was worried that the woman might complain to her boss.


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. C

Section C Task Two: Zooming In on the Details

Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.

1) The store was brightly lit and the shelves were .

2) The woman was wearing a(n) , a and a pair

of .

3) In the store, the old woman stopped before the rows of canned and picked up a can of and looked at the .

4) The speaker found it harder to her smile because the woman’s hands were covered with and the rose from her clothes.

5) The speaker was to say ―Take the corn‖, but the rules came to her mind.

6) The speaker wished that she had acted like a rather than

a .

▇ Answers for reference:

1) The store was brightly lit and the shelves were neatly arranged.

2) The woman was wearing a(n) old dress , a thin sweater and a pair of black slippers .

3) In the store, the old woman stopped before the rows of canned vegetables and picked up a can of corn and looked at the label .

4) The speaker found it harder to maintain her smile because the woman’s hands were covered with dirt and the smell of sweat rose from her clothes.

5) The speaker was tempted to say ―Take the corn‖, but the employee rules came to her mind.

6) The speaker wished that she had acted like a human being rather than a robot.


At the 7-Eleven Store

One night, while I was working in the 7-Eleven Store, I saw an old woman walking as if each step were painful. She slowly pushed open the glass door. The moment she entered, she presented a sharp contrast to the store. The store had bright lighting and neatly arranged shelves. On such a cold night, she was wearing only an old dress, a thin sweater too small to button and a pair of black slippers.

After walking around the aisle for several minutes, the old woman stopped in front of the rows of canned vegetables. She picked up a can of corn and looked at the label. I decided to be a good employee and asked her if she needed help. As I stood close to her, my smile became harder to maintain. Her hands were covered with layer upon layer of dirt, and the smell of sweat rose from her clothes.

―Can I help you?‖ I asked brightly.

―I need some food,‖ she muttered.

―Are you looking for corn, madam?‖

―I need some food,‖ she repeated. ―Any kind.‖

―Well, the corn is ninety-five cents,‖ I said in my most helpful voice.

―I can’t pay,‖ she said.

For a second, I was tempted to say, ―Take the corn.‖ But the employee rules said, ―Remain polite, but do not let customers get the best of you‖. For a moment, I even believed that this woman was someone from the head office testing my loyalty. I replied, ―I’m sorry, ma’am, but I can’t give away anything for free.‖

The old woman’s hands trembled as she put the can back on the shelf. She hobbled past me toward the door. Her torn and dirty clothing barely covered her bent back.

For the rest of my shift, the image of the woman stayed in my mind. I was young and healthy, while she was old and sick. I wished with all my heart that I had acted like a human being rather than a robot.

Part III Read and Explore

Text A

Section A Discovering the Main Ideas

Exercise 1: Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.

1. Why did the narrator hesitate to hire Stevie?

2. What removed the narrator’s doubts? How?

3. What was the life of Stevie and his mother like?

4. How was it that Stevie missed work one morning in three years?

5. How did the staff and the trucker regulars react to the news of Stevie’s health conditions?

6. Was Stevie looking forward to the day when he could return to work? Why?

7. How did people react when Stevie and his mother were presented with the $10,000 donation

tucked within the napkins? What did Stevie do then?

8. What does the story tell us?

▇ Answers for reference:

1. Stevie was mentally handicapped and the narrator was not sure how his customers would react to a handicapped busboy in the restaurant.

2. Stevie’s popularity with the customers and the staff freed the narrator from worries. Stev ie was cheerful, hardworking, and meticulous in his work. He took pride in doing his job exactly right, and the customers loved how hard he tried to please each and every person he met. Within a month the trucker regulars had adopted Stevie as their official truck-stop mascot.

3. Stevie lived with his mother, a widow who was disabled after repeated surgeries for cancer. They lived a very harsh life on their Social Security benefits. Money was tight. Besides, with his Down’s syndrome, Stevie had a heart problem.

4. He was in hospital receiving heart surgery getting a new valve or something put in his heart.

5. The staff were very sad at the news of Stevie’s heart problem, then they got excited to learn that he was out of surgery. To help Stevie cover the medical expenses, trucker regulars began to donate money to him.

6. Yes. Because he was eager to come back to work and he was afraid that he might have been forgotten and his job might be lost.

7. They were all very much touched. Everybody cheered except for Stevie, who had already

started working earnestly.

8. This is an inspirational story. It tells us that handicapped people can support themselves and find a meaningful life in which they may take a pride. It also shows how those who offer help may find their life more enjoyable when they contribute to others’ happiness.

Exercise 2: Text A can be divided into four parts. Now write down the paragraph number(s) of each part and then give the main idea of each in one or two sentences.

Part Paragraph(s) Main Idea

One 1-2 The author was worried about hiring Stevie because he was mentally handicapped and the author wasn’t sure how some of his fault-finding customers would react.

Two 3-5 The author’s worries vanished when he found that Stevie was very pleasing, hardworking and very attentive, and consequently he became popular with the author’s staff and regular customers.

Three 6-14 Having learned that Stevie and his mother lived a hard life, the other staff and the truck drivers made efforts to help him after he had had heart surgery.

Four 15-18 On Stevie’s return to work, the mother and son received a warm welcome, a free breakfast and a donation of over $10,000 in cash and checks.

Section B In-Depth Study

Stevie, a mentally handicapped boy, is given a job as a busboy in a truck-stop restaurant. He takes pride in doing his job exactly right and regular trucker customers soon adopt him as their official truck-stop mascot. When the boy undergoes heart surgery, the truck customers and their companies reach out helping hands.

Something for Stevie

Dan Anderson

1. I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally handicapped employee and wasn’t sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my customers would react. Stevie was short, a little dumpy, with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down’s syndrome.

2. I wasn’t worried about most of my trucker customers. Truckers don’t generally care who buses tables as long as the food is good and the pies are homemade. The ones who concerned me were the mouthy college kids traveling to school; the yuppie snobs who secretly polish their silverware with their napkins for fear of catching some dreaded―truck-stop germ;‖ and the pairs of white-shirted businessmen on expense accounts who think every truck-stop waitress wants to be flirted with. I knew those people would be uncomfortable around Stevie, so I closely watched him for the first few weeks.

3. I shouldn’t have worried. After the first week,Stevie had my staff wrapped around his little finger. Within a month my trucker regulars had adopted him as their official truck-stop mascot. After that I really didn’t care what the rest of the customers thought.

4. He was a 21-year-old in blue jeans and Nikes, eager to laugh and eager to please, but fierce in his attention to his duties. Every salt and pepper shaker was exactly in its place, not a bread crumb or coffee spill was visible when Stevie got done with the table.

5. Our only problem was convincing him to wait to clean a table until after the customers were finished. He would hover in the background, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, scanning the dining room until a table was empty. Then he would hurry to the empty table and carefully bus the dishes and glasses onto the cart and meticulously wipe the table with a practiced flourish of his rag. If he thought a customer was watching, his brows would pucker with added concentration. He took pride in doing his job exactly right, and you had to love how hard he tried to please each and every person he met.

6. Over time, we learned that he lived with his mother, a widow who was disabled after repeated surgeries for cancer. They lived on their Social Security benefits in public housing two miles from the truck-stop. Their social worker, who stopped to check on him every so often, admitted they had fallen between the cracks. Money was tight, and what I paid him was probably the difference between them being able to live together and Stevie being sent to a group home.

7. That’s why the restaurant was a gloomy place that morning last August, the first morning in three years that Stevie missed work. He was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester getting a new valve or something put in his heart. His social worker said that people with Down’s syndrome often have heart problems at an early age, so this wasn’t unexpected. There was a good chance he wou ld come through

the surgery in good shape and be back at work in a few months.

8. A ripple of excitement ran through the staff later that morning when word came that he was out of surgery, in recovery and doing fine. Frannie, my head waitress, let out a war whoop and did a little dance in the aisle when she heard the good news. Belle Ringer, one of our regular trucker customers, stared at the sight of this 50-year-old grandmother of four doing a victory shimmy beside his table. Frannie blushed, smoothed her apron and shot Belle Ringer a withering look.

9. He grinned. ―OK, Frannie, what was that all about?‖ he asked.

10. ―We just got word that Stevie is out of surgery and going to be okay.‖ she responded.

11. ―I was wondering where he was,‖ said Belle. ―I had a new joke to tell him. What was the surgery about?‖

12. Frannie quickly told him and the other two drivers sitting at his booth about Stevie’s surgery, then sighed. ―Yeah, I’m glad he is going to be okay,‖ she said, ―but I don’t know how he and his mom are going to handle all the bills. From what I hear, they’re barely getting by as it is.‖ Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully, and Frannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables.

13. After the morning rush, Frannie walked into my office. She had a couple of paper napkins in her hand and a funny look on her face. ―What’s up?‖ I asked. ―That table where Belle Ringer and his friends were sitting,‖ she said, ―this was folded and tucked under a coffee cup.‖ She handed the napkin to me, and three $20 bills fell onto my desk when I opened it. On the outside, in big, bold letters, was printed ―Something For Stevie.‖

14. ―Pony Pete also asked me what that dance was all about,‖ she said, ―so I told him about Stevie and his mom and everything, and Pete looked at Tony and Tony looked at Pete, and they ended up giving me this.‖ She handed me another paper napkin that had ―Something For Stevie‖ scrawled on its outside. Two $50 bills were tucked within its folds. Frannie looked at me with wet, shiny eyes, shook her head and said simply, ―Truckers.‖

15. That was three months ago. Today is Thanksgiving, the first day Stevie is supposed to be back to work. His placement worker said he’s been counting the days until the doctor said he could work, and it didn’t matter at all that it was a holiday. He called 10 times in the past week, making sure we knew he was coming, fearful that we had forgotten him or that his job was in jeopardy. I arranged to have his mother bring him to work. We met them in the parking lot and invited them both to celebrate his day back.

16. Stevie was thinner and paler, but couldn’t stop grinning as he pushed through the doors and headed for the back room where his apron and busing cart were waiting. ―Hold up there, Stevie, not so fast,‖ I said. I took him and his mother by their arms. ―Work can wait for a minute. To celebrate you coming back, breakfast for you two is on me.‖ I led them toward a large corner booth at the rear of the room. I could feel and hear the rest of the staff following behind as we marched through the dining room. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw booth after booth of grinning truckers empty and join the procession.

17. We stopped in front of the big table, its surface covered with a mess of coffee cups, saucers and dinner plates, all sitting crooked on dozens of folded paper napkins. ―First thing you have to do, Stevie, is to clean up this mess,‖ I said, trying to sound stern. Stevie looked at me, and then at his mother, then pulled out one of the napkins. It had ―Something for Stevie‖ written on the outside. As he picked it up, two $10 bills fell onto the table. Stevie stared at the money, then at dozens of napkins peeking from beneath the tableware, each with his name printed or scrawled on it.

18. I turne d to his mother. ―There’s over $10,000 in cash and checks on that table, all from truckers and trucking companies that heard about your problems. Happy Thanksgiving!‖ Well, it got real noisy about that time, with everybody shouting, and there were a few te ars, too. But you know what’s funny? While everybody else was busy shaking hands and hugging each other, Stevie, with a big, big smile on his face, was busy clearing all the cups and dishes from the table—the best worker I ever hired.




1 我力求不存偏见,不过在雇用史蒂维时我的确心存疑虑。他的就业顾问向我保证,说




2 对大多数来就餐的卡车司机们,我还是很放心的。只要食物好,馅饼地道,他们基本





3 我的担心是多余的。第一周过后,史蒂维就抓住了我每位员工的心。不足一个月,我


4 史蒂维21岁,蓝色牛仔裤,耐克运动鞋,满面笑容,讨人喜爱,极端地敬业。他收拾


5 我们唯一的问题是得说服他等待客人用餐完毕再去收拾桌子。他总是在不起眼的地方





6 后来,我们得知史蒂维和母亲一起生活。他母亲是个寡妇,因患癌症经历多次手术而落



7 到了去年八月的一个早上,就是三年里史蒂维没能来上班的第一个早上,整个餐馆气



8 有一天接近中午时,有消息传来,说史蒂维手术结束,正在恢复,状况良好。员工当



9 贝尔咧嘴一笑。―好了,弗兰妮,什么事那么高兴啊?‖他问。

10 ―我们刚得到消息,史蒂维做完了手术,平安无事。‖她回答。

11 ―我还一直在纳闷,怎么今天不见他呢?‖贝尔问。―本来有个笑话要讲给他听呢。做的是什么手术呢?‖

12 弗兰妮快言快语,把史蒂维的手术情况告诉贝尔和他旁边坐着的两个司机。―唉!‖弗兰妮叹息着说:―他平安无事,我很开心,但是我不知道他和他妈妈怎样支付所有的费用。我听说,他们的日子一直过得紧巴巴的。‖ 贝尔·林格点点头,若有所思。弗兰妮匆匆离开,去招待其它桌的客人了。

13 上午的客流高峰一过,弗兰妮走进我的办公室。她手上拿着几张纸餐巾,表情诡异。―怎么了?‖我问。―在贝尔·林格和他朋友坐过的那张餐桌上,‖她说,―这张折叠的餐巾纸就塞在一个咖啡杯下‖。她把那张餐巾递给我。我抖开它,三张20元的钞票跌落在我的桌面上。纸巾外面工整地写着:―送给史蒂维的一点心意‖,字母很大很粗。

14 ―波尼·皮特也问我为何跳那支舞,‖她说。―我把史蒂维和他母亲的一切都告诉他了。皮特看看托尼,托尼看看皮特,他们最后把这个给了我。‖ 她递给我另一张纸餐巾,只见外面潦草地写着:―送给史蒂维的一点心意‖。折叠的餐巾中夹着两张50元的钞票。弗兰妮看着我,眼睛闪着泪花,摇摇头,只说了一句话,―这些卡车司机啊。‖

15 那是三个月前的事了。今天是感恩节,是史蒂维重返工作岗位的第一天。他的就业顾问说,史蒂维一直数算着日子,直到医生告诉他可以上班了。就算这天是假日也没有关系。他在过去一周内打了十次电话,确保我们知道他要回来了,担心我们忘记他,担心丢掉这份工作。我经过筹划,让他母亲陪他来上班。我们在停车场迎接他们,邀请母子二人一起庆祝他归来。

16 史蒂维面色苍白,人也瘦了,但是总咧着嘴笑。他用力推开门,径直走向工作间,他的围裙和餐车正在那儿等着他呢。―等一下,史蒂维,别着急,‖我说。我挽着他们母子的手臂说,―等会儿再开工。我请二位吃早餐,庆祝史蒂维归来。‖我带他们向餐厅后面角落里一个大隔间走去。我们穿过餐厅的时候,我能感觉到、也能听到其他员工紧紧跟着。我回头望去,看见笑容满面的卡车司机们走出一个个隔间,融入员工的队伍中。

17 我们来到那张大餐桌前。桌面上凌乱的咖啡杯、小碟、餐盘,横七竖八地摆放在一堆折叠的纸餐巾上。―史蒂维,你要做的第一件事是,把这堆东西清理干净,‖我佯装严肃地说。史蒂维看看我,又看看母亲,从那堆餐巾纸中抽出一张。那餐巾外面写着:―送给史蒂维的一点心意‖。他拿起餐巾,两张10元钞票掉在桌子上。史蒂维看看钞票,又看看餐具下面露出的几十张餐巾,每一张都或工整或潦草地写着他的名字。

18 我转身对他母亲说:―这张桌上,有一万多元现金和支票,是卡车司机、卡车公司听说你们的家庭状况后送来的。感恩节快乐!‖天哪,此时一片欢腾,人们大声地叫着,也有流泪的。但是你知道此刻最有意思的是什么吗?就在大家都忙着握手、拥抱的时候,史蒂维笑容绽放,正忙着清理桌上的杯盘—他真是我手下最好的员工。

Good Usage(Para. 1)

had my doubts about

placement counselor

assured me that …

mentally handicapped

facial features

thick-tongued speech

Good Usage(Para. 2)

bus tables

polish their silverware

for fear of

white-shirted businessmen

expense account

be flirted with

be uncomfortable around…

closely watched

Good Usage (Paras. 3-4)

had my staff wrapped around his little finger trucker regulars

adopted him as

eager to laugh and eager to please

fierce in one’s attention to his duties

was exactly in its place

got done with

Good Usage(Para.5)

shifting his weight from one foot to the other with a practiced flourish of his rag

pucker his brows

with added concentration

took pride in doing his job exactly right

Good Usage (Para. 6)

over time

lived on

Social Security benefits

social worker

check on him

every so often

had fallen between the cracks

money was tight

Good Usage (Para. 7)

a gloomy place

missed work

at an early age

There was a good chance (that) …

come through the surgery in good shape

Good Usage (Paras. 8-10)

A ripple of excitement ran through the staff… word came that …

was out of surgery

in recovery

head waitress

let out a war whoop

smoothed her apron

shot Belle Ringer a withering look

what was that all about?

got word that

Good Usage (Paras. 11-12)

handle all the bills

they’re barely getting by

as it is

nodded thoughtfully

wait on the rest of her tables

Good Usage (Para. 13)

paper napkins

a funny look on her face

What’s up?

in big, bold letters

Good Usage (Paras. 14– 15)

ended up giving me this

counting the days

his job was in jeopardy

arranged to have his mother bring him to work parking lot

celebrate his day back

Good Usage(Para. 16)

headed for the back room

Hold up there

took him and his mother by their arms breakfast for you two is on me

at the rear of the room

Glancing over my shoulder

booth after booth of grinning truckers

Good Usage(Para. 17)

a mess of coffee cups, saucers and dinner plates

clean up this mess

peeking from beneath the tableware

Good Usage(Para. 18)

clearing all the cups and dishes from the table

Key Words and Expressions for Text A

biased a. having an unfair reason for liking or disliking sb. 有偏见的;偏袒一方的

e.g. 1. You may say that I’m biased, but I think my daughter’s paintings are the best.

2. He seemed a bit biased against women in my opinion.


assure vt. [(of)] tell firmly and with confidence, esp. with the aim of removing doubt; promise [常与of连用]向……保证,使确信,使有信心

e.g. 1. The doctor assured us that our son would get well soon.

2. They tried to assure him of their willingness to work.


CF: ensure, assure, guarantee


ensure 侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果。例如:

Ensure that it is written into your contract.

assure 侧重指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心,从而有达到目的的保证感,但不如ensure普通。例如:

I assure you that she can be trusted to do the job.

guarantee 指对事物的品质或人的行为的保证。例如:

His turning up will guarantee the success of the meeting.

reliable a. that may be trusted; dependable 可靠的;可信赖的

e.g. 1. Henry is a forgetful guy —he’s not very reliable.

2. She was efficient and reliable.


for fear of because of anxiety about/that; in case (of) 由于担心……;因为怕……

e.g. 1. He left an hour early for fear of missing the train.

2. He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection.


dread vt. feel great fear or anxiety about 害怕,恐惧;担心

e.g. 1. The old lady dreaded being all alone in that big house.

2. We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.


wrap sb. around one’s little finger infml get sb. to do whatever one wants; be able to persuade or influence sb. to do anything〖非正式〗随心所欲地支配某人,任意摆布某人

e.g. 1. Your son is old enough to decide what to do; so don’t wrap him around your little finger.

2. She twists the young man around her little finger.


visible a. [(to)]that can be seen; noticeable to the eye [常与to连用] 可见的,看得见的

e.g. 1. The tall church tower is visible from the nearby village.

2. The warning lights were clearly visible.


get/be done with be finished with 做完,结束

e.g. 1. Pass me the newspaper after you are done with it.

2. You’ll be surprised how much stuff you can get done with a bit of volunteer offline time.


hover vi.(of people) stay around one place, esp. in a way that annoys other people (人)徘徊;走来走去

e.g. 1. He hovered nervously in the doorway, waiting for the hostess to come out.

2. With no idea of what to do for my next move, my hand hovered over the board.


in the background in a situation little seen or noticed; behind the place where the main activity is happening 不显眼;在幕后

e.g. 1. The President’s advi sors are content to remain in the background.

2. He took a picture of me with the pavilion in the background.


take pride in be proud of; draw satisfaction from 以……为荣(自豪);对……感到满意

e.g. 1. Parents always take great pride in their ch ildren’s achievements.

2. It is difficult to take pride in work that is never seen.


each and every each single individual in a group of people or things, without exception 每个(无一例外)

e.g. 1. It seems that the old librarian knows each and every book in the library.

2. It is the duty of each and every citizen to shake superstition off.


check on make sure that there is nothing wrong with sb./sth. 核实,检查(是否一切正常)

e.g. 1. The police are checking on what the young man said about the murder.

2. I want to check on the time your driver is picking me up.


every so often from time to time 偶尔,有时

e.g. 1. We seldom meet, but every so often we chat on the Internet.

2. We meet every so often and compare notes.


come through continue to live or exist after (a difficult or dangerous event or situation); survive 经受住;熬过(困难、危险等)而活下来

e.g. 1. If he comes through the operation, he should be back to work within six or seven weeks.

2. John was so ill he was lucky to come through.


let out suddenly make a loud sound such as a shout or cry发出(叫声等)

e.g. 1. The baby let out a cry of pain when the nurse gave him the injection.

2. When she saw him, she let out a cry of horror.


shoot sb. a look/shoot a look at sb. look quickly at sb., and then away again瞪某人一眼;投以……的神色

e.g. 1. She shot a curious look at the letter to see where it was from.

2. The man in the black overcoat shot a penetrating look at the other man.


grin vi.[(with, at)] make a wide smile [常与with或at连用]露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑

e.g. 1. The old man grinned with delight when he heard the good news.

2. Sarah tried several times to catch Philip's eye, but he just grinned at her.


get by have enough money to buy the things one needs, but no more 勉强过活

e.g. 1. The young couple can’t get by on such a small income.

2. Melville managed to get by on a small amount of money.


as it is in reality; in the situation that actually exists 事实上,实际情况是

e.g. 1. I thought my grandpa would get better. As it is, he is getting worse.

2. We’re busy enough as it is; don’t give us more trouble.


wait on serve (a customer, a client, etc.); attend sb. as a servant, helper, follower, etc. 招待(顾客等);伺候,侍候

e.g. 1. Several young girls waited on the old woman every day; she didn’t seem able to do


2. She looked around for a salesman to wait on her.


scrawl vt. write in a careless, hurried, awkward, or unskillful way 潦草地写,乱涂乱画

e.g. 1. He scrawled a few hurried lines on his notebook and left the room.

2. Now Tom began to scrawl something on the slate, hiding the words from the girl.


count the days look forward to sth. with eagerness 热切地盼望

e.g. 1. Christmas is a few months away, but I’m already counting the days.

2. When I returned from a trip, I would count the days until my next vacation.


clean up clean thoroughly and remove anything unwanted 彻底扫除;清理

e.g. 1. It took us hours to clean up the kitchen after the Thanksgiving dinner.

2. Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it.


dozens of infml lots of; very many〖非正式〗很多

e.g. 1. I’ve spoken to him dozens of times, but I still don’t remember his name.

2. He’s starred in dozens of films.


Difficult Sentences for Text A

1) Our only problem was convincing him to wait to clean a table until after the customers were finished. (Para. 5)

Q: What is the meaning of this sentence?

A: Stevie was so intent on his cleaning work that we found it hard to persuade him to stay calm and not to show obvious eagerness to clean the tables before they were empty.

Q: Please translate this sentence into Chinese.

A: 我们唯一的问题是得说服他等待客人用餐完毕再去收拾桌子。

2) Money was tight, and what I paid him was probably the difference between them being able to live together and Stevie being sent to a group home. (Para. 6)

Q: What is the meaning of the italicized part in this sentence?

A: The money I paid Stevie for his work was able to help him live together with his mother. Otherwise, he would have had to be sent to a special place where disabled people are taken care of.

Q: Please translate this sentence into Chinese.

A: 他们手头拮据,我所付的工资仅能保证母子俩相依为命,史蒂维才不至于沦落到被―集体


3) Frannie looked at me with wet, shiny eyes, shook her head and said simply. ―Truckers.‖ (Para.


The truckers were kind-hearted and contributed generously to Stevie’s medical expenses. At this, Frannie was moved to tears and filled with admiration.

Q: Please Translate this sentence into Chinese.

A: 弗兰妮看着我,眼睛闪着泪花,摇摇头,只说一句话,―这些卡车司机啊。‖

4) While everybody else was busy shaking hands and hugging each other, Stevie, with a big, big smile on his face, was busy clearing all the cups and dishes from the table — the best worker I ever hired. (Para. 18)

Q: What is the meaning of this sentence?

A: While everybody else was cheering and celebrating, Stevie chose to do his duty as a busboy. He showed the qualities that my best-ever worker possessed.

Q: Please translate this sentence into Chinese.

A: 就在大家都忙着握手、拥抱的时候,史蒂维笑容绽放,正忙着清理桌上的杯盘—他真是我手下最好的员工。

Extended Questions

▇ Extended questions (Para. 1)

Q: If you were an employer, would you have a mentally handicapped employee in your business? A: Answers vary. Possible answers:

●Yes, I would take on a mentally handicapped person to work for me if he or she were fit

for the job. We should not have prejudice against the mentally handicapped and the job

market should open its door to them. Though they are not qualified to work in some

areas, people with disabilities should be given ample opportunities to earn their own

bread by doing something within their ability. They all long to live in / with dignity and

we should not deprive them of the right to employment. Besides, offering a job to a

mentally handicapped person is an act of kindness. I consider it my moral obligation to

hire him or her.

●No, I would not have a mentally handicapped person to work in my business. You know,

business is business, and my business is not a welfare agency or a charity institution. In

running my business I attach great importance to work efficiency and product quality. I

don’t think a mentally handicapped employee can contribute as much as a mentally

healthy person. I would make generous donations to the handicapped and the disabled

rather than recruiting them as my employees.

▇ Extended questions (Paras. 3-4)

Q: What is meant by the phrase ―official truck-stop mascot‖?

A: Since Stevie was eager to laugh and please each and every person he met, he was regarded as a symbol of hospitality, which, as it were, brought good luck to the trucker regulars, They all regarded the trust-stop a lucky place for them to dine in.

▇ Extended questions (Para. 5)

Q: How does the writer succeed in making Stevie a vivid, lively, and true-to-life character?

A: The writer achieves his end mainly by vivid description. In Para. 5, for instance, he uses many specific verbs to describe Stevie’s actions, such as ―hover‖, ―shift‖, ―scan‖, ―hurry‖, ―bus‖, ―wipe‖. The well-chosen adverbs such as ―carefully‖ and ―meticulously‖ also lend force to his description. As a result, a vivid, true-to-life image of Stevie is presented to the reader.

▇ Extended questions (Para. 7)

Q: What can you infer from the staff’s response to Stevie’s absence?

A: We can infer that 1) for the past three years, Stevie had worked perfectly and had been a joy around, so he was an indispensable part of their life; and 2) they were quite worried about his heart problem. They might even wonder if he would come through it at all.

▇ Extended questions (Paras. 8-10)

Q: What can you infer from Frannie’s emotional response to the news?

A: Frannie, the head waitress, was a 50-year-old grandmother of four, yet she did a little dance w hen she learned the good news. Her emotional response revealed her concern for Stevie’s surgery. It also showed that Frannie and the rest of the staff had grown attached to Stevie.

▇ Extended questions (Paras. 14-15)

Q: What is meant by ―Truckers‖ at the end of Para. 14?

A: Truckers were common labourers and they were by no means rich. But they proved to be most generous when they heard about Stevie’s situation. T heir act of generosity demonstrated their noble character that deserves our respect and praise.

Q: What is implied in the sentence ―it didn’t matter at all that it was a holiday‖?

A: This sentence implies that Stevie was eager to go back to work. As long as he could be back to work, he didn’t care that it was a holiday when people were supposed to stay home with their family.

▇ Extended questions(Para. 18)

Q: What can you infer from the narrator’s statement ―Stevie…the best worker I ever hired.‖?

A: The narrator’s statement is an echo to the beginning of the story: ―I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie.‖ It expresses his assured recognition of and appreciation for Stevie’s ability to be his employee.

Section C Voicing Y our Views

▆ABC News brought their hidden cameras to the streets of Lynbrook, New York and recorded a video program entitled “What would you do” in September 2012. In the program, a lady led Kevin, a homeless man, to a bar and gave him 20 dollars to buy some food. The following are some reactions from the people in the bar.

Work in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions:

1)Are the reactions of the bartender and the customers justifiable? Why or why not? (open)

2)What would you do if you happened to be one of the customers in this bar? Why? (open)

3)Are there any effective ways to solve the problem of the homeless? (open)

Text B

Section A Key Words and Expressions

Key Words:

ennoble vt. make better and more honourable 使崇高,使受尊敬

e.g. Hard work hasn’t changed him for the worse; on the contrary, it has ennobled him.

The total effect of Aristofie’s thought is to ennoble humanity and to increase personal responsibility.

weep vi. [(over, for)] fml or lit cry tears [常与over或for连用] 〖正式或文〗流泪,哭泣

e.g. When she learned that her father was badly injured in the earthquake, she broke down and


Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.

await vt. fml wait for〖正式〗等待

e.g.Two men have been charged with the murder of that pop star and are now awaiting trial.

I grew to await it with a nameless dread.

frail a. weak in body or health虚弱的;衰弱的

e.g. She lay in bed looking rather frail. How could she look after herself?

His mother was becoming too frail to live alone.

pin vt. fasten or join with a pin or pins (用别针等)把……别住,(用钉等)把……钉住


85 专业:电气工程卓越 人才 姓名:卢倚平 学号: ________ 验 … 一 二、实验内容 五、思考题及实验心得 一、实验目的 了解电压比较器与运算放大器的性能区别: 二、实验数据记录、处理与分析 ①【过零电压比较器电路】 过零电压比较器是电压比较电路的基本结构,它可将交流信号转化为同频率 的双极性矩形波。常用于测量正弦波的频率相位等。当输入电压in< 输出out = 0L ;反之,当输入电压in N out 时,输出out = OH 。 实验仿真: 课程名称: 电路打电r 技术实於 指导老师: 周箭 成绩: 实验名称: 电压比较器及其应用 实验类型: 电子电路实验同组 学生姓名: 邓江毅 三、主要仪器设备 四、实验数据记录、处理与分析 一、实验目的 2. 举握电压比较器的结构及特点; 3. 掌握电压比较器电圧传输特性的测试方法: 4. 学习比较器在电路设计中的应用。

不疲器?5(£C1I JS J 时同270.001ms 270.001 ms 0.000s JIf 「反向—] 通道 上 ?4.998 V -4.998 V 0.000 V 通道丿 -17.847V -17.847 V 0.000 V H as 12^1 时基_ 标度:10 msX)iv X轴位移(格):0 通ilA 刻度: 20 VQ2 Y轴位移 (格):0 通ilB ____ 刻度:5 VQiv Y轴位移 (榆:0 L保Q外触发 触发 边沿:SB 0回国] 水 平:0 ~ 实测实验记录: 由于时间不足,没有做过零比较器的相关实测 ②【基本单门限比较器电路】 单门限比较器的输入信号Vin接比较器的同相输入端,反相输入端接参考电 压Vref (门限电平)。当输入电压Vin>Vref 输出为高电平VOH:当输入电压Vin


Lecture 10 Language Processing in Mind In this section, we shall start a new chapter discussing how our mind works when we use language. We shall learn about the people working in this field and their major studies. 0.C lass activity: What is language processing? How does your mind work when you use language? 1.T he study of “language and mind”—psycholinguistics 2.W hy study psycholinguistics? 心理语言学 1)to know about the psychological reality of linguistic structures; 2)to produce findings which lead to the modification of theoretical ideas. 3.T he researchers and subjects of this study: 1)The study attracts adherents from linguistics and psychology, though they have different approaches with regard to methodology. 2)The subjects are usually: a. Normal adults and children; b. Aphasics 失语症者—people with speech


电压比较器工作原理及应用实例 时间:2011-11-24来源:作者:方佩敏 来源:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/871227996.html, 本文主要介绍电压比较器基本概念、工作原理及典型工作电路,并介绍一些常用的电压比较器。 电压比较器(以下简称比较器)是一种常用的集成电路。它可用于报警器电路、自动控制电路、测量技术,也可用于V/F变换电路、A/D变换电路、高速采样电路、电源电压监测电路、振荡器及压控振荡器电路、过零检测电路等。 什么是电压比较器 简单地说,电压比较器是对两个模拟电压比较其大小(也有两个数字电压比较的,这里不介绍),并判断出其中哪一个电压高,如图1所示。图1(a)是比较器,它有两个输入端:同相输入端(“+”端)及反相输入端(“-”端),有一个输出端Vout(输出电平信号)。另外有电源V+及地(这是个单电源比较器),同相端输入电压VA,反相端输入VB。VA和VB的变化如图1(b)所示。在时间0~t1时,VA>VB;在t1~t2时,VB>VA;在t2~t3时,VA>VB。在这种情况下,Vout 的输出如图1(c)所示:VA>VB时,Vout输出高电平(饱和输出);VB>VA时,Vout 输出低电平。根据输出电平的高低便可知道哪个电压大。 如果把VA输入到反相端,VB输入到同相端,VA及VB的电压变化仍然如图1(b)所示,则Vout输出如图1(d)所示。与图1(c)比较,其输出电平倒了一下。输出电平变化与VA、VB的输入端有关。 图2(a)是双电源(正负电源)供电的比较器。如果它的VA、VB输入电压如图

1(b)那样,它的输出特性如图2(b)所示。VB>VA时,Vout输出饱和负电压。 如果输入电压VA与某一个固定不变的电压VB相比较,如图3(a)所示。此VB称为参考电压、基准电压或阈值电压。如果这参考电压是0V(地电平),如图3(b)所示,它一般用作过零检测。 比较器的工作原理 比较器是由运算放大器发展而来的,比较器电路可以看作是运算放大器的一种应用电路。由于比较器电路应用较为广泛,所以开发出了专门的比较器集成电路。 图4(a)由运算放大器组成的差分放大器电路,输入电压VA经分压器R2、R3分压后接在同相端,VB通过输入电阻R1接在反相端,RF为反馈电阻,若不考虑输入失调电压,则其输出电压Vout与VA、VB及4个电阻的关系式为: Vout=(1+RF/R1)·R3/(R2+R3)VA-(RF/R1)VB。若R1=R2,R3=RF,则 Vout=RF/R1(VA-VB),RF/R1为放大器的增益。当R1=R2=0(相当于R1、R2短路),R3=RF=∞(相当于R3、RF开路)时,Vout=∞。增益成为无穷大,其电路图就形成图4(b)的样子,差分放大器处于开环状态,它就是比较器电路。实际上,运放处于开环状态时,其增益并非无穷大,而Vout输出是饱和电压,它小于正负电源电压,也不可能是无穷大。

语言学笔记 Lecture1

语言学笔记 陈银2014/2/28 Teaching Goal of This Course ?To get a scientific view on language; ?To understand some basic theories on linguistics; ?To understand the applications of the linguistic theories, especially in the fields of language teaching & learning (SLA or TEFL), cross-cultural communication……; ?To prepare for the future research work. Teaching Plan Introduction: ?18-week academic term (including a 2-week holiday, one week revision ) ?Each week: 2-hour teaching ?Main teaching material 《语言学教程》第四版胡壮麟北京大学出版社 ?Auxiliary teaching materials 《语言学概论》蓝纯外语教学与研究出版社 PPT & handouts Distribution of Grades ?10 % Attendance ?10 % Classroom Behavior ?10 % Assignment and oral presentation ?70 % Examination ?The final examination paper will cover all the materials used and all works done during class time and after class time. Requirements: ?Attendance is a “must”for every student. ?Complete all the tasks required. ?Self-discipline is necessary. ?Be attentive and interactive in classroom discussion and presentation. ?Self-study is desirable. ?Preview and review the lessons or do some further reading. Group Work Group work requirements: 1.Oral English (30%) 2.PPT design (30%) 3.Key points coverage (40%)


福建农林大学计算机与信息学院实验报告 1.实验项目名称:面向对象分析与设计–活动图、状态图 2.实验目的 1.熟悉活动图的基本功能和使用方法。 2.熟悉状态图的基本功能和使用方法。 3.掌握如何使用建模工具绘制活动图方法。 4.掌握如何使用建模工具绘制状态图方法。 3.实验器材 1.计算机一台。 2.Rational Rose 工具软件。 4.实验内容 (1)根据学院的图书管理系统开发进度,在完成对系统的需求建模,得到用例模型后,应针对每个用例进行业务分析,说明其具体的业务流程、在删除读者用例描述的基础上,系统分析部指派您完成该项任务。要求:用活动图来描述系统中已知用例的业务过程: 1.描述添加读者用例。 2.描述添加管理员用例。 3.描述新加书籍用例 (2) 通过前面内容的学习,在学院图书馆的图书馆管理系统的需求的初步分析,得出系统的用例图和相应的活动态。通过这两类图我们可以初步了解系统的业务处理过程,但对业务处理过程的处理状态间转换了解仍不够,这不利于设计人员对系统业务的进一步理解,而状态图能从对象的动态行为的角度去描述系统的业务活动。通过还书用例的状态图绘制学习,完成如下任务: 1. 完成图书业务模块中借书用例的状态图。 2. 完成图书业务模块中新加书籍用例的状态图。 绘制“删除读者信息”用例的活动图的实验步骤 删除读者信息一般按照以下步骤进行: (1)管理员在录入界面,输入待删除的读者名; (2)“业务逻辑”组件在数据库中,查找待删除的读者名; (3)如果不存在,则显示出错信息,返回步骤(1),如果存在则继续; (4)“业务逻辑”组件判断“待删除的读者”是否可以删除; (5)如果不可以,则显示出错信息,返回步骤(8),如果可以则继续; (6)在数据库中,删除相关信息; (7)显示删除成功信息; (8)结束。 5. 实验报告要求 1.整理实验结果。

语言学笔记 Lecture2

语言学笔记 陈银2014/3/8 Lecture 2 Pretest ?Define the following terms: ? 1. design features ? 2. arbitrariness ? 3. duality ? 4. creativity ? 5. displacement ? 6. language Answers ? 1. design features:the distinctive features of human language that essentially make human language distinguishable from languages of animals.(从本质上将人类语言与动物语言区分开的人类语言的区别性特点。) ? 2. arbitrariness:the absence of any physical correspondence between linguistic signals and the entities to which they refer.(语言符号和这些符号所指的实体间不存在任何物质的联系。) ? 3. duality:the structural organization of language into two abstract levels: meaningful units (eg. words) and meaningless segments (e.g. sounds, letters) 语言的结构组织可分为两个抽象的层面:有意义的单元(如词语)和无意义的片段(如语音.字母)? 4.creativity:also called productivity, refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one’s native language, including those which he has never heard before, but which are appropriate to the speaking situation.(亦称“能产性,指人们可以说出(或构造)也可以懂得无穷多的语句,哪怕是从未听说过的句子(只要语境条件充分)。”) ? 5.displacement: the ability of language to refer to contexts removed from the speakers immediate situation. (语言能够指称说话人即时情景以外的语境。) ? https://www.wendangku.net/doc/871227996.html,nguage:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(语言是人类用于交际的有声符号系统。) What’s the property of language? ?Systematic---- rule-governed, elements in it are arranged according to certain rules; can’t be combined at will. e.g. *bkli, *I apple eat ?Arbitrary---- no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing it denotes, e.g. “pen” by any other name is the thing we use to write with. ?Symbolic---- words are associated with objects, actions ideas by convention. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”----Shakespeare ?V ocal---- the primary medium is sound for all languages; writing system came much later than spoken form. ?Human-specific---- different from the communication systems other forms of life possess, e.g. bird songs, bee dance, animal cries.

实验四 状态图和活动图

实验四状态图和活动图(2学时) [实验目的] 掌握状态图、活动图的绘制方法。 [实验内容] 用Rose绘制图书馆管理系统的状态图与活动图。 [实验要点及说明] 一、状态图建模技术建模。 状态图一般用于对系统中的某些对象,比如类、用例和系统的行为建模。建模的时候要找出对象所处的状态、触发状态改变的动作,以及对象状态改变时应执行的动作。具体的建模步骤如下: ①找出适合用模型描述其行为的类。 ②确定对象可能存在的状态。 ③确定引起状态转换的事件。 ④确定转换进行时对象执行的相应动作。 ⑤对建模的结果进行相应的精化和细化。 实例——图书馆管理系统的状态图 1.使用Rational Rose绘制状态图的步骤。 ①创建状态图。 在浏览器窗口中,在“Logic View”的图标上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择New →Statechart Diagram。点击菜单项后,在“Logic View”目录下创建“State/Activity Model”子目录,目录下是新建的状态图“New Diagram”的图标,右键单击此图标,在弹出的菜单中选择Rename菜单项,可以更改新创建的状态图的名字。 双击状态图图标,出现状态图的编辑区和编辑工具栏。 ②状态图工具栏按钮简介。 状态图工具栏中各个按钮的图标及其作用如图4-1所示。 ③加入开始状态和终止状态。 状态图中可以加入两个特殊的状态:开始状态和终止状态。 开始状态在图中显示为实心圆,点击工具栏中的开始状态图标,然后在绘制区域要绘制开始状态的地方单击鼠标左键就可以加入开始状态。 终止状态的加入方法与开始状态相同。 ④增加状态。 增加状态的步骤如下: 增加状态。点击工具栏中的状态图标,然后在绘制区域要绘制状态的地方单击鼠标左键。双击状态图标,在弹出的对话框中可设置状态的属性。


电压比较器(以下简称比较器)就是一种常用得集成电路。它可用于报警器电路、自动控制电路、测量技术,也可用于V/F 变换电路、 A /D 变换电路、高速采样电路、电源电压监测电路、振荡器及压控振荡器电路、过零检测电路等。本文主要介绍其基本概念、工作原理及典型工作电路,并介绍一些常用得电压比较器。 什么就是电压比较器 简单地说,电压比较器就是对两个模拟电压比较其大小(也有两个数字电压比较得,这里不介绍),并判断出其中哪一个电压高,如图1所示。图1(a)就是比较器,它有两个输入端:同相输入端(“ + ” 端)及反相输入端(“一”端),有一个输出端Vou t (输出电平信号)。另外有电源V+ 及地(这就是个单电源比较器),同相端输入电压VA,反相端输入VB。V A与VB得变化如图1(b )所示。在时间0~ t 1时,V A > V B ;在上1?t 2时,V B > VA ;在上2~t3时,V A> VB。在这种情况下,Vo u t得输出如图1 (c)所示:V A>VB 时,Vou t输出高电平(饱与输出);V B >V A时,V o u t输出低电平。根据输出电平得高低便可知道哪个电压大.

如果把V A 输入到反相端,V E 输入到同相端,VA 及V B 得电压变化仍然如图1(b)所示则Vout 输出如图1(d )所示.与图 1 (c )比较,其输出电平倒了一下。输出电平变化与 VA 、VE 得输入 端有关。 图2⑻就是双电源(正负电源)供电得比较器?如果它得 VA 、VB 输入电压如图1 (b )那样,它得输出特性如图2(b)所示。VB > V A 时,Vou t 输出饱与负电压。 国1 ■KT \ I V 咚庄


立体化学一.命名下列化合物。 2. 3. 4. 二.正确判断下列各组化合物之间的关系:构造异构、顺反异构、对映异构、非对映体,同一化合物等。 1. 2. 与与3. 与 4. 与 5. 与 C C C CH 3 H H CH 3 H C C C CH 3 H H CH 3 OH H 3 C H H Cl H 3 C H H Cl H 3 C H Cl H 3 C H H Cl C C C CH 3 H H CH 3 H OH C C C CH 3 H H CH 3 OH C C CH 3 H H CH 3 OH C C C CH 3 H H CH 3 H

6. 与 7. 与 8. 9. 与 10. 与 三. 指出下述指定化合物与其他化合物之间的关系(对映体、非对映体或同一化合物) 1. 与 (a ) (b) (c) (d) (a ) (c) (e) CH 3 H OH CH=CH 2 CH 3 H H Br Cl 3 CH 3H H Br Cl 3 CH 2OH CH 3 HO H H OH 3 3 32OH 2OH C C CH 3 H HO 2OH CH 3 OH CH=CH 2 CH 3CH 33

四.写出下列化合物的三维结构式。 1. (S)-2-羟基丙酸 2. (S)—2—氯四氢呋喃 3.(2R,3R)—2,3—二氯丁烷 4. (R)—4—甲基—3—氯—1—戊烯 5.(1S,2R)—2—氯环戊醇 6. (R)—3—氰基环戊酮 7.(R)—3—甲基—3—甲氧基—4—己烯—2—酮 8.(2E,4S)—4—氘代—2—氟—3—氯—2—戊烯 9. (2R,3R)—2—溴—3—戊醇10. (2S,4R)—4—氨基—2—氯戊酸 11. (S)—2—氯—1,4—环己二酮12. (1S,3S)—3—甲基环己醇 13. (2R,3S)—2—羟基—3—氯丁二酸14.(2E,4S)—3—乙基—4—溴—2—戊烯 15. (1S,3S,5R)—1—甲基—3—硝基—5—氯环己烷 16. (3S,5R)—3,5—二甲基环己酮 五.用Fisher投影式完成下列题目。 1. 用Fisher投影式写出3-氯—2—戊醇的所有异构体,并用R/S标记其构型。 2. 用Fisher投影式写出2,3—丁二醇的所有异构体,并用R/S标记其构型。 3. 用Fisher投影式写出2,3,4,5-四羟基己二酸的所有异构体,并用R/S 4. 用Fisher投影式写出5-甲基-2-异丙基环己醇的所有异构体,并用R/S标记其构型。 六.用R/S标记下列化合物中手性碳原子的构型: 1. 2. 4. 5. 七. 画出下列各物的对映体(假如有的话),并用R、S标定: 1.3-氯-1-戊烯 2.3-氯-4-甲基-1-戊烯 3.HOOCCH2CHOHCOOH 4.C6H5CH(CH3)NH2 5.CH3CH(NH2)COOH 八.用适当的立体式表示下列化合物的结构,并指出其中哪些是内消旋体。 1.(R)—2—戊醇 2.(2R,3R,4S)-4-氯-2,3-二溴己烷 3. (S)-CH2OH—CHOH—CH2NH2

lecture 10 cultural context and translation

Lecture 10 Cultural Context and Translation 一、语言与文化 1.文化的定义 也许在同学们的阅读当中见过很多文化的定义。英语中的culture 来源于拉丁文cultura,这个词的最早的基本意义是耕作种植作物。随着社会文明的发展,人类认识的深化,culture 一词的外延不断延伸,内涵不断丰富,据大英百科全书统计,在各国的正式出版物中关于文化的定义达160多种。其实各个研究领域的人对文化都有不同的认识。人类学家会认为文化是无处不在、无所不包的人类知识和行为的总体,文化学者则认为文化是人类社会“艺术、政治经济教育修养文学语言思维的总和,跨文化交际学家W. H. Pearce 则认为文化是冻结了的人际交流,而交际是流动着的文化。但是现在最具权威性的定义还是英国19世纪人类学家Edward Tyler 在1871年出版的primitive culture 一书中提出的‘文化是一种复杂体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗、以及其余社会上习得的能力和习惯。’泰勒的定义主要强调了精神方面的文化,现在各国的学者都认识到了物质的文化也是很重要的。所以一些学者就对这个定义进行了修订:“文化是复杂体,包括实物、知识信仰艺术道德法律风俗以及其余社会上习得的能力和习惯。”从这个定义我们可以看出文化的概念范围极其广阔,内涵十分丰富,大到宇宙观时空观人生观价值观,小到衣食住行婚丧嫁娶一切社会的生活方式行为方式思维方式语言方式。总之文化是人类社会文明的全部成果。 文化具有时空性。世界上任何一种文化都处在历史的纵坐标和地域的横坐标的时空坐标系中。从时间角度看,文化是社会历史发展的综合反映,社会发展的各个历史时期产生了具有时代特征的原始文化奴隶制文化封建文化资本主义文化和社会主义文化,后一时期的文化是对前一时期的过滤和积淀,现代文化是对历史文化的继承和发扬。从空间角度来看,各个民族各个国家在不同的生态和人文环境下形成了各具特色的民族地域文化,如本土文化外来文化都市文化乡村文化东方文化西方文化等,因此从时空坐标系统考察文化具有历时性和共时性的双重特征。 从历时的角度看,文化随着社会的发展而不断进化,从共时的角度看各个国家各个民族都有着各具特色的民族文化,并相互影响相互渗透。随着我国的改革开放的不断深入,科学技术的发展特别是新闻媒体的传播介绍和互联网的日益普及,西方文化的价值观念生活方式生活方式等广泛影响着我国社会生活的各个领域,人们早已习惯了穿西装系领带,年轻人更习惯穿T恤衫和牛仔裤,人们购物开始刷卡,过圣诞节和情人节也已经不再新奇,周末人们会去吃西餐,大学生们也开始修学分。另一方面,中国的中草药和针灸也越来越受到西方人士的欢迎和认同,不少西方人来华学习气功太极拳,中国特色的餐馆现在也已经遍布了世界各地,中国的饺子春卷豆腐等传统食品也深受一些西方人的喜爱。当然以上这些反映在衣食住行乃至言语等方面的文化表层结构的变化无论从速度还是范围来说都远远超过反映宗教信仰伦理道德世界观等深层文化结构方面的变化。 2.文化与语言的关系 语言与文化是一个互为依存密不可分的整体。德国语言学家洪堡特早就指出:语言是自我的表达,也是文化的反映。世界上没有哪一种语言能离开特定的文化,任何语言都充满了人类文化活动的痕迹,不仅体现了本民族的自然环境、历史原因、风土人情传统习惯而且业透视着该民族的宗教信仰、文化心态思维方式价值观念,等等。所以我们说语言是文化的一部分,又是文化的映像。语言和文化互相影响,互相作用,理解语言必须了解文化理解文化必须了解语言。 A.地理环境气候对语言的影响 欧美的春夏秋冬是从春分夏至秋分冬至开始的,中国的春夏秋冬是从立春立夏


四电压比较器LM339的8个典型应用例子 LM339集成块内部装有四个独立的电压比较器,该电压比较器的特点是:1)失调电压小,典型值为2mV;2)电源电压范围宽,单电源为2-36V,双电源电压为±1V-±18V;3)对比较信号源的内阻限制较宽;4)共模范围很大,为0~(Ucc-1.5V)Vo;5)差动输入电压范围较大,大到可以等于电源电压;6)输出端电位可灵活方便地选用。 LM339集成块采用C-14型封装,图1为外型及管脚排列图。由于LM339使用灵活,应用广泛,所以世界上各大IC生产厂、公司竟相推出自己的四比较器,如IR2339、ANI339、SF339等,它们的参数基本一致,可互换使用。 LM339类似于增益不可调的运算放大器。每个比较器有两个输入端和一个输出端。两个输入端一个称为同相输入端,用“+”表示,另一个称为反相输入端,用“-”表示。用作比较两个电压时,任意一个输入端加一个固定电压做参考电压(也称为门限电平,它可选择LM339输入共模范围的任何一点),另一端加一个待比较的信号电压。当“+”端电压高于“-”端时,输出管截止,相当于输出端开路。当“-”端电压高于“+”端时,输出管饱和,相当于输出端接低电位。两个输入端电压差别大于10mV就能确保输出能从一种状态可靠地转换到另一种状态,因此,把LM339用在弱信号检测等场合是比较理想的。LM339的输出端相当于一只不接集电极电阻的晶体三极管,在使用时输出端到正电源一般须接一只电阻(称为上拉电阻,选3-15K)。选不同阻值的上拉电阻会影响输出端高电位的值。因为当输出晶体三极管截止时,它的集电极电压基本上取决于上拉电阻与负载的值。另外,各比较器的输出端允许连接在一起使用。 单限比较器电路 图1a给出了一个基本单限比较器。输入信号Uin,即待比较电压,它加到同相输入端,在反相输入端接一个参考电压(门限电平)Ur。当输入电压Uin>Ur时,输出为高电平U OH。图1b为其传输特性。



电压比较器及其应用 在最常用的简单集成电路中,电压比较器仅次于排名第一的运算放大器而排名第二。各类教科书及相关出版物中可以经常看到关于运算放大器的理论、设计和使用方法的知识内容,而关于比较器的知识内容明显较少。我们在中等职业技术教学中,补充了一些知识内容,弥补这些不足。 一、电压比较器简介 电压比较器可以看作是放大倍数接近“无穷大”的运算放大器。其功能是比较两个输入电压(或者说一个基准电压和一个待比较电压)的大小,并用输出电压的高电平或低电平,表示两个输入电压比较的结果:当“+”输入端(同相输入端,下同)电压高于“-”输入端(反向输入端,下同)时,输出为高电平;当“+”输入端电压低于“-”输入端时,输出为低电平。电压比较器可以用作模拟电路和数字电路的接口,还可以用作波形的产生和变换等。利用电压比较器可将正弦波变换为同频率的方波或矩形波。 电压比较器的输入是线性量,而输出是开关量(高电平或低电平)。一般应用中,可以用线性运算放大器,在不加负反馈的情况下,构成电压比较器来使用。所有的运算放大器都可用作电压比较器,例如LM324、LM358、μ A741、TL081、OP27等,这些都可以做成电压比较器。LM339、LM393是专业的电压比较器,切换速度快,延迟时间小,可用在专门的电压比较场合。

电压比较器有的使用单电源工作,如图1所示。有的单电源和双电源都可以使用,图2所示使用的就是双电源。我们经常使用的四电压比较器LM339,既可使用最大值36V的单电源,也可使用±18V的双电源。电压比较器的输出端,有的自身可以输出高电平及低电平,例如输出级采用推挽式结构的;而有的电压比较器输出级是一只集电极开路的三极管,称作集电极开路输出,参见图3。也有场效应管漏极开路输出型,与集电极开路输出型类似。对于集电极开路输出和漏极开路输出的电压比较器,使用时要连接上拉电阻R,输出端才可能有高电平,如图4所示。上拉电阻R一端连接在比较器的输出端,另一端则有两种选择:一是连接在 芯片自身的电源端Vcc上, 如图4a,二是连接至另一独 立电源,如图4b中的Vcc2 上。其中第二种连接方法可 以用来改变传输电平,用低电平逻辑控制高电平逻辑,或者相反。 二、电压比较器应用中的问题 普通电压比较器的结构简单,灵敏度高,但是抗干扰能力差,例如图5所示的电压比较器电路,我们向“-”输入端施加一个缓慢变化的信号V in,当该信


CH 3H H C 2H 5Cl Br CH 3H Cl CH 3 H Br 立体化学习题 一、写出下列顺反异构体的结构简式,并用顺、反和(Z )、(E)标明双键的构型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、写出下列化合物构型的结构式。 1.顺-1-苯基丙烯 2.(Z )-2,3-二氯-2-丁烯 3.(E )-3-乙基-2-己烯 4.反-1,2-二溴环己烷 三、写出下列化合物的费歇尔投影式。 1.(S )-CH 3CHClBr 2.(2S,3R)-CH 3CHBrCHBrC 2H 5 3.(R )-3-溴己烷 4.(S )-1-氯-3-溴戊烷 四、画出下列化合物的纽曼投影式(以交叉式构象表示)。 1.(2S,3R )-2-氯-3-溴戊烷 2.(2R,3S )-2-氯-3-溴丁烷 3. 4. 五、判断下列各化合物:(1)哪些有旋光性;(2)哪些有手性碳原子而无旋光性;(3)哪些无手性碳原子而有旋光性: 六、氯代苹果酸(2-羟基-3-氯丁二酸)有四个立体异构体: (1)它们是否都有旋光性: (2)哪些是对映体,哪些是非对映体: (3)它们的等量混合物是否有旋光性: (4)(a )与(b )的等量混合物是否有旋光性: (5)(a )与(c )的等量混合物是否有旋光性: 七、写出下列化合物的优势构象。 八、你认为下列哪些阐述是正确的?哪些是错误的? (1)一对对映体总有实物和镜像关系 (2)所有手性分子都有非对映体 (3)如果一个化合物没有对称面,它必然是手性的 (4)内消旋体和外消旋体都是非手性分子,因为它们都无旋光性 (5)构象异构体都没有光学活性 (6)对映异构体可以通过单键旋转相互重合 (7)由一种异构体转变成其对映体时,必须断裂与手性碳相连的键 (8)每个对映异构体的构象只有一种,它们也呈对映关系 正确的是: 错误的是: 九、已知某一对对映体混合物的旋光度为+5.3°,并知其纯的右旋对映异构体的旋光度为+53°(相同条件下测定),求此混合物中右旋异构体的百分光学纯度及混合物中两种异构体的摩尔比。 CH 3CH CH C H 3CH CH CH CH CH 3CH 3 CH 3CH C Cl CH 2CH 3CH 3C CH CH 3Br ClCH CHCl

英语语言学 lecture six

Review the chapter of syntax these are a few questions on some of points in the chapter of lexicon. Do you think whether the relationship between morpheme and phoneme is one-to-one? How about the relation between morpheme and sememe? What are included in bound morpheme? Syntactic structure 句法syntax 研究句子结构,揭示构成某一语言句子的内在规则。这些规则告诉我们词与词如何组合成句,句子由什么构成。 线性顺序与层次结构linear order and hierarchical structure 英语句子是按一定顺序排列的。句子的这种顺序是线性顺序。改变顺序意思会发生变化。这种关系也就是syntagmatic relation or positional relation\ chain relation In the way of classification according to the word order, there are totally six possible types of language. They are SVO, VSO, SOV, OVS, OSV, VOS. 各种语言的句子顺序是不同的。英语是S-V-O语言,日语、土耳其语等是S-O-V语言,威尔士语和希伯莱等语言是V-S-O语言,也有些语言的主语、动词、宾语的顺序是自由的。 Why is it important to know the relations a sign has with others, such as syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations? As the relation between a signifier and its signified is arbitrary, the value of a sign cannot be determined by itself. To know the identity of a sign, the linguist will have to know the signs it is used together with and those it is substitutable for. The former relation is known as syntagmatic and the latter paradigmatic. The structural linguists regard linguistic units as interrelated with each other in a structure, not as isolated bits. What is the relation of substitutability? And relation of co-ocurrence? 语言是交际的工具,人们在交际中说出的最短的话语至少是一个句子,这样才能表达比较完整的思想。 句子按说话的不同目的可以分为陈述句declarative、疑问句interrogative、祈使句imperative 和感叹句exclamatory等不同类型。 句子里还可以包含句子。包含在一个句子里的句子称为小句。只包含一个小句的句子称为简单句simple;包含两个或两个以上小句的句子称为复合句。复合句按句中小句之间的不同关系分为并列复合句compound和主从复合句complex。 几种基本的组合关系(离心结构exocentric construction,向心结构endocentric construction)在句子和短语中词与词之间的基本组合关系有以下几种: 主谓关系,修饰关系,动宾关系,动补关系,并列关系 在传统语法中区分了由词的语法形式表现出来的两种主从关系:一致关系concord\ agreement 和支配关系。 一致关系中,从属词的语法形式要随主导词的语法形式发生变化。一致关系主要表现在主语


实验十集成运放基本应用之三——电压比较电路 姓名:班级:学号:实验时间: 一、实验目的 1、掌握比较器的电路构成及特点 2、学会测试比较器的方法 二、实验原理 1、图1所示为一最简单的电压比较器,UR为参考电压,输入电压Ui加在反相输入端。图1(b)为(a)图比较器的传输特性。 (a) 图1 电压比较器 (b) 当UiUR时,运放输出低电平,Dz正向导通,输出电压等于稳压管的正向压降UD,即:Uo=-UD。 因此,以UR为界,当输入电压Ui变化时,输出端反映两种状态。高电位和低电位。 2、常用的幅度比较器有过零比较器、具有滞回特性的过零比较器(又称Schmitt触发器)、双限比较器(又称窗口比较器)等。 (1)、图2过零比较器 D1D2为幅稳压管。信号从运放的反相端输入,参考电压为零。当u1>0时,u0=-(Uz+U D),当u1<0时,u0=+(Uz+U D) (a) 图2 过零比较器(b)

(2)、图3为滞回比较器。 过零比较器在实际工作时,如果Ui恰好在过零值附近,则由于零点漂移的存在,Uo 将不断由一个极限值转换到另一个极限值,这在控制系统中,对执行机构将是很不利的。为此就需要输出特性具有滞回现象。如图3所示: (a) (b) 图3 滞回比较器 从输出端引入一个电阻分压支路到同相输入端,若Uo 改变状态,U∑ 点也随着改变点位,使过零点离开原来位置。当Uo 为正(记作U D )U∑=[ R2/(R2+ R f )]* U D ,则当UD> U∑后,Uo 再度回升到UD,于是出现图(b)中所示的滞回特性。- U∑ 与U∑ 的差别称为回差。改变R2 的数值可以改变回差的大小。 三、实验设备与器件 1、±12V直流电源 2、直流电压表 3、函数信号发生器 4、交流毫伏表 5、双踪示波器 6、运算放大器μA741×2 7、稳压管2CW231×1 8、二极管4148×2 9、电阻器等 四、实验内容 1、过零电压比较器 (1)如图5所示在运放系列模块中正确连接电路,并接通±12V电源。 图5 过零比较器


第19卷 第5期大学化学2004年10月计算机与化学 有机立体化学多媒体课件的设计制作及应用 王心良 蒋宗林 杨英 张科 胡凡 (西华师范大学化学化工学院 南充637002) 摘要 为了解决有机化学中三维结构教学的难点等问题,作者综合运用几个新版编辑软件的 强大功能,制作出了满意的有机立体化学课件,并成功地用于教学实践。本文明确地提出课件制 作的必要性、指导思想和软件选择的原则;对几个典型的教学难点、制作难点及复杂分子的立体结 构、动态结构的制作等问题进行了深入的讨论。 有机立体化学一直是不同类型、不同层次有机化学教学中的基础、重点和难点[1~4],但由于学生对有机分子的空间结构缺乏足够的想象力,以及用化学结构语言对立体结构进行描述的局限性,造成了教师难教、学生难掌握的局面。在传统教学中,常采用球棍模型演示和图纸展示,但实物演示有一定的局限性,如携带不便、难于突出要点和对大分子的操作困难等。随着信息化革命和信息技术的发展,多媒体技术逐渐走上了讲台,在很多情况下,多媒体能替代实物性结构模型,传达更丰富、更形象、更生动的信息,特别是其强大的交互和共享功能,更是传统方法所不及的[5]。所以,应用多媒体教学对提高有机立体化学、有机化学和生物有机化学等教学效果,具有重要的现实意义。 一个优秀的立体化学教学课件,应该是先进的教学思想、教学内容、教学方法和丰富的教学经验与最新的多媒体技术紧密结合的产物。然而,在制作和教学实践中发现,如何轻松、快捷地制作出高质量的三维有机分子结构,并使之动态化,也是制作过程中的难题。笔者经过尝试与选择,综合运用多种软件,对该课件的教学结构、内容、难点,以及在演示中的动画、视觉效果、课堂应用等问题进行了探索。 1 软件的选择 1.1 软件选择原则 由于立体化学教学的特殊性,软件的选择必须服从教学目的和教学效果。其选择原则为:能充分表达结构信息,恰当表现动态过程,具有良好的交互性,制作方便快捷,以及便于补充修改等。 1.2 各类制作软件的选择 在有机立体化学多媒体课件的制作过程中,采用了两类软件:辅助软件和多媒体制作软件。前者主要用于处理多媒体课件素材;后者是专门进行多媒体软件制作的平台。 1.2.1 分子立体结构制作软件的选择 立体化学中需要演示大量结构较复杂的分子,如果用一般的图形制作软件处理,不仅难以


安全生产监管信息化工程(一期) 水利部建设项目 SLAJ01_PM_ADCS_DHC_V1.0 活动图编写规范 北京东华合创科技有限公司编制


前言 本规范是对安全生产监管信息化工程(一期)水利部建设项目标准的补充,用于规范活动图的编写、为项目承建商编写方案时提供文档模式参考。 本规范由水利部水利信息中心提出。 本规范由水利部水利信息中心归口。 本规范由北京东华合创科技有限公司负责编制。 本规范由北京东华合创科技有限公司负责解释。 主要起草人员:徐冬、韩大霖等。

目录 第一章章节1 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.1 章节2 ................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 1.1.1 章节3....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第一章引言 根据安全生产监管信息化工程(一期)水利部建设项目标准规范建设工作的要求,制定本规范。 本规范主要内容包括:引言,编写规范和规范样例。 1.1 范围 为提高安全生产监管信息化工程(一期)水利部建设项目的效率和满足精细化管理的要求,规范项目的设计、实施、管理,统一活动图编写规范,制定本规范。 本规范为了约束安全生产监管信息化工程(一期)水利部建设项目活动图的编写,适用于项目生命周期全过程。 1.2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本规范。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本规范。 ●GB/T 10113-2003《分类编码通用术语》 ●GB/T 50095-98《水文基本术语和符号标准》 ●GB/T 8567-2006《计算机软件文档编制规范》 1.3 术语和定义 ●活动 是指某件事情正在进行的状态,它既可以是现实生活中正在进行的某一项工作,也可以是软件系统某个类对象的一个操作。 ●活动图 业务用例实现的工作流程。 ●泳道 用于将活动图中的活动按职责划分为若干组,并把每一组指定给负责这组活动的业务组织。

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