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Key English Test (KET)

Key English Test for Schools (KETfS) KET Vocabulary List

? UCLES 2012

Introduction to the KET Vocabulary List

The KET Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing students for the KET and KET for Schools examinations.

Background to the list

The KET Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge ESOL in consultation with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the KET examination. It drew on vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Waystage (1990) specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high frequency.

The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and includes receptive vocabulary (words that the candidate is expected to understand but which is not the focus of a question) and productive vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know in order to answer a question).

The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the KET and KET for Schools question papers and candidates should not confine their study of vocabulary to the list alone.

How the list is updated

The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being added and other words falling into disuse. In order to maintain its currency, the KET Vocabulary List is updated on an annual basis, with the decision to add or remove words being informed by reference to the Cambridge Learner Corpus and English Vocabulary Profile.

The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million words of English, based upon evidence of language use by learners from all over the world and from which the English Vocabulary Profile has developed. The English Vocabulary Profile shows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or American English. The meaning of each word or phrase in the wordlists has been assigned a level between A1 and B2 on the CEFR.

A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be accessed by visiting the website: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/851247074.html,

Organisation of the list

?Word sets

Some categories of words that a learner at this level might be expected to know, e.g. days of the week, are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1. Although ‘grammar words’ (pronouns, modal verbs, etc.) are included, the Language Specifications section of the KET and KET for Schools Handbooks (available from https://www.wendangku.net/doc/851247074.html,) should be consulted for a more complete listing. ?Exemplification

Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given only where words with different meanings need to be constrained. For example, bank is followed by ‘I changed my money in a bank’– this shows that bank is limited to the idea of a financial institution: candidates are not expected to know other meanings, such as ‘a river bank’.

?Multi-word verbs

All multi-word (or phrasal) verbs that a KET or KET for Schools candidate might be expected to know are included in the list. These verbs include ‘litera l’ verbs (i.e. where the meaning is transparent), e.g. sit down, go out and ‘non-literal’ verbs, e.g. look after, get up. ?Topic lists

In Appendix 2, words have been grouped together under common KET and/or KET for Schools themes, such as ‘Food and Drink’,‘Ho use and Home’ and ‘Spo r t’.

Unsuitable topics

Cambridge ESOL examinations must not contain anything that might offend or upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during the examination. A number of ‘s ensitive’ topics are considered unsuitable for use in KET and KET for Schools, for example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is not included in the KET Vocabulary List.

Personal vocabulary

The content of the KET Vocabulary List is general in nature and is unlikely to cover completely the productive vocabulary that may be required by candidates. Candidates should know the specific lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for example hobbies, likes and dislikes.


Abbreviations used in the KET Vocabulary List are:

abbrev abbreviation or acronym mv modal verb

adj adjective n noun

adv adverb phr v phrasal verb

av auxiliary verb pl plural

Am Eng American English prep preposition

Br Eng British English prep phr prepositional phrase

conj conjunction pron pronoun

det determiner sing singular

exclam exclamation v verb

Summary of points to be noted

?The list does not include every word that may appear on a KET or KET for Schools paper.

?The list covers receptive and productive vocabulary.

?The list is updated every year.


A (5)

B (6)

C (7)

D (9)

E (10)

F (11)

G (12)

H (11)

I (12)

J (12)

K (12)

L (13)

M (14)

N (15)

O (15)

P (16)

Q (17)

R (17)

S (18)

T (20)

U (21)

V (21)

W (21)

Y (21)

Z (21)

Appendix 1 (21)

Cardinal numbers (21)

Ordinal numbers (21)

Days of the week (21)

Months of the year (21)

Seasons of the year (21)

Countries, languages and nationalities (21)

Continents (21)

Health, Medicine and Exercise (25)


a/an (det)

able (adj)

?be able to

about (adv & prep)

?What about a cold drink? ?I have about £3. (adv)

? a book about animals (prep) above (adv & prep)

accident (n)

across (adv & prep)

?The bank’s across the road. ?He walked across the bridge. act (n & v)

activity (n)

actor (n)

actually (adv)

ad (n)

?an ad on TV

add (v)

address (n)

adult (adj & n)

advanced (adj)

adventure (n)

advertisement (n)

advice (n)

aeroplane (n)

afraid (adj)

after (adv & prep)

afternoon (n)

afterwards (adv)

again (adv)

against (prep)

?We watched England play against France.

age (n)

?I don’t know his age.

aged (adj) ago (adv)

agree (v)

?Yes, I agree with you.

?Don’t you agree, Sam?

air (n)

?to travel by air

airport (n)

alarm clock (n)

album (n)

all (adv, det & pron)

all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam)

almost (adv)

alone (adj & adv)

along (prep)

already (adv)

alright (adj, adv & exclam)

also (adv)

always (adv)

a.m. (adv)

amazing (adj)

ambulance (n)

among (prep)

an (det)

and (conj)

angry (adj)

animal (n)

another (det & pron)

answer (n & v)

any (det & pron)

anybody (pron)

anymore (adv)

anyone (pron)

anything (pron)

anyway (adv)

anywhere (adv)

apartment (n)

apartment building (n)

apple (n)

appointment (n)

?an appointment with the


area (n)

arm (n)

armchair (n)

around (adv & prep)

?to travel around (adv)

?to sit around the table (prep)

arrive (v)

art (n)

article (n)

?an article about skiing

artist (n)

as (conj & prep)

?as good as

?as soon as possible

?the same as

ask (v)

assistant (n)

as well (adv)

as well (as) (prep)

at (prep)

at / @ (prep)

?My email address is


attractive (adj)

aunt (n)

autumn (n)

available (adj)

away (adv)

?He’s gone away

?It’s two kilometres away

awful (adj)


baby (n)

back (n, adv & adj)

backpack (n)

bad (adj)

badly (adv)

badminton (n)

bag (n)

bake (v)

ball (n)

balloon (n)

banana (n)

band (n)

bandage (n)

bank (n)

?I changed my money in the bank.

barbecue (n)

baseball (n)

basketball (n)

bat (n)

bath (n)

bathing suit (n)

bathroom (n)

bathtub (n)

battery (n)

be (av & v)

beach (n)

bean (n)

bear (n)

beard (n)

beautiful (adj)

because (conj)

become (v)

bed (n)

bedroom (n)

bee (n) before (adv, conj & prep)

begin (v)

beginner (n)

beginning (n)

behind (adv & prep)

believe (v)

belong (v)

below (adv & prep)

belt (n)

beside (prep)

best (adj & adv)

better (adj & adv)

between (prep)

bicycle (n)

big (adj)

bike (n)

bill (n)

?Can I have my bill, please?

biology (n)

bird (n)

birth (n)

birthday (n)

biscuit (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


bit (n)

?Just a small bit of cake,


black (adj & n)

blackboard (n)

blanket (n)

block (n)

?Shall we walk round the


blond(e) (adj)

blood (n)

blouse (n)

blue (adj & n)

board (n)

?The teacher’s writing on the


board game (n)

boat (n)

body (n)

boil (v)

boiled (adj)

book (n & v)

bookcase (n)

bookshelf (n)

bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


boot (n)

? a pair of boots

bored (adj)

boring (adj)

born (v)

?I was born in Manchester.

borrow (v)

?She borrowed a book from the


boss (n)

both (pron & det)

bother (v)

bottle (n)

bottom (n)

?at the bottom of the stairs

bowl (n)

box (n)

boy (n)

boyfriend (n)

brain (n)

brave (adj)

bread (n)

break (n & v)

? a break for lunch (n) ?Someone’s broken the window. (v) breakfast (n)

bridge (n)

bright (adj)

brilliant (adj)

?I thought the film was brilliant! bring (v)

broken (adj)

brother (n)

brown (adj & n)

brush (n & v)

build (v)

building (n)

burger (n)

bus (n)

business (n)

businessman (n)

businesswoman (n)

bus station (n)

bus stop (n)

busy (adj)

but (conj)

butter (n)

buy (v)

by (prep)

bye (exclam)


cafe/café (n)

cafeteria (n)

cake (n)

calendar (n)

call (n & v)

?I’ll call (phone) again later this afternoon.

?He’s called John.

?I’m waiting for a call from Anna.

camel (n)

camera (n)

camp (v)

camping (n)

campsite (n)

cap (n)

capital (n)

can (n & mv)

candy (n)

cannot (mv)

car (n)

?birthday card

?credit card

career (n)

careful (adj)

?Be careful!

carefully (adv)

car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:

parking lot)

carpet (n)

carrot (n)

carry (v)

cartoon (n)

case (n)cash (n & v)

castle (n)

cat (n)

catch (v)

cathedral (n)

CD (n)

CD player (n)

ceiling (n)

cell phone (n)

centre/center (n)

centimetre/centimeter (cm) (n)

century (n)

cereal (n)

certainly (not) (adv)

chain (n)

chair (n)

change (v & n)

channel (n)

chat (n)

chatroom (n)

cheap (adj)

check (v)

cheese (n)

chef (n)

chemist (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


chemistry (n)

cheque (n)

chess (n)

chicken (n)

child (n)

chilli (n)

chips (n pl)

?egg and chips

chocolate (n)

choose (v)

cinema (n)

circle (n)

circus (n)

city (n)

class (n)

? a language class

? a first-class ticket classical (adj)

classmate (n)

classroom (n)

clean (adj & v)

cleaner (n)

clear (adj)

?It’s not clear to me.

clearly (adv)

clever (adj)

click (n & v)

?click here to go to our


climb (v)

climbing (n)

clock (n)

close (adj & v)

close to (prep phr)

closed (adj)

clothes (n pl)

cloud (n)

cloudy (adj)

clown (n)

club (n)

?to join a club

coach (n)

? a coach trip

? a tennis coach

coat (n)

coffee (n)

cola (n)

cold (adj & n)

colleague (n)

collect (v)

college (n)

colour (n & v)

comb (n)

come (v)

comfortable (adj)

comic (n)

company (n)

?What’s the name of your


competition (n)

complete (v)

computer (n)

concert (n)

congratulations! (exclam)

contact (n & v)

conversation (n)

cook (n & v)

cooker (n)

cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


cooking (n)

cool (adj & exclam)

?That’s a cool bike! (adj)

copy (v)

corner (n)

?the corner of the street

correct (adj)

cost (n & v)

costume (n)

?I forgot my swimming


could (mv)

country (n)

countryside (n)

course (n)

? a university course

? a main course

?of course (not)

cousin (n)

cover (v)

cow (n)

crazy (adj)

cream (adj & n)

credit card (n)

cricket (n)

cross (n & v)

?Don’t cross the road here! (v)

crossing (n)

?Use the crossing to cross the


crowd (n)

crowded (adj)

cry (v)

?The baby’s crying.

cup (n)

cupboard (n)

curry (n)

curtain (n)

customer (n)

cut (v)

cycle (v)

cycling (n)


dad (n)

daily (adj & adv)

dance (n & v)

dancer (n)

dancing (n)

danger (n)

dangerous (adj)

dark (adj)

date (n)

?What’s the date today? daughter (n)

day (n)

dead (adj)

dear (adj)

?Dear Anne,

decide (v)

deep (adj)

degree (n)

?The temperature’s 30

degrees today.

delay (n & v)

?There will be a delay of two hours. (n)

?The flight is delayed. (v) dentist (n)

department (n)

department store (n)

describe (v)

desert (n)desk (n)

dessert (n)

detail (n)

diary (n)

dictionary (n)

die (v)

difference (n)

different (adj)

difficult (adj)

digital (adj)

digital camera (n)

dining room (n)

dinner (n)

dinosaur (n)

diploma (n)

dirty (adj)

disco (n)

discount (n)

discuss (v)

dish (n)

?Chicken and chips is my

favourite dish.

do (av & v)

doctor (n)

document (n)

dog (n)

doll (n)

dollar (n)

dolphin (n)

door (n)

dot (n)

?dot com

double (adj)

? a double room

down (adv & prep)

download (n & v)

?I downloaded the songs from

the internet (v).

downstairs (adv)

Dr (n)

draw (v)

drawer (n)

drawing (n)

dream (n & v)

dress (n & v)

dressed (adj)

drink (n & v)

drive (v)

driver (n)

driving licence (n)

drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


drum (n)

dry (adj & v)

duck (n)

during (prep)

DVD (n)

DVD player (n)


each (det & pron)

ear (n)

early (adj & adv)

earn (v)

earring (n)

easily (adv)

east (n, adj & adv)

easy (adj)

eat (v)

egg (n)

electric (adj)

electricity (n)

elephant (n)

elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift) else (adv)

?Anything else?

email (n & v)

empty (adj)

end (v & n)

engine (n)

engineer (n)

enjoy (v) enough (adv, det & pron)

enter (v)

?Are you going to enter the

poster competition?

?Please enter through the side


entrance (n)

envelope (n)

eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


especially (adv)

euro (n)

even (adv)

evening (n)

ever (adv)

every (det)

everybody (pron)

everyone (pron)

everything (pron)

everywhere (adv)

exactly (adv)

examination/exam (n)

example (n)

?Look at the example first.

?for example

excellent (adj)

except (conj & prep)

excited (adj)

exciting (adj)

excuse (v)

?Excuse me!

exercise (n & v)

exhibition (n)

?art exhibition

exit (n)

expensive (adj)

explain (v)

explore (v)

explorer (n)

?This book’s about famous


extra (adj)

eye (n)


fact (n)

factory (n)

fail (v)

fair (adj)

?She has fair hair.

fall (n & v)

?in the fall (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: autumn)

?he fell and hurt his leg (v) family (n)

famous (adj)

fan (n)

fantastic (adj)

far (adv)

?How far is the next garage? farm (n)

farmer (n)

fashion (n)

fast (adj & adv)

fast food (n)

fat (adj)

father (n)

favourite (adj)

feel (v)

?to feel well

festival (n)

few (det & adj)

field (n)

file (n)

fill (v)

fill in (phr v)

?to fill in a form final (adj)

finally (adv)

find (v)

find out (phr v)

fine (adj)

?That’s fine!

?I’m fine, thank you.

?The weather is fine.

finger (n)

finish (v)

fire (n)

first (adv & adj)

?First… then… (adv)

?John came first. (adv)

?first prize (adj)

first name (n)

fish (n & v)

fishing (n)

fit (adj)

flat (n)

flight (n)

floor (n)

?The bedrooms are on the first


?Don’t leave your clothes on

the floor.

flower (n)

fly (v)

fog (n)

foggy (adj)

follow (v)

food (n)

?my right foot

football (n)

footballer (n)

for (prep)

foreign (adj)

forest (n)

forget (v)

fork (n)

?knife and fork

form (n)

?Fill in this form.

free (adj & adv)

French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br

Eng: chips)

fresh (adj)

?fresh fruit

fridge (n)

fried (adj)

friend (n)

friendly (adj)

from (prep)

front (n)

?in the front of the train

?Stand in front of me.

fruit (n)

full (adj)

fun (adj & n)

funny (adj)

furniture (n)

further (adj)

future (n)


game (n)

garage (n)

garden (n)

garlic (n)

gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol)

gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol station)

gate (n)

geography (n)

get (v)

get fit (v)

get off (phr v)

?to get off the bus

get on (phr v)

?to get on the bus

get up (phr v)

?to get up in the morning gift (n)

girl (n)

girlfriend (n)

give (v)

glad (adj)

glass (n)

glasses (n pl)glove (n)

go (v)

goal (n)

gold (n & adj)

golden (adj)

golf (n)

good (adj)

good afternoon (exclam)

goodbye (exclam)

good evening (exclam)

good-looking (adj)

good morning (exclam)

good night (exclam)

go out (phr v)

?Are you going out this


grade (n)

gram(me) (n)

grandchild (n)

grand(d)ad (n)

granddaughter (n)

grandfather (n)

grandma (n)

grandmother (n)

grandpa (n)

grandparent (n)

grandson (n)

granny (n)

grape (n)

grass (n)

great (adj)

green (adj)

grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


grilled (adj)

grocery store (n) (Am Eng)

group (n)

grow (v)

grow up (phr v)

guess (v)

guest (n)

guest-house (n)

guide (n)

guidebook (n)

guitar (n)

guy (n)

?He’s a really nice guy.

gym (n)


half (det, n & pron)

half-price (adj)

hall (n)

hand (n)

handbag (n)

happen (v)

happy (adj)

hard (adj & adv)

?hard wood (adj)

?the homework was hard (adj) ?to work hard (adv)

hat (n)

hate (v)

have (av & v)

have got to (mv)

have to (mv)

he (pron)

head (n)

?My head hurts.

help (v)

her (det & pron)

here (adv)

hers (pron)

?by herself

hey (exclam)

hi (exclam)

high (adj)

hill (n)

him (pron)

himself (pron)

?by himself

hip hop (n)

his (det & pron)

history (n)

hit (v)

hobby (n)

hockey (n)

hold (v)

holiday (n)

home (n & adv)

homework (n)

headache (n)

headteacher (n)

health (n)

healthy (adj)

hear (v)

heart (n)

?Can you turn the heating on?

heavy (adj)

? a heavy blanket

helicopter (n)

hello (exclam)

honey (n)

hope (v)

horrible (adj)

horse (n)

hospital (n)

hot (adj)

hotel (n)

hour (n)

house (n)

housewife (n)

how (adv)

however (adv)

hungry (adj)

hurry (v)

hurt (v)

husband (n)


I (pron)

ice (n)

ice cream (n)

ice skating (n)

ID (n)

ID card (n)

idea (n) identification (n) if (conj)

ill (adj) immediately (adv) important (adj) improve (v)in (adv & prep)

include (v)

including (prep)

indoor (adj)

indoors (adv)

information (n)

in front of (prep phr)

insect (n)

inside (adv & prep)

instead (adv)

instructions (n pl)

instrument (n)

interested (adj)

interesting (adj)

international (adj)

internet (n)

into (prep)

invitation (n)

invite (v)

island (n)

it (pron)

IT (n)

its (det)

itself (pron)


jacket (n)

jam (n)

?fruit jam

jazz (n)

jeans (n pl)

jewellery (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: jewelry)job (n)

join (v)

journalist (n)

journey (n)

juice (n)

jump (v)

jumper (n)

just (adv)

?I’ve just seen Tom.

?Just a moment.


keep (v)

?May I keep this?

?Keep right!

key (n)

keyboard (n)

?I play the keyboard in a band. ?The keyboard for my

computer is broken.kick (n & v)

kilogramme (kg) (n) (Br Eng)

(Am Eng: kilogram)

kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng)

(Am Eng: kilometer)

kind (adj & n)

?That’s very kind of you.

?What kind of book do you


king (n)

kiss (n & v)

kit (n)

kitchen (n)

kite (n)

knife (n)

know (v)


lamp (n)

language (n)

laptop (computer) (n)

large (adj)

last (adj & det)

late (adv & adj)

?The train is going to be late.


later (adv)

?I’ll see you later.

latest (adj)

laugh (v)

lazy (adj)

learn (v)

least (adv)

?at least

leather (n & adj)

leave (v)

?The train leaves at 10 o’clock.?I left my bag in the cinema. ?There isn’t any milk left.

left (adj, adv & n)

?Go to the left. (n)

?left hand (adj)

?Turn left. (adv)

left-hand (adj)

leg (n)

lemon (n)

lemonade (n)

less (adj, det & pron)

lesson (n)

let (v)

letter (n)

level (n)

?language level

library (n)

licence (n)

driving licence

lie down (phr v)

life (n)

lift (n)

?Take the lift to the third floor.

light (n & adj)

like (adv, prep & v)

?W hat’s the weather like?


?It’s like an orange but bigger.


?I’d like a drink. (v)

line (n)

?draw a line

?the next line

lion (n)

list (n)

listen (v)

litre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: liter)

little (adj)

live (v)

long (adj)

look (v)

?You look happy.

?Don’t look now!

look after (phr v)

look at (phr v)

look for (phr v)

look out (phr v)

?Look out –it’s going to


lorry (n)

lose (v)

?We lost the game.

?I’ve lost my passport.

lost (adj)

lots / a lot (n)

? a lot of homework.

loud (adj)

love (n & v)

lovely (adj)

low (adj)

luck (n)

lucky (adj)

luggage (n)

lunch (n)

lunchtime (n)


machine (n)

mad (adj)

magazine (n)

mail (n)

main course (n)

make (v)

make-up (n)

man (n)

manager (n)

mango (n)

many (det & pron)

map (n)

mark (n)

market (n)

married (adj)

match (n)

?football match

maths/mathematics (n) (Br Eng)(Am Eng: math)

matter (n & v)

?It doesn’t matter. (v) ?What’s the matter? (n)

may (mv)

maybe (adv)

me (pron)

meal (n)

mean (v)

meat (n)

mechanic (n)

medicine (n)

meet (v)

meeting (n)

melon (n)

member (n)

? a member of a club

memory (n) menu (n)

message (n)

metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


midday (n)

middle (n)

?in the middle

midnight (n)

might (mv)

mile (n)

milk (n)

million (n)

mind (v)

?Do you mind if I close the


?I don’t mind if…

?Never mind.

?Mind your head!

mine (pron)

mineral water (n)

minus (prep)

minute (n)

mirror (n)

Miss (n)

miss (v)

missing (adj)

mistake (n)

mix (v)

mobile (phone) (n)

model (n)

modern (adj)

moment (n)

?Just a moment.

money (n)

monkey (n)

month (n)

monthly (adj & adv)

moon (n)

more (adj, adv, det & pron)

morning (n)

most (adj, adv, det & pron)

mother (n)

motorbike (n)

motorway (n)

mountain (n)

mouse (n)

mouth (n)

move (v)

movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br

Eng: cinema)

movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br

Eng: film star)

MP3 player (n)

Mr (n)

Mrs (n)

Ms (n)

much (adj, adv, det & pron)

mug (n)

mum (n)

museum (n)

mushroom (n)

music (n)

musical (adj)

musician (n)

must (mv)

my (det)

myself (pron)

?by myself


name (n)

national (adj)

nationality (n)

nature (n)

near (adv & prep)

nearly (adv)

neck (n)

necklace (n)

need (v)

neighbour (n)

net (n)

?I found a great website on the net. never (adv)

new (adj)

news (n)

newspaper (n)

next (adj & adv)

next to (prep)

nice (adj)

night (n)

no (adv, det & pron)

nobody (pron)

noise (n)

noisy (adj)

noon (n)

no one (pron)

normal (adj)

north (n, adj & adv)

nose (n)

not (adv)

note (n & v)

notebook (n)

nothing (pron)

notice (n)

now (adv)

number (n)

nurse (n)


occupation (n)

o'clock (adv)

of (prep)

of course (not) (adv) off (adv)

offer (n & v)

office (n)

often (adv)

oh (exclam)

oil (n)

?car oil ?cooking oil

OK/okay (exclam) old (adj)

omelette (n)

on (prep & adv) once (adv)

?only once

one (det & pron)

onion (n)

online (adj & adv)

only (adv & adj)

?I only wanted to help.

?the only one

open (adj & v)

opera (n)

opposite (prep)

or (conj)

orange (adj & n)

order (n)

other (det & pron)

our (det)

ours (pron)

ourselves (pron)

out (adv)

outdoors (adv)

out of (prep)

outside (prep & adv)

over (prep & adv)

?over 60 people (adv)

?to travel all over the world


own (adj)

?They cook their own meals.


pack (v)

?pack a suitcase

page (n)

pain (n)

paint (v & n)

painter (n)

painting (n)

pale (adj)

pair (n)

? a pair of shoes

paper (n & adj)

pardon (exclam)

? Pardon?

parent (n)

park (n & v)

parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: car park)

part (n)

?the best part of the day

partner (n)

party (n)

pass (v)

?You pass the station on the left. ?to pass a driving test passenger (n)

passport (n)

past (prep)

pasta (n)

path (n)

pay (v)

PC (personal computer) (n)

pear (n)

pen (n)

pence (n)

pencil (n)

pencil case (n)

penfriend (n)

penny (n)people (n pl)

pepper (n)

per (prep)

perfect (adj)

perfume (n)

perhaps (adv)

person (n)

pet (n)

petrol (n)

petrol station (n)

pharmacy (n)

phone (v & n)

photo(graph) (n)

photographer (n)

photography (n)

physics (n)

piano (n)

pick up (phr v)

picnic (n)

picture (n)

piece (n)

? a piece of cake

pillow (n)

pilot (n)

pink (adj)

pity (n)

?What a pity!

pizza (n)

place (n)

plan (n & v)

plane (n)

?The plane was late.

plant (n)

plastic (n & adj)

plate (n)

platform (n)

?Your train leaves from

Platform 8.

play (v & n)

?to play football (v)

?to play the guitar (v)

? a play at the theatre (n)

player (n)

playground (n)

pleasant (adj)

please (v & exclam)

?I’m very pleased for you. (v)

?Please be quiet!

pleased (adj)

plus (prep)

p.m. (adv)

pocket (n)

point (v)

police (n)

police car (n)

police officer (n)

police station (n)

polite (adj)

pool (n)

?swimming pool

poor (adj)

pop (n)

?pop music

popular (adj)

possible (adj)

possibly (adv)

post (v & n)

?to post a letter

?What’s in the post today?

postcard (n)

poster (n)

post office (n)

potato (n)

pound (£) (n)

practice (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


?football practice

practise (v)

?You must practise if you want to play well.

prefer (v)

prepare (v)

present (n)

? a birthday present

pretty (adj) price (n)

print (v)

printer (n)

prize (n)

probably (adv)

problem (n)

program (n)

? a computer program

programme (n)

? a TV programme

project (n)

? a school project

pull (v)

pupil (n)

purple (adj)

purse (n)

push (v)

put (v)

put on (phr v)

puzzle (n)


quarter (n)

? a quarter of an hour queen (n)

question (n)quick (adj)

quickly (adv)

quiet (adj)

quite (adv)

?Are you quite sure?

?quite old

quiz (n)


rabbit (n)

race (n & v)

? a running race (n)

?She raced her brother to the bus stop. (v)

racket (n)

?Can I borrow your tennis racket? radio (n)

railway (n)

rain (n & v)

raincoat (n)

rap (n)

read (v)

reading (n)

ready (adj)

?When will it be ready?

real (adj)

really (adv)

reason (n)receipt (n)

receive (v)

receptionist (n)

record (v)

red (adj)

refrigerator (n)

remember (v)

rent (v)

repair (v)

repeat (v)

rest (n & v)

?to have a rest (n)

?‘Try to rest’, the doctor said.


restaurant (n)

return (n & v)

?my return from holiday (n)

?He returned home late. (v)

?She returned her library

books. (v)

rice (n)

rich (adj)

ride (n & v)

right (n, adj & adv)

?He swam to the right. (n)

?your right hand (adj)

?That’s the right answer.


?Turn right here. (adv)

right hand (adj)

ring (n)

river (n)

road (n)

roast (v & adj)

rock (n)

?rock concert

roof (n)

room (n)

? a double room

round (adj)

roundabout (n) rubber (n) rugby (n)

ruler (n)run (v) runner (n) running (n)


sad (adj)

safe (adj)

sail (v)

sailing (n)

salad (n)

sale (n)

?for sale

salt (n)

same (adj & pron)

?at the same time (adj)

?Your watch is the same as mine.


sandwich (n)

sauce (n)

sausage (n)

save (v)

?to save money

?to save time

say (v)

scarf (n)

school (n)

schoolchild (n)

science (n)

scissors (n pl)

scooter (n)

screen (n)

sea (n)

seat (n)

second (adj, det & n)

secretary (n)

see (v)

sell (v)

send (v)sentence (n)

serve (v)

set (n)

several (det & pron)

shall (mv)

shame (n)

?What a shame!

shampoo (n & v)

share (v)

she (pron)

sheep (n)

sheet (n)

? a bed sheet

shelf (n)

ship (n)

shirt (n)

shoe (n)

shop (n & v)

shop assistant (n)

shopping (n)

short (adj)

? a short time

shorts (n pl)

should (mv)

shout (v)

show (v & n)

?Show me your photos. (v)

? a film show (n)

shower (n)

shut (v)

sick (adj)

side (n)

?this side of the room

sightseeing (n)

sign (n)

silver (n & adj)

simple (adj)

since (prep)

sing (v)

singer (n)

singing (n)

single (adj)

sink (n)

sister (n)

sit (v)

sit down (phr v)

site (n)

sitting room (n)

size (n)

skate (v)

skateboard (n)

skateboarding (n)

skating (n)

ski (v)

skiing (n)

skirt (n)

sky (n)

sleep (v)

slice (n)

slim (adj)

slow (adj)

slowly (adv)

small (adj)

smoke (v)

smoking (n)

snack (n)

snow (n & v)

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