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七年级英语上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school Integrated skills 教案 新版牛津版

七年级英语上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school Integrated skills 教案 新版牛津版
七年级英语上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school Integrated skills 教案 新版牛津版

《Unit 3 Welcome to our school Integrated skills》教案

Teaching aims:

1. Learn some phrases: from…to…,get up, go to school, all kinds of ,

borrow ...from… A级

2. Learn some sentences patterns: A级

It is a long way from my home to the school.

It tak es her about twenty minutes to get to school.

3. Try to listen and finish the table. A级

4. Try to talk about our school B级

Teaching difficulty:

1.How to improve the students listening abilities

2.How to make dialogues about our school

Teaching procedures:

Step I Presentation

1 Chat with students like this: How many classes do you have every day ? What time does your first class begin ?

2 I get to school by bus every day. Sometimes I ride a bike to school. Write “by bus &ride a bike on the blackboard. How do you get to school every day?

3 If I go to sc hool by bus, it takes me twenty minutes. How long does it take you to get to school by bike? Encourage students to answer with their own information. Step II Listening training.

1Introduce Part A. Millie and her friends are talking about how they get to school every day . Now, let’s listen to their conversation and match the information with each person in Part A1.

2 Ho w does Millie get to school? What about Amy? How does Sandy get to school ? Then check the answers with them.

3 Here is a table in Part2 . Would you please complete the table? Can you complete?

4 Would you like to know how your friends get to school every day ? Please ask and answer in pairs.

5 Ask students work in three. Finish the table. Here is a table. Please work in groups of four and make a survey.

6 According part A1 and A2, then finish A3

7 Read this part together.

Step III Speak up

Do you like your school? Is it big or small? What do you have in your school? Do

you have a building? Is it tall? How many floors does the building? Which floor is your classroom on? Do you have a library? Is it open every day? Wha t can you do in the library? Are there many books in your library?

Step II Listening drills

Amy’s cousi n, Shirley, wants to know more about Amy’s school . Please listen to their conversation and answer this question: What place are they talking about? Encourage them to find the answer. They are talking about the library.

Do some T/F exercise.

(1)The library in Amy’s school is big .(T)

(2) It is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.(F)

(3) The reading room is only open in the afternoon. (T)

(4) There are many books in the library. (T)

(5) Amy often borrows CDs from the library. (F)

Step III Practise

Students on the right play the role of Amy. Students on the left play the role of Shirley .Then we change the roles.

Step IV Show

Would you like to introduce your own school? Do you have a library, a hall, an art room, a reading room or a music room? What do you know about these places ? What do you often do there ? Please work in pairs and make new conversations about your school.

Homework :



1. 我妹妹每天晚上总是要花一个小时看报。

My sister always ___ ________ ___________ _ __ ____________every evening


---__________ _________ you go to school every day? ---__________ ___________.

3. ---有人打电话里找你。---来了。

---You are wanted ________ ________ _________? ----I’ coming.

4. 所有的学生都可以从图书馆借书。

__________ _________ _________ can __________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

5. ---下午能跟你见个面吗? ---不好意思,我从一点到六点都很忙。

---Can I ________ ________ this afternoon? ---Sorry, I’ll be busy ________ 1 p.m. ________ 6 p.m..

6. Kate 每天六点起床,然后骑自行车去学校。

Kate _______ _______ _______ six every day, and then ________ _______ ______ to _________.

7. 商店里有各种各样的东西,放学后我们一起去购物吧。

There are ________ _______ _______ _______ in the shop. Let’s _______ _______ _______ _______.



Nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend Jack. She is very 1 to get the e-mail . Jack writes about his school 2 weekends. Jack likes his school very

much. Nancy likes her school, 3 . Jack’s school is very big and he likes his classroom. The 4 and chairs are new. T here are lots of pictures 5 the wall. They clean the classroom every day.

Jack doesn’t 6 to school at the weekend. He gets up 7 at six on Saturday. He exercises in the park for half 8 . Then he eats his breakfast. He helps his mother do the 9 . At eight he begins to do his homework. He has lunch in a fast food restaurant.(快餐店) In the 10 , he goes shopping with Mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet. In the evening, he enjoys his weekend very much.

( ) 1. A. tall B. like C. happy D. good

( ) 2. A. but B. and C. or D. at

( ) 3. A. also B. again C. too D. hi

( ) 4. A. desks B. schoolbags C. pencils D. boys

( ) 5. A. at B. on C. near D. behind

( ) 6. A. like B. play C. go D. have

( ) 7. A. early B. late C. before D. here

( ) 8. A. a year B. a month C. an hour D. box

( ) 9. A. homework B. cleaning C. fishingD. lessons

( )10. A. day B. evening C. afternoon D. week

七年级上册英语Starter Unit1教案

2015七年级上册英语Starter Unit1教案 教学设计 Period 1 1a­2e Ⅰ.教学准备 1.教师:准备录音机、磁带、多媒体课件、字母卡片,搜集一些表现不同国家初次见面的礼仪形式的图片 以及标示字母笔顺的flash。 2.学生:搜集含有字母Aa—Hh的广告用语和图片;自制字母卡片。 Ⅱ.教学目标 1.充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.教给学生学习英语的方法和技巧。 3.使学生了解一些国家的见面礼仪。 4.学习本课的知识点: (1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello (2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh (3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi! 5.训练学生听懂日常见面问候语以及英语字母的能力。 6.帮助学生掌握一些字母缩写词以及部分英文名字。

Ⅲ.教学重点 (1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello (2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh (3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi! Ⅳ.教学难点 让学生会读英文名字;将英语字母打乱顺序进行认 读和书写。 Ⅴ.教学步骤:Warm­up 1.教师向学生播放英国人说英语的视频,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.教师可以利用英语歌曲、英文电影渲染气氛,营造学习英语的环境。然后可向学生展示自己的英语水平,让学生“亲其师,信其道”。 建议1:用英语进行自我介绍,可介绍自己的姓名、毕业学校、从教时间,以及自己取得的成就。但要注意 一定要口齿清晰、语音语调正确,说出英语的韵味来。 例如: T:Do you like English?Is English vg?day, let's learn English.And I'm your English teacher.Lduce myself.My n aI'I have tauglars.Duringars,I have g建议2:播放一段中国人说英语非常流利的视频,然后用英语介绍,告诉学生如


七年级英语上册Unit1知识点归纳总结 Unit1 Topic1 Welcome to China! 1.三种自我介绍の方式: I am +姓名 I’m +姓名 My name is +姓名 2.问候语: (1)Good morning.早上好. Good afternoon.下午好. Good evening.晚上好. Good night.晚安.(2)Hi/Hello! 你好。(用于非正式场合。) (3)Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 回答用Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。(用于第一次见面) (4)Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。 回答用Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。(用于熟人之间の见面) (5)How do you do ?你好。 回答也用:How do you do? (用于初次见面,正式场合) (6)How are you ? 你好吗? 回答:Fine,thanks.谢谢,我很好。(用于熟人之间询问对方身体健康状况。) 也可以回答:Fine. /I’m fine./I’m OK. 3.welcome to+地点欢迎来到某地 4.Are you…? 你是...吗? 肯定回答:Yes, I am.是の,我是。(I am不能缩写为I’m) 否定回答:No, I’m not. 不,我不是。 5.This is …. 这是... (对第三方の介绍)、 6.M r.先生(在学校内指男老师)M rs.夫人(已婚女士) M iss女士,小姐(未婚,在学校内指女老师)M s.女士(不清楚婚否)


新人教版|七年级下册所有语法知识点全汇总 一. 情态动词canの用法 can+动词原形,它不随主语の人称和数而变化。 1. 含有canの肯定句:主语+can+谓语动词の原形+其他。 } 2. 含有canの否定句:主语+can't+动词の原形+其他。 3. 变一般疑问句时,把can提前:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。否定回答:No,主语+can't. 4. 含有canの特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? I can speak English.→I can't speak English.→Can you speak English? →What can you speak? ` 二. what time和when引导の特殊疑问句 1. 询问钟点时用what time,询问日期、月份、年份时用when。 2. What's the time?=What time is it?现在几点了?

3. 时刻表达法:顺读法和逆读法。 顺读法:“钟点+分钟”直接读数字。 , 如:7: 05 seven five;8:16 eight sixteen 逆读法:借助介词past或to表示,要先说分再说钟点。 a. 当分钟不超过30分钟时(包括30分钟),即<或=30,用past表示。其结构为:“分钟+past+整点”意为“几点过几分”。 如:1:25 twenty-five past one b. 当超过30分钟时,即>30,用to表示。其结构为:“所差分钟(即60—所过分钟数)+to+下一个整点”,to译成“差”,差几分钟到几点。 如:4:38 twenty-two to five ' c. 当分钟为30分钟用half表示,当分钟为15分钟用a quarter。 三. how引导の特殊疑问句 1. how 引导の特殊疑问句提问交通方式,其答语分三种情况: a. take a/an/the+交通工具(单数) ~ b. by+交通工具(单数) c. on/in+限定词+交通工具


Unit 1重点句型汇总 Section A 1. Where is your pen pal from? ●come from和be from是同义短语,但come from更强调动作。如: —Where do you come from? 你从哪里来? —I come from the United Kingdom. 我从英国来。 ●句型“Where + be + sb. + from?”通常用来询问“某人来自什么地方”。如:—Where are you from? 你是哪里人? —I’m from Shanghai. 我是上海人。 ●句型“Where + be + sth. + from?”通常用来询问“某物品产自哪里”。如:—Where is the car from? 这辆轿车产自哪里? —It’s from France.它产自法国。 2. —Where does he live? —Tokyo. ●live作不及物动词,意为“生活,居住”,后常接in + 地点名词或直接接表地点的副词here / there / home等。如: We live here / in New York. 我们住在这儿/ 纽约。 ●live还可表示“过着……生活”,此时为及物动词。如: We live a happy life. 我们过着幸福的生活。 3. What language does she speak? ●what language常用来对“某种语言”进行提问。 ●speak意为“说,讲”,后面常接表语言的名词。如: Can you speak French? 你会讲法语吗? Section B 1. Does she have any brothers or sisters? any意为“一些”,常用于疑问句或否定句中,修饰可数名词复数形式或不可数名词。如: There isn’t any milk in the glass. 杯子里没有牛奶。 2. I can speak English and a little French. a little意为“少量,一点儿”,常修饰不可数名词,具有肯定意义;little意为“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词,具有否定意义。如: There’s a little water in the cup. 杯子里有点儿水。 He knows little English. 他几乎不懂英语。 3. Can you write to me soon? write to sb. 意为“给某人写信”。如: Please write to Jack.请给杰克写封信。 此短语常用于书信的结尾,提示别人尽快写回信。


人教版(新目标)初中七上Unit 1 My name's Gina教案 Period One Teaching aims(教学目标) 1.学会问候他人 2.学会如何做自我介绍, 认识新朋友,并正确称呼他们的英文名字 3.从对话中学会获取更多他人的基本信息 5.初步学会使用部分形容词性物主代词 Language points(语言点) ` 1.要求掌握以下句式: (1)—What’s your name —My name is… (2)—Hi. My name’s Gina. —I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! --- Nice to meet you, too. (3)what’s =what is I’m =I am name’s =name is 2.要求掌握以下词汇:(1)生词:name, am, nice, meet, what, hello " (2)人称代词和形容词性物主代词:I, you, my, your, his, her (上述数词和部分形容词性物主代词本应在第二和第三课时中出现,但可以在第一课时中非正式出现,给学生初步的印象,为后面的学习作铺垫。) Difficulties(难点):本课难点是大量的人名和形容词性物主代词,而学生在描述时容易混淆男名和女名,在运用代词时容易错用人称代词和物主代词。 Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1) Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together. (2)Warm greetings to the students2 T: Hello! / Hi! # S: Hello! / Hi! T: You are very beautiful/cool/… S: Thank you. 2. Presentation(呈现新知识) (1)T: Hello! My name is Lily. What’s your name S: (引导学生回答) My name is Tom. T: It’s a good / nice name.

人教版七年级英语下册unit 1教案

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section A (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club 能掌握以下句型: ①—Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can、/ No, I can't、 ②—What can you do? —I can dance、 ③—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club、 2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法 want to do sth、的用法 2、情感态度价值观目标: 该部分内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题就是能力。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,可以培养学生的一种群体意识。 二、教学重难点 1、教学重点: 1) 学习询问与谈论彼此的能力与特长; 2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。 2、教学难点: 情态动词can的构成与使用。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ、Lead in 1、教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器, 一边说: I can play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单 的回答。 2、 S s look at the picture in 1a、Then read the words and phrases、Let Ss match the activities with the people、


Unit4Where's my schoolbag? 一、单词拼写(共80小题,每小题分,共0分) 1.I'm t______,but Cindy isn't. Look,her books are everywhere. (单词拼写) 2.I’m a t_______ person. And I like to keep my room clean. (单词拼写) 3.Your classroom is clean and t_______.(单词拼写) 4.Their dictionaries are on the desk ____ mine is under the desk. (单词拼写) 5.My brother and I are in my room ____ my father is in his room. (单词拼写) 6.Mr. Smith is Sue’s father _____ Sue is Mr. Smith’s _____.(单词拼写) 7.I _______ a hat, a notebook and a pen. (单词拼写) 8.Please put your books in the b_______.(单词拼写) 9.The notebooks are in my __________(书柜). (单词拼写) 10.My books are ______ the bookcase. (单词拼写) 11.---Where are his books? ---They're i____ the bookcase. (单词拼写) 12.I put my books ______ the _________(书橱). (单词拼写) 13.You should t(使整洁) up the room before your friends arrive.(单词拼写) 14.My mother a(总是) remembers my birthday. (单词拼写) 15.We always keep our classroom clean and(整洁). (单词拼写) 16.He(总是) helps his sister with her English. (单词拼写) 17.I am a________ the first one to get to school (第一个到校) every day. (单词拼写) 18.Look! Cindy’s books are e________ in her room. (单词拼写) 19.You can not put your books ______ (到处). (单词拼写) 20.To protect environment ,we shouldn't throw rubbish e______ (到处). (单词拼写) 21.He _____(总是) asks me some questions. (单词拼写) 22.Little Tom is(总是) late for school(上学迟到). (单词拼写) 23._____(我们的) school is big and beautiful. (单词拼写) 24.John’s model _____ is in the bookcase. (单词拼写) 25.The m____ plane is on the desk. (单词拼写) 26.We have a new model p_________, and it can fly. (单词拼写) 27.There is a model p______ in the room. (单词拼写) 28.---Jack, is this your model p_______? ---Yes, it is. (单词拼写) 29.I have some m________ planes here, Jack. (单词拼写) 30.I have a model _________ (飞机). It’s on the desk. (单词拼写)


主备人:张妍持案人:使用日期:第周星期 Unit one My name is Gina. The first period Teaching aims and Demands: 1.Knowledge Objects Keyvocabulary:my,name,is,I'm,nice,to,meet,you,what's,your,hello,hi Target Language:---What's your name ? ---Alan. ---Hello,I'm Mary. ---Hi,Mary.I'm Jim. Nice to meet you. 2.Ability Objects Train students’listening skill. Train students’communicative competence using the target language.. 3.Moral Object: Communicate with others politely. Teaching key Points Key vocabulary. How to greet people. How to introduce yourself. Teaching Difficulty Points Students can communicate with others using key vocabulary and the target language learnd in this class. Teaching Procedures Step1 Greeting and check homework. Step2 Warming-up and revision (1) Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together. (2)Warm greetings to the students T: Hello! / Hi! S: Hello! / Hi! T: You are very beautiful/cool/… S: Thank you. Step3 Show studying aims 1.学会问候他人 2.学会如何做自我介绍, 认识新朋友,并正确称呼他们的英文名字 3.从对话中学会获取更多他人的基本信息 4.初步学会使用部分形容词性物主代词 5.要求掌握以下句式: (1)—What’s your name ?—My name is… (2)—Hello! I’m Mary.—Hi, Mary! I’m Jim. Nice to meet you. (3)what’s =what is I’m =I am name’s =name is 6.要求掌握以下词汇: (1)生词:name, clock, am, nice, meet, what, hello


新人教版丨七年级下册所有语法知识点全汇总 一?情态动词can①用法 can+动词原形,它不随主语①人称和数而变化。 1. 含有can①肯定句:主语+can+谓语动词①原形+其他。 2. 含有can①否定句:主语+can't+动词①原形+其他。 3. 变一般疑问句时,把can提前:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。 否定回答:No,主语+can't. 4. 含有can①特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? I can speak English. 宀I can't speak English. Can you speak English? What can you speak? 二.what time 和when引导①特殊疑问句 1. 询问钟点时用what time,询问日期、月份、年份时用when。 2. What's the time?=What time is it? 现在几点了? 3. 时刻表达法:顺读法和逆读法。 顺读法:“钟点+分钟”直接读数字。 如:7: 05 seven five ; 8:16 eight sixteen 逆读法:借助介词past或to表示,要先说分再说钟点。 a. 当分钟不超过30分钟时(包括30分钟),即<或=30,用past表示。其结构为:“分钟+past+整点”意为“几点过几分”。 女口:1:25 twen ty-five past one b. 当超过30分钟时,即>30,用to表示。其结构为:“所差分钟(即60 —所过分钟数)+to+下一个整点”,to译成“差”,差几分钟到几点。 如:4:38 twenty-two to five c. 当分钟为30分钟用half表示,当分钟为15分钟用a quarter 。 三.how引导①特殊疑问句 1. how引导①特殊疑问句提问交通方式,其答语分三种情况:


Module 1 My teacher and my friends. Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou. Ⅲ.Teaching focus: 1. Master language of daily greetings. Key vocabulary and phrases: hello, class, my, name, is, Miss, good, morning, good morning, afternoon, good afternoon, goodbye 2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings. Ⅳ.Teaching aims: 1. Function: Greetings in students’ daily life. 2. Listening: Students can understand others’ greetings by listening. 3. Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and greet with others. 4. Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of greetings. 5. Writing: Students can write greeting words in their daily life. Ⅴ.Character building: Motivate students’ interest in learning English. Make friends with all students. Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1: Greeting with the students. Step 2: Introduce myself and ask students to introduce themselves to the class. Step 3: Sing a song: Good morning. Part II: V ocabulary study: Step 1: Play the recording and have them point out the words and phrases.


人教版(新目标)初中七上Unit 1 My name's Gina教案 Period One Teaching aims(教学目标) 1.学会问候她人 2.学会如何做自我介绍, 认识新朋友,并正确称呼她们的英文名字 3.从对话中学会获取更多她人的基本信息 5.初步学会使用部分形容词性物主代词 Language points(语言点) 1.要求掌握以下句式: (1)—What’s your name? —My name is… (2)—Hi、My name’s Gina、 —I’m Jenny、Nice to meet you! --- Nice to meet you, too、 (3)what’s =what is I’m =I am name’s =name is 2.要求掌握以下词汇:(1)生词:name, am, nice, meet, what, hello (2)人称代词与形容词性物主代词:I, you, my, your, his, her (上述数词与部分形容词性物主代词本应在第二与第三课时中出现,但可以在第一课时中非正式出现,给学生初步的印象,为后面的学习作铺垫。) Difficulties(难点):本课难点就是大量的人名与形容词性物主代词,而学生在描述时容易混淆男名与女名,在运用代词时容易错用人称代词与物主代词。 Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1、Warming-up and revision(课堂热身与复习) (1) Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together、 (2)Warm greetings to the students2 T: Hello! / Hi! S: Hello! / Hi! T: You are very beautiful/cool/… S: Thank you、 2、Presentation(呈现新知识) (1)T: Hello! My name is Lily、What’s your name? S: (引导学生回答) My name is Tom、 T: It’s a good / nice name、 I like your name、 教学设计说明 1.在课前放一段学生熟悉的英文歌曲,渲染学习气氛。在轻快的音乐中学习,使学生更乐学。

最新人教版七年级英语下册全英文教案(全册 全英文)

最新人教新目标七年级英语下册全英文教案(全册全英文) Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? ◆Step 1 Leading T:What do they do in the picture? S:They...(见课件) T:Can you/he sing/ swim/ dance...? S:I/He can... T:There are many clubs.What club do you want to join?(见课件) S:I want to join the music club.Because I can sing. ... ◆Step 2 Listening 1.Ask the students to read the conversations in 1b first.

2.Ask the students to listen and number the conversations [1-3] in 1b. 3.Check the answers.(见课件) 4.Ask the students to read the club names in 2a. 5.As k the students to listen to two conversations and circle the clubs they hear. 6.Ask one student to show the answers.(见课件) 7.Listen again and complete the sentences in 2b. 8.Ask three students to show their answers.(见课件) ◆Step 3 Make similar conversations 1.Look at 2b and talk ab out what the people can do and the clubs they want to join. 2.Show an example.(见课件) ◆Step 4 Role-play 1.Ask the students to read the conversation in 2d,try to find: What can Jane/ Bob do? What club do they want to join? 2.Ask the students to fill in the form.(见课件) What can...do? What club does...want to join? Bob Jane 3.Ask students to practice the conversation according to the for m. 4.Ask students to perform the conversation. ◆Step 5 Explain several important words and phrases.(见课件) ◆Step 6 Homework Make a survey about what your friends can do and what club your friends want to join. 板书设计 Section A(1a-2d) 重点单词短语重点句型


初中英语七年级上Unit1教学设计及教学反思 1教学目标; 知识与能力 采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing 的学习策略,使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型What's your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is…。”培养学生结交新朋友的能力。 过程与方法 采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件展开课堂Pair work; Group work的口语交际活动,询问他人姓名、查询电话号码,了解有关姓名的文化知识并制作个性名片。 情感态度价值观 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是结交新朋友,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解,使学生在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中熟识新伙伴,增进友谊。 2学情分析本单元的主题是熟识新伙伴,同时引导学生采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,学

习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解。 3教学过程 一、第一教学环节:情境导入 教师活动 学生活动 1.利用插图或实物卡片让学生找出在预备篇中所 学的单词,然后教师引导学习打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型“What’s your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is… 2.让学生听对话,练习对话并模仿对话,结识班级的其他同学。 1.找出在预备篇中所学的单词,学习打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型"---What's your /his /he name? My/His/Her name is…”. 2.练习对话并模仿对话,结识班级的其他同学。 一、第一教学环节:情境导入 教师活动 学生活动 1.播放2a 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生通过 听对话熟悉人名"Tony Tom Jenny Bob Bruce Jim",完成2a,2b 部分的教学任务。 2.引导学生重复他们所听到的,模仿对话结识班级的其他同学,完成2c 部分的教学任务(What’s your/his/her name ?My/His/Her name is…)。 3.概括语法点" What’s your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is….” 1.通过听对话熟悉人名"Ton 》Tom Jenny Bob Bruce Jim",完成2a, 2b 部分的教学任务。 2.听并模仿对话,结识班级的其他同学,完成2c 部分的教学任务(What’s your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is… .)。 3.了解语法点 三、第三教学环节:姓名与文化 教师活动 学生活动


新修订初中阶段原创精品配套教材 unit1 教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改 unit1 教师:风老师 风顺第二中学 编订:FoonShion教育

unit1 Unit 1 My name’s Gina! 单元教学重难点一览 重点 难点 1.复习词汇clock ball bag cap key book ruler hello hi name nice meet 2.词汇your/her/his First/Last zero one two three four five six seven eight nine phone number family 3.句型What’s your/his/her name?---My/His/Her name is… . What’s your/her/his phone number?---It’s 5352375 语法焦点在于my/your/her/ his等物主代词 的用法。 单元学情分析 本单元的主题是熟识新伙伴,同时引导学生采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合

作学习的过程中,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解。 Section A 教学内容 Section A(教材P1~3) 教学目标 知识与能力 采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型What's your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is…。”培养学生结交新朋友的能力。 过程与方法 采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件展开课堂Pair work; Group work的口语交际活动,询问他人姓名、查询电话号码,了解有关姓名的文化知识并制作个性名片。 情感态度价值观 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是结交新朋友,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解,使学生在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中熟识新伙伴,增进友谊。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重点 使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句


Unit6Do you like bananas? 一、单词拼写 1.I like band mfor breakfast. (单词拼写) 【答案】bread; milk 【解析】句意:我喜欢早餐吃面包和牛奶。根据句意判断,两空格填写表示物品的名词。“面包”,英文单词bread,不可数名词。“牛奶”英文单词milk,不可数名词。 2.I like some salad and some _______(面包). (单词拼写) 【答案】bread 【解析】“面包”,英文单词bread,不可数名词,用原形。句意:我喜欢一些沙拉和一些面包。3.Do you like ______ (面包)? (单词拼写) 【答案】bread 【解析】“面包”英文单词bread,不可数名词。句意:你喜欢面包吗? 4.Mr. Smith(想要) some oranges for dinner. (单词拼写) 【答案】wants 【解析】想要,英文单词want。want+名词,表示“想要某物”。一般现在时中,主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词也要用单数形式,即wants。句意:Smith先生想要一些橘子当晚餐。 5.There are many _______ (星星) in the sky. (单词拼写) 【答案】stars 【解析】星星,英文单词star,可数名词。many,许多,后接可数名词复数形式。star的复数形式为stars。句意:天空中有许多星星。 6.I have three ________(问题) about sports. (单词拼写) 【答案】questions 【解析】问题,英文单词question,可数名词。three,三个,后接可数名词复数形式。question的复数形式为questions。句意:我有三个关于运动的问题。 7.I want to ask you some q. (单词拼写) 【答案】questions 【解析】句意:我想问你一些问题。问题,英文单词question,可数名词。some,一些,后面跟可数名词复数形式,即questions。 8.David asks Cindy some questions about her eating(习惯). (单词拼写) 【答案】habits 【解析】习惯、习性,英文单词habit,可数名词。习惯不止一个,因此用复数形式,即habits。句意:David问了Cindy一些关于她饮食习惯的问题。


冀教版七年级英语上册教案 冀教版《英语》七年级上册这本书,共有8个单元,每个单元包括6课。(介绍蓝色一页:We will learn)初中英语主要是关于语法知识的学习以及语言环境的掌握。(举例:congratulations祝贺,恭喜may带命令的语气/can的区别)每课由两部分组成,左面是内容丰富的课文,右面是形式多样的活动。课文有些课里还设计了一些小版块,如:Culture tip, Dig in, Learning tip,它们对课文所涉及的文化背景、语言知识、学习方法等给予拓展、说明或指点,可以帮助同学们理解课文和开阔视野!每单元有复习课,便于大家对单元知识进行复习、巩固、归纳和反思。在《英语》七年级上册,我们会学习到有关衣服、颜色、食物、家庭成员等一些话题。如何用英语表达简单的情感、到饭店就餐、礼貌问路、谈论季节和气候,并简单了解一些说英语国家的基本概况。 认识本册教材中的主要人物,他们会陪伴我们一起度过这初中的三年时光:(课本第一页有他们三个的照片) a girl: Jenny She is from Canada. Two boys: Danny is a dinosaur. He comes from Canada, too. Li Ming is a Chinese boy. (Write down your names in English in your note books.) Liu Dehua (中英文名字 Unit 1 (lessons 1~6)Schools and friends We will learn: ●Functions功能话题Greetings and saying goodbye表示问候和道别 Introductions介绍Giving thanks 表示感谢 ●Grammar 主要语法Verb “be” ( am, is, are) 系动词(am, is, are) Unit 1 (lessons 1 – 6) School and friends We will learn: 一、Functions(功能语句): 1. Greetings and Saying Goodbye(问候与道别): Greetings (问候): Hello! /Hi! 你好!(用于任何场合,与时间地点无关,也可用于打电话,回答时重复) Good morning/afternoon/evening! (用在相应的时间段,12点前,下午5点前和后) How are you? /How are you doing? /How is everything? (熟人见面问对方近来工作、健康状况 的寒暄语。答语:I’m fine/OK. /Very well/Fine/OK, thank you. /(just) So-so.马马虎虎/一般 How do you do! Nice/Pleased/Glad to meet/see you! (初次见面或好久未见,答语同上) Saying Goodbye (道别): Goodbye.正式告别用语。 Bye-bye/Bye/See you/So long/See you later/soon/tomorrow等用在熟人、亲友之间非正式场合 告别前的客套语:I think it’s time for us to leave now. /I must leave now. /I’m afraid I must be going now. /Well, I think I’d better be leaving now. 答语:All right. Bye! 2. Introductions (向别人介绍): 自我介绍(Introduce oneself): My name is…/I’m/come from…I like…I can… 介绍他人(Introduce others): 不论男士或女士一律用This is…不使用She is…或He is… This is后跟被介绍人的姓名或称呼。介绍稍远处的人时,用That is…,若同时介绍两个人多个人,用 these/those are…This is my teacher, Mr. LI. /That is Miss Wang. / These are my friends. 介绍内容可包括:名字name 年龄age 职业job 学校school 喜好like 能力can 最喜欢favourite colour 介绍的次序:把年轻的、地位较低的先介绍给年长的、地位较高的。男女之间应把男子先介绍给女子,除非男子是比较年长或有名望、有地位者。

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