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出处:World Development, 2006, 34(3): 541-556




Foreign direct investment and Technology Spillover: A Cross-industry Analysis of Thai Manufacturing Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a growth-enhancing factor in investment receiving (host) countries. FDI not only brings in capital but also introduces advanced technology that can enhance the technological capability of the host country firms, thereby generating long-term and sustainable economic growth. More importantly, the technological benefit is not limited to locally affiliated firms but can also spread to non-affiliated ones. The latter benefit is usually referred to as technology spillover.

The expectation of gaining from technology spillover persuades many developing countries to offer various incentives in order to attract FDI. However the results of empirical research to test the validity of technology spillover are far from conclusive. Positive technology spillover from FDI has only been found in some countries.1 Overall, the findings seem to suggest technology spillover is not automatic, but depends on both country specific factors and policy environment.

Foreign Presence in Thai Manufacturing

Thirdly, foreign plants are likely to be located in a highly protected industry. The average ERP2 of industries whose output shares of foreign plants are greater than 50% is 15.3%. The exception in these industries would be electrical machinery which is presumably dominated by labor-intensive assembled electronics and electrical appliances. On the other hand, regarding the industries where the share of foreign plants is less than 50%, average ERP tends to be lower at around 10.8%. In addition, the output share of foreign plants is likely to be associated with the degree of market concentration.

Involvement of foreign plants in the manufacturing sector was predominately in

import substituting industries such as textiles, automobiles, and chemicals up to about the late 1970s (Akira, 1989). From then on, it was directed to more export-oriented activities. To begin with, export-oriented foreign firms entered light manufacturing industries such as clothing, footwear, and toys. More recently, labor-intensive assembly activities in electronics and electrical goods industries have been the main attraction for foreign investors (Kohpaiboon, 2005).

Such involvement has closely mirrored the shift in the trade policy regime. Thailand began its first national economic development plan in 1961 with an import substitution (IS) regime to promote industrialization. Tariffs were the major instrument used to influence the country’s development path. The role of tariffs to promote the domestic industry effectively began in 1974 with the imposition of an escalating tariff structure, where the tariff rate ascended from raw materials to finished products. These changes increasingly favored the production of finished products, particularly consumer products. In 1975, the range of the effective rate of protection (ERP) in the Thai manufacturing sector was between –36 to 350% (Akrasanee & Ajanant, 1986). In 1982, the variation widened from –25.2 to 1,693.4% (Chunanantathum et al.1984). Several industries, such as textiles, tyres, furniture, automobiles, and leather products, had an extremely high ERP. There was also a high degree of variation in ERP across industries. This tariff structure remained virtually unchanged until the late 1980s, even though in 1974 the government announced a change in development strategy to an export promotion (EP) regime.

Significant tariff reductions commenced in 1988, starting with electrical and electronic goods as well as with the inputs into these products. Comprehensive packages of tariff reform were implemented in 1995 and 1997. It involved tariff reduction and rationalization. Maximum tariffs were reduced from 100% in the early 1990s to 30%. By the end of the 1990s, the tariff bands were reduced from 39 to 6 tariff rates (0, 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30%). The two low rates (0 and 1%) were for raw materials and the two top rates (20 and 30%) for finished products with the two middle rates for intermediate goods. In addition, tariff restructuring has received renewed emphasis as an essential part of the overall economic reforms aimed at strengthening efficiency and competitiveness over the past two years. The Thai

government introduced another effort to lower tariff rates, commencing in June 2003 (implemented in October 2003), followed by a fouryear period of tariff reduction from 2004 to 2008. There are around 900 items involved in the second round of tariff reductions, covering a wide range of manufacturing products. The tariff reduction in this round is mainly on intermediate products, thereby maintaining the escalating tariff structure. The magnitude of tariff reduction is moderate, within the range of 0 to 8.9% (Athukorala et al. 2004).

As a result, average tariffs declined markedly from 30.2% in 1990 to 21.3% in 1995 and further to 11% in 2005. The dispersion of ERP also narrowed over the periods across industries. In 2003, the ERP range reduced to -27.1 to 142% (Athukorala et al. 2004).4 The changes in the tariff structure would have significantly improved the incentive to attract FDI to industries where Thailand has a comparative advantage in international production.

Analytical Framework

Technology spillover from FDI is said to take place when the presence of a foreign firm generates productivity or efficiency benefits for the host country’s local non-affiliated firms (Blomstr?m & Kokko,1998). As mentioned, technology spillover from FDI is not automatic but rather conditioned on the nature of the trade policy regime across industries. A theoretical framework for examining the effect of the trade policy regime on the gains from FDI in a given host country was first presented by Bhagwati (1973) as an extension to his theory of immiserizing growth. It was further developed by Bhagwati (1985, 1994); Brecher & Diaz-Alejandro (1977); and Brecher & Findlay (1983). A key hypothesis arising from this literature is that technology spillover tends to be smaller, or possibly even negative, under a restrictive, import substitution (IS) regime compared with a liberalizing, export promotion (EP) regime.

To illustrate how technology spillover takes place as well as how the trade policy regime across industries can alter the magnitude of these spillovers as suggested by Bhagwati (1973), we use the theoretical model developed by Wang & Blomstr?m (1992). In the model, there are two firms, namely an affiliate of a multinational

enterprise (MNE) and a local non-affiliated firm (henceforth referred to as the ‘foreign’ and ‘local’ firms, respectively), producing differentiated but substitutable products for the host country market. Technology spillover is an outcome of interaction of these two firms. On the one hand, the entry of a foreign firm is always associated with some amount of proprietary technology from the parent company so as to offset the potential disadvantage against the local firm possessing superior knowledge of the availability of factor inputs, business practices and/or consumer preferences in the host country. In addition, advanced technology would help the foreign firm to gain market share in the host country. However transferring technology from MNE’s headquarter to its af filiates are costly. The more the advance level of technology transferred, the larger the dollar costs associated with the transfer.Because of the presence of cost and benefit, the foreign firm has to decide the effort of undertaking technology transferred from its headquarter to maximize its net benefit. Such effort would depend on the local firm’s response to the presence of the foreign firm. In a situation where the local firm actively puts in the effort to learn the advanced technology associated with the foreign firm, the technology superiority of the latter will not last long. As the result, it will need to keep undertaking technology transfer activities in the following period in order to maintain the advantage or even to just survive in the host country environment. In contrast, a situation where the local firm is less responsive in attempting to learn the associated technology provides relatively less incentive for the foreign firm to continue to actively undertake technology transfers from its parent company.

On the other hand, the local firm can observe, learn, and adapt superior technology associated with the foreign firm to enhance its own technological capability. This is because the technology accompanied with the foreign firm has certain public good qualities, which cannot be fully internalized, thus the localization of the foreign firm could potentially generate positive externality in terms of technological benefit to the local firm. Since the market success of each firm depends on the level of technology it employs, this encourages the local firm to learn the associated superior technology. Nevertheless, the effort of learning and adapting the associated technology is associated with the dollar amount of cost so that the local

firm has to decide its effort to learn associated advanced technology. Similar to the foreign firm, the learning effort of the local firm also depends on the foreign firm behavior.

To incorporate the ‘Bhagwati hypothesis’, the model discussed above is modified by hypothesizing that the trade policy regime influences the cost effectiveness in the learning activities of the local firm. That is, every effort to enhance the technological capability of the local firm is more costly in any industry where the trade regime is more restrictive. This is because much of the FDI flowing to an industry with high trade restrictions often enters relatively capital- and skill-intensive products where output is mainly supplied for a highly protected domestic market. Although the production technology associated with FDI is typically older and less advanced than used in the MNE’s home country, it is often relatively capital-and skill-intensive compared to those employed by the local firm. In this environment, it is more difficult for the local firm to learn the advanced technology. Instead the highly protected domestic market might encourage the local firm to produce products not directly competitive with those being produced by the foreign affiliate and to enjoy economic rents induced by the regime. Kokko (1994) refers to this as a situation where the foreign affiliate in such an industry may operate in ‘enclaves’ in isolation from the local firm.

In contrast, in the context of a liberal trade regime, technology spillover from a foreign presence is likely to generate a more productivity enhancing effect. This is because the main incentives for FDI in a given host country are the relatively low labor costs and/or availability of raw materials. FDI inflows under an EP trade regime can be expected to employ technologies more in line with the host country’s comparative advantage. A higher level of policy neutrality creates a higher likelihood for MNEs to become involved with the host country’s production to serve their strategy for maintaining a competitive position in international markets. With this motivation, the associated advanced technology will be cutting edge and make use of existing resource endowments in the host country (Moran, 2001). Under these circumstances, it is easier for the demonstration effect of foreign involvement in the host country to operate. Global competition makes all economic agents actively seek

technological innovation to improve efficiency.


This paper examines technology spillover from FDI based on a cross-industry analysis of Thai manufacturing. The prime objective has been to test the ‘Bhagwati hypothesis’ that technology spillover is unlikely to take place in highly trade-restricted industries compared to more exportoriented ones. In order to allow for the simultaneity between sectoral productivity and the foreign presence, this study uses a system of two equations (productivity determinants and FDI determinants) to test the key hypothesis. The regression results fail to reject the ‘Bhagwati hypothesis’. There is also evidence that trade barriers as well as the size of the domestic market play an important role in determining inter-industry differences in FDI participation. These findings also support the Bhagwati hypothesis. In sum, the results suggest that liberalizing the foreign investment regime while retaining a restrictive trade policy is likely to induce the type of FDI inflows that is unlikely to introduce technology spillover.
























外商在华直接投资的影响因素及效益分析 第一章外商在华直接投资的现状及特点 伴随经济全球化的加速和国际分工的细化,新一轮产业结构调整在全球范围内展开,我国经济在经历了近20年的持续高增长之后也开始步入以增长方式转变和结构调整为主的转型时期。市场容量的扩大、需求的多层次性、工资差距的变动以及“消费断层”的存在促使在华外商直接投资无论在投资动机、投资方式还是在投资类型方面均呈现出新的特点。 1.1外商在华直接投资的现状 1.1.1投资规模不断扩大 从外商直接投资项目规模看,2002年我国批准外商直接投资项目34171项,是1983年的54倍、1990年的约5倍;其次,从外商直接投资的合同外资金额规模看,2002年外商对华直接投资的合同外资金额达827.68亿美元,分别是1983年和1990年的约43倍和13倍;最后,从外商对华实际投资规模看,2002年我国实际利用外商直接投资金额达527.43亿美元,是1983年的65倍、1990年的15倍。2008年,外商投资企业的工业产值和纳税分别已经占全国的30%和21%,占出口的比重高达55%,直接吸纳的就业人数达到4500万,在全球最大的500家跨国公司中,在中国投资的达到480家。截至2009年5月底,中国累计实际吸收外商直接投资约9000亿美元。外资经济已经成为中国经济的重要组成部分。 1.1.2增长速度持续稳定 改革开放20多年来,外商对华直接投资无论在批准项目数、合同外资额,还是在实际利用外资额上都保持着稳定的增长速度。1984-2002年全国批准外商

直接投资项目平均增长率为24.91%,其中,1984-1998年均增长率更高达59.4% 。合同外资额增长率总体上也保持着增长的态势,1984-2002年均增长率为21.47%。实际利用外资金额1999年出现下降外,其余年份均保持增长,1983-2002 年,我国实际利用外商直接投资年均增速高达33.5%。近几年来,中国的对外开放战略,也从过去以“引进来”为主要特征调整为“引进来”和“走出去”相结合。2007年,中国企业的非金融类对外投资额达到190亿美元,是2004年的3.4倍,2008年又增长到410亿美元。由此可见,外商对华直接投资额仍持续稳定并且保持着快速增长的状态。 1.2外商在华直接投资的特点 1.2.1外商投资产业结构进一步优化 外商在我国的投资过去主要集中于以轻纺为主的传统工业,近年来开始转向重工业方面投资,逐步投向石油化工、冶金、汽车和飞机等工业。另外,设备制造业、电气机械及器材制造业等高技术领域吸收外商投资持续大幅增长,外商投资设立研发中心和地区总部数量也迅速增加,钢铁、水泥、电解铝等行业新增外商投资也得到了有效遏制,使得外商在华投资的产业结构进一步优化。 最近几年外商在我国制造业中的投资发生了重要变化,我国制造业正在从加工组装基地向全球制造基地转变。随着跨国公司投资规模的扩大和投资水平的提高,中国在继续保持劳动密集型产业优势的同时,在高附加值产品和技术研发上的优势也开始形成。以往许多跨国公司不愿意向中国转移最先进的产品和技术,但这种状况最近几年发生了明显变化,大量日本企业正在将最先进的制造技术和产品转移到在华投资企业。例如东芝在华投资已由以往集中于家电、机电、能源领域转向信息技术及软件领域,并将在今后加大IT业方面的投资。阿尔卡特将其全球先进技术和产品向在华合资企业和中国市场全面开放,上海贝尔阿尔卡特有限公司将全面获得阿尔卡特开发的最新技术和产品。柯达公司已经将全球的Easyshare数码相机生产转移到上海。医药行业中的大型跨国公司,开始在中国生产其最新产品,将中国列入全世界其新药上市首批名单等等。 2


中国对外直接投资存在的现状及问题探析 [摘要]当前我国对外直接投资存在的主要问题是地区分布不尽合理,投资规模小,经济效益偏低;投资存在一定的盲目性,缺乏高效统一的宏观管理与协调机构;海外企业缺乏高素质的人才,经营管理水平不高;我国海外投资风险尚缺乏有效的防范制度和措施。 [关键词] 对外直接投资问题 一、我国对外直接投资的现状 1.对外直接投资存量与流量 从我国近几年来对外直接投资的发展情况可以看出, 虽然对外直接投资规模不断扩大, 但从总体规模上我国与部分发达国家或发展中国家还存在一定差距。根据商务部发布的数据,截至2003年底,中国累计对外直接投资净额332亿美元,相当于1990 年的13倍。2004年延续了对外直接投资的上升势头,中国2004年对外直接投资流量为36. 2亿美元,年末存量接近370亿美元。2008年,中国对外直接投资更是增速惊人。在5月举行的第四届东亚投资论坛上,中国商务部副部长陈健在论坛上透露,该年一季度,中国对外直接投资( FDI) 为193. 4 亿美元, 同比增长353%。 2.对外直接投资区域选择 从投资区域结构看, 近年来我国对外直接投资分布区域更为广泛, 2006年我国对外投资合作业务已经遍及世界约200个国家和地区,其中, 在亚洲的直接投资额占我国对外直接投资额的30%,在非洲的直接投资额占我国对外直接投资额的比例约为3%,在拉美国家的直接投资额占我国对外直接投资总额的60%,拉美已经取代亚洲成为我国对外投资的第一大目的地。可以说, 我国90%以上的对外直接投资投向了亚太地区, 相比之下, 欧洲其他地区所占份额极小。 3.对外直接投资主体与投资方式 近年来,随着中国加入世界贸易组织,国家逐渐放宽了对外投资政策,对外直接投资主体逐渐由国有企业主导向投资主体多元化方向发展。国有企业占整个投资主体的比重由2003年的43%降至2006年的26% ,而有限责任公司由2003年的22%上升至2006年的33% ,超过国有企业跃居对外投资主体首位,私营企业则位居对外投资主体的第三位。这表明有限责任公司和民营企业已逐渐发展成为我国对外投资的新生力量,投资主体结构进一步优化。另外, 跨国并购已成为我国对外投资的重要方式。 二、我国对外直接投资发展中遇到的主要问题 1.缺乏清晰的境外发展战略,投资存在一定的盲目性 发达国家的大型跨国公司往往都有一个显著的特点,就是具有完整的全球战略,以世界市场作为角逐的目标,对再生产周期的各个环节实行国际化安排。而我国企业对外直接投资尚处于初级阶段,还未制定对外直接投资总体发展战略。首先,我国有些企业从事对外投资不是生产经营发展到一定程度的结果,而是带有某种试探性、偶然性。其次,我国更多的企业进行对外直接投资的主要目的仍是扩大出口市场,增加出口创汇,而不是依据企业全球化发展战略的实施计划而进行投资的。这样企业海外发展的持续性和全体布局性就较差,也将导致企业在全球市场的长期竞争中缺乏后劲。 2.企业缺乏核心技术 核心技术与核心产品是企业在市场中取胜的主要因素。目前, 我国还处在技术引进阶段, 在关键技术上, 还难以与国外具有高新尖技术和成熟产品的企业抗衡。从总体上看,与发达国家相比,我国企业的技术优势不足。对许多引进的先进技术缺乏消化吸收, 创新能力不强, 特别是一些高端产品的核心技术仍然依靠进口, 甚至某些行业的产业结构、产品结构、技术结构不适应市场经济的要求, 根本没有竞争优势可言, 因而无力参与国际竞争, 甚至连国内的


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高等数学Advanced Mathematics 大学物理College Physics 线性代数Linear Algebra 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transforms 概率论与随机过程Probability and Random Process 物理实验Experiments of College Physics 数理方程Equations of Mathematical Physics 电子信息工程概论Introduction to Electronic and Information Engineering 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer Application 电路原理Principles of Circuit 模拟电子技术基础Fundamentals of Analog Electronics 数字电子技术基础Fundamentals of Digital Electronics C语言程序设计The C Programming Language 信息论基础Fundamentals of Information Theory 信号与线性系统Signals and Linear Systems 微机原理与接口技术Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology 马克思主义基本原理Fundamentals of Marxism 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 和“三个代表”重要思想 概论 Thoughts of Mao and Deng 中国近现代史纲要Modern Chinese History 思想道德修养与法律基 础 Moral Education & Law Basis 形势与政策Situation and Policy 英语College English 体育Physical Education 当代世界经济与政治Modern Global Economy and Politics 卫生健康教育Health Education 心理健康知识讲座Psychological Health Knowledge Lecture 公共艺术课程Public Arts 文献检索Literature Retrieval 军事理论Military Theory 普通话语音常识及训练Mandarin Knowledge and Training 大学生职业生涯策划 (就业指导) Career Planning (Guidance of Employment ) 专题学术讲座Optional Course Lecture 科技文献写作Sci-tech Document Writing 高频电子线路High-Frequency Electronic Circuits 通信原理Communications Theory 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 计算机网络Computer Networks 电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave


1998年的IEEE 国际会议上机器人及自动化 Leuven ,比利时1998年5月 一种实用的办法--带拖车移动机器人的反馈控制 F. Lamiraux and J.P. Laumond 拉斯,法国国家科学研究中心 法国图卢兹 {florent ,jpl}@laas.fr 摘要 本文提出了一种有效的方法来控制带拖车移动机器人。轨迹跟踪和路径跟踪这两个问题已经得到解决。接下来的问题是解决迭代轨迹跟踪。并且把扰动考虑到路径跟踪内。移动机器人Hilare的实验结果说明了我们方法的有效性。 1引言 过去的8年,人们对非完整系统的运动控制做了大量的工作。布洛基[2]提出了关于这种系统的一项具有挑战性的任务,配置的稳定性,证明它不能由一个简单的连续状态反馈。作为替代办法随时间变化的反馈[10,4,11,13,14,15,18]或间断反馈[3]也随之被提出。从[5]移动机器人的运动控制的一项调查可以看到。另一方面,非完整系统的轨迹跟踪不符合布洛基的条件,从而使其这一个任务更为轻松。许多著作也已经给出了移动机器人的特殊情况的这一问题[6,7,8,12,16]。 所有这些控制律都是工作在相同的假设下:系统的演变是完全已知和没有扰动使得系统偏离其轨迹。很少有文章在处理移动机器人的控制时考虑到扰动的运动学方程。但是[1]提出了一种有关稳定汽车的配置,有效的矢量控制扰动领域,并且建立在迭代轨迹跟踪的基础上。 存在的障碍使得达到规定路径的任务变得更加困难,因此在执行任务的任何动作之前都需要有一个路径规划。 在本文中,我们在迭代轨迹跟踪的基础上提出了一个健全的方案,使得带拖车的

机器人按照规定路径行走。该轨迹计算由规划的议案所描述[17],从而避免已经提交了输入的障碍物。在下面,我们将不会给出任何有关规划的发展,我们提及这个参考的细节。而且,我们认为,在某一特定轨迹的执行屈服于扰动。我们选择的这些扰动模型是非常简单,非常一般。它存在一些共同点[1]。 本文安排如下:第2节介绍我们的实验系统Hilare及其拖车:两个连接系统将被视为(图1)。第3节处理控制方案及分析的稳定性和鲁棒性。在第4节,我们介绍本实验结果。 图1带拖车的Hilare 2 系统描述 Hilare是一个有两个驱动轮的移动机器人。拖车是被挂在这个机器人上的,确定了两个不同的系统取决于连接设备:在系统A的拖车拴在机器人的车轮轴中心线上方(图1 ,顶端),而对系统B是栓在机器人的车轮轴中心线的后面(图1 ,底部)。A l= 0 。这个系统不过单从控制的角度来看,需要更对B来说是一种特殊情况,其中 r 多的复杂的计算。出于这个原因,我们分开处理挂接系统。两个马达能够控制机器人的线速度和角速度(v r,r ω)。除了这些速度之外,还由传感器测量,而机器人和拖车之间的角度?,由光学编码器给出。机器人的位置和方向(x r,y r,rθ)通过整合前的速度被计算。有了这些批注,控制系统B是:

房地产信息管理系统的设计与实现 外文翻译

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 译文: ASP ASP介绍 你是否对静态HTML网页感到厌倦呢?你是否想要创建动态网页呢?你是否想 要你的网页能够数据库存储呢?如果你回答:“是”,ASP可能会帮你解决。在2002年5月,微软预计世界上的ASP开发者将超过80万。你可能会有一个疑问什么是ASP。不用着急,等你读完这些,你讲会知道ASP是什么,ASP如何工作以及它能为我们做 什么。你准备好了吗?让我们一起去了解ASP。 什么是ASP? ASP为动态服务器网页。微软在1996年12月推出动态服务器网页,版本是3.0。微软公司的正式定义为:“动态服务器网页是一个开放的、编辑自由的应用环境,你可以将HTML、脚本、可重用的元件来创建动态的以及强大的网络基础业务方案。动态服务器网页服务器端脚本,IIS能够以支持Jscript和VBScript。”(2)。换句话说,ASP是微软技术开发的,能使您可以通过脚本如VBScript Jscript的帮助创建动态网站。微软的网站服务器都支持ASP技术并且是免费的。如果你有Window NT4.0服务器安装,你可以下载IIS(互联网信息服务器)3.0或4.0。如果你正在使用的Windows2000,IIS 5.0是它的一个免费的组件。如果你是Windows95/98,你可以下载(个人网络服务器(PWS),这是比IIS小的一个版本,可以从Windows95/98CD中安装,你也可以从微软的网站上免费下载这些产品。 好了,您已经学会了什么是ASP技术,接下来,您将学习ASP文件。它和HTML文 件相同吗?让我们开始研究它吧。 什么是ASP文件? 一个ASP文件和一个HTML文件非常相似,它包含文本,HTML标签以及脚本,这些都在服务器中,广泛用在ASP网页上的脚本语言有2种,分别是VBScript和Jscript,VBScript与Visual Basic非常相似,而Jscript是微软JavaScript的版本。尽管如此,VBScript是ASP默认的脚本语言。另外,这两种脚本语言,只要你安装了ActiveX脚本引擎,你可以使用任意一个,例如PerlScript。 HTML文件和ASP文件的不同点是ASP文件有“.Asp”扩展名。此外,HTML标签和ASP代码的脚本分隔符也不同。一个脚本分隔符,标志着一个单位的开始和结束。HTML标签以小于号(<)开始(>)结束,而ASP以<%开始,%>结束,两者之间是服务端脚本。


外商对华直接投资的效应风险述评 内容提要:外商对华直接投资对促进中国经济发展,提高国内企业业绩具有诸多正面效应和积极作用。但随着外资进程的加快,利用外商对华投资的风险问题也随即出现,亟待需要解决和深入研究。本文在问题提出的背景下,就近期相关中外资风险的问题进行文献综述和评价,进而提出规避风险的政策建议,以期我国经济建设的健康持续发展。 关键词:FDI风险政策建议 一、问题背景 我国改革开放,利用外资所取得的成绩令世人瞩目,但伴随引资战略进程的加快,我国在引进和利用外资中存在一些潜在风险,产生了一定的负面效应,许多问题亟待解决。首先,国内被外资垄断的一些行业,排挤了我国民族企业,威胁到我国的产业安全,加大了国内市场风险。其次,外贸依存度虚高,外企出口占总出口的50%以上,反映了出口对GDP增长的拉动作用很大程度上依赖外企实现,我国对外资的依赖性过高,影响到我国的国际收支安全,加大了国际市场风险。第三,外资的技术外溢效果从总体上看不太明显,我国出口中劳动密集型产品占绝对层次的现状并没改变,贸易环境持续恶化的趋势也没扭转,表明利用外资优化出口产品结构的目标未能达到预期效果。第四,外企的技术垄断和限制竞争行为增强了我国对外国技术的依赖性,影响了我国自主技术创新的能力和积极性,技术的相对落后使我国产业和企业的市场竞争力偏低,加大了国际和国内市场风险。第五,外资对总体就业的贡献率很低,与其在我国获取的利益不成比例,同时,外资的区域选择偏好也加剧了我国地区经济差异和个人收入差异。 尽管目前有许多国内外学者对此方面问题进行了有效的理论探讨,但绝大多数国内专家在从总体上论述了外资的正面效应后,只是略带论述了外资的负面效应,还不够深入;或从单个方面探讨外资的负面影响,如国内学者在技术外溢和技术安全方面,运用了大量的计量与实证的分析方法,但分析结果大相径庭,对统计计量标准与方法也存在较大的分歧。作为国外学者则是针对发展中国家整体进行分析,或以中国为例进行局部分析,直接对我国具体情况进行深入客观分析的较少,并且国外专家分析也难免会从自身的角度和立足点出发来看待中国问题,不一定完全符合我国国情。虽然外资对我国经济的负面影响及对策有专门阐述,但缺乏理论系统分析,因此本文研究具有重要的理论意义。我国全面履行人世义务的过渡期即将过去。这意味着中国融入经济全球化进程将加快,外资会以更快的速度进入我国,国际投资的自由化趋势难以逆转。在积极参与了与其他国家(尤其是周边国家)的区域经济一体化和多边投资自由化活动中,全球化和区域经济一体化并存的现象使我国的政策出现了两难


外文资料 所译外文资料: 1. 作者G..Bouwhuis, J.Braat, A.Huijser 2. 书名:Principles of Optical Disk Systems 3. 出版时间:1991年9月 4. 所译章节:Session 2/Chapter9, Session 2/Chapter 11 原文: Microprocessor One of the key inventions in the history of electronics, and in fact one of the most important inventions ever period, was the transistor. As time progressed after the inven ti on of LSI in tegrated circuits, the tech no logy improved and chips became smaller, faster and cheaper. The functions performed by a processor were impleme nted using several differe nt logic chips. In tel was the first compa ny to in corporate all of these logic comp onents into a si ngle chip, this was the first microprocessor. A microprocessor is a complete computati on engine that is fabricated on a sin gle chip. A microprocessor executes a collecti on of machi ne in struct ions that tell the processor what to do. Based on the in struct ions, a microprocessor does three basic things: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/812943667.html,ing the ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), a microprocessor can perform mathematical operatio ns like additi on, subtract ion, multiplicatio n and divisi on; 2.A microprocessor can move data from one memory location to another; 3.A microprocessor can make decisi ons and jump to a new set of in struct ions based on those decisi ons. There may be very sophisticated things that a microprocessor does, but those are its three basic activities. Microprocessor has an address bus that sends an address to memory, a data bus that can send data to memory or receive data from memory, an RD(read) and WR(write) line that lets a clock pulse sequenee the processor and a reset li ne that resets the program coun ter to zero(or whatever) and restarts executi on. And let ' s assume that both the address and data buses are 8 bits wide here. Here are the comp onents of this simple microprocessor: 1. Registers A, B and C are simply latches made out of flip-flops. 2. The address latch is just like registers A, B and C. 3. The program coun ter is a latch with the extra ability to in creme nt by 1 whe n told to do so, and also to reset to zero whe n told to do so. 4. The ALU could be as simple as an 8-bit adder, or it might be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide 8- bit values. Let ' s assume the latter here. 5. The test register is a special latch that can hold values from comparisons performed in the ALU. An ALU can normally compare two numbers send determine if they are equal, if one is greater


译文 流体传动及控制技术已经成为工业自动化的重要技术,是机电一体化技术的核心组成之一。而电液比例控制是该门技术中最具生命力的一个分支。比例元件对介质清洁度要求不高,价廉,所提供的静、动态响应能够满足大部分工业领域的使用要求,在某些方面已经毫不逊色于伺服阀。比例控制技术具有广阔的工业应用前景。但目前在实际工程应用中使用电液比例阀构建闭环控制系统的还不多,其设计理论不够完善,有待进一步的探索,因此,对这种比例闭环控制系统的研究有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本论文以铜电解自动生产线中的主要设备——铣耳机作为研究对象,在分析铣耳机组各构成部件的基础上,首先重点分析了铣耳机的关键零件——铣刀的几何参数、结构及切削性能,并进行了实验。用电液比例方向节流阀、减压阀、直流直线测速传感器等元件设计了电液比例闭环速度控制系统,对铣耳机纵向进给装置的速度进行控制。论文对多个液压阀的复合作用作了理论上的深入分析,着重建立了带压差补偿型的电液比例闭环速度控制系统的数学模型,利用计算机工程软件,研究分析了系统及各个组成环节的静、动态性能,设计了合理的校正器,使设计系统性能更好地满足实际生产需要 水池拖车是做船舶性能试验的基本设备,其作用是拖曳船模或其他模型在试验水池中作匀速运动,以测量速度稳定后的船舶性能相关参数,达到预报和验证船型设计优劣的目的。由于拖车稳速精度直接影响到模型运动速度和试验结果的精度,因而必须配有高精度和抗扰性能良好的车速控制系统,以保证拖车运动的稳速精度。本文完成了对试验水池拖车全数字直流调速控制系统的设计和实现。本文对试验水池拖车工作原理进行了详细的介绍和分析,结合该控制系统性能指标要求,确定采用四台直流电机作为四台车轮的驱动电机。设计了电流环、转速环双闭环的直流调速控制方案,并且采用转矩主从控制模式有效的解决了拖车上四台直流驱动电机理论上的速度同步和负载平衡等问题。由于拖车要经常在轨道上做反复运动,拖动系统必须要采用可逆调速系统,论文中重点研究了逻辑无环流可逆调速系统。大型直流电机调速系统一般采用晶闸管整流技术来实现,本文给出了晶闸管整流装置和直流电机的数学模型,根据此模型分别完成了电流坏和转速环的设计和分析验证。针对该系统中的非线性、时变性和外界扰动等因素,本文将模糊控制和PI控制相结合,设计了模糊自整定PI控制器,并给出了模糊控制的查询表。本文在系统基本构成及工程实现中,介绍了西门子公司生产的SIMOREGDC Master 6RA70全数字直流调速装置,并设计了该调速装置的启动操作步骤及参数设置。完成了该系统的远程监控功能设计,大大方便和简化了对试验水池拖车的控制。对全数字直流调速控制系统进行了EMC设计,提高了系统的抗干扰能力。本文最后通过数字仿真得到了该系统在常规PI控制器和模糊自整定PI控制器下的控制效果,并给出了系统在现场调试运行时的试验结果波形。经过一段时间的试运行工作证明该系统工作良好,达到了预期的设计目的。 提升装置在工业中应用极为普遍,其动力机构多采用电液比例阀或电液伺服阀控制液压马达或液压缸,以阀控马达或阀控缸来实现上升、下降以及速度控制。电液比例控制和电液伺服控制投资成本较高,维护要求高,且提升过程中存在速度误差及抖动现象,影响了正常生产。为满足生产要求,提高生产效率,需要研究一种新的控制方法来解决这些不足。随着科学技术的飞速发展,计算机技术在液压领域中的应用促进了电液数字控制技术的产生和发展,也使液压元件的数字化成为液压技术发展的必然趋势。本文以铅电解残阳极洗涤生产线中的提升装置为研究



英文文献翻译 二〇年月日

科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that


改革开放以来外商在华直接投资 经济效用研究 The Economic Utility of FDI since the Reform and Opening-up in China April 2012

摘要 随着经济全球化速度的不断加快,国际直接投资日益频繁,投资流量、规模迅速扩大,对整个世界经济格局的变革产生了深刻影响。1978年改革开放至今,吸引外商在华直接投资数量逐年增加,引资额已连续多年位居发展中国家的首位。经过三十多年的发展,中国无疑已然成为世界经济活动中不可或缺的重要一员.改革开放以来的中国在利用外商直接投资方面不断取得突破,外商在华直接投资从无到有,规模从小到大,已然形成多层次、宽领域、全方位的开放发展新格局,对中国经济发展产生了重大而深远的影响。本文将站在历史沿革角度,运用历史眼光正确看待外商直接投资的历史、现在及未来,对改革开放30年的外商在华直接投资发展历程的重点进行梳理。通过历史比较,对改革开放以来外商在华直接投资在我国经济高速发展期的作用得出综合评述,本文力求在每一章节做到条理分明,层次清晰。 本论文拟分五部分展开论述: 第一部分:前言。主要包括以下内容:介绍选题的背景和研究意义;国内外学界有关外商直接投资经济效用研究方面的成果和文献综述;课题结构安排和研究方法;研究创新点及不足之处。 第二部分:改革开放以来中国吸引外商直接投资发展历程及特征。包括基于历史角度,回顾外商在华直接投资的五个阶段发展历程;在华直接投资来源地、投资方式、产业布局、区域分布四个方面的特征分析。 第三部分:外商在华直接投资对经济发展促进作用分析。首先从宏观角度分析改革开放以来外商在华直接投资经济效用,然后选取外商在华直接投资与中国技术进步、产业发展、市场化改革等问题进行具体分析。 第四部分:中国利用外商直接投资过程中出现的问题。分析在改革开放三十多年的进程中利用外商直接投资产生的结构风险,如外资进入与国家经济安全、不均衡分布扩大经济水平差距、产业结构失衡影响工业结构效益;日趋受到普遍关注的环境污染与破坏问题。 第五部分:外商在华直接投资政策建议。分为三个具体部分进行评述。首先强调用国家发展战略眼光引导。其次政府立法规范在华外企的经营行为。最后提出寻求创新发展之路的方向。 关键词:改革开放;直接投资;历程;经济效用


评价外商直接投资对中国经济发展的作用 内容摘要:近年来,在世界范围上,中国被广泛地认为是引入外商直接投资促进经济发展最为成功的国家之一。主流文献应用新古典经济学分析框架得出结论,认为外商直接投资透过资本形成、出口扩张、技术转移和推动经济结构和制度转变促进了中国经济发展。本文则从涵盖结构主义、激进政治经济学、新古典经济学等学派有关外商直接投资和后进发展研究的一个多方位视角,来评价外商直接投资对中国经济发展的作用。通过比较分析得出,外商直接投资一方面确实促进了资源配置效率,有利于中国的经济发展,另一方面却妨碍了生产性效率的提升、对中国经济发展造成了消极影响,综合而言,总的效应却应该是偏向于负面的。 关键词:外商直接投资,相对生产率,比较优势,经济发展 一、现有文献概述与批评 现有的研究文献绝大多数遵循主流新古典经济学的分析框架——在不同程度上,它们接受这样的假定,认为外商直接投资的经济意义,是代表了接受体的资金和技术资源的一种“净增加”。这种分析主要有两种方法。第一种方法,将外商直接投资与经济总量的主要指标的比率简单标示出来,然后“读出”外商直接投资对中国经济发展的贡献。由此得出判断,按照国际标准,中国的外商直接投资与中国的国内生产总值之比、和外商直接投资与固定资本形成之比,在1980年代相对较小,进入1990年代以后就开始大幅度上升。这些研究同时发现,在日益扩张的中国外贸出口中,外资所占份额也在急剧上升。这两项指标,对于迅猛发展的沿海地区省市表现得尤为显着(Chen et al. 1995; Kaiser et al. 1996; Lardy 1995; Whalley and Xin 20XX; Zhang and Song 20XX)。 第二种方法,可以说是第一种方法的补充,主要专注于外商直接投资与经济发展各项指标之间关系的回归分析。这种分析意在检测外商直接投资对可观测的指标,如GDP增长等的间接影响,这种影响在在第一种分析中不能够显示出来。另外也试图想得出外商直接投资对那些不可观测的指标,如全要素生产率等的影响。这些分析发现对于各种不同的回归模型结果各异,但总体结论是,相关性都表现为正,而且在统计上显着。其中最乐观的发现是,在1990年代,外商直接投资促进中国经济的全要素生产率平均年增长达%,加上外商直接投资通过资本形成使GDP增长个百分点,那么外商直接投资对中国经济增长的总贡献在1990年代年平


外商直接投资的基本形式 我国吸收外商投资,一般分为直接投资方式和其他投资方式。采用最多的直接投资方式是中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外商独资经营企业和合作开发。其他投资方式包括补偿贸易、加工装配等。 中外合资 中外合资经营企业亦称股权式合营企业。它是外国公司、企业和其他经济组织或个人同中国的公司、企业或其他经济组织在中国境内共同投资举办的企业。其特点是合营各方共同投资、共同经营、按各自的出资比例共担风险、共负盈亏。各方出资折算成一定的出资比例,外国合营者的出资比例一般不低于25%。 中外合资经营企业是中国利用外商直接投资各种方式最早兴办和数量最多的一种。在吸收外资中占有相当比重。 中外合作 中外合作经营企业亦称契约式合营企业。它是由外国公司、企业和其他经济组织或个人同中国的公司、企业或其他经济组织在中国境内共同投资或提供合作条件举办的企业。各方的权利和义务,在各方签订的合同中确定。举办中外合作经营企业一般由外国合作者提供全部或大部分资金,中方提供土地、厂房、可利用的设备、设施,有的也提供一定量的资金。 外商独资 外商独资企业指外国的公司、企业、其他经济组织或者个人,依照中国法律在中国境内设立的全部资本由外国投资者投资的企业。根据外资企业法的规定,设立外资企业必须有利于我国国民经济的发展,并应至少符合下列一项条件,即采用国际先进技术和设备的;产品全部或者大部分出口的。外资企业的组织形式一般为有限责任公司。 合作开发 合作开发是海上和陆上石油合作勘探开发的简称。它是国际上在自然资源领域广泛使用的一种经济合作方式,其最大的特点虽高风险、高投入、高收益。合作开发一般分为三个阶段,即勘探、开发和生产阶段。合作开发比较以上三种方式,所占比重很小。


基于模糊控制的matlab simulink仿真 摘要:为提高工业上所需温度的控制精度,在本文中详细介绍如何设计模糊控制器,以及如何在在MA TLAB中建立模型,并使用模糊工具箱和SIMULINK在Matlab中实现参数的计算机模拟控制系统。在该系统中,通过采用模糊控制算法对温度实现了很好的控制,并且该系统正处于实际工业电阻炉温度控制的应用和试行阶段,也达到了满意的控制效果。实践表明,模糊控制方法提高了控制的实时性,稳定性和精确度,并且实现了操作过程的简化,对于工程实际应用具有较强的借鉴意义。 关键词:模糊控制,SIMULINK,MATLAB,仿真 1介绍系统 MATLAB / Simulink是一种世界通用的科学计算和仿真的语言, Simulink则是一个以系统级仿真环境为基础的系统框图和程序框图,这个环境提供了很多的专业模块库:如CDMA参考仿真、数字信号处理器(DSP)模块库等。它是一个动态的系统建模,仿真和仿真结果具有以下特点: (1)调用代理模块框图是连接到系统的工程,使建模和仿真系统的框图,更全面,研究信息系统具有高的开放性。 (2)使用户可以自由修改模块的参数,并可以无限的使用所有的MATLAB分析工具,因此MATLAB具有高互动性。 (3)仿真结果可以几乎跟在实验室里显示的图形或数据是一样的。 模糊逻辑控制、自动化的发展和它们未来的发展策略,是一种智能控制系统,已经受到了极大的关注。它使用语言规则和模糊集进行模糊推理。为了解决复杂的系统,包括非线性、不确定性和精确的数学模型难以建立的问题,就可以采用模糊控制技术,目前,此技术被广泛使用。温度控制通常采用传统的PID控制算法,但是控制效果较不明显的。当情况的变化时将改变系统参数,PID参数也需要及时调整,否则会产生更糟糕的动态特性,使控制精度下降。当温度偏差太大时,容易导致积分饱和的现象,导致控制时间太久和其他的问题。在同一时间,模糊工具箱和SIMULINK在用MATLAB来实现参数控制系统的计算机仿真技术,能提高效率和系统设计的精度。 整个系统以AT89S51单片机为核心、以温度数据采集电路,过零检测和触发电路、键盘和显示电路、记忆电路(CF卡)、声光报警电路、复位电路等组成硬件部分,还有相应的控制软件等构成了完整电阻炉温度控制系统,其系统框图如图1-1所示。


Introduction to database information management system The database is stored together a collection of the relevant data, the data is structured, non-harmful or unnecessary redundancy, and for a variety of application services, data storage independent of the use of its procedures; insert new data on the database , revised, and the original data can be retrieved by a common and can be controlled manner. When a system in the structure of a number of entirely separate from the database, the system includes a "database collection." Database management system (database management system) is a manipulation and large-scale database management software is being used to set up, use and maintenance of the database, or dbms. Its unified database management and control so as to ensure database security and integrity. Dbms users access data in the database, the database administrator through dbms database maintenance work. It provides a variety of functions, allows multiple applications and users use different methods at the same time or different time to build, modify, and asked whether the database. It allows users to easily manipulate data definition and maintenance of data security and integrity, as well as the multi-user concurrency control and the restoration of the database. Using the database can bring many benefits: such as reducing data redundancy, thus saving the data storage space; to achieve full sharing of data resources, and so on. In addition, the database technology also provides users with a very simple means to enable users to easily use the preparation of the database applications. Especially in recent years introduced micro-computer relational database management system dBASELL, intuitive operation, the use of flexible, convenient programming environment to extensive (generally 16 machine, such as IBM / PC / XT, China Great Wall 0520, and other species can run software), data-processing capacity strong. Database in our country are being more and more widely used, will be a powerful tool of economic management. The database is through the database management system (DBMS-DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) software for data storage, management and use of dBASELL is a database management system software. Information management system is the use of data acquisition and transmission technology, computer network technology, database construction, multimedia

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