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一、Part I Writing

1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled It Pays to Be Honest by commenting on the saying, "Honesty is the best policy." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.

Section A

(A)They often take risks.

(B)They're too conservative.

(C)They have no sense of security.

(D)They have no self-discipline.

(A)Financial security matters a lot to them.

(B)They chase every mark of the stock market.

(C)They're not so concerned with money.

(D)They make decisions based on short-term matters.





(A)They're willing to take risks.

(B)They have long-term financial plans. (C)They seldom go on instinct.

(D)They buy few stocks.

(A)The goals of the employees.

(B)The objectives of the organization. (C)The structure of the organization.

(D)The personal prospect of the leader. (A)The rewards for the leader.

(B)The reputation of a leader.

(C)The approach to achieving goals.

(D)The payment of employees.

(A)Find something you are passionate about. (B)Learn how to run a business.

(C)Make a business out of something. (D)Learn how to manage and lead people. (A)Avoid the difficult part in the job.

(B)Ask the company for help.

(C)Learn hard by working extra hours. (D)Find a more experienced counselor.

Section B





(A)The day before presentation.

(B)Before you're given the assignment. (C)Right after accepting the assignment. (D)When you're already on the stage.

(A)It catches every audience's attention. (B)It makes the audience daydreamers.

(C)It determines listeners' understanding level. (D)It helps the speakers to organize ideas. (A)It happened in the night.

(B)There was no survivor.

(C)A lorry collided with a coach.

(D)The collision was caused by fog.

(A)Workers' long working hours.

(B)Workers' poor working conditions.

(C)The low rate of inflation.

(D)The high level of unemployment.

(A)It ended soon when the bus drivers' demand was satisfied. (B)It would continue despite offer for wage increase.

(C)It wouldn't end until next Monday.

(D)It failed for both sides couldn't reach an agreement.

(A)It burned out 6 towns.

(B)4 people lost their lives so far.

(C)24 people were injured.

(D)About 300,000 houses were burnt down.

Section C

(A)The Internet that brings buyers and sellers together.

(B)The founders with a successful business background. (C)The sound management that helps making money.

(D)The enormous financial power derived from production. (A)She likes all the senior staff in the company very much. (B)She has recently bought an experienced management team. (C)She had already been successful before founding eBay.

(D)She was the first CEO to emphasize profitability in eBay.

(A)Because the online marketplace that it provides sells goods quickly. (B)Because they have sales assistants to deal with the capital effectively. (C)Because their capital is not used in buildings, factories, and warehouses. (D)Because they produce, sell and ship things in an extremely efficient way. (A)They are too late to occupy some of the important markets.

(B)The sellers have stolen goods and sold them through eBay.

(C)The buyers have often put in false bids to increase the price.

(D)They encounter the bottleneck after 11 years of development.

(A)It is unaccepted by so many students.

(B)It is taken directly from students' salary.

(C)It becomes low when the loan is received.

(D)It begins right after the loan is received.

(A)Because many jobs require both the degree and work experience.

(B)Because the British companies emphasize more on work experience. (C)Because now graduates are always not willing to start at the bottom. (D)Because a university degree nowadays is no longer worth the tuition. (A)1.96 million.

(B)19.6 million.

(C)1.97 million.

(D)19.7 million.

(A)Feeling is expressed by using "I feel as if..."

(B)Feeling is expressed by using "I feel it."

(C)Thought is expressed by using "I feel like..."

(D)Thought is expressed by using "I feel + adj."

(A)Showing other people how much we care about them.

(B)Respecting the feelings and emotions of other people.

(C)Understanding and analyze our emotions thoroughly.

(D)Practising getting a positive value from our emotions.

(A)Ask them why they ignore your feelings.

(B)Listen to them in a non-judgmental way.

(C)Criticize, advise, control or lecture them.

(D)Try not to spend too much time with them.

Section A

26 After Susan Joyce was laid off, she was horrified to hear of two suicides in her layoff group. Such cases may sound【C1】______, but being fired or laid off is undeniably one of life's biggest blows and can lead to clinical depression, violence and alcohol【C2】______, and so forth. Even the fear of losing a job produces more doctor visits and health worries.

Layoffs create a sense of hopelessness. Stress-related complaints such as insomnia(失眠)and headaches tend to follow,【C3】______even after victims find new jobs, says University of Michigan psychologist Richard Price.

Your health can【C4】______simply from fear of losing your job, says Sarah Burgard, a sociologist at the University of Michigan. After【C5】______data from two large national surveys, she concluded that【C6】______job insecurity over a two-year period rivals the anxiety of a job loss or a major illness. Fears of poor job【C7】______may have similar consequences. When Swedish researchers asked 21-year-olds about their health during a recession, they reported more problems than a comparison group during a 【C8】______.

If your stomach starts churning(翻腾)when you hear bad economic news, Susan Joyce, who now runs a job-hunting Website, has some tips. Start a discreet search as soon as you see danger signs in your current position. Prepare【C9】______by cutting costs and building up disaster funds. Get help if you or a loved one can't shake the blues. Watch for signs of depression: changes in eating and sleeping habits, significant changes in weight, loss of interest in some pleasures. And, if possible, make health insurance a priority, as you may be more【C10】______to illness.

A)deteriorate E)extreme I)abuse M)suffer

B)analyzing F)lingering J)chronic N)vulnerable

C)prospects G)occupations K)financially O)vanishing

D)occasionally H)boom L)genuine

27 【C1】

28 【C2】

29 【C3】

30 【C4】

31 【C5】

32 【C6】

33 【C7】

34 【C8】

35 【C9】

36 【C10】

Section B

36 How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

[A]About half of all American adults say they are at least somewhat likely to make a New Year's resolution this year. Their top vows: to lose weight, quit smoking and exercise more. But consider this: if hard-core addicts can break bad habits—some by moderating, not just quitting—there's still hope for you. Whether your goal for this year is to get fit or tame your drinking, experts say there's a lot you can learn from people who have successfully moderated their habits to help keep you off the resolution merry-go-round.

1. Don't Kid Yourself

[B]"The most important thing is to be honest with yourself," says Howard Josepher, the president of Exponents Inc., an organization that provides support and educational services to people with substance-misuse issues. "You need to know the difference between enjoying yourself and self-medicating. It's not that self-medicating is necessarily bad—but you should give yourself parameters. If you are adhering to them, OK. If not, you need to check yourself."

[C]Successful moderators decide in advance how much is too much—and stick to their limit, no matter what. Have a cookie a day if that's what you've deemed acceptable. But if you cheat by having "just one more," know that you are only cheating yourself and worsening the problem, experts say. The point is to learn how to hold yourself accountable.

[D]For those who are concerned in particular about drinking, a free, research-based online tool called Drinker's Checkup can help you determine whether you are drinking at unhealthy levels, and what to do if you are.

2. Quit Cold Turkey—Temporarily

[E]"Theoretically, there are very good reasons to take a break from a behavior, totally," says Reid Hester, director of research at Behavior Therapy Associates, explaining that an initial period of complete abstinence(节制)can make it easier for people to moderate behavior by eliminating the habitual, automatic aspect of the unwanted activity.

[F]Take a cue from the self-help group Moderation Management(MM), which advises problem drinkers to abstain completely for a month before attempting moderate drinking. If you can't achieve a month of abstinence, the thinking goes, successful moderation is unlikely.

[G]The best way to stay on course is frequent self-monitoring: use as many behavior-modification tools, support groups and programs as you can. In October, Hester and colleagues published a randomized controlled trial in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment comparing heavy drinkers who used MM's website to help them quit with those who used the MM site plus another online tool that teaches behavior-control tactics and helps chart drinking. While both groups significantly reduced their drinking and alcohol-related problems, the group that used the additional tool had more days abstinent and drank less when they drank.

3. Do What the Buddhist Would Do

[H]Alan Marlatt, director of the Addictive Behaviors Research Center at the University

of Washington, studies "mindfulness-based relapse(重新染上)prevention," which uses meditation(冥想)and other ideas from Buddhist teachings to help people break bad habits.

[I]"Between stimulus and response, there's a space, and in that space is our power to choose our response, and in our response lies our growth and freedom," says Marlatt, quoting author and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl. Marlatt says, "Mindfulness gets you into that space."

[J]Being mindful may involve traditional meditation, in which you sit quietly and observe your thoughts and breathing without judgment. But here, it is also used to focus awareness on thoughts and feelings that lead to unwanted behavior. Simply recognizing the triggers to relapse can help you choose not to give into them. "When there's a fork in the road, strong desire is pulling you one way. Well, what's the other way? You have to look down the other road and see where it takes you. Then you have a choice, instead of being on autopilot," says Marlatt.

[K]One tactic he recommends for resisting those desires is called "urge-surfing." It involves being mindful of the fact that desire is like a wave—it rises to a peak, then falls. This happens whether you yield to the urge or not, though most people mistakenly think their desire will escalate endlessly unless they give in. In fact, yielding to desire only reinforces them—resisting, in contrast, reinforces resistance. Marlatt advises watching your urge, noting its peak and "surfing" it, rather than allowing it to wipe you out.

[L]Another trick is to recognize that willpower is like a muscle—it gets stronger with appropriate use but ultimately weakens if overloaded. That's why Hester recommends setting short-term goals that are "moderately difficult, realistic, concrete and measurable." As with weight-lifting, starting at a level that is challenging but not ovenvhelming can provide a sense of achievement and success—which can give you the drive to take on bigger challenges.

4. Don't Try to Scare Yourself Straight

[M]Research shows that in the long term, the pleasure of victory is a better incentive than the agony of defeat. "Punishment is a poor motivator," says Hester. "It sets people up for failure. If all you do is punishing yourself for failure, you won't stay motivated to change for very long."

[N]Instead, reward yourself for sticking to your limits and focus on the benefits of changing. For instance, if your goal is to drink less or lose weight, treat yourself to something you want—a new book or DVD, say—each time you successfully resist a tempting dessert or achieve a goal, like a month of abstinence. Success tends to give birth to greater success. If you do slip back into old patterns, avoid blame. "Don't say, 'I can't do it,' " says Marlatt. "People make mistakes. If you keep working at it, you will get better over time. That's what the research shows."

[N]For some people, trying to moderate bad habits is not achievable or takes more effort than abstaining altogether—as the philosopher St. Augustine put it, "Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation." Recognizing this by trying and failing can also be a critical step toward behavior change.

5. Get Better Friends

[O]Consciously and unconsciously, people tend to imitate those around them. That's why the latest research shows that things like happiness, smoking quitting and obesity can spread like an infectious disease through social networks. So surround yourself with friends who can also be role models. "Make sure that people you hang out with are people who look and act the way you would like to. Social imitation is the easiest form not only of flattery but of self-improvement," says Stanton Peele, author of Seven Tools to Beat Addiction.

[P]Social support is critical to changing all kinds of behavior. Good friends can not only help you through slip-ups but also help keep your New Year's resolutions from taking over your life. Rather than obsessing about what you shouldn't be doing, think about things you should, experts say. The distraction will help you curb bad habits. "Focus on your higher goals and positive activities, things that both sustain you and fill your life," says Peele. If you regularly engage in meaningful activities that give you pleasure—whether it's visiting friends, picking up a hobby, taking a class or doing volunteer work—you'll simply have less time to engage in the behavior that you want to reduce.

37 Using meditation can help people quit bad habits.

38 Willpower gets stronger if it is used appropriately.

39 Self-medicating is a bad thing unless you adhere to the parameters.

40 Mindfulness gets people into space between stimulus and response.

41 An online tool can help you determine whether you are drinking too much.

42 A self-help group advices alcohol addicts to try a complete abstinence before moderate drinking.

43 It is advisable for you to give yourself a little prize once you achieve a goal, like a month of abstinence.

44 Research shows that in the long term, it is the pleasure of victory that motivates you

to keep the resolution you have made.

45 As people tend to be affected by those around them, happiness as well as some bad habits can spread like an infectious disease.

46 It can be concluded from the randomized controlled trial that it's helpful to use as many behavior-modification tools as possible.

Section C

46 Widespread adoption of plug-in electric vehicles could dramatically cut greenhouse gas pollution and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. But results of an electric-car pilot project presented recently at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science provide added incentive to go electric: Car owners could return unused electricity back to the grid(输电网)and make real money while doing it.

Electric cars need big, powerful batteries to accelerate to highway speeds and travel scores or even several hundred kilometers on a single charge. But because most drivers drive just a few dozen kilometers a day, most of that battery capacity sits unused. To take advantage of that storage capacity, Willett Kempton, director of the University of Delaware's Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration in Lewes, teamed up with an electric car maker, several utilities, a software company, and PJM Interconnection, one of 10 regional organizations that coordinate and control the U.S. electrical grid.

To ensure that electricity flows steadily and without interruption, the U.S. government requires PJM Interconnection and its counterparts to have reserves of power in case a generator goes down and other electrical reserves to maintain the 60-Hz frequency of alternating current that our appliances and devices are accustomed to dealing with. Today, PJM Interconnection and its counterparts pay conventional power plants to maintain this reserve power. But as renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, which provide energy cleanly but intermittently, come online, these grid operators need to increase their storage capacity to ensure a steady electricity supply. So Kempton and his colleagues set out to provide some of the backup power from a fleet of parked electric cars.

Kempton's team used an electric car from AC Propulsions, a California car company, which was custom-built to provide electricity back to the grid. They used commercially available software and hardware that companies such as PJM Interconnection use to monitor and control energy flow. In November, the company hooked the grid up to the

car, and Kempton's team's electric car became the first car in the world to earn its keep as a backup electric power source. At the rates that PJM Interconnection pays today to maintain power reserves, a hooked-in electric car could generate $1,800 a year for its owner.

"I think it's tremendously exciting," says Kathryn Clay, director of research for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers. "The extra dollars an electric car provides will not be enough by themselves to get consumers to adopt grid-enabled vehicles—for that we also need better and less expensive batteries and tax incentives to give the market an encouragement" Nevertheless, "it's an incentive to push in the right direction."

47 What do most electric car owners do every day?

(A)They charge the battery to travel hundreds of kilometers.

(B)They charge the battery so as to reach highway speeds.

(C)They recharge before the battery storage is used up.

(D)They use only a minority of the battery storage.

48 In order to maintain the 60-Hz frequency of alternating current, PJM Interconnection must _____.

(A)have reserves of power

(B)have other electric reserves

(C)ensure the steady flow of electricity

(D)ensure the operation of generators

49 What is true about renewable energy sources such as wind and solar?

(A)They reduce the dependence on backup power.

(B)They increase the necessity for backup power.

(C)They are the main sources of backup power.

(D)They are regarded as the best back power.

50 In the research on the custom-built car, the commercially available software and hardware_____.

(A)enabled the car to control its energy flow

(B)enabled the grip operators to monitor the car's energy flow

(C)were provided by PJM Interconnection for Kempton's team

(D)were custom-designed for Kempton's team

51 Kathryn Clay thinks that money made by providing electricity back to the grip _____. (A)can cover the expenses on the car

(B)isn't as effective as other incentives

(C)isn't attractive enough for consumers

(D)may increase remarkably in the future

51 In the thrilling progressive years of the early 20th century, few things were more attractive than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, massive immigration, and chaotic urban growth, science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem. Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world. After World War II, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the survival of democracy and to resist tyranny(暴政).

Behind every statistic, there's a good story: facts and figures can add up to something greater than each of themselves.

In the America of our own time, the great educational challenge has become an effort to strengthen the teaching of what is now known as the STEM disciplines(science, technology, engineering, and math). There is considerable and justified concern that the

United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines.

At the same time, perhaps inevitably, the humanities have experienced a significant decline. Humanistic disciplines are seriously underfunded. Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members at most institutions and are often lightly regarded because they do not generate grant income and because they provide no obvious certificates for most nonacademic careers.

There is no doubt that American education should be training more scientists and engineers and should be teaching scientific literacy to everyone else. But the idea that institutions or their students must decide between humanities and science is false. Our society could not survive without scientific and technological knowledge. But we would be equally ruined without humanistic knowledge as well. Science and technology teach us what we can do. Humanistic thinking can help us understand what we should do.

The humanities are not simply vehicles of aesthetic reward and intellectual inspiration. Science and technology aspire to clean, clear answers to problems. The humanities address ambiguity, doubt, and skepticism—essential supports in a complex and diverse society and a turbulent world.

It is not surprising that many of our greatest scientists are also deeply committed to humanistic knowledge and values. Nor should it be surprising that many humanistic fields find scientific tools essential to their work Among academics, scientists and humanists not only coexist, but often work together. It is mostly in the politics of education that debates over the relative value of these different disciplines take place.

It is almost impossible to imagine our society without thinking of the extraordinary achievements of scientists and engineers in building our complicated world But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values. We have always needed, and we still need, both.

52 Which of the following problem was the biggest concern of the scholars after the two world wars?

(A)Economic depression.

(B)The loss of public confidence.

(C)The survival of democracy.

(D)Humanistic studies.

53 By mentioning the "good story" "behind every statistic", the author intends to

(A)value both science and humanities

(B)put facts and figures before statistic

(C)indicate the correct way of research

(D)illustrate his point by using statistic

54 What is the author's attitude towards the concern that the United States is falling behind in the STEM disciplines?

(A)He finds it groundless.

(B)He finds it sensible.

(C)He looks at it with doubt.

(D)He looks at it with caution.

55 What is regarded as "essential supports" in a complex and diverse society and a turbulent world?

(A)The combination of science and humanities.

(B)Solutions to ambiguity, doubt, and skepticism.

(C)Ambiguity, doubt, and skepticism.

(D)The humanistic knowledge and values.

56 In the last paragraph, "the remarkable works" are most probably done by

(A)scientists and engineers

(B)humanists and scientists



二、Part Ⅳ Translation

57 春运(Chunyun)是指中国春节前后一段时期里出现的一种高负荷交通运输,一般从春节前15天开始,持续约40天。对大多数中国人来说,在春节期间与家人团聚是一个悠久的传统。人们从工作、读书的地方回到家里,在除夕夜与家人一起吃团圆饭。春运期间的客流量(passenger now)在近10年来每年都已超过中国的总人口。春运被称为每年世界上最大的人类迁徙活动。在这期间,铁路运输往往经历最大的考验。


2020 年大学英语六级考试阅读冲刺模拟训练 (3) Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for “academic mobility ” is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, and debated in the corridors of Europe, but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the most stimulating teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold. Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues; one presumes that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited with a starling discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been reassuring to know that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect. In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become vast highways. The vehicle which has made this possible has of course been the aeroplane, making contact between scholars even in the most distant places immediately feasible, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.


南昌大学 2013~2014学年第一学期期中考试试卷 1. 内燃机气缸壁厚8mm δ=,热导率50/(.)w W m K λ=,燃气与气缸内表面的对流换热系数2600/(.)ci h w m K =,辐射传热系数230/(.)ri h w m K = ,汽缸壁外表面与冷却水的对流传热系数21800/(.)o h w m K =。设内燃机气缸壁可近似为平壁,试计算内燃机气缸壁传热的总热阻t R 。运行一段时间后,冷却水侧结了1mm 厚的水垢,水垢的热导率2/(.)f W m K λ=,试估算由于水垢引起的总热阻的相对变化。(15分) 答:(1)无水垢时: 11 ()10.0081 0.0023/(60030)150118001 W t i w o ci ri W o R R R R h h A A h A K W δλ=++=++ += ++=+??? (7分) (2)有水垢时: 11 ()10.0080.0011 0.0028/(60030)150******** f W t i w f o ci ri W f o R R R R R h h A A A h A K W δδλλ'=+++=+++ += +++=+???? (6分) (3)总热阻的相对增加:0.00280.0023 21.86%0.0023 t t t R R R '--==(2分) 2.由导热微分方程的一般形式如下: ()()()v t t t t c q x x y y z z ρλλλτ???????=+++??????? 简述上面方程中各项的物理意义。(2)将其简化成二维、非稳态、无内热源常物性的导热微分方程。(8分) 燃气 气缸内壁面 气缸外壁面 水垢外壁面 冷却水


( 工作总结 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 2020年秋季小学期中考试总结Summary of mid term examination in autumn 2020

2020年秋季小学期中考试总结 这个星期,我们学校准备了一次期中考试,我以为自己考得很好,可是,当昨天语文试卷发下来的时候,我完全惊呆了,卷面上写着鲜红的74分。这是我的试卷吗?不可能呀,我不可能只考了这么几分。我怎么会考得这么差?是我没有认真复习?我在心里一遍又一遍地问自己。我越想越难过,几乎都要哭出来了。 今天,在我去订正试卷的时候,语文老师对我说:“有两门课的成绩我不知道,但是,我知道的两门你都考得很差。”我听了,心里更加难过了。我心想:语文老师说我有两门课考得很差,一门是语文,成绩我已经知道了,但是,还有是哪一门课呀?是英语吗?不可能,我记得英语老师说过,老师还没有把试卷改好。是数学还是科学?就这样,一个中午就在一片忧虑中度过了。

下午第一节课就是科学课了,我很紧张,真害怕听到自己的成绩。老师进来了,老师每报一个人的名字,那个人就得站起来。轮到我的时候,我的心紧张到了极点,当老说:“考得还可以,九十五分不到。”我听了,顿时松了一口气,可马上又为自己的数学成绩开始担心了。从科学老师那里拿过试卷,我考了九十四分,我发现自己错了好多不应该错的地方,本来可以考九十五分以上的试卷,我却被白白地扣掉了六分,真不应该。 接下来就是数学课了,数学老师说:“我们班的班长考了九十九分,数学课代表考了九十八分,还有四位同学是九十分以上的,其它大部分同学都是在七十分到八十分中间。”数学老师这样一说,我心里就有底了,我已经知道我的大致分数。“李莉,87分。”这个分数比我猜测的要好一点,不过,还是没有达到我的最低要求,因为,里面有好多题目是我没看清题目还有计算错误而造成的。 三门课的成绩我已经知道了,我非常不满意,我希望我的英语成绩能好一点。 这次考试我考得非常不好,我在期末考试的时候,一定要好好


[外语类试卷]大学英语六级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷22 Section B 0 Graying Population Stays in the Pink A)Elderly people are growing healthier, happier and more independent, say American scientists. The results of a 14-year study to be announced later this month reveal that the diseases associated with old age are afflicting fewer and fewer people and when they do strike, it is much later in life. B)In the last 14 years, the National Long-term Health Care Survey has gathered data on the health and lifestyles of more than 20,000 men and women over 65. Researchers, now analysing the results of data gathered in 1994, say arthritis, high blood pressure and circulation problems—the major medical complaints in this age group are troubling a smaller proportion every year. And the data confirms that the rate at which these diseases are declining continues to accelerate. Other diseases of old age— dementia, stroke, arteriosclerosis and emphysema—are also troubling fewer and fewer people. C)"It really raises the question of what should he considered normal ageing", says Kenneth Manton, a demographer from Duke University in North Carolina. He says the problems doctors accepted as normal in a 65-year-old in 1982 are often not appearing until people are 70 or 75. D)Clearly, certain diseases are beating a retreat in the face of medical advances. But there may be other contributing factors. Improvements in childhood nutrition in the first quarter of the twentieth century, for example, gave today's elderly people a better start in life than their predecessors. E)On the downside, the data also reveals failures in public health that have caused surges in some illnesses. An increase in some cancers and bronchitis may reflect changing smoking habits and poorer air quality, say the researchers. "These may be subtle influences", says Manton, "but our subjects have been exposed to worse and worse pollution for over 60 years. It' s not surprising we see some effect". F)One interesting correlation Manton uncovered is that better-educated people are likely to live longer. For example, 65-year-old women with fewer than eight years of schooling are expected, on average, to live to 82. Those who continued their education live an extra seven years. Although some of this can be attributed to a higher income, Manton believes it is mainly because educated people seek more medical attention. G)The survey also assessed how independent people over 65 were, and again found a striking trend. Almost 80% of those in the 1994 survey could complete everyday activities ranging from eating and dressing unaided to complex tasks such as cooking and managing their finances.


年12月大学英语六级模拟题 Part I Writing (30 minutes ) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Learn to Be Grateful by commenting on the saying, “God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Being grateful to others is a way to show your love.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Learn to Be Grateful ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014


2013年小学期中考试 三年级语文试卷 题号一二三四总分 分数 一、拼音识字。(20分) 1、读拼音,写汉字组词。(8分) Yōu huàn wǔmìlín ( )伤()想威()神()()时chuīzhúguī ()烟()渐()矩 2、给带点的字选择正确的读音,用“√”表示。(6分) 清脆(chuì cuì)滋(zī zhī)味邻(lín líng)居脑(lǎo nǎo)袋名称(chēn chēng)责(zé zhé)任 3、比一比,再组词。(6分) 侧()购()寒() 测()构()赛() 拌()茫()等() 伴()芒()持() 二、积累运用。(32分) 1、照样子,写词语。(8分) 昼夜________ _________

蕴藏________ _________ 树冠________ _________ 堆城堡________ _________ 2、选词填空。(4分) ①班长()校长把下周国旗下讲话的机会交给我们班。(乞求请求) ②爸爸那()的话语我牢记在心。(坚决坚定) ③站在死海岸边,只见海水轻轻涌动,泛出一种()的光晕。(奇异奇特) ④我很后悔,()没问他的姓名、地址和电话。(竟然居然) 3、用心想一想,写一写。(4分) ①读完朱熹的“____________,____________。”让我的眼前仿佛出现了一幅绚丽迷人的春景图。 ②乐乐做事不够踏实,老师教育他说:“___________, __________,你一定要从小事做起,做好。” 4、照样子,写句子。(7分) ①天很黑,又有点雾,尽管有路灯,能见度仍然很差。 ______________,尽管____________,仍然___________。 ②植物的色彩多种多样,有褐色的,有紫色的,还有红色的。__________________多种多样,有________,有__________,还有__________。


大学英语六级阅读模拟试题及答案 第一篇 A scientific panel convened by the World Health Organization recommended guidelines on Friday for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients. The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year’s epidemic. Much of that information has not been published or analyzed. “It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review,” said Dr. Simon Mardel, a WHO official who led the two-day meeting that ended on Friday. He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. “We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways.” He said. In the epidemic earlier this year, various treatments, like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, were delivered under emergency conditions, in widely different settings and countries to patients suffering from varying stages of the illness. Those conditions—generally without standardized measurements or controlled situations—have made it hard to interpret results. Standard supportive therapy like nursing, and in severe cases the use of mechanical respirators(呼吸器)to help patients breathe, is the mainstay(主要支持)of SARS care, and helped many patients survive. But doctors still do not know how best to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties. Dr. Mardel said. One method is invasive ventilation. A second method involves blowing oxygen into the lungs through a mask. Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees. Without proper analysis, the panel was unable to say definitively which treatment worked best, or which caused the most harm. “There is a lack of shared information,” Dr. Mardel said, noting that a lot of data have not been published. The panel also agreed on guidelines that would allow doctors to conduct quick and safe clinical trials, a process that generally takes years to complete. The world Health Organization, a United Nations agency did not release the guidelines. Dr. Mardel said they were flexible because no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return. Experts in many countries have already listed the treatments they want to test, and the health agency is leaving these decisions to individual nations. 1. Guidelines recommended by the scientific panel can be used for _____. A. gathering potentially useful information about various therapies collected B. conducting clinical studies of SARS patients C. determining treatment for SARS D. publishing all the information about SARS


2016年12月英语六级听力模拟试题及答 案第二套 SectionA 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11.A)Take her to another hike. B)Go hiking again next week. C)Plananother rally for next week. D)Go to the rally when it takes place again. 12.A) He is looking for a better employment in New York.B1 He’slooking forward to working in New York. C)Hehopes to work in the same place. D1 Heexpects his company to move to New York.13.A)Seeing a doctor. B)Having the dinner. C)Givinga lecture. D)Studying in some place. 14.A)The man will be punished for his lateness.

B)ProfessorLee is always punctual. C)Thewoman thinks that the man is playing a joke on her. D)Thewoman suggests the man give a watch to Professor Lee. 15.A)Have a sound sleep right away. B)Try something less sweet. C)Visitthe College Board. D)See the campus.doctor. 16.A)They are a bargain worth buying. B)They are of poor quality. C)Theyare available everywhere. D)They are over priced. 17.A)He decided not to sell the piano. B)He found a place to store the piano. C)No onehas bought the piano. D)He'll post notices at local stores. 18.A)It is going to be sunny with breeze. B)It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind. C)It isgoing to be hot,humid and gloomy. D)It is going to be very cold. Conversation One 19.A)The one with the lowest price.


石泉县职业教育中心2013年上学期期末考试卷 适用年级: 13春机电班、电子班 科目:电工基础 考试范围: 第五、六章 命题人: 王春举 同科审核人: 教研组长: 一、填空题、作图题、计算题请在试卷上作答 二、 选择题答题卡 三、判断题答题卡 一、填空题(每空1分,共36分)。 (1)磁感线的方向:在磁体外部由 指向 ; 在磁体内部由 指向 。 (2)如果在磁场中每一点的磁感应强度大小 ,方向 ,这种磁场叫做匀强磁场。在匀强磁场中,磁感线是一组 。 (3)描述磁场的四个主要物理量是 、 、 和 它们的符号分别是 、 、 和 ;它们的国际单位分别是 、 、 和 。 (4)磁场间相互作用的规律是同名磁极相互 ,异名磁极相互 。 (5)载流导线与磁场平行时,导线所受磁场力为 ;载流导线与磁场垂直时,导线所受磁场力为 F= 。 (6)、左手定则的内容:伸开左手,使大拇指与其余四指垂直,并且都与手掌在一个平面内,让 垂直进入手心,并使四指指 向 ,这时手掌所在的平面与磁感线和导线所在的平面垂直, 大拇指所指的方向就是通电导线在磁场中 的方向。 (7)磁导率μ是用来表示媒介质 的物理量。任一媒介 质的磁导率与真空磁导率的比值叫做相对磁导率,即μr = (8)磁场强度的计算公式为 (9)磁感应强度B 是描述磁场 的物理量,磁感应强度B 的单位为 (10)磁场和电场一样,是一种______,具有_________和________的性质. (11)对于通电直导线,用右手握住导线,让伸直的大拇指指 向 ,那么弯曲的四指指向 的方向。 二 选择题(每题2分,共20分。将答案写在答题卡上。) 1. 判断通电导线或通电线圈产生磁场的方向用( ) A 右手定则 B 右手螺旋法则 C 左手定则 D 楞次定律 2. 下列与磁导率无关的物理量是( ) A 磁感应强度 B 磁通 C 磁场强度 D 磁阻 3 .如图1所示,直线电流与通电矩形圈同在纸面内,线框所受磁场力方向为( )


人教版小学语文一年级下册期中试卷 一、我会拼读,还会写。 shuō huàbàn fǎzhǔ yìjièshù míng bái ()()()()() quán jiāpéng yǒu gāo xìng yǐ hòuér tong ( ) ( ) ()()() gān jìng jiějie rèn zhēn niǎo yǔhuāxiānɡ( ) ( ) ()() 二、请帮词语找拼音朋友。(10分)【小朋友们,可要小心呀!】 róng huà栽树duōshǎo温暖 xìyǔ眨眼sàn xué散学 zhào gù融化hūrán 争鸣 zhǎyǎn照顾wēn nuān忽然 zāi shū细雨zhēng míng 多少 三、三、我能分清这字,还能组词。 爷()高()队()草() 节()亮()认()早() 奶()向()处()时() 级()同()外()对() 赶()级()李()起() 秀()童()千()家() 方()午()完()着() 四请写出带有下列偏旁的字。 口()()女()()亻()()讠()()

扌()()虫()()心()()木()() 五、我会照样子,连一连。(8分)【你是火眼金睛,可要看清楚哦!】晒电话可口的球赛 推水缸蓝蓝的河水 砸小车清清的松果 打棉被精彩的天空 一只小路淘气的阳光 一条松树高大的楼房 一棵鸟蛋温暖的花朵 一双眼睛美丽的小猫 一张图画精彩的表演 长长的杨树山清笑语 高高的小路欢歌盛开 绿绿的阳光百花六色 温暖的草坪五颜燕舞 精彩的球赛莺歌水秀 六、我会选。把正确拼音打上“√”(5分) jī( ) mián ( ) cháo ()激眠潮 jí) mí) cá()


大学英语六级考试听力预测模拟卷 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations- At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Conversation One Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) Economics. C) Business Writing. B)Business and Marketing. D) Marketing Skills. 2.A) Business Writing and Social English. C) Projects and Academic Writing. B)Writing and Social English. D) Writing, Study Skills and Social English. 3.A) Every morning and afternoon. C) Five mornings and four afternoons. B)Every afternoon except Wednesday. D) Every day of the week. 4.A) Social English. C) Business English. B)Study Skills. D) Academic Writing. Conversation Two Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) She attended one of its meetings. C)She saw its members protesting. B) Her roommate was one of its members. D) She read about it in the newspaper. 6. A) B) Secure more student parking spaces. Preserve an open space on campus. c) D ) Get more funding for their group. Schedule a meeting with college administrators. 7.A) Go to class. C) Attend a meeting. B)Go on a picnic. D) Attend the rally. 8.A) Help the man plan a student rally. C) Make a donation to support the group. B)Use the student parking lot. D) Sign a petition. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D ) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. 9.A) To explain a new requirement for graduation. B)To interest students in a community service project. C)To discuss the problems of elementary school students. D)To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program. 10.A) He gives advice to tutors participating in the program. B)He teaches part-time in an elementary school. C)He observes elementary school students in the classroom. D)He helps students prepare their resumes.

热学2012-2013年第一学期 期中考试一 答案

第 1 页 共 6 页 8、 三个绝热过程方程: 、 、 。 二、选择题(单选题,本题10小题,每小题 3分,共30分) 1、正常人的体温是37℃,相当于华氏多少度: ( B ) (A) 96.8℉. (B) 98.6℉. (C) 32℉. (D)212℉. 2、单原子分子理想气体的定容摩尔热容: ( B ) (A) 12R . (B) 32R . (C) 52R . (D) 7 2 R . 3、理想气体的压强: ( C ) (A) 12k p n ε= (B) 13k p n ε= (C) 23k p n ε= (D) 3 2 k p n ε= 4、根据麦克斯韦速率分布率,求得速率倒数的平均值: ( D ) (A) 1v . (B) 1v π. (C) 2v π . (D) 4v π 5、一打气筒,每打一次气可将打气筒外压强p 。=1.0atm, 温度T 。=-3.0℃、体积V 。 =4.0L 的空气压缩到一容器内.设该容器的容积V =1.5×l03L ,容器内初始为真空,问要打多少次气才能使容器内的空气压强p =2.0 atm 、温度t =45℃. ( D ) (A) 45次; (B) 283次; (C)980 次; (D)637次。 6、按麦克斯韦速率分布率,理想气体在温度为T 的平衡态下的最概然速率: ( A ) (B) ; (C) ; (D) 7、 关于平均自由程,下列哪种说法正确: ( C ) (A) 与分子有效直径平方成正比,与分子数密度成反比,与平均速率有关; (B) 与分子有效直径平方成正比,与分子数密度成反比,与平均速率无关; (C) 与分子有效直径平方成反比,与分子数密度成反比,与平均速率无关; (D) 与分子有效直径平方成反比,与分子数密度成正比,与平均速率无关; 8、理想气体体积由V 1变到V 2(V 2>V 1),哪个过程中对外作功最多:( C )


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8d3377479.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址)Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: The importance and focus of the interview in the work of the print and broadcast journalist is reflected in several books that have been written on the topic. Most of these books, as well as several chapters, mainly in, but not limited to, journalism and broadcasting handbooks and reporting texts, stress the “how to”aspects of journalistic interviewing rather than the conceptual aspects of the interview, its context, and implications. Much of the “how to”material is based on personal experiences and general impressions. As we know, in journalism as in other fields, much can be learned from the systematic study of professional practice. Such study brings together evidence from which broad generalized principles can be developed. There is, as has been suggested, a growing body of research literature in journalism and broadcasting, but very little significant attention has been devoted to the study of the interview itself. On the other hand, many general texts as well as numerous research articles on interviewing in fields other than journalism have been written. Many of these books and articles present the theoretical and empirical aspects of the interview as well as the training of the interviewers. Unhappily, this plentiful general literature about interviewing pays little attention to the journalistic interview. The fact that the general literature on interviewing does not deal with the journalistic interview seems to be surprising for two reasons. First, it seems likely that most people in modern Western societies are more familiar, at least in a positive manner, with journalistic interviewing than with any other form of interviewing. Most of us are probably somewhat familiar with the clinical interview, such as that conducted by physicians and psychologists. In these situations the professional person or interviewer is interested in getting information necessary for the diagnosis (诊断) and treatment of the person seeking help. Another familiar situation is the job interview. However, very few of us have actually been interviewed personally by the mass media, particularly by television. And yet, we have a vivid acquaintance with the journalistic interview by virtue of our roles as readers, listeners, and viewers. Even so, true understanding of the journalistic interview, especially television interviews, requires thoughtful analyses and even study, as this book indicates. 31. The main idea of the first paragraph is that . A) generalized principles for journalistic interviews are the chief concern for writers on journalism B) importance should be attached to the systematic study of journalistic interviewing C) concepts and contextual implications are of secondary importance to journalistic interviewing D) personal experiences and general impressions should be excluded from journalistic interviews

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