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Outline The statements: This paper is going to discuss the liberalism that rooted in Isabel Archer’s mind—the heroin in the portrait of a lady.But sometimes she seems to go against her liberalism after marriage with Gilbert Osmond. 1. Introduction 2. The Maturity of Isabel Archer 3.Isabel's View of liberty 3.1 Liberty of Mind 3.1.1 Isabel's Attitude toward Life 3.1.2 Isabel's Attitude toward Love and Marriage 3.2 Liberty of Behaviours 3.2.1 Isabel's Refusal to Ideal Suitors—Goodwood and Warburton 3.2.2 Isabel's Choice to Marry Gilbert Osmond 4. Paradoxs in Isabel's View of Liberalism 4.1 Request for Liberty Versus Social Limitation 4.2 Love of Liberty Versus Fear of Liberty 4.3 Preservation of Dignity Versus Acceptance of Mistakes 5. Conclusion

样例Persuasive Speech Outline带身体语言设计

样例:Persuasive Speech Outline 2011级国贸1班王红交稿时间2012.10.26 Independent travel is the best way of tourism Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that independent travel is the best way of tourism. Central Idea: Independent travel is the best way of tourism because of three merits----more freedom, arranging the travel according to your needs, and experiencing a more authentic life when traveling by yourself. Introduction I. II. ? II.For packaged travel most of you must have experienced a lot, out with your parents. But now, as a college student I could say that independent travel must be the best way of IV. ?It is a self-arranged travel, which means you have to book the tickets and hotel V. So today, I will show you three of the independent travel to explain why it is the best way of tourism. Body I. A. 2.Or if somewhere is attractive enough, you can choose to stay longer to enjoy the beautiful scenery. (Transition: Actually, freedom is just a beginning. The second one is truly the most exciting one.) II. A.Packaged travel often has a which may contain many B.And also you can change your route randomly.


怎样撰写英语的outline 好的outline对你撰写正文内容具有很强的指导作用。不管你要撰写的是什么类型的文章,outline都是非常必要(通常情况下也是必须的)。接下来的内容对撰写提纲有很大帮助。 1.明确文章的主旨。 一篇文章都有其所要表达主旨。选择一个最终主旨不仅能引导你主题的方向,还有助于你有逻辑的组织文章。比如你在写论文,写下能够概括文章主旨的中心思想,以帮助你确定主旨: ? 比较和对照两个事物。 ? 列出因果 ? 阐明或分析一个特殊方面 ? 列出单个或两者的论证 ? 提供证据并得出结论 ? 列出问题然后提供解决方案 2.收集辅助材料。 这些被收集来的材料可能来自引用他人成果、数据统计、理论、实验结果等。通过收集材料,明确这些材料使用,这些东西可能会体现在essay outline中。 3.决定如何安排辅助论证来支撑主旨。 举例:如果你在呈现一个历史概述,你可以按年代来排序;如果你在辩论文学方面内容,你可能要按主题排序;如果你处在某观点立场的两级徘徊时,你可以先列出和你立场有矛盾的证据,然后用反论证消除达到有说服力的结果。 4.撰写主题提纲或者句子提纲。 如果文章非常灵活多变,那么你可以用利用一些短语作为主题大纲;用句子大纲阐述细节。 ? 一般来说你可以尝试先用主题提纲来开始你的提纲撰写,然后再逐步转变成句子提纲。 5.确定主要类别。 根据文章的主旨和找到的辅助材料来决定把全文的大主题分散整理到不同逻辑类别。这些类别将会被标记成罗马数字来形成提纲的第一步。 ? 当写文章时,通常会用一个大点去代表一个段落:比如,一、文章的开头段,二、主体段落的第一段,等等。例如,如果描写飞机历史发展史的概论,每一个大点就该包括各个飞机历史上的时期。 6.确定论点。

Topic Outline

Read the following passage carefully and compose a "topic outline" for it. Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the sea”. Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to further this work. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the question 'What is at the bottom of the oceans?' had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile (起伏形状) of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured. It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings (测深) were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea. The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea. Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition, which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.

Speech Outline演讲提纲

Speech Outline Step One – Preparation A.Topic:environment problems B.Audience:citizen C.Title of speech:What should we do with the environment problems? D.Purpose of speech:To make people ware the global environment problems, and encourage people to protect the environment. Step Two – Introduction Main point:The Paris agreement came into effect on November 4th ,2016. At present, the environment problems are becoming more and more serious. It is necessary to take measures to protect environment. It is the responsibility of citizen. Step Three – Body Main Idea 1 ?Idea: why do we need to pay attention to environmental problems? ?Details/Examples:The signing of the Paris agreement means the global environment is not optimistic. Environment problems will threaten the survival of human. Main Idea 2 ?Idea:What cause the environment pollution? ?Details/Examples: air pollution( haze,industry), water pollution(drainage), soil pollution(used battery) Main Idea 3 ?Idea: What should the government and citizen do? ?Details/Examples: government( make laws, financial support...) citizen(drive green, monitor government...)


有些同学11周可能没去上课,或者上课笔记没做完,下面是我在课堂上抄的笔记,希望对各位同学写outline有帮助! 一、Outline的构成 Introduction –a formal presentation that leads to the main part of the essay. A good introduction gets the reader s’ attention and makes them want to read more. Thesis – a subject for a composition or essay, a statement put forward for consideration that is either proved or discussed against objections. Transition –a statement or two that shows the readers you are now talking about something else. Summary – a technique used usually in the conclusion of an essay that restates the author’s intentions without going into too much detail and highlights the major points the author wants to make in the written work. Conclusion –the end of the essay and often the part that readers remember most. It should be clear and avoid contradicting the points you have raised earlier in the essay. It’s your last chance to have the final say on the object. It should be clear and avoid using the same phrase. P.S. 在Transition中要避免使用first, second, third,………………


My outline (080703120 汤煜芳) A Paralysed Wilderness —The Appreciation and Analysis of Symbols in Araby Thesis statement:The symbols regarding the setting, religion and characters in Araby are ingeniously adopted, which manifests a stretch of paralysed wilderness typical of Dublin and contributes immensely to the success of the short story. Outline: 1. Introduction 2. Demonstration 2.1 Symbols regarding the setting 2.1.1 Blind alley in North Richmond Street—hopelessness, bleakness, and ignorance 2.1.2 Houses and gardens in the street—decay and gloom 2.1.3 Lamplight 2.1. 3.1 Lamplight in the street—spiritual decadence 2.1. 3.2 Lamplight in Araby fair—darkness and disillusionment 2.1.4 Araby bazaar—boy’s goal and social reality 2.2 Symbols involving religion 2.2.1 Dead priest and his abandoned belongings—collapse of the religious belief 2.2.2 The wild garden—spiritual paralysis 2.2.3 The chalice—boy’s yearning for beautiful love 2.3 Symbols concerning the characters 2.3.1 Mangan’s sister—boy’s pursuit of dream 2.3.2 Aunt and uncle of th e narrator “I”—short-sighted and indifferent people 3. Conclusion 1

Essay Outline 范文

Name: He Yaoxi Student number: 201428010415014 Course code: B-13 WRITING ASSIGNMENT #5 Essay Outline Title: Do all students benefit from studying oversea? Thesis Statement: Not all students benefit from studying oversea, on the contrary, it would bring a lot of problems. We should make a reasonable selection according to our own conditions and pursuits. Outline: Ⅰ. Introduction- Thesis statement: With globalization, more and more educated, talented, passionate young graduate students prefer to study oversea rather than staying home. In such a wave, we need to pose a question: Do all students benefit from studying oversea? My answer is no. Not all students benefit from studying oversea, on the contrary, it would bring a lot of problems. Therefore, we should make a reasonable selection according to our own conditions and pursuits. Ⅱ. Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: Foreign life means students have to make changes for the entirely different environment, such as lifestyle, culture and language, ect.. A. Students may hardly adapted themselves to the new lifestyle; B. Students may hardly adapted themselves to the different culture; C. Students may hardly adapted themselves to the foreign language; Ⅲ. Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence: There are not many opportunities for foreign countries after the financial crisis. A. The financial crisis lead to loss of jobs for overseas-students; B. The financial crisis make difficult for overseas-students to apply the fund ; C. The financial crisis create a tumultuous social upheaval for overseas-students; Ⅳ. Body Paragraph #3 Topic Sentence: Oversea studying adds parental burden, and apprehension and homesickness for students. A. Oversea studying adds parental burden for affording the high tuitions; B. Oversea studying may bring mental issue as feeling homesick; C. Oversea studying sometimes may broken your relationship. Ⅴ. Conclusion Not all students benefit from studying oversea, it also may cause a lot of troubles.

英文essay outline怎么写(附上范例)

撰写essay之前,好的outline对你撰写正文内容具有很强的指导作用。不管你要撰写的是什么类型的文章,outline 都是非常必要(通常情况下也是必须的)。接下来的内容对撰写提纲有很大帮助。 1.明确文章的主旨。 一篇文章都有其所要表达主旨。选择一个最终主旨不仅能引导你主题的方向,还有助于你有逻辑的组织文章。比如你在写论文,写下能够概括文章主旨的中心思想,以帮助你确定主旨: ?比较和对照两个事物。 ?列出因果 ?阐明或分析一个特殊方面 ?列出单个或两者的论证 ?提供证据并得出结论 ?列出问题然后提供解决方案 2.收集辅助材料。 这些被收集来的材料可能来自引用他人成果、数据统计、理论、实验结果等。通过收集材料,明确这些材料使用,这些东西可能会体现在essay outline中。 3.决定如何安排辅助论证来支撑主旨。 举例:如果你在呈现一个历史概述,你可以按年代来排序;如果你在辩论文学方面内容,你可能要按主题排序;如果你处在某观点立场的两级徘徊时,你可以先列出和你立场有矛盾的证据,然后用反论证消除达到有说服力的结果。 4.撰写主题提纲或者句子提纲。 如果文章非常灵活多变,那么你可以用利用一些短语作为主题大纲;用句子大纲阐述细节。 ?一般来说你可以尝试先用主题提纲来开始你的提纲撰写,然后再逐步转变成句子提纲。 5.确定主要类别。 根据文章的主旨和找到的辅助材料来决定把全文的大主题分散整理到不同逻辑类别。这些类别将会被标记成罗马数字来形成提纲的第一步。 ?当写文章时,通常会用一个大点去代表一个段落:比如,一、文章的开头段,二、主体段落的第一段,等等。例如,如果描写飞机历史发展史的概论,每一个大点就该包括各个飞机历史上的时期。 6.确定论点。 每个分类至少想两个论点,根据你文章的主旨和你之前收集的论据材料来选择你的分论点。这些分论点就是你提纲的第二个层级。一般它们是用英文字母标示的。(比如A、B、C 等等) ?让你的第二层级比你的第一层级缩进1.27到2.54厘米 ?还是用飞机发展史历史的例子,每一个分点就可以描写那个时代的发动机型号 7.根据需要确定中心论点的分论点。 如果有必要的话,你可以在中心论点上确定分论点。这么做会最大化你文章的逻辑性。再把这些分论点放在你提纲的第三层,并用阿拉伯数字标示。(1、2、3、4 等等) ?为了方便标识,你可以在下一层用小写罗马字符(i、 ii、 iii、 iv等等),接着用小写英文字母(a、b、 c、d等等),最后可以用回阿拉伯数字(1、2、3、4,等等) ?在写提纲时基本上不需要四个层级。如果出现这类状况,试着合并论点。


Outline: Topic: Chinese People Should Build Their Own Beliefs I) Introduction: A) The reason why I choose this topic B)The definitions of beliefs C) some researches about the phenomenon that Chinese people are seriously lacking in beliefs D) Briefly introduce the three main points of the topic that Chinese people should build their own beliefs. E) Transition: The main points are as follows. II) First main point: Beliefs can raise Chinese people’s senses of morality ,so that it can help Chinese to solve the social problems

1) Sub-point: The essential reason for some social problems in China is the lack of beliefs. A) Sub-sub points: There are so many social problems in China. B) Sub-sub points:The lack of beliefs leads to the problems 2) Sub-point: Beliefs can raise Chinese people’s senses of morality A) Sub-sub points: the analysis of how beliefs can raise people’s senses of morality B) Sub-sub points:the comparison between the beliefs in China, and foreign countries and draw the conclusion that we should learn from the foreign countries and build our Chinese people’s own beliefs 3) Transition


Graduate Paper: Outline Outline Title: On Translation of Sichuan Opera Terminology Thesis statement: Based on the present status of Sichuan Opera terminology translation, this thesis attempts to put forward some possible solutions with the focus on principles and approaches of translation. (Key words: Sichuan Opera, terminology, status-quo, linguistic features, translation methods) Outline: I. Introduction II. Status-quo and problems of Sichuan Opera terminology translation A. Regional limitation of Sichuan Opera B. Inadequacy of study on Sichuan Opera terminology translation C. Lack of unified translation D. Failure to convey the meaning of original text III. Linguistic features of Sichuan Opera terminology A. Locality B. Orality C. Playability IV. Translation of Sichuan Opera terminology: theories and methods A. Applicable theories of translation 1. Newmark’s theory: Communicative translation 2. Nord’s theory: Skopostheorie B. Methods of translation 1. Literal translation 2. Free translation 3. Annotation a. Literal translation with notes b. Combination of transliteration and annotation V. Conclusion iii

English Paper Outline英语论文提纲模板

Topic: Economic Globalization Thesis: Economic Globalization is beneficial to the economy of developing countries. I. Introduction A. Definition of Economic Globalization B. Thesis statement: Economic Globalization is beneficial to the economy of developing countries. II. Expands the market A. Example of market expansions that accelerate the development of the economy 1. Thailand ’s rice export III. Make use of more funds from foreign countries A. Example of the state of using foreign funds in China IV. Expedites the update of technologies A. Example of The development of mobile phone technology in South Korea V. Conclusion A. Summary of above information B. Restate thesis in different words


THE THREE TOWNS OF WUHAN OUTLINE Special purpose: To inform my audience about the origin and the major attractions of the three towns of Wuhan. Central idea: Each town has its own special origin of name and the individual constitutes the charm of Wuhan. Introduction Ⅰ.What do you think of the three towns of Wuhan when you first came here? Ⅱ. I’m a native and when I was a child, I was confused about many things of the three towns--- Hanyang, Hankou, and Wuchang. For me, they are similar but different. Ⅲ.In fact, the history of Wuhan when it was really constituted by the three towns is only 81 years. Ⅳ.Today, I would like to show you this three major towns of Wuhan. (Transition: Let's start with the location of their names.) Body Ⅰ. The location of the three towns. A. As we all know, Wuchang lies in the sourth of the Yangtze river, and the other two are in the north. B. And Hankou and Hanyang are separated by Han river. C. You can find that the two rivesr play an important role among the three towns. (Transition: Many things start from these two rivers, such as the names.) Ⅱ. The origin of the three towns’ names. A. Origin of Wuchang 1. The name was raised by Sunquan when he wanted to fight with Liubei for Jingzhou. 2. To some degree, the name of these area---Wuchang was exchanged with today’s Jingzhou. B. Origin of Hanyang 1. The origin of Hanyang was related to han river. 2. It was in the north of han river and the sourth of Guishan in ancient times, so it got the name Hanyang. C. Origin of Hankou 1. Hankou and Hanyang were together until the Han river changed its way. 2. It has been only 500 years since Hankou was separated from Hanyang.

sentence outline(句子提纲)

A Sentence Outline Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations. I.Introduction: the utilization of different economic resources and the development of different skills from the foundation of foreign trade. II.Trade in commodities (visible trade) is necessary between nations. A.No nation has all the commodities it needs. B.A nation may not have enough of certain commodities. C.A nation may sell certain commodities at a profit. D.Latest innovations and different styles of commodities may make foreign trade necessary. E.All nations strive to maintain a favorable balance of trade so as to be assured of the means to buy necessary goods. III.Exchange of services between nations (invisible trade) is part of foreign trade. A.Nations vie in providing transportation for foreign trade. B.Prudent exporters purchase insurance for their


The spice of my life Outline Specific purpose: To inform my audience about my experience living with my sister Central idea: To tell the story and feeling living with my sister. Introduction Eye contact Recently, China is about to carry out generally two-child policy. People have different views on the policy. Businesspersons discover new opportunities. Young parents are considering if they want a second child. How about you? Most of you are the only child. When you heard the policy, are you happy your parents won’t want a second at this age? Or do you feel ashamed the policy carrying out so late? Slow down .But for me, as an older sister, my emotion is plex. I think of my experience living with my sister. She is like the spicy of my life.Today, according to my feeling I will divide the experience into four stages to share with you. (preview statement) (transition: let’s get down the first stage, sour) Body I. The first stage is my mother was pregnant, my feeling is sour. In other words, I was jealous of the little life. A.The reason why I hate younger sister 1. Before, I heard that if you had a younger sister or brother, all of your things would be shared. I believe it without doubt. 2.When my mother was pregnant, I was not allowed to be close to my mother, my mother ate much delicious foods for baby. B. a conversation with my mother to show my disgust. I remember, she asked me a question: Do you like little sister or brother? I said: Neither. If it is born, I will kill it. (transition: After the first stage, since my sister was born, my life has changed a lot. At that time, I was 9 years old.) pause II. The second stage is bitter. It’s the period of my sister from 1 to 4 years old. A.Introduce my sister’s characteristics In the stage, my sister didn’t understand anything. She is so small, I didn’ t dare to hug her, I was also afraid of others hugging her. How fragile she is. If someone was closed to her, I would separate them. B. It’s worse, I had to look after her When my mother was busy, she shouted at me “look after your sister, quickly.” One time, when I rocked her in my armed, unexpectedly, she peed on my clothes. (transition: through the bitter life, I ushered in my third stage) pause III . The second stage is spicy. A.In the period, she was so naughty so that my homework died of her hands. B.And when I played with my friends, she must follow me. C.Sometimes, she quarreled with me, even hit me. However, If I also hit her, The little kid would tell mom. I was really sick of her. (transition: it seems that between of us filled with terrible recall. until……) pause slow down IV The fourth stage is sweet. (preview) before, I thought I couldn’t wait to go away with her, however, when the moment es, my heart is full of sweet miss A.When I am away my home for schooling, nobody is noisy around with me. It’
