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1. abandon: foster/adopt 放弃:采用/采纳

(1) The novelist shocked his editor by__ the book on which he had been working for seven years and starting over.

(A) abridging

(B) supplemented

(C) abandoning

(D) truncating

(E) praising

(2) Although the political candidate was__ by her admirers, she__ her campaign before the first debate was held.

(A) supported, abandoned

(B) lauded, illuminated

(C) denounced, criticized

(D) disdained, subverted

(E) bolstered, retaliated

(3) Most students do not start from point zero, but from minus zero, and in the process are often required to abandon cherished childhood fantasies of superheroes or larger-than-life villains.

在sat考试当中,目前只考察了abandon表示“放弃”(give up something completely or forever),abandon这个义项的程度非常强,即“放弃”程度是最高的。

2.abate: augment/ intensify减少:增加/加强

3. abbreviate: extend 缩写:扩充

Convinced by critics that his play was too verbose, Johnson__ the third act, making it more___.

(A) expanded, concise

(B) curtailed, prolix

(C) promulgated, insouciant

(D) abbreviated, succinct

(E) fostered, pliant


4.aberrant: normal/ typical 异常的:正常的/典型的

If such a gene occurs on a sex-determining (X or Y) chromosome, then highly aberrant sex ratios can occur.

5.abet: impede/obstruct/thwart协助:阻碍

(1)Abet:assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing。所以翻译为“教唆”太合适了!

Critics of the welfare system argue that, rather that adding people’s efforts to govern their own lives, it____ their independence.

(A) supports (B) saps (C) hastens (D) renews (E) abet

Adding people’s efforts to govern their own lives<> abet their independence


(2)thwart 阻碍=prevent

Dangerously high winds___ attempts to begin the space shuttle mission on schedule, delaying the launch by nearly a week.

(A) thwarted

(B) forfeited

(C) implemented

(D) discharged

(E) redoubled



(3)obstruct, construct,而且ob(against)和con(together)作为前缀,意思正好相反

6.abhor: admire憎恨,厌恶:崇拜

7.abolish: establish 废除:建立

abolitionist: persist in slavery废奴主义者:坚持奴隶制(emancipation: fetter 解放黑奴,解放妇女:上枷锁)

The city has__ its program for recycling waste in an effort to reduce the amounts of garbage that must be__ or dumped in landfills.

(A) improved, produced

(B) restricted, amassed

(C) adapted, rescued

(D) expanded, burned

(E) abolished, buried

误选E 的同学看清楚逻辑关系了in an effort to

8. abundant: scare/barren富饶的:缺乏/贫瘠

Only one flask out of ten became putrid, whereas eleven flasks out of eleven opened in the courtyard quickly acquired a rich growth of bacteria.

Q: “rich” most nearly means

(A) precious

(B) vital

(C) abundant

(D) meaningful

(E) productive


9.abridge: protract/extend in length缩短:伸长

Abridged<> lengthy

Because his time was limited, Weng decided to read the___ novel War and Peace in____ edition

(A) wordy----an unedited

(B) lengthy-----an abridged

(C) famous------a modern

(D) romantic-----an autographed

(E) popular-------a complete

10. absorb: dissipate/exude/reflect 吸引,吸收: 消散/流出/反射

Just as glass windows offer buildings both light and insulation, certain atmospheric gases___ incoming sunlight and___ heat radiated from the ground, preventing warmth from escaping.

(A) conduct, release

(B) deflect, transmit

(C) admit, contain

(D) absorb, dispense

(E) resist, trap

注意dispense heat是不会prevent warmth from escaping.

Dissipate dis+sip(喝), insipid (没有喝的东西,无聊)无聊的

11.abstemious: indulgent节制的:纵容的

12.abstract: elaborate/concrete摘要的:详尽的/具体的

In poetry the majority of people seek the passion and pain of the human being behind the poet. Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or women it would be interesting to meet.

Q:“figures” most nearly means

(A) crude images

(B) abstractions


(D) numbers

(E) famous persons


13.abstruse: explicit/patent深奥的:清晰的

Johnson’s writing is considered__ and__ because it is filled with obscure references and baffling digressions.

(A) deceiving, ingenuous

(B) arcane, abstruse

(C) spare, didactic

(D) lucid, definitive

(E) concise, esoteric

arcane,abstruse的特点就是filled with obscure references and baffling digressions

14.acerbic: sweet 酸的:甜的


Despite the mixture’s__ nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in the laboratory we could dramatically reduce its tendency to vaporize.

(A) resilient

(B) volatile

(C) homogeneous

(D) insipid

(E) acerbic

15.acme: nadir 顶点:最低点

16.acquiesce: defy/resist 勉强答应:公然反抗/抵抗

Miranda, in her desire to foster___, often felt compelled to_____ readily to others in tense situations.

(A) cooperation---object



(D) discourse---appeal

(E) harmony---acquiesce

Acquiesce to/in:to do what someone else wants, or allow something to happen, even though you do not really agree with it

Acquiesce to others 勉强答应别人

17.Acrid/acrimonious: gentle /harmonious刻薄的:温和的/和睦的

(1)His mouth stinging and burning, Virgil hurried to the kitchen for water to wash away the dish’s---- taste.

A. earthy

B. exotic

C. cloying

D. acrid

E. succulent


(2)The contract negotiations were often surprisingly___, deteriorating at times into a welter of accusations and counteraccusations.

A. perspicacious

B. phlegmatic

C. sedate

D. acrimonious

E. propitious

accusations and counteraccusations是acrimonious 的典型特征





(3)The columnist almost___ when he mentioned his friends, but he unpleasant and even___ when he discussed people who irritated him.

A. recalcitrant, laconic

B. reverential, acrimonious

C. sensitive, remorseful

D. insipid, militant


18.acumen: unable to discern敏锐:不能辨别

Because Jenkins neither_____ nor defends either management of the striking workers, both sides admires his journalistic___.

(A) criticize---acumen

(B) attacks---neutrality

(C) confronts---aptitude

(D) dismisses---flair

(E) promotes---integrity

Acumen:shrewd 精明的

19.adept: bungling /inept熟练的:笨拙的

(1)I am not an adept aesthetician, and I could not presume to analyze Martha’s sense of design or approach toward design.

(2)Predictably, detail-oriented workers are___ keeping track of the myriad particulars of a situation.

(A) remiss in

(B) adept at

(C) humorous about

(D) hesitant about

(E) contemptuous of

detail-oriented workers的这种人的特点就是adept at doing sth。

20.adroit: ungainly灵活的:笨拙的

astute/ambidextrous/swift/alacrity <>


(1) Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such___ strategies that only the most___ player can master them.

(A) Byzantine, adroit

(B) nefarious, conscientious

(C) devious, lackadaisical

(D) onerous, slipshod

(E) predictable, compulsive

21.adulate: reproach/scorn/disdain/vilify 阿谀:指责/蔑视/鄙视/诽谤

(1)The media seldom give those who seek careers in the public eye any__ of the life-changing effects of the overwhelming__ that often accompanies fame.

(A)intimation, adulation

(B)euphemism, aplomb

(C)rhetoric, acme

(D)stasis, euthanasia

(E)mote, abandon

(2)When such -------remarks are circulated, we can only blame and despise those who produce them.

(A) adulatory (B) chance

(C) rhetorical (D) redundant

(E) reprehensible

blame and despise是reprehensible remarks才值得的,而adulatory remarks 却不会。

(3)Surrounded by a retinue of sycophants who invariably___ her singing, Callas wearied of the constant adulation and longed for honest criticism.

A. orchestrated

B. thwarted

C. assailed

D. extolled

E. reciprocated

adulation,flatter,obsequious,sycophant(马屁精),blandish,toady (读音,头低,谄媚者的姿态)

22.advocate: denounce拥护:反对

Denounce:to express strong disapproval of someone or something, especially in public公开谴责

The scientific organization___ the newspaper for prominently covering the predictions of psychic while__ to report on a major research conference.

(A) celebrated, failing

(B) promoted, refusing

(C) denounced, neglecting

(D) spurned, hastening

(E) honored, opting

23.affable: irascible和蔼的:易怒的

24.affected: ingenuous/natural 做作的:自然的

25.affiliation: dissociation 加入,参加:分裂

26.aggravate: alleviate恶化,加重:减轻,缓和

Whenever she felt tired after work, a brisk walk along the beach amid the__ sea air never failed to__ her fatigue and leave her re-energized.

(A) humid, hasten

(B) salty, exacerbate

(C) bracing, alleviate

(D) damp, reprove

(E) chilly, aggravate

brisk walk的作用是alleviate fatigue

27.aggregate: disperse 聚集:使分散

With evolution of wings, insects were able to___ to the far ecological corners, across deserts and bodies of water, to reach new food sources and inhabit a wider variety of promising environmental niches.

A. relate

B. disperse

C. transgress

D. revert

E. ascend

disperse:to cause to separate and go in different directions 驱散,分散,后面有一系列的地方,所以选disperse

28.aggressive: even-meaning好斗的:性格温和的

29.Agitate/demagogue/instigate/sedition/provoke/convoke : soothe/c onciliate/moderate


(1) The War of Independence provoked strong criticisms by many Americans of the institution of slavery, but produced little substantive action against it.

(2)More___ than her predecessor, Superintendent Reynolds would, many predicted, have a far less__ term of office.

(A) phlegmatic, apathetic

(B) conciliatory, confrontational

(C) empathetic, compassionate

(D) vigilant, reputable

(E) penurious, frugal


30.alienate: reunite疏远:再结合

31.allude: mention explicitly 暗示:明白地提及

Readers previously__ by the complexity and__ o f Joyce’s Ulysses will find Gilbert’s study of the novel a helpful introduction.

(A) charmed, obscurity

(B) rejected, length

(C) inhibited, intelligibility

(D) daunted, allusiveness

(E) enlightened, transparency

allusive: characterized by indirect references

32.ally: adversary联盟:敌手,对手

Nation that share a border are, by definition,____.

(A)allied (B)partisan (C) contiguous (D)pluralistic (E) sovereign

33.altruism: egoism利他主义:利己主义

He was so convinced that people were driven by__ motives that he believed there was no such thing as a purely unselfish act.

(A) sentimental

(B) personal

(C) altruistic

(D) ulterior

(E) intrinsic


Ulterior:lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed)

Eg:Jim had ulterior motives in buying me a drink he wants to borrow my van.


(2)The two sisters selflessly dedicated their lives to the nursing profession; their__ made them__, ones whose ways are worthy of imitation.

(A) aptitude, eccentrics

(B) morality, emancipators

(C) erudition, enigmas

(D) devotion, egotists

(E) altruism, exemplars

34.amalgamate: disintegration/isolate /separate混合:瓦解/分隔

The damage caused by the rampant corruption was ------: the company’s reputation was nearly ------- before anyone realized it was having an effect.

(A) manifest … eradicated

(B) nefarious … polarized

(C) insidious … destroyed

(D) methodical … amalgamated

(E) obvious … stagnated



35.amass: dissipate 积聚:浪费

Marine sediments have allowed scientists to amass evidence tending to confirm that astronomical cycles drive the Earth's glacial cycles.

36.amateur: professional业余:专业

The selection committee for the exhibit was amazed to see such fine work done by a mere------.

(A) connoisseur (B)artist (C) amateur

(D) entrepreneur (E) exhibitionist

37.amenable: intransigent 服从的:不妥协的

38.ambivalent: commitment 不定的:确定的


Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist deserved ------ for his ------.

(A) recognition…folly

(B) blame .. hypocrisy

(C) reward ..modesty

(D) admonishment ..wastefulness

(E) credit…altruism

39.amorphous: definite 无定型的:确定的

Many astrophysicists believe that the universe is infinite in size and that it will continue to expand quickly and___.

(A) conclusively

(B) precisely

(C) periodically

(D) indefinitely

(E) occasionally

Indefinite:vague or not clearly defined or stated,指时间,方向,地理范围等的不确定性

40.amplify: abridge扩大:缩短

41.anarchy: order 无政府状态,混乱:次序,规则

Shaken by two decades of virtual anarchy, the majority of people were ready to buy___ at any price.

(A) order (B) emancipation (C) hope (D) liberty (E) enfranchisement


42.anomalous: normal 异常的:正常的

anomaly: conformity to norms 不规则:合乎规范

He found himself in the__ position of appearing to support a point of view that he abhorred.

(A) obvious

(B) innocuous

(C) anomalous

(D) enviable

(E) auspicious

43.antipathy: benevolence 憎恶:仁爱

44.apologist: critic辩护者:批评家

I am not an adept aesthetician, and I could not presume to analyze Martha’s sense of design or approach toward design. But I believe she dealt with the elements of line and direction with the instincts of a mathematician of physicist, adding to each their emotional relation.

Question:The first two sentences are characterized respectively, by

(A) disclaimer and assertion

(B) invocation and definition

(C) apology and confession

(D) authority and hypothesis

(E) rebuttal and analysis


45.appealing: noisome引起兴趣的:令人不快的

46.appease: agitate平息,安抚:激怒

47.appreciable: imperceptible可感知的:感觉不到的

(1)Some subatomic particles, _____ only through their effects on other bodies, have been compared to outer planets whose____ was first deduced from eccentricities in other planets’ orbits.

(A) feasible---irregularly

(B) palpable---certain


(D) perceptible---existence

(E) verifiable---proximity

我们看一下perceptible这个单词的词根,来自于perceive(per,全+ceive 取)察觉,


(2)Jocobs was much more than a___ member of the group; he was chosen in light of his extraordinary analytical skills and strong staff management skills.

(A) token (B)perceptive (C)feasible (D)paradoxical (E) vitriolic


Perceptive:having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment,与后面的extraordinary analytical skills and strong management skills正好相对应。

48.apt: extremely inappropriate恰当的:非常不适当的

49.arcane/esoteric : well-known 神秘的:众所周知的

(1)Because postmodernist critics often rely on__ language, their prose frequently seems___ to nonspecialists who fail to comprehend its meaning.

(A) accessible, abstruse

(B) arcane, unequivocal

(C) esoteric, impenetrable

(D) hackneyed, exotic

(E) lucid, grating

esoteric: confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle. 象极了中国的武术,一般都是esoteric

50.archaic: current/grandiose 古老的:最近的/宏伟的

(1)Displays in the Au stralian Museum’s exhibition on dinosaurs are designed to be touched, offering visitors__ experience.

(A) an odoriferous

(B) an archaic

(C) an aural

(D) a rustic

(E) a tactile

(2)The magnificent, __ sets that depicted a futuristic city in Fritz Lang’s epic film Metropolis are now widely regarded as an outstanding visual achievement.

(A) prolific

(B) modest

(C) reticent

(D) archaic

(E) grandiose


51.Arduous/strenuous/tortuous : facile费劲的:易做到的

(1)The___ journey ___us all; even my dog sat down to take a rest.

A. panoramic, exhausted

B. tortuous, invigorated

C. strenuous, fatigued

D. arduous, rejuvenated



(2) The sergeant suspected that the private was__ in order to avoid going on the___ march scheduled for that morning.

A. malingering, arduous

B. proselytizing, interminable

C. invalidating, threatened

D. exemplary, leisurely

E. disgruntled, strenuous



Malice, malign, malinger, malicious, malfunction, malnutrition, malpractice, malevolent


Benediction, beneficiary, benign, euphemism

(3) By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a___ gait, limping slowly back to the campsite.

(A) halting

(B) robust

(C) constant

(D) prompt

(E) facile

halting: 一瘸一拐的

52.arid: damp 干燥的:潮湿的

53.arrest: vitalize抑制:激发

Arresting/compelling : banal引人注意的:陈腐的

54.arrogant/haughty/overweening/hubris <>

modest/self-deprecatory 骄傲的:谦虚的

(1)A scientist should not automatically reject folkways that might at first seem silly or superstitious; scientific qualifications are not a license for___, nor do they___ prejudice or bias.

(A) experimentation, eliminate

(B) arrogance, pursue

(C) humility, advocate

(D) smugness, legitimate

(E) rigidity, console

arrogant的特征automatically reject

55.artless: affected/cunning/disingenuous/ 朴实的:做作的/狡猾的/虚伪的

(1)A scientist is anyone who, by observations and experiments conducted, by the literature read, and even by the company kept, puts himself or herself in the way of making a discovery. These individuals, by deliberate action, have enormously enlarged their awareness---their candidacy for good fortune---and will now take into account evidence of a kind that a beginner or a casual observer would probably overlook or misinterpret.

Question:“deliberate” most nearly means

(A) cunning

(B) slow

(C) compelling

(D) cautious

(E) intentional


56.ascend: descend/go down 上升:下降

57.Ascetic/stoic: hedonist/sumptuous/indulgent禁欲者:享乐主义者/奢侈的/放纵的

(1)Jared has the habits of___: he lives simple and donate most of his income to local charities.

(A) a skeptic

(B) a pundit

(C) a dilettante

(D) an insurgent

(E) an ascetic

(2)The patient bore the pain___, neither wincing nor whimpering when incision was made.

A. histrionically

B. stoically

C. sardonically

D. poorly

E. marginally

wince 退缩,whimper 低声哭泣

(3) sumptuous: 奢侈的,华丽的rich and superior in quality

Her father was a highly positioned diplomat in an Asian country, and she had lived surrounded by sumptuous elegance….No wonder, she said, that when this part of her life came to an end, at age thirteen, she felt she had been exiled from paradise, and had been searching for it ever since.

58.assiduous: desultory/remiss勤勉的:散漫的/玩忽职守的

59.assistance: interference帮助:干涉

60.audacious: timid /timorous大胆的:胆小的

注意:intimidating 给人以威慑的,咄咄逼人的

Although he usually felt comfortable speaking in front of audiences, this particular group was so large and intimidating that he suddenly found himself too__ to__ the topic before them.


在考试中词汇题可能会出现三种情况:1. 原文单词很简单,但选项中的单词较难2. 原文单词难度中等,但考察的并不是单词字面意思,而是需要结合上下文对其进行释义3. 原文单词较难,选项中的单词也难。 新SAT阅读词汇题答题技巧 在阅读考试中遇到了词汇题目,如果题干和选项中有个别单词不认识,就可以运用排除法或推测法等答题技巧;如果题干和选项中大多数词都不认识,就要在平时多多积累,努力扩大词汇量,因为词汇题的出现比例较高,一般每篇(或每对)文章会出两道词汇题。下面将通过一道阅读词汇题目来为大家讲解答题技巧和步骤。 新SAT阅读词汇题真题讲解 Passage 1 is adapted from Nicholas Carr, “Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires B rains.” ?2010 by Condé Nast. Passage 2 is from Steven Pinker,“Mind over Mass Media.” ?2010 by The New York Times Company. Passage 1 … We know that the human brain is highly plastic; neurons and synapses change as circumstances change. When we adapt to a new cultural phenomenon, including the use of a new medium, we end up with a different brain, says Michael Merzenich, a pioneer of the field of neuroplasticity. That means our online habits continue to reverberate in the workings of our brain cells even


89.A police officer claimed.A avoid 64. A sudden noise of C. hurry 66. A man should not A.by 39.As it was going to rain B anxious 34.As the busiest woman D it 82.Although he did not C easily enough 106.After the Minister of D to answer 19. B oth the kids and their parents C. are 103.“C an you speak French? C not much 113.-Can you come on Friday D neither 7.Charles regretted _______A buying 52.Chinese is spoken by C largest 55.Children under fifteen D as are 46.-D id the medicine B medicine I take;the worse 24. Did you notice the C. whose 29. Do you know the C. lying 9.Don’t _________your D worry about 61. Don’t worry. There B.a little. 8.—Don’t you feel surprised C would be 51.E quipped with modern A those of the past 78. Every year thousands D. are lost 31. Eggs, though rich i C a large amount 16._________fine weather it A What 77. ______his examination A. Having finished 2. _________is important that.B It 80. _________is the temperature A What 58. ________is the population D What 42. H ardly ________ C had he come/when 65. Had you come five B.would have caught 26. He asked the waiter C. for 47.He couldn’t buy the D little 1.He didn’t go to bed C until 92.He didn’t pass the C ought to have prepared 35.He is an old friend B mine 111.He is fond of play C the;/ 48.He is interested.B in 67. He is not a D. any more 34.He never does C as carefully as 18. -Hi,Jane.Would B. Not having prepared 43. His salary as a driver.C that of a porter 83.How can he _________ B hear;listening 96. How can he be _________B that 71. How often do you D. hear from 35.-How much did you D pay for 53. ________no need D There’s;turning 20. _________of them thinks C None 17. __________there any good?B. Is 10. _________you like some?C Would 53. ________no need D Ther e’s;turning 110.I am not used to speaking.A in 40. I can’t find the key A to 53.I forgot to return the B must do it 15.I have the complacent C that 100.I have been looking D hearing 15.I had my meals C brought 120.-I made the cake by C myself 50.I paid____ C one and a half pounds 109.I saw that she A service 51.I was satisfied B so were my classmates 39.I will count three A is to 44.I wish everybody B would attend 38.I won’t make the B same 85. I won’t be free B until 47.I would rather B you came here 25. If you_______ D. have finished 8.If you want to change.A another 72. If we could learn B. way 4.Important his C as 28. In_________, the northe C. general 25. -Is this your shoe? A the other one 33.—Is the library C open;closed 105.It is not until.D that 119.It is the best__A that 36.It is said that ______B quite a few 29.It’s a fine day.Let’ D shall we 81.It’s cold outside. C put on 41. It’s high time that B started 70. It’s time we ______ D. started 11.It’s to interrupt B rude 49.It was well known A invented 68. It was on the beach A that 69. It was getting____C.darker and darker 74. J ohn’s father__C. has taught 16. Jane’s cap is red. C. His 46.M any countries are increas A energy 87. Measles_________a long D takes 45. Mr.John was busy, ___B therefore 24. Mr.Smith_________me C asked 62. My parents are teachers C. both. 86. My wallet is B must have dropped it 30.N o matter__D how hard it was snowing 99.Never before_______D did I _peace 37.-Nancy was A didn’t k now;will go to 54.Neither John______A nor 2.Never get off the bus C until 7.O f all the students in B most carefull 28.Oh,your voice sounds B on 21. On formal________, D. occasions 40.One day while Mr.King B accident 12.P aper money was in______ C /;the 13.People at the party worried A of where 97.Please hurry up, _____ C or 88.Professor,would you.A keep up with


2017年SAT真题填空试题及解析(一) 只有大量的练习熟悉SAT各种题型,在考试时才能做到得心应手,取得更高的分数。本文将会提供给考生八道不同的题型的填空题,快来尝试做一下吧! 1、It was difficult to believe that the sophisticated piece of technology had ------- through the centuries from such ------- and rudimentary apparatus. A、developed . . an intricate B、resulted . . a complicated C、evolved . . a quaint D、degenerated . . an obsolescent E、differed . . an exotic 正确答案:C 解析:The phrase "through the centuries" suggests that the first missing term will describe how the "sophisticated piece of technology" developed over a period of time. The word "such" indicates that the second missing term will contrast with "sophisticated." Only "evolved . . a quaint" satisfies both requirements.(“through the centuries”这个短语表明,第一个缺失的术语将描述一段时间内“sophisticated piece of technology”是如何发展起来的。“such”这个词表示第二个缺失的术语将与“sophisticated”形成对比。只有“evolved . . a quaint”才能满足这两个要求。) 2、The senator chose to incur dislike rather than ------- her principles to win favor with the public. A、gratify B、endorse C、accuse D、compromise E、advertise 正确答案:D 解析:This very principled politician would rather be unpopular than compromise, or accept changes in, her ideals.(这个非常有原则的政治家宁愿不妥协,也不接受她的理想的改变。)


HR 面试方式与技巧系列 HR 结构化面试题库大全及答案解析(招聘专员必备手册) 目录 第一章面试开始提问 第二章教育背景提问 第三章工作经历提问 第四章能力提问 第五章最近一体工作提问 第六章进攻性提问 第七章闲聊式提问 第八章结束性提问 附:考官面试操作技巧 第一章面试开始提问

一位成熟的面试官会不失时机的向求职者提出一些极具开放性和探索性的问题,以确定待聘职位的最佳人选。让我们来看看下面这些我们再熟悉不过了的问题吧! Q1“你能简单地谈一下你自己吗”? 这个问题,说它是面试问题的始祖,一点都不夸张!这个“始祖”级别的问题就像一艘华丽的破冰船, 在求职者不停的自诉的同时,为他们提供了一个绝好的探究对方心理的机会。因此,它以很高的频率出现在众多面试的前三个问题当中。 下面一段话,是一位刚刚走出大学校园的求职者,我们分析一下,从他对此问题回答中,可以判断出的能力特质在申请一个初级销售员职位的时候,对这个问题的回答: 应聘者:“在读大学四年级的时候,我认真的考虑了我将来的就业方向。最终,我觉得,我自己非常 适合销售这项工作。无论是在大学学期中,还是假期里,我都做过不少兼职零售的工作;而且我发现非常喜欢这种和陌生人打交道的工作。(说明他勤奋,且具有一定的工作经验,对销售这项工作有热情。)但是,我也逐渐了解到,零售业毕竟还是有它的局限性。因此,我开始阅读一些关于其他销售方式的书籍,并且开始对顾问式销售产生了浓厚的兴趣。我太喜欢这种面对面的向客户推荐你的产品的工作方式了!(掌握新理念,再次体现了对这项工作的热情。)于是我开始寻觅这样的公司,并将努力为之工作。我觉得,只有在这样的公司中,我才能深入的学习和锻炼推销这项为众多业务员们所擅长的本领(踏实好学)。于是我来到了贵公司,因为在我了解了贵公司的管理模式和职员培训程序之后,我觉得在这样一家公司中工作,一定能让我已有的热情转化成出众的工作效率(态度积极)。我很擅长和形形色色的人打交道,我想,这不单单是我擅长说,更因为我很擅长听。(他至少知道一个优秀的销售员的素质要求。)我觉得能让贵公司对我的工作前景有些担心,恐怕只有这样一个问题了,那就是,我作为一个非工科学生,能否胜任销售贵公司高科技产品的工作。我想在这个问题上,贵公司技术研发部门的大力支技的一定会弥补我的这个小小的不足。在此,我倒是真的很想了解,贵公司在这方面都采取了哪些措施了呢?(有学习动力。)”

SAT真题单词系列 一词多义 列表

目录 一、SAT考题中出现过的词 (2) 二、补充词汇 (19)

一、SAT考题中出现过的词 accommodate 1提供住宿 2使适应 例 ~ yourself to the new school administer 1管理 2 分配(药) afford 1买得起 2 give aggressive 1好战好斗的 2积极进取的 arrest=contain=check

2阻止 appeal 1请求, 呼吁 例 an appeal for help 2吸引力 例 Martial arts movies appeal to many people. applaud 1 鼓掌 2 赞美 appoint 1 任命,委任 2 提供家具,设备等 appropriate 1合适的 2 占用 attack

1 攻击 2 批评 belie 1 掩饰 例 Sometimes, wearing some make‐up can belie a lady’s age. 2 证明…为假 例 The fact belied his statement. bent 1弯曲的 2爱好,倾向 byzantine 1拜占庭的 2复杂的 bouyance 1浮力 2欢乐

celebrate 1庆祝 2赞美 champion 1 冠军 2 support (v) compromise 1妥协让步 2 危害 circulate 1循环 2出版发行 culture 1文化 2 培养[生物学用语] currency 1货币


SAT阅读填空题常考单词acumen聪敏 journalistic新闻工作者的 dismiss遣散,解雇,放弃(念头) flair本领,天资,嗅觉 rudimentary基础的 condone宽恕,恕罪 belabour痛打,狠狠责备,啰嗦说明plateaus高原,台地,停滞时期 unflattering不奉承的,坦率的,直白的laudatory赞美的,赞赏的 anecdote奇闻轶事 oblique倾斜的,间接的,无诚意的 allusion提及,暗示 eulogy颂词 infuriate激怒;狂怒的 explicit明确的,直率的 perfunctory马马虎虎,例行公事的 squalid肮脏的,卑劣的 bellicose好战的,爱打架的

acute敏锐的,高音的,急性的sanguine乐观的,血色的,嗜血的immutable不可改变的,永恒的eclectic折衷(学派)的 trite陈腐的(观点) delineation描写,描画 intricate错综复杂的,难以理解的erosion腐蚀,侵蚀 religion心爱的事物,一心追求的目标herald传达,通告,预报,欢呼 ritual典礼,典礼的 enfranchise释放;给予公民权 levity轻率,轻浮,变化无常resignation辞职,断念,放弃,顺从geniality温暖,亲切 ardour热情,热心,激情 apathy无感情,冷淡 empathy移情作用,神入 rigour严格 meticulous小心翼翼,过度注重琐事的slogan口号,标语,呐喊

instill滴注,慢慢灌输 foreclose排除在外,妨碍,预先处理instigate教唆,鼓动,发动(战争) foreshadow预示,预兆 stoic斯多葛学派的,禁欲的benevolent仁爱的,仁慈的 austere严格的,严厉的 succinct简洁的,紧身的anachronistic时代错误的 barbarity残暴行为,残忍 mitigate减轻 heretical异教的,异端的disobedient不服从的 harried掠夺的,折磨的 pedantic书生气的,学究气的expansive广阔的,豪爽的,豪华的aluminous明矾的,铝的 luminous发光的,明亮的 numinous精神上的,超自然的perspicacity敏锐,聪慧 magnitude大小,数量,广大,巨大


结构化面试试题 导入语 你好,欢迎参加今天的面试。本次面试为20分钟,共4个题目,每题的阅读和答题时间,请控制在5分钟左右。回答每个问题前,你可以先考虑一下,不要紧张。回答问题时,语言尽可能简洁明了。 你的桌上有一张题纸,注意不要在题纸上做任何记号。请自己看题,逐题回答。每道试题看完后,请直接回答问题。 下面我们开始。请你先看第一题: 考官注意:1.除题本上设定的追问外,考官不读题。考官要引导考生按试题顺序,看一题,答一题。2,考官要注意控制考生每一题的答题时间,对看题时间较长的考生要予以提醒。) 一、社会感知与判断能力(参考时间5分钟) 今年初,有三位农民工当选为十一届全国人大代表。去年9月,XX直辖市人大常委会审议通过了关于设立“农民工日”的议案,将每年11月的第一个星期日,定为该市农民工的节日。农民工的地位与权益问题引起了全社会的广泛关注。 请就此谈谈你的看法。 [命题思路]通过考生对上述背景材料的深入思考和辩证

分析。考察考生的社会感知与判断能力。 [答题参考要点] (1)设立“农民工日”有助于全社会重视农民工地位和权益。 (2)目前社会上还存在歧视农民工、漠视农民工合法权益的现象。 (3)对设立“农民工日”产生的效应能够辩证分析 (4)要根本改变农民工现状,关键是从法律、决策、相关措施等方面,切实维护农民工权益。 [评分要求] 好:回答比较全面,观点正确,对第(4)点阐述较为充分。 中:回答涉及第(1)、(2)点,条理较为清楚。 差;回答过于简单;观点偏颇。 其他情况,考官酌情评分。 二、策划能力与创新意识(参考时间5分钟) 改革开放三十年来,地处长江沿岸的月亮城已打造成一座集国家卫生城、园林城、旅游城于一体的文化古城,受到世人瞩目。为进一步解放思想,提高古城的知名度,月亮市政府决定举办“改革开放三十年,古城添新颜”纪念活动。为把活动搞得有声有色,新颖别致,拟在全市范围内征集“活动方案”。 1.你作为应征者,请说出几种富有新意的活动。


阅读常考词汇,考前必背! act against消灭,消除;淘汰 a hint of 少许,微量 all but 几乎,差一点 I all but stumbled 我差点儿摔跤all but impossible 几乎不可能 all the more 更加,愈发 anything but 决不=not I will do anything but go there我决不去那里 anything more than 不仅仅是 as yet 到目前为止 As yet we haven’t heard from him yet 到目前为止,我们还没有收到他的来信 at a moment’s notice 提前很短时间通知 We are ready to go at a moment’s notice我们已准备好,一接到通知马上就出发 to be at odds with 和…矛盾,意见不一致 at one stroke 一笔,一举 at stake 存亡攸关,危若垒卵 The life of the sick man is at stake病人危在旦夕 be at issue 在争论中,不合的;待裁决的 be bound to 必然会,注定 be free from没有…摆脱… be oneself (人)处于正常状态(精神身体方面);显得自然(或真诚) be preferable to 相对于…更可取 be subject to 受…支配,常遭受….从属于…. They are subject to repeated challenges on the basis of new evidence 他们常遭受建立在新证据基础上的挑战breathing spell 喘息的机会 building blocks 基石;基础材料 by far 到目前为止 by and large 很大程度上 call for要求 call into question 对…提出质疑 capitalize on 利用 capitalize on the opponent’s mistake 利用对手的错误 cash in on 赚钱,获利 cash in on a best-seller靠畅销书赚钱 close the books (为结帐等目的)停止入账;了结,中止 close the books on a case 结案 collective consciousness 集体意识 cutting edge 刀锋,最前沿 The company is at the television miniaturization 该公司在电视机微型化方面处于领先地位 dote on 溺爱 dote on one’s only grandchild 溺爱自己的独苗孙子 exact from ..向…强求索取 exact obedience from sb.强要某人服从


词汇与结构例题精讲 词汇与结构(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 考试要求: 【语法】考生应掌握基本的英语语法知识,并能在听、说、读、写、译中较正确地加以运用。Singing these songs, I could not help the good old days. A thinking over B thinking out C thinking of D thinking up 试题与难度:等级1 难度1 This train is going the tunnel quickly. A down B through C along D in 试题与难度:等级1 难度1 Peter worked so fast with the maths problems a lot of mistakes. A as to make B that made C to make D that he made this is an event of world historic significance is quite evident. A What B That C Because D Since 试题与难度:等级2 难度1 —In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think. —I don’t agree with you. Speaking is reading. A as important as B so important as C the most important D the same as 试题与难度:等级2 难度1


SAT阅读词汇篇 (句子填空部分) Practice Test 1 P390 Section 2 foresight n. 先见nostalgia n. 怀旧之情folly n. 荒唐事despair n. 绝望 artistry n. 艺术性intricate adj. 复杂的candid adj. 坦白的 ostentatious adj. 夸耀的fictional adj. 虚构的convoluted adj. 复杂的 impulsive adj. 任性的capricious adj. 任性的,反复无常的bombastic adj. 夸大的loquacious adj. 多话的dispassionate adj. 不带感情的decorous adj. 有礼貌的emotional adj 情绪的intellectual adj. 聪明的chance n. 机会random adj. 任意的intuitive adj. 直觉的impulsive adj. 任性的deliberate adj. 仔细思考的 instinctive adj. 直觉的intentional adj. 故意的logical adj. 逻辑的 streamlined adj. 净化了的infighting n. 斗争mitigated adj. 减轻 jingoism n. 侵略主义ossified adj. 僵化的bureaucatization n. 官僚主义politicized adj. 政治化了innovation n. 创新venerable adj. 庄严的 legislation n. 法律 P402 Section 5 cowardice n. 胆小prudence n. 审慎hospitality n. 好客 aloofness n. 高傲loyalty n. 忠心applauded adj. 喝彩derailed adj. 脱轨acknowledged adj. 承认permitted adj. 允许anticipated adj. 预料 condition n. 情况highlight n. 强调stimulus n. 刺激物dictum n. 声明 respite n. 缓解negotiate v. 谈判concessions v. 让步antagonize v. 敌对 friends v. 朋友surrender v. 俘虏enemies v. 敌人dominate v. 控制 inquiries v. 调查equivocate v. 不清楚denunciations v. 谴责 rousing adj 活泼的memorable adj. 难忘的pedestrian n. 行人adj. 徒步的evolving adj. 进化chaotic adj. 混乱unprecedented adj. 无前例的 derivative adj. 引出的,派生的inept adj. 笨拙的 spontaneous adj. 自然的,无意识的graceless adj. 不知耻的 cheapened adj. 减价affordable adj. 负担得起transformed adj. 改变 viable adj. 可实施的revolutionized adj. 革命化的prohibitive adj. 禁止的provoked adj. 激怒improbable adj. 不大可能的stimulated adj. 刺激inaccessible adj. 达不到的cryptic adj. 神秘的judicious adj. 头脑精明的 jubilant adj. 欢呼的supercilious adj. 傲慢的pugnacious adj. 好斗的 belligerence n. 好战性indigence n. 贫穷perfidy n. 不诚实aspersion n. 中伤tenacity n. 固执


★绝密★ 结构化面试题本 题本使用说明 (考官必读) 一、本次面试每位应试者的面试时间为10分钟。面试时必须按题本排列顺序向应试者提问。 二、考官提问应尽量口语化,避免生硬念题。 三、每道题都附有评分参考。评分参考只是提出了一些原则要求,并不是标准答案。面试中考官可以此为参考,根据自己对各题的理解,对应试者的答题情况做出科学、客观、公正的评价,而不要拘泥于评分参考。 四、在主考提问前,试题签必须交给应试者。应试者答完题目后,保密员应立即收回题签,以备下位应试者使用。 五、言语表达能力、举止仪表、专业素养等测评要素可能不单独设题,考官应根据应试者回答问题时的实际表现综合考虑为应试者打分。 六、《结构化面试评分表》供考官使用,《结构化面试成绩汇总表》供统计成绩使用。 七、根据保密规定,此题本属绝密材料,私人不得留存。面试结束后,题本及各类评分表格由组织人事部门负责收回。

面试题 指导语 你好,今天的面试是希望通过我们的交谈,增进对你的了解。我们会问你三个问题,要求你谈谈自己的见解,面试时间为10分钟。回答每个问题前,你自己可先考虑一下,不必紧张。好,现在面试开始【提示:开始计时】 第一个问题 你对“凡是金子都会闪光”、“闪光的不一定是金子”这两句话怎么理解?有没有不会闪光的金子?为什么? 【出题思路】 智能性问题,考察应试者的综合分析能力 【观测要点】 1、透过现象把握实质的能力。 2、对问题分析透彻,条理清晰,阐述全面,论证合理。 3、有基本的理论素养。 【评分参考】 1、一个人的才能很重要,你拥有了才能你就会被人发现 2、闪光的不一定是金子,也有可能是钻石是玻璃,要准确的用人 3、有很多人才被埋没,没有发挥他的价值,以致于她是金子却不会闪光。平台 很重要,要主动去争取不能被动的发现 4、知晓自己的工作职责,金子在合适的领域发光就是金子,不是恰当的时间哪 怕发光也不是无用。

新 SAT 常用数学词汇

新SAT常用数学词汇 作者:王宜涵 朗播新SAT词汇讲师,参与朗播网托福、雅思、新SAT等多款产品的研发与教学,负责朗播新SAT八千词汇书编纂以及新SAT在线练习阅读产品。教授过从初中至研究生不同年龄层次的学生,熟悉不同年龄层次以及不同水平学生。 根据新SAT官方指南上数学部分的新增要求以及今年3月份新SAT首考学生的反馈,新SAT数学部分的题目长度有了明显增加,这对于母语非英语的考生来说是一个不小的挑战。老SAT数学平均每题的单词量在27个左右,而新SAT数学平均每题的单词量在51个左右,题目的词数几乎翻了一番,但是考试时间并没有因此延长,而且增加了对从现实生活中抽象出数学公式的考查,对以往做数学有很大优势的中国学生来说,过去的优势将不再那么明显。同学们在提高阅读部分的阅读速度以外,同时也要提高数学部分的阅读速度以及汲取关键信息点的能力。新SAT官方指南对单个数学题目所用时间有一个清晰的要求:在非计算器部分,每个题目需要在 1.25分钟以内完成,而在使用计算器部分,每个题目需要在1.5分钟内完成。 因此,在备考新SAT的过程中,学生对新SAT数学所涉及到的知识点的词汇一定要达到读一遍能够知晓词汇的意思,并且能够理解题目大意的程度。下面依据新SAT官方指南数学部分上的要求,分类整理了新SAT数学常考的高频词汇。 代数核心(Heart of Algebra) 涉及一次方程和不等式,线性函数与函数图像等。 1.有关方程和不等式 algebraic term代数项 like terms,similar terms同类项 numerical coefficient数字系数 literal coefficient字母系数 inequality不等式 triangle inequality三角不等式 range值域 original equation原方程 linear equation with one unknown一元一次等式 linear inequality with one unknown一元一次不等式 equivalent equation同解方程 linear equation线性方程


It is rather ______ that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today. A) misleading B) embarrassing

C) boring D) demanding B Don't ________ unkind thoughts. We should be kind and friendly to others. A) harbor B) cherish C) fill D) presume A ________, Shanghai has undergone profound changes; looking ahead, we still have far more to undertake. A) In retrospect B) Looking past C) In past D) Over the past A We came in this field late, so we must work hard to make ________ the lost time. A) out for B) up for C) up with D) off with B Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _________ to the health service. A) assessment B) assignment C) exception D) access D Mathematics, the study of numbers, shapes and space, is _______ many branches of scientific researches such as astronomy and geology. A) applied to B) applied for C) applied at D) applied from A _________, glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes. A) When well fitted B) When fitting well


结构化面试常见题型尊敬的各位领导,各位评委,大家上(下)午好。 结构化面试不外乎以下几种题型:1综合分析题,2协调处理关系题,3计划组织类题,4处理突发事件题,5连词讲故事。 需要提醒各位考友注意的是,要学会从老师教给我们的这些题型的答案中去总结,学会如何答题,总结答题方法。当领悟到了之后,答题时就像套公式一样简单。答题时眼睛一定要正视对方,考官多就要扫视,注重目光交流,不要躲闪。关键是要说出口,敢说。()里面是对答题方法的总结。 第一、综合分析题:主要是考当今政治、经济、重大新闻 1、于丹心得,名家名言,诗词等。 例:有人说:“在其位某齐政”,你对这句话如何看待的? 答:下面我开始回答第N题,我对这句话是从以下几个方面来看待的。(这句话起的作用是总起,给考官一个你沉着冷静的印象,同时也使自己调整进入状态。) 第一,这句话的本意是说在哪个岗位就应该全心全意做好本职工作。(此类题第一点都要指出题干中所提观点的本意。为什么要提?没有为什么,照做!那样你能拿高分) 第二,我认为一个人在工作岗位上一定要遵守职业道德,按照职位要求,把本职工作做好,通过自己的努力促使本岗位的工作得到发展。(论述自己对这句话的看法,先论述一个方面,通常是肯定其积极的一面) 第三,同时应该认识到,应遵循职业取向,不能越俎代庖,不能超越职位权限行事。如果本职工作做不好,去议论其他职位的工作,对他人工作指指点点,会造成同事间关系紧张,造成单位管理上的混乱。(论述对这句话另一方面的看法了,通常是消极面活反面)第四,对这句话应该辩证地看待,一方面、从职位职能来说是值得肯定的,需要将职位上要求的事做好。另一方面,作为一名公务员,不管在不在位,都应该为单位发展多出谋划策,有主人翁的责任感。使本单位、集体的工作有新起色,上新台阶。因此,从这方面来说,不在其位也要某齐政。第N题回答完毕。(这一点就是将上面2点做个总结,同时也可以注入自己一些新的看法,如觉得还不够,可以另加一点论述,这就看个人的思维、语言功底了。注意结合下公务员的工作谈谈,即作为一名公务员应该如何如何云云。) 例:温总理:“公务员除了是人民公仆外,没有任何特权”,你


?Because the pandas had already been weakened by disease and drought, a harsh winter would have had --- consequences for them. ?(A) preventive ?(B) regressive ?(C) catastrophic ?(D) unforeseen ?(E) moderate ?Johnson’s writing is considered ------- and ------- because it is filled with obscure references and baffling digressions. ?(A) deceiving ….ingenuous ?(B) arcane ….abstruse ?(C) spare ….didactic ?(D) lucid ….definitive ?(E) concise ….esoteric ? 3.A painter’s ability to render a likeness is both ___ a nd acquired; the artist blends natural abilities with worldly experience in the creation of his or her art. ? A anticipated ? B overt ? C aesthetic ? D ubiquitous ? E innate ? 4. A judicious biography must be ----- representation that depicts both the strengths and the weaknesses of the subject, avoiding the two extremes of ---- and indictment. ? A a polarized … vindication ? B an imaginative … discernment ? C a holistic … censure ? D a complimentary … animosity ? E an equitable … eulogy ?Because the congresswoman has been so openhanded with many of her constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this ------- with her private -------. ?(A) selfishness ….inattention


词汇与结构专项练习 名词词义辨析 1. On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day. A. customers B. supporters C. guests D. clients 2. What is the train ______ to Birmingham? A. fee B. tip C. fare D. cost 3. Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder! A. mass B. mess C. guess D. bus 4. It's bad ________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. A. behavior B. action C. manner D. movement 5. Before the final examination, some students have shown _________ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping. A. anxiety B. marks C. signs D. remarks 6. You'll find this map of great _______in helping you to get around Beijing. A. price B. cost C. value D. useful 7. Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _______. A. water B. time C. patience D. rest 8. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask the person to leave a _______. A. message B. letter C. sentence D.notice 9. You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of _______. A. fare B. charge C. money D. pay 10. The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Green's ______. A. money B. pay C. expense D. loss 11. That company doesn't take credit cards, so customers have to pay ______. A. dollars B. finance C. coins D. cash 12. Helen was seriously injured in a car ______. A. incident B. accident C. event D. matter 13. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _______. A. energy B. source C. power D. material
