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Grammar and Words Without grammar, little can be conveyed Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.

Typical Examples for Grammar

1. The stranger robbed his wife.

2. He was then bright in the eye.

3. Do you have a family?

4. Susan is really a cat, so she is the last person

I want to see in this city.

5. Her mother died of difficult labor.

6. He is anything but a scholar.

7. You could not have made things worse.

8. You cannot be too cautious.

9. It never rains but it pours.

10. James is not so much a writer as a


paparazzi encyclopaedia superstitious

vivisectionist countermeasure contaminate telecommunication pajama extracurricular money laundrying 一 构词法 dis → disappear, disagree, dislike, dishonest, discontinue, disconnect, distract mis → mistake, mislead, misguide, misbelief, misunderstand fore → forehead, foreground, forefather, forecast, foretell pseudo →pseudoheart, pseudoscience, pseudoname pre → preview, predict, preface, preheat, prewar,


re → review, retell, rewrite, rearrange,

reorganize, re-emphasize, recreate

il/ir → illegal, illogical, irregular, immoral, immortal

ex → ex-husband, ex-president, exwife

mal → malfunction, malnutrition, maltreat

-ist → tourist, artist, communist, dentist

ful/less → careful,careless, useful, useless,

helpful, helpless

-ish → selfish, foolish, bookish, childish/childlike

post → postwar, postgraduate by → byproduct,

bywork, bypass

over → overeat, overdress, oversleep,


-ly → manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly

二 造词法

1.make →maker →laptop-maker,car-maker,

shoe-maker,watch-maker, TV-maker,


2.-mate →deskmate, classmate, roommate,

schoolmate,teammate, inmate 三 词尾象形归类法 1. light, right, night, flight, tight, might, sight

2. dip, kip, lip, tip, zip, lipstick, the tip of the


3. altitude, latitude, attitude, aptitude, fortitude

四 拟声法

carnation cuckoo giggle sofa pudding

coffee golf murmur crash crack meow

bow-woo babble/gurgle

五 形象分析法

tryst trysting place eye bird

六 缩略词

motel → motor and hotel telecast → television

and broadcast

smog → smoke and fog brunch → breakfast

and lunch

七 头脑风暴法 First give a certain topic, and then name all the related words by all people involved such as ―what do you think are qualities of being a good language teacher? Can you find out as many

adjectives as possible which can describe the

qualities of a good teacher?‖ 八 联想法 比如 family 第九 同义法beautiful, pretty, handsome, good-looking ?ugly, plain-looking ?

doctor, physician, surgeon, dentist 十 反义法

optimistic ? pessimistic

maximum ? minimum

active ? passive

positive ? negative

十一 加长法

classic → classical

economic → economical

historic → historical

comic → comical

politic → political

electric → electrical

十二 动词词组


~ up, ~ down, ~ through, out


~ on, ~ off, ~ up, ~ down, ~out, ~ over

十三 收集习语法

He is a milkman.



rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:

He always keeps silent at meeting.他开会时总保


This matter rests a mystery.此事仍是一个谜。


用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear,


He seems (to be) very sad.他看起来很伤心。


感官系动词主要有:看起来 look





用法如下: (1)+形容词(不用副词)



1.Bill said that the mixture tasted ________.

(terrible, terribly).

2.The doctor said that the baby didn’t look

________. (healthy, healthily).

3.The gas from the bottle smelled

very_______.(strange, strangely).

4.This kind of cloth feels quite_______. (soft,


5.Your idea sounds _________. (nice, nicely).


这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run.


He became mad after that.自那之后,他疯


She grew rich within a short time.她没多长



表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, trun out, 表达"


The rumor proved false.这谣言证实有假。

His plan turned out a success.他的计划终于

成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)



(1)That yellow BMW is Mr.Wu?s.

(2) A very valuable bronze Egyptian cat.

(3) The man who gave us a good lesson

yesterday was a model worker.

(4) After all, he is a five-year-old boy.

(5) Commerce with other countries can bring us

lots of benefits

(6) Please give me a knife to cut with.

7 状语(Adverbial) 用来修饰动



(1) Rose speaks English quite fluently.

(2) He went to France to meet his fiancee.

(3) If I have some spare time, I will take up


(4) When I grow up, I am going to be a bullfighter.

8. 同位语它位于名词或名词性短语之后,



(1) The old lady always murmurs— that is,speaks in a very low voice.

(2) The next night,the blackest he had ever known,the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over.




(1) We love our motherland.

(2) As they say, when the age is in, the wit is


2. 疑问句用来提出问题,它又可



(1) Do they like playing PC games?

--- Yes, they do.

(2) Have you a wrist watch?

--- No, I haven’t.


(1)Who is singing in the dormitory?

(2)What are you doing now?

(3) Why do they like playing golf?

(4) When did you get the very job?


(1) Shall we go by bus or by train?

(2) Do you love chess or snooker?


(3) Peter smokes a lot, doesn’t he?

(4)Linda isn’t a college student, is she?

3. 祈使句

(1) Copy the exercise in your notebook.

(2)Don’t be afraid of making grammatical mistakes.(3) Let’s take the thief to the police!


(1) What a place it is!

(2) What nonsense!

(3) How foolish they are!

(4) How hard he studies!

(5) How beautiful your T- shirt is!

2. 并列句(Compound Sentence)


◆连接两个概念常见的and, so, therefore, not

only… but a lso 不neither… nor等。如:

(1) I think, therefore I am.

(2) She not only writes her own plays, she also acts in them.

◆表示两者选其一常见的有or, otherwise, or else,


(1) Either he is to blame or I am.

(2) You must go to work or/ or else/ otherwise you will get the bird.

◆表示矛盾或对照常见的有but, yet, still, however, while, whereas 等。

(1) I am ugly, but I am very gentle.

(2) I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.

3. 复合句(Complex Sentence)


(1) I was about to leave, when the telephone rang.

(2) The students would have made better grades if they had studied hard.



(1) Altogether Beethoven wrote nine symphonies, but most of them were written after he had lost his hearing.

2. I asked a man who has a wife and three children who did the cooking in his house and he replied that whoever came home from work first did it.



1. I bought a rain coat with a warm lining.

2. The dog jumped through the window.

3. He is saving up to buy a mobile phone.

4. He worked like a madman in the garden on


5. A bright little boy with rosy cheeks put three

bottles of milk quietly on my doorstep before

seven o?clock.

6. The young girl with long black hair seems to be




由c.n+p r e p/p r e p短语构成。变为n s。

p a s s e r-b y→p a s s e r s-b y

l o o k e r-o n→l o o k e r s-o n

e d i t o r-i n-c h i e f→e d i t o r s-i n-c h i e f

f a t h e r-i n-l a w→f a t h e r s-i n-l a w



a n d-

b y→s t a n d-b y s

e a k-d o w n→b r e a k-d o w n s

t-i n→s i t-i n s

o w n-u p→g r o w n-u p s

如果是由m a n/w o m a n+n构成的复合名词,那

么前后都要变成复数。如:C u s t o m e r s

m a n t e a c h e r→m e n t e a c h e r s

m a n s e r v a n t→m e n s e r v a n t s

w o m a n c u s t o m e r→w o m e n

w o m a n d o c t o r→w o m e n d o c t o r s


见的有:s h e e p,d e e r,f i s h,m e a n s,s p e c i e s,j i n,l i,

m u,y u a n,j i a o,f e n e t c.

o n e s h e e p→f i v e s h e e p

o n e d e e r→t e n d e e r

3j i n4m u100y u a n

1d o l l a r→20d o l l a r s


变s i s为s e s

b a s i s→b a s e s

c r i s i s→c r i s e s

t h e s i s→t h e s e s

a n a l y s i s→a n a l y s e s

d i a g n o s i s→d i a g n o s

e s

变u m/o n为a

a t u m→d a t a

e d i u m→m e d i a

u r r i c u l u m→c u r r i c u l a

r i t e r i o n→c r i t e r i a

e n o m e n o n→p h e n o m e n a



n f o r m a t i o n,a d v i c e,f u r n i t u r e,

q u i p m e n t,m a c h i n e r y,s c e n e r y,

e w e l r y,s p i r i t,l u g g a g e,l i g h t,

a g g a g e,

b r e a d,p a p e r,a i r,f u n,

o v e r t y,p r o g r e s s,v i r t u e,l u c k,

r a f f i c,f o l i a g e.


o n o m i c s,p o l i t i c s,p h y s i c s,

e c h a n i c s,e l e c t r o n i c s,

a t i s t i c s,o p t i c s,n e w s,

e a n s,m e a s l e s,d i a b e t e s,




p a p e r纸张→p a p e r s文件、论文

c o f f e e咖啡→c o f f e e s几杯咖啡

l i g h t光线→l i g h t s灯

g r e e n绿色→g r e e n s青菜

s p i r i t精神→s p i r i t s烈酒、情绪

f o r c e力量→f o r c e s军队

c u s t o m风俗→c u s t o m s海关


答:一般用“数字+计量单位+o f+名词”表示。如:

a p i e c e o f n e w s/m e a t/p a p e r/a d v i c e

l u g g a g e/i n f o r m a t i o n

a s u m o f m o n e y

a s e t o f e q u i p m e n t

10s e t s o f e q u i p m e n t

a p a i r o f g l a s s e s/s c i s s o r s/s h o e s

5p a i r s o f g l a s s e s/s c i s s o r s/s h o e s



如:f a m i l y p l a n n i n g,h u m a n r i g h t s,

h e a d n u r s e,b l o o d p r e s s u r e,d r e s s s h o p,

t o m a t o j u i c e,c r e d i t c a r d,f i r e e n g i n e,

h e a l t h c e n t e r,i d e n t i t y c a r d,m i n e r a l w a t e r,

p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e,p a c k a g e h o l i d a y,

p e a c e t a l k s,s c i e n c e f i c t i o n,c o l o r f i l m

e m e r g e n c y r o o m,


s p o r t s m e e t i n g,g o o d s t r a i n

t a l k s t a b l e,c u s t o m s o f f i c e r

c o m m o

d i t i

e s

f a i r,c l o t h e s

b r u s h,s a v i n g s b a n k




w o m e n?s c l o t h e s t h e p r o f e s s o r?s s p e e c h

2.以s或e s结尾的复数名词,只需加?

t h e m a s s e s?a d v i c e t h e t w o b o y s?m o t h e r


h i s s o n-i n-l a w?s p h o t o

t h e c o m m a n d e r-i n-c h i e f?s r e p o r t



H e l e n a n d T o m?s m o t h e r共有妈妈

M a r y a n d J a n e?s b e d r o o m共有房间

M a r y?s a n d J a n e?s r o o m分别都有各自的房间5.在“店铺”或“某家人”的名词所有格中,通常省略其


t h e b a r b e r?s t h e t a i l o r?s t h e

d o c t o r?s t h

e g r o c e r?s

t h e b a k e r?s t h e b u t c h e r?s t h e

s t a t i o n e r?s h e r a u n t?s

M r.G r e e n?s


2. 以-s 结尾的地理名词


1>The United States is a country of people with

varied origins.

2>The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of

plant and animal life.


常见名词有:shoes, gloves, pajamas, spectacles, chopsticks, scissors, glasses, sunglasses,

compasses, jeans, pliers, scales, shears, 等。

如:Peter?s new trouser are black and white.但如果主语由 a kind of, a pair


1.One pair of scissors isn’t enough.

2. Two pairs of pliers, one large and one small, are missing from my tool box.


常见的有: fireworks, minutes, contents, wages, arms, goods, remains, ashes, suburbs, outskirts, thanks, congratulations, regards, dregs, stairs, fumes, funds, particulars, troops等,通常作复数。例如:

The archives of this society are kept in the


2. High wages often result in high prices.



常考的是police, folk, youth, people, militia, cattle, poultry, vermin 等

1>Domestic cattle provide us with milk, beef and hides.

2>Such vermins as bugs and rats are hard to get rid of.


这类名词包括:foliage, machinery, equipment, furniture,merchandise等。如:

All the machinery in the factory is made in China.


常见的包括:audience, public, committee, class, government, crew, family, crowd, public, team 等。例如:

1.The government is losing control of the situation.

2.The government are resigning.


?由and/both…and 连接的并列主语如果概念不同,用复数。

1> Baseball and swimming ____ usually summer


?2> Both bread and butter _____ sold in that


1>Bread and butter is my favorite breakfast.

2>The secretary and treasurer is absent.

3>Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.

1>The writer and translator _______delivering a speech in our school tonight

2> The writer and the translator __ delivering a speech in our school tonight.

3> A black and white dog ___ playing in the yard.

4> A black and a white dog__ playing in the yard.


当and 连接的并列名词词组带有each, every, many

a,more than one, no等限定词时,用作单数。

1>Every boy and every girl in this room is entitled

to a copy.

2>More than one student has read the book.


Many a customer _____ about the poor quality of

the washing machines.

A. complains

B. complain

C. are complaining

D. have complained

3. 主语+ as well as /like/with + ns


这类词还有:rather than, more than, no less

than ,as well as, in addition to, like, besides, except, with, together with, along with, including, combined with, but,


1.The father as well as his three children ____

skating on the frozen river every Sunday

afternoon in winter. (2006辽宁) is going

B. go

C. goes

D. are going

2.Professor Smith, along with his assistants, ____

on the project day and night to meet the deadline. (2005上海)

A. work

B. working

C. is working

D. are working

3.The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class,

____ visiting a museum when the earthquake

struck. (2004北京)

?was B. were

C. had been

D. would be

4. A library with five thousand books ___ to the



nation as a gift. A .is offered B .has offered

C. are offered

D. have offered

5. Nobody but Jane ___ the

secret. (86’)

A .know

B. knows

C. have known

D. is known



如果主语是由数量词+of + n 构成,不管是确定数量(如2/3、3/5等),还是不确定数量(如all of…,

some of…, none of…, half of…, most of…,

lots of…, plenty of 等),其后的动词形式依of-词组中的n 而定。

1>Thirty-five percent of the

doctors were women.

2>Half of the building was

damaged in the explosion. 3>Plenty of the men are already here.

考题:______ of the land in

that district ______ covered

with trees and grass.(上海2000) A .Two fifth; is B .Two fifth; are C .Two fifths; is D .Two fifths; are

2. 主语是“a portion of, a series of, a pile of, a panel of + n”,用单数。 1>A substantial portion of the reports is missing. 2>A series of accidents hasn’t been reported.

3. 高频考点 a number of (a total of, an average of, a variety of ) +复数名词,谓语 动词用复数;the number of (the total of , the average of, the variety of ) +复数名词,谓语动词用单数。 1> 上个月总共捐了10,000美元。 A total of ten thousand dollars ______(be) donated last month. 2> 上个月的捐款的总数是10,000 美元。 The total of dollars donated last month ______(be) 100,000 dollars.

考题: The number of people invited ______ fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different reasons. (96’) A .were; was B .was; was C .was; were D .were; were 4. 重点考点 主语如果是时间、距离、长度、价 值、金额、重量等复数名词时,谓 语动词用单数。

1)Ten years is a long time to wait for an answer . 2)Five months is needed to find a new cure for




一个ving ,to do ,clause 做主

语,一般谓语动词用单数。 What we need is patience . To climb mountains requires courage. Increasing their wages has raised the crew’s morale.

2. 如果2个-ving ,to do ,clause 做主语,如果表示


用复数。 Setting a goal and sticking to it changes everything. Saying and doing are two things. ? Reading three classical novels and making some

social investigations are assignments for the

students during the holiday. ? Where he comes from and what he is doing here are secrets . ?

When and where to build the new factory ______ yet.(91) A .is not decided

B .are not decided

C .has not decided

D .have not decided 重点: ―one of + 复数n + 关系分句‖中。 Tom is one of the students who are good at playing football. 2. Tom is the only one of the students who is good

D. seems to be

Beijing once or twice.

A. were

B. have been

C. is

D. has been


The chairman as well as many other people ____


He is the only one of those boys who ____ willing

to take a make –up exam .

is B. were


September arrives on the campus, they are

confused at first by the strangeness of the new


the styles of them products.

the poem by themselves.


invited to ask questions.

audience to askquestions.


formany headaches.

The oxygen in the air we breathe has no tasted,

smell, color.

Perey L. Julian made outstanding contributions



the moment/the minute/the day/the instant; 条件:if, unless, provided.

If he will accept the job, he will get more money soon.

If he accepts the job, he will get more money 在make sure (certain), see to it, mind, +宾语从句, 从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

Make sure that all the lights are off before you leave the office. 贴心叮嘱:

在 I hope, I bet 之后的宾语从句中,既可以直接用将来时态,也可以用一般现在时代替将来。所以,要引起重视。如:

越……越……) 句

The harder you study, the better results you will get.



如:He is doing experiments now.

与频率副词,如always ,constantly ,,again, forever 等连用,表示说话人的某种感情色彩(赞叹、厌烦、埋怨等)。如:

Tom is always coming late for class.

The little boy is always making trouble. 表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作(这时多有表示将来的时间状语)。这仅限于表示位移的动词。如:go,come, leave, start, return etc.

Mary is leaving on Friday.

She is flying to America tomorrow.

My parents are coming here next week and 表示动作的短暂性。如:

You are being very polite today.

Tom is very polite.

Eric is now living in Shanghai. Eric lives in Shanghai.


常见的不确定的时间状语:lately; recently, just, already, yet, up to now; till now; so far, these days, 用法有两:


束。如: He has turned off the light. 其二,未完成用法。动作始于过去,持续到现在,也许


I have lived in Hefei since 2000.

考点一:for + 时间段只修饰延续性动作的动词。

since + 时间点

They have lived in Beijing for five years.

They have lived in Beijing since 1995.

Peter has come to China for five years.

Peter has been in China for five years.


即 have done since + did

I haven’t seen him since his wedding day.

I haven’t seen her since she wrote to me

last year.


The house has been in bad repair since he

lived in it.

I haven’t had barbecue since I was a

student at Anhui University.

Since + 短暂性动词翻译为:自从这个动作以来…

Since + 延续性动词翻译为:自从这个动作结束以

―最近几世纪/ 年/ 月以来……‖时间状语

in the past few years/months/weeks/days;over

the past few years; during the last three months;

for the last few centuries, through centuries; throughout history 等

Prices have been on the rise in the past few months.

They have made amazing

achievements during the last few


―It/This is the first/second/best (worst,

名词+that-clause‖ 后面跟现


This is my first time that I have visited China.

This is the most interesting film I have ever


That is the only book that he has written.




She has been writing a letter all


How long has it been raining?




过去。常跟明确的过去时间连用,如:yesterday; last

week; in 1945, at that time; once; during the war;

before; a few days ago; when 如:

When she was in Hefei, she came

to see me every week.

His father was an English

teacher all his life.

His father has been an English

teacher all his life.




He used to smoke a lot.

People used to believe that the earth was


John would sit for hours without saying a


He would go to the park as soon as he was


be/become/get used to + doing,表示习惯于

He has got used to getting up early.

6. 过去进行时 (easy)




He was taking a walk leisurely by the lake

when he heard someone shout for help.

7. 过去完成时



从来不孤立使用 ( before, after, by, until etc. ) .


By the end of last term we had finished the


They finished earlier than we had expected.

用于hardly/scarcely...when; no

句型中,主句用had done,从句用did.


I had hardly finished my work when she came

No sooner had I arrived home than the


动词hope, expect, think, intend, mean,



I had hoped that I could do the job.

I had intended to see you but I was too



8. 一般将来时

表在将来某个时间会发生的动作或情况。常和tomorrow, next year, in 2010等表示将来的时间状语连用,其表现形式多种多样、丰富多彩。如:

London will host the 30th Olympic Games in





①说或写都尽量使用―I’ll,You’ll,He’ll,She’ll,It’ll,We’ll,They’ll …‖的简缩形。



例A:I won’t see him again.

例B:—— Who will go and help that poor old man?

—— Mary will .

考点二:be going to do cf. be to do

What are you going to do after the tutoring class.

Look at those dark clouds. It is going to rain. Look! The car is going to turn over.

They are to be married in this August.

You are to accomplish the assignments by noon.

I am to play basketball this afternoon.

I am going to play basketball this afternoon. 考点三: be about to do cf. be not about to do He is about to leave.

Please wait a minute. Our boss is about to come out.

John is not about to do that again. (be unwilling to)


The new semester is about to start in


I am leaving for Beijing to see the closing ceremony of the Olympics tomorrow.

考点五:―祈使句 + and/or + 句子‖,这种结构中and 后面的句子谓语用一般将来时。

Use your head and you will find a way.

Work hard and carefully, or you will get the bird. 考点六:用on the point(verge, brink, eve) of 表“即将”。

He is on the point of making a round-the-world tour.

The country is on the brink of even bigger disaster.

The two countries are on the verge of war.



I’ll be giving you the lecture this time the day after tomorrow.

The train will be arriving at 2





by the end of this year, by 8 o’clock this evening, by March next year以及由by the time…, before或when等引导的副词从句。


By the end of this month, you will have learned 3,000 English words.

By the time you reach the station, the train will have left.

By next Tuesday, I will have got ready for the exams.


be done can/must be done be being done have been done


1. 不知、不必或不愿说出动作的执行者或发出者。这时就需要用被动语态。

The president was murdered. 总统被谋杀了。

A new supermarket will be built in this district. 这个地区将要建一座新的大型超市。

My wallet has been stolen. 我钱包被人偷了。

2. 及物动词有被动语态,不及物动词没有被动语态。比如:happen, become, rise, occur, belong, break out, appear, arrive, die, fall, last, exist, fail, succeed等。

All the people have arrived.

His dream came true at last.

3. 有些动词用主动形式出现,但是意思是被动的。这次词包括:wash, clean, cook, look, sell, read, feel, drive, write等。


The pen doesn’t write well. 这支笔不好写。4. 在need, require, want, be worth (形容词),deserve后用-ing主动形式代替被动。

This room needs cleaning.

This book is worth reading twice.


The old folk song is well worth ____.

A. listening

B. listening to

C. to listen

D. to listen to


The garden requires _____.


B. being


C. to water

D. having watered

5. 特殊结构:

make sb heard / understood (使别人能听见/理解自己)

have/get sth done ( 要某人做某事)



1. Scan时间状语。

With the rapid growth of population, the city ______ in all directions in the past five years.

A. spreads

B. has spread

C. spread

D. had spead

At this time tomorrow ______ over the Atlantic.

A. we’re going to fly

B. we’ll be flying

C. we’ll fly

D. we’re to fly


All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness ______.

A.has grown

B. is growing

C. grew


had grown

Let’s keep to the point or we ______ any decision.

A. will never reach

B. have never reached

C. never reach

D. never reached

3. Use句型和搭配

As you all know, it is the second time I _____ your boarding school.

A. visited

B. had visited

C. have visited

D. visit

He _________ to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.

A. has no sooner got

B. no sooner got

C. will no sooner got

D. had no sooner got

--- You’ve made great progress in your studies of


C. he would spend

D. it would take him

7. Whenever Tom knew I was in trouble, he____ always lend me a hand.

A. might

B. would

C. could

D. caught

8When I leave the research institute next Week, I____ there for 18 years.

A. shall be working

B. will work

C. shall have worked

D. have worked

9. He ____ the office when the telephone rang.

A. left

B. has left

C. was leaving

D. has been leaving

10. It’s high time ____ about the traffic problem.

A. something was done

B. everything is done

C. anything will be done

D. nothing to be done

11. The old photo ____ his childhood in the


A. was reminded of

B. was reminded of him

C. reminded of

D. reminded him of

12. If I___ theopportunity I would not have

missed it.

A. were given

B. was given

C. be given

D. had been given

13. The movie ___ us of thepains brought by World


A. was thought of

B. kept

C. reminded

D. remembered

14. I hope ________ my letter.

A.her to answer

B.that she should answer

C.that she will read

D.her answer


1. John and I ___ friends for 8 years.We first got

to know each other at a Christmas party. But We ___ each other a couple oftimes before



5. If they had known him, ( ) to him?

A. would they have talked

B. would they talk

C. had they talked

D. they would talk

6. Getting up early isn?t difficult if you ___ an alarm


A. will have

B. have

C. had

D. had had

7. I would have gone to the concert, if I ( )


A. had had

B. have had

C. had

D. would have had



I w o u l d h a v e g o n e t o v i s i t h i m i n t h e h o s p i t a l h a d

i t b e e n a t a l l p o s s i b l e,b u t I__________f u l l y

o c c u p i e d t h e w h o l e o f l a s t w e e k.

A. had been

B. was

C. were

D. would be

(五)虚拟语气的倒装-省略“i f”的条件句

虚拟条件句的从句部分如果含w e r e,s h o u l d,或

h a d,可将i f省略,再把w e r e,s h o u l d或h a d移到从句


Some examples

?I n t h e a b s e n c e o f s u n l i g h t,t h e r e n o m o o n l i g h t.

?U n d e r a b e t t e r c o n d i t i o n,w e

m u c h b e t t e r.

?E x c e p t f o r a i r a n d w a t e r,n o t h i n g c o u l d l i v e o n t h e e a r t h.


1. Given the opportunity, he might

have become a well-known singer.

2. I would have bought that DVD player.

Some examples

例(1) Without heat and sunlight, plants on the earth ______ well.

A. would not grow

B. will not grow

C. had not grown

D. would not be


例(3) But for the rain, we _____ a nice holiday. A. should have B. would have had

C. would have

D. will have had


例(2) But for my classmates' help, I _____ the work in time.

A. did not finish

B. could not finish

C. will not finish

D. would not have finished


d e c i d e,s u g g e s t,d e c r e e,

d e m a n d,i n s i s t,m o v e,o r d e r,

p r e f e r,p r o p o s e,r e c o m m e n d,

r e q u e s t,r e q u i r e,v o t e

lest / for fear that/in case从句

1. She walked quietly lest she should wake up her


2. The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we

should misunderstand him.

3. Care must be taken in using this method lest

overflow should occur.

4.She put a blanket over the baby for fear that it

should catch a cold.

17. Long live the People?s Republic of China!

18. God damn you!

19. Heaven forbid!

20. Devil take you!

21. Far be it from me to spoil the fun.

22. He will remain here if need be.

情态动词+ have done的虚拟语气

1. 表示与过去的事实相反

should (ought to) have done

shouldn?t have done

would have done could have done

might have done

need (needn?t) have done

Typical examples

1. Peter would have gone with me, but he was ill.

2. John went to the station with the car to meet

Mary, so she needn?t have walked back home.

3. You ought to / should have studied harder.

2. 表示对过去的推测

Note: 只有must/could/may/might + have done

1. you must have seen the film Titanic.

2. It must have rained last night, for the ground is

wet now.

3. Mr. Smith can't have gone to Beijing, for I saw

him in the library just now.

4.They may not have known it beforehand.

5. You might have read about it in the papers.

Typical examples

【经典考例1】The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I ________ the trouble to carry

my umbrella with me. (2006江西)

A. should have taken

B. could have taken

C. needn't have taken

D. mustn't have taken

【经典考例2】As you worked late yesterday, you ________ have come this morning. (2006陕西)A. mayn't B. can't

C. mustn't

D. needn't




1. To think of you makes me old. To know oneself is difficult. To err is human.

To talk to her is to talk to a wall. To love is to be loved. To see her is to love her.

To live is to do sth worthwhile.

Peter was to perish in a car crash and to leave to-do 被置于句末,用It 放在句首充当形式主语。

To spend your vacation at the seaside is quite pleasure.

It requires patience to be a good nurse .

It takes Susan 2 hours to dress herself up each when I was ill.

It was nasty __ Jim to behave like that.

It is important __ us to understand the point. ’s duty, an honor, a shame, a crime, etc.

It is a pity to go without her.

It is a glorious death to die for the people. 考点二:

-ving 作真正的主语,it 为形式主语. 结构为:

It is + n/adj + doing sth

N → no good, no use, no point, no sense, no harm, a waste of time etc.

It is no use crying over spilt milk . It is no good objecting.

It is good playing Chinese chess after supper.


To-do 与 –ving(n)作主语和表语时的区别

Sending an e-mail is quite common today. ()

To send an e-mail is my task this afternoon. () My job is teaching English . () My today ’s job is to teach you how to learn English well. ()


___ China Today is a good way of improving our English.

A.Having read B.Have read C.Reading D.Read


常用to-do作宾语的词有afford,attempt, continue, dare, decide, decline, endeavor, hesitate, hope, intend, prepare, pretend, tend, venture, want, volunteer 等。

I can’t afford to live in a detached house.

to pass the final exam.


常用该结构的动词有:find, feel, believe, make,


I found it interesting to play snooker.

Do you consider it better not to go?


: 作but/except的宾语,注意要不要to.

There is no choice but to wait and see.

He did nothing but play PC games every day.


to-do. 如: avoid, admit, advocate,

feel like, escape, risk, have

difficulty/trouble/problem (in) doing, can’t help

doing sth等

The girl avoid giving her any personal info.

Do you feel like going to the movie?

We had difficulty in carrying out the plan.


I had considerable difficulty ________ her to

go out for a drink with me.

A.to persuade B.to have persuaded C.persuade


to 是不定式?还是介词?

to, devote oneself to, get down to, look forward to,

object to, stick to, take to 等.

I am looking forward to seeing you again.

My uncle took to smoking years ago.

3. 作宾补

结构为:v + sb + to do 常见的动词有: advise,

ask, compel, direct, enable, expect, force, tell,

want, urge, persuade等。

Tell the kids not to play on the street.

He likes his wife to dress well.

高频考点:使役动词+ sb + do sth

感官动词+ sb + do/doing

We must have someone repair the computer.

She smell sth burning and saw smoke rising.

If she catches me reading her diary, she’ll be


I saw him swim in the river yesterday.

I saw him swimming in the river yesterday.



sth to eat water to drink

There is no need to wake him up.

Did you have a proper reason to say so?

to get a scholarship.


定式是vi, 或是工作对象、工具等,这时不定式后需要


He is looking for a room to live __.

Please give me a knife to cut __ .

She bought a bookshelf to put her books __.

He has a kid to take care__.

She can find no one to make friends __.

He lent me a book to kill time __.

5. 作状语

(1) 表目的. 如:

We eat to live.

To save the child, he laid down his life.

Hurry up so as not to be late for the class.

--- Why was the official meeting called?

--- ___ new officers.

A. Select

B. Selecting

C. To select

D. For selecting

(2) 表结果(learn, find,see, hear etc.)

He survived the crash only to die in the desert.

He studied hard only to fail.

They parted never to see each other.

-ving(adj) / -ved (★★★★★)




a touched / moved audience

the rising sun a charming girl

the risen sun a charmed girl

the changing world developing countries

the changed world developed countries


1. 作表语

The music is pleasing to the ear.

He became discouraged.


The news was disappointing.


She smelt sth burn.

He’s happy to see her old mother take good care

of at home.

I want this watch repair at once.


(1) 单个分词作定语前置。如:

Boiling water, a grown-up daughter, an escaped prisoner,

(2) 分词短语作定语要后置

I saw a group of students return from the school.

Most of the young teachers work in this university are Ph.D.

Do you know the girl employ by this company?

Suddenly John saw a little girl run up to him.

The book, complete in May, sells well.



While _____ (cross)the street, you must be careful. →(While you are crossing the street,…)

___ (see) from the top of the mountain, the

city looks more beautiful.


____ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a ―blue planet‖.

A. Seen

B. Seeing

C. To be seen

D. Having seen

___ (do) all her family chores, the mother began to watch TV.


一般式 doing 动作同时或者几乎同时

完成式 having done 动作一先一后

否定式 not doing/having done

She sat there reading the book.

Going into the room, he shut the door.

Having lived in Hefei for many years, I knew the

city well.

Not knowing where to go, she went to the police for help.


Being blind, how could they see an elephant?

→ (Because they were blind,…)

Born into a poor family,he had only two years of




A. Having worked

B. Working

C. Worked

D. Being worked

3. The soldiers marched down the street, ___ their flags.

A. waved

B. waving

C. being waved

D. wave

4. Man must stop ____ the earth’s atmosphere.

A. filling

B. emitting

C. polluting

D. wasting

5. I think that it is no use ____ with this.

A. to continue

B. continue

C. continuing

D. continued

6. If ____ successfully, the plan will completely change the traffic.

A. carrying

B. carried out

C. to carry

D. carry out

7. ___, the students had togo to bed.

A. The lights had gone out

B. The lights having gone out

C. The light went out

D. The lights have gone out

8. Because he was very poor, he couldn’t ____ to rent his flat.

A. spend

B. afford

C. feel

D. think

9. Don’t ____ to let me know if there is anything

I can do for you.

A. reject

B. prevent

C. hesitate

D. refuse

10.The man ____ the Helping Hand Group is a handicapped person himself.

A. organizes

B. organized

C. organizing

D. organize

11. ____ to speak, I shall start making preparation tomorrow. A. Having invited

B. Having been invited

C. Inviting

D. Be invited

12. I keep telling myself to avoid __ the same

mistakes in pronunciation.

A. to make

B. making

C. in making

D. from making

13.The result of the experiment made me __. It

was not so good as I had expected.

A. disappoint

B. be disappointed

C. disappointing

D. disappointed

14. The spaceman found ____ to look at the earth

away from it.

A.a most exciting experience

B。it a most exciting ~

C. that a most exciting ~

D .it most an exciting ~

15. We got to the station only____ that the train

had just left.

A .learned

B .to learn

C .learning

D .having learned

16. ___, she stood at the door waiting for her son

to return from school.

A .Finished preparing dinner

B .Having finished preparing ~

C .Finishing prepared dinner

D .Being finished preparing ~

17. I remember ___ the book to you the other day

when I met you on my way to the library.

A .returning

B .to return

C .returned

D .being returned

18. I won’t be able to go on holiday next month


A .with my mother been ill

B .with my mother to be ill

C .with my mother be ill

D .with my mother being ill

19.The parents were surprised at ____ the tree.

A .his climbing up


I agree with ___ you said at the meeting.

They are now living in ___ was called the ―Big Stone Village‖


in that, but that, except that, notwithstanding


He differed from his colleagues in that he devotes his spare time to reading.

I would have come to see you but that I had

had sth urgent to do then.

Your composition was perfect except that

there were a few misspellings.

I shall go notwithstanding that I am long

They all went there except Peter.

They looked for it everywhere except in the


The room is very clean except for some

waste paper on the floor.

The book is well written except for the poor



According to the city road maintenance working group, the collapse, which created a hole

two meters wide, four meters long, and three

meters deep, may have been triggered by heavy

rains in previous days in the city.

在句中起同位语的作用.一般放在名词fact , news , idea , promise, thought , suggestion等之后,



如 :

The news that Eric got the scholarship shocked us all.

The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more

willing to buy less costly luxury goods.

The rumor spread here and there ____ it was Tom that killed his step-mother.

A. that

B. where

C. in which

D. at




第一,关系代词→ that,which,who,whom,whose

第二,关系副词→ when, where, why, how等


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