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Morphological motivation

Morphological motivation tries to establish the connection of meaning of the word to its form from morphological point of view. Sometimes, we can work out the meaning of a word if we know the meaning of the morphemes that constitute that word.

1. Definition

We say the word is morphologically motivated, for a direct connection can be observed between the morphemic structure of the word and its meaning. This is called morphological motivation. Morphological motivation can be divided into five parts: compound, derivation, abbreviation, analogy and loan words.

2. Compounds and derived words

Compounds and derived words are multi-morphemic words and the meanings of many are the sum total of the morphemes combined. Quite often, if one knows the meaning of each morpheme, namely affix or base, one can figure out the meaning of the word. For instance, airmail means to 'mail by air', reading-lamp is the 'lamp for reading', miniskirt is a 'small skirt' and hopeless means 'without hope'. More example: good-looking, spaceman, moonscape, daydream

It should be pointed out that there are a lot of words whose structures are opaque, i.e. their meanings are not the combinations of the separate parts. Black market, for example, is by no means the 'market black in colour' but it refers to 'illegal selling and buying'. Likewise, greenhorn is not the horn green in colour, but 'newcomer'. But blackmail and greenhand are not motivated:


Analogy is a process whereby words are created in imitation of other words. It is illustrated by telethon(马拉松式电视广播节目)and talkthon(马拉松式谈话或座谈节目), created on the model of marathon; chairwoman, chairperson, and chairone coined after chairman. Analogy can be divided into five parts: Colour analogy, Number analogy, Space analogy, Similarity analogy, Contrast analogy.

Colour analogy: Colour Analogy is a process whereby words are created in imitation of colour words. Eg: blue-collar or white-collar workers(蓝领或白领工人)coined after gray-collar workers(灰领工人,指服务性行业的职工); black list(黑

名单) after white list(白名单,指准予上演的短剧等的名单)and grey list(灰名单,指非明文查禁但仍属不合法的人或物).

Number analogy: Number Analogy is a process whereby words are created in imitation of Number words and modifiers. Eg: the three P’s(peace, petroleum, Palestine三词的缩略,指由中东局势所引起的三大问题) and the three I’s(inflation,interest rate,impeachment三词的缩略,指通货膨胀、利率和弹劾) coined after the three R’s(reading, writing, arithmetic指读、写、算三种基本能力)。

Space analogy: Space Analogy is a process whereby words are created in imitation of Space words. eg: earthman coined after spaceman.

Similarity analogy: Similarity analogy is a process whereby words are created based on the Similarity. eg: development gap(经济发展的差距),production gap(生产上差距),credibility gap(信用差距),missile gap(导弹发展上的差距) coined after generation gap

Contrast analogy: Contrast analogy is a process whereby words are created based on the Contrast. eg: cold line coined after hot line.

4. Loanwords

most loan words in English are translated form foreign languages according to their sounds. Therefore they have weaker motivation. Eg: 德先生(democracy)、赛先生(science);蜜月(honeymoon)

from Morphological motivation, we can work out the meaning of a word if we know the meaning of the morphemes that constitute that word, though most simple words are non-motivation.

英文动机信Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter December 12, 2014 Dear Mr. /Mrs. I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for scholarship of the Master Program in Electrical Engineering at TUE. First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Liu Jiapeng. I’m an undergraduate of Zhejiang University. My major is Bachelor of Engineering in Optical Engineering. In the first two years, I did well in mathematics and physics, which was not only helpful to my later study, but also helpful to my further study in postgraduate education. I also like programming, since I find it a great source of fun rather than a process of creation and design. After learning C Language, MATLAB and Proteus, I put them into practice and made some products such as auto-controlled cars and acceleration transducer. Besides these, I passively take part in extracurricular activities which practice my teamwork and good communication, as well leadership, which are also helpful for my further study and career plan. In my university I have made much progress. My general GPA is:3.59/4 and major GPA 3.71/4. I wish I were an ideal candidate for scholarship of Master Program in Electrical Engineering at TUE. In addition, in my university, I realized that my true interest was in


第九章蛋白质代谢及第十章核苷酸代谢练习 (一)名词解释 1、蛋白酶; 2、肽酶; 3、转氨作用; 4、尿素循环; 5、生糖氨基酸; 6、生酮氨基酸; 7、核酸酶; 8、限制性核酸内切酶; 9、一碳单位 (二)英文缩写符号 1、GOT;2.GPT;3、PRPP;4、GDH;5、IMP。 (三)填空 1.生物体内的蛋白质可被和共同作用降解成氨基酸。 2.多肽链经胰蛋白酶降解后,产生新肽段羧基端主要是和氨基酸残基。 3.胰凝乳蛋白酶专一性水解多肽链由族氨基酸端形成的肽键。 4.氨基酸的降解反应包括、和作用。 5.转氨酶和脱羧酶的辅酶通常是。 6.谷氨酸经脱氨后产生和氨,前者进入进一步代谢。 7.尿素循环中产生的和两种氨基酸不是蛋白质氨基酸。 8.尿素分子中两个N原子,分别来自和。 9.生物固氮作用是将空气中的转化为的过程。 10.固氮酶由和两种蛋白质组成,固氮酶要求的反应条件是、和。11.硝酸还原酶和亚硝酸还原酶通常以或为还原剂。 12.芳香族氨基酸碳架主要来自糖酵解中间代谢物和磷酸戊糖途径的中间代谢物。13.组氨酸合成的碳架来自糖代谢的中间物。 14.氨基酸脱下氨的主要去路有、和。 15.胞嘧啶和尿嘧啶经脱氨、还原和水解产生的终产物为。 16.参与嘌呤核苷酸合成的氨基酸有、和。 17.尿苷酸转变为胞苷酸是在水平上进行的。 18.脱氧核糖核苷酸的合成是由酶催化的,被还原的底物是。 19.在嘌呤核苷酸的合成中,腺苷酸的C-6氨基来自;鸟苷酸的C-2氨基来自。20.对某些碱基顺序有专一性的核酸内切酶称为。 21.多巴是经作用生成的。 22.生物体中活性蛋氨酸是,它是活泼的供应者。 (四)选择题 1.转氨酶的辅酶是:


英语词汇理据分析 【摘要】:语言学家威尔金斯(D.Wilkins)说过,没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几,没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。词的理据是词义构成的道理,是一个词的词素与词素之间的语义联系或一个词词义发展的逻辑依据。英语词汇的理据主要有,拟声理据(onomatopoeic motivation), 语义理据(semantic motivation),语源学理据(original motivation),形态理据(morphological motivation), 逻辑理据(logical motivation) Abstract Linguistic D.Wilkins once said“ people can express a few things without grammar, people can express noting without vocabulary. The motivation of words is the principal of word’ meaning.the main motivation of English vocabulary is onomatopoeic motivation, semantic motivation, and morphological motivation, original motivation, logical motivation. 关键词:英语,词汇,理据 一“拟声理据(onomatopoeic motivation) “通过模仿动物登的发生而形成拟声词(onomatopoeia)。英语中有百分之十到百分之二十的词可以通过语音的模仿构成。既包括那些音与义相似,引起音与音之间联想的词。这类词的发音表示意义,例如:cat----mewfrog---croak hen----cluck等。这类词可分为以下四种: 通过模拟人类的声音构成的词。如ha-ha,hello,hi,ouch,oh等等。 根据鸟、动物以及昆虫的声音构成的词。如crow,quack,buzz,hiss,howl 等等。根据草、植物、暴风雨以及闪电自然发出的声音构成的词。如rustle,whisper,roll等等。

三一口语六级话题 Motivation

三一口语六级话题 Motivation Have you ever tried to lose weight? What motivated you to start a diet? Is it important to motivate children? How do you motivate children? Can some people destroy your motivation? What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers? How are you best motivated? How do you motivate your friends? Have you ever tried to quit smoking? How do you define motivation? What are some of the factors of motivation? What part does motivation plays in effective teaching? What is the role of motivation for slow learners? What are three things that motivate you? Do you feel motivated when you are at school? Do you feel motivated when learning something new? How would you describe motivation? Does motivation affect learning? In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?


Dear Professor: I’m a postgraduate student from Peking University in China and I’m now a freshman. My English name is Lily, I choose this name because I want my personality as pure and peaceful as lily. During my undergraduate education, I mainly studied Tourism Management in Sun Yat-sen University, and took Business Communication as my minor. I have published a paper named "A Comparative Study on Two Models of Tourism Area Life Cycle" on Tourism Science as a second writer. When graduating, my dissertation had been honored as “outstanding”, and I was the Excellent Graduate Student of grade 06 in 2010. Now I’m studying Environmental Planning and Management in the School of Environment and Energy in Peking University, my main interests concentrate on the environmental law and policy. In my opinion, the technological methods are only one aspect to solve the environmental issues, while, sometimes the social science perspective, like law, policy, risk regulation and etc., is the effective way, maybe the only way, to achieve that goal. So if I’m lucky enough to be admitted by University of Kent, I want to learn Environmental Social Science, and I would like to follow the courses like Social science perspectives on environmental issues, Environmental Law and Policy, International Environmental Law, Environmental anthropology, Environmental Politics, Techniques of Data Analysis and so forth. Although I have limited knowledge about environmental law and policy, I have learnt some basic knowledge about data analysis and anthropology, so I feel confident in myself to learn this subject well. There are two reasons why I want to study abroad: For one reason, In Peking University, my tutor is engaged in the research of environmental law and risk regulation, since I don’t have the background of law and policy, It’s proper for me to take this chance to study environmental social science systematically and to accumulate some research experience, which will makes me competent to do better


《组织行为学》课程综合案例 (一) 张林这一辈子 张林,1949年生于中国北方一个小镇。正当他念高中二年级的时候,文化大革命开始了,他不得不中断学业,后来又在上山下乡的浪潮中到一个偏远的人民公社插队。文化大革命后恢复高考,他考入了某财经学院。毕业后,在某市的一家造船厂做成本会计,一年半后,他辞职不干到某市一家集装箱公司谋得一份管理职位,三个半月后,他被解雇了。在谋求新的工作岗位时,他到一家职业介绍所作了能力测试并寻求帮助和建议,测试结果表明他最适宜做推销工作。那家职业介绍所为他找了一份药品推销工作,任职于一家大型医药公司。他喜欢这一工作,在那里干了一年半。后来,他听说另一个更著名的药材公司有同类型的工作,便向该药材公司申请,并在1984年被雇用。进入90年代,他的女儿长大并考入一所著名大学,但他的妻子却下岗了。张林的生活发生了很大的变化,他也变得有点工作狂了,因为他感受到了来自各方面的压力。有人劝告他去找一位心理医生解除他的心理紧张。他接受了劝告,找了一位著名的心理医生,作了一系列的咨询诊断。下面就是他在一次谈到他的工作历史时 的诊断记录: 心理医生:你干过很多工作,那是因为你在财经学院毕业后不知道自己想干什么的缘故吗? 张林:确实是这样。我生活中最大的困难就在于决定我作为一名职员究竟想干什么。这曾经给我造成精神上极大的痛苦,甚至在今天仍是这样,我仍不能确定究竟何种类型的工作或职业最适合我。 心理医生:好,让我们先谈谈你在毕业后的第一份工作。你在造船厂做成本会计,为什么要辞掉这份工作呢? 张林:首先它很烦人。我不喜欢整天跟数字打交道,不喜欢只在数字上加减乘除。另外,我认为那份工作毫无前途,那时我有很大的抱负,我要做较高层的管理人员,挣较多的钱。 心理医生:因此你去了那一家集装箱公司? 张林:是的,那是一个我可以向公司证明我的能力、真正的管理职位。 心理医生:但是你在那个工作岗位上遇到了点麻烦。 张林:我不适应那种类型的组织。我监督工人们操作制造箱子的机器设备。这些工人都是从最偏远的农村招来的,很难管理,至少对我而言是这样。他们对工作和公司没有积极的态度,毫无感情。我的老板,那个幕后指挥者,总是要求我对他们狠一些,督促我要求他们提高工作速度。告诉你一个例子,你或许就知道他是个什么样的人了,我手下有一个老年妇女,大约有50岁,生产装冰箱用的箱子,因为箱子太大,所以她处理起来比较困难。我敢说,她已经竭尽全力了。但我看见老板站在她身后,手拿着秒表,大声叫着,呵斥她快点。我一点也不喜欢他那样做,就象我不喜欢穿着鞋磕着地走路一样。一次,老板请我们这些管理人员出去吃饭,那些同事极尽阿谀奉承之能事,嘴脸极其令人厌恶。我自言自语地说:“这就是为了提升而必须做的事”。那之后不久,老板就叫我到他的办公室,告诉我不适合做这样的工作,他认为我不会或不愿强迫别人努力工作。 心理医生:你对此有何反应? 张林:我十分难过。那时我真不知道如何是好。我不能确定我究竟适合什么工作,因此我去一家职业介绍所去作能力测试。 心理医生:那么,测试结果怎么样?


第五章激励理论及其应用 一、简答题 1.什么是双因素激励理论?如何将保健因素转化为激励因素? 答:双因素激励理论的基本观点: (1)传统理论认为,“满意”的对立面是“不满意”,但双因素理论认为“满意”的对立面是“没有满意”,“不满意”的对立面是“没有不满意”。 (2)那些使员工对工作感到不满意的因素主要是与工作环境相联系的保健因素。保健因素主要起预防作用。保健因素包括工作本身、认可、成就和责任、进步、晋升等。在工作激励中,保健因素的满足主要是避免员工的不满意。 (3)那些使员工感到满意的因素主要是与工作内容相联系的激励因素。激励因素包括公司政策和管理、监督、薪水、工作条件、安全以及人际关系等。只有对激励因素的满足才能真正达到激励员工的目的。 将保健因素转化为激励因素的措施有:(1)精神激励是最长久,通过有效的领导、积极向上的企业文化、个人参与、多元化价值观等事业留人、也可通过绩效管理、行业发展、职业的优越感、绩效激励等情感留人;(2)个人目标和公司目标结合;(3)帮助员工做好职业规划;(4)制定较为灵活的薪酬策略,与工作发展前途对应等 2.内容型激励理论主要包括马斯洛的需要层次理论、奥尔德弗的ERG理论、赫兹伯格的双因素理论和麦克利兰

的成就需要理论,试对它们进行比较。 答:ERG理论是在需要层次论基础上的发展主要表现在: (1)马斯洛的需要层次论是建立在满足——上升的基础上的。也就是说一旦较低层次需要已经得到满足,人们将进到更高一级的需要上去;而ERG 论不仅体现满足——上升的方面,而且也提出了遇挫折——倒退这一方面。挫折——倒退说明较高的需要未满足或受到挫折的情况下,更着重或把更强烈的欲望放在一个较低层次的需要上。 (2)需要层次论认为,每一个时期只有一种突出的需要;而ERG 论指出在任何一个时间内可以有一个或一个以上的需要发生作用。 (3)需要层次论认为,人的需要是严格地按由低到高逐级上升的, 不存在越级,也不存在由高到低的下降;而ERG论则指出,人的需要并不一定严格按由低到高发展的顺序,而是可以越级的。 (4)需要层次论认为,人类有五种需要,它们是生来就有的,是内在的;而ERG论则认为,只有三种需要,其中有生来就有的,也有经过后天学习得到的。 (5) ERG论在一定程度上修正了马斯洛的需要层次理论弥补了需要层次理论的不足,更符合现实社会中人们的行为特点。 成就激励论是在需要层次论基础上的升华主要表现在: (1)着重点不同。需要层次论研究从低到高顺序的五种需要;而成就激励论不研究人的基本生理需要,主要研究在人的生理需要基本得到满足的前提条件下,人还有哪些需要。 (2)认识度不同。需要层次论认为五种需要都是生来就有的,是内在的;


《经济法学》课程作业 第一次: 1. 下列对胜任特征的描述不正确的是() 深层次特征 能够预测工作绩效 可以定性描述 能够区分优秀和一般 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:可以定性描述 2. 某个人掌握支配你的职位和责任的权力,期望你服从规则的要求。这种权力称为() 强制性权力 奖赏性权力 法定权力 参照性权力 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:法定权力 3. 打破传统的部门界限,围绕工作流程而不是职能来建立组织结构,这种组织结构形式被称为() 事业部制 横向组织结构 矩阵制 无边界组织 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:横向组织结构 4. 光荣榜是一种典型的()形式。

员工参与 员工认可 弹性福利 技能工资 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:员工认可 5. 工作要求员工表达出来的情绪与他们的真实情感不吻合的现象,称为() 情绪劳动 情绪失调 情绪障碍 情绪缺乏 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:情绪失调 6. “入乡随俗”,反映的是() 角色知觉 角色冲突 心理契约 组织承诺 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:角色知觉 7. 在沟通过程中,噪声存在于哪个环节() 编码 译码 信息传递

以上都是 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:以上都是 8. 压力与工作绩效之间的关系是() 正相关 负相关 无关系 倒U型关系 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:倒U型关系 9. 有限理性决策模型的提出者是() 西蒙 霍桑 梅奥 卡尼曼 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:西蒙 10. 组织行为学的研究范畴中不包括() 个体行为 群体行为 组织行为 社会行为 本题分值: 4.0 标准答案:社会行为



Chapter 10Trade in Developing Countries Multiple Choice Questions 1. The infant industry argument was an important theoretical basis for (a) Neo-colonialist theory of international exploitation. (b) Import-substituting industrialization. (c) Historiography of the industrial revolution in Western Europe. (d) East-Asian miracle. (e) None of the above. Answer: B 2. Sophisticated theoretical arguments supporting import-substitution policies include (a) Terms of trade effects. (b) Scale economy arguments. (c) Learning curve considerations. (d) The problem of appropriability. (e) None of the above. Answer: D 3. General equilibrium considerations lead to the realization that import-substituting policies have an effect of (a) Discouraging exports. (b) Encouraging exports. (c) Encouraging an efficient use of a country’s resources. (d) Generating large tariff revenues for the government (e) None of the above. Answer: A 4. Historically those few developing countries which have succeeded in significantly raising their per-capita income levels (a) Did not accomplish this with import-substituting industrialization. (b) Did accomplish this with import-substituting industrialization. (c) Tended to provide heavy protection to domestic industrial sectors. (d) Favored industrial to agricultural or service sectors. (e) None of the above. Answer: A


组织行为学课程论文 题目: 浅析积极组织行为学在企业管理中的应用姓名: 李宇哲 学院: 经济管理学院 专业: 会计 班级: 会计 学号: 2011106084 20 12 年8 月31 日 南京农业大学教务处制

浅析积极组织行为学在企业管理中的应用 摘要:积极组织行为学是组织行为学科在传统组织行为学的消极取向基础上提出的新理论,强调对人类心理优势的开发与管理,即如何采取积极的方法、怎样发挥员工的优势以提高组织的绩效水平。本文介绍了积极组织行为学产生的过程及其内容、与传统组织行为学及积极心理学的区别,分析了积极组织行为学子概念的内涵、开发培训方法及在企业管理中的应用,概括了积极组织行为学的产生对企业管理的影响。 关键词:组织行为学、积极组织行为学、企业管理 一、引言 当今,越来越多的管理者认识和接受了这样一个事实:管理的核心是人的管理,人力资源的价值成为衡量企业整体竞争的标志。如何挖掘人的潜能、开发人的创造性,成为企业管理的一个核心内容。在积极心理学运动的影响下,21世纪初由鲁森斯(Luthans)提出的积极组织行为学(Positive Organizational Behavior,POB)越来越受到国内外学者的关注,已经成为目前组织行为理论研究的重点和热点。组织行为学也称管理心理学,是一门多学科、多层次相交叉的边缘性、两重性和应用性的新兴学科,是专门研究一定组织中人的心理与行为规律的科学。它是心理学应用的新成果,是管理学、行为学的新发展。积极组织行为学相对于传统组织行为学不仅仅是理论概念的翻新,以及研究重点简单的由消极性转向积极性,而是有着具体标准和严格概念界定的研究范畴。POB研究实际上是追求实现员工个人成长与组织的可持续发展相统一,而且积极组织行为学研究的可测量性、可开发性、在组织中对绩效提升的影响性三个基本条件,决定了POB尤其强调理论在企业管理中应用的特性。 二、积极组织行为学的产生 组织行为学起源于1927——1932年梅奥等人在西方电气公司的霍桑工厂从事的著名试验——“霍桑试验”。他们总结:人们的生产效率不仅受物质条件和环境的影响,更重要的是受社会因素和心理因素等积极特性方面的影响,如士气、安全感、自尊、劳动集体成员之间满意的相互关系以及有效的管理。换言之,积极的帮助、正面的影响、员工积极的态度均对工作效率有显著影响。 尽管大量的实证以及显著的表面效度支持着有关人的积极性的研究,然而长期以来,传统组织行为学领域更多地聚焦组织、团队、管理者和员工的负面障碍等方面,如怎样引导和激励消极、懒惰的员工,如何确定组织中员工负面情绪所造成的金钱损失,如何纠正不良的工作作风、态度和行为,如何更有效地管理冲突和应对压力、倦怠等。之所以会出现这些情形,组织行为学家Wright认为主要是以往的组织行为研究过分强调“费效分析”的价值取向,即一切行为和政策都要以它们使组织付出的成本和给组织带来的收益为基础来衡量其效果和价。Wright等将这种取向称为“忠于管理的观点”。

10第十章 蛋白质代谢

第十章蛋白质合成 一、判断题: 1.真核生物mRNA是多顺反子结构。 2.密码第三位碱基在决定掺入氨基酸特异性方面重要性较小。 3.一组密码子可以编码一个以上氨基酸的现象称为密码的简并性。 4.生物体编码20种氨基酸的密码数共有64个。 5.蛋白质的氨基酸顺序是在合成过程中由氨基酸和mRNA模板上密码(核苷酸三联体)之间互补作用所决定的。 6.在蛋白质合成过程中tRNA的5,端是携带氨基酸的部位。 7.核糖体上每一个肽键的形成除氨基酸活化中用去2个高能磷酸键外,还需要消耗2个高能磷酸键。

8.原核生物起始tRNA是缬氨酸-tRNA。 9.在蛋白质合成过程中核糖体沿mRNA5?→3?移动一次为一个核苷酸的长度 10.每种氨基酸只能有一种特定的tRNA与之对应。 11.蛋白质的合成方向是从N端到C端。 12. 植物吸收的NO3必须被还原为NH3后才能同化为氨基酸。 13.蛋白酶是从肽链内部水解肽链的。14.多肽链合成结束,就意味着具有正常生理功能的蛋白质已经生成。 二.填空题 1.蛋白质的生物合成是以______作为模板,______作为运输氨基酸的工具,_____作为合成的场所。 2.细胞内多肽链合成的方向是从_____端到______端,而阅读mRNA的方向是从____端到____端。

3.核糖体上能够结合tRNA的部位有_____部位,______部位。 4.蛋白质的生物合成通常以_______作为起始密码子,以______,______,和______作为终止密码子。 5.肽链延伸包括进位_____和_____三个步骤周而复始的进行。 6.蛋白质合成中,氨基酸的活化形式是______。 7.核苷酸在核苷酸酶的作用下,其水解产物为______和______。 8.RNA聚合酶是由______个亚基组成。 9.RNA转录终止可由______因子识别。 10.原核生物蛋白质生物合成的起始氨基酸是______。 11.固N酶由两种蛋白质组成,分别是______蛋白和______蛋白。


Chapter 15 –Motivating Employees True/False 1. The three key elements in the definition of motivation are energy, direction, and persistence. True (difficult) 2. Reinforcement theory is related to an individual's belief that she is capable of performing a task. False (moderate) 3. The key to reinforcement theory is that it ignores factors such as goals, expectations, and needs, and focuses solely on what happens to a person when he takes some action. True (difficult) 4. Reinforcement theorists believe that behavior is a function of its consequences. True (easy) 5. Adding vertical depth to a job is called job enlargement. False (moderate) 6. Job design refers to the way tasks are combined to form complete jobs. True (easy) 7. When a mail sorter's job is expanded to include mail delivery, the mail sorter has experienced job enlargement. True (easy) 8. Job enlargement increases job depth. False (easy) 9. In the job characteristics model, task significance refers to the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work. False (moderate) 10. According to the job characteristics model, task autonomy is not important. False (moderate) 11. Guidance from the job characteristics model suggests that job enlargement should take place rather than task specialization. True (moderate)


一、单项选择题 (201610)9、个体与个体,或个体与群体间相互依存、相互激励的社会心理现象是(C)5A、情绪认同B、心理相容C、共生效应D、文化维系(201610)10、团队成员之间相互交往的根基是(B)5 A、以关系为导向 B、以任务为导向 C、以利益为导向 D、以信仰为导向 (201610)11、每个团队都会'以不同的建立方法经历三个发展阶段,即组建期、激荡期和(A)5 A、规范期 B、成熟期 C、稳固期 D、衰退期 二、多项选择题 (201610)28、虚拟团队的特征有(ACD)5 A、团队成员有共同的目标 B、团队成员的地理位置具有集中性 C、团队釆用电子沟通方式 D、团队具有宽泛型的组织边界 E、团队成员心理相容 三、名词解释 (201704)33、共生效应5 答:共生效应是指个体与个体,或个体与群体间相互依存,相互激励的社会心理现象。 (201710)33、心理相容5

答:是指群体成员之间心理上的互相理解、容纳和协调,即群体成员间的心理流和心理面处于一个同频同振的心理场中,一个人或者若干人的行为会引起群体的肯定性反应。 四、简答题 (201704)39、简述虚拟团队的作用。5 答:(1)虚拟团队允许分散性组织最大限度地发挥其专长,而不需要实质性的个体物理流动。 (2)虚拟团队允许组织将不同文化、不同商务习惯的多种意见统一起来以避免发生逆生产效率的现象。它的有利之处包括成本的降低、周转时间的下降、远程成员间的整合等。 (3)虚拟团队为在复杂的经营环境中,通过跨组织的宽泛联合、协调完成复杂的商业任务提供了一个重要的机会。 (201710)39、简述团队的特征。5 答:(1)价值观共识化。 (2)团队工作的主旨是委托和授权。 (3)团队成员平等、信任、注重交流。 (4)xx的员工是团队的关键。

motivation letter

Motivation letter Dear sir/madam I’m writing this letter with f ull hope of being a student of Neils Brock Copenhagen Business College. There have several reasons why I decided to apply for the bachelor degree there. 1.Throughout my high school I always feel interested in business, especially marketing. That’s the reason I came to Denmark. It has always been a strong motivation for me to extend my life by leaving more things to this world. This was particularly clear when I have learned the business courses. Modern world is a business world; the role of business is not just component but an essential factor. By doing business, you can not only earn your living but also giving meaning of life. 2 .The other aspect is my family—being also a reason why I wantto major in business. Acting as the sole heir of family business I always feel responsibility. Planning and implementation of projects for the use of our company help me to keep abreast of learning and put knowledge into use. 3 .I am also motivated to apply this school is that Neils Brock is the second biggest educational institution in Denmark. There have 6 majors including around 200 different kinds of courses. Besides, Neils Brock always pays close attention to education internationalization. Students in Neils Brock are from 40 countries and courses there are offered in English. Being a student of Neils Brock can get more chances to build up international business sense which are significant for future career. Maybe I am not the best student, but I will do my best. Yours sincerely Minghui Fu 08-09-2011


案例1 卢作孚和他的事业 1.讨论卢作孚的价值观及其与“民生精神”的联系。 答:1).价值观概念:价值观代表了一系列基本的信念:从个人或社会角度来说,某种具体行为类型或存在状态比之于相反的行为类型或存在状态更为可取。 2).影响因素:家庭教育,学校教育,同伴团体,社会舆论,大众传媒及 其它社会文化因素(历史,民族,宗教等) 3).卢作孚的价值观:A:口号“服务高于一切”——对社会、对他人负 责的价值观。 B:提倡“个人为实业服务,事业为社会服务,个人的工作是超报酬的,事业的任务是超经济的”(事业中心论)——将国家、将社会的利益放在第一位的价值观。C:培养群体的团结意识。——由小到大的个人到群体到社会的责任价值观。 4).卢作孚的“民生精神”。目标:“民生主义”;宗旨:“服务社会、便 利人群、开发产业、富强国家”集中强化爱国、集团服务和艰苦创业等意识。 5).价值观与“民生精神”的联系。民生精神促进了他价值观的发展, 价值观也同时让他亲近了民。生精神,两者是一种相互联系、相互促进、相得益彰的关系。 2.民生公司的管理有什么特点?这对今天中国企业的管理有哪 些启示? 管理特点:1).提出了“安全、迅速、舒适、清洁”的理念,同时提 出了“服务高于一切”的口号。 2).完善业务流程、够用渠道、建立员工参与监督的制度。 3).提倡“职工股东化、股东职工化” 4).将员工教育作为提高公司竞争力的头等大事。 5).民生精神教育,居于员工训练的核心地位。 启示:1).建立科学的企业领导体制和管理制度 2).要致力于组织的文化建设 3).注重创新,创新将是企业取得竞争优势的根本途径 4).重视员工,尊重员工,满足需求。 5).重视的价值观的作用 6).制定合理的用人制度要根据每个的能力安排不同的工作。 7).公司要制定合理的激励机制。


Chapter 10 Trade in Developing Countries Multiple Choice Questions 1. The infant industry argument was an important theoretical basis for (a) Neo-colonialist theory of international exploitation. (b) Import-substituting industrialization. (c) Historiography of the industrial revolution in Western Europe. (d) East-Asian miracle. (e) None of the above. Answer: B 2. Sophisticated theoretical arguments supporting import-substitution policies include (a) Terms of trade effects. (b) Scale economy arguments. (c) Learning curve considerations. (d) The problem of appropriability. (e) None of the above. Answer: D 3. General equilibrium considerations lead to the realization that import-substituting policies have an effect of (a) Discouraging exports. (b) Encouraging exports. (c) Encouraging an efficient use of a country’s resources. (d) Generating large tariff revenues for the government (e) None of the above. Answer: A

Motivation Letter范文

Motivation Letter Dear Professor: I’m a postgraduate student from Peking University in China and I’m now a freshman. My English name is Lily, I choose this name because I want my personality as pure and peaceful as lily. During my undergraduate education, I mainly studied Tourism Management in Sun Yat-sen University, and took Business Communication as my minor. I have published a paper named "A Comparative Study on Two Models of Tourism Area Life Cycle" on Tourism Science as a second writer. When graduating, my dissertation had been honored as “outstanding”, and I was the Excellent Graduate Student of grade 06 in 2010. Now I’m studying Environmental Planning and Management in the School of Environment and Energy in Peking University, my main interests concentrate on the environmental law and policy. In my opinion, the technological methods are only one aspect to solve the environmental issues, while, sometimes the social science perspective, like law, policy, risk regulation and etc., is the effective way, maybe the only way, to achieve that goal. So if I’m lucky enough to be admitted by University of Kent, I want to learn Environmental Social Science, and I would like to follow the courses like Social science perspectives on environmental issues, Environmental Law and Policy, International Environmental Law, Environmental anthropology, Environmental Politics, Techniques of Data Analysis and so forth. Although I have limited knowledge about environmental law and policy, I have learnt some basic knowledge about data analysis and anthropology, so I feel confident in myself to learn this subject well. There are two reasons why I want to study abroad: For one reason, In Peking University, my tutor is engaged in the research of environmental law and risk regulation, since I don’t have the background of law and policy, It’s proper for me to take this chance to study environmental social science systematically and to accumulate some research experience, which will makes me competent to do better research in this field in my home university. For another reason, Studying abroad has been a dream since my junior high school, I keenly want to experience foreign education and foreign culture. Imagination and creativity can be stimulated through cross-cultural communication, and my mind will be widened by different training mode s, I think there’s also a responsibility for me to introduce my homeland, China, to the foreign friends, which will results to more understanding for Chinese culture and more exchange of ideas. University of Kent is my first choice of the host university. Firstly, it has wonderful study program that is perfectly fit for me; Secondly, Canterbury was rated as the safest University city in England in the 2009 Complete University Guide, safety is always important for travel in my parents and my mind; Thirdly, I already have learnt some basic knowledge about English history and culture through studying the course “Intercultural Communication”, I tend to go to the place which I’m familiar with, thus I can quickly adapt to the life in the UK In the future, I prefer to take a job in environmental protection department in m y homeland, so I need to learn related knowledge both at home and abroad to grasp different but advanced methods, notions, and the ways of thinking. Being an exchange student is an ideal way to help me realizing this dream faster. Yours sincerely Lily
