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Second Language Course Design

? It is well known that when you do anything, unless you understand its actual circumstances, its nature and its relations to other things, you will not know the laws governing it, or know how to do it, or be able to do it well. (Mao Zedong: “Problem of Strategy in China’s revolutionary War”, 1936)
? What is learning?
? Why do we learn?
? How do we learn?
? What is the relation between learning and teaching?
? What are the types of learning?
? How to learn?
What is learning?
学习是人自我发展的能力,是人从“自在”one-in-self到“自为”one-for-self的过程。是否创造财富是衡量学习的标准。The various roles of a learner: student, producer, researcher, and instructor.
2 读书是学习,使用也是学习,而且是更重要的学习。
What is learning?
Why do we learn?
? The contradiction between man’s inherently unlimited capacity for knowledge and its actual presence only in men who are externally limited and possess limited cognition finds its solution in what is --- at least practically, for us--- an endless succession of generations, in infinite progress.
Why do we learn?
? 从自然人到社会人,从生理需求到自我价值的实现都依赖学习,人不学习难生存,遑论发展。
? Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, need to know and understand, aesthetic needs, and self-actualization needs
How do we learn?
Marxists hold that in human society activity in production develops step by step from a lower to a higher level and that conse- quently man’s knowledge, whether of nature or of society, also develops step by step from a lower to a higher level, that is, from the shallower to the deeper, from the one-sided to the many-sided.
How do we learn?
The following is the process of development of knowledge.
In the process of practice, man at first sees only the phenomenal side, the separate aspects, and the external relations of things. This is called the perceptual stage of cognition, namely, the stage of sense perceptions and impressions. At this stage, man cannot as yet form concepts, which are deeper, or logical conclusions.
How do we learn?
As social practice continues, things that give rise to man’s sense perceptions and impressions in the course of his practice are repeated many times; then a sudden change (leap) takes place in the brain in the process of cognition, and c

oncepts are formed. Concepts are no longer the phenomena, the separate aspects and the external relations of things; they grasp the essence, the totality and the internal relations of things.
How do we learn?
Between concepts and sense perceptions there is not only a quantitative but also a qualitative difference. Proceeding further, by means of judgment and inference one is able to draw logical conclusions. This is the second stage of cognition. This stage of conception, judgment and inference is the more important stage in the entire process of knowing a thing; it is the stage of rational knowledge.
How do we learn?
The real task of knowing is, through perception, to arrive at thought, to arrive step by step at the comprehension of the internal contradictions of objective things, of their laws and of the internal relations between one process and another, that is, to arrive at logical knowledge.
How do we learn?
To repeat, logical knowledge pertains to the separate aspects, the phenomena and the external relations of things, whereas logical knowledge takes a big stride forward to reach the totality, the essence and the internal relations of things and discloses the inner contradictions in the surrounding world. Therefore, logical knowledge is capable of grasping the development of the surrounding world in its history, in the internal relations of all its aspects.
How do we learn?
Marxism holds that each of the two stages in the process of cognition has its own characteristics, with knowledge manifesting itself as perceptual at the lower stage and logical at the higher stage, but that both are stages in an integrated process of cognition. The perceptual and the rational are qualitatively different, but are not divorced from each other; they are unified
How do we learn?
on the basis of practice. Our practice proves that what is perceived cannot at once be comprehended and that only what is comprehended can be more deeply perceived. Perception only solves the problem of phenomena; theory alone can solve the problem of essence. The solving of both these problems is not separable in the slightest degree from practice.
What is the relation between learning and teaching?
? It holds that external causes are the condition of change and internal causes are the basis of change and that external causes become operative through internal causes. In a suitable temperature an egg changes into a chicken, but no temperature can change a stone into a chicken, because each has a different basis.
What are the types of learning?
1 form vs. non-form (object of learning)
2 verbal vs. non-verbal (outcome)
3 literate vs. advanced (level)
4 perceptual vs. rational (mode)
5 conscious vs. unconscious (mode)
6 direct vs. indirect (mode)
What are the types of learning?
7 taught vs. self-taught (mode)
8 inherent vs. critical (mode)
9 diachronic vs. synchronic (mode)
10 analytic vs. synthetic (mode)
11 academic vs. caree

r (aim)
12 ontology vs. applied (aim)
How to learn?
? 保证方向,明确目标
? 擒贼擒王,抓主要矛盾
? 资源稀缺,开源节流
? 趋利避害,善于选择
? 供求关系,有效生产
? 短板理论,形成合力
? 比较优势,人无我有
How to learn?
? 宁断一指不伤十指
? 集中力量打歼灭战
? 有得有失,注重机会成本
? 过犹不及,把握程度
? 一石二鸟,最优化
? 成本核算,锱铢必较
? 言行一致,重在落实
? What is the nature of man?
? There is no free lunch. Do you agree? Why or why not?
? Should one be good at everything? Why or why not?
? What is the particularity of contradiction of a learner of English as a second language?
? Reading is learning but applying is a more important kind of learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?
? What is the difference between learning from a class and learning from experiences?
? How do you learn?

Second Language Course Design
I The format of a lesson plan
? Background information
Class type
Teaching aids
? Teaching procedure
II The format of a syllabus
? Course meeting time
? The textbook
? Calendar
? Grading
III The format of a curriculum
? Course title:
? Learners:
? Time allocation:
? Course description:
1 Circumstances
2 Nature of the course
3 Relations with the other courses
4 Goals and objectives
? Content:
? Approach:
? Evaluation:
? Read the textbook
? Design a curriculum
? Criticize your design

Second Language Course Design
How to review a classroom instruction?
Needs of a learner
? There is a sentence confusing me that 'I've ever heard tell of someone dressing in front of a mirror and seeing the spirit of a dead person staring at them over their shoulder.' is from a book named Kentucky Ghosts mailed by one of my foreign friend. Could you please help me to analyse the sentence structure, especially about 'tell of someone...'?
? 'tell of' is a phrasal verb and means to describe the details of an event or person. Here it is used as a noun, the conversion of a verb into a noun. W
? What does 'them' refer to?

? What is the value of a compulsory school?
to save more time, less time for more ability
to train them to be independent learners
cf. comparison with an optional school
to train them to be qualified producers
? How many parts form a compulsory school? What is the relationship among them?
management, development, operation, service
cf. comparison with an optional school
productivity and coach
? What are the duties of the staff in the development department?
program design,
course design,
textbook edition,
assessment design
? What are the duties of the staff in the operation department?
classroom instruction,
practice direction

What must a course designer do?
review the current curriculum,
design a curriculum
? What is a curriculum made of?
needs analysis,
nature of the course,
time allocation
? How to review a current curriculum?
check every part of a curriculum and its effect
? What must a classroom instructor do?
review classroom instructions,
design a syllabus,
design a class note,
conduct classroom instruction,
grade learners,
? What is a class notes made of?
1 background information
title, teacher, learner, content, objectives, teaching aids, place, time
2 instructional procedure
review, presentation, drill, practice, consolidation, assignments
? How to review an instructor?
read his class notes,
listen to his description of his instructional procedure,
watch his instruction,
read his research reports
? How to watch a classroom instruction?
before observation
while observation
after observation
? What is the format of an observation notes?
1 background information
teacher: name, age, sex, more other information
learner: country, city, school, grade, class, number, male, female, more other information
2 instructional procedure
what happens, when, how long, how, your judgment and impressions
? How to review a class instruction?
the content: the subject itself, productive, systematic, finite, quality and quantity
the method and techniques
the effect
the teacher’s major and career quality
? Read the textbook and take notes
? Watch classes and review them
? Review current curricula for English course in
1 compulsory school
2 senior high school
3 college

Second Language Course Design
1 English as a Second Language Course
2 English-Speaking Countries’ Cultures Course
3 other bilingual courses
English as a Second Language Course
? The nature of second language courses
A second language course is a literate, verbal and form course with the characteristics of being bilingual training, ends and means integrated, and preparatory. “Literate” means the purpose is just to use it, “verbal” means the outcome is not self-contained, and “form” means the object of teaching and learning is just the sign itself. Its approach is learn-and-use opposite to learn-until-master.
English as a Second Language Course
? The rational:
This course is designed for Chinese natives who wish to use the language to learn in order to improve their study. Based on the existing intellectual ability of the participants’, the course teaches the basic language rules as well as the related skills needed to be able to decode an English message and encode a Chinese message. The course seeks to enable participants to recognize their strengths and needs in language learning and to give them the confidence to use English more

effectively to achieve their own goals. It also seeks to develop the participants’ skills in independent learning outside of the classroom.
English as a Second Language Course
? The entry and exit level:
The beginners are those who have finished their elementary education. They can exit from the course if they use the language to learn.
English as a Second Language Course
? Course content:
1 spelling and punctuations
2 pronunciation and intonation
3 basic grammatical items
4 terms, closed class words, sample words, defining vocabulary
5 learning skills
English as a Second Language Course
? The course structure: Task-based syllabus includes
1 identifying language items
2 defining and exemplifying a term
3 distinguishing terms
4 analyzing grammatical units
5 transforming structures
6 listing related terms systematically
7 correcting mistakes
8 explaining corrections
9 using an English dictionary and other reference books
English as a Second Language Course
? Standards:
The participants who can use the target language, which is grammatical and acceptable, to learn their other subjects will exit from the course.
English as a Second Language Course
? Class periods:
The course will take 272 periods altogether, namely, 4 periods in 17 weeks and four semesters.
? A scope and sequence plan
Sample test question of a second language course
? Analyze the following
If you can finish this task, it proves that you know the language and you can use it to learn more.
Sample test question of a second language course
? Answer
This is a complex sentence involving one main clause and two subordinate clauses. “If you can finish this task” is an adverb clause as the adverbial of condition. In the main clause, “it” is a noun phrase as the subject, the verb phrase “proves” is the predicate verb, and the “that clause” is a compound noun clause as the object.
Sample test question of a non-form course
? summarize the text and review it, and make a better design to solve the problem

Second Language Course Design
? What is teaching? Why is teaching needed?
? What is the relation between teaching and learning?
? What is to be taught?
? What is the criterion for evaluating teaching?
? What is teaching? Why is teaching needed?
1 to give lessons in a school
2 to help a person or group of people to learn something
3 to save more time in helping a person or group of people to develop
4 a type of production--- service
? What is the relation between teaching and learning?
1 what is taught bigger than what is learnt
2 what is taught is as much as what is learnt
3 what is taught is less than what is learnt
? What is to be taught?
? What is knowledge?
Knowledge is the outcome of learning. But knowledge is more than the end product of previous learning; it also guides new learning.
? Types of knowledge
1 general k

nowledge: information that is useful in many different kinds of tasks; information that applies to many situations.
2 domain-specific knowledge: information that is useful in a particular situation or that applies to one specific topic.

3 declarative knowledge: verbal information; facts; “knowing that” something is the case.
4 procedural knowledge: knowledge that is demonstrated when we perform a task; “knowing how”
5 conditional knowledge: “knowing when and why” to use declarative and procedural knowledge.
? The content to be taught should be
1 the subject itself
2 productive
3 systematic
4 finite
5 sustainable
The best way to demonstrate that you understand the information and the ideas in any piece of writing is to compose an accurate and clearly written summary of that piece by a summary we mean a brief restatement in your own words of the content of the passage (a group of paragraphs a chapter an article a book) this restatement should focus on the central idea of the passage the briefest of all summaries (one or two sentences) will do no more than this a longer more complete summary will indicate in condensed form
the main points in the passage that support or explain the central idea it will reflect the order in which these points are presented and the emphasis given to them it may even include some important examples from the passage but it will not include minor details it will not repeat points simply for the purpose of emphasis and it will not contain any of your own opinions or conclusions a good summary therefore has three central qualities brevity completeness and objectivity
? Read and analyze the following passage. Identify different types of knowledge
The best way to demonstrate that you understand the information and the ideas in any piece of writing is to compose an accurate and clearly written summary of that piece. By a summary we mean a brief restatement, in your own words, of the content of the passage (a group of paragraphs, a chapter, an article, a book). This restatement
should focus on the central idea of the passage. The briefest of all summaries (one or two sentences) will do no more than this. A longer, more complete summary will indicate, in condensed form, the main points in the passage that support or explain the central idea. It will reflect the order in which these points are presented and the emphasis given to them. It may even include
some important examples from the passage. But it will not include minor details. It will not repeat points simply for the purpose of emphasis. And it will not contain any of your own opinions or conclusions. A good summary, therefore, has three central qualities: brevity, completeness, and objectivity.
? What is the criterion for evaluating teaching?
1 is the learner able to tell about something?
2 is the learner able to do something?
3 is the learner

able to learn by himself?
? Review the existing curriculums
? Report your review
? Read the textbook on how to do needs analysis
Second Language Course Design
How to evaluate a class?
The format of a class review
? Description of the instructional process
Background information
Process description: class type, content, stage, activities, teaching aids
? Evaluation: strengths and weaknesses
Content, method, techniques, time allocation (how much for the instructor and the students), professional qualities
? Conclusion
? Observe class instructions and evaluate them and make reports
? Read the textbook and learn how to review the current curricula for the second language course

Second Language Course Design
Introduction to the course
? Test of proficiency in learning
? Introduction to the syllabus
? Discussion of course learning
Proficiency test
? Read the series editor’s preface on page xxv and
? Abstract the text
? Review the text
? Analyze the structure of the third sentence in the first paragraph “Methods have often been regarded as the most important factor in determining the success of a language program, and advances in language teaching have sometimes been seen as being dependent on the adoption of the latest method.”
How to teach?
? What is the more effective method to teach a course?
? Read chapter 1 and write an abstract of the chapter
? Do discussion questions and activities
? Identify the issues in China’s English teaching

Second Language Course Design
What is it?
Your job?
? Who are you when you attend this course ‘Course Design’?
? You are a
1 language program or course designer
2 textbook writer
3 classroom instructor
4 test designer
5 learning counselor
Your knowledge?
? You should have the knowledge of
1 education
2 philosophy of education
3 economics of education
4 psychology of learning
5 linguistics
Your tasks?
? You should be able to answer these questions
1 What is a second language course?
2 How to design a second language course?
Your specific tasks?
? You have to
1 Find out the problem in the present second language course
2 Analyze its causes
3 Design problem solving methods
4 Test your methods
The nature of your work?
? 大家明白,不论做什么事,不懂得那件事的情形,它的性质,它和它以外的事情的关联,就不知道那件事的规律,就不知道如何去做,就不能做好它。
The nature of your work?
? It is well known that when you do anything, unless you understand its actual circumstances, its nature and its relations to other things, you will not know the laws governing it, or know how to do it, or be able to do it well.
The nature of your work?
? 学习教学全局的指导规律,是要用心去想一想才行的。因为这种全局性的东西,眼睛看不见,只能用心思去想一想才能懂得,不用心思去想,就不会懂

The nature of your work?
? The only way to study the laws governing a course situation as a whole is to do some hard thinking. For what pertains to the situation as a whole is not visible to the eye, and we can understand it only by hard thinking; there is no other way.
The nature of your work?
? 马克思说过:“蜜蜂建筑蜂房的本领使人间的许多建筑师感到惭愧。但是,最蹩脚的建筑师从一开始就比最灵巧的蜜蜂高明的地方,是他在用蜂蜡建筑蜂房以前,已经在自己的头脑中把它建成了。”
? 有意识、有目的的生产活动是人类所特有的,而其他的动物的本能活动都不具备这样的特点。
? 但是“祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。”,因为——
? 如果意识不清,目的不明,就可能导致生产活动发生“南辕北辙、得不偿失”的悲剧。
Terms of courses
? Program: activities within a period of time to help people develop more effectively and efficiently, eg. a school, a class outside the school system
? Two types of program: a multi-subject program and a single subject program
? A multi-program consists of several subjects, eg. a school
? A single-subject program has only one subject, eg. an English program
Terms of courses
? The difference between a scientific subject and a pedagogical subject, the former is descriptive and the latter is prescriptive; the former is the base of the latter
? Curriculum: 1 a prescription of a multi-subject program; 2 a prescription of a single-subject program, that is, of a course
? Course: a subject or a branch of a subject which consists of a number of classes
Terms of courses
? Two types of course: a multi-term course and a single term course
? Syllabus: 1 a local prescription of a course; 2 a prescription of a single term course
? Class: a period of time during which a subject is taught to a group of students
? Lesson plan: a description of a teaching process
Terms of courses
? Approach: view of teaching which guides one’s teaching activities
? Method: the structure of a class
? Technique: tasks designed for the students practicing
? The relationship among them: approach is of level, but techniques are of power, method is between them two
? Review the current curriculum for a second language course
? Find out the problem in a second language teaching: its goals, its definition of the nature of second language courses, its design of the content, its approach, its evaluation of the teaching
? Write a report on the criticism of the curriculum for compulsory education

ASecond Language Course Design
? Course title:
? Learners:
? Course description:
1 Circumstances
2 Nature of the course
3 Relations with the other courses
4 Goals and objectives
? Content:
? Time allocation:
? Approach:
? Evaluation:
Course titles
? 外语课,第二语言课,英语课,少儿英语,疯狂英语,考研

英语,快乐英语,牛津英语,剑桥英语,新概念英语,初中英语,高中英语,大学英语,专业英语,基础英语,专门用途英语,旅游英语,饭店英语,医学英语,商贸英语,language arts
Course titles
? Purposes
1 English for General Purpose (EGP)
2 English for Specific Purpose (ESP)
? Learners
1 English Language Arts (ELA)
2 English as a Second Language (ESL)
3 English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
Course titles
? Psychology
1 First Language/ Literacy
2 Second Language/ Language literacy

Second Language Course Design
Course nature
? 教学原理:
? Lesson:
a period of time in which students in a school are taught a particular subject, which is described by a lesson plan
? Course:
a series of lessons in a particular subject, which is prescribed by a curriculum and several syllabuses for each term
? Subject:
an area of knowledge that you study at a school
? Program:
a set of planned activities in education or training, with a specific purpose, which usually consists of subjects and is prescribed by a curriculum
? School year:
the time spent schooling, opposite to vacation
? Semester:
one of the two periods into which a year at schools is divided

Classification of Courses
? 形式,非形式(按照教学对象分)formal/ non-formal (not self-contained/ self-contained, originated-artistic/ non-originated-more)
? 本体,应用(按照教学目的分) ontological/ literate (ends/ means)
? 言语,非言语行为(按照行为结果分)verbal/ motor (cognitive/ habitual)
? 初级,高级(按照程度分)primary/ advanced (quality/ quantity)
? 必修,选修(按照要求分)compulsory/ optional (requirement)
? 预备,主要(按照教学时间分)preparatory/ main (time)
Teaching Content
? 所教学科本身the subject itself
? 最具生产力 productive
? 系统 systematic
? 有限 finite
? 可持续 sustainable
? 第二语言学习:
? 比如:在阅读下文后,能够进行分析乃至评价的操作(口头和/或书面表达)。
Analyze the sentence “All roads lead to Rome. ”
? This is a simple

sentence. It is made up of a simple clause. ‘All roads’ is a noun phrase as the subject. The verb phrase ‘lead’ functions as the predicate verb and the preposition phrase ‘to Rome’ functions as the adverbial.
? 第二语言课程性质:
? 数学课程性质:
? 体育课程性质:
Learning Objectives of L.2 Courses
1 Identify, e.g. /i/.
2 Define, e.g. noun phrase.
3 Exemplify, e.g. a noun phrase
4 Distinguish, e.g. ‘book’ and ‘books’.
5 Analyze, e.g. All roads lead to Rome.

Learning Objectives
6 Transform, e.g. This is a book.
7 Expand, e.g. The girl is Mary. Her mother is a doctor.
8 Condense, e.g. The man who is watching TV has done the work.
9 List, e.g.
10 Correct, e.g. ‘It am a book.’

Learning Objectives of L.2 Courses
1 Identify, e.g. /i/.
This is a vowel.
2 Define, e.g. noun phrase.
It is a grammatical unit which generally consists of determiner, pre-modifier, noun head and post-modifier.
3 Exemplify, e.g. a noun phrase
‘a very nice picture of my family’ is a noun phrase
Learning Objectives
4 Distinguish, e.g. ‘book’ and ‘books’.
The former is a noun but the latter is a noun phrase.
5 Analyze, e.g. All roads lead to Rome.
This is a simple sentence. It is made up of a simple clause. ‘All roads’ is a noun phrase as the subject. The verb phrase ‘lead’ functions as the predicate verb and the preposition phrase ‘to Rome’ functions as the adverbial.
Learning Objectives
6 Transform, e.g. This is a book.
This is not a book. Is this a book? What is this? Is it a book or a newspaper? It is a book, isn’t it? These are books.
7 Expand, e.g. The girl is Mary. Her mother is a doctor.
The girl whose mother is a doctor is Mary.
8 Condense, e.g. The man who is watching TV has done the work.
The man watching TV has done the work.
Learning Objectives
? 9 List, e.g.
1 free
2 bound or affix
2.1 inflectional
2.2 derivational
2.2.1 prefix
2.2.2 suffix
2.3 allomorph
Learning Objectives
10 Correct, e.g. ‘It am a book.’
It is wrong because the predicate verb should be ‘is’.
? Identify different courses
? Design a second language course

Second Language Course Design
Course Title
Course title
? Course title: English as second language course (ESL)
? Why is it called English as second language course (ESL)?
? What is the difference between this course and a mathematics, music, or sports course?
? Language
Geographically: mother tongue, dialects, foreign languages
Socially: racial langu

age, national language, official language
Psychologically: first language, second language, internal language, external language, default language, working language
Origin: natural language, artificial languages (sign language, Braille, Morse code, semaphore, Esperanto)
? To our Chinese students English or the other languages such as French, Japanese, Spanish, etc. is a second language which is a natural language opposite to artificial languages. So that is why it is called second language.
? What does ‘course’ mean then?
Course types
? Literate, major (purpose)
? Verbal, motor (product)
? Form, non-form (object)
? One-term, multi-term (duration)
? Optional, compulsory (requirement)
? Elementary, advanced (level)
? It is a literate course rather than a major course.
? The purpose of the former is for practice while that of the latter is for the subject matter itself.
? Compare:
1 language literate, computer literate, musical literate
2 linguistics, computer technology, music
? It is a verbal course rather than a motor course.
? The outcomes of the former is speech or written texts while the that of the latter is gestures and operation of tools.
? Compare:
1 speaking, writing
2 singing, dancing, playing the guitar, driving
? It is a form course rather than a non-form course.
? The former means what we are studying is the form opposite to the content expressed by it. The latter means what we are studying is the content of a subject matter.
? Compare:
1 language, expression, thinking
2 linguistics, rhetoric, logic, math, history, etc.
As mentioned above the course relates with the concepts of
1 second language
2 literate, verbal, and form course.
In short it is called English as second language course.
? Think of the features of second language courses
? Think of when the course starts and how long it lasts

Second Language Course Design
Teaching and language
View of teaching
? What is teaching?
? What is the relation to learning?
? What should learners pay attention to when being taught?
View of teaching
? It is an economic treatment to help the learner save as much time as possible. It is only an external and sufficient condition to the learner, who is the internal cause as the basis of change.
View of teaching
? It holds that external causes are the condition of change and internal causes are the basis of change and that external causes become operative through internal causes. In a suitable temperature an egg changes into a chicken, but no temperature can change a stone into a chicken, because each has a different basis. Attention to over-instruction which results in over-learning.
View of teaching
? The particularity of contradiction of teaching is between demand and supply. As the Chinese saying goes, Teaching must match learning.
? The goal of teaching is, Teaching is for no teaching

at all.
View of teaching
? Compared with learning, teaching is
1 time limited
2 less than learning
3 prescriptive
4 not authentic
View of teaching
? It is a double-blade sword because it may make the student happy or sad; it may save their time or waste their time; it may train them to be independent or dependent.
View of teaching
? Levels of teaching:
Literate, academic, vocational
? Objects of teaching:
Form (not self-contained), non-form (self-contained)
? Aims of teaching:
Use, analysis
View of teaching
? Form subjects:
Code, expressive structure, mechanism of mind, which can be both form and non-form subjects when it is taught at literate level for the purpose of use or at academic level for the purpose of analysis
View of language
? What is language, a language?
View of language
? We are thinking in language opposite to image, expressing in language opposite to gesture, speaking a language, Chinese, learning how to read and write a language as a mono-lingual, learning another language such as English as a bilingual.
? Language is a general ability
? A language is a special system
View of language
? What do they mean?
mother language, native language, national language, foreign language, second language, official language, global language, natural language, artificial language, default and working languages
View of language
? geographically, mother language, native language, national language, foreign language
? psychologically, first language, second language
? bilingually, default, working; internal, external language
? natural language vs. artificial language: Braille, sign language, semaphore, light language, Morse code, Esperanto,
View of language
? A piece of speech consists of three elements: language, textual structure, and content, which are all controlled by mind.
? Language: Chinese
? Textual structure:夫未战而庙算胜者,得算多也,未战而庙算不胜者,得算少也。多算胜,少算不胜,而况于无算乎!吾以此观之,胜负见矣。
? Content: about the importance of strategic planning in a war
Second Language Course Design
Needs analysis
? 对于五年级及以上学生学习英语作为第二语言课, 他们的需求是什么?
需求分析 现行能力评估:你能用汉语完成下列事项吗?
? 询问和告诉名字,跟人打招呼,询问和告诉来自哪里
? 正式和非正式地跟别人打招呼,询问和告知个人信息
? 描述人长相,报时间
? 描述地方景致,称赞别人,表达不确定,肯定和纠正信息
? 描写住所和房间,打和接电话
? 表达喜好和厌恶,询问和描写习惯和惯例
? 询问和讨论数量
? 问路和指路,询问和讨论身体情感状

? 表达肯定的程度,讨论频率
? 描写人的外表,书写短信
? 使用所学解决不同问题
Analysis report
? What are their problem?
A how to do these things
B how to use English to do them
? What do they need to learn?
A the English language
B how to listen and speak
C how to read and write
D how to do greetings, giving compliments, etc.
Needs analysis
? What do the students (suppose K5 and above) of Latin as a second language course need to learn?
? State quo: Can you do the following in English?
? Ask and give names; say hello; ask and tell where people are from.
? Say hello formally and informally; ask about and give personal information.
? Describe people; tell the time.
Needs analysis
4. Describe places; give compliments; express uncertainty; confirm and correct information.
5. Express likes and dislikes; ask about and describe habits and routines.
6. Ask and tell about quantity.
7. Ask for and give directions; ask and tell about physical and emotional states.
8. Express people’s appearances; give compliments; write simple letters.
9. Use what you have learnt in different ways.
Analysis report
? What are their problem?
A how to do these things
B how to use Latin to do them
? What do they need to learn?
A the Latin language
B how to listen and speak
C how to read and write
D how to do greetings, giving compliments, etc.
? Their problem to be solved is how to do these things which they can do already in the new language, that is, they can do these things but they can not do them in the target language.
? What they need to learn is the language only, that is, it is the new language that they need to learn.
? Example: Veni, vidi, vici.
I came, I saw, I conquered. by Julius Caesar
Objective design
? Prepare some sample objectives related to this aim:
Students will decode an English message.
Objectives: they should be able to
1.Identify the grammatical units and structures
2.Know enough words
https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b5481290.html,e a dictionary
Objective design
? Example:
Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sledge, over the fields we go laughing all the way. Bells on bob tail ring making spirits bright. What a fun it is to ride and sing a sledging song tonight. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, what a fun it is to ride and sing a sledging song tonight.
Objective design
? Students will encode a Chinese message in the target language.
Objectives: they should be able to
1.Identify grammatical units and structures
2.Define and exemplify language terms
3.Distinguish language items
4.Analyze sentences
Objective design
5.Transform into different forms
6.List language items
7.Correct language mistakes
8.Explain the correction
https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b5481290.html,e a dictionary
Objective design
? Example: put the following into English

Objective design
? You and me are from one world. We are family. We travel for a dream for thousands of miles, meeting in Beijing. Come together, and put your hand in mine. You and me are from one world. We are family.
? Needs analysis
1 The students have to listen and understand English speeches.
2 The students have to read and understand English passages.
3 The students have to introduce themselves by speaking or writing in English.
4 所教学生能够书写汉字
? Objective design
Prepare some sample objectives related to the following aims:
1 they will write English alphabet
2 they will pronounce a new word
3 they will make a complex, negative declarative sentence
4 所教学生要掌握拼音,并正确发音
