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专业英语泛读第四册Unit 7 The Changing Sino

专业英语泛读第四册Unit 7 The Changing Sino
专业英语泛读第四册Unit 7 The Changing Sino

Unit 7 The Changing Sino-American Relationship

Pa 1

Alienation英[?e?l??'ne??n] 美[?elj??ne??n, ?eli?-]

n. 离间;疏远;(觉得周围环境与自己格格不入的)疏离感;离心离德




1. VERB 动词使疏远;使不友好If you alienate someone, you make them become unfriendly or unsympathetic towards you. 【语法信息】:V n

The government cannot afford to alienate either group. 疏远两个团体中的任何一方都是政府承受不起的。

2. VERB 动词(感情上、思想上)使疏远,离间To alienate a person from someone or something that they are normally linked with means to cause them to be emotionally or intellectually separated from them. 【语法信息】:V n from nHis second wife, Alice, was determined to alienate him from his two boys. 他的第二任妻子艾丽斯,决意要疏远他和两个儿子的感情。alienated

He felt alienated from his peers. 他感觉和同僚疏远了。


...the alienation of many from the political process... 许多人与政治活动脱节

Her sense of alienation from the world disappeared. 她与世界脱节的感觉消失了。

blossom生词本中频词,你记住了吗?英[?bl?s?m] 美[?blɑs?m]

n. 花,群花;开花时期,(发育的)初期;兴旺时期vi. (植物)开花;繁荣,兴旺;长成网络

开花;绽放;花丛;兴旺Blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree before the fruit. 【搭配模式】:oft supp NThe cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year. 今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。

...the blossoms of plants, shrubs and trees. 草木的花

2. VERB 动词兴盛;变得有魅力;变得成功If someone or something blossoms, they develop good, attractive, or successful qualities. 【语法信息】:V

【语法信息】:V into n

【语法信息】:V-ing Why do some people take longer than others to blossom?... 为什么有的人比他人大器晚成?

What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. 最初的地方节日已经发展成了国际性盛会。

...the blossoming relationship between Israel and Eastern Europe. 以色列和东欧国家之间日益良好的关系

Pa 2

hyper生词本低频词,记不记随你啦!英[?ha?p?(r)] 美['ha?p?r]

n. 宣传人员adj. 既兴奋又紧张的;高度紧张的;亢奋的




1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词亢奋的;精力旺盛的Adversarial:英[??dv??se?ri?l] 美[??dv?r?seri?l] adj. competitive 敌手的,对手的,对抗(性)的



1.ADJ 对立的;敌对的If you describe something as adversarial, you mean that it involves two

or more people or organizations who are opposing each other. 【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式

amass英[??m?s] 美[??m?s] vt. 积累,积聚

阿玛施;积聚;收集;积累过去式:amassed 过去分词:amassed 现在分词:amassing 第三人称单数:amasses



1. VERB 动词积聚;收集If you amass something such as money or information, you gradually get a lot of it. 【语法信息】:V nHow had he amassed his fortune? 他是如何积累财富的呢?英英释义网络释义

1. collect or gather;

"Journals are accumulating in my office"

"The work keeps piling up"

synonym:accumulate,cumulate,conglomerate,pile up,gather

surplus生词本中频词,你记住了吗?英[?s?:pl?s] 美[?s?rpl?s]

adj. 过剩的;多余的n. 剩余额;公积金;顺差;盈余





1. N-V AR 可变名词过剩;剩余;过剩量;剩余额If there is a surplus of something, there is more than is needed.

Germany suffers from a surplus of teachers. 德国遭遇了教师过剩的问题。

2.ADJ 形容词过剩的;剩余的;多余的Surplus is used to describe something that is extra

Per caita:英[p??k?p?t?] 美[p?r ?k?p?t?]

adj. 每人;按人分配的;按人口平均

1. ADJ 形容词人均的;按人计算的The per capita amount of something is the total amount of it in a country or area divided by the number of people in that country or area. 【搭配模式】:ADJ n

【搭配模式】:n ADVThey have the world's largest per capita income... 他们的人均收入居世界之首。

The per capita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years. 在过去两年里,人均酒品消费量降低了。

Edge:. N-SING 单数名词优势;上风If someone or something has an edge, they have an

advantage that makes them stronger or more likely to be successful than another thing or person. 【搭配模式】:oft N over nThe three days France have to prepare could give them the edge over England... 法国有3天的准备时间,这可能会让他们在对阵英格兰时占上风。

Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge. 凭借先进的生产技术,他们得以占据竞争优势。

sector生词本高频词,一定要记住哦!英[?sekt?(r)] 美[?s?kt?, -?t?r]

n. 部门;领域;防御地区;扇形



N-COUNT 可数名词See also: public sector; private sector; (经济的)部门,行业,领域A particular sector of a country's economy is the part connected with that specified type of industry. 【搭配模式】:supp N...the nation's manufacturing sector. 该国的制造业

...the service sector of the Hong Kong economy. 香港经济中的服务行业


liquidity [l??kw?d?ti] 美[l??kw?d?ti]

n. 流动性;流动资金;资产流动性;<财>资产折现力



1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词资产流动性;资产折现力In finance, a company's liquidity is the amount of cash or liquid assets it has easily available. 【搭配模式】:oft N n


Crunch:N-COUNT 可数名词缺少资金;经济收缩;财政困难A situation in which a business or economy has very little money can be referred to as a crunch . 【搭配模式】:usu supp N 【FIELD标签】:BUSINESS 商The UN is facing a cash crunch. 联合国面临着现金短缺问题。...a financial crunch that could threaten the company's future. 可能会威胁到该公司前途的财政危机

fuel英[?fju:?l] 美[?fju?l]

n. 燃料;(为身体提供能量的)食物;(维持、增加感情的)刺激物;竞选提神(或兴奋)剂(一种健怡可乐,饮用后能使人精力充沛地从事竞选活动)vt. 给…加燃料,给…加油;激起vi. 补充燃料


英[?tre??ri] 美[?tr???ri]

n. 国库,金库;(政府的)财政部;宝库,宝藏;贮藏所,库房




1. N-COUNT-COLL 可数集合名词(英、美等国的)财政部In Britain, the United States, and some other countries, the Treasury is the government department that deals with the country's finances. 【搭配模式】:usu the N in singThe Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending. 财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。

2. N-COUNT 可数名词(城堡、教堂等的)宝库,珍藏室The treasury in a building such as a castle or a church is a room where valuable objects are displayed or stored.

bond英[b?nd] 美[bɑnd]

n. 纽带;联系;债券;保释金v. 使结合;建立互信关系;与…紧密联系;与…黏合


债券;结合;公债;古典辣妹复数:bonds 过去式:bonded 过去分词:bonded 现在分词:bonding 第三人称单数:bonds


1. N-COUNT 可数名词(情感的)纽带,契合,关系A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them. 【搭配模式】:oft N between pl-n

treasury bond 英[?tre??ri b?nd] 美[?tr???ri bɑnd]

n. 财政部发售的公债,美国的长期国库券


Pa 5

resilience生词本低频词,记不记随你啦!英[r??z?li?ns] 美[r??z?lj?ns]

n. 弹性;弹力;快

pa 6

lurch英[l?:t?] 美[l?rt?] vi. 蹒跚而行,颠簸着行进;摇晃n. 突然倾斜;挫折




1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词动乱;骚乱;动荡If there is unrest in a particular place or society, people are expressing anger and dissatisfaction about something, often by demonstrating or rioting. 【FIELD标签】:JOURNALISM 新闻The real danger is civil unrest in the east of the country... 真正的危险是该国东部地区的民众动乱。

There is growing unrest among students in several major cities. 在多个大城市里,学生骚乱正愈演愈烈。

perturb英[p??t?:b] 美[p?r?t?rb] vt. 使(某人)烦恼,不安扰乱;使不安;烦扰;使心烦意乱

1. disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed;

"She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"


2. disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom;

"The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion"

fluctuation生词本低频词,记不记随你啦!英[?fl?kt??'e??n] 美[?fl?kt???e??n]

n. 波动,涨落,起伏,[物]脉动;动摇不定,踌躇;[生]彷徨变异





1. VERB 动词变动;波动;上下浮动If something fluctuates, it changes a lot in an irregular way.


【语法信息】:V-ingBody temperature can fluctuate if you are ill. 人患病后体温可能会上下波动。

...the fluctuating price of oil. 油价的浮动


Don't worry about tiny fluctuations in your weight... 不要为体重的细微变化担心。

The calculations do not take into account any fluctuation in the share price. 这些计算没有考虑到股价的波动。

averse英[??v?:s] 美[??v?rs] adj. FORMAL 正式不乐意的;反对的;[植]与茎方向相反的反对的;不愿意的;嫌恶的;不乐意的


1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词不愿意的;反对的If you

say that you are not averse to something, you mean that you quite like it or quite want to do it. Averse to:opposed to

Sit tight:wait out:在外面等待;以等待来击败;安静而耐心地等待…结束

1. 在外面等待

Come in, please.Don't wait out in the rain.

请进来, 下雨天别在外面等。

2. 以等待来击败

We shall wait the enemy out, and watch them starve to death.

我们将以等待来拖垮敌人, 看着他们饿死。

3. 安静而耐心地等待…结束

The storm showed no sign of abating.We'd have to be patient and wait it out.

暴风雨没有减退的迹象, 我们得耐心等待它过去。

deflation 英[?di:?fle??n] 美[d??fle??n] n. 通货紧缩;风蚀;降阶


1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词通货紧缩Deflation is a reduction in economic activity that leads to lower levels of industrial output, employment, investment, trade, profits, and prices. 【FIELD 标签】:BUSINESS 商




Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1. Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2. The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3. He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4. That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5. The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6. They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 1. proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 2. percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 3. confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 4. affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 5. centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 6. exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose 3.strained 4.hold 5.defeat Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.T 11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T Section C 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.F


英语泛读教程1第三版答案unit1-3 Unit 1 Text: Invented Words A. d B. 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.b D. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.b Fast Reading: 1.d 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.d 11.d 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.a Home Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.a 9.d Unit 2 Text: The English Reserve and Politeness A. b B. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.a D. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.c Fast Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.d Home Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.d Unit 3 Text: Bursting the Magic Bubble A. d B. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.c D. 1.b 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.a Fast Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.a 11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.d Home Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.b


泛读教程第四册参考答案 Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word Pretest 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.A Analogies 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B Section C 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest


大学英语泛读教程第一册参考答案 (高等教育出版社,2010年3月版) Unit 1 Chapter 1 A family sees America Together (P. 2—17) G. Blank Filling (P 11) 1. describing 2. journal 3. sign 4. websites 5. miss H. Translation (P. 12) 1. By using computers and the Internet 2. if we are friendly and helpful to others 3. learn about our country and (our) people 4. enjoyed his trip in Europe 5. on the day that/when they left Chapter two F. Word forms (p. 27) 1. a. solves (v.) b. solutions (n.) 2. a. education (n.) b. educate (v. ) 3. a. locate (v.) b. locations (n.) 4. a. construction (n.) b. construct (v.) 5. a. organization (n.) b. organizes (v.) G. Blank Filling (p. 28) 1. habitat 2. community 3. endangered 4. solution 5. For instance


Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word pretest 1. A Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B Section C

Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest 1. C Reading Comprehension 2. B Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. has a green thumb 2. is a breeze 3. has two left feet 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative 4. persistent 5. resistance 6. Contamination 9. specifically amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 17. pilgrimage Analogies 1. B 2. A Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in

(完整word版)泛读教程第二版第一册unit 4

Unit 4 Food Section A Word Pretest 1-5 CCCBA CAB Reading Comprehension 1-5 CBCBA CBC V ocabulary Building Word Match flavor taste fragrant having a pleasant smell bland lacking strong taste dairy made from milk staple basic food pickle to preserve food with salt water or vinegar smoke to use smoke to flavor and reserve food mince to cut food into very small pieces drizzle to pour a small amount of liquid onto something bake to cook food(such as bread or a cake) with dry heat in an oven stew to cook food slowly in hot liquid braise to cook food by browning in fat and simmering in a covered pot steam to cook or heat food with steam boil to cook food in boiling water brew to make (coffee, tea,etc.) 1.drizzled 2.boil 3.bake 4.brewed 5.staple 6.flavor 7.dairy 8.stewed Prefixes 1.disagrees 2.misunderstands 3.disappearance 4.misleading 5.disadvantage 6.misfortune 8.discourage 9.misinterpreted Cloze 1.seeds 2.foods 3.ingredients 4.called 5.hands 6.increase 7/rising 8.allowed 9.final 10.oven Section B 1-5 ADCBA DCB Section C 1-5 TFFTT FTT


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B Reading Comprehension l. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix


上外泛读教程第四册答案 Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B Section C Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension

1. has a green thumb 2. is a breeze 3. has two left feet 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. illegality 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative 4. persistent 5. resistance 6. Contamination 7. invalid 8. fantastically 9. specifically 10. have amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 16. bulky 17. pilgrimage 18. galaxy 19. transformation 20. alienated Analogies Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in Section B Section C Unit 3 Refugee Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building


Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B Reading Comprehension l. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate s trengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize 5. finalize 6. necessarily 7. physically 8. highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Section B 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. D Section C l. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A


K e y s t o R e a d i n g C o u r s e2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B Section C Unit 2 Music Section A Word Pretest 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B Reading comprehension


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1-2册课后练习答案 UNIT ONE 1.Goodbye school Key to the Exercises I 1. B 2. D 3. D 4 D 5. C 6. A II 1. fling 2. supercilious 3. zoom 4. trudge 5. hoist Key to the Reading-skill Exercises Paragraph 1: 1. B 2. D paragraph 2 1. D 2. A 2.The Saturday Evening Post Information Related to the Text Key to the Exercises I. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C II . 1. She wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career . 2. He was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doors of potential buyers . He was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers , relieved when no one came to the door , and scared when someone did , and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch . 3. The battle to make him different from his father . 4. The well-written composition he wrote about his summer vacation . 5. Writers didn't have to have any gumption at all . 3. Love The Neighbor Key to the Exercises I . 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F II. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽. 2.《圣经》里的戒律"热爱你的邻居"大概是一句拙劣的译文,它的本义必定是"尊敬你的邻居." 3.邻居开始共同做的唯一的一件事是相互接近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最 好的朋友. 4.横跨在你们之间的车道,篱笆或栅栏并不真地就是一道冷漠的屏障,它们只不过是一条清晰 的分界线. 5.邻里较之社区更容易使人产生怀旧情绪,但社区也许是一个更好的构成单位. UNIT TWO 4.Making Friends in American Culture Key to the Exercises I. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D II. 1. Because there is a language barrier , many Chinese are hesitant to speak with strangers and they don't know what to talk to American about or how to keep the conversation moving . 2. His class and major . 3. These questions help people participate in the conversation . 4. When the other person first gives his name himself . 5. Communication . Key to the reading-skill Exercises Paragraph 1 : 1. C 2. A


Text:Exercises A. d B. 1.c 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.b 8.a D. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.d 8.b9.a10.a Fast Reading: 1.a 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.c 11.c 12.b 13.c 14.d15.a Home Reading: 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.c 10.a Unit 2 Text:Exercises A. a B.1.b 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.b 7.a 8 .b 9.a 10.c D.1.b 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.c 8.d 9.c Fast Reading: 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.d 10.b 11.d 12.c 13.c 14.d 15.b Home Reading: 1.d .2.a 3.d 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.c 8.c 9.d 10.d Unit 3 Text:Exercises A. c B. 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.b D. 1.a 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.a 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.c 13.a 14.d Fast Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.b 11.b 12.b 13.d 14.a 1 5.d Home Reading: 1.c 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.d 8.c 9.b Unit 4 Text:Exercises A. b B.1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.d 11.c D. 1.d 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.d 7.b 8.a 9.b 10.d Fast Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.c 5.d 6.b 7.d 8.c 9.b 10.d 11.c 12.a 13.c 14.c 15.d Home Reading: 1.d 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.d 7.b 8.a Unit 5 Text:Exercises A. a B. 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.a D. 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.d 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.c 13.a Fast Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.d 10.c 11.a 12.c 13.c 14.c 15.c Home Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.b 8.c 9.c 10.a

大学英语阅读教程答案 第1册

to Exercises Key to Exercises Lesson1 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846237587.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.B 5.A 6.C7.B8.B 3.(1)shield(2)playing(3)shield(4)personal(5)social (6)political(7)family(8)colleagues(9)stimulate 4.(1)blackboard(2)unconscious(3)time (4)ancestors(5)parents(6)reinvent B.Reading Strategies 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B10.A Lesson2 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846237587.html,prehension Check 1.A 3.C 4.B 5.A7.C8.B 2.(1)defines(2)failures(3)successful(4)beliefs 6.(1)picture(2)performing(3)replace(4)self-image (5)line(6)potential(7)short-change(8)better B.Reading Strategies 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C10.A Lesson3 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846237587.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.A 3.B 5.A 6.B7.B8.A 4.(1)cultivate(2)granted(3)investigate(4)explore (5)major(6)exploration B.Reading Strategies 1.normalized 2.membership 3.threatening 4.publication 5.novelists 6.persuasion 7.personality 8.pressure 9.reluctance10.justify Lesson4 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846237587.html,prehension Check 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 1.(1)crush(2)Brazil(3)intelligent(4)knockout B.Reading Strategies 1.distinguishable 2.psychological 3.effective 4.insistent 5.various 6.skinny 7.delightful 8.gloriously 9.financial10.amazing


阅读教程答案 U1 Page 4 I. Reading for information 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C II. Translation 1. 但是只要说上几句话,他的口音就很容易被辨认出来。但是只要说上几句话,他的口音就很容易被辨认出来。 2. 他不会轻易发火,一有一颗金子般的心,你很少能从他嘴他不会轻易发火,一有一颗金子般的心,里听到攻击或批评别人的话。里听到攻击或批评别人的话。 3. 常言道,善行胜于善言。父亲的身教对我的影响远远超过常言道,善行胜于善言。了他的言传。了他的言传。 4. 面对生活的沧桑,大布鲁诺怎么能不提高嗓门,怎么能保面对生活的沧桑,大布鲁诺怎么能不提高嗓门,持心气平

和?难道力气大的人不该脾气也大吗? 持心气平和?难道力气大的人不该脾气也大吗? 5. 体育明星和歌星、影星的确能够鼓舞人心,但是“英雄” 体育明星和歌星、影星的确能够鼓舞人心,但是“英雄” 鼓舞人心这个头衔还是应该留给像我父亲 那样,为了自己所爱的人这个头衔还是应该留给像我父亲那样,孜孜不倦的工作的人。孜孜不倦的工作的人。 III. Summary 1. hard work; pays off 2. Big Bruno; strong in stature; a gentle spirit 3. most patient; slow to get angry; a heart of gold; a lot of friends 4. a role model; a true friend; a treasure 5. hero; does good; loves everyone; doesn’t expect anything; in return; work tirelessly; the good race Page 8 Question: A Page 10 III: 4


Exercise A.d https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846237587.html,bd cbba C.1. The answer is yes. But the question is open to discussion. Impulse can not stay long without careful thinking. Writing is also an art and art is cultivated 2. A writer needs creative power in producing good stories. He has to make painstaking efforts in writing. Creative power needs cultivation and genius alone may not work in creating original stories. 3. In most cases a good story is rewritten. But there are writers who think very carefully about the story to be written before they start writing. Careful thinking and rewriting are of the same nature here. D.abcd bddb aa Fast reading Unit 2 Exercise A. a B.bbc bdb abac C. 1.The author's hypothesis is based on the following facts: the growth rate of the world population is now only one percent a year; 44 percent of the world's people live in countries where fertility has already fallen below the replacement rate, and fertility is falling almost everywhere else. The reason is that population changes depend on the values people hold. As long as the modern value of saving efforts and money by raising fewer children remains widespread, the world population will not stop declining. (Of these views, you may have your own judgment, discuss with your partners.) 2.The author suggests that human values is one of the determining factors of population fluctuation. Modern way of life has led to the declination in population in the modernized counties, and whether the world population will grow or dwindle depends on the values people hold in the future. You may agree, partly agree or disagree to the author's view. Still you may also put forward new views regarding the relation between human values and population. D.baa aba cdc Fast reading Passage one 1-5 acdab Passage two 6-10 caddb passage three 1-15 dccdb


普通人的胜出之道 在大学里,Jim似乎是一个非常优秀的快速成功者。他用很少的努力取得很好的等第,他的同学评选他是“最可能成功的人”。毕业后,他有几个工作可选。 Jim进入一家大型保险公司的销售部门并且在工作之初表现很好。但他很快陷入一种停滞不前的状态,随后跳到一家更小的公司,情况同样如此。厌倦了销售工作,他开始尝试销售管理。然而之前的模式又发生了:他深受喜爱,被认为是一个能快速成功的人,但他很快就只能像哑炮一样只能发出微弱的嘶嘶声了。现在他为另外一家公司卖保险,并且疑惑他为什么不能做得更好。 Joseph D'Arrigo是另外一个例子。“我总把我自己看作是一个普通人,”D'Arrigo告诉我。“我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。我有幸与几个最棒的寿险推销员一起被指任为一委员会委员。一时间我吓得要命。” 当他开始了解这些成功者时,D'Arrigo意识到了什么:“他们并没有比我有更高的天赋。他们也是普通人,只是他们把眼光放高一些,然后找到了实现他们目标的途径。”他还意识到了更多的东西:“如果其他普通人可以梦想远大的梦想,我也可以。”现在他自己拥有一个市值数百万美元的专营员工福利的公司。

为什么像D'Arrigo这样的普通人似乎经常能比像Jim一样的人取得更多的成功呢?为了找出其中的原因,在我作为公司咨询者的工作中,我与超过190个人进行了面谈。非正式调查的结果为我证实了Theodore Roosevelt曾经说过的话:“成功的普通人不是天才,他仅仅拥有平凡品质,但他将他的那些平凡品质发展到超出常人的水平。” 我坚信那些胜出的普通人有以下特点: 懂得自律。“你不需要成功的天赋,”科罗拉多州丹佛市Porter纪念医院的首席执行官,因扭转经营不善的医院而获得名望的Irwin C. Hansen 强调“你的全部所需是一大罐胶水。你在你的椅子上涂上一些,在裤子的臀部涂上一些,然后坐在上面,坚持做每一件事直到你做到了你自己的最好。” 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。反观诸多快速成功者,他们期望太多且渴望一蹴而就。当回报不能立刻兑现时,他们就会变得灰心丧志,愁苦不堪。 五十年前,一组研究人员开始了一个雄心勃勃的长期研究,他们分析了268个男性大学生的即将走上的人生轨迹。在这些现在已经年近古稀的老人中,研究人员发现在校表现与工作能力的联系很小。而一些品质比如“沉着稳重和可以信赖”与“实践能力和组织能力”更为重

英语泛读教程2 第3~4单元答案

Reading Course 2 Unit 3 Generation Section A Word Pretest 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. A Reading Comprehension 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B Vocabulary Building Word search 1. lull 2. associate 3. client 4. utterly 5. certificate 6. rags 7. jerk 8. foreman 9. demanding 10. sentimental Semantic variations 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C Stems 1.transmit: to send from one person, thing, or place to another; to convey 2.deduce: to reach (a conclusion) by reasoning 3.eject: to throw out forcefully; to expel https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846237587.html,pel: to force, drive, or constrain 5.project: to thrust outward or forward 6.conduct: to lead or guide Antonyms 1. hopeless 2. disobedient 3. weighty 4. agree 5. clear Cloze active girls skirts move raised force show fly hesitated plane Sections B 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10.C 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. C Section C 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. T
